Articles by America

We found 238 results.

Behind the Scenes with the Reporter Who Took Down Murdoch
Media Matters for America – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2011

Nick Davies is a British journalist and filmmaker who began his career in the mid-1970s. An accomplished freelancer and special correspondent for the Guardian, he is the author of five books, including Flat Earth News, a withering and widely-praised critique of the British press. His forthcoming sixth book will concern the latest and arguably most important scoop of his career — the phone hacking scandal that has rocked News Corp. to its foundation.

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From WikiLeaks to SB 1070—The Rise of the New Global Hacktivists
Justine Sharrock – New America Media, 4 Jul 2011

Fear of arrests has caused some to leave the movement, if only temporarily. But for others, the threat of arrests—and the media attention that results—has fueled their determination. The chatrooms are filled with bravado and humor making fun of journalists, analysts and the FBI for their incompetence. As Anonymous members see it, they’re engaged in a battle of brains and they are winning.

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(Castellano) México: Guerra Antidrogas, Plan Perverso
Salvador González Briceño – América Latina en Movimiento, 27 Jun 2011

Con datos de la ONU, de 1988 a 2008 el uso de drogas aumentó en 34.5%; la cocaína en 27%; la mariguana en 8.5%. Sólo este año, entre 20 y 25 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses usarán alguna droga ilícita, unos 10 millones más que en 1970, y cada día suman 8 mil a la cuenta fatal. Otro dato indica que EU destina unos 15 mil millones en la “guerra contra las drogas”, pero cálculos conservadores señalan que la cifra se acerca a los 40 mil millones.

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The Last Nail by Ron Paul — With Documented Hyperlinks
Thomas R. Eddlem - New American, 6 Jun 2011

Congressman Ron Paul delivered a five-minute speech on the floor of the House of Representatives May 25, a short speech that may sound to the uninformed like one wild statement after another. In his speech, Dr. Paul (he’s an obstetrician) made a number of charges that the executive branch of government has established a virtual dictatorship with the willing assistance of Congress and many Americans who fear for their “security.”

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Greenpeace Slams Japan Response to Nuclear Crisis, Cites Sea Radiation
Reuters – Scientific American, 30 May 2011

Environmental group Greenpeace on Thursday [26 May 2011] slammed Japan’s “continued inadequate response” to the nuclear disaster at a power plant after new data showed seaweed radiation levels 50 times higher than official limits. “In contrast, Japanese authorities claim that radioactivity is being dispersed or diluted and are undertaking only limited marine radiation monitoring,” it said.

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Who’s Killing the Journalists of Honduras?
Andrew O'Reilly - Latin American News Dispatch, 23 May 2011

While many blame drug-trafficking organizations that use Honduras as a stopover point between South America and Mexico for the spike in violence against media workers, others point a finger at the Honduran government and their crackdown on opposition journalists after the June 2009 coup.

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The Other BRIC in Latin America: India
Jorge Heine and R. Viswanathan – Americas Quarterly, 9 May 2011

India emerges as a major partner for Latin America. Welcome to the new kid on the block.

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China in Latin America
Americas Quarterly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2011

Interview – Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Jinzhang on his country’s plans as it increases economic and political ties to Latin America.

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A Guide to ALBA
Joel D. Hirst – Americas Quarterly, 9 May 2011

The Bolivarian Alternative – What does ALBA actually do? A guide to President Chávez and Fidel Castro’s regional project.

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Reflections on Brazil’s Global Rise
Celso Amorim – Americas Quarterly, 9 May 2011

The man who led Brazil into its new global era discusses his diplomatic vision and Brazil-U.S. relations.

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Haiti’s New President: Welcome to the Toughest Job in the Americas
Robert Maguire – Americas Quarterly, 9 May 2011

Haiti’s next president must put the country on a path to real development.

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In U.S. Prisons, Inmates Sold Into Sex Slavery
Claudia Núñez – New America Media, 18 Apr 2011

In prisons across the country, gangs are selling their fellow inmates into sex trafficking in order to increase their power and profits. Ex-convict Scott Howard, a survivor of the prison sex trade, described being smuggled from prison to prison over a two-year period. His “owners” — members of a white supremacist gang — sold him to a group of Norteño gang members, who forced Howard to prostitute himself in exchange for $7 to $20 per sexual encounter, an abuse that was repeated over the course of many years.

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Is Japan’s Elite Hiding a Weapons Program Inside Nuclear Plants?
Yoichi Shimatsu – New America Media, 18 Apr 2011

The nihilism at the heart of this nuclear threat to humanity lies not inside Fukushima 1, but within the national security mindset. The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U.S.-Japan security treaty, the root cause of the secrecy that fatally delayed the nuclear workers’ fight against meltdown.

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Hackers Shutdown Egyptian Regime’s Websites
Alex Newman - The New American, 7 Feb 2011

A loosely affiliated network of hackers around the world known as “Anonymous” took credit for shutting down the Egyptian regime’s websites in support of anti-government protestors. The group is also targeting other tyrants in the region.

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Women Lead Latin America’s Growing Anti-Militarization Movements
Laura Carlsen – Americas Program, 7 Feb 2011

When George W. Bush left the White House, the rest of the world breathed a sigh of relief. The National Security Doctrine of unilateral attacks, the invasion of Iraq under the false pretext of weapons of mass destruction, and the abandonment of multilateral forums had opened up a new phase of U.S. aggression. Despite the focus on the Middle East, the increased threat of U.S. military intervention cast a long shadow over many parts of the world. Two years later, that sense of relief has given way to deep concern. After hopes of a something closer to FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy of (relative) non-intervention, we find ourselves facing a new wave of militarization in Latin America–supported and promoted by the Obama administration.

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Peru Recognises Palestinian State
Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent – The Guardian, 31 Jan 2011

Peru last night [24 Jan 2011] announced it recognises Palestine as a state, becoming the seventh South American country to do so in a rapid diplomatic domino effect which has alarmed Israel.

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(Castellano) Foro Social Mundial: 10 Años Después
Emir Sader – ALAI, América Latina en Movimiento, 31 Jan 2011

Diez años después de su primera edición, el Foro Social Mundial (FSM) vuelve África, en un escenario mundial muy diferente al de 2001. En ese entonces la hegemonía del modelo neoliberal aún era grande, la economía mundial no había entrado en crisis y, principalmente, América Latina aún estaba dominada por gobiernos neoliberales, con excepción de Venezuela y Cuba.

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(Castellano) Sudamérica, Una Década que Cambió el Continente
Raúl Zibechi – Americas Program, 17 Jan 2011

En muchos sentidos, la primera década del siglo XXI es la contracara de la última del XX. La lista de cambios es tan larga como trascendente. Resta saber si se trata de un paréntesis o de un nuevo comienzo. En todo caso, la región no volverá a ser lo que fue.

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Latin America: The Decade that Transformed a Continent
Raúl Zibechi – Americas Program, 17 Jan 2011

In many ways, the first decade of the 21st Century was the flip side of the last decade of the twentieth century in South America. There have been numerous and significant changes. We still don’t know if it’s a glitch in time or a new beginning. In any case, the region will never be the same.

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Haiti One Year On: Suffering, Lost Opportunities and Political Paralysis
Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent – The Guardian, 10 Jan 2011

1 million people still live in makeshift accommodation and only 5% of rubble left by earthquake cleared, Oxfam report says. Government dithering and lack of coordination between aid agencies and donors have crippled rebuilding efforts in Haiti, leaving the country in ruins almost a year after the earthquake, a report says today [6 Jan 2011].

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(Italian) Se l’ONU condanna ancora l’embargo a Cuba e i media non se ne accorgono
Gianni Minà - Latinoamerica, 15 Nov 2010

La recenti elezioni di Dilma Rousseff alla Presidenza del Brasile e di Pepe Mujica in Uruguay, così come l’undicesima vittoria in dodici anni di Ugo Chavez nelle elezioni di metà mandato in Venezuela, hanno confermato il vento progressista che spira in America latina e che, evidentemente, influenza le scelte di molti altri paesi, specie del sud del mondo.

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Nobel’s Pro-Military Agenda and the Future World Order
Yoichi Shimatsu – New America Media, 25 Oct 2010

These are chilling words coming from the chairman of the Nobel Peace Committee:

At a NATO-sponsored conference of European parliamentarians last year, Jagland spoke tough words: “When we are not able to stop tyranny, war starts. This is why NATO is indispensable. NATO is the only multilateral military organization rooted in international law. It is an organization that the U.N. can use when necessary—to stop tyranny, like we did in the Balkans.” His reference was to the NATO bombing campaign, invasion and occupation of the now-terminated Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia in the late 1990s. To summarize his message: If, anywhere in the world, tyrants cannot be overthrown by peaceful means, war is inevitable—and NATO will wage that war.

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(Italian) Quale Sarà la Nuova Scusa per Continuare ad Angariare Cuba?
Gianni Minà – Latinoamerica, 11 Oct 2010

Recentemente Amnesty International ha reso noto che alla data del 15 agosto 2010, a Cuba i prigionieri politici [o “di coscienza”, come li definisce la stessa organizzazione] erano soltanto 27. Poi, dopo una successiva liberazione, in osservanza degli accordi raggiunti a giugno dal governo de l’Avana con la mediazione della Chiesa cattolica e del Ministro degli esteri spagnolo Moratinos, era rimasto un unico recluso anti-sistema, Rolando Jiménez Pozada, in carcere “per disobbedienza e per aver rivelato segreti di Stato”. Una realtà clamorosa, accolta con un silenzio assordante dai media occidentali e perfino dal governo di Washington.

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While Israel Kills and Maims …
Alison Weir – If Americans Knew, 14 Jun 2010

The Outrage at Helen Thomas. Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene.

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Prof. Javier Corrales – Americas Quarterly, 23 Mar 2010

When most straight people are forced to think about gay people, they usually think of one thing first, sex. A political scientist might focus instead on a different question:  how do gays perform in politics?  Judged from their political achievements this past decade, the answer is, at least for Latin American gays:  they’re pretty good. […]

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Gianni Minà – LatinoAmerica e tutti i sud del mondo, 20 Mar 2010

Alzando la bandiera dell’uguaglianza di condizioni commerciali il Brasile sconfigge gli Stati Uniti nell’Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio (OMC) che stabilisce il pieno diritto di Brasilia ad applicare sanzioni commerciali contro gli Stati Uniti, rei da sempre di assistere indebitamente la propria industria e la propria agricoltura. Senza risalire a Mar del Plata e all’impallinamento […]

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Gianni Minà – LatinoAmerica, Editoriale, 21 Jan 2010

A meno di 24 ore dalla catastrofe che ha disintegrato la già poverissima isola caraibica di colonizzazione francese, i 344 medici e specialisti della salute cubani che, in 227 dei 337 comuni del paese aiutano e curano da tempo, quotidianamente, quella martoriata umanità, erano già intervenuti in più di mille emergenze. Solo tre di loro […]

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Gianni Minà – LatinoAmerica, Editoriale, 21 Jan 2010

Un giudice federale di Washington, Ricardo Urbina, ha rifiutato l’incriminazione per strage di alcuni mercenari nordamericani, dipendenti della famigerata Blackwater, accusati di aver ucciso, senza motivo, 17 civili iracheni a Baghdad nel 2007. Le ragioni con cui Urbina ha motivato la sua decisione sono una vera e propria caricatura del garantismo più estremo e capzioso: […]

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Amb. Robert E. White – Americas Program, Center for International Policy, 12 Jan 2010

Despite many credible reports of violent crackdowns against supporters of ousted president, Mel Zelaya, the de facto government of Honduras has managed to hold presidential elections that came off better than most observers had expected. The easy victor was the conservative Nationalist Party candidate, Porfirio Lobo. The United States quickly recognized the election results. Yet, […]

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Embajador Robert E. White - Programa de las Américas, Centro de Política Internacional, 12 Jan 2010

A pesar de reportes creíbles de las campañas violentas contra los que apoyan al expulsado presidente, Mel Zelaya, el gobierno de facto de Honduras ha logrado reclamar elecciones presidenciales que salieron mejor de lo que la mayoría de los observadores habían previsto. El vencedor fácil fue el candidato conservador del Partido Nacionalista, Porfirio Lobo. Estados […]

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Jalal Ghazi - New America Media, 9 Jan 2010

This is too terrible even to imagine.  And the US is continuing to use depleted uranium.  If Americans were allowed to see these deformed babies, Iraqi and American, even their pictures and articles in the newspapers and newsmagazines and on TV, could they continue to support war?  I don’t think so.  It is unconscionable, barbaric. […]

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Joseph Gerson – American Friends Service Committee, 9 Jan 2010

The Boston Globe ran a major article in yesterday’s [3 Jan 2009] Sunday paper under the title "Obama presses review of nuclear strategy." It focuses more on the possible removal of the bomber leg of the nuclear "triad" and possible reductions in land based ICBMs. As the following letter to the editor indicates, I thought […]

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Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – ALBA, 31 Dec 2009

The following is the statement issued by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) on 18 December in response to the results of the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit. We, the countries that make up ALBA, denounce before the world the threat that the results of the United Nations Conference in Copenhagen pose for […]

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Raúl Zibechi -, 19 Jun 2009

On June 5, World Environment Day, Amazon Indians were massacred by the government of Alan Garcia in the latest chapter of a long war to take over common lands—a war unleashed by the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Peru and the United States. Three MI-17 helicopters took off from the base of […]

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ANP-American News Project, 10 Apr 2009

Credit card lobbyists glum as Senate passes 2 separate bills to protect consumers. 5:39-Min Video The Real News Network CLICK TO VIEW

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Lucia Newman, Latin America editor, 31 Mar 2009

The Moors invaded and conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula in 711AD. By the time they were driven out of Granada in 1492, the Arabs had left an indelible racial and cultural imprint. Both the Spanish and Portuguese languages have a marked Arabic influence. Yet when the Spanish and Portuguese crossed the Atlantic to conquer […]

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Jalal Ghazi - New America Media, News Analysis, 21 Dec 2008

Eye on Arab Media Editor’s Note: While President-elect Barack Obama vows to pull back from Iraq and focus military action on Afghanistan, Taliban leader Mullah Omar is working hard to negotiate his way out of this situation. Jalal Ghazi is the associate producer of the Peabody Award-winning show "Mosaic: World News from the Middle East," […]

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Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent, 20 Oct 2008

• Self-reliance beckons for communist state • Estimate means reserves are on a par with US Friends and foes have called Cuba many things – a progressive beacon, a quixotic underdog, an oppressive tyranny – but no one has called it lucky, until now . Mother nature, it emerged this week, appears to have blessed […]

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