Articles by RT
We found 4024 results.
9/11 Fourteen Years Later
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Sep 2015
Millions of refugees from Washington’s wars are currently over-running Europe. Washington’s 14-year and ongoing slaughter of Muslims and destruction of their countries are war crimes for which the US government’s official 9/11 conspiracy theory was the catalyst.
→ read full articleHow Neocons Destabilized Europe
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
14 Sep 2015
7 Sep 2015 – The neocon prescription of endless “regime change” is spreading chaos across the Middle East and now into Europe, yet the neocons still control the mainstream U.S. narrative and thus have diagnosed the problem as not enough “regime change.
→ read full articlePrintable Solar Panels, Developed by CSIRO and Melbourne Universities, One Step Closer to Market
Emily Stewart – ABC News Australia,
14 Sep 2015
Australian solar power scientists are one step closer to making available a cheaper and faster way to print solar cells onto plastic.
→ read full articleRethinking Syria
Mel Gurtov, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Sep 2015
The current U.S. policy of simultaneously seeking to overthrow Assad and push back ISIS is simply unworkable.
→ read full articleElites Want More Refugees: Why?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Sep 2015
Refugees are just one symptom of a deeper crisis. Moreover, like other symptoms of this deeper crisis, the global elite is happy to use this symptom to keep us utterly preoccupied; after all, the immediacy of the refugee problem is all too demanding of our attention and our compassion.
→ read full articleUS/NATO Embrace Psy-ops and Info-War
Don North – Consortium News,
7 Sep 2015
2 Sep 2015 – The U.S. government and NATO have entered the Brave New World of “strategic communications,” merging psy-ops, propaganda and P.R. in order to manage the perceptions of Americans and the world’s public, reports veteran war correspondent Don North.
→ read full articleMissing from Reports of Yemeni Carnage: Washington’s Responsibility
Jim Naureckas – Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting,
7 Sep 2015
Washington’s role in facilitating deaths unmentioned by mainstream media.
→ read full articleAbsence of Meat Makes the Heart Grow Stronger
Julieanna Hever – US News & World Report,
7 Sep 2015
2 Sep 2015 – A recent study found that consuming plant-based foods such as beans, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables is associated with a sharply reduced risk of stroke and heart attack.
→ read full articleSpeak the Truth!
James Albertini, Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Sep 2015
4 Million Muslims Killed In Western Wars: When Should We Call It Genocide? The U.S. is largely responsible for massive global migration taking place due to wars, climate catastrophe and economic injustice. The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini said, “Fascism is when the corporations and the state become one.” What do we call it when corporations supersede all state authority?
→ read full articleHanford Nuclear Weapons Site Whistle-blower Wins $4.1-Million Settlement
Ralph Vartabedian – Los Angeles Times,
7 Sep 2015
When Walter Tamosaitis warned in 2011 that the Energy Department’s plans for a waste treatment plant were unsafe, he was demoted. Tamosaitis had been leading a team of 100 scientists and engineers in designing a way to immobilize millions of gallons of highly toxic nuclear sludge as thick as peanut butter.
→ read full articleU.S. & Saudi Arabia War Crimes Keep Killing Yemenis
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
31 Aug 2015
30 Aug 2015 – Is There Anyone Who Believes That Yemeni Lives Matter? Saudi Arabia’s aggression against Yemen, the poorest country in the region, has been catastrophic for Yemen, which is all-but-defenseless. Backed by eight other Arab dictatorships and the US, they have committed uncounted war crimes and crimes against humanity.
→ read full articleThe Psychology of Projection in Conflict
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
31 Aug 2015
Unfortunately, understanding the psychology of conflict is not easy and I would like to illustrate one significant problem in this regard and explain what we can do about it. That problem is what is often called ‘projection’ or ‘transference’ and it illustrates the importance of emotional, as distinct from intellectual, content in any conflict.
→ read full articleHow Google Could Rig the 2016 Election
Robert Epstein – Politico Magazine,
31 Aug 2015
It’s possible that Google decided the winner of the Indian election. Google’s own daily data on election-related search activity was subsequently removed from the Internet, but not before my colleagues and I downloaded the pages.
→ read full article(Português) Silêncios Ruidosos
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Carta Maior,
24 Aug 2015
O Estado burocrático, impessoal, não se deixa impressionar por dramas pessoais, individuais. Em tempos de imposição de austeridade aos cidadãos mais vulneráveis, qualquer pretexto é bom para reduzir os encargos do Estado, por mais ilógico e injusto que seja.
→ read full article(Français) Après le politique, faut-il «tuer la géopolitique»?
Robert Charvin, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Aug 2015
21 août 2015 – La « révolution » conservatrice, à l’œuvre dans l’ensemble des sociétés occidentales, a pris des chemins variés d’un pays à l’autre. En Europe, elle s’appuie parfois sur la collaboration des droites traditionnelles et de mouvements de l’ultra-droite (en Hongrie, par exemple), voire dans certains cas néonazis (en Lettonie ou en Ukraine, par exemple).
→ read full articleLeading Israeli Journalist Says Israel Is an Apartheid State
Ben Norton, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Aug 2015
What I’m about to write will not come easily for me. I used to be one of those people who took issue with the label of apartheid as applied to Israel. I’m not one of those people any more. Not after the last few weeks.
→ read full articleIs Climate Change Just a Lot of Hot Air?
MinuteEarth – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Aug 2015
[Animation] The Consequences of Warmer Global Temperatures in Oceans and Lands
→ read full articleThe Social Cost of Capitalism
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Aug 2015
11 Aug 2015 – Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations. Corporations shove many of their costs onto the environment, the public sector, and distant third parties. For example, currently 3 million gallons of toxic waste water from a Colorado mine has escaped and is working its way down two rivers into Utah and Lake Powell. At least seven city water systems dependent on the rivers have been shut down.
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Aug 2015
In a recent letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence against Native Americans and enslaved Africans, as well as the US imperial violence around the world that has butchered tens of millions of people over the past 200 years.
→ read full articleUS Torturers Lose Psychologists’ Corrupt Cooperation
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
17 Aug 2015
American Psychological Association Acts to Heal Itself – American psychologists have voted overwhelmingly against helping their government torture people. In an even more radical step, the psychologists voted to obey international law, even in instances where US law tolerates war crimes or crimes against humanity.
→ read full articleHow I Learned to Hate Animals
Jon Hochschartner - CounterPunch,
17 Aug 2015
How are we socialized into accepting systematic violence against animals? Like anything else, I think we learn the rationales for non-human exploitation in drips and drops. This education — or more accurately, miseducation — probably takes place throughout our lifespan, with different answers formulated to meet our ideological needs at different times and places.
→ read full articleUS Psychologists’ Convention Bans Participation in Torture
Tom Carter, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Aug 2015
On Friday [7 Aug 2015], the American Psychological Association overwhelmingly adopted a resolution banning participation by psychologists in national security interrogations, in the face of accusations that the proposed ban on torture was “anti-government” and “anti-military.”
→ read full articlePope Francis: Burmese Treatment of Rohingya Minority a Form of ‘War’
Joshua J. McElwee – National Catholic Reporter,
10 Aug 2015
Pope Francis has again entered into controversial geopolitical territory, saying sharply Friday [7 Aug 2015] that Burmese treatment of its populous and persecuted Rohingya minority constitutes war against them.
→ read full articleCitigroup’s Unchecked Crime Wave Proves that America Is Headed in the Wrong Direction
Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade - TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Aug 2015
Citigroup, the bank that played a central role in bringing America to its knees in 2008; received the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of finance to resuscitate its insolvent carcass; pleaded guilty to a felony count of rigging foreign currency trading in May and was put on a three year probation – is now under a string of manycriminal and civil investigations.
→ read full article(Português) Guerras e Recessão: As Promessas da Pax Norte-Americana
Emir Sader, Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Aug 2015
Os países que resistem aos imperativos do capital é que estão no começo de um novo ciclo, de construção de um mundo baseado na solidariedade.
→ read full articleUN Paid Millions to Russian Aviation Firm Even after Learning of Sex Attack on Girl
Paul Lewis, Oliver Laughland and Roger Hamilton-Martin – The Guardian,
3 Aug 2015
30 Jul 2015 – Documents reveal United Nations unit uncovered possible ‘culture of sexual exploitation and abuse’ after 2010 attack by UTair crew member, but permitted company to continue receiving contracts worth millions.
→ read full articleBig Pharma’s Profiteers: You Want Us to Pay What for These Meds?
Martha Rosenberg - CounterPunch,
3 Aug 2015
Drug makers are even not above scaring the populace if it sells drugs for rare diseases. Your back pain may not be from working out at all but from a disease called ankylosing spondylitis, says AbbVie, a condition that can be treated with its biologic drug Humira for as much as $20,000 a year. (Injectable “biologic” drugs are a new drug industry push because they are so expensive and less susceptible to generic competition than pills.)
→ read full articleHedge Funds Tell Puerto Rico: Lay Off Teachers and Close Schools to Pay Us Back
Rupert Neate – The Guardian,
3 Aug 2015
Report commissioned by 34 hedge funds says government had been ‘massively overspending on education’ despite spending only 79% of US average per pupil.
→ read full articleRevolting World
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Aug 2015
‘The World Order and Revolution! Essays from the Resistance’ – Using a combination of political, legal and economic analyses [in their new book], Vltchek, Black and Koenig carefully strip away the façade that the corporate media presents to us, and which the imperial elite wants us to believe, so that we can see some of the ugly, underlying truth about our world.
→ read full articleEU’s Greek Debt Austerity Plan Rejected by the IMF
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Aug 2015
I have maintained that the imposition of austerity on Greece could not possibly work and that the only solution was to write down the debt and introduce reforms that loosen the hold the oligarchs have on the Greek economy. The current Greek government has taken the same position, and now the IMF has joined us.
→ read full articleJPMorgan Chase Closes at All-Time High – As Financial Crises Sprout Like ‘08
Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jul 2015
JPMorgan Chase is a global bank with over $2 trillion in assets “serving corporations and individuals in over 100 countries.” In February, the U.S. Treasury Office released a report showing staggering levels of interconnected risk among global banks. JPMorgan had the highest overall score for systemic and interconnected risk.
→ read full articleBest Exercises for Strong Bones
Elizabeth Quinn, Sports Medicine Expert – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jul 2015
Build Stronger Bones with the Right Exercises
→ read full articleRohingyas, the Victims of Sustained Genocidal Persecution for Nearly 40 Years
Amine Tuna Ertürk - İHH İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi (Turkey),
27 Jul 2015
Interview with Dr Maung Zarni – “Humanitarianism is all well and fine. It plays an ameliorative role. But the root cause is politically and racially driven genocide. In situations of genocide, humanitarianism is woefully inadequate. It is a band-aid, not a cure.”
→ read full article(Português) União Europeia:Testes Fatais
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Carta Maior,
27 Jul 2015
A Europa transformou-se num laboratório do futuro. O que nele se experimenta deve causar preocupação a qualquer democrata e a qualquer pessoa de esquerda. Será o epicentro de um novo despotismo ocidental, rivalizando em crueldade com o despotismo oriental estudado por Karl Marx e Max Weber.
→ read full articleUkraine: The Mess That Nuland Made
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
27 Jul 2015
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s regime change in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and consequences. Now, as neo-Nazis turn their guns on the government, it’s hard to see how anyone can clean up the mess that Nuland made.
→ read full article(Italiano) T-tip, il nostro futuro greco
Francesco Martone, Comune Info – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jul 2015
21 luglio 2015 – Per uno paradosso o una significativa coincidenza lo stesso giorno nel quale processava Alexis Tsipras, il parlamento europeo avrebbe votato il rapporto Lange sul Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-tip). Raffigurazioni plastiche ed evidenti di come il progetto europeo di spazio di cittadinanza comune abbia ceduto il passo a quello elitario dell’austerity, e dell’ordoliberismo a tutti i costi, ed agli interessi delle imprese e dei mercati anche a costo della sopravvivenza di uomini e donne in carne ed ossa.
→ read full articleThe American Psychological Association, Torture, and the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial
Tom Carter, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jul 2015
13 Jul 2015 – A 542-page independent report made public by the New York Times on Friday [10 Jul] implicates the American Psychological Association in the CIA torture program. The devastating report not only exposes the involvement of psychologists in torture, but also lifts the curtain on years of lies, conspiracies, and cover-ups reaching to the top of the APA and academia.
→ read full articleHow Goldman Sachs Profited from the Greek Debt Crisis
Robert B. Reich – The Nation,
20 Jul 2015
The investment bank made millions by helping to hide the true extent of the debt, and in the process almost doubled it.
→ read full articleRetired General: Drones Create More Terrorists Than They Kill, Iraq War Helped Create ISIS
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept,
20 Jul 2015
“What we have is this continued investment in conflict,” the retired general says. “The more weapons we give, the more bombs we drop, that just … fuels the conflict.”
→ read full articleDavid Graeber Interview: ‘So Many People Spend Their Working Lives Doing Jobs They Think Are Unnecessary’
Stuart Jeffries – The Guardian,
20 Jul 2015
The anarchist author, coiner of the phrase ‘We are the 99%’, talks about ‘bullshit jobs’, our rule-bound lives and the importance of play.
→ read full articlePluto and Earth
Patrick Martin, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jul 2015
The flyby of Pluto by the spacecraft New Horizons—a scientific achievement of the first order—stands in contrast to the seemingly intractable social crises on our own planet.
→ read full articleSoulless Economics
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service~,
20 Jul 2015
Austerity, the tool of neoliberal capitalism, stands up to Greek democracy and stares it down. Oh well. We’re remarkably comfortable with soulless economics and have yielded to this economic model in thought, word and deed.
→ read full articleYanis Varoufakis Full Transcript: Our Battle to Save Greece
Harry Lambert – New Statesman,
20 Jul 2015
To have ‘the powers that be’ speak to you directly and the complete lack of any democratic scruples from the supposed defenders of Europe’s democracy. The quite clear understanding on the other side that we are on the same page analytically and yet to have very powerful figures look at you in the eye and say “You’re right in what you’re saying, but we’re going to crunch you anyway.”
→ read full articleObama to Out Bomb Bush!
James Albertini, Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jul 2015
This is only the latest campaign in a 15-year global air war, largely ignored by U.S. media, in which the United States and its allies have conducted at least 118,000 air strikes against other countries since 2000.
→ read full articleCNN to Broadcast Corporate Propaganda as News?
C. Robert Gibson – Al Jazeera America,
13 Jul 2015
Companies paying media outlets to produce news-like content is a new low for network TV. Once a news outlet as recognizable as CNN starts airing branded content, it has the potential to create a huge conflict of interest in editorial decisions.
→ read full articleThe Collateral Damage of Austerity
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jul 2015
A bogus moral authority seems to accompany the accumulation of wealth — a sense that one deserves it, while those without wealth deserve servitude and hopelessness. Beyond this moral authority lies the desperate need not to recognize the common humanity of those who are struggling to survive.
→ read full articleYemeni Genocide Proceeds Apace, Enjoying World’s Silence
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
13 Jul 2015
If any of the umpteen candidates for president of the United States has said anything humane, useful, or even dimly relevant about Yemen, it is hard to find (and I have found nothing). And nowhere have I found any call to establish the appropriate International War Crimes Tribunal to judge the illegality of the multiple, heinous predations of the United States, Saudi Arabia, and their sundry allies, all members in good standing of the world peacekeeping authority.
→ read full articleWind Power Generates 140% of Denmark’s Electricity Demand
Arthur Neslen – The Guardian,
13 Jul 2015
Unusually high winds allowed Denmark to meet all of its electricity needs – with plenty to spare for Germany, Norway and Sweden too.
→ read full articleMost Attitudes and Beliefs are Outcomes of Fear
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jul 2015
I routinely come across efforts to change an individual’s attitude, belief and/or value by using education to teach the ‘right’ one. I would like to explain why education cannot achieve such a change, except in the most superficial of circumstances, as the evidence clearly demonstrates.
→ read full articlePentagon Concludes America Not Safe unless It Conquers the World
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jul 2015
The Pentagon report is sufficiently audacious in its hypocrisy to declare that Washington “supports the established institutions and processes dedicated to preventing conflict, respecting sovereignty, and furthering human rights.” This from the military of a government that has invaded, bombed, and overthrown 11 governments since the Clinton regime and is currently working to overthrow governments in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina.
→ read full articleThe Hijackers [A Review of 4 Books]
Hugh Roberts – London Review of Books,
13 Jul 2015
Western policy (towards the Arabs’ Middle East) has been a disgrace for Iraq, Libya and now Syria, and the fallout is killing Americans, French people and now British tourists, in addition to its uncounted victims in the Middle East. #IS or Islamic State is good for you!, or so do Western powers delude themselves. US, UK and France have facilitated, out of their receptive/positive interest, the rise of Islamic State as a covert strategy for the overthrow of Assad regime.
→ read full articleBRICS a Prototype of the Future World Order
Gevorg Mirzayan and Nikolay Surkov – Russia & India Report,
6 Jul 2015
As Russia prepares to hold the BRICS summit in Ufa, among other issues up for discussion will be the future course of the organization. Russian analysts speak to RIR about what lies ahead for BRICS and why this “interest group” has begun to play such a major role in Moscow’s foreign policy.
→ read full articleEnd U.S. Addiction to War
James Albertini, Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jul 2015
War on drugs. War on poverty. War in Afghanistan. War in Iraq. War on terror. When you define something as war, violence becomes the only means.
→ read full articleGoldman Sachs Doesn’t Have Clean Hands in Greece Crisis
Pam Martens and Russ Martens – Wall Street On Parade,
6 Jul 2015
According to investigative reports that appeared in Der Spiegel, The New York Times, BBC, and Bloomberg News from 2010 through 2012, Blankfein, now Goldman Sachs CEO, played a role in structuring complex derivative deals with Greece which allowed it to hide the true extent of its debt and almost doubled the debt of Greece under the dubious derivative deals.
→ read full articleIn the Western World Capitalism Has Devolved into Looting
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jul 2015
“…when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed.”
→ read full articleNo, ‘Je Suis Charleston’?: The De-Politicization of Black Oppression
Ajamu Baraka – Black Agenda Report,
6 Jul 2015
Where was the worldwide revulsion at the racist terror attack in Charleston? Obama sang ‘Amazing Grace’ and lulled into a stupefying silence black voices that should have demanded answers. The old trope of gun control – along with a new twist, removing the Confederate flag – became the new focus.
→ read full articleGermany’s Oldest Nuclear Power Plant Goes Offline
Associated Press – US News & World Report,
29 Jun 2015
28 Jun 2015 — Germany’s oldest remaining nuclear reactor has been shut down, part of a move initiated four years ago to switch off all its nuclear plants by the end of 2022.
→ read full articleComforting a Baby Is Violent
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jun 2015
In essence, the expression of feelings is a vital means of communication, for babies, children and adults. Interfering with the expression of feelings, by comforting for example, simply destroys a means of communication and virtually guarantees a dysfunctional behavioural outcome.
→ read full articleHalf of Europe’s Electricity Set to Be from Renewables by 2030
Arthur Neslen – The Guardian,
29 Jun 2015
Leaked EU paper predicts fast renewables growth to around double current levels if countries meet climate objectives.
→ read full articleNYT’s Orwellian View of Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
29 Jun 2015
In the up-is-down Orwellian world that is now The New York Times’ editorial page, there was no coup in Ukraine in 2014, no U.S.-driven “regime change,” no provocation on Russia’s border, just Moscow’s aggression — a sign of how propaganda has taken over mainstream U.S. media.
→ read full articleThe Stories of Compassionate Rebels Building a Culture of Peace
Burt Berlowe – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jun 2015
A New Form of Journalism Is Emerging
→ read full articleThe Contrasting Fates of Tunisia and Libya
Stephen Zunes – National Catholic Reporter,
22 Jun 2015
Four years later, the current political situation in these two neighboring North African states could not be more different. The reason has much to do with how their authoritarian regimes were overthrown.
→ read full articleBDS Could Cost Israel $4.7 Billion a Year
James North, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jun 2015
The Financial Times has published a big, and somewhat balanced, article on the rapid rise of BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) that includes two stunning financial numbers showing how powerful the nonviolent movement for justice in Palestine/Israel is becoming.
→ read full articleMoment of Truth Nears for Nuclear Waste Time Bomb
Vera Eckert, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jun 2015
• Scandinavians closest to putting waste underground
• Time needed to permission storage, start disposal
• Public need to be brought on board
U.S. House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
15 Jun 2015
The U.S. House of Representatives has admitted an ugly truth that the U.S. mainstream media has tried to hide from the American people – that the post-coup regime in Ukraine has relied heavily on Nazi storm troopers to carry out its bloody war against ethnic Russians.
→ read full articleBathed in Blood – Evicted and Abandoned in Honduras
Sasha Chavkin - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,
15 Jun 2015
World Bank’s Business-Lending Arm Backed Palm Oil Producer amid Deadly Land War
→ read full articleThe Losing War against Ungoverned Spaces
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross & Nathaniel Barr, Pragati – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jun 2015
From whatever angle one analyses the war against ungoverned spaces, Western countries and their allies are losing. The truly remarkable thing is how quickly the situation in the Middle East and North Africa was transformed from optimism —at the start of the Arab Spring—to one where the spread of ungoverned space, and indeed jihadism writ large, appears inexorable.
→ read full articleLogistics 101: Where Do ISIS Get Their Guns?
Tony Cartalucci, New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jun 2015
ISIS’ supply lines run precisely where Syrian and Iraqi air power cannot go. To the north and into NATO-member Turkey, and to the southwest into US allies Jordan and Saudi Arabia. If an army marches on its stomach, and ISIS’ stomachs are full of NATO and Persian Gulf State supplies, ISIS will continue to march long and hard.
→ read full articleGreece – A Sad Story of the [Germany-led] European Establishment
Roberto Savio, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jun 2015
The latest development in the tug of war which has been going on between Greece and a German-dominated Europe is the desire to punish an anti-establishment figure like Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and show that the radical left cannot run a country.
→ read full articleRecord Boost in New Solar Power Continues Massive Industry Growth
Arthur Neslen – The Guardian,
15 Jun 2015
UK leads European solar energy expansion to help renewables overtake output of nuclear power as industry leaders hail ‘tipping point’ for the technology.
→ read full articleExposing Lies, Telling the Truth
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jun 2015
I have just read Andre Vltchek’s new book ‘Exposing Lies of the Empire’. I have one word to describe this book: Great. Superb. Excellent. Brilliant. [However,] Vltchek pays virtually no attention to the effectiveness of nonviolent strategy in resisting empire.
→ read full articleNo Progress on Nuclear Weapons Control – As Planned
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
8 Jun 2015
US Leadership Vetoes Steps toward Nuclear Weapons-Free World
→ read full articleNuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Calculator
Robert Rosner, Jeremy Klavans and Sam Olofin – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
8 Jun 2015
Discussions of the future of nuclear power often focus on safety, proliferation, waste storage, and carbon emissions – accepting cost as a given. This tool breaks the cost of investing in nuclear power into its component parts and considers the price of three configurations of the ‘fuel cycle.’
→ read full article(Português) Cuba: Uma Nação Altiva
Laurindo Lalo Leal Filho – Carta Maior,
8 Jun 2015
Cuba vinha recebendo em média 2,5 milhões de turistas por ano. No primeiro trimestre de 2015, já chegam a 1 milhão. No entanto, em uma visão impressionista, circulando alguns dias por Havana é possível perceber que a contaminação turística não tirou dos cubanos a altivez cunhada numa longa história de lutas em busca da soberania nacional.
→ read full articleDaniel Ellsberg Credits Edward Snowden with Catalysing US Surveillance Reform
Ewen MacAskill in London, and Dan Roberts and Ben Jacobs in Washington – The Guardian,
8 Jun 2015
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden should be thanked for sparking the debate that forced Congress to change US surveillance law, Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, said Monday [1 Jun 2015].
→ read full articleWashington Politicizes Football
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jun 2015
Whether or not FIFA decisions are tainted by bribery, the purpose of the “investigation” is to cast doubt on the decision to hold the World Cup in Russia. The World Cup is a global spectacle and conveys prestige on the host country. Washington intends to deny this prestige to Russia. That is what the “investigation” is about.
→ read full articleNuclear Realism
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Jun 2015
27 May 2015 – There’s a category of political intellectuals who proudly proclaim themselves “realists,” then proceed to defend and advance a deeply faith-based agenda that centers on the ongoing necessity to prepare for war, including nuclear war. These intellectuals, as they defend the military-industrial status quo (which often supports them financially), have made themselves the spokespersons for a deep human cancer: a soul cancer.
→ read full articleLeaked Internal Documents Show U.N. Ignored CAR Child Abuse
Roger Hamilton-Martin, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Jun 2015
May 29 2015 – Leaked United Nations documents show high-level staff knew of abuses by soldiers in the Central African Republic and failed to act, all while planning the removal of U.N. whistleblower Anders Kompass.
→ read full articleFinance like a Cancer Grows
Roberto Savio, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Jun 2015
To bail out the banks, the world has collectively spent around 4 trillion dollars of taxpayers’ money. It is astonishing that every week we see action being taken in various part of the world against the financial sector, without any noticeable reaction of public opinion. The “new ethic” is in reality a cancer, and it is metastasising rapidly
→ read full articleWhy Elites Love Drones
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Serviver,
25 May 2015
The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. once said: ‘The enemy is violence.’ But I believe the true enemy is our fear: the fear of nonviolently resisting violence, in all of its manifestations. Are you afraid?
→ read full articleA Color Revolution for Macedonia
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 May 2015
22 May 2015 – During the Cold War Washington was concerned about communists fomenting street protests that they could turn into revolutions, with groomed politicians waiting in the wings to take over the new government, thus expanding the Soviet empire. Today this is precisely what Washington does. Why is Washington interested in controlling Macedonia?
→ read full article(русский-Russian) Вашингтон признал, что поддерживал радикальных исламистов в Сирии
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 May 2015
Как отмечает в своей статье обозреватель НВО Тони Карталучи, как отмечается в одной из недавних публикаций авторитетного Брукингского института, который является одним из главных центров геополитического планирования в США, на территории Турции на протяжении долгого времени действовал (и продолжает действовать по сей день) командный центр разведки США, который осуществлял контроль за всеми операциями поддерживаемых США различных групп, включая ИГИЛ и так называемую «умеренную оппозицию».
→ read full articleEmirates Becomes Latest Airline to Ban Transport of Big Game Hunting Trophies
Taylor Hill – TakePart Magazine,
18 May 2015
15 May 2015 – Watch out, big game hunters: The options for bringing back animal trophies from your African safaris are dwindling. Emirates SkyCargo, the world’s third-largest cargo carrier behind FedEx and UPS, has announced it will stop carrying trophies of elephants, rhinos, lions, and tigers aboard its planes.
→ read full articleNuclear Proliferation Is Still the Greatest Threat We Face
Valerie Plame Wilson - Reader Supported News,
18 May 2015
Twenty-six years after the end of the Cold War, the world still has more than 15,000 nuclear weapons. Whatever other issues people care about — poverty, the environment, inequality and so many others — if we don’t get this one right, and soon, nothing else will matter. We are at a crossroads on this issue and the decisions we make over the next 10 years will set us on a course either toward the elimination of all nuclear weapons or toward expanding arsenals and proliferation.
→ read full articleHillary Clinton, Phosphates, and the Western Sahara
Stephen Zunes – National Catholic Reporter,
18 May 2015
Morocco has ignored a series of U.N. Security Council resolutions and a landmark World Court decision underscoring the right of the Western Saharan people to self-determination. In 2002, then U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Hans Corell determined that the exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara is a “violation of the international law principles applicable to mineral resource activities in Non-Self-Governing Territories.”
→ read full articleThe Origins of That Eisenhower ‘Every Gun That Is Made…’ Quote
Robert Schlesinger – US News & World Report,
18 May 2015
The quote currently making the rounds on Facebook is genuine Eisenhower: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone… “
→ read full articleA New Dark Age of Militarism
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 May 2015
13 May 2015 – “What struck me,” journalist Christian Parenti said in a recent Truthout interview, referring to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, “was the fact that these local towns and states around the region were sending the only resources they had to New Orleans: weapons and militarized gear.
→ read full articleUS “Operation Rooms” Backing Al Qaeda in Syria
Tony Cartalucci, New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 May 2015
US policy think-tank Brookings Institution confirms that contrary to propaganda, US-Saudi “moderates” and Turkey-Qatar “Islamists” have been coordinating all along.
→ read full article(Castellano) La ciencia sostiene que la felicidad está en viajar y no en comprar bienes materiales
Journal of Positive Psychology – Diario Norte,
18 May 2015
La investigación publicada en el “Journal of Positive Psychology” afirma que la gratificación instantánea generada al adquirir objetos como ropa, zapatillas o joyas caras es únicamente pasajera.
→ read full articleYarmouk and the Failures of Neutral Humanitarianism
Brent Eng & José Ciro Martínez – Al Jazeera America,
11 May 2015
Aid agencies should acknowledge their role in exacerbating the Syrian crisis. By bringing external resources into life-or-death situations characterized by scarcity, aid agencies have indirectly exacerbated the very situation that they are trying to ameliorate.
→ read full articlePeace Lessons: How to Reduce Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of, and the relationships among, direct, structural and cultural violence–particularly developed by Professor Johan Galtung–and how one peace studies scholar suggests we use the integrative power of nonviolence to address violence constructively, then I suggest you read the new book by historian, playwright and novelist Professor Timothy Braatz called ‘Peace Lessons’.
→ read full articleIt Is Time to Call Radio “Liberty” What It Is: Radio Gestapo Amerika
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
6 May 2015 – Radio “Liberty” has always been a propaganda ministry. Formerly its propaganda was directed against the Soviet Union. Today it is directed against distinguished Americans who are known and respected for their allegiance to the truth. It has declared America’s most distinguished Russian scholar, Stephen Cohen, to be “a Putin apologist.” He is a professor of Russian studies at both Princeton University and New York University and was advisor to President George Herbert Walker Bush. Mikhail Gorbachev also trusted Cohen, and little doubt that Cohen helped to bring about the end of the Cold War.
→ read full articleThe West and Its Self-Assumed Right to Intervene
Roberto Savio, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
The ‘West’ is a concept that flourished during the Cold War. Then it was West against East in the form of the Soviet empire. The East was evil against which all democratic countries – read West – were called on to fight. Led by the United States, in the case of the Arab world, it has created situations that justify subsequent military interventions which have had a high cost in both human and financial terms.
→ read full articleA Destination, Unknown
Ashok T. Chakravarthy – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
The clouds rain
Without selfish motives,
Be it an ocean
Or a green land
The Choice before Europe
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
Washington continues to drive Europe toward one or the other of the two most likely outcomes of the orchestrated conflict with Russia. Either Europe or some European Union member government will break from Washington over the issue of Russian sanctions, thereby forcing the EU off of the path of conflict with Russia, or Europe will be pushed into military conflict with Russia.
→ read full articleCosta Rica’s Energy Nearly 100 Percent Clean
Diego Arguedas Ortiz, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
May 5 2015 – Costa Rica has almost reached its goal of an energy mix based solely on renewable sources, harnessing solar, wind and geothermal power, as well as the energy of the country’s rivers. In 2015, 97 percent of the country’s energy supply will come from clean sources.
→ read full article(Castellano) Los Expertos Advierten de la Necesidad de Reconocer los Resentimientos
Carta de la Paz dirigida a la ONU– TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 May 2015
“Los resentimientos son fruto del desamor y del desprecio, muchos resentimientos nacen de la comparación y de una visión subjetiva de las cosas y por eso las personas resentidas nunca se sienten satisfechas con la justicia. Para gestionar los resentimientos, en primer lugar hay que reconocerlos; y, en segundo lugar, pasar necesariamente por la justicia. Cuando no hay justicia el mal queda dentro y el resentimiento crece”.
→ read full article(Català) Els experts adverteixen de la necessitat de reconèixer els ressentiments
Carta de la Pau dirigida a l'ONU – TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 May 2015
“La gestió dels ressentiments s’ha de fer des del llenguatge i des de les institucions creant relats de reconciliació. Aquest procés demana temps, recursos, dedicació i energies i, en contra de tot això, ara volem perdons express”.
→ read full articleThose Damned Migrants [Refugees]: Blame It All on Them!
Steve Weissman - Reader Supported News,
4 May 2015
“It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorstep of the world’s wealthiest continent,” declared actress Angelina Jolie, the UN’s Special Envoy for Refugees. “No one risks the lives of their children in this way except out of utter desperation.”
→ read full articleThe Day after Damascus Falls
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
4 May 2015
The Saudi-Israeli alliance has gone on the offensive, ramping up a “regime change” war in Syria and, in effect, promoting a military victory for Al-Qaeda or its spinoff, the Islamic State. But the consequences of that victory could toll the final bell for the American Republic.
→ read full article