Articles by RD

We found 3491 results.

The Risk of ChatGPT
Ricardo Baeza Weinmann | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Apr 2023

12 Apr 2023 – Would anyone ask a talented actor not only to act and talk like a skilled surgeon in a convincing manner, but then allow him to take a scalpel and operate on him? It would seem stupid, wouldn’t it? Well, that is precisely what many are doing with ChatGPT.

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Ambiguous Geopolitical Fault Lines Endanger World Peace
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Apr 2023

The idea of ‘geopolitical fault lines’ is not well established in the practice or theory of international relations, but their existence is profoundly relevant to the maintenance of peace and security because of the failure of international law to set consistently respected limits on the behavior of political actors, granting them impunity for acting beyond the limits of the law.

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Democracy at Risk for Jews in Israel, Bare Survival for Palestinians
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

7 Apr 2023 – Israeli police violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque directed at Palestinian worshipers in the midst of Ramadan on the nights of April 5 and 6 is a serious violation of international arrangements in Jerusalem to protect Muslim holy sites, none more sacred than Al-Aqsa.

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As Donald Trump Surrenders to Authorities in NY, Remember Feb 1924: The Trial of Adolf Hitler
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

A bit of history as a warning to those celebrating Donald Trump’s forthcoming trial in NY for violating laws on hush money payments, campaign expenditures, business records, and tax filings; also in Georgia and DC for suborning election fraud and inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol. 

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Vatican Renounces Euro-supremacist “Doctrine of Discovery”
Richard Becker | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

5 Apr 2023 – Five centuries later, the Vatican issued an announcement on 30 Mar repudiating the “Doctrine of Discovery,” which said that all lands not occupied by “Christians” passed to the European conquerors when they were “discovered,” and their inhabitants enslaved.

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(Português) Brasil: Lava-Jato, Essa Desconhecida
Leneide Duarte-Plon e Leonardo Boff | RED – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

2 abril 2023 -Publicamos este texto-pesquisa que revela o escondido da Lava-Jato e mantido escondido pela grande imprensa empresarial e conservadora do Brasil. Foi preciso que pesquisadores estrangeiros pusessem esse escondido à luz e assim refutar tantas afirmações de jornalistas nacionais que não se comprometem com a verdade dos fatos mas servem aos interesses do grande sistema nacional e norte-americano.

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Why EU Strategic Autonomy Apart from the U.S. Is Currently Impossible
James W. Carden | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

30 Mar 2023 – With Paris distracted by a populist revolt, Washington is exercising a kind of hegemony on the continent not seen since President Reagan. A politically stable France and German buy-in are the two foundational prerequisites for strategic autonomy to succeed. And as of this writing, there is neither.

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Martin Luther King: Beyond Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan…
Leonard Eiger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

4 Apr is the day the USA lost a great prophet, truth teller, and leader on nonviolence. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on that day in 1968; exactly one year after he delivered an extraordinary and prophetic speech titled “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.”

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“Facing Clear Evidence of Peril” in a Country of Lies
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

28 Mar 2023 – Perhaps silence is the best response to the endless cavalcade of official lies that is United States history. The Internet and digital technology have allowed those lies to increase exponentially in number and frequency with the result that people’s minds have become like 7-Eleven stores, open 24/7 for snack-crap “news.”

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The Mafia: BP Stole £15 Billion of Iraqi Oil after British/West Invasion
Matt Kennard | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

23 Mar 2023 – Shell, the other U.K. “super-major” oil company, also re-entered Iraq in 2009 after an invasion in 2003 that was widely denounced at the time as a war-for-oil on the part of the U.S. and U.K.

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Creating Dignified Livelihoods
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

My title is taken from the last speech of Martin Luther King, Jr given in Memphis less than 24 hours before his assassination. He was only 39 years old and world-famous for nonviolent resistance to racism, but his thinking and his activism had moved on.

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Bordeaux City Hall Set on Fire amid Nationwide Protests against French Pension Changes
Kim Willsher | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

23 Mar 2023 – Largely peaceful protests are marred by outbreaks of violence as unions claim 3.5 million turned out, while authorities put number at just over 1 million.

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US Banks Want Socialism for Themselves–and Capitalism for Everyone Else
Robert Reich | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

19 Mar 2023 – When banks like Silicon Valley Bank collapse, money floods to bigger ones like JPMorgan. Clients know they’re ‘too big to fail.’

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(Português) A Importância Fundamental da Vida do Espírito
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

24 Mar 2023 – O conhecido e apreciado piloto e escritor Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, autor do Pequeno Príncipe, num texto póstumo escrito em 1943–Carta ao General “X”–antes que seu avião se precipitasse no Mediterrâneo, afirma com grande ênfase, ”Não há senão um problema, somente um: redescobrir que há uma vida do espírito que é ainda mais alta que a vida da inteligência, a única que pode satisfazer o ser humano”.

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The Pentagon’s B-Movie: Looking Closely at the Sep 2001 Attacks
Edward Curtin and Graeme MacQueen | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

15 Mar 2023 – Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writer’s Latest Book – Leftists, no matter what they say in their defense, bear great moral responsibility for the so-called War on Terror, the Patriot Act, the invasion of Iraq, the deaths of Muslims, etc., all of which emanate from the insider attacks of September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks.

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16 Mar 1968: The My Lai Massacre in Vietnam by US Invading Forces
Richard Kreitner and The Almanac | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

“The obsolete pretensions of sovereign prerogative and military necessity had better be challenged soon if life on earth is to survive,” — Richard Falk

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Quoth the Vultures “Evermore”
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

It was an intentional genocidal war waged to torture, kill, and maim as many Vietnamese as possible and to use North American boys to do the killing and suffer the consequences. Its Phoenix Program, the CIA’s assassination and torture operation, became the template for Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, CIA black sites, hybrid wars, terrorist actions, etc. up to today.

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Nuclear Remembrance Day: A Day to Say Abolish Nuclear Weapons NOW!
Leonard Eiger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

1Mar 2023 – Today is Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day (‘Bikini’ Day) marking the anniversary of the infamous 1954 US ‘Bravo’ nuclear bomb detonation at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, where the US tested its first deliverable hydrogen bomb.

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The Ukraine War Viewed from the Global South
Krishen Mehta | ACURA American Committee for US Russia Accord – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

22 Feb 2023 – In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China: different perspectives.

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Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara (Music Video of the Week)
Nathalie Cardone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

Song in honor of the great revolutionary leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, by Cuban composer Pablo Cuebras. Viva Che !!!

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In Homage to David Ray Griffin: Indispensable Public Intellectual
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

I think it was the successful branding of the 9/11 skeptics as ‘wacky’ that proved more useful in squelching their influence than by labeling them as ‘dangerous,’ ‘subversive,’ and ‘radical’ or ‘socialist.’ It might be understood as the advent of a more advanced, more sophisticated version of McCarthyism, a discrediting ploy that George Orwell would have immediately understood.

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The Case for Diplomacy in Ukraine
Katrina vanden Heuvel and James W. Carden | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

23 Feb 2023 – As 2023 unfolds, we fear that US policy will continue to be characterized by both mission creep and the absence of any sort of diplomatic engagement with Russia. Throughout the course of the war, the Biden administration has slowly, steadily, even stealthily increased US involvement.

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Saint Valentine
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

14 Feb 2023 – A whimsical poem to celebrate the love legacy of Saint Valentine, written by Marianne Moore 63 years ago, published in The New Yorker on 13 Feb 1960, dedicated by me to all of us who love poetry and dare to love love on Valentine’s Day 2023.

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Israeli Security Forces Carry Out Massacre in Jenin, Palestine
Richard Dunn | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

13 Feb 2023 – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir have vowed to make it easier for Israelis to carry guns. Ben-Gvir: “I want weapons on the streets, I want Israeli citizens to be able to protect themselves.” It follows the Zionist narrative of demonizing the victim and sanctifying the aggressor [remember Hitler & Nazism?].

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Biden’s Misplaced Optimism: 2023 State of the Union Address
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

18 Feb 2023 – The national situation is far too deeply challenged for us to be content with presidential bromides. What is most needed are policies and practices that embody compassion, and are dedicated with the fullness of being to responding to the imperatives of human security at all levels of social interaction.

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Inside the Iron Cage
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

7 Feb 2023 – I would prefer not to relay the following very strange story given to me by a fellow sociologist, but I feel obligated.  I don’t know what to make of the whole thing.  Below you will find the manuscript he handed me. I realize you are getting this third hand, but there’s nothing I can do about that.  I don’t know his friend.  So here it is.

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(Norsk-Norwegian) USA – et militarisert samfunn
Richard E. Rubenstein - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

I regnskapsåret 2021 gikk 11 prosent av USAs statsbudsjett til militære formål, litt mindre enn før koronaepidemien. Militærbudsjettet utgjorde $754 milliarder (omkring 7 500 milliarder kroner) og foreslås økt til $773 milliarder i 2023. I 2022 var utgiftene større enn totalen for de neste ni landene i verden, og i 2020 var militærbudsjettet drøyt 20 prosent av alle føderale inntekter.

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Dignity & Humiliation
Prof. Howard Richards - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

Acceptance of the Lifetime Commitment Award from the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Association

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Ukraine, Rethinking Global Security—Webinar
Richard Falk, Chandra Muzaffar, et al. | SHAPE – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

Our second webinar on 23 Feb 2023 draws lessons from the Ukraine war and sets new pathways to global security. An initiative to address the multiple crises that brought us to the brink of the precipice. Doomsday Clock: 90 seconds to midnight.

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(Português) A Ética de um Capitalismo Selvagem: A Corrupção das Americanas
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

10 fev 2023 – No Brasil, os cristãos são apenas cristãos culturais que não aprenderam nada do Jesus histórico que estava sempre do lado da vida, do pobre, do cego, do coxo e do desprezado. Por isso há tanta desigualdade social, das maiores do  mundo. Porque falta sensibilidade, solidariedade, sentido humano.

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The New York Times Is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that if all were reversed and Russia had put troops and weapons in Mexico and Canada that the United States would respond forcefully.

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Reasons (Other than Age) That Joe Biden Should Not Run again for President
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

Three factors seem far more important than ageism: the advantages of an open fight for the nomination, Biden’s deficit of charisma, and, most important, this President’s uncritical commitment to a bellicose, imperialist foreign policy.

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Decommission US Land-Based Nuclear Missiles NOW!
Leonard Eiger | Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

10 Feb 2023 – There has not been any international outcry over the launch of the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that would carry a thermonuclear warhead. No discussion anywhere by the news media about the test and its implications regarding control of the proliferation of nuclear weapons and disarmament.

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Three New Books by Former Soldiers That the US Military Doesn’t Want You to Read
Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon | Jacobin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

5 Feb 2023 – Several new memoirs from disillusioned military veterans reflect on the horrors of war. They’re essential tools for challenging US empire.

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Antony Blinken Plays the ‘Two Sides Game’: Getting Netanyahu/Israel off the Hook
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

31 Jan 2023 – Antony Blinken is the most lightweight Secretary of State, a fitting complement to the overweight Mike Pompeo. Together they could do a late night TV comedy routine on the ‘arrogance of decline’ when it comes to US foreign policy in the Trump/Biden years.

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Ukraine: Rethinking Global Security–Saving Humanity and Planet Earth
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

Saving Humanity and Planet Earth (SHAPE) is an initiative to address the multiple crises that have brought us to the brink of the precipice. This, our second webinar to be held on 22/23 February 2023, draws lessons from the Ukraine war and sets new pathways to global security.

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Shell Makes ‘Obscene’ $40bn Profit—Highest Ever
Alex Lawson | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

2 Feb 2023 – Sunak government under pressure after gas prices fuel ‘outrageous’ doubling of profits at Anglo-Dutch group

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Remembering the Man Who Saved the World (from a Nuclear War)
Glen Milner and Leonard Eiger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

The man who saved the world from thermonuclear annihilation in 1962 was born on 30 January 1926.

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The Rules-Based International Order and the Foggy Bottom Blues
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

The four words Rules Based International Order are surrounded by controversies. I will review some controversies as a prelude to a proposal. The proposal will recommend discarding the currently dominant discourses that are, as Michel Foucault might say, the historical conditions of the possibility of RBIO discourse.

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Look at How the 1% Are Doing Right Now, and Tell Me the System Isn’t Rigged
Nesrine Malik | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

23 Jan 2023 – The world’s super-rich have amassed so much wealth since the pandemic that even a Tory minister can see something is amiss.

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Jeffrey Sachs Highlights from Athens Democracy Forum
Jeffrey Sachs | Bryan Van Norden – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

Some highlights from Jeffrey Sachs’s comments at the 2022 Athens Democracy Forum session on “A Decade of Democracy: China and Russia.” Prof. Sachs is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University.

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Lifting the Curtain: Barbara Walters
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

21 Jan 2023 – This post is a departure from my usual focus on current political concerns. It attempts a mini-exploration of the public/private interface of a news and entertainment celebrity, especially known for her ability to go ‘persona,’ and even enter intimate terrain with some of the most famous political leaders of our time.

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(Português) Merecemos ainda continuar sobre a Terra?
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

20 jan 2023 – Sou um pessimista esperançado. Pessimista face à realidade perversa sob a qual vivemos e sofremos. Esperançado porque creio que o ser humano pode mudar a partir de uma nova consciência e no Criador que desta crise e eventualmente de uma ruína pode construir ou tipo de seres  humanos, mais fraternos entre si e respeitosos da Casa Comum.

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‘Jaw-Dropping’ Evidence Syngenta Knew Its Paraquat Weedkiller Could Cause Parkinson’s
Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

19 Jan 2023 – Internal documents show Swiss chemical giant Syngenta and Chevron USA for decades covered up research showing long-term exposure to the weedkiller Paraquat could cause Parkinson’s disease, investigative journalist Carey Gillam shows.

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Have We Reached ‘Peak Meat’? Why One Country Is Trying to Limit Its Number of Livestock
Senay Boztas | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

16 Jan 2023 – Dutch farms are feeling the squeeze from EU rules and need to make sweeping changes to the farm system – could a huge producer like the US follow suit?

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Israeli Settler Colonialism and Apartheid: Poised for Victory or Defeat?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2023

13 Jan 2023 – Anyone with but half eye open during the last several decades should by now be aware of the existence of an undisclosed Zionist Long Game that preceded the establishment of Israel in 1948,  and remains currently very much alive. It aims at extending Israeli sovereignty over the whole of Occupied Palestine.

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Venezuela: Guaidó Is Gone, but Media Dishonesty Is Here to Stay
Ricardo Vaz | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2023

11 Jan 2023 – The latest iteration of Washington’s regime-change efforts against the democratically elected Venezuelan government came to an end. On 30 Dec an opposition-controlled parliament voted to end the US-backed “interim government” headed by Juan Guaidó.

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Harvard University Succumbs
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

7 Jan 2023 – Harvard University Withdraws a Fellowship from Kenneth Roth & Human Rights Watch

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Brazil Protests: Lula Vows to Punish ‘Neo-Fascists’ after Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Congress
Tom Phillips and Andrew Downie | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

9 Jan 2023 – President tours scene of riot and orders federal government to take control of policing in capital Brasília as extremists refuse to accept his presidency.

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Toward Justice for Kashmir
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

18 Dec 2022 – Among the self-determination struggles of our time, Kashmir is at risk of being forgotten by most of the world (except for Pakistan), while its people continue to endure the harsh crimes of India’s intensifying military occupation that has already lasted 75 years.

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The Failure of Development
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

Although “peace” and “security” were ideals that led to the founding of the United Nations, “development” was not. However, conceived as the solution, not as the problem, “development” named an ideal that could keep the UN united. It solved the problem of keeping the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe on board.

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(Português) Brasil: Da calamidade das calaminades de Bolsonaro à esperança esperante de Lula
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

29 Dez 2022 – Durante os quatro anos da administração do presidente Bolsonaro, o país viveu afetado por  todas as pragas do Egito. Das muitas opções possíveis para algum problema, o presidente geralmente escolhia a pior. Psicótico, era apático face às desgraças infligidas ao´povo, particularmente aos mais vulneráveis.

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Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Is Promoting ‘Surveillance Agriculture’
Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | The Defender – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2022

5 Dec 2022 – Vandana Shiva and Russell Brand discussed the history of agriculture, the role of Big Food in the current global cost-of-living crisis and how Gates is promoting “basically a surveillance agriculture.”

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Our Authentically Fake and Hypocritical Society of Copies
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2022

4 Dec 2022 – Indeed, to make people into machines is the goal of trans-humanists Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum with its Great Reset and the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Artificial Intelligence for artificial people.  While there are innocent examples of repetition, the use of it is a fundamental tactic of propaganda.

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Inculcating the “Military Virtues”: The Pentagon’s Predatory Role in U.S. High Schools
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2022

On 11 Dec, the New York Times broke a front-page story about “J.R.O.T.C,” described as “a program funded by the U.S. military designed to teach leadership skills, discipline, and civil values – and to open students’ eyes to the idea of a military career…” If peace education programs can be combined with civilian job training and public advocacy efforts, we might finally see a real challenge to the ongoing militarization of the schools.

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(Português) Vamos ao Encontro de Nossa Destruição?
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2022

2 dez 2022 – A história de ser humano na Terra em grande parte se resume num permanente conflito com o ambiente. Os seres humanos modernos moveram uma verdadeira guerra contra a Terra: no solo, no subsolo, no ar e no mar, sempre na perspectiva de saquear e extrair mais e mais vantagens.

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A Short Introductory Bibliography on Unbounded Organization
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2022

Concepts of Unbounded Organizing

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The Failure of the Expected Peace and the Suggestion of an Unbounded Way Forward
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2022

“Expected peace:” the peace expected after WWII. In a few years the UN was founded, human rights redefined to include social rights, colonial empires dissolved and new nation-states welcomed. It was reasonable to believe that human beings were learning how to live together in peace and shared prosperity.

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(Italiano) Elezioni israeliane 2022: una vittoria per i “coloni” colonialisti o per la lotta di Liberazione Palestinese?
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2022

Non c’è dubbio che le elezioni israeliane 2022 del 1°novembre [U.S..] saranno d’importanza durevole. I mesi e gli anni a venire riveleranno se Israele consolida il suo status di stato coloniale di coloni o se la lotta palestinese aumenta la sua resistenza al dominio israeliano rafforzata da un crescente movimento di solidarietà globale.

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Is Fascism Returning? A Reflection on the Centennial of the March on Rome
Hugo Bardi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2022

Collapses are the way the universe gets rid of the old to leave space for the new. It was noted for the first time by the Roman Philosopher Lucius Anneaus Seneca (4 BCE-65 CE) and it is called today the “Seneca Effect.”

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World Cup Stadium Workers ‘Had Their Money Stolen and Lives Ruined’, Says Rights Group
Pete Pattisson | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2022

10 Nov 2022 – Report on conditions in Qatar alleges labour abuses are widespread and calls on FIFA to set up compensation fund.

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Hands off Haiti!!—No Military Intervention!!
Richard S. Dunn | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

12 Nov 2022 – The United States and Canada have delivered military machinery to Haiti under the suspicious title of “security equipment”; this “security equipment” includes armored and tactical vehicles to be used to strengthen the police to fight “criminal gangs.” It is reported that, by October 28, Haiti will receive additional delivery of military machinery.

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What to Expect from Netanyahu & Religious Zionism
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

A Preliminary Appraisal

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2022 Israeli Elections: A Victory for Settler Colonialists or for the Palestinian Liberation Struggle?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

There is no doubt that the November 1st Israeli elections will be of lasting significance. The months and years ahead will reveal whether Israel consolidates its status as a settler colonial state or the Palestinian struggle increases its resistance to Israeli rule reinforced by an intensifying global solidarity movement.

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(Português) Passados os tempos sombrios de Bolsonaro, surge o sonho da refundação do Brasil
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

11 nov 2022 – Vivemos os últmos quase 4 anos sob um governo que não amava o povo e coniderava o pais como uma espécie de capitania hereditária familiar. Mas agora, segundo um cântico famoso de Camões nos Lusíadas, o novo tempo “traz serena claridade,esperança de porto e salvamento”. Por isso cabe esperar e sonhar. Eis alguns pontos de nossa positividade.

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Will the U.S. War-for-Profit Capitalist System Lead to Nuclear Annihilation?
Leonard Goodman | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

9 Nov 2022 – The US continues to fan the flames of nuclear conflict with massive investments in the war department. How long can this last? A cancer on Earth.

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Who Knew: We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

10 Nov 2022 – My title comes from a song sung by soldiers as they marched to hell in the trenches of World War I. We’re all lucky to still be here. If we continue to celebrate past wars and the soldiers who fought them in a sly homage to the greatness of war, we are doomed.

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It’s a Man’s World (Music Video of the Week)
Brandi Carlile and Brittany Howard – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2022

Madison Square Garden 22 Oct 2022
“Insanely Good!”

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(Italiano) Negoziare la pace in Ucraina ADESSO
Richard E. Rubenstein | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2022

27 Ottobre 2022 – Benché qualcuno consideri difficile o addirittura impossibile per gli ucraini e i russi fare la pace proprio adesso, questo è effettivamente un ottimo momento per negoziati quanto mai necessari al più presto per por termine a questa guerra immensamente distruttiva e sempre più pericolosa: negoziare la pace in Ucraina ADESSO

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Progressive Democrats Retract Biden Ukraine Letter after Furious Debate
Ed Pilkington | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2022

25 Oct 2022 – The chair of the progressive caucus of the US House of Representatives, Pramila Jayapal, has retracted a letter sent by 30 of the members urging Joe Biden to engage in direct talks with Russia to end the war in Ukraine following a heated debate within the Democratic party about future strategy over the conflict.

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Achieving Socialism by Definition
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2022

My advice on how to cope is to employ patient reasoning and unlimited good will. Socialism can today be defined, if one chooses to do so, as a set of ideals, including ideals of mental flexibility and open-mindedness, which overlap with ideals of capitalist reformers. Meaningful conversations that bridge the capitalist/socialist divide are now possible because some premises can plausibly be construed as shared.

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The Time to Negotiate Peace in Ukraine Is NOW
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2022

Experts in conflict resolution understand that, in many cases, the best time to undertake peace negotiations is exactly when warring parties, having stepped up their military efforts, declare that they will never negotiate with the enemy. Are things in Ukraine getting worse? Yes, for both sides. This is precisely the right time to give peace a chance.

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Call on the Future of Humanity
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2022

A webinar to build a global community of endorsers to work for a better future for this lonely endangered planet.

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Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the US Democratic Party
The Tulsi Gabbard Show – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2022

11 Oct 2022 – “I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.”

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(Italiano) Guerra in Ucraina: la scalata verso l’oblio
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2022

Washington non solo ha mobilitato il mondo per denunciare l’aggressione della Russia, ma ha fornito armi avanzate in grandi quantità agli ucraini per resistere all’attacco russo, e ha fatto tutto il possibile all’ONU e altrove per costruire una coalizione punitiva ostile alla Russia, accompagnando il tutto con una serie di sanzioni e la demonizzazione di Putin. Questa prospettiva di propaganda di Stato è stata fedelmente veicolata da un filtro mediatico occidentale autocensurante.

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The Last Temptation of Things
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2022

22 Oct 2022 – Let me tell you a story about a haunted house and all the thoughts it evoked in me. Do we believe we can save ourselves by saving things? Or do our saved possessions come to possess their saviors?

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(Português) Eleições no Brasil: Tensão na reta final. E o day after?
Jean Marc von der Weid | Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2022

15 outubro 2022 – Texto analítico de Jean Marc com os vários cenários possíveis face à eleição no dia 30 de outubro e nos tempos subsequentes. Vale estar atentos, pois se trata de nossa sobrevivência como nação civilizada e sem os ódios e mentiras que marcaram o governo atual. — L. Boff

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Ukraine War: Climbing the Escalation Ladder to Oblivion
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2022

Not only did Washington mobilize the world to denounce Russia’s ‘aggression,’ but supplied advanced weaponry in great quantities to the Ukrainians doing all it could at the UN and elsewhere to build a punitive coalition hostile to Russia, coupled with a variety of sanctions and the demonization of Putin. This perspective of state propaganda was faithfully conveyed by a self-censoring Western media.

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Will Saudi Leadership of OPEC Clash with U.S. Strategic Partnership?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2022

Reevaluating US Relations with Saudi Arabia after OPEC+ Oil Production Cut

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(Castellano) Derrotar la Pobreza en Todas las Casas
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2022

Una vez que se entiende el principio básico aquí destacado –que el empleo y por ende la dignidad no tienen que depender de las ventas, sino que pueden ser también fruto de la solidaridad, hay innumerables variaciones y extensiones posibles.

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Putin Grants Russian Citizenship to US Whistleblower Edward Snowden
Pjotr Sauer | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2022

26 Sep 2022 – Vladimir Putin signed a decree today granting Russian citizenship to the US whistleblower Edward Snowden, 39, a former intelligence contractor who has been living in Russia since 2013 after leaking secret files that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations by the NSA.

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On Loving the ‘Vietnam Syndrome’
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2022

2 Oct 2022 – Never, in my opinion, is the country and world more in need of a second coming of the Vietnam Syndrome than at present, with pressures building for an existential nuclear confrontation more menacing to contemplate than was the Cuban Missile Crisis 60 years ago.

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Please Endorse Our Call for Global Peace
Chandra Muzaffar, Richard Falk and Joseph Camilleri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2022

26 Sep 2022 – This call prepared by the undersigned has been endorsed by 38 individuals from a wide array of nationalities across the globe. They are mainly public intellectuals and activists who have been involved in a variety of causes over the years. We have shared our call with the U.N Secretary General, as well as with other leaders involved directly in the Ukraine and Taiwan Crises, and with those who have tried to mediate.

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Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2022

30 Sep 2022 – It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so.  It has already started World War III with its use of Ukraine to light the final match.  The problem is that reasonable people are in very short supply.

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(Português) Onze Pistas Falsas sobre o Clima
Michael Löwy | Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

Contestação de lugares-comuns que dificultam o combate à mudança climática.

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Patagonia’s Billionaire Owner Gives Away Company to Fight Climate Crisis
Erin McCormick | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

15 Sep 2022 – Setting a new example in environmental corporate leadership, the billionaire owner of Patagonia is giving the entire company away to fight the Earth’s climate devastation, he announced yesterday.

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Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID
Jonas Vesterberg | The Florida Standard – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

14 Sep 2022 – As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines.

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What Makes Ukraine Different from Serbia? Why Kosovo? Why Not Donbas?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

Defying Serbian Territorial Sovereignty in Kosovo, Upholding Ukrainian Territorial Sovereignty in the Donbas Region – The blind eye turned toward denials of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people in what had been their own country of Palestine represents a flagrant example of international double standards.

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USA’s Open Wound
Edward Snowden | Continuing Ed - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

20 Sep 2022 – The CIA Is Not Your Friend – Democracy and the rule of law have been so frequently invoked as a part of the U.S. political brand that citizens simply take it for granted they enjoy both.

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Ukraine: War, Statecraft, and Geopolitical Conflict—the Nuclear Danger
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2022

14 Sep 2022 – The risk of nuclear escalation in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a subject of considerable debate in the United States among scholars, policy analysts and media commentators. These debates reveal a broad spectrum of views from those who dismiss Russian references to nuclear capabilities as mere saber rattling to those who worry that if Russian President Vladimir Putin finds his back to the wall in Ukraine, he may resort to tactical nuclear strikes.

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Reinventing Employment with Solidarity Ethics
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2022

Solidarity ethics offers keys that open many doors.  Here I suggest that if not by force of law, then by force of conscience, they oblige everyone to contribute, to the extent that they can, to the creation of employment with dignity for all those who need it.

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Appraising Mikhail Gorbachev
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2022

6 Sep 2022 – Mikhail Gorbachev had the greatest historical impact of any public figure since WW II. It is a bitterly polarized legacy of admiration and historical achievement in the West and one of contempt and almost total disrepute in Russia.

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Is It Time to Stop Bullying Iran? Washington Should Restore the Nuclear Program Agreement with Iran Now
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

4 Sep 2022 – It is time for the morally attuned public to awake to the reality that a nuclear Israel has neither security justifications nor political grounds for its continuing bullying of Iran. Iran’s political solidarity with some movements in the region pales in its gravity compared to the U.S. and Israel’s discretionary bombing, political assassinations, interventions, and violations of the basic sovereign rights of countries in the Middle East.

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(Italiano) Il come ricordiamo Hiroshima e Norimberga riflette il potere non la giustizia
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

I pacifisti del vasto mondo sovente scelgono l’8 agosto ogni anno per provare di nuovo la sofferenza umana e la devastazione causate dallo sgancio di bombe atomiche sulle città giapponesi inermi di Hiroshima e Nagasaki.

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(Italiano) Nuovi modelli di conflitto e debolezza dei movimenti per la pace
Richard E. Rubenstein | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

L’inizio della guerra russo-ucraina nel febbraio 2022 ha drammatizzato un pericoloso conflitto globale tra gli Stati Uniti e i loro avversari della Guerra Fredda, Russia e Cina. Un conflitto regionale che avrebbe potuto essere risolto mediante negoziati o dialoghi tra le parti è diventato relativamente intrattabile, senza soluzioni immediate in vista.

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US Asked British Spy Agency to Stop Guardian Publishing Snowden Revelations
Julian Borger | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2022 – The US National Security Agency tried to persuade its British counterpart to stop the Guardian publishing revelations about secret mass data collection from the NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, according to a new book.

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The Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA, 2015) Should Be Renewed
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2022

25 Aug 2022 – Undoing the human and diplomatic harm of Trump’s international legacy is a complex matter that not only exhibits the persisting influence of unrepentant Trumpists but the passivity of the Democratic Party leadership, particularly when it dares to disagree with Israel on a matter of foreign policy concern.

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New Patterns of Conflict and the Weakness of Peace Movements
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2022

The beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war in Feb 2022 dramatized a dangerous global conflict between the USA and its Cold War adversaries, Russia and China. A regional conflict that might have been resolved by negotiation or dialogues between the parties became relatively intractable, with no immediate solutions in sight.

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Movements to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons and to Establish Geopolitical Accountability
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2022

16 Aug 2022 – Go to the links given connecting you with the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, the NGO that has the longest record of commitment to establish a global security system without nuclear weapons and with geopolitical accountability.

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Saudi Woman Given 34-Year Prison Sentence for Using Twitter
Stephanie Kirchgaessner | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2022

16 Aug 2022 – Salma al-Shehab, a Leeds University student, was charged with following and retweeting dissidents and activists.

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