Articles by RT

We found 3826 results.

6 Crimes against Nature Perpetrated by the Food Industry
Martha Rosenberg, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2013

Treating animals like heads of lettuce—“forget it’s an animal” says one farming magazine—has created institutionalized ruthlessness toward animals, workers and the environment, harming humans who eat the products thanks to meat-related obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and greedy, short-sighted land-use policies.

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Edward Snowden, after Months of NSA Revelations, Says His Mission’s Accomplished
Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 30 Dec 2013

24 Dec 2013 – “For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished,” he said. “I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.”

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(Português) O Funesto Império Mundial das Corporações
Leonardo Boff – Carta Maior, 30 Dec 2013

Muitos como J. Stiglitz e P. Krugman esperavam que o legado da crise de 2008 seria um grande debate sobre que tipo de sociedade queremos. Erraram feio. A discussão não se deu. Ao contrário, a lógica que provocou a crise foi retomada com mais furor.

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9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
911ExpertsSpeakOut – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2013

Public Broadcasting Station, Colorado Public Television, have courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation’s public service media network. This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary.

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Gun or Gandhi
Martin Arnold - TED Talks, 30 Dec 2013

Nov 25, 2013 – TRANSCEND member Martin Arnold worked at the vocational school Essen-West as a protestant vocational pastor until 2010. From 2004 to 2009 he led a project funded by the German Foundation for Peace.

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Time to Be Bold and Make Peace in Syria
Jimmy Carter and Robert A. Pastor – The Washington Post, 30 Dec 2013

23 Dec 2013 – We would need Russia and the United States to agree to this approach, Iran and other regional powers to stop supporting their proxies and the United Nations to elevate this issue to a top priority. It is time to change the agenda, the preconditions and the strategy on Syria — and end the war.

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Defeating the Violence in Our Food and Medicine
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

Apart from exposing the medical industry, there has been much effort to expose the way in which the pharmaceutical and agribusiness food industries (particularly the meat industry) have ensured that little in the way of health-enhancing advice and treatment is available to patients who risk all by subjecting themselves to a ‘doctor’.

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(Português) Fórum Mundial dos Direitos Humanos Reúne Mais de 5 Mil em Brasília
Najla Passos – Carta Maior, 16 Dec 2013

Com a presença de 5.987 pessoas de diferentes segmentos sociais de diversos países, o Fórum Mundial dos Direitos Humanos foi aberto nesta terça (10 Dez), em Brasília, na data em que se comemora o Dia Internacional dos Direitos Humanos e os 65 anos da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.

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New Evidence of Contra-Cocaine Scandal
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 16 Dec 2013

Special Report: Since journalist Gary Webb died in 2004, the story that destroyed his life has slowly come into clearer focus, revealing how President Reagan’s beloved Contras really were enmeshed in cocaine trafficking. On this ninth anniversary of Webb’s suicide, new corroboration has emerged.

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Is NATO’s Trojan Horse Riding Toward the ‘Ukraine Spring’?
Dennis Kucinich - Reader Supported News, 16 Dec 2013

While the draft of the EU “Association Agreement” is being sold as an economic boon for Ukrainian citizens, it is a massive expansion of NATO’s military position in the region. Naomi Klein’s Disaster Militarism. Ukrainians may be pro-EU, but are the EU and NATO pro-Ukrainian?

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Syria’s War: The Next Phase
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

While the initial conflict was disingenuously portrayed as the spontaneous militarization of unarmed protesters fighting against a “brutal regime,” in reality Al Nusra was already inside the country and operating on a national scale. The US State Department itself would reveal this in its December 2012.

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Aloha Nelson Mandela!
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Mandela was a political activist and agitator. He did not shy away from controversy and he did not seek — or obtain — universal approval. Before and after his release from prison, he embraced an unabashedly progressive and provocative platform.

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Reports on Syrian Paramilitary Groups
The Carter Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The reports are part of the Center’s Syria Conflict Mapping Project, which analyzes the unprecedented volume of online citizen-generated information about the conflict in an effort to better inform peace-building efforts.

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(Português) Veja Como a NSA Acessa Seu Gmail
Alberto Sicilia, Principia Marsupia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Procuramos explicar de maneira simples como funcionam os dois programas do governo dos Estados Unidos que recolhem os nossos dados na Internet.

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Washington Drives the World toward War
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Exceptionalism Killing America’s Soul – A person might wonder what is exceptional and indispensable about a government that is a reincarnation of Nazi Germany in every respect. People propagandized into the belief that they are the world’s special people inevitably lose their humanity.

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New Documents Show How the NSA Infers Relationships Based on Mobile Location Data
Ashkan Soltani and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 16 Dec 2013

Everyone who carries a cellphone generates a trail of electronic breadcrumbs that reveal a wealth of information about who we are, where we live, who our friends are and much more. The NSA is collecting location information in bulk — 5 billion records per day worldwide — and using sophisticated algorithms to assist with U.S. intelligence-gathering operations.

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Fresh Doubts about Syria’s Sarin Guilt
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 16 Dec 2013

Exclusive: A new analysis, buried in a UN report, reveals that one of the two missiles at the center of the Syrian chemical weapons crisis, which nearly led to a U.S. military attack, showed no evidence of Sarin, further undermining Official Washington’s certainty that the Syrian government was to blame.

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NSA Uses Google Cookies to Pinpoint Targets for Hacking
Ashkan Soltani, Andrea Peterson and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 16 Dec 2013

The agency’s internal presentation slides, provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, show that when companies follow consumers on the Internet to better serve them advertising, the technique opens the door for similar tracking by the government. The slides also suggest that the agency is using these tracking techniques to help identify targets for offensive hacking operations.

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Apple, Google, Microsoft and More Demand Sweeping Changes to US Surveillance Laws
Dan Roberts and Jemima Kiss – The Guardian, 9 Dec 2013

AOL, Twitter, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple and LinkedIn to call for reforms to restore the public’s trust in the internet.

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(Português) O Antigo Jovem Marx e o Novo Velho Marx Renascem em Berlim
Flávio Aguiar – Carta Maior, 9 Dec 2013

O Marx que provavelmente emergirá do projeto MEGA, edição integral de Marx/Engels, será menos apocalíptico e teleológico, mais profético e analítico.

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Lobbying Elites: The Fast Track to Extinction
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The evidence teaches us that elites want us to lobby (or vote for) them so that they can ignore us, and that mobilizations of people in one place provide easy targets for repression. So we need to develop strategies that primarily allow us to organise collectively in small local groups, to work with people whose values we share and to minimize the opportunities for military and police repression.

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Defeated by the Taliban, Washington Decides to Take on Russia and China
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

It is a good bet that the Ukrainian protests are a CIA organized event, using the Washington and EU funded NGOs and manipulating the hatred of Ukrainian nationalists for Russia. The protests are directed against Russia.

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NSA Tracking Cellphone Locations Worldwide, Snowden Documents Show
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 9 Dec 2013

Dec. 4, 2013 – The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable.

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US Government Considered Nelson Mandela a Terrorist Until 2008
Robert Windrem, Investigative Producer, NBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

From the White House to the halls of Congress, U.S. government officials have responded to the death of Nelson Mandela with a hail of testimonials to the late South African president’s leadership in the struggle for freedom and human rights. Until five years ago, however, the U.S. officially considered Mandela a terrorist.

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(Português) A Senciência e a Defesa dos Animais
Gilberto Pinheiro – Jornal do Brasil, 2 Dec 2013

Um grupo de neurocientistas canadenses, chefiados pelo doutor Philip Low, ao fazer estudos comparados, cotejando o cérebro humano ao de um animal, concluiu e subscreveu um manifesto ao mundo científico que os animais possuem consciência como todos nós. Inclusive emoções, sentimentos, o que, na verdade, já se sabia empiricamente.

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(Português) Direito à Privacidade: Nova Vitória do Brasil na Cena Internacional
Flávio Aguiar – Carta Maior, 2 Dec 2013

ONU aprovou resolução sobre direito à privacidade e temas afins, inclusive na internet, apresentada conjuntamente pelo Brasil e pela Alemanha.

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(Italiano) Il contributo di Johan Galtung alla teoria ed alla pratica della pace e della nonviolenza
Prof. Alberto L’Abate – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 2 Dec 2013

Galtung è sicuramente uno degli studiosi che ha più contributo allo sviluppo teorico- pratico di questo settore, grazie alla sua prolificità nello scrivere (fino al 2012, 1785 saggi, 165 libri, scritti o curati da lui o insieme ad altri; molti dei quali tradotti in 34 lingue, compreso l’italiano1), sia grazie al lavoro da lui svolto in molti paesi del mondo (anche per le Nazioni Unite, ed altre importanti O.I.G) soprattutto per la mediazione di conflitti, con risultati importanti cui avremo occasione di accennare in seguito.

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Why Don’t We Try to Understand and End Human Violence?
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Most of us want to use violence when it suits us and to ‘get away with it’ when we do. This is why most of us find ways to inflict our violence in socially legitimized ways or we do it in relative secrecy. Apart from inflicting violence on our own children and the natural environment, society has created whole sectors of activity in which ‘legitimized violence’ can be inflicted.

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The Warsaw Walkout and the Climate Movement
Sasha Reid Ross, Earth First! Newswire - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

The story is now part of climate history. Yesterday [21 Nov 2013], as climate talks degraded into a sideshow for the coal industry, more than 800 conference participants walked out. Wearing T-shirts adorned with the word, Volveremos (We will return), the activists handed in their registration badges and abandoned the United Nations Climate Change Summit.

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Syrian Nun Seen as Threat to War Resistance
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 25 Nov 2013

Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross is a Carmelite nun and mother superior of the Monastery of James the Mutilated in Qara, Syria, which has a community of three monks and twelve nuns. Born in Lebanon in a refugee camp 61 years ago, she is Palestinian on her father’s side and has worked in Syria for about 20 years. She is the spokesperson for the Catholic Information Center in Beirut, where the Musalaha Initiative also has its office.

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John F. Kennedy’s Vision of Peace`
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Rolling Stone, 25 Nov 2013

On Nov 22, 1963, my uncle, president John F. Kennedy, went to Dallas intending to condemn as “nonsense” the right-wing notion that “peace is a sign of weakness.” He meant to argue that the best way to demonstrate American strength was not by using destructive weapons and threats but by being a nation that “practices what it preaches about equal rights and social justice.”

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‘Syria Is Not a Revolution Any More – This Is Civil War’
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from Turkey and Syria – The Guardian, 25 Nov 2013

Rivalry between rebels and Islamists has replaced the uprising’s lofty ideals, leaving veteran commanders despairing. The goals of the first war – freedom, Islam, social equality of some sort – were replaced by betrayal, defeat and anger towards rival militias, jihadis and foreign powers fighting in Syria.

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The U.S. National Security State-CIA Killed J.F.K. in 1963
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

Kennedy was killed by multiple shooters with the killing shot coming, not from the school book depository building in the rear, but from the front, behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll. Dr. Robert N. McClelland, MD, the surgeon that treated Kennedy, stated frankly that the killing shot came from the front causing a massive exit wound in the right side of the President’s skull.

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A Showdown for War or Peace
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 11 Nov 2013

In pressing for negotiated settlements to the Iranian nuclear dispute and the Syrian civil war, President Barack Obama is challenging the imposing lobbying, propaganda and financial clout of the new Saudi-Israeli alliance, with the future direction of U.S. foreign policy – and geopolitical stability – at stake.

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US Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 11 Nov 2013

Drone attacks are raw terror tactics that terrorize civilian populations.

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Mission Accomplished: Peace Is Drone-Bombed
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

It would appear the Empire has succeeded in both preventing peaceful negotiations and continuing the drone bombing that stirs up hatreds and foments that which our mainstream press label as “terrorism,” without including the drone attacks.

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The Roots of the European Court of Human Rights and Democracy
Ersan Sen and Mahmut Can Senyurt – Open Democracy, 11 Nov 2013

Marco Duranti claims that the aims of the founders of the European Court of Human Rights were not democratic ones, and that the ECHR was in fact designed to secure the concept of “property rights” instead of social rights such as “the right to labour and social security” or “the right to health” as set forth under European Convention on Human Rights.

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Statement from Edward Snowden
ACLU-American Civil Liberties Union – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

The German magazine Der Spiegel published a statement Sunday [3 Nov 2013] from Edward Snowden that it translated from English to German. Snowden has provided the ACLU with the original English text.

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LGBT Americans Need Congressional Protection
US Pres. Barack Obama - Reader Supported News, 11 Nov 2013

Millions of LGBT Americans go to work every day fearing that, without any warning, they could lose their jobs — not because of anything they’ve done, but simply because of who they are. It’s offensive. It’s wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense.

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): When Foreign Investors Sue the State
Martin Khor, Third World Economics – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

The investor-state dispute system, whereby foreign investors can sue the host-country government in an international tribunal, is one of the issues being negotiated in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

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My Promise to Children
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

Every day, human adults kill 35,000 of our children. We kill them in wars. We kill them with drones. We kill them in our homes. We also kill children in vast numbers by starving them to death in Africa, Asia and Central/South America because we use military violence to maintain an ‘economic’ system that allocates resources for military weapons, as well as corporate profits for the wealthy, instead of resources for living.

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The Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
T Rajamoorthy - Global Research, 11 Nov 2013

THE free trade agreement being negotiated by the regional bloc known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has provoked widespread opposition in the countries involved in its negotiation. Today the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is rightly perceived and condemned as a US-led attempt to penetrate and dominate the economies of the region.

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Is The Hague Making a Mockery of Justice so the CIA and MI6 Can Save Face?
Robert Fisk – The Independent, 4 Nov 2013

Investigating an alleged double standard over two prominent Libyans accused of crimes against humanity.

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NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 4 Nov 2013

30 Oct 2013 – The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.

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(Português) A Grécia É um Laboratório para Aplicar as Terapias de Choque, Diz Kouvelakis
Cristina Portella – Carta Maior, 4 Nov 2013

Nenhum país europeu, como a Grécia, teve uma contração de 27% desde o início da atual crise, nem reduziu em 40% os custos do trabalho, a cifra assustadora que demonstra o ponto a que chegaram as terapias de choque neoliberais.

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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Silvio Waisbord – Americas Quarterly, 4 Nov 2013

Tackling Latin America’s media empires is critical for the health of democracies.

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How the NSA Is Infiltrating Private Networks
Barton Gellman, Todd Lindeman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 4 Nov 2013

This graphic shows how the NSA and GCHQ break into those internal networks, using Google’s as an example. Less is known about Yahoo’s networks, but the NSA operations are thought to be similar.

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Is Brazil the New Regional Champion of Democracy?
Prof. Oliver Stuenkel – Americas Quarterly, 4 Nov 2013

Don’t confuse Brasília’s stepped-up profile with U.S.-style democracy promotion.

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Report Calls for Female Genital Mutilation to Be Treated as Child Abuse
Conal Urquhart – The Guardian, 4 Nov 2013

Coalition of health professionals recommends aggressive steps to eradicate the practice in the UK.

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Malala and Nabila: Worlds Apart
Murtaza Hussain – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

The only people to be recognized for their suffering in this conflict are those who fall victim to the Taliban. Malala for her struggles was to be made the face of the American war effort while innumerable little girls such as Nabila will continue to be terrorized and murdered as part of this war without end. There will be no celebrity appearances or awards ceremonies for Nabila. At her testimony almost no one even bothered to attend [5 congressmen].

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Huge GMO News
Ocean Robbins - Reader Supported News, 28 Oct 2013

It has not been a good week for Monsanto and the rest of the biotech industry.

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Monsanto versus the Associated Press, Round Two
Willy Blackmore, TakePart – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

A new AP story focuses on the biotech company’s response to a report on the impact its chemicals have had in Argentina.

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(Português) França Espionada: “EUA Não Têm Aliados. Só Alvos e Vassalos”
Eduardo Febbro – Carta Maior, 28 Oct 2013

A França, assim como dezenas de países no mundo, tomou conhecimento de como, quando, quem e com que armas digitais os EUA a espionam até nas sombras.

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What Fine? Why JPMorgan Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 28 Oct 2013

Although the $13 billion fine that includes $4 billion to swindled homeowners, mostly in depressed inner city neighborhoods, is to be applauded, it represents about half of the profit JPMorgan garnered last year. Obama once referred to his buddy Dimon as “one of the smartest bankers we got.” JPMorgan has been shameless and at least seven federal agencies, several state regulators and two foreign countries are investigating the bank.

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Treating Anti-Syria Charges as Flat Fact
Robert Parry - Consortium News, 28 Oct 2013

With the blessing of the New York Times, the Obama administration has succeeded in cementing a dubious conventional wisdom about the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapons last Aug. 21 – without presenting a shred of actual evidence.

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The Struggle for Meaning in a World of Violence
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

What is the measure of a human being? Is it their wealth? Their wisdom? Their spirituality? Is it something that can be measured from the outside? What if it is something else altogether?

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Communique of the London 11 ‘Friends of Syria’: More Arms for Jihadists, No Hope for Peace
US Department of State – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

Below is the text of a Communique issued following the London 11 Meeting held in London, United Kingdom, on October 22, 2013.
[Note from TMS editor: The London 11 consists of: Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Representatives of the leadership of the National Coalition also attend the meeting.]

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As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost. Americans, even well-informed ones, don’t know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the US has lost economic and political power, and that the loss is irreversible.

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Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex?
Abigail Haworth – The Observer, 28 Oct 2013

What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out. 45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are ‘not interested in or despise sexual contact’. More than a quarter of men feel the same way.

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(Português) Marx, por Daniel Bensaid
Emir Sader – Carta Maior, 21 Oct 2013

Bensaid restabelece o caráter global da obra e da vida de Marx, como pensador e como militante, como analista e como teórico da revolução. O livro acompanha a biografia do Marx, sua formação intelectual e política, a construção da sua obra e sua imbricação com sua militância política.

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US vs. Lavabit
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 21 Oct 2013

Now we have a police state apparatus of almost unimagined dimension, most of which is kept secret and remains unknown, despite the efforts of a few reporters and whistleblowers who tell the truth at their personal peril.

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Made In France (Music Video of the Week)
Aquarelle Guitar Quartet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

Recorded Live in Manchester – Aquarelle Guitar Quartet. Composer: Bireli Lagrene.

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Bloomberg News — Americans Sell Body Parts for Income
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

Americans who lost their jobs have experienced dramatic reductions in their incomes and access to medical care. They have used up their savings and now have to sell parts of their bodies for money. This crisis will worsen as the American economic collapse proceeds. Income and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs.

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Original Pakistani TV Bashir Interview and Massimo Mazzucco’s 9/11 Documentary
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

Original Bashir interview that contradicts Washington’s account of killing bin Laden.

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How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 21 Oct 2013

Exclusive: Lost in the celebration over the Nobel Peace Prize to the UN agency eliminating the Syrian government’s chemical weapons is the question of who was really behind the Aug. 21 poison-gas attack near Damascus. Relevant to that mystery is the recent U.S. pressure to control key UN agencies including the prize recipient, reports Robert Parry.

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Growing Backlash to NSA Surveillance
Martha Mendoza, AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

Policy makers, privacy advocates and political leaders around the world have been outraged at the near weekly disclosures from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden that expose sweeping U.S. government surveillance programs.

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Wall Street Bets a Quadrillion Dollars of Everybody Else’s Money
Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

“Even if the whole planet were offered as collateral, it could not cover Wall Street’s bets… Derivatives are valued at six times more than the total accumulated wealth of the world.”

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Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award
Ray McGovern – Consortium News, 14 Oct 2013

Though former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has been indicted for leaking secrets about the U.S. government’s intrusive surveillance tactics, he was honored by a group of former U.S. intelligence officials as a courageous whistleblower during a Moscow ceremony, reports ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern who was there.

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Human Violence: Understanding it. Ending it.
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

What is violence? Let me define this phenomenon more precisely so that we might tackle it more effectively. It is social interference in the genetically programmed feelings, thoughts, sensing and/or behavior of another organism. It might be inflicted by an individual or an institution.

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Guardian’s NSA Revelations: Spies to Go under Spotlight
Patrick Wintour, Rowena Mason and Dan Roberts – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

British deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is to start conversations in government about how to update the legal oversight of the UK’s security services in the light of disclosures by the Guardian that powerful new technologies appear to have outstripped the current system of legislative and political oversight.

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New York Times Again Ignores Israel’s Nukes
Robert Parry - Consortium News, 7 Oct 2013

The U.S. news media’s bias in favor of Israel and against Israel’s enemies represents a journalistic failure to honestly inform the American people about issues that can lead to war. A glaring example is the double standard applied to Israel’s rogue nuclear arsenal.

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WTO: Stingy with the Poor, Generous with the Rich
Martin Khor – Inter Press Service-IPS, 7 Oct 2013

Martin Khor, the executive director of the South Centre, writes about how the WTO’s agriculture rules favour rich countries while punishing developing countries.

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A Syrian Solution to Civil Conflict? The Free Syrian Army Is Holding Talks with Assad’s Senior Staff
Robert Fisk – The Independent, 7 Oct 2013

Secret Approach to the President Could Reshape the Whole War – Six weeks ago, a two-man delegation arrived in secret in Damascus: civilians from Aleppo who represented elements of the Free Syrian Army, the rebel group largely composed of fighters who deserted the regime’s army in the first year of the war.

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Pakistani National TV Reveals That Obama’s Claim to Have Killed Osama bin Laden Is “An American Hoax”
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

Before you believe “your” government’s lies about Syria, remember “your” government’s lies about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Remember Washington’s lies about the Gulf of Tonkin that unleashed the Vietnam War. Remember the lies about Gaddafi and Libya. Remember the lies about 9/11, the lies about the murders of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King.

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Swords into Solar Panels: Re-Purposing America’s War Machine
Mattea Kramer and Miriam Pemberton - TomDispatch, 7 Oct 2013

A great deal of good can happen if military contractors and militarized communities invest in new energy technology rather than Cold War weapons systems. As it happens, some savvy and forward-looking outfits in the military sector have already begun converting their know-how into green-tech manufacturing.

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The Commons – A Historical Concept of Property Rights
Hartmut Zückert – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

The historical concept of the commons is a concept of property rights. If we historicize the contemporary debate about the commons and bring the historical concept of the commons into play, we must take that into account. Yet we must consider whether the question of property rights is even the central issue if we seek to solve global problems, and if so, how common-property rights can be fleshed out today.

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Fukushima Autumn
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 7 Oct 2013

Dishonesty of the Abe sort has characterized the nuclear industry (weapons and power) since its earliest days when its spokespersons were telling us radiation was more or less good for us.

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Greenwald-Scahill to Report on ‘NSA and US Assassinations’
Jenny Barchfield, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 1 Oct 2013

Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday [28 Sep 2013] they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “U.S. assassination program.”

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Israel Gives Palestinian 10 Year Prison Sentence for Selling Pretzels
Apartheid Exists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

They require a permit to do anything – have a job, build a home, get water etc but when you file the appropriate paperwork …. it doesn’t get approved (if you’re Palestinian). Palestinians live under absolute tyranny even when they’re Israeli citizens. Their government takes a hostile approach to them and does everything possible to ensure they remain in poverty strictly because they’re not Jewish.

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Gas Missiles ‘Were NOT Sold to Syria’
Robert Fisk – The Independent, 30 Sep 2013

While the Assad regime in Damascus has denied responsibility for the sarin gas missiles that killed around 1,400 Syrians in the suburb of Ghouta on 21 August, information is now circulating in the city that Russia’s new “evidence” about the attack includes the dates of export of the specific rockets used and – more importantly – the countries to which they were originally sold.

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A Corporate Coup of a Different Order: The Growing Resistance to the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Arthur Phillips – Toward Freedom, 30 Sep 2013

In February, more than four years later, President Obama claimed his to be “the most transparent administration in history.” Perhaps the least publicized example of that statement’s dishonesty is the White House’s efforts to negotiate the biggest trade agreement since the mid 1990s in near-total secrecy. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, has been in negotiations since 2007.

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Life on the Line: Can Humanity Survive?
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

As we approach the International Day of Nonviolence on 2 October, which recognizes Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, one challenge we face is to celebrate his life in a way that Gandhi himself would have found meaningful.

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Questions Plague UN Syria Report. Who Was Behind the East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack?
Sharmine Narwani and Radwan Mortada - Al-Akhbar, 30 Sep 2013

A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical weapons attack: “Of course not, he (President Bashar al-Assad) would be committing suicide.” When asked who he believed was responsible for the use of chemical munitions in Ghouta, the UN official, who would not permit disclosure of his identity, said: “Saudi intelligence was behind the attacks and unfortunately nobody will dare say that.”

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Old Dog, Old Trick: US, Saudis, Qatar Attempt “Arab Spring” Retread in Sudan
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Protests are smokescreen for unfolding US-Saudi-Qatari backed violence seeking regime change in Sudan.

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(Português) Alemanha Forte, Europa Social Destroçada
Roberto Sávio – Outras Palavras, 30 Sep 2013

Reeleição de Angela Merkel pressagia continente que abandona solidariedade, assume face punitiva do protestantismo e descamba para desigualdade e xenofobia.

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(Português) Vitórias da Multipolaridade Mundial
Emir, Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

O que parecia impossível há 3 semanas, agora é uma realidade consolidada. O Conselho de Segurança da ONU aprovou o acordo da Rússia com os EUA para a crise síria. Perdem Israel, a oposição síria, a Arábia Saudita, o Qatar. Ganham os que pregam o enfraquecimento da hegemonia norte-americana em favor da multipolaridade mundial.

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Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark: US Sanctions Are Genocidal
Abby Martin – Russia Today, 23 Sep 2013

Sep 17, 2013 – Abby Martin speaks with former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, discussing Iraq before the first Gulf War, his opinions on Syria, why he legally represented Saddam Hussein, and how US sanctions have a far greater negative effect on people than on the regimes of the countries these sanctions target.

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Assad’s Troops May Be Winning This War in Syria’s Capital – Untouched by Obama’s Threats
Robert Fisk – The Independent, 23 Sep 2013

Some questions are familiar. Why use gas when so much more lethal weaponry is being flung at rebel forces across the country? If the government wanted to use gas, why not employ it north of Aleppo where not a single government soldier or official exists? Why in Damascus?

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Hugo Boss Gave the Nazis Style
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 23 Sep 2013

Russell Brand: “Also glad to grace the stage where [London mayor] Boris Johnson has just made light of the use of chemical weapons in Syria – meaning that GQ can now stand for Genocide Quips. If any of you know a little bit about history and fashion, you know that Hugo Boss made the uniforms for the Nazis – now the Nazis did have flaws, but they did look f-ing fantastic, let’s face it – while they were killing people on the basis of their religion and sexuality. “

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(Português) Celso Amorim: “Precisamos Nos Preparar Para Evitar Uma Guerra Cibernética”
Martín Granovsky, Pagina/12 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

Ministro de Relações Exteriores, no governo Lula, e ministro da Defesa, no governo Dilma, Celso Amorim, em entrevista ao jornal Página/12, explica por que a América do Sul necessita de uma visão comum sobre a defesa baseada na cooperação e na preservação dos recursos naturais. E também o que fazer diante de uma guerra cibernética. “Estamos pensando em realizar um grande esforço na área da defesa cibernética”, anuncia.

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The BRICS “Independent Internet” Cable. In Defiance of the “US-Centric Internet”
Umberto Pascali - Global Research, 23 Sep 2013

The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from the “US-centric internet”. Not many understand that Rousseff can take such a historic step because the alternative infrastructure, the BRICS cable from Vladivostock, Russia to Shantou, China to Chennai, India to Cape Town, South Africa to Fortaleza, Brazil, is being built and is in its final phase of implementation.

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The Myth of the “Free Market” and How to Make the Economy Work for Us
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

One of the most deceptive ideas continuously sounded by the Right is that the “free market” is natural and inevitable, existing outside and beyond government. So whatever inequality or insecurity it generates is beyond our control.

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Major US Security Company Warns Over NSA Link to Encryption Formula
Charles Arthur and agencies – The Guardian, 23 Sep 2013

A major American computer security company has told thousands of customers to stop using an encryption system that relies on a mathematical formula developed by the National Security Agency.

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Five Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

A barrage of suspiciously worded headlines attempt to link in the mind of unobservant readers the UN’s “confirmation” of chemical weapons use in Syria and Western claims that it was the Syrian government that used them. The US, British, and French governments have quickly assembled a list of fabrications to spin the UN report to bolster their still-unsubstantiated accusations against the Syrian government.

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(Português) Por Que Controlar os Fluxos de Capitais
Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, Carta Capital – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

Keynes repetiu seguidamente nos trabalhos preparatórios da Conferência de Bretton Woods: “O controle de capitais deveria ser uma característica permanente da nova ordem econômica mundial”. O Plano Keynes postulava a criação de uma moeda internacional. Perdeu a parada para os interesses do establisment americano.

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Police Are More Dangerous to the Public Than Are Criminals
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government. At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China.

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Continuity of Agenda: Syria Catastrophe Engineered Under Bush, Executed Verbatim Under Obama
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

The rise of Al Qaeda in Syria and the predictable bloodbath that followed is the documented work of US, Israel, & Saudi Arabia.

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How PPP Helped Stop a War!
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

Overwhelming public opinion and people-power protest action, both in the U.S. and around the world, against a U.S. attack on Syria, including an appeal by the Pope, and a diplomatic proposal from the Russians all helped to call off the planned illegal U.S. military attack on Syria in the 11th hour.

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On the Fence about Syria? Read This!
Peter Certo – Foreign Policy in Focus, 11 Sep 2013

A quick reader on why military intervention in Syria is a big mistake–and what we should be advocating instead.

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Whales: US Navy Ignores California’s Call to Curb Training Involving Sonar, Underwater Blasts
Maureen Nandini Mitra – Earth Island Journal, 11 Sep 2013

Several new studies show Naval activities are impacting CA’s blue whale and beaked whale populations especially hard.

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