Articles by RT

We found 3826 results.

Kill List: Smashing the ‘B’ in BRICS
Pepe Escobar – The International Reporter, 20 Jun 2016

The stakes could not be higher. Not only the future of the BRICS, but the future of a new multipolar world is in the balance. And it all hinges on what happens in Brazil in the next few months.

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Year of the Cat (Music Video of the Week)
Al Stewart – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2016

Official Video – A Classic of the Musical ‘70s

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Deadly Irony: US Calls Russia ‘Aggressive’ as NATO Creeps Eastward
Robert Bridge – Russia Today, 20 Jun 2016

17 Jun 2016 – With US military bases breeding faster than McDonald’s franchises, and 28-member NATO smashing up against Russia’s border, antagonizing Moscow with war games, the West continues selling the pulp fiction of ‘Russian aggression’ to an increasingly suspect audience. Today, Russia is not taking any chances with the unpredictable global hegemon, whose list of nations it has invaded grows annually. But instead of throwing open the gates to the Western juggernaut, Russia has hedged its bets on long-term strategy, investing in strong national defense. And that is an “act of aggression” US-led NATO simply can’t tolerate.

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(Italiano) Islamofobia: perché sono così tanti, così spaventati
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

Infatti ora, naturalmente, i musulmani sono l’obiettivo primario di questa paura e odio di se stessi proiettati, cosa che spiega la guerra dell’Occidente al Medio Oriente guidata dagli Stati Uniti. L’islamofobia quindi permette alle élite e ad altri di proiettare la loro paura e il loro odio per se stessi contro i musulmani, cosicché le élite possano poi cercare di distruggere questa paura e questo odio. Ovviamente, questo non può funzionare. Non si può distruggere la paura, sia propria che di chiunque altro. Si può tuttavia causare un danno eccezionale a coloro contro i quali sono proiettati la propria paura e il proprio odio per se stessi. Naturalmente, non c’è nulla di intelligente in questo processo.

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What if PTSD Is More Physical Than Psychological?
Robert F. Worth – The New York Times Magazine, 13 Jun 2016

A new study supports what a small group of military researchers has suspected for decades: that modern warfare destroys the brain.

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Fukushima: Worse Than a Disaster
Robert Hunziker - CounterPunch, 13 Jun 2016

Disasters can be cleaned up. 600 tons of hot molten core, or corium, are missing and it is not likely the fuel will ever be recovered: “Nobody really knows where the fuel is at this point, and this fuel is still very radioactive and will be for a long time.” Nobody has experience with a Fukushima-type 100% meltdown, possibly burrowed into the ground, but nobody really knows for sure.

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Morocco Continues Occupation of Western Sahara, in Defiance of UN
Stephen Zunes | National Catholic Reporter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

6 Jun 2016 – As Morocco continues to defy the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and much of the international community in its continued occupation of Western Sahara, the United States continues supporting that autocratic government. Morocco has illegally occupied the former Spanish colony for more than 40 years.

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Muhammad Ali Has Passed the Torch of Justice and Peace to Us
James Albertini | Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

Muhammad Ali, who died June 3, 2016 at the age of 74, courageously took a stand against the Vietnam War risking years in prison and giving up millions of dollars in income for principles of peace and justice. He refused to be drafted to fight in Vietnam and was given the maximum sentence of 5 years in prison, stripped of his world heavyweight boxing title, and banned from boxing for nearly 4 years in the prime of his life.

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Rohingya: A Challenge for ASEAN Society
Muhammad Pizaro – The Jakarta Post, 13 Jun 2016

Myanmar’s government views the Rohingya as illegal citizens and describes them as immigrants from Bangladesh, despite the group having inhabited Rakhine state since the 16th century. Government policies bar them from praying, obtaining education or getting married. Many children have witnessed their parents killed by the junta regime, as if the Rohingya people were delinquent evildoers.

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Apartheid, Human Rights and BDS
Robert Fantina - CounterPunch, 13 Jun 2016

The tide of justice has long since turned in Palestine’s direction. The U.S., which supported the apartheid government of South Africa right up to the bitter end, will once again be standing alone when Palestine rids itself of the shackles of Israeli oppression. That day is coming, and the pompous pronouncements of U.S. politicians, and even their executive orders, will not prevent it.

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Hungarian Dance No. 5 (Music Video of the Week)
Martynas Levickis & Florian Silbereisen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

Martynas Levickis is one of the brightest young accordion musicians from Lithuania. He has received over 30 prizes and awards, being a Bachelor graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London.

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(Français) Amérique Latine: le rôle des médias et des journalistes dans la restauration conservatrice
Cartagena J.C & Briatte Nadine | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2016

L’actuelle offensive réactionnaire en Amérique Latine a été préparée par des campagnes de presse qui perdurent, en vue de désinformer la population et discréditer les gouvernements que l’orthodoxie néolibérale, composée de l’empire américain, de ses larbins locaux et de ses alliés occidentaux, met à l’index.

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Islamophobia: Why Are So Many People So Frightened?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2016

For now, of course, Muslims are the primary target for this projected fear and self-hatred, which accounts for the US-led western war on the Middle East. Islamophobia thus allows elites and others to project their fear and self-hatred onto Muslims so that elites can then seek to destroy this fear and self-hatred. Obviously, this cannot work. You cannot destroy fear, whether yours or that of anyone else. However, you can cause phenomenal damage to those onto whom your fear and self-hatred are projected. Of course, there is nothing intelligent about this process.

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Johan Galtung 2016 Nobel Peace Prize
Vasco Horta Barata – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2016

A transcend_media super production. :)

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How the Pentagon Punished NSA Whistleblowers
Mark Hertsgaard – The Guardian, 30 May 2016

Long before Edward Snowden went public, John Crane was a top Pentagon official fighting to protect NSA whistleblowers. Instead their lives were ruined – and so was his.
• Snowden calls for whistleblower shield after claims by Pentagon source
• Exclusive: Pentagon source goes on record against whistleblower program

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Bayer and Monsanto: A Marriage Made in Hell
Martha Rosenberg and Ronnie Cummins | Organic Consumers Association – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

24 May 2016 – If Monsanto, the most hated GMO company in the world, joins hands with Bayer, one of the most hated Big Pharma corporations on Earth (whose evil deeds date back to World War I and the Nazi era), the newly formed seed-pesticide-drug behemoth would have combined annual sales of $67 billion.

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Troika Heat-Seeking Missile Destroys Greece
Robert Hunziker – Dissident Voice, 30 May 2016

23 May 2016 – It is scorched-earth economic warfare, ordinarily referred to as neoliberalism. The newest twist/manipulation in negotiations with Troika for Greece survival (demise) in order to provide the country with €86 billion of which 90% pays off debt, 10% to the state, demands Greece cut pensions (again), raise taxes (again), privatize state assets (for a song), and deregulate (squelch) labor. Inspirational?

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We Have Entered the Looting Stage of Capitalism: Germany’s Assault on the IMF
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

The way Germany sees it, the IMF is supposed to lend Greece the money with which to repay the private German banks. Then the IMF is to be repaid by forcing Greece to reduce or abolish old age pensions, reduce public services and employment, and use the revenues saved to repay the IMF.

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The CIA and Hollywood, an Unlawful Alliance
John Kiriakou - Reader Supported News, 30 May 2016

CIA employees taking gifts from Hollywood producers for giving them, in the case of Zero Dark Thirty, classified briefings on the bin Laden raid is bad enough. The CIA director leaking classified information to the producers is worse. Therein lies the problem with the relationship between the CIA and Hollywood. There’s little-to-no oversight. And when rules and laws are broken, nobody has to pay the piper.

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Major Police Operation against Roma in Berlin
Andy Niklaus and Karola Kleinert | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

On Sunday [22 May] evening, the Berlin police conducted a brutal raid on Roma families protesting against their deportation at the memorial to the Sinti and Roma murdered by the Nazis. On April 8, a commemorative day for the murdered Sinti and Roma took place at the same place. German President Joachim Gauck along with other prominent politicians proclaimed their solidarity with Sinti and Roma. The deployment of police against a peaceful Roma protest at the same location demonstrate how hollow such words are.

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A Friendly Critique of the Break Free Climate Actions
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

My friendly criticism is directed at those key organizers who planned the nonviolent actions without understanding how to make the commitment and courage of those who were mobilized have maximum strategic impact on the ongoing climate catastrophe.

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How Big Pharma Uses Charity Programs to Cover for Drug Price Hikes
Benjamin Elgin and Robert Langreth | Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

A billion-dollar system in which charitable giving is profitable.

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(Italiano) Una critica amichevole alle azioni per il clima
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

Ma le mie considerazioni, amichevolmente critiche, sono rivolte agli organizzatori principali, che hanno progettato quelle azioni nonviolente senza capire in che modo la dedizione e il coraggio delle persone che sono state coinvolte potessero avere il massimo impatto possibile.

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Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
Robert Hunziker - CounterPunch, 23 May 2016

Fukushima’s growing radiation problem.

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Trauma and Deprivation Lead Syrian Youths to Extremist Groups, Says New Report
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept, 23 May 2016

Syrian youths overwhelmingly cite practical rather than ideological reasons for joining militant groups after five years of civil war.

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USA, Stop Threatening Russia & the World! Prevent Nuclear War!
James Albertini | Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

Russia has two bases in the Middle East and a handful in Central Asia. The U.S. has 662 bases around the world and Special Forces deployed in between 70 and 90 countries at any moment. Last year SOFs were active in 147 countries. The U.S. is actively engaged in five wars and is considering a sixth in Libya. Russian military spending will fall next year, and the U.S. will out-spend Moscow by a factor of 10. Who in this comparison looks threatening?

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Drones and the Conscientious Objector
John Kaag and Clancy Martin – Boston Globe, 23 May 2016

“When the guilt of our roles in facilitating this systematic loss of innocent life became too much, all of us succumbed to PTSD.” These words are from an open letter to the Obama administration, crafted by four former Air Force servicemen, each of whom played a role in the nation’s targeted killing program.

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Why I Keep Fighting
Chelsea Manning - Reader Supported News, 23 May 2016

As a military prisoner, my public persona is carefully controlled and enforced. Any interviews or statements that I make — such as this one — must be written or dictated through someone else who types it up on my behalf. I am not allowed to be recorded over the telephone, do any video interviews, or have any pictures taken — with the exception of the occasional grainy mug shot. For those living in my situation, it’s easy to start feeling invisible — left behind and dismissed by the rest of a fast-paced society. Despite these obstacles, I know I need to keep going. It is important to stay vocal. To stay creative. Active. Motivated. To keep fighting.

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(Français) Amérique Latine: Fin d’un cycle ou épuisement du post-néolibéralisme
Francois Houtart | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

L’Amérique latine fut l’unique continent où des options néolibérales furent adoptées par plusieurs pays. Après une série de dictatures militaires, appuyées par les États-Unis et porteuses du projet néolibéral, les réactions ne se firent pas attendre. Le sommet fut le rejet en 2005 du Traité de Libre Échange avec les États-Unis et le Canada, fruit d’une action conjointe entre mouvements sociaux, partis politiques de gauche, ONG et Églises chrétiennes.

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Why Set Up a Shell Company in Panama? The Psychology Driving Illicit Financial Flows
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

There is an important reason why wealthy individuals want to maximise their wealth and evade contributing to any country that gave them the opportunity to make this wealth. You might think that you know this reason too: greed. However, greed is a simplistic explanation that fails to explain, psychologically, why an individual might be greedy. So let me explain it now.

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The EU Refugee Rescue Mission Is a Triumph of Humanitarianism – Not That You’ll Hear about It
Robert Fisk – The Independent, 16 May 2016

If Operation Sophia was designed to ‘tackle the root causes’ of the refugee crisis, we need to talk about justice, dignity and freedom for the people of the Middle East.

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Greece, the Punching Ball of Germany
Roberto Savio – Inter Press Service-IPS, 16 May 2016

11 May 2016 – Greece is again in the media, because a new negotiation is due between the embattled country and its creditors. The North-South divide of Europe is coming back with force (while the East-West relationship is increasingly looking as beyond repair).

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Dilma Out: Brazilian Plutocracy Sets 54 Million Votes on Fire
Pepe Escobar – The International Reporter, 16 May 2016

13 May 2016 – Never in modern political history has it been so easy to “abolish the people” and simply erase 54 million votes cast in a free and fair presidential election. This is a day that will live in infamy all across the Global South – when what was one of its most dynamic democracies veered into a plutocratic regime, under a flimsy parliamentary/judicial veneer, with legal and constitutional guarantees now at the mercy of lowly comprador elites.

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Pfizer Cuts States Off from Execution Drugs
Bryce Covert – Think Progress, 16 May 2016

14 May 2016 – After pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced on Friday [13 May] that it will clamp down on the distribution of its drugs so that they can no longer be used in executions, any state that wants to use lethal injection will now have to resort to getting them on underground markets.

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Offshore Leaks Database
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

Find out who’s behind almost 320,000 offshore companies and trusts from the Panama Papers and the Offshore Leaks investigations.

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Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 16 May 2016

Hillary Clinton wants the American voters to be very afraid of Donald Trump, but there is reason to fear as well what a neoconservative/neoliberal Clinton presidency would mean for the world.

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Beekeepers Lost 44% of Honey Bee Colonies Last Year in the USA
Friends of the Earth | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

On Tuesday [10 May] the Bee Informed Partnership, in collaboration with the Apiary Inspectors of America and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, released its annual report on honey bee losses in the U.S. Beekeepers reported losing 44 percent of their total number of colonies managed over the last year. These losses are considered too high to be sustainable for U.S. agriculture and the beekeeping industry.

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A Killing Nation!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

It has become increasingly clear that the U.S. is not about the business of “freedom and democracy” but rather global domination that benefits an economic corporate elite at the expense of nearly everyone else and the earth itself. Of course, the domination is disguised and fueled by fear: war on terror, regime change, destroying Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. but increasingly the world is seeing through the disguise. So what are we to do?

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The Ugly Truth Behind the Greek Bailout
Robert Hunziker - CounterPunch, 16 May 2016

IMF Queen Christine’s backroom stratagem, described in a WikiLeaks’ leaked confidential letter exclusive to Troika members, preceded the three-day nationwide strike in very strong protest against more and more, infinitely more, austerity measures burying the Greek people as quid pro quo for bailout money, which almost exclusively (95%) serves to service creditors. This is insanity of the highest order. How can Greeks at all accede to a measly 5%?

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OxyContin’s 12-Hour Dosing Claim Attacked in Massive Investigation
Sy Mukherjee - Fortune, 9 May 2016

Purdue Pharma’s marketing of opioid was dangerously misleading, report says. Since 1999, more than 165,000 people have died from overdosing on prescription painkillers; opioids have even been implicated in the death of superstar Prince.

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Leaked TTIP Documents Cast Doubt on EU-US Trade Deal
Arthur Neslen – The Guardian, 9 May 2016

1 May 2016 – Talks for a free trade deal between Europe and the US face a serious impasse with “irreconcilable” differences in some areas, according to leaked negotiating texts. The two sides are also at odds over US demands that would require the EU to break promises it has made on environmental protection.

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President Obama Should Meet A-Bomb Survivors, and Heed Their Call to Ban the Bomb
Kevin Martin | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

5 May 2016 – President Obama is considering a visit to Hiroshima during the G-7 economic summit in Japan later this month. Remarkably, many Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, are still alive today, though they often suffer from various radiation-caused illnesses or other physical ailments 71 years after the bombs were dropped.

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Cowardice and Exoneration in Kunduz
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

“The aircrew appeared to be confused by the directions from the Americans on the ground. At one point, the crew was told it would need to hit a second target after the strike it was about to commence, and ‘we will also be doing the same thing of softening the target for partner forces.’” This is the reality: An action that wound up killing 42 hospital workers and patients –men, women and children, some of whom were burned alive in their beds – was instigated in order to “soften the target” . . .

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Honor Father Dan Berrigan: Carry the Torch of Justice & Peace!
James ‘Jim’ Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

In early 1968, Dan made international headlines when he traveled to North Vietnam with U.S. historian Howard Zinn to bring home three U.S. prisoners of war. Later that year, Dan, his brother Phil and seven others took hundreds of draft files from the draft board in Catonsville, Maryland and set the files on fire in the parking lot, using homemade napalm, to protest the Vietnam War.

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North Korea’s New Weapons: Full Speed Ahead
Mel Gurtov | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

The best and only chance of dissuading Kim Jong-un from continuing on the path of weapons modernization, which is both dangerous and ruinous in terms of human development, is to put before him a package of alternative incentives— a peace treaty to end the Korean War, security guarantees, sustainable energy options, and meaningful economic aid.

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The Calm before the Coming Global Storm
Pepe Escobar | The International Reporter - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

6 May 2016 – They have seen what Washington does offer; endless war; the progressive smashing of the nation state; democracy blasted to smithereens; and technocratic governance by the 0.00001%. Yet all this is just the calm before the geopolitical/financial storm. Let’s review the current state of play via the dilemmas afflicting the House of Saud, the EU and BRICS members Russia, Brazil and China.

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Living Peace Sign Is Happening in London!
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

An exciting and much needed event is happening at Trafalgar Square on Saturday, 14 May 2016. Seeing Trafalgar Square full of people holding candles for peace, means that united we can send a very strong message to the world with our wish for ending all wars and conflicts.

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Sanctions and Defiance in North Korea
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

When all is said and done, the most likely scenario is that the new round of sanctions will produce no better results than previous rounds. This is so not only because North Korea has many ways to procure items needed for its military purposes, and plenty of willing private sellers.

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The Unrepentant Torturers
John Kiriakou - Reader Supported News, 2 May 2016

A policy of torture, a policy of holding people incommunicado in secret prisons, a policy of rendering people to third countries to undergo even more brutal torture, does nothing but serve as a recruiting tool for terrorists. Torture doesn’t prevent terrorism, it causes it.

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Washington Launches Its Attack against BRICS
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

26 Apr 2016 – Having removed the reformist President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Washington is now disposing of the reformist President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

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Anthropologists Marshalling History: The American Anthropological Association’s Vote on the Academic Boycott of Israeli Institutions
Roberto J. González and David Price - CounterPunch, 2 May 2016

The AAA’s full membership now has a historic opportunity to vote on whether or not to approve the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The rank-and-file membership’s overwhelming support for the Resolution 2 was clear, but so too is the determination, resources, and willingness to use fear tactics of the minority who oppose the pro-boycott measure. Now is the time for concerned anthropologists to take action by voting to support the resolution.

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Kenya Burns Huge Pile of Ivory Tusks to Protest Poaching
Tom Odula, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 2 May 2016

Kenya’s president set fire Saturday [30 Apr 2016] to 105 tons of elephant ivory and more than 1 ton of rhino horn in a dramatic statement against the trade in ivory and products from endangered species. Kenya decided to destroy the ivory instead of selling it for an estimated $150 million. Pres. Kenyatta said that Kenya wants to make the point that ivory should not have any commercial value.

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2016 World Press Freedom Index: Leaders Paranoid about Journalists
Reporters Without Borders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

20 Apr 2016 – Most of the movement in the World Press Freedom Index unveiled today by Reporters Without Borders is indicative of a climate of fear and tension combined with increasing control over newsrooms by governments and private-sector interests. 180 Countries Ranked According to Freedom Allowed to Journalists

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Palestine and Zionism: The Whole Truth
Alan Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2016

Brainwashed and idiotic Zionists in Sardinia tried and failed to have some of my lectures and debates cancelled by accusing me of being an anti-Semite who is inciting anti-Semitism. They knew nothing about my book and its contents and were reading from Zionism’s script. Their efforts resulted in increased sales of my book!

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(Danish-Dansk) Hvorfor araberne ikke ønsker USA i Syrien
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Berlingske, 25 Apr 2016

De millioner af flygtninge, der strømmer ind i Europa, er ofre for en krig om en rørledning og CIAs adskillige fadæser. Lad os se i øjnene: Det, vi kalder »krigen mod terror«, er i virkeligheden blot endnu en oliekrig.

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Syrian Elections Prove again That Washington and Its Presstitutes Lie through Their Teeth
Paul Craig Roberts – Dissident Voice, 25 Apr 2016

On April 14 2016, Syria held parliamentary elections at 7,000 polling stations, keeping the voting open an extra five hours to accommodate the massive turnout. Washington is angry, because Syria held elections before Washington had time to purchase its slate of politicians and Washington-funded NGOs to claim that Assad had stolen the election. Putin and Assad should take note that Washington still intends to overthrow the Syrian government and to install either a puppet or chaos as in Iraq and Libya.

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AP Investigation: Are Slaves Catching the Fish You Buy?
Robin Mcdowell, Margie Mason and Martha Mendoza, AP –TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2016

Update: On 18 Apr 2016 the all-woman Associated Press team won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for this investigation [published on TMS in 30 Mar 2015].
25 Mar 2015 – The men the AP interviewed on Benjina were mostly from Myanmar, also known as Burma, one of the poorest countries in the world. They were brought to Indonesia through Thailand and forced to fish. Their catch was then shipped back to Thailand, where it entered the global stream of commerce.

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“Neoliberal Restoration”: Hybrid War Hyenas Tear Brazil Apart
Pepe Escobar – The International Reporter, 25 Apr 2016

The coup has been sponsored by a certified crook, president of the lower house Eduardo Cunha; holder of 11 illegal accounts in Switzerland, listed in the Panama Papers and under investigation by the Supreme Court. Car Wash’s not so hidden agenda was always regime change. Who cares if in the process the nation is left on the verge of being controlled exactly by many of those indicted by the anti-corruption drive?

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Oxfam: US Corporate Tax Cheats Hiding $1.4 Trillion in Profits in Offshore Accounts
Patrick Martin, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2016

The biggest tax dodger is technology giant Apple, with $181 billion held offshore. General Electric had the second-largest stash, at $119 billion, enough to repay four times over the $28 billion GE received in federal guarantees during the 2008 Wall Street crash. Microsoft had $108 billion in overseas accounts, with companies like Exxon Mobil, Pfizer, IBM, Cisco Systems, Google, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson rounding out the top ten.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #8 (April 2016)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone and Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Here is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ and a sample of news about Charter signatories. Building a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts is quite a challenge but we are making solid progress!

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Where Are Marx and Lenin When We Need Them?
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Marx and Lenin were ahead of their time. Marx wrote before offshoring of jobs and the financialization of the economy. Lenin presided over a communist revolution that jumped the gun by taking place in a country in which feudal elements still predominated over capitalism. Today capitalism is being financialized with the consequence that its productive power is being drained into the service of debt.

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Why We’re Never Told Why We’re Attacked
Joe Lauria – Consortium News, 18 Apr 2016

Connecting terrorism to Western intervention could spark a serious self-examination of the West’s behavior in the region leading to a possible retreat and even an end of this external dominance. But that is clearly something policymakers in Washington, London and Paris – and their subservient media – aren’t prepared to do.

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Creating Resilient Communities
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Real peace — positive peace, which transcends violence and turns conflict into opportunity — is and always has been part of who we are. We know a lot more about how to create peace than we think we do. We’re perfectly capable of transcending violent solutions to our troubles and building a sustainable future. The first step is to take our conflicts out of isolation.

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The Panama Papers and the 1%
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Global companies do not simply “go abroad”; they shift capital, as well as labor and technology, to wherever the advantages are greatest. This reality of globalization is well known, and it is matched by the similar behavior of powerful, wealthy individuals, including present and former top government officials who find tax shelters abroad where their money is completely hidden from public view. It’s what the One Percent do.

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Democracy Spring: Thousands Descend on US Capitol, Over 400 Arrested
Scott Galindez - Reader Supported News, 18 Apr 2016

12 Apr 2016 – Thousands of Americans have descended on Washington to launch one week of civil disobedience under the banner Democracy Spring. Their main demand is to get money out of politics. Over 400 people were arrested today, and over 3,000 have pledged to risk arrest over the next week.

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Migration Crisis Infographic: The 95,000 Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum in Europe in 2015
Safya Khan-Ruf, Maeve McClenaghan, Gemma Newby and Eilidh Urquhart – The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 18 Apr 2016

The numbers and their voices can be read and heard by clicking on the image for our unique infographic below.

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Ending Human Violence Is a Task for Each of Us
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Do you think that ending human violence is impossible? Do you believe that even aiming to do so is unrealistic? Well, you might be right. But you might also be interested to know that there are a lot of people around the world who are committed to trying. And, if you think the aim is worthwhile, you could be one of them.

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Spies and Shadowy Allies Lurk in Secret with Help from Offshore Firm
Will Fitzgibbon - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ, 11 Apr 2016

Firm helps CIA operatives and other characters — real or fanciful — from the world of espionage set up offshore companies to obscure their dealings.
• Spy chiefs, secret agents and alleged CIA contractors among those to use offshore companies
• Secret agents used offshore companies to, among other things, own golf courses
• Octopussy, Goldfinger, SkyFall, GoldenEye, Moonraker among offshore company names used by Mossack Fonseca

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(Português) Estudar na universidade é um sonho tornado realidade para cada vez mais ciganos em Portugal
Susana Venceslau, André Kosters e Pedro Martins, Lusa – Sapo24, 11 Apr 2016

8 abr 2016 – Ser cigano e estudante universitário é uma realidade que começa a ser cada vez mais frequente, como José e Francisco, dois ciganos em busca do mesmo sonho, mas sem perderem a identidade que os une.

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Nuclear Insecurity
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Mel Gurtov has been a nuclear analyst since his early days for the RAND corporation when he and Daniel Ellsberg worked together. Dr. Gurtov’s expertise–and anyone who studies these issues in depth–was affronted by President Obama’s patently false claims in his recent op-ed message in the Washington Post.

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(Italiano) In che direzione andiamo?
Martin Luther King Jr. – Znet Italy, 11 Apr 2016

Brani tratti dal discorso di King “Dove andiamo da qui?,” fatto ad Atlanta, Georgia, il 16 agosto 1967 alla 11a Convention Annuale della SCLC – Southern Christian Leadership Conference – (un’organizzazione statunitense per i diritti civi).

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‘Corruption’ as a Propaganda Weapon
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 11 Apr 2016

Mainstream U.S. journalism and propaganda are getting hard to tell apart, as with the flurry of “corruption” stories aimed at Russia’s Putin and other demonized foreign leaders.

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(Castellano) Un drama de larga historia en el aún corto siglo XXI
Carta de la Paz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

En primer lugar, aseveramos que no es posible entender una política que sólo hable de hechos tristes y vergonzosos, sin al mismo tiempo esforzarse por poner remedio a las causas que lo producen. Afirmamos rotundamente que es necesario poner fin a las guerras causantes de esos más de 60 millones de personas en busca de refugio, vagabundeando por las tierras y las aguas del mundo.

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(Français) Evaluation critique de la Cour Pénale Internationale (1998 – 2002 – 2016)
Robert Charvin, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Dans un monde non consensuel où l’Occident et ses alliés « communient exclusivement dans les valeurs du marché et les droits de l’homme » civils et politiques en oubliant toujours le social et aspirent à un fédéralisme universel, une authentique justice criminelle internationale demeure une utopie difficilement accessible.

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Brazilian Democracy Thrown to the Dogs
Pepe Escobar – The International Reporter, 11 Apr 2016

Military coups are so Pinochet-era. It’s never enough to stress that what’s taking place in Brazil is advanced Hybrid War, a white coup/regime change operation organized by the Federal Public Ministry, corporate media (controlled by four families) and a significant part of Congress.

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Vatican to Host First-Ever Conference to Reevaluate Just War Theory, Justifications for Violence
Joshua J. McElwee - National Catholic Reporter, 11 Apr 2016

The Vatican will be hosting a first of its kind conference April 11-13 to reexamine the Catholic Church’s long-held teachings on just war theory, bringing some 80 nonviolent struggles experts to Rome to develop a new moral framework that rejects ethical justifications for war– displacing the centuries-old just war theory as the main Catholic response to violence.

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Recovering from Militarism
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

The pols cry glory and revenge. They cry security. They cry greatness. Then they stick in the needle, or the missile or the rifle shell, or the nuclear bomb. Or at least they imagine doing so. This will fix the world. And they approve more funding for war. We talk about “the Pentagon” as though it were a rational entity, hierarchically in control of what it does.

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Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption: The Panama Papers
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

3 Apr 2016 – Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens.

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Explore the Panama Papers Key Figures
Rigoberto Carvajal, Mar Cabra, Álvaro Ortiz and Fernando Blat - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ, 4 Apr 2016

3 Apr 2016 – The 2.6 terabyte trove of data at the core of this investigation contains nearly 40 years of records, and includes information about more than 210,000 companies in 21 offshore jurisdictions. Read more about the data and our methodology.

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Nuclear Security: Continuous Improvement or Dangerous Decline?
Matthew Bunn, Martin B. Malin, Nickolas Roth and William Tobey - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 4 Apr 2016

The answer will shape the chances that terrorist groups, including the Islamic State, could get their hands on the materials they need to build a crude nuclear bomb. In a report (pdf file) we published late in March, we outline the shape of the threat and the steps that must be taken to keep potential nuclear bomb material out of terrorist hands.

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The “Islamophobia” Industry Feeds War Abroad, Grows Police State at Home
Tony Cartalucci - Land Destroyer Report, 4 Apr 2016

It’s real simple. Create a threat, predicate expanding autocracy at home and endless wars of hegemony abroad upon confronting that threat, and all the while intentionally perpetuate fear, hysteria, hatred, and division to keep that threat relevant in the hearts and minds of as many people as possible.

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(Català) Un drama de llarga història a l’encara curt segle XXI
Carta de la Pau – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

En primer lloc, assegurem que no és possible entendre una política que només parli de fets tristos i vergonyosos, sense al mateix temps esforçar-se per posar remei a les causes que els produeixen. Afirmem rotundament que cal posar fi a les guerres que causen aquests més de 60 milions de persones a la recerca de refugi, vagabundejant per les terres i les aigües del món.

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Consciousness versus Computers
Jon Rappoport - The Conscious Reporter, 28 Mar 2016

Can machines truly be spiritual? Are they free? Or are freedom and spirituality born from consciousness, which machines sorely lack? The author explores whether consciousness is being negated and replaced with a technocratic religion as a subtle form of social control.

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China: Broken Rice Bowls, Stifled Voices
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

China, no different from any other large country, has a multitude of domestic problems, but those two are especially worrisome in that they have the potential for significant unrest. And for the Chinese leadership, social instability always raises red flags.

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America’s Astounding Human Rights Hypocrisy in Cuba
Harvey Wasserman - Reader Supported News, 28 Mar 2016

Maybe our elected officials should cease their hypocritical yapping about the human rights situation in Cuba until they come clean about what’s happening here in the United States. The idea of the United States lecturing Cuba or any other country on this planet about human rights comes down somewhere between embarrassing and nauseating. Consider:

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(Português) Brasil: A ditadura e seus psicopatas de ontem e de hoje
Antonio Lassance – Carta Maior, 28 Mar 2016

Os que marcham em defesa do golpe são gente que fede a religião, mas não acredita em Deus – como diria Mário de Andrade. É gente que esbofeteia cada um dos milhões de brasileiros que foram privados da liberdade por mais de duas décadas neste país. Que marchem, mas não ousem tocar suas mãos sujas em nossa democracia, nem pisar sobre nossas consciências.

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US-Saudi Terror in Yemen Dwarfs ISIS Attacks in Europe
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 28 Mar 2016

25 Mar 2016 – Why are two of the richest countries in the World, the United States and Saudi Arabia, engaged in unrelenting, aggressive war against one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen?

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What Does Daesh Mean? ISIS ‘Threatens to Cut Out the Tongues’ of Anyone Using This Word
Nicola Oakley and Suchandrika Chakrabarti - Mirror, 28 Mar 2016

Google searches for the term have leapt almost 600% in the last week, since the Brussels Attacks – but what does it mean, and why does ISIS hate the word so much?

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Fukushima Radiation: A Killer
Robert Hunziker – Dissident Voice, 28 Mar 2016

Today, the radiation at the Fukushima plant is still so powerful it has proven impossible to get into its bowels to find and remove the extremely dangerous blobs of melted fuel rods, weighing hundreds of tonnes. Five robots sent into the reactors have failed to return. It’s killing robots!

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Understanding Self-Hatred in World Affairs
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Conscious self-hatred is an intensely unpleasant feeling to experience and, consequently, people who feel self-hatred learn to fearfully and deeply suppress their awareness of it when they are very young. Having learned to do this, subsequent opportunities for this self-hatred to be felt are progressively more easily suppressed. I emphasise the word fearfully suppressed.

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The US Role in the Honduras Coup and Subsequent Violence
Stephen Zunes - National Catholic Reporter, 21 Mar 2016

Clinton’s role in supporting the coup in Honduras is a reminder that the Middle East is not the only part of the world in which she is willing to set aside principles of international law and human rights to advance perceived U.S. economic and strategic interests.

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President Obama Is Wrong on Encryption; Claims the Realist View Is ‘Absolutist’
TechDirt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

The President says he won’t comment directly on the Apple legal fights, but then launches into the standard politician talking point of “yes, we want strong encryption, but bad people will use it so we need to figure out ‘some way’ to break in.”

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Western Media Ignoring Reality on the Ground in Syria
Eva Bartlett – Russia Today, 14 Mar 2016

The interview was typical of the infrequent times corporate media has bothered to interview Dr. Shaaban: loaded lexicon, pre-priming the audience with false allegations about the Syrian government, repeatedly cutting-off the high-ranking guest, and a notably rude and condescending demeanor not afforded to guests who tow the NATO narrative on Syria.

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Major Pharma Scandal: Whistleblowers Claim Popular Asthma Drug Was Marketed Illegally
Martha Rosenberg - AlterNet, 14 Mar 2016

Novartis, Genentech and Roche “determined as early as 2003 that they would never succeed in transforming Xolair into a blockbuster or near-blockbuster drug unless they broke the law.” And that is exactly what they have knowingly done.

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Spain’s Radical Left Podemos Party Refuses to Sell Out
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 7 Mar 2016

During an impassioned speech to parliament, Iglesias said that his radical left party, which is now Spain’s third largest, would not allow the “miserable” leader of the more mainstream Socialists, Pedro Sánchez, to become prime minister because he had adopted the economic policies of the right.

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Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Politico – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Mar 2016

As we focus on the rise of the Islamic State and search for the source of the savagery that took so many innocent lives in Paris and San Bernardino, we might want to look beyond the convenient explanations of religion and ideology. Instead we should examine the more complex rationales of history and oil — and how they often point the finger of blame back at our own shores.

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A Forever Imminent Threat?
Robert Kowalczyk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Mar 2016

Two towering exclamation points have been writ high on the sky, each an indelible imprint on human consciousness. Hiroshima! Nagasaki! And yet, 70 years later, through the countless wars that have followed WWII, on the surface of the fracturing social, economic and political global landscape, humanity dreams on, unaware and unforgiven.

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Dark Spots, Light Spots, and Apple’s Protest
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Feb 2016

By their logic, 1984 is finally here, and embedding security (i.e., surveillance) chips in toothbrushes, children’s toys, and everywhere else The Enemy might lurk is both necessary and proper. You’d better consider flossing regularly and having your kids play with sticks and stones. Barbie is watching, and even Tim Cook can’t stop her.

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Moral Courage – Stand Up to Wall St. & the U.S. War Machine!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Feb 2016

“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
– – Robert F. Kennedy

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Martynas – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Feb 2016

Martynas Levickis is one of the brightest young accordion musicians from Lithuania. He has received over 30 prizes and awards, being a Bachelor graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London.

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