Articles by The Intercept

We found 609 results.

Trump’s Amoral Saudi Statement Is a Pure Expression of Decades-Old “U.S. Values” and Foreign Policy Orthodoxies
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 26 Nov 2018

21 Nov 2018 – U.S. elites who have armed and funded the world’s worst monsters pretend to be offended by Trump’s support for the Saudis.

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Amazon’s Accent Recognition Technology Could Tell the Government Where You’re From
Belle Lin – The Intercept, 19 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 – A new patent shows how Alexa could derive ethnic origin and emotion by analyzing speech. Experts think the government could come after the resulting data.

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Tax Havens and Other Dirty Tricks Let U.S. Corporations Steal $180 Billion from the Rest of the World Every Year
Jon Schwarz – The Intercept, 29 Oct 2018

26 Oct 2018 – A new study shows that the corporate use of tax havens is central to how the U.S. functions and wields its power around the world.

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(Português) Não Ignore as Mudanças do Brasil de Bolsonaro
Leandro Demori – The Intercept Brasil, 29 Oct 2018

29 Out 2018 – Estamos todos em um mundo novo. O brasileiro votou em Jânio Quadros porque estava cansado da corrupção, votou em Fernando Collor porque estava cansado da corrupção, votou em Jair Bolsonaro porque estava cansado da corrupção. A corrupção que nos acompanha desde sempre é o maior cabo eleitoral de candidatos que se apresentam como antissistema e antipolítica, mesmo que sejam, eles mesmos, parte da mesma geléia moral que dizem combater.

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A Short History of U.S. Meddling in Foreign Elections
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 29 Oct 2018

1 Oct 2018 – Almost everyone — bar Donald Trump — seems to believe that the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election. So that should be condemned. In this video, I examine the ways in which the United States has, in fact, spent the past 70-odd years meddling in elections across the world.

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Jair Bolsonaro Is Elected President of Brazil. Read His Extremist, Far-Right Positions in His Own Words.
Andrew Fishman – The Intercept, 29 Oct 2018

28 Oct 2018 – Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil today. The far-right candidate received more than 55 percent of valid votes. After taking aim at the media throughout his campaign, he chose to make his first statement after the election via Facebook Live, rather than a press conference. “We could not continue to flirt with socialism, communism, populism, and the extremism of the left,” he said. The broadcast was picked up by major TV networks, but repeatedly froze due to connection issues. “All of the promises made to political groups and the people will be kept,” he added.

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American Executives: Election of Far-Right Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil Is a “Bullish Opportunity for Us”
Zaid Jilani and Lee Fang – The Intercept, 29 Oct 2018

25 Oct 2018 – Financial markets appear more than happy to overlook the authoritarian impulses and violent promises of Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, hoping he will deliver decisive, pro-business economic policies. In a giddy investor call today, Timothy Hassinger, chief executive officer of Lindsay Corp., the Nebraska-based farming equipment manufacturer, referred to the far-right politician as “considered strongly as pro-ag,” calling his likely election victory a “bullish opportunity for us.”

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Fossil Fuels Are a Threat to Civilization, New U.N. Report Concludes
Kate Aronoff – The Intercept, 15 Oct 2018

On Monday [8 Oct], the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a daunting report: we are on track for around 3 degrees Celsius of warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. We will see coastal cities swallowed by the sea, global food shortages, and $54 trillion in climate-associated costs as soon as 2040.

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Calves in Confinement: Gruesome Footage of Dairy Calves Exposes a Gaping Loophole in California’s Landmark Animal Welfare Law
Saul Elbein – The Intercept, 15 Oct 2018

8 Oct 2018 – An investigation by activist group DxE showed thousands of dairy calves held in tight hutches, despite efforts to outlaw such confined conditions. This article includes graphic images that some readers may find disturbing.

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I Just Visited Lula, the World’s Most Prominent Political Prisoner. A “Soft Coup” in Brazil’s Election Will Have Global Consequences.
Noam Chomsky – The Intercept, 8 Oct 2018

2 Oct 2018 – As the fifth most populous country, what happens in Brazil matters. The current election reflects dynamics that are globally relevant and historically familiar.

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Vulture Funds Stand to Make Millions in Wake of Hurricane Maria
Kate Aronoff – The Intercept, 1 Oct 2018

28 Sep 2018 – Vulture funds scooped up hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Puerto Rican debt after Hurricane Maria hit.

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(Português) Um aborto a cada quatro grávidas: A cidade em que o agrotóxico glifosato contamina o leite materno e mata até quem ainda nem nasceu
Nayara Felizardo – The Intercept Brasil, 24 Sep 2018

17 Set 2018 – O mesmo veneno que garante a riqueza dos fazendeiros da cidade está provocando uma epidemia de intoxicação em mães e bebês. Estima-se que uma em cada quatro grávidas da cidade tenha sofrido aborto, que 14% dos bebês nasçam com baixo peso (quase do dobro da média nacional) e que 83% das mães tenham o leite materno contaminado. Os dados são do sanitarista Inácio Pereira Lima na sua tese de mestrado em saúde da mulher pela Universidade Federal do Piauí.

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Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 11/9” Aims Not at Trump but at Those Who Created the Conditions That Led to His Rise
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 24 Sep 2018

21 Sep 2018 – Moore’s new film will surprise, please, disturb, disgust and anger everyone – for different reasons – and that’s what makes it so worthwhile.

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The U.S. Goes to War against the ICC to Cover Up Alleged War Crimes in Afghanistan
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept, 17 Sep 2018

12 Sep 2018 – John Bolton is on a jihad against the ICC, seeking to ensure that the U.S. is free of international norms on human rights.

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No One Will Be Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Oslo Accords
Jon Schwarz and Alice Speri – The Intercept, 17 Sep 2018

On September 13, 1993, Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization signed the Oslo Accords on the lawn of the White House. Israel’s occupation has only become more entrenched — thanks in part to the cooperation of the Palestinian leadership installed by the Oslo Accords.

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(Português) Como funciona o lobby da Nestlé, Unilever e Danone para esconder o excesso de sal, gordura e açúcar nos rótulos
João Peres – The Intercept Brasil, 17 Sep 2018

14 set 2018 – Empresas exageram números, perseguem cientistas e jogam a culpa em você para barrar nova proposta da Anvisa para os rótulos dos alimentos.

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Dear Anonymous Trump Official, There Is No Redemption in Your Cowardly Op-Ed
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 10 Sep 2018

6 Sep 2018 – Dear Anonymous Trump Official, Sorry, what was the point of this particular piece? And what is it that you want from the rest of us? A thank-you card? A round of applause? The nation’s undying gratitude? Screw. You. There is no redemption; no exoneration for you or your colleagues inside this shit-show of an administration. You think an op-ed in the paper of record is going to cut it? Gimme a break.

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It Took a Handful of Italian Women to Kneecap One of the World’s Most Brutal Crime Networks
Alice Speri – The Intercept, 10 Sep 2018

9 Sep 2018 – “The Good Mothers” tells the story of the women who turned against the ’Ndrangheta, a ferocious, family-based Mafia criminal cult rooted in southern Italy.

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(Português) 50 empresas vendem metade dos alimentos do mundo – e elas estão cada vez maiores
Rafael Moro Martins | The Intercept Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

4 Set 2018 – Concentração no Brasil é ainda maior, aponta Atlas do Agronegócio, documento que faz retrato do mercado de alimentos e insumos e agora tem sua primeira edição brasileira.

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Facebook Suspended a Latin American News Network and Gave Three Different Reasons Why
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 27 Aug 2018

20 Aug 2018 – Facebook offered a jumble of explanations for why Telesur’s English-language page was suddenly taken down and then reinstated two days later.

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The U.S. Is Building a Drone Base in Niger That Will Cost More Than $280 Million by 2024
Nick Turse – The Intercept, 27 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018 – The Pentagon disclosed that in addition to the base’s $100 million construction cost in Agadez, more than $30 million a year will be spent to operate it.

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(Português) ‘Esquece do seu filho’: o Brasil está tirando crianças indígenas de suas mães e colocando para adoção
Tatiane Klein – The Intercept, 20 Aug 2018

28 Julho 2018 – Sem terra e vivendo em extrema pobreza, mães indígenas no Brasil lutam contra as autoridades locais que estão levando seus filhos.

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One Million Muslim Uighurs Have Been Detained by China, the U.N. Says. Where’s the Global Outrage?
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 20 Aug 2018

13 Aug 2018 – One. Million. People. There are around 11 million Uighurs living in Xinjiang, which means that almost one in 10 of them has been detained. Where is the outrage from the governments of majority-Muslim countries, which so often claim to speak on behalf of their oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters across the globe?

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A Palestinian Bedouin Village Braces for Forcible Transfer as Israel Seeks to Split the West Bank in Half
Alice Speri – The Intercept, 20 Aug 2018

13 Aug 2018 – Khan al-Ahmar is one of the last-standing obstacles in the way of Israel’s plan to completely swallow up a broad swath of land around Jerusalem.

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“Forget Your Son”: Brazil Is Forcibly Taking Indigenous Children and Putting Them Up for Adoption
Tatiane Klein – The Intercept, 20 Aug 2018

19 Aug 2018 – Without land and living in extreme poverty, indigenous mothers in Brazil are fighting back against local authorities who are taking their children.

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Capitalism Killed Our Climate Momentum, Not “Human Nature”
Naomi Klein – The Intercept, 6 Aug 2018

3 Aug 2018 – Nathaniel Rich, in his massive New York Times Magazine article [Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change], argues “human nature” kept “us” from fixing climate change in the 1980s. He’s dead wrong.

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The Homecoming: How Ahed Tamimi Became the Symbol of Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Oppression
Alice Speri – The Intercept, 6 Aug 2018

31 Jul 2018 — Ahed Tamimi’s story highlighted the plight of Palestinian children in Israeli military jails. Hundreds more remain behind bars.

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U.S. Secret Wars in Africa Rage On, Despite Talk of Downsizing
Nick Turse – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

26 Jul 2018 – US Special Operations forces in Africa are supposed to be training and advising, but they keep ending up in situations that are indistinguishable from combat. Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and other commandos have been involved in reconnaissance and “direct action” combat raids with local forces in Cameroon, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Somalia, and Tunisia.

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How a One-Word Loophole Will Make It Easier for the U.S. to Sell Weapons to Governments That Kill Civilians
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

20 Jul 2018 – The change could benefit Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — top U.S. weapons clients that are engaged in a destructive bombing campaign against civilians in Yemen.

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Swedish Woman Shows Quiet Power of Civil Disobedience as She Blocks a Deportation (video)
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

25 Jul 2018 – Elin Ersson, a Swedish student, refused to take her seat on a commercial flight unless a man being deported to Afghanistan was removed from the plane first.

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Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the UK. What Comes Next?
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno traveled to London yesterday for the ostensible purpose of speaking at the 2018 Global Disabilities Summit. The concealed, actual purpose of the President’s trip is to meet with British officials to withdraw its asylum protection of Julian Assange and then hand over the WikiLeaks founder to British authorities.

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As Eight Guantánamo Detainees Ask for Freedom, the Trump Administration Says It Could Hold Them for 100 Years
Shilpa Jindia – The Intercept, 16 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – The men have been at Guantánamo up to 16 years with no trial or charges, and lawyers say the war on terror justification for their detention has expired.

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Thomson Reuters Defends Its Work for ICE, Providing “Identification and Location of Aliens”
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 2 Jul 2018

27 Jun 2018 – The company is under pressure from Privacy International for its nearly $30 million in ICE contracts via two subsidiaries. The spokesperson declined to comment on whether Thomson Reuters would pursue further business with an agency involved in separating children from their parents.

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Yemen: She Named Her Child “Enough”
Alex Potter – The Intercept, 25 Jun 2018

21 Jun 2018 – A Rare Look at Yemen’s War, Where Children Starve and Hospitals Are on Life-Support – Photojournalist Alex Potter chronicles the suffering of Yemenis after three years of fighting and near famine.

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Animal Rights Activists Face Multiple Felony Charges, Brought by Prosecutors with Ties to Smithfield Foods
Glenn Greenwald, Lee Fang and Leighton Akio Woodhouse – The Intercept, 11 Jun 2018

7 Jun 2018 – Six animal rights activists have been charged with multiple felony counts in two separate criminal cases. Why are they, who took nothing of commercial value, facing prison terms? Because the law is being abused to intimidate and silence them.

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Seymour Hersh’s New Memoir Is a Fascinating, Flabbergasting Masterpiece
Jon Schwarz – The Intercept, 11 Jun 2018

2 Jun 2018 – “Reporter” is one of the most compelling, thrilling, and significant books ever written about American journalism.

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Blacklisted Academic Norman Finkelstein on Gaza, “the World’s Largest Concentration Camp”
Jeremy Scahill – The Intercept, 28 May 2018

20 May 2018 – The son of holocaust survivors talks about war crimes, “cowardly” Israel, possible war with Iran, and his new book, “Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom.”

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Bred to Suffer: Inside the Barbaric U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation
Glenn Greenwald and Leighton Akio Woodhouse – The Intercept, 21 May 2018

17 May 2018 – An investigation into Ridglan Farms shines a light on a largely hidden industry that breeds and cages dogs for the sole purpose of experimentation. This article includes graphic images that some readers may find disturbing.

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Ecuador’s Ex-President Rafael Correa Denounces Treatment of Julian Assange as “Torture”
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 21 May 2018

16 May 2018 – In an exclusive interview, the former Ecuadorian leader speaks about Assange, allegations from The Guardian, and the “submissive” posture of his successor to the U.S.

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Business Is Booming for the U.K.’s Spy Tech Industry
Matt Kennard – The Intercept, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – A new “cyber corridor” in England is attracting secretive companies that are producing cutting-edge government surveillance tools.

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You Can’t Handle the Truth about Facebook Ads, New Harvard Study Shows
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 14 May 2018

9 May 2018 – When you tell people you’ve been tracking them across the internet, they freak out and avoid buying your product, research at the Harvard Business School found.

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As Gaza Sinks into Desperation, a New Book Makes the Case against Israeli Brutality
Charles Glass – The Intercept, 14 May 2018

13 May 2018 – In his new book, “Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom,” Norman Finkelstein presents Gaza’s case like a veteran prosecutor at a homicide trial. “This book is not about Gaza,” he writes. “It is about what has been done to Gaza.” He asks the reader to decide “whether this writer is partisan to Gaza or whether the facts are partisan to it.”

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Six Animal Rights Activists Charged with Felonies for Investigation and Rescue That Led to Punishment of a Utah Turkey Farm
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 7 May 2018

4 May 2018 – With the agricultural industry’s “ag-gag” laws dying in court, it appears to be turning to new tactics to silence activists and journalists who expose its abuses. This article includes graphic images and video some readers may find disturbing.

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Israel Opens Fire on Palestinian Protesters in Gaza; Trump Envoy Blames “Hostile March”
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 2 Apr 2018

Updated: Saturday, March 31, 9:09 a.m. EDT – This report was updated with more video of unarmed Palestinian protesters being shot by Israeli snipers in Gaza on Friday [30 Mar], a revised death toll, statements from rights groups, Israel’s military and Hamas.

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Brazil’s Marielle Franco Denounced Three Murders [by Military Police] in the Days before Her Assassination. These Are the Stories.
Leandro Demori, Bruna de Lara, Carolina Moura, Juliana Gonçalves, Yuri Eiras – The Intercept, 2 Apr 2018

21 Mar 2018 – Marielle Franco’s assassins wanted to silence her cause.

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Israel Jails Ahed Tamimi’s Mother for Facebook Live Video of Palestinian Teen Slapping Soldier
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 26 Mar 2018

Ahed Tamimi was sentenced to eight months in prison on Wed [21 Mar] for slapping an Israeli soldier. Her mother will also be jailed for broadcasting the confrontation, which was streamed live on Facebook, and also sentenced to eight months in prison.

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(Português) O assassinato de Marielle Franco foi uma enorme perda para o Brasil — e para o mundo
Shaun King – The Intercept, 19 Mar 2018

Na quarta-feira [14 março], em pleno Rio de Janeiro, uma importante líder de direitos civis foi morta por tiros que partiram de um carro. Seu nome era Marielle Franco. Ainda não sabemos quem assassinou Marielle e seu motorista, embora haja indícios preliminares de que a polícia pode estar envolvida. Ela lutava contra a epidemia de violência policial no Brasil.

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The Assassination of Human Rights Activist Marielle Franco Was a Huge Loss for Brazil — and the World
Shaun King – The Intercept, 19 Mar 2018

On Wednesday [14 Mar], in the middle of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a massively important civil rights leader was shot and killed in a brutal drive-by assassination. Her name was Marielle Franco. We don’t yet know who murdered Marielle and her driver, though early indications are that the police might have been involved. She fought against Brazil’s epidemic of police violence.

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The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed
Ryan Gallagher – The Intercept, 5 Mar 2018

1 Mar 2018 – It is one of the world’s most powerful alliances. And yet most people have probably never heard of it, because its existence is a closely guarded government secret.

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It’s Time to Wage War against War Movies That Glorify Outdated Models of Masculinity
Peter Maass – The Intercept, 5 Feb 2018

In the #MeToo era, Hollywood should turn away from war movies like “12 Strong” that send harmful messages about masculinity and violence.

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Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 1 Jan 2018

30 Dec 2017 – Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the decades-long, illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials. Indeed, Israeli officials have been publicly boasting about how obedient Facebook is when it comes to Israeli censorship orders.

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The Election Fraud in Honduras Follows Decades of Corruption Funded by the U.S. War on Drugs
Danielle Marie Mackey – The Intercept, 25 Dec 2017

23 Dec 2017 – The U.S. government has always known about the inbred kleptocracy of Honduras.

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Edward Snowden’s New App Uses Your Smartphone to Physically Guard Your Laptop
Micah Lee – The Intercept, 25 Dec 2017

22 Dec 2017 – Edward Snowden and a team of collaborators have been working on a new open source Android app called Haven that you install on a spare smartphone, turning the device into a sort of sentry to watch over your laptop. “Haven” guards against so-called evil maid attacks, in which your boot software is surreptitiously modified to defeat encryption.

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Killing Net Neutrality Has Brought On a New Call for Public Broadband
Zaid Jilani – The Intercept, 18 Dec 2017

Seattle’s socialist council member responded to the net neutrality vote by saying cities should just build their own broadband networks. Some already have.

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Trump White House Weighing Plans for Private Spies to Counter “Deep State” Enemies
Matthew Cole and Jeremy Scahill – The Intercept, 11 Dec 2017

5 Dec 2017 – The Trump administration is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer — with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal — to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies.

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Staggering Variety of Clandestine Trackers Found in Popular Android Apps
Yael Grauer – The Intercept, 27 Nov 2017

24 Nov 2017 – Researchers built a custom platform to root out trackers in mobile apps. They discovered 44 different varieties in 300 apps downloaded by billions of people.

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It’s Not Just Niger — U.S. Military Activity Is a “Recruiting Tool” for Terror Groups Across West Africa
Nick Turse – The Intercept, 6 Nov 2017

26 Oct 2017 – The mission never made the front page of the New York Times or the Washington Post. It wasn’t covered on CNN or Fox News. Neither the White House chief of staff, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nor the president ever addressed it in a press briefing. A deadly attack on Green Beret soldiers in Niger has highlighted an expansion of U.S. military missions in the troubled region.

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The Unwanted: A Haunting Look at the Rohingya Who Escaped Ethnic Cleansing
Elizabeth Rubin and Paula Bronstein – The Intercept, 6 Nov 2017

29 Oct 2017 – Myanmar uses violence to force waves of Rohingya Muslims into Bangladesh. Photographs from Paula Bronstein show the decimation.

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Rescue at Oakland Slaughterhouse Shows New, Potent Tactics of Growing Animal Rights Movement
Glenn Greenwald and Leighton Akio Woodhouse – The Intercept, 6 Nov 2017

1 Nov 2017 – As industrial animal abuse worsens, the animal rights movement is transforming and growing, and its new tactics are finding success.

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Disaster Capitalists Take Big Step toward Privatizing Puerto Rico’s Electric Grid
Kate Aronoff – The Intercept, 30 Oct 2017

26 Oct 2017 – The board that oversees Puerto Rico’s finances has taken its most conspicuous step toward privatizing the island’s power grid, a long sought-after prize that has been put on a plate by Hurricane Maria. Noel Zamot’s marching orders for Puerto Rico’s power supplier are clear.

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An Al Jazeera Reporter Went Undercover with the Pro-Israel Lobby in Washington
Aída Chávez and Ryan Grim – The Intercept, 16 Oct 2017

9 Oct 2017 – The four-part series, “The Lobby,” dug into the Israeli embassy in London, as well as several other pro-Israel lobby groups, and their campaign to “take down” British Foreign Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan. The investigation led to the resignation of a top Israeli official in London, as well as a high-profile complaint that Al Jazeera had broken broadcasting regulations in the United Kingdom.

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(Português) Onda reacionária aponta futuro sombrio para o Brasil
João Filho – The Intercept, 9 Oct 2017

1 out 2017 – A onda reacionária já virou tsunami e parece que ainda não atingiu o seu auge. Já passou da hora de a gente acender o sinal vermelho. O tsunami reacionário não está para brincadeiras.

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The U.S. Voted Against a U.N. Resolution Condemning Death Penalty for LGBTQ People
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 9 Oct 2017

3 Oct 2017 – The U.N. floated a resolution banning the use of the death penalty to punish homosexuality. The Trump administration voted “no.”

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A Reactionary Wave Points to a Dark Future for Brazil
João Filho – The Intercept, 9 Oct 2017

5 Oct 2017 – Conservative projects advance unabated in Congress while the military rears its head and torture supporter Jair Bolsonaro continues to rise in the polls. The time for us to sound the red alert has passed. This reactionary tsunami is no joke.

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The FBI’s Hunt for Two Missing Piglets Reveals the Federal Cover-Up of Barbaric Factory Farms
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 9 Oct 2017

This article includes graphic images some readers may find disturbing. Systematic abuse of animals lies at the heart of U.S. industrial farms, which are protected by the government. Despite a crackdown on activists, the public is seeing the barbarism.

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Puerto Rico Rejects Loan Offers, Accusing Hedge Funds of Trying to Profit Off Hurricanes
David Dayen – The Intercept, 2 Oct 2017

28 Sep 2017 – The PREPA Bondholder Group offered $1 billion in new loans and a swap of $1 billion in existing bonds for another $850 million bond. Despite growing calls for debt relief, no bondholder has said they would supply it in the days following the storm, nor have creditor lawsuits been withdrawn.

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Government by Goldman: Gary Cohn Is Giving Goldman Sachs Everything It Ever Wanted from the Trump Administration
Gary Rivlin and Michael Hudson – The Intercept, 25 Sep 2017

Gary Cohn and Trump’s Wall Street Agenda – “Yet now Cohn’s in charge of the economy and talking about eliminating financial reform and basically putting the country back to where it was in 2005, as if 2008 didn’t happen. I’ve started the countdown clock to the next financial crash, which will make the last one look mild.”

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Hurricane Irma Unleashes the Forces of Privatization in Puerto Rico
Kate Aronoff, Angel Manuel Soto and Averie Timm – The Intercept, 18 Sep 2017

12 Sep 2017 – Vultures circling the wreckage of Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Irma are closing in on a long-sought prize.

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Undercover in North Korea: “All Paths Lead to Catastrophe”
Jon Schwarz – The Intercept, 11 Sep 2017

4 Sep 2017 – Suki Kim spent much of 2011 teaching English to children of North Korea’s elite at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology and had visited NK several times before. Incredibly, Kim’s North Korean minders never realized that she was there undercover to engage in some of history’s riskiest investigative journalism. Kim kept notes and documents on hidden USB sticks and her camera’s SIM card.

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Hit App Sarahah Quietly Uploads Your Address Book
Yael Grauer – The Intercept, 4 Sep 2017

27 Aug 2017 – Sarahah, a new app that lets people sign up to receive anonymized, candid messages, has been surging in popularity; somewhere north of 18 million people are estimated to have downloaded it, making it the No. 3 most downloaded free software title for iPhones and iPads. A security researcher with the firm Bishop Fox caught the app uploading emails and phone numbers right after it is first launched.

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Harvey Didn’t Come Out of the Blue – Now Is the Time to Talk about Climate Change
Naomi Klein – The Intercept, 4 Sep 2017

Aug 28 2017 – Now is exactly the time to talk about climate change, and all the other systemic injustices — from racial profiling to economic austerity — that turn disasters like Harvey into human catastrophes. What you will hear very little about is why these kind of unprecedented, record-breaking weather events are happening with such regularity that “record-breaking” has become a meteorological cliché. In other words, you won’t hear much, if any, talk about climate change.

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In Europe, Hate Speech Laws Are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 4 Sep 2017

If hate speech laws existed in the U.S., their prime targets would be pro-Palestinian groups, Muslims, atheists, Black Lives Matter activists, and antifa.

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The U.S. Spy Hub in the Heart of Australia
Ryan Gallagher – The Intercept, 21 Aug 2017

19 Aug 2017 – A short drive south of Alice Springs, the second largest population center in Australia’s Northern Territory, there is a high-security compound, codenamed “RAINFALL.” The remote base, in the heart of the country’s barren outback, is one of the most important covert surveillance sites in the eastern hemisphere… The NSA and the Australian government’s Department of Defence declined to comment.

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The Madman with Nuclear Weapons Is Donald Trump, Not Kim Jong-un
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 14 Aug 2017

Most nonproliferation experts — as well as former President Jimmy Carter and a number of former Pentagon and State Department officials, both Republican and Democrat — agree that the brutal and murderous Kim, for all his bluster, is not irrational or suicidal, but bent on preserving his regime and preventing a U.S. attack. Nuclear weapons are a defensive, not an offensive, tool for the North Korean leadership — which, as Bill Clinton’s defense secretary William Perry observed on Fox News in April, may be “ruthless and … reckless” but “they are not crazy.” Got that? Kim is bad, not mad.

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Sphere of Influence: How American Libertarians Are Remaking Latin American Politics
Lee Fang – The Intercept, 14 Aug 2017

9 Aug 2017 – The Atlas Network has spent decades building up libertarian institutions across Latin America. Now the work is paying off. The work to undermine left-wing social movements and governments in South and Central America, and boost a business-friendly version of libertarianism instead.

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(Português) Dois anos depois, Congresso conclui o plano das elites ao proteger Temer: terminou a sangria
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 7 Aug 2017

3 Ago 2017 – Os mesmos pomposos deputados de direita e de centro que doze meses atrás se disfarçaram, sem pudor, com a ética, a religião e a moralidade pelo impeachment de Dilma, se juntaram para defender seu criminoso de estimação, que governa o país. Os votos dos deputados foram comprados por Temer usando dinheiro público. O Presidente passou os últimos dois meses fisgando, um a um, os deputados para dar-lhes um banho de generosidade até que eles aceitassem bloquear qualquer investigação.

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Brazil’s Corrupt Congress Protects Its Bribe-Drenched President, Finalizing Elites’ Two-Year Plot
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 7 Aug 2017

3 Aug 2017 – The very same bloated, slimy, pompous right-wing and centrist criminals who 12 months ago shamelessly draped themselves in ethics, religion and morality to oust Dilma Rousseff banded together to ensure that their fellow criminal who rules the country will face no consequences. Their votes were purchased by Temer using public funds. The President spent the last two months hauling them, one after the next, into his palace to shower them with public largesse until they agreed to block any investigation of him.

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With the European Union Livid, U.S. Congress Pushes Forward on Sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea
Alex Emmons and Ryan Grim – The Intercept, 31 Jul 2017

U.S. Congress tells the EU it doesn’t care what it thinks about its Russia sanctions.

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Trump Intel Chief: North Korea Learned from Libya War to “Never” Give Up Nukes
Jon Schwarz – The Intercept, 31 Jul 2017

Dan Coats did something truly shocking at the Aspen Security Forum: He told the truth about the effects of U.S. foreign policy.

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Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of American Empire
Jeremy Scahill – The Intercept, 24 Jul 2017

22 Jul 2017 – Under Trump, the U.S. is re-escalating its war in Afghanistan, expanding its operations in Iraq and Syria, conducting covert raids in Somalia and Yemen, and openly facilitating the Saudi’s genocidal military destruction of Yemen. Meanwhile, China has quietly and rapidly expanded its influence without deploying its military on foreign soil. A new book by the famed historian Alfred McCoy predicts that China is set to surpass the influence of the U.S. globally, both militarily and economically, by the year 2030.

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Trial and Terror
The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jul 2017

The U.S. government has prosecuted 805 people for terrorism since the 9/11 attacks. Most of them never even got close to committing an act of violence.

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The Worst of Donald Trump’s Toxic Agenda Is Lying in Wait – A Major U.S. Crisis Will Unleash It
Naomi Klein – The Intercept, 12 Jun 2017

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” So said Thomas Paine many years ago, neatly summarizing the dream of escaping the past that is at the heart of both the colonial project and the American Dream. The truth, however, is that we do not have this godlike power of reinvention, nor did we ever. We must live with the messes and mistakes we have made, as well as within the limits of what our planet can sustain. But we do have it in our power to change ourselves, to attempt to right past wrongs, and to repair our relationships with one another and with the planet we share. It’s this work that is the bedrock of shock resistance.

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A 50-Year Occupation: Israel’s Six-Day War Started with a Lie
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 12 Jun 2017

The war was launched in 1967 because Israel wanted to annex new territory, not because it faced an imminent threat from Arab forces. The peace process is a charade.

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Ireland Set to Have Its First Openly Gay Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 5 Jun 2017

Leo Varadkar, a gay lawmaker, was elected the leader of Ireland’s ruling Fine Gael party on Friday [2 Jun 2017], making him the country’s prime minister-elect, set to take power after the Irish parliament reconvenes in 10 days. Varadkar, a doctor who served as health minister, came out about his sexuality during a live radio interview in 2015.

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The Real Roots of the Worldwide Ransomware Outbreak: Militarism and Greed
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 22 May 2017

A runaway strain of malware hit Windows computers Friday [12 May] and spread through the weekend, rendering hundreds of thousands of computers around the world more or less useless. The big twist: The virus was made possible by U.S. government hackers at the National Security Agency. But the finger-pointing won’t stop there, and it probably shouldn’t.

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Chelsea Manning Is a Free Woman: Her Heroism Has Expanded Beyond Her Initial Whistleblowing
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 22 May 2017

One could almost say that Chelsea Manning’s 2010 leaking to WikiLeaks has faded into the background when assessing her true impact as a human being.

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Leaked NSA Malware Is Helping Hijack Computers around the World
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 15 May 2017

12 May 2017 – In mid-April, an arsenal of powerful software tools apparently designed by the NSA to infect and control Windows computers was leaked by an entity known only as the “Shadow Brokers.” Not even a whole month later, the hypothetical threat that criminals would use the tools against the general public has become real, and tens of thousands of computers worldwide are now crippled by an unknown party demanding ransom.

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Puerto Rico’s $123 Billion Bankruptcy Is the Cost of U.S. Colonialism
Juan González – The Intercept, 15 May 2017

9 May 2017 – Last week Puerto Rico officially became the largest bankruptcy case in the history of the American public bond market. The Caribbean territory’s–that many have dubbed America’s Greece–total debt is unprecedented for any government insolvency in the U.S. Detroit’s bankruptcy, by comparison, involved just $18 billion — one-ninth the size of Puerto Rico’s.

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Why Do North Koreans Hate Us? One Reason: They Remember the Korean War
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 8 May 2017

3 May 2017 – “Why do they hate us?” It’s a question that has bewildered Americans again and again in the wake of 9/11, in reference to the Arab and Muslim worlds. These days, however, it’s a question increasingly asked about the reclusive North Koreans.

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Julian Assange Strikes Back at CIA Director and Talks Trump, Russia, and Hillary Clinton
Jeremy Scahill – The Intercept, 24 Apr 2017

19 Apr 2017 – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is hitting back at Trump’s CIA director Mike Pompeo following a speech last week in which Pompeo accused WikiLeaks of being a “hostile nonstate intelligence agency” operating outside of the protections of the First Amendment.

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Cybersecurity for the People: How to Protect Your Privacy at a Protest
Micah Lee and Lauren Feeney – The Intercept, 24 Apr 2017

21 Apr 2017- Planning on going to a protest? You might not be aware that just by showing up, you can open yourself up to certain privacy risks — police often spy on protesters, and the smartphones they carry, and no matter how peaceful the demonstration, there’s always a chance that you could get detained or arrested, and your devices could get searched. Watch this video for tips on how to prepare your phone before you go to a protest, how to safely communicate with your friends and document the event, and what to do if you get detained or arrested.

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Leaked NSA Malware Threatens Windows Users Around the World
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 17 Apr 2017

14 Apr 2017 – The ShadowBrokers, an entity previously confirmed by The Intercept to have leaked authentic malware used by the NSA to attack computers around the world, today released another cache of what appears to be extremely potent (and previously unknown) software capable of breaking into systems running Windows. The software could give nearly anyone with sufficient technical knowledge the ability to wreak havoc on millions of Microsoft users.

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Burmese Nobel Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi Has Turned into an Apologist for Genocide against Muslims
Mehdi Hasan — The Intercept, 17 Apr 2017

The longtime prisoner of conscience now leads Myanmar and defends her government’s abuses, including killings and gang rapes, against the country’s Rohingya minority.

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Big Pharma Funds “Independent” Advocacy Groups Attacking Drug-Price Reduction Bill
Lee Fang – The Intercept, 17 Apr 2017

10 Apr 2017 – Advertisements from seemingly independent advocacy groups are swamping Beltway newspapers with dire warning that recent proposals to lower drug prices will lead to dangerous consequences. In the last week alone, the ads have appeared in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Roll Call, The Hill, and Politico.

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Senate Republicans Just Sold You Out to Advertisers
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 27 Mar 2017

23 Mar 2017 – In a 50-to-48 vote the U.S. Senate decided to kill FCC rules blocking your ISP from selling your browsing history to the advertising industry without permission. The likes of Comcast and Verizon will be able to make money disclosing what you buy, where you browse, and what you search from your own home.

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War Correspondents Describe Recent U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen
Malak Habbak – The Intercept, 27 Mar 2017

22 Mar 2017 – Sentiment in Washington may not reflect that the U.S. is at war, but two war correspondents described the astonishing extent and toll of recent U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

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Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 20 Mar 2017

The principal problem for Democrats is that so many media figures and online charlatans are personally benefiting from feeding the base increasingly unhinged, fact-free conspiracies — just as right-wing media polemicists did after both Bill Clinton and Obama were elected.

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The New Yorker’s Big Cover Story Reveals Five Uncomfortable Truths About U.S. and Russia
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 6 Mar 2017

28 Feb 2017 – The New Yorker is aggressively touting its 13,000-word cover story on Russia and Trump that was bylined by three writers, including the magazine’s editor-in-chief, David Remnick. The most astonishing aspect of the discourse on Russia is how little attention is paid to the risks of fueling a new Cold War.

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The Increasingly Unhinged Russia Rhetoric Comes from a Long-Standing U.S. Playbook
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 27 Feb 2017

Foreign villains must always be omnipotent, and anyone questioning that must be disloyal.

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(Português) Brasil: Globo e Folha sofrem censura de Temer e juiz, e apagam reportagens. Nós publicamos o que foi proibido.
The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2017

Em Defesa de Uma Imprensa Livre sem a Censura do Estado – Como um dos objetivos da criação do The Intercept era defender e apoiar a liberdade de imprensa em todo o mundo, estamos publicando os materiais censurados para que possam ser analisados pelo público.

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