Articles by Ravi P. Bhatia

We found 237 results.

Films and Society
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

Films are popular all over the world even in these days of TV and social media. While some films do show violence, they also promote healthy attitudes and harmony as indicated.

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Communicating with Each Other — People, Birds and Other Creatures
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

People can speak, they can recite poems
Twinkle Twinkle little Star
How I wonder what you are
They can invent new words to tell who they are

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Step by Step
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

25 Oct 2020 – Today is Vijay Dashmi or Dashehra symbolising victory of Good over Evil on the return of Lord Ram from his exile. I am feeling lonely. So I write this small poem.

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STOP HUNGER — Multi-Pronged Dimensions
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

World Food day was observed on 16 October. World Food Programme has won the Nobel Peace Prize for this year for its efforts at combating hunger all over the world by bringing food to millions of people who go to bed hungry and miserable. But its efforts are grossly insufficient keeping in view the dimensions of the hunger problem.

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Humanity, Compassion, Bravery
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

13 Oct 2020 – Many countries in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America are facing violence and brutality in one form or the other. However, on an optimistic and humane note, a few events are regularly taking place that dispel this negativity along with the abysmal social and psychological conditions we see around us.

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Googling in Today’s World
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

28 Sep 2020 – “What is Google?” is a question that is often asked. Is it a library; is it a teacher, a search engine, an internet browser, a digital platform, or all of the above?

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Our Friend
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Met a person after many a day
Seeing me he wished me Good Day

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Education for All — for Peace, Development, Skills
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

Gandhi in his book Hind Swaraj (Home Rule) written in 1909, talked about modern civilisation, why India was colonised by the British, and Nai Talim (New Form of Education). The book was quickly banned by the British colonial government for being seditious. In this book, Gandhi stressed on education for girls and also on skills.

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Common Pets and Beyond
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

21 Sep 2020 – All over the world people like to have pets for themselves. Perhaps the most common pets are dogs of various sizes, various breeds and various colours from black to brown to white and other mixed colours.

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The Human Touch and Its Offshoots
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2020

15 Sep 2020 – Human beings have different sensations: sight, hearing, smell, sound, and not the least the sensation of touch, a basic need for all people called Sparsh in India. Let’s hope that this pandemic comes to an end soon and we can shake hands or hug each other and restore our need for Sparsh—human touch.

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Imparting Basic Education — Numeracy, Literacy and Other Skills
Ravi P. Bhatia and Ambika Roshan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Sep 2020

One positive feature that has emerged in today’s complex world is that like proper nutrition, a safe and healthy home plus education must be imparted almost with religious fervour and patience, not just the rote form of teaching-learning process, generally observed earlier.

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Socio—Politico Jiu-jitsu
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2020

The world sees differences of various types in races, cultures, behaviour, activities and virtually all aspects that human beings display. Some of these are innate or natural, as are the facial and bodily looks and corresponding behaviour. But some differences are acquired.

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Pandit Jasraj — Musician Extraordinaire
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

25 Aug 2020 – Indian classical music both vocal and instrumental can have countless number of varieties. These depend on the gharanas (families or lineages), of the musicians as well as their individual differences.

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Being Different, Being Unique
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2020

24 Aug 2020 – A new tendency is being observed in some regions of the world — to become unique, to be different from other people either physically or in some other noticeable manner. In other words, to look different from others. For this purpose sometimes some dubious means are adopted, usually by youngsters, both male and female.

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Advertisements — Their Impact on Businesses
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

Modern business works on the principle of advertisements— conveniently called ads. The more ads you post in newspapers or on TV, social media or even on roadside hoardings, the better chances you have with your products. Even if a person does not need the product, the advertising is so enticing, that a person thinks let us give it a chance. 

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Memory — Linkages with Nature
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Aug 2020

All of us have memories, some pleasant some distasteful, in our lives. My purpose in this essay is to understand the meaning of memory and to determine its relationship or linkage with Nature in its various manifestations.

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Seeking Education— An Inspiring Saga of Young Women’s Courage
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2020

28 Jul 2020 – Education is a need for all people in today’s world — people of all ages and all backgrounds. This is especially so for young people and students. Education serves several needs of young people.

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(Italiano) Amore per il ciclismo
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2020

Una bicicletta non è stata solo un mezzo di trasporto, ma anche uno strumento educativo, per aiutare il padre malato e per ricevere una lettera o del denaro. Gli smartphone o WhatsApp possono offrire questi vantaggi? Le persone che promuovono la digitalizzazione o l’online banking non sarebbero d’accordo. Ma io resto col mio amore per la bicicletta.

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Love for Cycling
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2020

A bicycle has been not just a means of transportation but also an instrument for education, for helping one’s ill father, or for receiving a letter or money. Can the smartphones or the WhatsApp’s provide these benefits? People promoting digitisation or online banking would disagree. But I rest my love for a bicycle.

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Changing Contours of Education over the Last Few Centuries
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

14 Jul 2020 – The world has seen different forms of learning as well as in the means of acquiring useful skills in society. For instance, in the early Greek system, the objective was to train young children — mainly boys, to become good citizens.

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Today’s Challenges — Mid Day Meals
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jul 2020

In India, government schools provide mid-day meals to the students who generally come from low income households. Not only do these schools charge no fees, the provision of MDM attracts students to school regularly. With schools shut, the nutrition being provided stopped.

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Facing the New Challenges – The New Lingo
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2020

These elites care little for other people or the environment and society at large. They exploit the planet’s resources mercilessly, inflicting a terrible cost on our planet that is leading to climate change and global warming. Only a sustained effort at reducing this adverse impact on the planet can now save ‘gennext’ peoples of the world.

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Issues Regarding Elderly People — Ageing Concerns
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2020

Space and Time are usually treated by scientists as an integral concept. But there is a basic difference of time from space. We can travel from one place to another. But time is different in the sense that we cannot go back; we can go into future but not into past.

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Real vs Reel: Dilemma of the Modern World
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jun 2020

In earlier days most of what we could see around us was real. We had real parents, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and grandparents, some of whom loved us and some who scolded us if we were naughty. Today we are flooded with the virtual or what is also referred to as the reel world.

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Interactions of Peoples and Civilisations
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

People have been interacting with each other for thousands of years on this planet. The interactions have resulted in exchange of several aspects of human lives and civilisations.

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Godliness, Strength and Grit
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

They said it was the Asian century
With economies booming
Democratic principles shining
Scholarship, education rising

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Online Learning Problems under COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Ever since this pandemic has struck the world and India, there have been serious problems related to health, economy, education, etc. On the education front, schools and colleges have been shut down and students have been asked to stay at home. This has happened for about two months now.

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Letters, Telegrams and Post Offices — Tradition and Technology
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 May 2020 – Before the advent of the modern means of communication–email, SMS, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc–people used to depend mainly on the Post Offices for sending letters and telegrams. On 15 July 2013, the service came to an end after about 160 years of service in India. It was a sad day for many persons, including me.

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An Ode to Gautam Buddha
Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2020

Yesterday, 6th May night
The moon was shining bright
No clouds or rain to spoil the sight
Suddenly the thought came to me
7th May is Poornima (fullmoon night)
With the full moon the world will celebrate Buddha Poornima

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Ravi P. Bhatia - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Mar 2020

Two young women each having one baby meet in a Park.

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Gods of Good Tidings
Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jan 2020

Oh Gods of Good Tidings
Why create these Weather Rings
Russia basking in a Summer Show
Inviting us all to its Warm Glow
India back in a Winter Fury

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Seeking Peace and Harmony in a Troubled World
Dr Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

We are inundated with news of accidents, floods, bombings, killings, terrorist activities, sexual assaults and other such painful and tragic events.

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In Elephant Country: Sharing Joy and Pleasure
Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Oct 2017

27 Sep 2017 – Elephants are huge animals — perhaps the biggest animals surviving today. They are found in tropical countries of Africa and Asia– countries that are warm and provide large amounts of trees and greenery. They largely eat leaves and occasionally some grass and grains also. They will sometimes also use the trees to scratch their bodies.

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A View of Portugal — An Outsider’s Perspective
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

26 Jul 2017 – In Portugal the stones speak more to tourists than human beings. Of course you must understand their language –in other words you must know which king ruled when, which grand stone cathedral was built and when. It is interesting to see the melange of European and Arab (or Muslim) architecture on the winding streets of Porto or Lisboa as Lisbon is called in the Portuguese language.

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Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2017

The problem with the status of Jammu and Kashmir and the feelings of its people towards India is an old one although the situation has become worse in recent times. It started in 1948 after India was divided into two independent states of India and Pakistan and after the more than 530 states were asked to go to either the new nation of Pakistan or to join India. The maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir (J K) was a Hindu but the majority population of the state was Muslim. He however decided to accede to India.

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Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 May 2017

The problem with the status of Jammu and Kashmir and the feelings of its people towards India is an old one although the situation has become worse in recent times. It started in 1948 after India was divided into two independent states of India and Pakistan and after the more than 530 states were asked to go to either the new nation of Pakistan or to join India. The maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir (J K) was a Hindu but the majority population of the state was Muslim. He however decided to accede to India.

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Second October –A Day of Peace and Harmony
Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Most people know that Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. Few people outside India would know that this day is also the day when another simple and self effacing man Lal Bahadur Shastri was born in 1904. From his simple beginnings Shastri rose to become the second Prime Minister of India when Jawaharlal Nehru died in 1964.

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