Articles by Anthony Judge

We found 505 results.

Cognitive Osmosis in a Knowledge-based Civilization
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

27 Nov 2017 – A major challenge of the times can be framed metaphorically in terms of consumption, osmosis and circulation. Interface challenge of inside-outside, insight-outsight, information-outformation.

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Reimagining Intercourse between the Righteous Unrightly Challenged
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2017

Attraction and Harassment in Psychodynamic Terms beyond the Binary Blame-Game

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Framing Cyclic Revolutionary Emergence of Opposing Symbols of Identity
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Oct 2017

Eppur si muove: Biomimetic embedding of N-tuple helices in spherical polyhedral – The contrast to the geocentric model of the solar system was framed by Galileo Galilei. His much-cited phrase, ” And yet it moves” (E pur si muove or Eppur si muove) was pronounced in 1633 when he was forced to recant his claims that the Earth moves around the immovable Sun rather than the converse. The argument here assumes that much more is based on circles than is conventionally held to be the case.

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Psychosocial Learnings from the Spiral Form of Hurricanes
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Sep 2017

Much is known about the structure and dynamics of hurricanes. Much is also known about the helical structure of DNA and of spirals in general. The question is how such insight might be related to the intuited significance of the triadic triskelion and how it might be employed to enrich the very particular institutional preoccupations promoted under the banner of the Triple Helix model and its extensions.

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Cognitive Implications in 3D of Triadic Symbols Valued in 2D
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Sep 2017

Representations of the Triskelion in Virtual Reality and Implications for Quantum Consciousness

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Reframing the Square Wheels of Global Governance
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Aug 2017

Transcending Vain Hopes of Squaring the Circle in Global Decision-Making – There are many commentaries on the current inadequacy of governance, whether global, regional or national. As currently understood by those upheld as being insightful and skilled in matters of governance, it can be argued that society is proving to be increasingly ungovernable, if not inherently so.

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64 Questions for the Environmental Conservationists of the World
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Raising the Question as to Why They Are Not Effectively Addressed – Produced on the occasion of Earth Overshoot Day (2 August 2017), namely the date on which humanity’s resource consumption in 2017 exceeds Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources in 2017. The date is nearly a week earlier than in 2016.

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Pricking the Bubble of Global Complacent Complicity
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Hyperdimensional insights from the physics of bubble blowing, bursting and collapse? Is there anything of psychosocial relevance to be learned from the extensive research on the physics of bubbles regarding the particular nature and efficacy of a “prick” as it might relate to complacent complicity?

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Prefix “Re-cognition” as Prelude to Fixing Sustainability — “Pro” vs “Con”?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

Speculative Review of Missing Emphases Potentially Vital for Psychosocial Balance – The contrasting roles of “pro” and “con” in the English discourse so characteristic of the current global civilization call for particular attention.

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G20: 30 Questions for the Counter-terrorism Experts of the World
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2017

8 Jul 2017 – Raising the Question as to Why They Are Not Effectively Addressed – Written on the occasion of the G20 Summit (Hamburg, July 2017) at which both terrorism and migration are prominent agenda items.

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G20: Anticipating Future Migration into Europe (2018-2050)
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2017

8 Jul 2017 – Beyond the Irresponsibility of Current Political and Humanitarian Short-Termism – Written on the occasion of the G20 Summit (Hamburg, July 2017) at which migration and terrorism are prominent agenda items.

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Sonification of Twitter Leadership at the G20
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2017

8 Jul 2017 – A Surprising Musical Opportunity for Donald Trump to Sound a New Note – Written on the occasion of the G20 Summit (Hamburg, July 2017).

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Interplay of Sustainable Development Goals through Rubik Cube Variations
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jun 2017

Engaging Otherwise with What People Find Meaningful – The earlier argument made particular reference to Rubik’s Cube, its more complex variants, and their implementation in virtual reality applications as a means of bypassing technical and other constraints of physical construction and distribution. The focus of the World Cube Association is on speedcubing and the regulation of speedsolving competitions for Rubik’s Cube and similar puzzles.

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Refining the Value of Sustainable Development Goals
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jun 2017

In Quest of the Systemic Coherence of Global Attractors – In a period of global crises a frame of reference is offered by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals articulated by the UN, superseding the earlier formulation of the 8 Millennium Development Goals. How indeed are people expected to “get their heads around “the set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

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Envisaging NATO Otherwise — in 3D and 4D?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2017

Potentially Hidden Faces of Global Strategy Highlighted Through Polyhedra – The question is whether new insights into the nature and potential of NATO (or The Pentagon) could be derived from depiction in 3D — or 4D, if dynamics can be reflected in suitable animations. Whether these aspects are already implicit, or could be usefully rendered explicit, remains to be investigated.

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Framing Global Transformation through the Polyhedral Merkabah
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 May 2017

Neglected Implicit Cognitive Cycles in Viable Complex Systems – Despite the widely commented implications of a post-truth era, few would deny the fact that the unresolved issues between the Abrahamic religions continue to inspire violence — with no end in sight. This encourages major investment in armaments and the development and deployment of military forces.

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Psychosocial Transformation by “Pill Pushing”?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

At the time of writing, a primary theme of the cult movie The Matrix offers pointers to an unusual way of reframing engagement with the current challenges of society. The movie highlights the choice between the Red Pill and the Blue Pill, namely a choice between enabling knowledge, freedom and the sometimes painful recognition of reality — in contrast with a blue pill reinforcing more-of-the-same, namely falsehood, security and blissful ignorance of illusion.

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Zen of Facticity: Bull, Ox or Otherwise?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

Herding Facts and Their Alternatives in a Post-Truth-Era – In a period in which the very nature of facts has been called into question — challenged as they are by alternative facts — there is a case for exploring this condition by every means possible.

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Paradoxes of Wilber’s Appreciation of the Trump Challenge
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2017

Reframing Integral Possibilities for the Future – Given that a case is rapidly building against the incapacity of Trump, the following argument is topical. With respect to the perspective of Ken Wilber, it is framed by earlier consideration with regard to integral futures.

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Indians? Witches? Natives? Jews? Islamists? ETs?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

Eradication as Genocide — Now And Then?

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Empowering Ineffectual Outrage with the Strategically Outrageous
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

Beyond Reactive Protest, Demonstration and Resistance – From a strategic perspective, the current situation calls for careful attention to the relation between “outrage” and the “outrageous”. Most obviously, the comments and actions of Donald Trump are widely considered “outrageous”. They have evoked “outrage” on the part of those opposed to their implications.

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Build the Wall — Move the UN HQ?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

United Nations Principles Are Not Consistent with “America First”

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Public Enemy #1 as Supreme Leader?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2017

Thinking Otherwise about Framing the Engagement with Society’s Worst Fear – Donald Trump has just been elected 45th President of the USA, against all expectation by many sectors of society — and despite every effort to prevent this outcome. Trump won according to the rules of the American democratic system.

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Reframing the Art of Non-Decision-Making
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

and the Manipulation of Global Categories – It has become strikingly evident that most major international conferences and summits have become exercises in non-decision-making. Indeed, as encouraged by “question avoidance”, decision avoidance has become an art form in its own right.

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Global Challenge of the Global Challenge
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

¿ In-quest of a decision-making framework appropriate to a world in crisis? This is a response to the announcement of the surprising Global Challenges Prize for a New Shape Remodelling Global Cooperation (2017).

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Global Economy of Truth as a Ponzi Scheme
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2016

Personal Cognitive Implication in Globalization? Conventionally a Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors rather than from profit. The term “Ponzi scheme” is used primarily in the United States , while other English-speaking countries do not distinguish colloquially between this scheme and pyramid schemes.

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Engaging an Opposing Ideology via Martial Arts Philosophy
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2016

5 Dec 2016 – Reframing the Challenge of Trump and Jihadism as Worthy Opponents – Much is now made of the increasing challenge of right-wing populism, especially as it is articulated by unconventional leaders held to have dubious associations with dangerous political strategies.

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Visualization in 3D of Dynamics of Toroidal Helical Coils
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2016

… in Quest of Optimum Designs for a Concordian Mandala

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Radical Disaffection Engendered by Elitist Groupthink?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

Democratic Rehearsal of the Final Battle between the Forces of Light and the Dark Force – Inspired by Election of Donald Trump (9 November 2016)

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Concordian Mandala as a Symbolic Nexus
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2016

Insights from Dynamics of a Pentagonal Configuration of Nonagons in 3D – The case for a “concordian mandala” was made previously. This was inspired by the social chaos purportedly addressed by the so-called Discordian Mandala. The mandala is described in the controversial Principia Discordia, elaborated by Greg Hill with Kerry Wendell, as the provocative doctrinal manifesto of Discordianism.

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Engaging Proactively with the Risk of World Misleadership
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Trump vs Clinton and the potential of carpe diem in the democratic process? The future will no doubt be appalled by the current presidential campaign in the USA through which the leader of the world’s superpower will emerge. But by what exactly might the future be appalled?

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Time for Delivery of Food and Water Bombs by Drone?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

24 Sep 2016 – Voluminous Thinking to Complement the Lateral Thinking of the International Community – Media coverage of the dramatic humanitarian situation in Aleppo repeatedly makes the case for the inability of trucks with remedial food supplies to get through safely to the areas most in need.

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Facism as Superficial Intercultural Extremism
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

This is an exploration of the focus given to the challenge to French cultural identity by women there wearing the full-body burkha (burka, burqa). In the light of current media coverage of French preoccupation with the iconic bare-breasted Marianne — symbol of the French Republic. This bares comparison with the recent preoccupation in the USA with the erection in a number of cities of statues of the Republican presidential nominee — Donald Trump — bare-assed. Both cases are indicative of emerging forms of national psychosis in a period of so-called “post-truth politics” marked by bare-faced lying by the highest authorities.

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Cultivating the Myth of Human Equality
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Ignoring Complicity in the Contradictions Thereby Engendered – At the time of writing, the argument can be made otherwise with the popular appeal of the promise of one US presidential nominee to “make America great again”. How is the desperate need to “be number one” to be related to whatever is implied by human equality? The question of principle is strikingly defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that: all men are born free and equal in rights and dignity.

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Con-quest Aesthetically Reframed via the Concordian Mandala
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Inspired by Implications of the Systemantics of the Discordian Mandala – As discussed, of particular interest in global discourse are the controversial implications of the prefix “con”, as used with both integrative connotations and those of condemnation or opposition — of contrariness and contradiction.

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Evoking Castalia as Envisaged, Entoned and Embodied
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The Great Game Informed by the Bertsolaritza Cultural Process?

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Improvisation in Multivocal Poetic Discourse
Anthony Judge | laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2016

Basque Lauburu and Bertsolaritza as Catalysts of Global Significance

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Criteria Justifying Recounting or Revoting in Democracy
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

It is unclear what systematic consideration is publicly given to the criteria of democratic fairness in referenda and other elections. Little has been said in this respect with respect to the process of Brexit — the democratic decision of the UK to leave the European Union. In the course of protests regarding that result, it was announced that an even closer result in a major presidential election in Austria had led to a decision to hold the election again.

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Destabilizing Multipolar Society through Binary Decision-making
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2016

Alternatives to “2-Stroke Democracy” Suggested by 4-Sided Ball Games – Prepared on the occasion of the historical Brexit referendum through which the UK decided to leave the European Union — in a period in which popular concern was primarily focused on the outcome of Euro 2016 .

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Disastrous Floods as Indicators of Systemic Risk Neglect
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2016

Implications for Authoritative Response to Future Surprises – This is an exploration of the level of neglected risk visibly and dramatically highlighted by a number of recent widely publicized floods which have been framed as unforeseeable surprises.

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Existential Challenge of Detecting Today’s Big Lie
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

Mysterious Black Hole Conditioning Global Civilization? If indeed there was a “big lie” conditioning the dynamics of global civilization, how might evidence of it be detected?

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Unquestioned Bias in Governance from Direction of Reading?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

Political Implications of Reading from Left-to-Right, Right-to-Left, or Top-Down – The text on which much global governance is primarily dependent is written from left-to-write (top-down), following the pattern determined in the Greece from which democracy emerged. Text is written otherwise in other cultures, notably in Arabic and Hebrew (right-to-left), or in cultures of the East (vertically, whether left-to-right, or right-to-left).

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Radical Innovators Beware — In the Arts, Sciences and Philosophy
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

Terrifying Implications of Radical New Deradicalisation Initiative in France – Despite cultivating the image of being a country renowned for its cultivation of intellectual endeavour, and most notably philosophy, Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of France, announced on 9 May 2016 a radical initiative to set up a dozen deradicalisation centres.

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Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2016

As a complement to the widely cited indicator of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Refugees per Kiloton (RPK) could usefully focus on the number of refugees from a country in relation to the kilotons of explosive to which the country was exposed.

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Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Transcending Crises of Governance via Reverse Music and Reverse Speech? Despite antipathy to the demonic, the extent of “demonisation” of those who fail to “sing from the same hymn sheet” is widely evident — most notably between political factions variously proposing alternative strategies. With respect to any anthem, “hymn sheet” may then be an especially inappropriate metaphor.

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Challenging Questions of Global Significance from the Young
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Can Satisfactory Answers Be Found for Savvy Kids?
Possible questions to be anticipated?
Questions about questions from the young in heart?
Potential sources of questions from the young?
Sustaining the quest for sustainable answers?
Beyond the answer economy?

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Global Incomprehension of Increasing Violence
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

The question in the minds of many is “why” such irrational attacks are so unreasonably made against innocents. The title of this note is usefully ambiguous, however, for it also holds the more crucial question as to why so little effort is made to address the question of “why”.

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Engaging with Hyperreality through Demonique and Angelique?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

Mnemonic Clues to Global Governance from Mathematical Theology and Hyperbolic Tessellation

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Refugees Per Kiloton: RPK as a Complement to GDP
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Mar 2016

The indicator might have the additional advantage of focusing debate on an equivalent to the Polluter Pays Principle, namely on a Provider Pays Principle, as adapted to bombing — a Bomber Pays Principle. This could reframe financial responsibility for the integration of refugees.

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Variety of System Failures Engendered by Negligent Distinctions
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Feb 2016

Global civilization is currently witness to a variety of systemic failures — and the recognized potential for more. There is an evident degree of incapacity to encompass their nature, whether or not efforts are made to frame them in terms of a global problematique, or the possibility of a global resolutique.

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A Subjective Objection: Objecting to Subjection
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Feb 2016

Interplay of Questions Enabling Transcendence of Fundamental Dilemmas?

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Encyclopedia of Evil Claims, Claimants, Counter-claims, and Sigils
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jan 2016

Considerable significance is currently attached, at the highest level of authority, to the determining role of evil with respect to ongoing global crises and those recently past. As declared by Hannah Arendt in 1945: The problem of evil will be the fundamental question of postwar intellectual life in Europe (Essays in Understanding, 1994, p. 134).

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Starvation Imagery as Humanitarian Trump Card?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jan 2016

Suffering elsewhere can be more readily framed as an unacceptable evil for which others are responsible. As with universal condemnation of apartheid, however, it is especially convenient that it be a focus for attention on another continent — displacing attention from the challenge of discrimination and suffering in the immediate environment.

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Coming Out as a Radical — or Coming In?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jan 2016

Risks of Cultivating Negative Capability in a Caliphate of Normality – This argument is inspired by the progressive conflation in mainstream discourse of radicalisation with Islamisation, extremism, fundamentalism and terrorism. The concern here is whether it is possible to engage in thinking, framed as radical by some, without being branded a terrorist in consequence.

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Radical Localization in a Global Systemic Context
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Dec 2015

Distinguishing Normality Using Playing Card Suits as a Pattern Language – There is currently considerable confusion as to what is to be distinguished as “radical” in contrast to “fundamental”, “extraordinary”, “exceptional” and “extreme”.

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The “Saving of Humanity” Framed by “Sinking of the Titanic”
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Dec 2015

The 195 countries that gathered outside Paris… to negotiate a new agreement on climate change declared that the world’s temperature does not climb much more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels; and yet they simultaneously celebrated a new climate agreement that got nowhere close to preventing such a rise.

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Dreamables, Deniables, Deliverables and Duende
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2015

Global Dynamics “At the Table” Inspired by Dining and Wining in Practice – Produced on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Paris, 2015)

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Dying to Live, Living to Die, Lying to Live, and Living a Lie: Should American li(v)es be saved at all costs?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

The principal slogan of American foreign policy appears to be “Saving American Lives”. It is used to justify interventions in countries around the world perceived as a threat to American full-spectrum dominance. There is also a case for exploring the slogan by which American foreign policy might well be framed, namely “Saving American Lies”.

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Weather Metaphors as Whether Metaphors
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2015

Transcending Solar Illusion via a Galilean-Style Cognitive Revolution? The argument here follows from that made separately with respect to the possibility of understanding the challenge of climate otherwise. In a period of notably shambolic global governance, that argument was presented in anticipation of the significance of the UN Climate Change Conference (Paris, November 2015).

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International Community as God or Sorcerer’s Apprentice?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Are there insights to be gained from the current challenges of governance? Most evident are the refugee crisis, financial instability (and rumours of worse to come), climate change, regional conflict, and resource constraints. In this context it is strange to see the progressive marginalization of the United Nations.

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Enhancing Strategic Discourse Systematically Using Climate Metaphors
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Widespread Comprehension of System Dynamics in Weather Patterns as a Resource – Given the psychological engagement and familiarity with weather and climate phenomena, and their use as metaphors to describe social dynamics, the question here is whether the systemic integrity of the phenomena is suggestive of insights that could be adapted to strategic discourse.

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Eliciting Memorable Spheres and Polyhedra from Hyperspace
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2015

Integrative Connectivity of Problems, Strategies, Themes, Groups or People – Much is made of the recognition that everything is now connected to everything, especially as reflected in patterns of links in cyberspace. The particular focus here is on using analytical data on triangles of relationships in such a way as to construct memorable networks of these triangles based on any shared edges.

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Optimizing Web Surfing Pathways for the Overloaded
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

Polyhedral Insights from the Travelling Salesman Problem of Operations Research – If one is in the habit of visiting 5,10, 20, 50 websites (or more) at various frequencies, the issue is whether there are more fruitful ways to organize such a tour? Given the challenge of information overload, does this provide a more meaningful context to explore the increasing problem of “link fatigue” — namely exposure to yet another link one is encouraged to investigate?

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Collective Mea Culpa? You Must Be Joking! Them Is to Blame, Not Us!
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2015

Published on the occasion of allegedly major mistakes regarding the European bailout of Greece and the agreement concerning the nuclear programme of Iran. Is the United Nations as such capable of confessing to error? How about the World Bank or IMF? The European Commission, the OECD, the Organization of American States, NATO, etc? And what of that mysterious entity the “international community”?

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Requisite Meta-reflection on Engagement in Systemic Change?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jul 2015

Fiat, Fatwa and World-Making in a Period of Existential Radicalisation – Such differences are characteristic of the increasingly sterile debate regarding the need to be “positive” versus the preoccupation of critics readily deprecated as “negative” — otherwise to be termed as “hope-mongering” versus “doom-mongering”.

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Confusion in Exchanging “Something” for “Nothing”
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2015

Cognitive Implication in the Asymmetrical Processes of Begging and Its Surrogates

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Embodying Strategic Self-reference in a World Futures Conference
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2015

Transcending the Wicked Problem Engendered by Projecting Negativity Elsewhere – Creative review of the 17th International Futures Conference on Tackling Wicked Problems: where futures research, education and action meet.

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Papal Concern for Climate Change and Refugee Care
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jun 2015

A Means of Concealing Criminal Systemic Negligence? Produced on World Refugee Day — on the occasion of publication of reports on the world refugee crisis and an Environment Encyclical by Pope Francis.

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Issuance of Vatican Passports to Trans-Mediterranean Immigrants
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2015

A Modest Proposal Worthy of the 21st Century?- Produced on the occasion of announcement of the forthcoming Papal Encyclical ‘Laudato Sii’ (Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate, The Observer, 13 June 2015).

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Global Psychosocial Implication in the Pentagramma Mirificum
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2015

Clues from Spherical Geometry to “Getting Around” and Circumnavigating Imaginatively – The question here is whether there are clues to be found from the insights which have enabled spherical navigation over recent centuries. To what extent do those insights reflect understandings of relevance to getting “around” a global information-based society?

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Correlating a Requisite Diversity of Metaphorical Patterns
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2015

Entuning the Dynamic of Cognitive Eases and Diseases – This is an exploration of a methodological possibility of dynamically interweaving disparate threads which might thereby offer integrative insight.

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Transcendent Integrity via Dynamic Configuration of Sub-Understandings?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2015

Interactive Orbital Animations of World Views Using Data-Driven Documents – The domains tentatively explored as an illustration for comprehension of some form of transcendent integration include: world religions, philosophies, natural sciences, cultural modalities, cognitive modalities, ruling elites, global governance, environmental conditions, conditions of change.

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Evil Rules – Guidelines for Engaging in Armageddon Now
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2015

There is extensive reference to evil in the media, in political declarations, in commentary on the web, and even in academic literature: what is evil or who is evil. It is appropriate to recognize that the prophesied ultimate battle between good and evil, Armageddon, is not some time in the future. It is now, a time clearly characterized by the Biblical reference: (Matthew 10:21).

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Marrying Strategic White Holes with Problematic Black Holes
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2015

Produced in celebration of the encounter of 28 April 2015 between Ban Ki-moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations) and Pope Francis (of the Catholic Church) to discuss climate change and Mediterranean migration.

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If Writers Are Necessarily Right…
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Apr 2015

Who Are the “Rongers”, So Necessarily Wrong? The focus of this reflection is on the curious phonetic relationship in English between “writer” and “right”. Is the exercise of “writing” surreptitiously assumed to be one which endeavours to make “right”? Can it be readily assumed to have this purpose, as in the sense of “setting things right” — “putting the world to rights”?

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12 Strategic Questions for Europe Regarding Forced Immigration from Africa
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2015

in the light of the continuing influx and the associated fatalities.

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Counteracting Extremes Enabling Normal Flying
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2015

Insights for Global Governance from Birds on the Wing and the Dodo – I wish the eagle had not been chosen as the representative of this country. He is a bird of bad moral character; he does not get his living honestly. Too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the fishing hawk and, when that diligent bird has taken a fish and is bearing it for his young ones, the bald eagle pursues him and takes the fish. With all this injustice, he is never in good case.

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Radicalisation of Existence and Identity
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Mar 2015

Recognizing the Global Emergence and Influence of Daimonic Dynamics – This follows from previous exploration of the condition of “radical” as being increasingly considered highly problematic for society — and the consequent demonisation of radical action (Radicalisation versus Demonisation? Enabling radical initiatives under conditions of strategic stalemate, 2015).

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Radicalisation versus Demonisation?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Mar 2015

Enabling Radical Initiatives under Conditions of Strategic Stalemate – In a period in which radicalisation is upheld as a matter of ever increasing political concern, there is seemingly little understanding of the condition of being a radical — other than as perceived and labelled by others according to some convention of normality.

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Enabling Fruitful Multiplication of Global Population
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2015

Eliciting Massive Social Consensus by Unconstrained Reframing of Strategic Priorities – This reflects the strategic adage: ‘If you cannot beat them–then join them’ and is consistent with subtler philosophies of ‘Going with the flow’ or ‘Guiding the canoe, rather than pushing the river.’ It could also be understood as ‘Going for broke.’

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Naive Acquisition of Dual-use Surveillance Technology
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Feb 2015

Progressive market-driven transformation of personal appliances into spyware? February 2015 has been witness to worldwide news coverage of the manner in which new “Smart TVs” were designed to listen to, if not visually record, those watching them. The major issue of concern was how the information acquired in this way was used, by whom, and with what constraints.

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Embodying Global Hegemony through a Sustaining Pattern of Discourse
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Feb 2015

Cognitive Challenge of Dominion over All One Surveys – This is an exploration of possible global organization of the pattern of value-based polarities by which discourse is significantly characterized: big-small, win-lose, nice-nasty, hot-cold, friend-enemy, clean-dirty, expensive-cheap, and the like.

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Eliciting Insight from Covert Operations by US
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

The argument here therefore explores the dynamic within a reappropriated US, understood as Universal Synthesizer or Universal Sympathizer — aspiring to global organization and expression of identity, through the embodiment of the highest values. This cognitive dynamic is recognized as challenged by the negativity of Terrifying Hypothetical External Mentalities (THEM) seeking to undermine the coherence articulated and sustained so positively by US.

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Memetic Analogue to the 20 Amino Acids as Vital to Psychosocial Life?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Number 37 as indicative of fruitful pathways of transformation? With respect to the number 37, as the key feature of the report, Kemp notes the discovery that: “37 recurs frequently within the code. For example, the mass of the molecular ‘core’ shared by all 20 amino acids is 74, namely 37 doubled”.

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Changing Patterns Using Transformation Pathways
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

Exploring “Camp-Us” Inspiration by an Alien World View as a Metaphor – As with the Catholic view of Protestants over centuries (duly reciprocated), “they” are considered beyond the pale, lacking any reasonable intelligence, sense of honour, or other values worthy of respect. The savagery of “them” is highlighted by every means, for purposes of propaganda; that of “us” is effectively censored. The basic message of “camp-us” is: Nothing for us to learn; we know all that needs to be known.

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Is the World View of a Holy Father Necessarily Full of Holes?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Dec 2014

Mysterious Theological Black Holes Engendering Global Crises – The argument has been variously presented: Which problems currently associated with global crisis would not be significantly reduced if the level of population was much lower? Presented otherwise: Is there every probability that global problems will be significantly aggravated by expected levels of population in the future?

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Engaging with Insight of a Higher Order
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Dec 2014

This is an exercise in exploring the limits of what can be said about greater insight — but without presuming to say anything from such a perspective. The value of doing so can be variously indicated.

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Corpus Callosum of the Global Brain?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Dec 2014

Locating the integrative function within the world wide web. It is appropriate to ask whether the current challenges to global governance, and any requisite integration of the global brain, could not be fruitfully explored with respect to split-brain pathology, any form of split consciousness, hemispheric specialization, or bipolar disorder.

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Adhering to God’s Plan in a Global Society
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Dec 2014

The concern here is whether the Christian perspective from which the Pontiff and the President of the European Commission choose to offer strategic guidance to the peoples of the world is as appropriate or legitimate as many would like to assume. Potentially more challenging is the possibility that the Pope is unknowingly addressing the “haggard” condition of the Catholic Church for which he considers wider society to be a mirror.

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Correspondences between Traditional Constellations and Pattern Languages
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Nov 2014

Requisite Simplexity for Sustainable Comprehension of Complexity – It is assumed here that people derive more personal meaning and sense of identity from reference to their astrological sign than from any complex pattern of explanation formulated by qualified authority. The appeal of such symbols might be due to the perception that they have “more soul”.

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Resource Insights from Plus or Minus 12 People on a Liferaft
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The argument here arises from the observation that crises involving millions evoke a form of psychic numbing. Suffering on the larger scale does not connect with ordinary comprehension. Disasters involving millions are essentially meaningless to most. When the dilemmas are presented on a more human scale, involving very few, they then become far more comprehensible and meaningful.

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Systemic Equivalences between Ebola, Alien Invasion and Dissidence
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Strategic Implications of Seemingly Disparate Forms of Terrorism – Current preoccupation with the strategic measures required in the response to the threat of ebola bear a strange similarity to the manner in which the response to terrorism is framed — especially as exemplified in the case of ISIS.

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Representation of Creative Processes through Dynamics in Three Dimensions
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

Global Insight from Spherical Reframing of Mandalas, the Zodiac and the Enneagram – The argument developed here derives from an exploration of the creativity of Nikola Tesla (Reimagining Tesla’s Creativity through Technomimicry: psychosocial empowerment by imagining charged conditions otherwise).

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Nos Morituri Te Salutamus
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

Salute of Iraqi Citizens to the Coalition of the Willing–Once Again – Hail and Salaam to your Leaders, to your Senators, and to your Citizens! We who are about to die salute you was the phrase traditionally used by those about to die in the gladiatorial circus arenas of that time. We salute you….

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Reimagining Tesla’s Creativity through Technomimicry
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Sep 2014

His genius is known to have derived in part from his unusual capacity to imagine models and run them as simulations — mentally — without any need to articulate them in conventional design plans and test prototypes.

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Beheading versus Befooting
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Sep 2014

In Quest of the Lesser Evil for the Greater Good – Much is currently made of beheading of individuals by ISIS militants as being an act of pure evil. Framed as “pure evil”, such assertions raise the question of other degrees of evil of lesser “purity”. What makes that evil so pure?

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Eradication as the Strategic Final Solution of the 21st Century?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Sep 2014

Indicative Checklist of Possible Domains of Application – The purpose of this exercise is to collect together the domains in which “eradication” is somehow considered the most appropriate manner of responding to what is framed as a problem.

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Is This a Weapon I See Before Me, the Trigger Toward My Hand?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

Soliloquy of the Most Powerful Man on the Planet? – Slightly adapted from The Tragedy of Macbeth (2:1), with apologies to William Shakespeare. Barack Obama’s Soliloquy by Willy ShakesUS.

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Systemic Reliance of World Religions on Human Sacrifice
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

This is not intended as a condemnation of religion. The concern is rather to highlight a mode of operation of systems of belief in general of which awareness appears to be variously discouraged. Scientism and atheism therefore merit related consideration as forms of belief — as “religions”, understood metaphorically.

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Imagining Order as Hypercomputing
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

For 75 years, computers have worked within limits defined by the mathematician Alan Turing — although he had also foreseen the possibility of a form of universal computing machine. A recent report draws attention to new investigations into the possibility of such a machine — one that can solve the unsolvable.

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