Articles by Amy Goodman

We found 283 results.

Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 26 Nov 2012

“Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God,” a new documentary by Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney, investigates how a charismatic priest in Milwaukee abused more than 200 deaf children in a Catholic boarding school under his control.

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UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk Talks About the Slaughter in Gaza (Video of the Week)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 26 Nov 2012

[TRANSCEND Member] Richard Falk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories, calls on the international community to help defend the people of Gaza from the ongoing U.S.-backed Israeli assault.

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Noam Chomsky on Gaza
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 19 Nov 2012

“It’s kind of amazing and inspiring to see people managing somehow to survive, as essentially caged animals, and subject to constant, random, sadistic punishment only to humiliate them”

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The Growing Global Movement against Austerity
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 19 Nov 2012

The general strike that swept across Europe Nov. 14 [2012] had its genesis in the deepening crisis in Spain, Portugal and Greece. As a result of the global economic collapse in 2008, Spain is in a deep financial crisis. Unemployment has surpassed 25 percent, and among young people is estimated at 50 percent. Large banks have enjoyed bailouts while they enforce mortgages that an increasing number of Spaniards are unable to meet, provoking increasing numbers of foreclosures and attempted evictions [suicides].

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California’s Food Fight: To Label or Not to Label GMOs
Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan - Democracy NOW!, 5 Nov 2012

Of the 11 initiatives before the 2012 California electorate, one drawing perhaps the most attention is Proposition 37, on the labeling of food containing genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Whether or not this ballot passes could have a significant impact on how our food system is organized, favoring small, local organic-food producers (if it passes), or allowing for the increased expansion of large, corporate agribusiness (if it fails).

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Howard Zinn on Columbus, Mark Twain – Honesty in History (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2012

Segment from Democracy NOW! aired May 13, 2009 featuring the great late historian Howard Zinn.

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Daniel Ellsberg: I Congratulate Ecuador for Standing Up to British Empire to Protect Julian Assange
Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez – Democracy NOW!, 21 Aug 2012

Daniel Ellsberg, the most famous whistleblower in the United States, praises Ecuador for granting political asylum to Julian Assange to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning over sex crime accusations. “I congratulate Ecuador of course for standing up to the British Empire here, for insisting that they are not a British colony, and acting as a sovereign state ought to act,” said Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, the secret history of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

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The Obama Administration Torpedoes the Arms Trade Treaty
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 6 Aug 2012

In late June [2012], activists gathered in New York’s Times Square to make the absurd point, that, unbelievably, “there are more rules governing your ability to trade a banana from one country to the next than governing your ability to trade an AK-47 or a military helicopter.” So said Amnesty International USA’s Suzanne Nossel at the protest.

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WikiLeaks, War Crimes and the Pinochet Principle
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 4 Jun 2012

Judge Garzon and Julian Assange have taken on entrenched power, whether government, military or corporate. Bradley Manning stands accused of the same. In differing degrees, their lives have forever changed, their careers, their freedoms and their reputations threatened or destroyed. This week, Hillary Clinton will be making the first official trip to Sweden in years. Why? What role is the U.S. government playing in Assange’s case?

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Johan Galtung Reflects on Norwegian Massacre, Afghan War (Part 1) (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 23 Apr 2012

Today [17 Apr 2012] is the second day of the trial of Anders Behring Breivik, the anti-Muslim Norwegian militant who massacred 77 people last summer. in a shooting spree at a summer youth camp on an island organized by the ruling Labour Party. As the trial continues in Norway, we are joined by Norwegian sociologist and mathematician, Johan Galtung who is regarded as the principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies. His granddaughter was on the island when Breivik attacked.

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WikiLeaks: Leaked Emails Expose Inner Workings of Private Intelligence Firm Stratfor, a “Shadow CIA” (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 5 Mar 2012

The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has begun publishing what it says are 5.5 million emails obtained from the servers of Stratfor, a private U.S.-based intelligence-gathering firm known to some as a “shadow CIA” for corporations and government agencies.

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WikiLeaks vs. Stratfor: Pursue the Truth, Not Its Messenger
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 5 Mar 2012

The White House is holding a gala dinner this week, honoring Iraq War veterans. Bradley Manning is an Iraq War vet who won’t be there. He is being court-martialed, facing life in prison or possibly death, for allegedly releasing thousands of military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks revealing the casualties of war. President Barack Obama would better serve the country by also honoring Assange and Manning. We should pursue the truth, not its messengers.

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U.S. Maintains Embargo of Cuba after 50 Years, Despite International Condemnation (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 13 Feb 2012

There are no commemorations planned in Washington, D.C., but today marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S. embargo against Cuba — the longest-running embargo in the world. On February 7, 1962, President John F. Kennedy formally expanded the harsh regime of commercial and financial sanctions against Cuba that have continued to the present day.

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The Day the Internet Roared
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 23 Jan 2012

Wednesday, Jan. 18 [2012], marked the largest online protest in the history of the Internet. Websites from large to small “went dark” in protest of proposed legislation before the U.S. House and Senate that could profoundly change the Internet.

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Bradley Manning and the Fog of War
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 26 Dec 2011

Accused whistle-blower Pvt. Bradley Manning turned 24 Saturday [17 Dec 2011]. He spent his birthday in a pretrial military hearing that could ultimately lead to a sentence of life … or death. The prosecution offered words Manning allegedly wrote to Assange as evidence of his guilt. In the email, Manning described the leak as “one of the more significant documents of our time, removing the fog of war and revealing the true nature of 21st century asymmetrical warfare.” History will no doubt use the same words as irrefutable proof of Manning’s courage.

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Climate Apartheid
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 19 Dec 2011

The countries in attendance agreed to a schedule that would lead to an agreement by 2015, which would commit all countries to reduce emissions starting no sooner than 2020, eight years into the future. Despite optimistic pronouncements to the contrary, many believe the Kyoto Protocol died in Durban. The largest polluter in world history, the United States, never ratified the Kyoto Protocol and remains defiant.

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Listen to the People, Not the Polluters
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 12 Dec 2011

The Dirty Dozen in Durban include Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil, Koch Industries and BASF, along with industry trade groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the WBCSD and the American Petroleum Institute. Greenpeace highlighted these corporations and corporate umbrella groups for their presence in Durban, and for their actions throughout the global-climate-change negotiating process, in undermining meaningful progress.

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Cry, the Beloved Climate
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 5 Dec 2011

The United Nations’ annual climate summit descended on Durban, South Africa, this week, but not in time to prevent the tragic death of Qodeni Ximba. The 17-year-old was one of 10 people killed in Durban on Sunday, the night before the U.N. conference opened. Torrential rains pummeled the seaside city of 3.5 million.

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Pulling Accounts from the Unaccountable
Amy Goodman – Nation of Change, 28 Nov 2011

Just after the financial crash in late 2008, activists in Oregon started looking into the creation of a state bank, modeled after the only state-owned bank in the United States, in North Dakota. The cities of Portland and Seattle are now looking into shifting their massive municipal accounts away from the Wall Street banks. According to one report, Bank of America may lose upward of $185 billion from customers closing accounts.

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Deadly Monopolies: Medical Ethicist Harriet Washington on How Firms Are Taking Over Life
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 21 Nov 2011

(8-min Interview) Our guest, Harriet Washington, is a medical ethicist and has just published a book that examines the extent to which what she calls the medical-industrial complex has come to control human life. In the past 30 years, more than 40,000 patents have been granted on genes alone — many more patents are pending. Washington argues that the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies patenting these genes are more concerned with profit than with the health or medical needs of patients.

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The Brave New World of Occupy Wall Street
Amy Goodman – truthdig, 21 Nov 2011

We got word just after 1 a.m. Tuesday [15 Nov 2011] that New York City police were raiding the Occupy Wall Street encampment. Hundreds of riot police surrounded the area. As they ripped down the tents, city sanitation workers were throwing the protesters’ belongings into dump trucks. I spotted a single book on the ground. It was marked “OWSL,” for Occupy Wall Street Library, also known as the People’s Library. By the latest count, it had accumulated 5,000 donated books. The one I found, amidst the debris of democracy that was being hauled off to the dump, was “Brave New World Revisited,” by Aldous Huxley.

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Arundhati Roy: “Occupy Wall Street Is So Important Because It Is In the Heart of Empire”
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 21 Nov 2011

Renowned Indian writer and global justice activist Arundhati Roy is preparing to address Occupy Wall Street on Wednesday [16 Nov 2011]. She recently joined us in the studio to talk about the Occupy movement. “What they are doing becomes so important because it is in the heart of empire, or what used to be empire,” Roy said. “And to criticize and to protest against the model that the rest of the world is aspiring to is a very important and very serious business.

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A New Bush Era or a Push Era?
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 17 Oct 2011

Back when Barack Obama was still just a U.S. senator running for president, he told a group of donors in a New Jersey suburb, “Make me do it.” He was borrowing from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who used the same phrase (according to Harry Belafonte, who heard the story directly from Eleanor Roosevelt) when responding to legendary union organizer A. Philip Randolph’s demand for civil rights for African-Americans.

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Policing the Prophets of Wall Street
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 10 Oct 2011

On Labor Day 2008, the “Democracy Now!” news team and I were covering the first day of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Thousands protested outside. The riot police had encircled the area. I ran up to the police, my credentials hanging around my neck. It wasn’t seconds before they tore me through the police line, twisted my arms behind my back and handcuffed me, a Secret Service agent came over and ripped the credentials from around our necks. We filed suit. This past week, the St. Paul and Minneapolis police and the Secret Service have settled with us. In addition to paying out $100,000, the St. Paul police department has agreed…

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U.S. “Occupy” Movement Grows as Protests Reported in 847 Cities; Obama Notes “Frustration”
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 10 Oct 2011 – Parallel actions inspired by New York City’s Occupy Wall Street continue to spring up across the United States. As of Friday morning, the website “Occupy Together,” hub for nationwide events in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street reported gatherings in 847 cities.

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Cornel West on Occupy Wall Street: It’s the Makings of a U.S. Autumn Responding to the Arab Spring
Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2011

“It’s impossible to translate the issue of the greed of Wall Street into one demand, or two demands. We’re talking about a democratic awakening,” said Dr. Cornel West when he spoke with Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman during a visit Tuesday night to the Occupy Wall Street encampment. Some critics have expressed frustration at the protest’s lack of a clear and unified message. But the Princeton University professor emphasized that “you’re talking about raising political consciousness so it spills over all parts of the country, so people can begin to see what’s going on through a set of different lens, and then you begin to highlight what the more detailed demands would be.

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99 Percenters Occupy Wall Street
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 26 Sep 2011

David Graeber teaches at Goldsmiths, University of London, and has authored “Debt: The First 5,000 Years.” Graeber points out that, in the midst of the financial crash of 2008, enormous debts between banks were renegotiated. He said: “Debts between the very wealthy or between governments can always be renegotiated and always have been throughout world history. … It’s when you have debts owed by the poor to the rich that suddenly debts become a sacred obligation, more important than anything else. The idea of renegotiating them becomes unthinkable.”

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Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Dark Art of Propaganda
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 5 Sep 2011

“When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it,” wrote Joseph Goebbels, Germany’s Reich minister of propaganda, in 1941. Former Vice President Dick Cheney seems to have taken the famous Nazi’s advice in his new book, “In My Time.”

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David House on Bradley Manning, Secret WikiLeaks Grand Jury, and U.S. Surveillance
Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2011

On the eve of the extradition hearing for WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange in London, we spend an exclusive hour with David House, who co-founded the Bradley Manning Support Network after U.S. Army Private Manning was arrested for allegedly releasing classified U.S. military documents to WikiLeaks. House refused to testify last month in Alexandria, Virginia, before a grand jury hearing on WikiLeaks and the disclosure of thousands of classified U.S. diplomatic cables.

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WikiLeaks, Wimbledon and War
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 11 Jul 2011

Last Saturday [2 Jul 2011] was sunny in London, and the crowds were flocking to Wimbledon and to the annual Henley Regatta. Julian Assange, the founder of the whistle-blower website, was making his way by train from house arrest in Norfolk, three hours away, to join me and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek for a public conversation about WikiLeaks, the power of information and the importance of transparency in democracies.

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‘Food Terrorism’ Next Door to the Magic Kingdom
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 4 Jul 2011

In the past few weeks, no fewer than 21 people have been arrested in Orlando, Fla., the home of Disney World, for handing out free food in a park.

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Harvard, Vanderbuilt, Spelman Take Part in African Land Grab
Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2011

A new report raises questions about the connection of Harvard, Vanderbilt and other U.S. universities to European financial interests buying or leasing vast areas of African farmland.

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The Audacity of Hope: U.S. Peace Activists to Sail to Gaza in Humanitarian Flotilla (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2011

Mon, Jun 20, 2011 – Dozens of Americans hope to set sail this week on a U.S.-flagged ship, “The Audacity of Hope,” as part of an international flotilla which aims to challenge Israel’s embargo of the Gaza Strip. Palestinian solidarity activists are setting sail from a number of ports just over a year after Israeli forces killed nine activists on an aid boat called the Mavi Marmara, which was part of the first such international flotilla.

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Japan’s Meltdowns Demand New No-Nukes Thinking
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 27 Jun 2011

Leaders of national nuclear-energy programs are gathering this week in Vienna for the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety. The meeting was called in response to Fukushima. Ironically, the ministers, including U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko, held their meeting safely in a country with no nuclear power plants. Austria is at the forefront of Europe’s new anti-nuclear alliance.

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War on Drugs: Fast, Furious and Fueled by the U.S.
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 20 Jun 2011

The violent deaths of Brian Terry and Juan Francisco Sicilia, separated by the span of just a few months and by the increasingly bloody U.S.-Mexico border, have sparked separate but overdue examinations of the so-called War on Drugs, and how the U.S. government is ultimately exacerbating the problem.

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Hope and Resistance in Honduras
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 6 Jun 2011

As the only U.S. journalist on Zelaya’s flight home, I asked him how he felt about his imminent return. “Full of hope and optimism,” he said. “Political action is possible instead of armaments. No to violence. No to military coups. Coups never more.” When Zelaya landed in Honduras, he kneeled down and kissed the ground. He was greeted by tens of thousands of people cheering and waving the black-and-red flag of the movement born after the coup, the FNRP, or National Front of Popular Resistance, “the resistance” that Zelaya now leads.

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Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Effort to Build a Private Army in the UAE (Part 1 of 2)
Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2011

Independent journalist Jeremy Scahill is interviewed on Democracy Now! about how the United Arab Emirates has confirmed hiring a company headed by Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of the military firm Blackwater. According to the New York Times, the UAE secretly signed a $529 million contract with Prince’s new company, Reflex Responses, to put together an 800-member battalion of foreign mercenaries. Documents show the force is intended to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, defend oil pipelines and skyscrapers from attacks, and put down internal revolts.

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Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Effort to Build a Private Army in the UAE (Part 2 of 2)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 30 May 2011

Independent journalist Jeremy Scahill is interviewed on Democracy Now! about how the United Arab Emirates has confirmed hiring a company headed by Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of the military firm Blackwater. According to the New York Times, the UAE secretly signed a $529 million contract with Prince’s new company, Reflex Responses, to put together an 800-member battalion of foreign mercenaries.

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Tony Kushner and the Angels of Dissent
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 16 May 2011

During the McCarthy era, the U.S. was a dark and dangerous place as well. Now, amid the uprisings in the Arab and Muslim world, the recent rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas, and the likely recognition of Palestinian statehood by the United Nations General Assembly, there is no more urgent time for vigorous and informed debate. The future of peace in the Middle East depends on dissent. Those, like Tony Kushner, with the courage to speak out are the true angels in America.

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TRANSCEND Member Vandana Shiva on Nuclear and Coal Energy, George Monbiot and More [Part 1 of 2] (Video of the Week)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 2 May 2011

On Earth Day, Democracy Now! interviews Vandana Shiva, prominent activist, environmental leader, feminist and thinker from India. Shiva discusses the anti-nuclear movement in India, which has gained momentum over stopping the construction of a new six-reactor nuclear power station, the largest in the world, in Jaitapur. She called Monbiot’s view arrogant as he ‘rubbishes’ views and positions adopted by governments worldwide as well as studies from thousands of scientists and physicists, herself included, just because he has a newspaper column.

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TRANSCEND Member Vandana Shiva on the Corporatization, Commodification and Marketization of Nature [Part 2 of 2] (Video of the Week)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 2 May 2011

“Democracy under corporate control has mutated from of the people, by the people, for the people into of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations. So it is the democratic rights of the people and the earth versus the fictitious corporate rights that corporations have assigned to themselves”.

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Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Death Sentence Declared Unconstitutional
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 2 May 2011

The death penalty case of Mumia Abu-Jamal took a surprising turn this week, as a federal appeals court declared, for the second time, that Abu-Jamal’s death sentence was unconstitutional. While the disputes surrounding Abu-Jamal’s guilt or innocence were not addressed, the case highlights inherent problems with the death penalty and the criminal justice system, especially the role played by race.

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U.S.-Backed Bloodshed Stains Bahrain’s Arab Spring
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 18 Apr 2011

One month into the uprising, Saudi Arabia sent military and police forces over the 16-mile causeway that connects the Saudi mainland to Bahrain, an island. Since then, the protesters, the press and human-rights organizations have suffered increasingly violent repression.

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Aristide’s Return to Haiti: A Long Night’s Journey Into Day
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 28 Mar 2011

The U.S. continued to prevent Aristide from returning for the next seven years. Just last week, President Barack Obama called South African President Jacob Zuma to express “deep concerns” about Aristide’s potential return, and to pressure Zuma to block the trip. Zuma, to his credit, ignored the warning. U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks reveal a concerted, multiyear drive to hamper the return of Aristide to Haiti, including diplomatically punishing any country that helped Aristide, including threatening to block a U.N. Security Council seat for South Africa.

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Exclusive Interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide during Plane Returning to Haiti
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 28 Mar 2011

Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his family were flown on Friday [18 Mar 2011] by the South African government back to their home in Haiti after seven years in exile. Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman was the only reporter to join them on the journey.

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Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Returns Home (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 21 Mar 2011

In defiance of the Obama administration, former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide is headed back to Haiti today for the first time since being ousted in a 2004 U.S.-backed coup. Hours ago, Aristide, his family, and a delegation of supporters boarded a plane in South Africa bound for Port-au-Prince. Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman is with the Aristides to document their journey home. She filed this report.

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When Corporations Choose Despots over Democracy
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 7 Feb 2011

“People holding a sign ‘To: America. From: the Egyptian People. Stop supporting Mubarak. It’s over!” so tweeted my brave colleague, “Democracy Now!” senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous, from the streets of Cairo.

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The WikiLeaks Diplomatic Crisis
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Dec 2010

A powerful video roundtable discussion with Amy Goodman, Daniel Ellsberg, Greg Mitchell, Carne Ross and As’ad Abukhalil. Now we’re getting to the real perspectives on the latest WikiLeaks release.

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WikiLeaks and the End of U.S. ‘Diplomacy’
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 6 Dec 2010

The way the U.S. conducts diplomacy is now getting more exposure than ever—as is the apparent ease with which the U.S. government lives up (or down) to the adage used by pioneering journalist I.F. Stone: “Governments lie.” I asked [Noam] Chomsky about the latest cables released by WikiLeaks. “What this reveals,” he reflected, “is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership.”

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Obama in the Company of Killers
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 15 Nov 2010

If a volcano kills civilians in Indonesia, it’s news. When the government does the killing, sadly, it’s just business as usual, especially if an American president tacitly endorses the killing, as President Barack Obama just did with his visit to Indonesia.

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When Banks Are the Robbers
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 25 Oct 2010

The big banks that caused the collapse of the global finance market, and received tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded bailouts, have likely been engaging in wholesale fraud against homeowners and the courts. But in a promising development this week, attorneys general from all 50 states announced a bipartisan joint investigation into foreclosure fraud.

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From Tuskegee to Guatemala via Nuremberg
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 11 Oct 2010

The U.S. government has frequently conducted experiments without the informed consent of the subjects. Women in Puerto Rico were given estrogen, at dangerous levels, when testing birth control pills. Researchers injected unwitting hospital patients with plutonium to study its effects on the human body. Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson and Pennsylvania prison authorities exposed inmates to chemicals, including dioxin, to test their effects. Subjects of a number of these experiments and others have died or had their lives indelibly harmed, all in the name of progress or profit.

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News at 11: How Climate Change Affects You
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 16 Aug 2010

“Heat, heat, heat is the name of the game on planet Earth this year,” as the world is beset with extreme weather events that have caused the death of thousands and the displacement of millions. Wildfires in Russia have blanketed the country with smoke, exacerbating the hottest summer there in 1,000 years. Torrential rains in Asia have caused massive flooding and deadly landslides in Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan and China. An ice shelf in Greenland has broken off, sending an ice island four times the size of Manhattan into the ocean. Droughts threaten Niger and the Sahel.

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WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW! - Truthdig, 2 Aug 2010

Homeland security agents descended on a recent hacker conference in New York where he was scheduled to speak. He had canceled. He said the Obama administration also tried to get the Australian government to arrest him. Speaking to me from London, Assange said: “We are not pacifists. We are transparency activists who understand that transparent government tends to produce just government. That is our modus operandi behind our whole organization: to get out suppressed information into the public where the press and the public and our nations’ politics can work on it to produce better outcomes.”

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Haiti, Six Months after the Earthquake
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 19 Jul 2010

July 12 marked the six-month anniversary of the devastating earthquake here in Haiti that killed as many as 300,000 people and left much of the country in ruins. Up to 1.8 million people are living in squalid tent cities, with inadequate sanitation, if any, no electricity and little security, or any respite from the intense heat and the worsening rains. Rape, hunger and despair are constant threats to the people stranded in the camps. Six months ago, the world seemed united with commitments to help Haiti recover. Now, half a year later, the rubble remains in place, and misery blankets the camps, layered with heat, drenched by rain.

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If Only Information Flowed as Freely as Oil
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 19 Jul 2010

On BP Shutting Out Scientists, Media: “Deep Spill 2” sounds like a sequel to a Hollywood thriller. Unfortunately, it is more of a reality show. “Deep Spill 2” is the name of an ambitious series of proposed scientific experiments that should be happening right now. Scientists from around the globe are ready, literally, to dive in to understand what is happening with the oil and gas that are spewing into the Gulf of Mexico with the force of a volcano. There is one problem, though: BP won’t let them.

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(Castellano) BP y el Gobierno de los EEUU: Ojalá la Información Fluyera Tan Libremente Como el Petróleo
Amy Goodman – TeleSur, 19 Jul 2010

Las noticias sobre la negación del acceso a los medios se acumulan al igual que las bolas de alquitrán en la playa (que ahora han llegado hasta el Lago Pontchartrain de Louisiana y a las playas de Texas). La periodista de Mother Jones, Mac McClelland describe su experiencia. “Mi problema con el acceso se remonta a hace más de un mes. Las calles estaban bloqueadas por subcomisarios en cualquier lugar que podía ser bloqueado por carretera”.

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Prof. Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 4)
Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

“I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire”: Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out.

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Prof. Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 3)
Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

“I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire”: Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out.

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Prof. Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 1)
Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

“I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire”: Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out.

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Prof. Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 2)
Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

“I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire”: Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out.

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The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Framing the Narrative
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 14 Jun 2010

I caught up with two veteran journalists who were covering the Gaza Freedom Flotilla for Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald, chief correspondent Paul McGeough and his photographer, Kate Geraghty. They were in Istanbul, where they had been deported from Israel. They had spent time on most of the ships of the flotilla, but were aboard the smaller, U.S.-flagged Challenger 1 when the raid occurred.

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Johan Galtung on ‘The Fall of the US Empire’
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 14 Jun 2010

The amount of money the United States has spent on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq surpassed the $1 trillion mark last week, according to the National Priorities Project Cost of War counter. To date over $747 billion has been appropriated for the war in Iraq and $299 billion for the war in Afghanistan. The US is spending over $136 billion on the wars this year. I’m joined now by Johan Galtung, who has spent the past half century pursuing non-violent conflict resolution in international relations. He’s known as a founder of the field of peace and conflict studies.

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BP: Billionaire Polluter
Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 10 May 2010

Less than a week after British Petroleum unleashed what could be the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history, the company announced more than $6 billion in profits.

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Cochabamba, the Water Wars and Climate Change
Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2010

Bolivian President Evo Morales calls Cochabamba the heart of Bolivia. It was here, 10 years ago this month, that, as one observer put it, “the first rebellion of the 21st century” took place. In what was dubbed the Water Wars, people from around Bolivia converged on Cochabamba to overturn the privatization of the public water system.

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Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 12 Apr 2010

We speak with two journalists who have covered Gaza extensively about the dangers and difficulties of reporting from the Occupied Territories: Mohammed Omer, an award-winning Palestinian journalist who was interrogated and beaten by armed Israeli security guards on his way back home to Gaza after receiving the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in London in July of 2008…

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Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 24 Mar 2010

President Barack Obama dedicated the signing of health care legislation to a number of people, including his mother, S. Ann Dunham Soetoro, who, he said, “argued with insurance companies even as she battled cancer in her final days.” The health care legislative process and its frenetic endgame prompted the president to postpone a trip to […]

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Amy Goodman - Truthdig, 10 Feb 2010

The tragedy of the Haitian earthquake continues to unfold, with slow delivery of aid, the horrific number of amputations performed out of desperate medical necessity, more than a million homeless, perhaps 240,000 dead, hunger, dehydration, the emergence of infections and waterborne diseases, and the approach of the rainy season, which will be followed by the […]

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Amy Goodman - Democracy NOW!, 21 Jan 2010

An interview with journalist Kim Ives about Washington’s domination of Haiti.AMY GOODMAN: I’m standing here near the airport in Port-au-Prince. I can’t exactly say my feet are firmly planted on the ground, because this morning, just about 6:00, here in Port-au-Prince, we were in our room and just getting ready to leave for this broadcast, […]

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Danny Glover and Amy Goodman - ZNet, 21 Jan 2010

Danny Glover is an acclaimed actor, director, producer and longtime friend of Haiti. His directorial debut, Toussaint, focused on the life of François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, a former slave who became one of the fathers of Haiti’s independence from France in 1804. JUAN GONZALEZ: We’re joined here in New York by the acclaimed actor, director, producer and […]

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Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 14 Jan 2010

A landmark class action case is under way in a New York federal court, with victims of apartheid in South Africa suing corporations that they say helped the pre-1994 regime. Among the multinational corporations are IBM, Fujitsu, Ford, GM and banking giants UBS and Barclays. The lawsuit accuses the corporations of "knowing participation in and/or […]

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Amy Goodman & Naomi Klein – Democracy NOW!, 14 Jan 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010Journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke in New York last night and addressed the crisis in Haiti: “We have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy—which is part natural, part unnatural—must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interest […]

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Amy Goodman – Democracy Now!, 30 Dec 2009

Dennis Brutus broke rocks next to Nelson Mandela when they were imprisoned together on notorious Robben Island. His crime, like Mandela’s, was fighting the injustice of racism, challenging South Africa’s apartheid regime. Brutus’ weapons were his words: soaring, searing, poetic. He was banned, he was censored, he was shot. But this poet’s commitment and activism, […]

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Amy Goodman – Democracy Now!, 23 Dec 2009

Barack Obama said, minutes before racing out of the U.N. climate summit, “We will not be legally bound by anything that took place here today.” These were among his remarks made to his own small White House press corps, excluding the 3,500 credentialed journalists covering the talks. It was late on Dec. 18, the last […]

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Amy Goodman - Democracy Now!, 19 Dec 2009

Denmark is the home of renowned children’s author Hans Christian Andersen. Copenhagen is dotted with historical spots where Andersen lived and wrote. “The Little Mermaid” was one of his most famous tales, published in 1837, along with “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” As the United Nations’ climate summit, called “COP 15,” enters its final week, with […]

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Amy Goodman - Democracy Now!, 11 Dec 2009

COPENHAGEN—"Politicians talk, leaders act" read the sign outside the Bella Center in Copenhagen on the opening day of the United Nations climate summit. Inside the convention center, the official delegations from 192 countries, hundreds of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations)—an estimated 15,000 people in all—are engaging in two weeks of meetings aiming for a global agreement to […]

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Amy Goodman, 24 Oct 2009

Halloween is around the corner, and children will soon be dressing up and chanting "trick or treat," their demand for candy backed up by the threat of a prank. Climate-change activists, from pranksters to presidents, are doing the same. This past Monday, the activist-artist group The Yes Men staged another of its hoaxes, with one […]

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Amy Goodman, 19 Sep 2009

On Oct. 7, the U.S. enters its ninth year of occupation of Afghanistan–equal to the time the United States was involved in World War I, World War II and the Korean War combined.On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives considered House Joint Resolution 64, "To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces […]

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Democracy Now! Amy Goodman, interviewing Michael Pollan, 15 May 2009

"The real food is not being advertised. And that’s really all you need to know." Amy Goodman: Energy, healthcare, agriculture, climate change, global outbreaks like swine flu—what do all these topics have in common? Food. That’s right, none of these issues can really be tackled without addressing some of the fundamental problems of the food […]

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Amy Goodman, 26 Feb 2009

   Is your lipstick laden with lead? Is your baby’s bottle toxic? The American Chemistry Council assures us that “we make the products that help keep you safe and healthy.” But U.S. consumers are actually exposed to a vast array of harmful chemicals and additives embedded in toys, cosmetics, plastic water bottles and countless other […]

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TMS Interviews Amy Goodman
Amy Goodman, 30 Dec 2008

 Democracy Now! hostess Amy Goodman, recipient of the 2008 High Livelihood Award

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Amy Goodman, 29 Nov 2008

As President-elect Barack Obama focuses on the meltdown of the U.S. economy, another fire is burning: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. You may not have heard much lately about the disaster in the Gaza Strip. That silence is intentional: The Israeli government has barred international journalists from entering the occupied territory. Last week, executives from the Associated […]

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Amy Goodman, 20 Nov 2008

Evo Morales knows about “change you can believe in.” He also knows what happens when a powerful elite is forced to make changes it doesn’t want. Morales is the first indigenous president of Bolivia, the poorest country in South America. He was inaugurated in January 2006. Against tremendous internal opposition, he nationalized Bolivia’s natural-gas fields, […]

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