Articles by RT
We found 4024 results.
Tolstoy’s Remarkable Manifesto on Christian Anarchy and Pacifism
Robert Higgs – The Beacon,
5 May 2014
Tolstoy is one of the most important Christian anarchists in history, yet his views on Christianity were anything but typical. For him, Christianity was above all a commitment to love others as one’s self and to abstain from the use of force and violence, even in resistance to evil or in self-defense. Thus, as a Christian anarchist, he comes close to occupying a class of his own.
→ read full articleFree the NATO 3!
Socialist Equality Party – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 May 2014
1 May 2014 – Jail terms imposed on three young men arrested at an anti-NATO protest in 2012. Last week, a Chicago judge sentenced Brian Church, 22, to five years in prison, Brent Betterly, 26, to six years, and Jared Chase, 28, to eight years. The vindictive prosecution of the three individuals with anarchist views exposes the repression and intimidation of all political opposition to the policies of the ruling class.
→ read full articleHow Mandela and S. Africa Were Freed
Danny Schechter – Consortium News,
5 May 2014
History often recounts events through the tales of “great men,” but that is rarely the complete story. South Africa’s overturning of white supremacy is a case in point, not just the personal triumph of Nelson Mandela but the victory of a global movement.
→ read full article(Português) Brasil: Em guerra contra a Nestlé
Marina Almeida, Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 May 2014
Grupo de moradores e Ministério Público querem proteger o Parque das Águas de São Lourenço, em Minas Gerais, da exploração da multinacional.
→ read full articleA People’s War in East Ukraine
Daniel Patrick Welch – Consortium News,
5 May 2014
Ukraine’s Western-backed coup regime in Kiev has launched an offensive against ethnic Russians in the east while a pro-regime mob used fire to kill some 31 anti-regime protesters in Odessa. Virtually all U.S. pundits favor the coup regime. Here is a different view of the conflict.
→ read full articleTolerating Israel’s Land Grabs
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News,
28 Apr 2014
Secretary of State John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have reached their predictable collapse, but the U.S. news media still shies away from blaming Israeli intransigence and expansionism – nor advocating stern action against the land grabs.
→ read full articleBeneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas
Nat Parry – Consortium News,
28 Apr 2014
Behind the geopolitics pitting Russia against the West – and the ethnic tensions tearing Ukraine east and west – another backdrop for understanding this deepening conflict is the big-money competition for Ukraine’s oil and natural gas.
→ read full articleYet another Betrayal of the Palestinians
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
28 Apr 2014
25 April 2014 – Dead in the water. Just as the entire world predicted – with the exception of Messrs Barack Obama and John Kerry and, I suppose, our favourite “peace” envoy Tony Blair – the whole fandango of an Israeli-Palestinian “peace” has collapsed again.
→ read full articleSole US Nuclear Weapons Waste Storage Site Still Closed and Hot
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
28 Apr 2014
Nobody’s ever tried to fix an underground radiation accident before. More than two months after plutonium and americium leaked from the supposedly leak-proof underground nuclear weapons waste storage facility in New Mexico, the U.S. Department of Energy still does not know what caused the leak almost half a mile underground.
→ read full article(Português) Uruguai: o país da maconha estatal não presenteia o narcotráfico
Aram Aharonian – Carta Maior,
28 Apr 2014
O Uruguai, um pequeno país que quase não é visto no mapa, é o primeiro país do mundo a legalizar a maconha e a assumir o controle de todo o processo de produção e venda da erva. O governo de José Pepe Mujica recentemente também legalizou o aborto e a Lei do Matrimônio Igualitário, que permite a união de casais homossexuais.
→ read full articleAnswer Offered By Seymour Hersh Gets Little Public Attention
William Boardman ¬– Reader Supported News,
21 Apr 2014
Benghazi Mystery Explained!?! – Report from London links CIA Covert Op with Turkey, Syria
→ read full articleForgiveness is Dysfunctional
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Apr 2014
Certain religious traditions, including Christianity, emphasise the importance of forgiveness. I want to explain why forgiveness is misconceived and, therefore, a bad idea. And why there are important psychological reasons for this.
→ read full articleThe 1915 Armenian Genocide: Finding a Fit Testament to a Timeless Crime
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
7 Apr 2014
As the last survivors die out, academics must consider how best to create a lasting memorial to the 1.5 million who were murdered.
→ read full articleDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Why He Died & Why It Matters!
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Apr 2014
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the apostle of non-violence, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. Few people remember him for his work for economic justice and an end to the U.S. war in Vietnam. Very few people realize that a jury in the wrongful death suit brought by the King family found that Dr. King’s death was “an act of State.”
→ read full articleSri Lanka Retaliates Against UN Call for War Crimes Investigation – List Tamil Groups as Terrorists
World News Report – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Apr 2014
Chief among them is Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, which held internationally supervised elections among Tamils around the world to elect over 120 Members of Parliament and is leading a campaign for non-violent and democratic approach to solve Sri Lanka’s ethnic conflict.
→ read full articleSinister Efforts to Minimise Japanese War Crimes and Portray the Empire As a Victim Must Be Exposed
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
7 Apr 2014
The “comfort women”, the Japanese military’s repulsive euphemism for the victims they turned upon with such sexual sadism, were gang-raped, used as prostitutes and often butchered by Japanese soldiers during their occupation of Korea and China in the late 1930s. These women – the few ageing survivors and the many dead – are a symbol of Japan’s wartime disgrace.
→ read full article‘Cuban Twitter’ Heads to Hearings in Congress
Jack Gillum, Desmond Butler and Alberto Arce, Associated Press - TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Apr 2014
4 Apr 2014 – The head of the U.S. government agency that secretly created a “Cuban Twitter” communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cuba is expected to testify next week before a senator who thinks the whole idea was “dumb, dumb, dumb.”
→ read full articleThe Struggle for Humanity
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Apr 2014
Insanity is widely understood to refer to a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behaviour or social interaction; it describes someone who is considered to be seriously mentally ill. And this is an accurate description of the global elite and those who serve it whether they be in political, business, legal, psychiatric, corporate media, academic or other circles.
→ read full articlePrison of the Past: A Reporter Revisits His ‘Shameful’ Coverage of Rwanda
Bartholomäus Grill – Der Spiegel,
7 Apr 2014
Twenty years ago on April 6, the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda began. At the time, many Western reporters played it down as “ethnic warfare,” including Bartholomäus Grill, now a correspondent for SPIEGEL. He looks back with shame.
→ read full articleThe End of the Capitalist Era, and What Comes Next
Jeremy Rifkin - Reader Supported News,
7 Apr 2014
The capitalist era is passing… not quickly, but inevitably. A new economic paradigm — the Collaborative Commons — is rising in its wake. We are already witnessing the emergence of a hybrid economy, part capitalist market and part Collaborative Commons. The two economic systems often work in tandem and sometimes compete.
→ read full articleThe WIPP-Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Problem, and What It Means for Defense Nuclear Waste Disposal
Robert Alvarez – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
31 Mar 2014
“It’s a surprise when there are no surprises,” a cleanup worker told me a few years ago at the Hanford site in Washington state, once the world’s largest producer of plutonium for nuclear weapons and now home to a massive effort to stop leaking nuclear waste tanks from poisoning the Columbia River.
→ read full articleUkraine’s Inconvenient Neo-Nazis
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
31 Mar 2014
When Ukrainian neo-Nazis – infuriated over the killing of an ultranationalist leader – surrounded the Parliament in Kiev, the incident presented a problem for the U.S. news media which has been trying to airbrush the neo-Nazis out of the Ukraine narrative.
→ read full articleThe Watchdog That Didn’t Bark: The Financial Crisis and the Disappearance of Investigative Journalism
Robert Jensen – The Texas Observer,
31 Mar 2014
Barking dogs and sinking ships: Journalism’s search for metaphor and meaning.
→ read full article(Português) Otan na Ucrânia é o mesmo que mísseis em Cuba, diz Moniz Bandeira
Marco Aurélio Weissheimer – Carta Maior,
31 Mar 2014
Em entrevista à Carta Maior, o historiador Moniz Bandeira fala sobre a crise na Ucrânia, suas implicações geopolíticas e possibilidades de escalada.
→ read full article(Português) O Jornalismo de Hoje: Uma Escolha Entre o Mercado e as Pessoas
Roberto Savio – Carta Maior,
31 Mar 2014
O verdadeiro problema é que o jornalismo se converteu em tão somente um espelho de nosso tempo, abdicando de qualquer função social, para limitar-se a ser um abastecedor da informação como uma mercadoria. Nossos temos estão marcados pelo neoliberalismo, e vícios como a cobiça e o individualismo se transformaram em virtudes exaltadas por Hollywood e pela homogeneização dos meios de comunicação.
→ read full articleWhat Do Children Need?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Mar 2014
Apart from having its physical needs met, the primary needs of children are for stimulus and attention. The most important form of attention that anyone, including a child, requires is listening. Listening, in this context, has a precise meaning and it is invariably done extremely badly, particularly by parents in relation to their own children.
→ read full articleMauna Kea Park & Hawaii Island: Contaminated with Military Radiation
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Mar 2014
Regardless of who is liable –federal, state, and/or county governments, there are potentially serious health and safety concerns for residents and visitors with the increased use of Saddle Road, frequent strong winds and occasional flash flooding in the area, and military bombing of a base known to be contaminated with depleted uranium and other military toxins.
→ read full articleIsrael Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid, Says UN Rapporteur
Umberto Bacchi – International Business Time,
24 Mar 2014
21 Mar 2014 – Richard Falk, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, said Israel carried out a “systematic and continued effort to change the ethnic composition of East Jerusalem”.
→ read full articleKenya Legalizes Polygamy without Wife’s Consent
Peter Martell, AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Mar 2014
Kenya’s parliament has passed a bill allowing men to marry as many women as they want, prompting a furious backlash from female lawmakers who stormed out, reports said Friday [21 Mar 2014].
→ read full articleHow California Will Use Renewables to Replace Massive Nuclear Plant
Sierra Martinez, Natural Resources Defense Council – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Mar 2014
California took another major and symbolic step this month [Mar 2014] with its decision to rely significantly on energy efficiency and other clean energy resources to help replace electricity once generated by the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station serving San Diego and the greater Los Angeles area.
→ read full articleNSA Surveillance Program Reaches ‘Into the Past’ to Retrieve, Replay Phone Calls
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post,
24 Mar 2014
The NSA has built a surveillance system capable of recording “100 percent” of a foreign country’s telephone calls according to people with direct knowledge of the effort and documents supplied by former contractor Edward Snowden.
→ read full articleMainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
17 Mar 2014
The U.S. mainstream news media is reaching a new professional low point as it covers the Ukraine crisis by brazenly touting Official Washington’s propaganda themes, blatantly ignoring contrary facts and leading the American public into another geopolitical blind alley.
→ read full articleThe Rich Complain That We Do Not Love Them
Roberto Savio, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Mar 2014
F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said “The rich are different from you or me”, yet in his days, in the early years of the 20th century, the rich were not subject to public scrutiny, and were generally an object of envy, not resentment. Fast forward to the 21st century and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
→ read full articleMuch Bank Crime, Little Punishment
Danny Schechter – Consortium News,
17 Mar 2014
Wall Street banks made a bundle on securitized subprime mortgages until the bubble began to burst in 2007 inflicting devastating harm on average people around the world. Yet, despite government rhetoric to the contrary, the key culprits have escaped punishment.
→ read full article(Português) O capitalismo global está destruindo a raça humana
Paul Craig Roberts – Carta Maior,
17 Mar 2014
Fora as armas nucleares, o capitalismo é a maior ameaça que a humanidade já enfrentou. Ele levou a ganância a um patamar de força determinante da história.
→ read full articleWashington Has Set the World on a Path to War
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Mar 2014
Why is Washington so opposed to Crimean self-determination? The answer is that one of the main purposes of Washington’s coup in Kiev was to have the new puppet government evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Washington cannot use the government Washington has installed in Ukraine for that purpose if Crimea is no longer part of Ukraine.
→ read full articlePropaganda Rules the News
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Mar 2014
Glenn Greenwald points out the independence that RT, a Russian media organization, permits Abby Martin who denounced Russia’s alleged invasion of Ukraine, compared to the fates of Phil Donahue (MSNBC) and Peter Arnett (NBC), both of whom were fired for expressing opposition to the Bush regime’s illegal attack on Iraq.
→ read full articleCalifornia Bill Would Ban Orca Shows at Seaworld
Michael Martinez - CNN,
10 Mar 2014
A California state legislator is proposing to ban the captivity of killer whales for entertainment at SeaWorld in the wake of CNN’s controversial documentary Blackfish. “It is time that we embrace that the long-accepted practice of keeping orcas captive for human amusement must end,” state Assemblyman Richard Bloom, a Democrat from Santa Monica, said at a press conference Friday [7 Mar 2014] at the city’s oceanfront pier.
→ read full articleThe Conundrum of ‘Democratic’ Coups
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News,
10 Mar 2014
The U.S. government says it wants to spread “democracy,” a questionable claim considering the history. Think Iran-1953, Guatemala-1954, Chile-1973, Haiti-1991/2004, etc. Just this past year, the U.S. has embraced coups against elected presidents in Egypt and now Ukraine.
→ read full articleThe Washington Post Uses Biased Experts to Promote Propaganda on Venezuela
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept,
10 Mar 2014
That the sources of this supposedly expert analysis are funded by corporations and governments openly hostile to the Venezuelan government, and which have even attempted its overthrow in the past, would appear to be a fairly glaring omission.
→ read full articleFour Ways to Evolve Beyond Capitalism
Carl Gibson - Reader Supported News,
10 Mar 2014
Now that we’re having a serious conversation about capitalism, we can also have a conversation about solutions. Along with calling out flaws of capitalism, I’m proposing four solutions that would fix the most glaring problems in capitalism and blaze a new path forward for the next generation.
→ read full articleAmerica’s Staggering Hypocrisy In Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
10 Mar 2014
The United States has invaded or otherwise intervened in so many countries that it would be challenging to compile a complete list. Just last decade, there were full-scale U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, plus American bombing operations from Pakistan to Yemen to Libya. So, what is to make of John Kerry’s pronouncement that Russia’s military intervention in the Crimea section of Ukraine – at the behest of the country’s deposed president – is a violation of international law that the United States would never countenance?
→ read full article(Português) A Ucrânia no caminho das superpotências
Jeferson Miola – Carta Maior,
10 Mar 2014
A potência norte-americana financia os setores oposicionistas, a maioria deles de extrema-direita e neonazistas. E se movimenta politicamente e diplomaticamente.
→ read full articleDiplomacy NOT War!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Mar 2014
Author, historian, and former U.S. State Dept. employee, William Blum, in his book “Killing Hope” documents U.S. military and/or CIA interventions in 77 countries since WWII. Ukraine makes #78. Today, there is increasing danger of world war and financial collapse by miscalculation or design over the crisis in the Ukraine which the U.S. helped to create.
→ read full articleThe ‘We-Hate-Putin’ Group Think
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
10 Mar 2014
7 Mar 2014 – The only foreign policy show on the U.S. media dial this past week has been the bashing of Russian President Putin over the Ukraine crisis – with a slap or two at President Obama for having worked with Putin on Syria and Iran. Lost in this “group think” is the why behind this demonization.
→ read full article(Português) Brasil – Experiência com animais: Opinião contrária
Laerte fernando levai – ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais,
3 Mar 2014
O resgate de quase duzentos cães beagles no Instituto Royal de São Roque/SP, realizado por ativistas, surge como divisor de águas de um tema ainda considerado tabu no direito brasileiro: a experimentação animal.
→ read full articleWere It Not for the French, Hezbollah Would All Be Syrians Fighting on Their Own Government’s Side Inside Their Own Country
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
3 Mar 2014
And you thought the Middle East was a difficult place to understand. Try living here.
→ read full articleThe Crisis in Ukraine
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Mar 2014
The moderates have certainly lost control. They cannot protect public monuments, and they are forced to try to pre-empt the neo-nazis by legislating the neo-nazi program. The captive Ukrainian parliament has introduced measures to ban any official use of the Russian language. This, of course, is unacceptable to the Russian provinces.
→ read full article(Português) Cerveja: o transgênico que você bebe
Flávio Siqueira Júnior e Ana Paula Bartoletto – Outras Palavras,
3 Mar 2014
Sem informar consumidores, Ambev, Itaipava, Kaiser e outras marcas trocam cevada pelo milho e levam à ingestão inconsciente de OGMs.
→ read full articleHonoring the ‘Accomplices’ to Truth Who Caught Clapper in a Lie
Robert Scheer - Truthdig,
3 Mar 2014
On Sunday [16 Feb 2014] it was announced that the prestigious George Polk Award for National Security Reporting would be given to the four journalists—Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill, Laura Poitras and Barton Gellman—most active in reporting about the content of the NSA documents leaked by Snowden.
→ read full article(Português) 6 Notas para Compreender o que se Passa na Crimeia, Peça Chave do Conflito na Ucrânia
Alberto Sicília, de Kiev - Principia Marsupia (Espanha),
3 Mar 2014
27 fev 2014 – Depois do ocorrido durante a última semana em Kiev, o foco do conflito na Ucrânia translada-se à Crimeia. O que acontecer nesta região será determinante: pode a situação degenerar numa guerra civil? Putin intervirá militarmente? Continuará a Ucrânia a ser um país ou caminha para a secessão?
→ read full articleIn the Shadows of the Mafia Regime: Algeria’s Renewed Despair
David Porter - CounterPunch,
3 Mar 2014
To date, despite internal divisions, the regime has continued its manipulation and suppression of any organized resistance, of any orientation, thus assuring huge difficulties for any independent radical or revolutionary force from emerging.
→ read full articleWestern Media Cheering a ‘Democratic’ Coup in Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
3 Mar 2014
In the upside-down world that has become the U.S. news media, the democratically elected president was a dictator and the coup makers who overthrew him were “pro-democracy” activists. Events in Ukraine and Venezuela suggest that the idea of respecting the results of elections and working within legal, albeit flawed, political systems is no longer in vogue, unless the “U.S. side” happens to win, of course.
→ read full articleThe Moazzam Begg Arrest: Part of the Effort to Criminalize Muslim Political Dissent
Glenn Greenwald and Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept,
3 Mar 2014
Moazzam Begg, a native-born British citizen of Pakistani descent, spent three years incarcerated in Guantánamo without ever being charged with any crime. On Tuesday [25 Feb 2014], Begg was arrested in an “anti-terror raid” on his home outside Birmingham, charged with “terrorism” offenses for having allegedly traveled to Syria to assist Syrian rebels.
→ read full articleWorst Spill in 6 Months Is Reported at Fukushima
Martin Fackler – International New York Times,
24 Feb 2014
About 100 tons of highly radioactive water leaked from one of the hundreds of storage tanks at the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator said Thursday [20 Feb 2014], calling the leak the worst spill at the plant in six months.
→ read full articleGlobal Capitalism Has Written Off the Human Race
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
Economic theory teaches that free price and profit movements ensure that capitalism produces the greatest welfare for the greatest number. This theory doesn’t work when the US government socializes cost and privatizes profits as it has been doing with the Federal Reserve’s support of “banks too big to fail” and when a handful of financial institutions have concentrated much economic activity.
→ read full articleJudaism and Zionism: A Divorce in the Making…?
Alan Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
A highly armed regional power, with nearly every kind of weapon at its disposal, economically and scientifically advanced, a member of nearly every important international organization and with global influence that far outstrips its size, an ally of the world’s sole superpower, claims that its existence is under threat. That’s bullshit.”
→ read full articleUkraine’s Future Is Tied Up With Syria’s – And Vladimir Putin Is Crucial to Both
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
24 Feb 2014
No one in the Middle East will be studying Ukraine’s violent tragedy with more fascination – and deeper concern – than President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.
→ read full articleUK Ruling against David Miranda Escalates Assault on Democratic Rights
Robert Stevens, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
In what was clearly a politically motivated judgment, the High Court in London ruled Wednesday [19 Feb 2014] that David Miranda, the partner of journalist Glenn Greenwald, was detained lawfully when he was held for nine hours last August at London’s Heathrow Airport. The 28-year-old Brazilian was in transit from Germany to Brazil when he was arbitrarily detained by the Metropolitan Police.
→ read full articleRounding Up Scientific Journals
Adriane Fugh-Berman and Thomas G. Sherman – The Hastings Center Report,
24 Feb 2014
Bioethics Forum – Scientific journal publishing reached a low point in November, when the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology retracted a study by Gilles-Eric Séralini and colleagues at Caen University in France. The retraction of the Séralini study is a black mark on medical publishing, a blow to science, and a win for corporate bullies.
→ read full articleDemocracy Murdered by Protest: Ukraine Falls to Intrigue and Violence
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
Who’s in charge? Certainly not the bought-and-paid-for-moderates that Washington and the EU hoped to install as the new government of Ukraine. Americans have no idea that the neoconservative regime of the White House Fool is leading them into a Great Power Confrontation that could end in destruction of life on earth.
→ read full articleWhy Do We Fear the Truth?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
The bottom line is this: Can you still hear your inner voice? And do you, like Gandhi, have the courage to follow it ‘whatever the consequences’?
→ read full article(Português) O Sigilo Sobre Fukushima
Ralph Nader – Carta Maior,
17 Feb 2014
Sob suas disposições, somente o governo decide o que é considerado segredo de estado e qualquer civil que divulgue algum segredo pode ser preso por até 10 anos. Jornalistas pegos tornando o assunto público podem ser presos por até 5 anos.
→ read full articleNuclear Issue in Limbo as Indecision Grips Japan
Martin Fackler – International New York Times,
17 Feb 2014
Several industrialized countries have turned their backs on nuclear power as a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, including one that has already begun permanently shutting functioning plants. That country is not Japan.
→ read full articleObama’s Arms Sales Policy: Promotion or Restraint?
William D. Hartung – Foreign Policy In Focus,
17 Feb 2014
The United States is far and away the world’s leading arms trafficking nation, with $60 billion in arms transfer agreements last year [2013] alone. In 2011, the last year for which full global statistics are available, U.S. companies and the U.S. government controlled over three-quarters of the international weapons trade.
→ read full articleThe Five Criminals – In America, the Gestapo Has Replaced the Rule of Law
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Feb 2014
Russia Today is the best English language news source available to Americans. On January 29, RT published a photo of 5 presidential appointees lying through their teeth to Congress. All five of these Gestapo wannabes are in violation of their oath of office to protect the Constitution of the United States.
→ read full articleWill Boycotting Israel Go Mainstream?
Steve Weissman - Reader Supported News,
10 Feb 2014
If peace talks failed, Kerry warned, the effort to delegitimize Israel would go ‘on steroids.’ “Today’s status quo absolutely, to a certainty, I promise you 100 percent, cannot be maintained,” Kerry warned like an Old Testament prophet and the grandson of Eastern European Jews who converted to Catholicism. “It’s not sustainable. It’s illusionary.”
→ read full articleAIPAC and the Israel Lobby: Down, but Not Yet Out!
Steve Weissman - Reader Supported News,
10 Feb 2014
To this day, Washington has not shown that the horrific use of gas came from Assad’s forces rather than from the Sunni rebels. But, no matter, AIPAC and its pro-Israel allies led a massive campaign to support U.S. military intervention. They pushed and they failed.
→ read full articleThe Hypocrisy of Human Rights Watch
Keane Bhatt - NACLA Report,
10 Feb 2014
This affinity for the U.S. government agenda is not limited to Latin America. In the summer of 2013, for example, when the prospect of a unilateral U.S. missile strike on Syria—a clear violation of the UN Charter—loomed large, HRW’s executive director Kenneth Roth speculated as to whether a simply “symbolic” bombing would be sufficient.
→ read full articleWashington Destabilizes Ukraine
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Feb 2014
The control freaks in Washington think that only the decisions that Washington makes and imposes on other sovereign countries are democratic. “Fuck the EU.” So much for Washington’s attitude toward its captive allies and the peoples of the world.
→ read full articleThe Global Elite is Insane
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Feb 2014
As anyone who pays even the slightest realistic attention to the global elite already knows, the elite’s efforts to maximise its political and economic clout, and hence its wealth, at the expense of everyone else and the Earth itself, are carefully crafted. And this is not going to change on our recommendation or because we talk to them, or even because we listen to them. Moreover, the reason is simple. The global elite is insane. And it is incredibly violent.
→ read full articleBig Media Again Pumps for Mideast Wars
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
10 Feb 2014
Official Washington’s neocons still influence U.S. foreign policy despite their Iraq War disaster. Forever pushing what they view as Israel’s strategic needs, the neocons now are stoking fires of war against Iran and Syria by piling on old and new arguments.
→ read full articleUSA, Greatest Threat to Peace!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Feb 2014
“The U.S. military budget is almost as large as the military spending of all the world’s other nations, combined. Together, the U.S. and its NATO allies account for more than 70 percent of global weapons spending. At last count, the U.S. spent six times more on war than China, and 11 times more than Russia. In fact, if you count up the U.S. and all of its allies, they are probably responsible for about 90 percent of total moneys spent on war.”
→ read full articleUS Feigns “Horror” Over Cooked-Up Report on Syrian War They Engineered
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jan 2014
Qatar – chief financier of Al Qaeda in Syria – commissions “report” on atrocities published just ahead of Geneva conference.
→ read full article(Português) Por que o Brasil deveria dar asilo a Snowden
Roberto Brilhante – Outras Palavras,
27 Jan 2014
Sexta-feira, 24 Jan 2014, ocorreu o diálogo “Soberania Digital e Vigilância na Era da Internet”, que reuniu Sérgio Amadeu, professor da Universidade Federal do ABC; Demi Getschko, um dos “pais” da internet brasileira; Antonio Martins, criador do Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil e de Outras Palavras; e David Miranda, companheiro de Glenn Greenwald e estrategista de marketing que coordena a campanha que pressiona o Brasil a conceder asilo a Edward Snowden.
→ read full articleAn Open Letter to Soldiers with ‘Mental Health’ Issues
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jan 2014
Are you a soldier or veteran who is supposed to have a ‘mental health’ issue such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or PTSD? If you are, then I have some suggestions for you to consider.
→ read full articleUS Government Privacy Board Says NSA Bulk Collection of Phone Data Is Illegal
Spencer Ackerman and Dan Roberts – The Guardian,
27 Jan 2014
23 Jan 2014 – The US government’s privacy board has sharply rebuked President Barack Obama over the NSA’s mass collection of phone data, saying the program defended by Obama last week was illegal and ought to be shut down.
→ read full articleHuman Rights Watch’s Syria Dilemma
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
27 Jan 2014
Human Rights Watch, which has pushed for a U.S. military intervention in Syria, continues to blame the Assad government for the Aug. 21[2013] Sarin attack even though the group’s high-profile map supposedly proving the case has been debunked.
→ read full articleGenocide and Indigenous Rights: The Inuit People of Canada
John Bart Gerald - Global Research,
27 Jan 2014
In a territory where the suicide rate of Inuit is thirteen times the national average, young men commit suicide at 40 times the rate of those in southern Canada. This happens when a culture is being destroyed. Ongoing genocide warning.
→ read full articleThe People Guarding US Nukes Will Shock You
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today,
20 Jan 2014
Jan 17, 2014 – Calling attention to thirty four officers at Malstrom Airforce Base in Montana who were caught cheating on a proficiency exam related to nuclear launch procedures.
→ read full articleNAFTA at 20: A Model for Corporate Rule
Manuel Perez-Rocha and Stuart Trew – Foreign Policy In Focus,
20 Jan 2014
NAFTA and treaties like it grant transnational companies total freedom of movement for capital, goods, and services, coupled with the ability to sue countries in secret courts when governments attempt to get in their way.
→ read full articleCan Brazil Help Roll Back US Surveillance?
Robert Valencia – Open Democracy,
20 Jan 2014
Brazil has become a staunch and vocal critic of US espionage, asking Google and Facebook to install local servers. But will this really work? The US eavesdropped on Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil. The former wrote letters of protest, but in Sep. 2013, President Dilma Rousseff took the issue up with the UN General Assembly.
→ read full article250 Dolphins Captured, Prepared for Slaughter in Japan
Hawaii Report – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jan 2014
17 Jan 2014 – Five separate pods of Bottlenose dolphins were driven into Taiji’s infamous killing cove yesterday and held overnight. This now massive pod of more than 250 dolphins includes babies and juveniles, including a rare albino calf that has been clinging as closely as possible to the mother.
→ read full article(Português) A Atualidade de Uma Marxista Rebelde
Antonio Martins – Outras Palavras,
20 Jan 2014
Como Rosa Luxemburgo, morta há 95 anos, ajuda a reinventar, em tempos de crise do capitalismo, o pensamento de Marx. “Rosa tem uma concepção aberta do marxismo. Para ela, Marx não era uma Bíblia com verdades prontas e imutáveis, mas manancial que permite levar adiante trabalho de compreensão do mundo contemporâneo”.
→ read full articleA Day of Infamy!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jan 2014
On January 17, 1893 U.S. Marines assisted wealthy sugar barons to illegally overthrow the independent nation and lawful Hawaiian government of Queen Lili’uokalani. 120 years of continuous illegal U.S. occupation of Hawai’i does not make the occupation legal.
→ read full articleJapan’s Response to Fukushima Should Worry Us All
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
13 Jan 2014
Japan has created a funhouse of distorting mirrors from which emerging information about the ongoing disaster cannot be considered credible without reliable, independent verification.
→ read full articleGerman Star Footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger Announces He Is Gay
BBC Sport – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2014
The ex-Aston Villa midfielder, 31, who retired because of injury in September, revealed his sexuality on Wednesday [8 Jan 2014]. “We still have a long way to go before there will be an openly gay man playing in a top league because we fear a reaction and we don’t know what will happen,” Hitzlsperger, who won 52 caps for Germany, said.
→ read full articleFundamentalism: A Psychological Problem
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2014
While religious fundamentalism is recognisable to most people, fundamentalism has many non-religious manifestations as well. These are widespread, even if they often occur in less readily identifiable ways.
→ read full articleNow It’s Middle Eastern Regimes Fighting Al-Qa’ida, while the US Ties Itself Up in Knots
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
6 Jan 2014
And so, for the first time in recent history, it seems that the “war against terror” – and specifically against al-Qa’ida – is being fought by Middle East regimes rather than their foreign investors.
→ read full article(Português) A Revolta de Chiapas, 20 Anos Depois
Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jan 2014
Já se passaram anos, balas e mortos, prisões e injustiças. Ocorreram críticas e zombarias, mas o Subcomandante Marcos e os zapatistas seguem presentes.
→ read full articleNew York Times Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis
Robert Parry – Consortium News,
6 Jan 2014
For months, the “slam-dunk” evidence “proving” Syrian government guilt in the Aug. 21 [2013] Sarin attack near Damascus was a “vector analysis” pushed by the New York Times showing where the rockets supposedly were launched. But the Times now grudgingly admits its analysis was flawed.
→ read full articleShopping for Spy Gear: Catalog Advertises NSA Toolbox
Jacob Appelbaum, Judith Horchert and Christian Stöcker – Der Spiegel,
6 Jan 2014
After years of speculation that electronics can be accessed by intelligence agencies through a back door, an internal NSA catalog reveals that such methods already exist for numerous end-user devices.
→ read full articleFukushima, a Global Conspiracy of Denial
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
6 Jan 2014
Does anyone in authority anywhere tell the truth about Fukushima? If there is any government or non-government authority in the world that is addressing the disaster at Fukushima openly, directly, honestly, and effectively, it’s not apparent to the outside observer what entity that might be.
→ read full article2014 and Beyond: Chaos or Community?
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jan 2014
Nearly 50 years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between nonviolence and nonexistence.” That choice is becoming ever more profound as we enter the new year of 2014.
→ read full articleNSA Seeks to Build Quantum Computer That Could Crack Most Types of Encryption
Steven Rich and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post,
6 Jan 2014
The US National Security Agency is racing to build a computer that could break nearly every kind of encryption used to protect banking, medical, business and government records around the world, according to documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
→ read full article2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2013
In terms of surveillance technology, we are far beyond Orwell’s imagination. In terms of the unaccountability of government, we exceptional and indispensable people now live a 1984 existence. In America today citizens have become subjects, an indication of social collapse.
→ read full articleEnd the U.S. National Security State!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2013
The U.S. military has begun to use the phrase “harvest” to describe the killing done by drones. The U.S. has now become a National Security State, a global empire, “harvesting” children – Holy Innocents, at home and abroad. When will it end?
→ read full articleMandela and Cuba: Another Memory Hole
Alex Doherty – Open Democracy,
30 Dec 2013
The media’s careful avoidance of the contrasting Cold War roles of the United States and Cuba regarding South Africa is not of mere academic consequence. As George Orwell understood, control of historical narratives gives elites a powerful grip over public perceptions of present realities and grants those elites greater latitude in their future action.
→ read full article6 Crimes against Nature Perpetrated by the Food Industry
Martha Rosenberg, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2013
Treating animals like heads of lettuce—“forget it’s an animal” says one farming magazine—has created institutionalized ruthlessness toward animals, workers and the environment, harming humans who eat the products thanks to meat-related obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and greedy, short-sighted land-use policies.
→ read full articleEdward Snowden, after Months of NSA Revelations, Says His Mission’s Accomplished
Barton Gellman – The Washington Post,
30 Dec 2013
24 Dec 2013 – “For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished,” he said. “I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.”
→ read full article