Articles by RT
We found 4024 results.
What Is Economics Good For?
Alex Rosenberg and Tyler Curtain – The New York Times,
10 Sep 2013
It’s easy to understand why economics might be mistaken for science. It uses quantitative expression in mathematics and the succinct statement of its theories in axioms and derived “theorems,” so economics looks a lot like the models of science we are familiar with from physics.
→ read full articleU.S. Spy Network’s Successes, Failures and Objectives Detailed in ‘Black Budget’ Summary
Barton Gellman and Greg Miller – The Washington Post,
2 Sep 2013
U.S. spy agencies have built an intelligence-gathering colossus since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but remain unable to provide critical information to the president on a range of national security threats, according to the government’s top-secret budget.
→ read full articleCommercial News Beats the War Drum
Mark Ash - Reader Supported News,
2 Sep 2013
The New York Times, following in the great tradition of Washington correspondent extraordinaire Judith Miller, is busy rationalizing and explaining the White House’s mind on the upcoming military action. The point of the proposed attack, explains the Times, is to “Restore a ‘Red Line’ That Became Blurred.” Presumably the mission will then be accomplished.
→ read full articleFukushima Workers Discover Deadly Spike in Radiation
Scott Martelle - Truthdig,
2 Sep 2013
Workers at the Fukushima nuclear power disaster site have made an uncomfortable discovery: radiation levels 18 times higher than anticipated at the bottom of a holding tank. The levels are high enough to kill a person within four hours.
→ read full articleObama Has Decided That It Is Safer to Buy Congress than to Go It Alone
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
2 Sep 2013
While still claiming dictatorial powers to start a war on his own authority, Obama put his unilateral attack on Syria on hold when he received a letter from more than 160 members of the House of Representatives reminding him that to take the country to war without congressional approval is an impeachable offense and when he saw that no country that could serve as cover for a war crime, not even the puppet British government and the NATO puppet states, would support America’s announced military aggression against Syria.
→ read full articleBradley Manning: ‘Everything Is Going To Be OK’
Scott Galindez - Reader Supported News,
26 Aug 2013
Bradley Manning, moments after being sentenced to 35 years in prison, turned to his attorney David Coombs and told him, “It’s okay … I’m okay, everything is going to be okay.” Coombs said it was the first time a client had cheered him up after a verdict.
→ read full article(Português) Vaticano Ocupa 8º Lugar Global em Lavagem de Dinheiro
Dermi Azevedo – Carta Maior,
26 Aug 2013
A pesquisa foi realizada pela rede de organizações sociais francesas Voltaire, com base em dados fornecidos por autoridades alemãs e suíças. No ano passado, o Instituto de Obras da Religião (IOR), nome oficial do Banco do Vaticano, epicentro do problema, teria lavado cerca de 33 bilhões de dólares.
→ read full articleThe Moment the U.S. Ended Iran’s Brief Experiment in Democracy
Robert Scheer - Truthdig,
26 Aug 2013
Sixty years ago this week, on Aug. 19, 1953, the United States, in collaboration with Britain, successfully staged a coup in Iran to overthrow democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh that a newly declassified CIA document reveals was designed to preserve the control of Western companies over Iran’s rich oil fields.
→ read full articleGangster State US/UK
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Aug 2013
Washington’s UK puppets simply kidnapped David Miranda, the Brazilian partner of Glenn Greenwald, who is reporting on the illegal and unconstitutional spying by the National Stasi Agency, threatened him for nine hours, and stole his computer, phones, and all his electronic equipment. As a smug US official told the media, “the purpose was to send a message.”
→ read full articleCairo Massacre: After Today, What Muslim Will Ever Trust the Ballot Box Again?
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
19 Aug 2013
14 Aug 2013 – This marks a tragic turning point, from which it will take Egypt years to recover.
→ read full articleWho Benefits from the Various ‘Wars’?
Arjen Kamphuis – Consortium News,
19 Aug 2013
P.R. experts are skilled at framing policy debates in favorable though misleading ways like the “war on terror” or the “war on drugs.” What gets shielded by this packaging are the unstated goals, interests and outcomes that would draw popular opposition if known.
→ read full articleAn Apology to Bradley Manning
Scott Galindez - Reader Supported News,
19 Aug 2013
First of all Bradley, it is the court, the Army, and the American people that should be apologizing to you. We failed you, not the other way around. None of us are perfect, Bradley. Your honorable conduct has already had a positive impact on society. I am sorry – sorry that our society continues to fail you. Thank you, Bradley.
→ read full article5 Myths Used to Justify Death by Drone and America’s Assassination Policy
Robert Greenwald - AlterNet,
19 Aug 2013
Obama’s drone war relies on propaganda to keep the American public from understanding the inhumanity of high-tech drone killings.
→ read full articleHumanity Is Drowning in Washington’s Criminality
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Aug 2013
Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere.
→ read full articleThe Rule of Law: Unjust and Violent
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Aug 2013
While diverse but eminent historical figures such as Karl Marx, Leo Tolstoy and Mohandas K. Gandhi all wrote critiques exposing the injustice and violence of legal systems, the delusion that the law is a neutral agency that delivers justice still widely prevails.
→ read full articleThe Moral Imperative of Activism
Ray McGovern – Consortium News,
19 Aug 2013
Today’s crises – endless war, environmental catastrophe, desperate poverty and more – can seem so daunting that they paralyze action rather than inspire activism. But the imperative to do something in the face of injustice defines one’s moral place in the universe.
→ read full articleAny Other ‘Statesman’ Who Negotiated Peace like John Kerry Would Be Treated as a Thief
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
19 Aug 2013
Has John Kerry no shame? Any other “statesman” – who told an occupied people that if they didn’t make peace their occupiers would steal even more of their land, would be regarded as an outcast, a fellow thief.
→ read full articleHiroshima, Fukushima, and the Global Crisis of Violence: Where Do We Go from Here?
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Aug 2013
There are now 9 countries with nuclear weapons –the U.S., Russia, Great Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. Add to this the violence of climate change, the plundering of the earth resources, and even the genetic modification of our very food supply. All for what? Ever increasing short-term profits? Ever increasing consumption, energy demands? Addictions eventually kill. And greed and our addiction to war may prove to be the worst addictions of all.
→ read full articleGoogle Chrome Security Flaw Offers Unrestricted Password Access
Charles Arthur – The Guardian,
12 Aug 2013
Plain text logon details for email, social networks and company systems stored in browser’s Settings panel. One security manager said: “The fact you can view the passwords means they are stored in reversible form which means that the dark coders out there will be writing a Trojan to steal that password store as we speak.”
→ read full articleMass Data: Transfers from Germany Aid US Surveillance
Hubert Gude, Laura Poitras and Marcel Rosenbach – Der Spiegel,
12 Aug 2013
German intelligence sends massive amounts of intercepted data to the NSA, according to documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden, which SPIEGEL has seen. The trans-Atlantic cooperation on technical matters is also much closer than first thought.
→ read full article(Português) O Discurso da Servidão Voluntária
Flávio Ricardo Vassoler – Carta Maior,
12 Aug 2013
O darwinismo social de nosso capitalismo não sentencia que aquilo que sobrevive e sobrepuja é a única força possível – e válida? Sendo assim, por que as vítimas deveriam se identificar com outras vítimas? Daniel Balint reproduz o discurso da servidão voluntária, “contanto que eu possa escarrar o meu ódio contra o outro que é tão impotente quanto eu mesmo”.
→ read full articleDo We Want School or Education?
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Aug 2013
The tragic reality of human life is that few people value the awesome power of the individual Self with an integrated mind (that is, a mind in which memory, thoughts, feelings, sensing, conscience and other functions work together in an integrated way) because this individual will be decisive in choosing life-enhancing behavioural options (including those at variance with social laws and norms) and will fearlessly resist all efforts to control it or coerce it with violence.
→ read full articleClimate Change, Sustainable Development and Security Are Coming Together, and Asia Must Drive the Post-2015 Global Agenda and Global Goals
Mukul Sanwal, India Environment Portal – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Aug 2013
As China re-shapes its urban future, with its planned urbanization involving 250 million farmers, its willingness to lead by example in reforming the United Nations, rather than the United States defending the current arrangements, will determine the outcome and the new global rules. It may well be a complete break with the past, equitable and democratic.
→ read full article(Português) O Garoto Que Desafiou o Império — E Está Vencendo
Cauê Seignemartin Ameni – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Aug 2013
“Quando se dá conta de que o mundo que
ajudou a criar será pior para as próximas gerações
e que esta arquitetura de opressão se estendem,
você entende que é preciso aceitar qualquer risco.
Sem se preocupar com as consequências.”
Edward Snowden em sua primeira entrevista ao The Guardian
Courts Rule MMR & Thimerosal Containing Vaccines Caused Autism & Brain Damage
Joe Martino, Collective Evolution – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jul 2013
All information containing new and unprecedented conclusions begins by being violently opposed by those who create the prior information and those who subscribe heavily to it. This is very much the case with the link between Autism Spectrum Disorder and vaccines; mainly the MMR vaccine and other thimerosal containing vaccines.
→ read full articleRole Reversal: How the US Became the USSR
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jul 2013
Snowden harmed no one except the liars and traitors in the US government. Contrast Washington’s animosity against Snowden with the pardon that Bush gave to Dick Cheney aide, Libby, who took the fall for his boss for blowing the cover, a felony, on a covert CIA operative, the spouse of a former government official who exposed the Bush/Cheney/neocon lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
→ read full articleBankers Own the World – And Are Ultimately Destroying It
Chris Martenson – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jul 2013
Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money. ~ Josiah Stamp – Bank of England Chairman, 1920s
→ read full articleSyria’s Exodus: A Refugee Crisis for the World
Martin Chulov and Mark Rice-Oxley – The Guardian,
29 Jul 2013
“When we look at the prospects, one that we all have to face is that this conflict is creating a large risk of sectarian cleansing. This is how Srebrenica happened, how Rwanda happened, by gradually building up this enormous wave that leads to catastrophic consequences. This is the [crisis] that makes me lose sleep.”
→ read full article(Português) Assassinatos por Drones
Emir Sader – Carta Maior,
29 Jul 2013
“Eu soube que meu neto de 16 anos, Abduirhman – um cidadão norte-americano –, foi morto por um drone norte-americano. Um míssil matou-o, assim como seu primo e pelo menos outras cinco pessoas, enquanto eles estavam jantando em um restaurante ao ar livre, no sul do Iêmen”.
→ read full articleBee Apocalypse Now: Scientists Discover What’s Killing the Bees and It’s Worse Than You Thought
Todd Woody, Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jul 2013
In a first-of-its-kind study published today in the journal PLOS ONE [24 Jul 2013], scientists at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture have identified a witch’s brew of pesticides and fungicides contaminating pollen that bees collect to feed their hives. The findings break new ground on why large numbers of bees are dying.
→ read full articleSpecial Report: Thai Authorities Implicated in Rohingya Muslim Smuggling Network
Jason Szep and Stuart Grudgings, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2013
The beatings were accompanied by threats: If his family didn’t produce the money, Myanmar refugee Abdul Sabur would be sold into slavery on a fishing boat, his captors shouted, lashing him with bamboo sticks.
→ read full articleCommunal Tensions in Burma Continue
John Roberts, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2013
“A recurring theme from locals is that ‘outsiders’ are bussed in by trucks and nearly all of them are armed with sticks, swords and machetes. An incident soon happens between a Muslim and a Buddhist that provides the spark and then the gangs swing into action, agitating and enlisting locals to join the ensuing riot. Muslim homes and shops are demolished and along with them previous inter-communal and religious harmony.”
→ read full article(Português) Por Que a Indústria Farmacêutica Evita Curar
Richard J. Roberts, Nobel da Medicina – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2013
“As farmacêuticas bloqueiam medicamentos que curam, porque não são rentáveis”. O Prémio Nobel da Medicina Richard J. Roberts denuncia a forma como funcionam as grandes farmacêuticas dentro do sistema capitalista, preferindo os benefícios económicos à saúde, e detendo o progresso científico na cura de doenças, porque a cura não é tão rentável quanto a cronicidade.
→ read full articleNSA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today,
22 Jul 2013
Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance apparatus. He cites spying orders for specific targets that he saw including former Senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
→ read full articleThe Destruction of Barack Obama
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2013
Some people have been surprised or disappointed by certain decisions of President Barack Obama. His war-making, his use of illegal drone strikes, his failure to close Guantanamo, his failure to genuinely help those ordinary Americans who voted him into office, and even his pursuit of whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden have all raised concerns among those with the audacity to hope that he would be different.
→ read full articleBe the Change: Why Myanmar’s Subversive Band “Side Effect” Is Inspiring Freedom
Matt Carter, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2013
“Now there’s no censorship, but there’s no guarantee that we won’t go to jail, of course,” explained Side Effect’s lead singer Darko, during the band’s recent concert stopover in Berlin. “The laws are tricky, we’re not sure yet if they would protect us. It’s still dangerous to sing – not even the political but the controversial stuff – to criticize culture or conservatism.”
→ read full article(Português) “Porquê o Socialismo?”
Albert Einstein – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2013
“Será aconselhável para quem não é especialista em assuntos económicos e sociais exprimir opiniões sobre a questão do socialismo? Eu penso que sim, por uma série de razões”, afirma Einstein. O artigo foi publicado na edição de lançamento da revista “Monthly Review”, em Maio de 1949.
→ read full articleFukushima Continues
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
15 Jul 2013
The first thing to know about the danger from the radioactive mass remaining in the three reactors that melted down at Fukushima is that nobody knows how much radioactive material there is, nobody knows how much uranium and plutonium it contains, and nobody knows how to make it safe – so no one knows how great the continuing danger is.
→ read full articleFree Syrian Army Place Food Embargo on Aleppo
SyrianGirlpartisan – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2013
Jul 9, 2013 – Interview with a resident. 2-3 million people in Aleppo are threatened with starvation and terror NOW. Famine feared as US/West-supported FSA and Al-Qaida block food from being transferred to government held parts of Aleppo.
→ read full article(Português) As Redes de Espionagem Secreta das Democracias Ocidentais
Eduardo Febbro – Carta Maior,
15 Jul 2013
O episódio infame que fez com que o avião do presidente Evo Morales fosse bloqueado em Viena com base em um rumor infundado lançado pela Espanha, segundo o qual o ex-agente da NSA norteamericana, Edward Snowden, se encontrava a bordo é a consequência de uma caçada humana lançada pelo Ocidente em nome de um novo delito: a informação. Os “aliados” se espionam entre si e espionam o mundo. Quando alguém resolve denunciar a ditadura tecnológica universal torna-se um delinquente.
→ read full articleHow Unchecked Capitalism Has Brought the World to the Brink of Apocalypse — and What We Must Do Now
Robert Jensen – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2013
If there is to be a decent future, we have to give up on the imperial fantasy of endless power, the capitalist fantasy of endless growth, the technological fantasy of endless comfort. Those systems have long been celebrated as the engines of unprecedented wealth, albeit for a limited segment of the world’s population.
→ read full articleBoy Recovers from Autism by Removing Dairy & Gluten. Strong Evidence Links Vaccines to Autism
Joe Martino, Collective Evolution – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2013
Global autism rates are on the rise and many are beginning to ask questions about how they can best treat or remedy symptoms to increase quality of life overall.
→ read full articlePeople Who Pretend to be Your Friend: Collaborators and Traitors
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2013
One version of this occurs when collaborators justify their collaboration with perpetrators of violence in terms of an ‘obligation to obey’, although many collaborators will characterise their obedience as ‘loyalty’, ‘support’ or ‘helpfulness’ to mask the fear driving their submissive behaviour.
→ read full articleJeremy Irons Talks about the Eurocrisis (Legendas em Português)
RTP1 – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jul 2013
“Does anyone understand to whom we owe so much money?”
→ read full article(Português) Eurodeputadas Questionam Comissão Europeia Sobre Veto a Sobrevoo de Avião de Evo
Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jul 2013
As portuguesas Marisa Matias e Alda Sousa, juntamente com outros eurodeputados da esquerda e dos verdes, questionaram a Comissão Europeia e o Conselho sobre o escândalo da proibição de sobrevoo do avião do presidente da Bolívia, Evo Morales, por parte de Portugal, França, Espanha e Itália.
→ read full articleHas Washington’s Arrogance Undone Its Empire?
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jul 2013
No one likes a bully, and Washington’s NATO puppets have been bullied for six decades. British prime ministers, German chancellors, and French presidents have to salute and say “yes sir.” They all hate it, but they love Washington’s money; so they prostitute themselves and their countries for Washington’s money.
→ read full articleLawlessness Is the New Normal
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jul 2013
Although the individual countries still retain some sovereignty from the EU government, they are all under Washington’s thumb, as demonstrated by the recent illegal and hostile action taken on Washington’s orders by France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Austria against the airliner carrying Bolivia’s President Evo Morales.
→ read full articleWho Is An Objective Journalist?
Ann Robertson & Bill Leumer - CounterCurrents,
8 Jul 2013
In a recent New York Times article David Carr questioned [Glenn Greenwald] whether someone could be both a journalist and an activist. This was Greenwald’s response: “It is not a matter of being an activist or a journalist; it’s a false dichotomy. It is a matter of being honest or dishonest. All activists are not journalists, but all real journalists are activists. Journalism has a value, a purpose – to serve as a check on power.”
→ read full articleLatin America: New Coalition of Countries to Take On the Multinationals
Martin Khor - IDN-InDepth News,
1 Jul 2013
Leaders of several Latin American countries have set up a new coalition to coordinate actions to face the growing number of international legal suits being taken against governments by transnational companies. A ministerial meeting of 12 countries held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, decided on several joint actions to counter the threat posed by these law suits, which have claimed millions or even billions of dollars from governments.
→ read full articleStasi in the White House
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Jun 2013
When the Berlin Wall came down, the Stasi Spy State that suffocates the soul moved to Washington. The Stasi is alive and well in the Obama regime.
→ read full articlePlease Sign The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World
The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World,
24 Jun 2013
As of 24 June 2013: 1,048 individuals from 52 countries have signed the Nonviolence Charter pledge, and 71 organisations from 23 countries have endorsed the Nonviolence Charter.
→ read full articleThe Terror Con
Robert Scheer - Truthdig,
24 Jun 2013
Booz Allen, whose top personnel served in key positions at the NSA and vice versa after the inconvenient collapse of the Cold War, has been attempting to substitute terrorist for communist as the enemy of choice. But just when the good times for war profiteers seemed to be forever in the past, there came 9/11 and the terrorist enemy, the gift that keeps on giving, for acts of terror always will occur in a less than perfect world.
→ read full articleWhy Do People Lie? And Why Do Other People Believe Them?
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Jun 2013
The purpose of fear is to suppress awareness of the truth. People always lie for the same reason: fear. But the precise fear that makes a person lie in one circumstance might be different from the fear that makes them lie in another.
→ read full articleObama’s Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US “Deep State” Agenda: The Case of Syria
Elizabeth Woodworth - Global Research,
24 Jun 2013
This essay examines the connections between the foreign intervention crisis in Syria, the vast NSA surveillance program that has recently been exposed, and the sequence of events that begin with NSA program changes in February, 2001 — six months before 9/11. The connections are illuminating.
→ read full article(Português) A Verdadeira Agenda e os Interesses da Revista “The Economist”
Dario Pignotti – Carta Maior,
17 Jun 2013
Na verdade, essa publicação é um órgão ideológico e um instrumento político do capital transnacional que busca ficar com a maior parte dos excedentes da sétima economia mundial. O mais recente “capricho” da The Economist é querer derrubar o ministro [brasileiro] Guido Mantega.
→ read full articleThe Lebanese Army Fears Rise of the Sunni Muslim Salafists
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
17 Jun 2013
10 June 2013 – As Shia Hezbollah fighters rush to Assad’s aid, Lebanon is fighting a desperate battle to stop the menacing advance of Sunni rebels in the opposite direction.
→ read full articleThe Strange History of the Anti-Defamation League – ADL Spies
Jeffrey Blankfort - CounterPunch,
17 Jun 2013
Those were the days when snooping usually meant digging through garbage cans, checking other people’s mailboxes, and primitive phone tapping. How the Anti-Defamation League is doing it today one can only imagine. Newly declassified FBI files obtained by IRmep’s Grant Smith reveal that on August 8, 1940, the ADL offered a confidential list of hundreds of undercover ADL investigators to FBI Director J Edgar Hoover.
→ read full articleIt Won’t Be Easy, But Here’s How You Can Keep All Your Conversations Private
Roberto Baldwin, Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jun 2013
So how do you communicate without the whole world finding out that you’ve visited the doctor 12 times in the past six months for a mysterious rash? Well it’s not easy, but there are ways to keep your correspondence off the grid.
→ read full articleWhat is the Government’s Agenda?
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jun 2013
Germans in the Third Reich and Soviet citizens in the Stalin era had a better idea of their government’s agendas than do “freedom and democracy” Americans today. The American people are the most uninformed people in modern history.
→ read full articleEdward Snowden and Whistleblowers: ‘The Truth Sets You Free’
Interviews by Leo Benedictus, Leo Hickman and Richard Norton-Taylor – The Guardian,
17 Jun 2013
Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA’s electronic surveillance make him one of the most damaging whistleblowers in history. But what drives loyal employees to reveal the truth? And how do they live with the backlash?
→ read full articleGMO and Monsanto: Glyphosate Weed Killer Found in Human Urine across Europe
Friends of the Earth Europe – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jun 2013
People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and released today [13 June 2013].
→ read full articleIran to Send 4,000 Troops to Aid President Assad Forces in Syria
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
17 Jun 2013
World Exclusive: US urges UK and France to join in supplying arms to Syrian rebels as MPs fear that UK will be drawn into growing conflict. For the first time, all of America’s ‘friends’ in the region are Sunni Muslims and all of its enemies are Shiites. The US is now fully engaged on the side of armed groups which include the most extreme Sunni Islamist movements in the Middle East [including Al Qaida].
→ read full articleIs It a Mosquito? No, It Is a Drone!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2013
This device can be controlled from a great distance and is equipped with a camera and microphone; it can land on you and is equipped with a needle capable of retrieving a DNA sample with the pain of a mosquito bite. It’s also capable of injecting a micro radio frequency identification tracking device under your skin, lethal viruses, etc.
→ read full articleGoogle+ Isn’t a Social Network; It’s The Matrix
Charles Arthur – The Guardian,
10 Jun 2013
Yes – you know, the one from the film, which knows everything you’re thinking and guides what you see and experience. If you create a Gmail account, you’ll automatically get a Google+ account. Even if you don’t ever do anything with it, the Google+ account will track you wherever you’re signed in to your Google account.
→ read full articleAmerica’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2013
When Gerald Celente branded the American media “presstitutes,” he got it right. The US print and TV media (and NPR) whore for Washington and the corporations. Reporting the real news is their last concern. The presstitutes are a Ministry of Propaganda and Coverup. This is true of the entire Western media, a collection of bought-and-paid-for whores.
→ read full articleWhy the Future of Journalism Is in the Story of Solutions
Fran Korten – YES! Magazine,
10 Jun 2013
There’s a catch-phrase turning up in the media world. It’s “Solutions Journalism.” Media organizations are recognizing it’s not sufficient to report just on problems. Our world is hungry for solutions.
→ read full articleThe Race to End Violence before We End Life
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2013
Can we take meaningful action to prevent our own extinction without ending human violence first? If you think it is time to end violence before we end life, you can join this movement. You can read and, if you wish, sign the pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ online at
→ read full articleThe Role of Turkey in the US-NATO-Israeli War on Syria
Cem Ertür - Global Research,
10 Jun 2013
When the U.S. and its allies launched the covert war on Syria in 2011, they were expecting that either Syria’s political establishment would collapse within a short duration or they would find a way to ignite an open war. As Syria’s leaders and people proved to be exceptionally resilient, increasingly more brutal means have been deployed to tear the country apart. Being at the forefront of this covert war in every respect, Turkey has been thoroughly complicit in monumental war crimes committed against the neighbouring people of Syria.
→ read full article(Português) Alysson Mascaro: Uma Crítica Social do Estado
Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2013
O jurista e professor da USP e do Mackenzie Alysson Mascaro fala à TV Carta Maior e ressalta o caráter revolucionário de uma efetiva crítica social do Estado. Ele acaba de lançar o livro ‘Estado e Forma Política’, apontado por Slavoj Žižek como ‘a obra mais importante do pensamento político marxista nas últimas décadas’.
→ read full articleIt’s Time to Delist Cuba
Arturo Lopez-Levy – Foreign Policy in Focus,
10 Jun 2013
A man convicted of bombing a civilian airliner in Cuba lives freely in Miami, but the U.S. State Department calls Cuba the “state sponsor of terror.” What’s wrong with this picture?
→ read full article(Português) Brasil, Mercosul e a Moral Seletiva nos Negócios com Israel
Maren Mantovani – Carta Maior,
10 Jun 2013
A relação comercial atual do Mercosul com Israel viola o direito comercial, os direitos humanos, os estatutos e as práticas do bloco sul-americano, compromissos políticos do Brasil com o povo palestino e tem prejudicado as relações com outros parceiros comerciais. Além de tudo isso, Israel viola as disposições do próprio Tratado de Livre Comércio, exportando ilegalmente os produtos dos assentamentos. O que é preciso para simplesmente tratar Israel como se trataria qualquer outro país?
→ read full articleHow Nuts is This?
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is preparing to issue a “License” for military bombing of radiation contaminated bases in Hawaii and elsewhere. The major public health danger of DU radiation is inhalation of small alpha particles. Hawaii retired Army MD and MPH Dr. Lorrin W. Pang said “alpha particle emitters within your body is the most deadly form of radiation of all. It will mutate your DNA more than any other type of radiation.” DU has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including certain cancers.
→ read full articleWar Dialogue
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
3 June 2013 – In the last two weeks there have been articles on Syria, first by TRANSCEND Media Service editor Antonio C. S. Rosa and then by Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire. Both excellent articles, where we learnt a lot about the suffering of millions of Syrians. However, I’d just like add one detail: “Weapons and Money have No Political Colour.” This means mixing the subject of War and Peace with Right or Left politics, is an utter waste of time.
→ read full articleTop 1% Now Controls 39% of World’s Wealth
Robert Frank, CNBC – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
The world’s total private wealth grew 7.8 percent last year to $135 trillion, according to Global Wealth report. The top 1 percent controls $52.8 trillion, and those worth $5 million or more control nearly a quarter of the world’s wealth. That concentration is likely to increase in the coming years as the wealth of the wealthy grows faster than overall global wealth.
→ read full articleAn Appeal from Daniel Ellsberg to Support Bradley Manning
Daniel Ellsberg - Bradley Manning Support Network,
3 Jun 2013
My decision to reveal the top secret Pentagon Papers to the American public was an act of conscience. Today, a young soldier named Bradley Manning faces trial for a similar act of conscience and faces life in prison — much like I did 40 years ago. And just as I was arrested and called a “traitor” by President Nixon, Bradley’s charges include an accusation of “aiding the enemy.”
→ read full article(Português) “Europa Vive Catástrofe Social e Esquerda Deve Enfrentar Capital Financeiro”
Marco Aurélio Weissheimer – Carta Maior,
3 Jun 2013
Em entrevista à Carta Maior, o economista português Francisco Louçã adverte para a situação de catástrofe social em vários países europeus que coloca o mundo frente a uma situação perigosa. “A primeira grande depressão, nos anos 30, produziu o fascismo, o nazismo e a guerra. Estamos começando a viver uma segunda grande depressão”. Para Louçã, a luta central da esquerda hoje é contra o capital financeiro que se julga imune à democracia e está escravizando países e povos.
→ read full articleThe Social Cost of Capitalism
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
Social costs are costs of production that are not born by the producer or included in the price of the product. There are many classic examples: the pollution of air, water, and land from mining, fracking, oil drilling and pipeline spills, chemical fertilizer farming, GMOs, pesticides, radioactivity released from nuclear accidents and the pollution of food by antibiotics and artificial hormones.
→ read full article(Português) Krugman: “O que se está a passar em Portugal é inaceitável”
Pedro Duarte – Economico,
3 Jun 2013
O Prémio Nobel da Economia Paul Krugman considerou hoje [27 maio 2013] que “o que se está a passar em Portugal (e o que os portugueses estão a experienciar) é inaceitável”, sendo vital “fazer alguma coisa”.
→ read full articleUS Policy Weakens Iran’s Pro-Democracy Movement
Stephen Zunes – National Catholic Reporter,
3 Jun 2013
While overt protests are rare, many thousands of tiny acts of resistance occur every day by Iranians who no longer recognize the legitimacy of the regime. It is only a matter of time before the people will again rise up and demand their freedom. Unfortunately, U.S. policy is making things difficult for democratic forces in Iran.
→ read full articleWhy Disinformation Works
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.
→ read full articleTRANSCEND General Assembly in Germany, 16-18 Aug, 2013
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2013
Usually our general meeting occurs every two years. However, this year marks the 20th anniversary of TRANSCEND International so we decided to get together for our General Assembly one year earlier. The Venue will be the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice in Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany, 15 minutes by train/bus from Basel-Switzerland.
→ read full article(Português) O Auge do Capitalismo de Estado
Eduardo Crespo – Carta Maior,
3 Jun 2013
Se a América do Sul ainda aspira alcançar o desenvolvimento industrial, a inclusão social e a integração regional como processos duradouros e sustentáveis, a região não terá mais alternativa que subir à nova onda desenvolvimentista e abandonar as premissas privatizadoras do passado.
→ read full articleHawai’i: Military Radiation from Pohakuloa – Blowing in the Wind?
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 May 2013
After years of denial, the military now admits to using Depleted Uranium radiation weapons in Hawaii as early as 1961 for the secret Davy Crockett nuclear weapon system. How much DU has been used in Hawaii over the years is in question. But since the Army says that DU was only banned in training in 1996 the amount of contamination could be extensive.
→ read full articleThe Militant American Empire
William Boardman - Reader Supported News,
27 May 2013
The Militant American Empire Doesn’t Need Any More AUMF [authorization to use military force] – The United States has been in a permanent state of war ever since [September 2001]. And on May 16, 2013, the Obama administration’s Pentagon officials testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee that they expected this permanent state of war to last another 10 to 20 years.
→ read full articleGlobal Capital and the Nation State
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 May 2013
As global capital becomes ever more powerful, giant corporations are holding governments and citizens up for ransom — eliciting subsidies and tax breaks from countries concerned about their nation’s “competitiveness” — while sheltering their profits in the lowest-tax jurisdictions they can find. Meanwhile, at a time when you’d expect nations to band together to gain bargaining power against global capital, the opposite is occurring: Xenophobia is breaking out all over.
→ read full article(Português) Brasil Deveria Seguir Exemplo Chinês, Defende Economista
Marcelo Justo – Carta Maior,
20 May 2013
Mark Weisbrot, co-diretor do Center for Economic and Policy Research, de Washington, fala sobre as perspectivas da economia brasileira no atual cenário internacional. Para Weisbrot, Brasil deveria seguir o exemplo da China que fez um gigantesco investimento para manter aquecida a atividade econômica no país. Exatamente o oposto do que faz a União Europeia, que, na opinião do economista, segue mantendo uma “demente política de austeridade”.
→ read full articleNoam Chomsky Helped Lobby Stephen Hawking to Stage Israel Boycott
Robert Booth and Harriet Sherwood – The Guardian,
20 May 2013
Chomsky, a US professor and well-known supporter of the Palestinian cause, joined British academics from the universities of Cambridge, London, Leeds, Southampton, Warwick, Newcastle, York and the Open University to tell Hawking they were “surprised and deeply disappointed” that he had accepted the invitation to speak at next month’s presidential conference in Jerusalem, which will chaired by Shimon Peres and attended by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.
→ read full articleTRANSCEND General Assembly in Germany, 16-18 Aug, 2013
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 May 2013
Usually our general meeting occurs every two years. However, this year marks the twentieth anniversary of TRANSCEND International and we decided to get together for our TRANSCEND General Assembly one year earlier. The Venue that will host us will be the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice in Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany, 5 minutes by train from Basel-Switzerland.
→ read full articleSyria: Ten Points towards Reconciliation and Peace
ISTEAMS-International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria – Transcend Media Service,
20 May 2013
A focus of the work of AMRIS-Australians for Mussalaha (Reconciliation) In Syria is to support the “Ten Points towards Reconciliation and Peace in Syria”, which were presented to politicians, community groups, leaders of faith groups, and the media by Mother Agnes Mariam when she visited Australia in October 2012.
→ read full articleAusterity: Planned Poverty
Carl Gibson - Reader Supported News,
13 May 2013
If a math textbook that never underwent an official academic review and was proven to contain basic factual inaccuracies were nonetheless used by an entire school to teach math, wouldn’t it be fair to say that all of that school’s graduates were incapable of doing math?
→ read full articleThe Free Market Fundamentalists Are Now in Europe
Roberto Savio – Inter Press Service-IPS,
13 May 2013
For a long time it was a given that while Europe was based on defending a more just society, with social values and solidarity, the United States was based on the glory of individualism and competition, and anything public was considered “socialist”. Well, it’s time for an update – the defenders of market fundamentalism are now in Europe. Share traders [are] both more reckless and more manipulative than psychopaths.
→ read full articleWhy NBA Center Jason Collins Is Coming Out Now
Jason Collins with Franz Lidz – Sports Illustrated,
6 May 2013
I’m a 34-year-old National Basketball Association-NBA center-field. I’m black. And I’m gay. The most you can do is stand up for what you believe in. I’m much happier since coming out to my friends and family. Being genuine and honest makes me happy. I’m glad I can stop hiding and refocus on my 13th NBA season.
→ read full articleSyria and Sarin Gas: US Claims Have a Very Familiar Ring
Robert Fisk – The Independent,
6 May 2013
It all comes back to that most infantile cliché of all: that the US and Israel fear Assad’s chemical weapons “falling into the wrong hands”. They are frightened, in other words, that these chemicals might end up with the very same rebels, especially the Islamists, that Washington, London, Paris, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are supporting. And if these are the “wrong hands”, then presumably the weapons in Assad’s armoury are in the “right hands”.
→ read full article(Português) Quem Resgatará a Indústria Farmacêutica?
Martha Rosenberg - TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 May 2013
Pode ser você: vêm aí testosterona spray, ritalina plus, patologização da insônia, “controle de distúrbuios imunológicos” e outras promessas fármaco-publicitárias…
→ read full articleGoogle’s Spymasters Are Now Worried about Your Secrets
Robert Scheer - Truthdig,
6 May 2013
“Despite the expense, everything a regime would need to build an incredibly intimidating digital police state—including software that facilitates data mining and real-time monitoring of citizens—is commercially available right now. … Companies that sell data-mining software, surveillance cameras and other products will flaunt their work with one government to attract new business. It’s the digital analog to arms sales. …”
→ read full articleIf You Want to Go to Heaven, You Had Better Get Busy Overthrowing Syria
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Apr 2013
The US military destroyed Iraq, leaving the country and millions of lives in ruins and releasing sectarian blood-letting. And now in Syria Washington is at work destroying another stable secular government headed by a British trained eye doctor. Washington’s eleven years of illegal aggression against Muslim countries–war crimes according to the Nuremberg trials of Nazis–have resulted in civilian deaths and the American police state has destroyed the rule of law and the constitutional protections of US citizens.
→ read full article(Português) Países Latino-Americanos Criam Mecanismo de Defesa Contra Multinacionais
Leonardo Wexell Severo – Carta Maior,
29 Apr 2013
1ª Conferência Ministerial dos Países Latino-americanos Afetados por Interesses das Transnacionais, realizada em 22 abril 2013 no Equador, criou um novo mecanismo de coordenação regional para a defesa conjunta dos interesses dos países da América Latina nos processos de arbitragem internacional contra empresas estrangeiras. A América Latina concentra a maior quantidade de processos ilegais e arbitrários contra uma região, sendo que Argentina, Venezuela, Equador, México e Bolívia acumulam 27% do total de casos no mundo.
→ read full articleCountry Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012
U.S. Department of State – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Apr 2013
The pages that follow document the often difficult march forward of human freedom around the world. Significant progress is being made in some places, but in far too many others governments fall short of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ vision of a world where people live “free and equal in dignity and rights.”
→ read full article(Português) O Sonho de Uma Civilização Realmente Planetária
Leonardo Boff – Carta Maior,
29 Apr 2013
Desamparo atual em parte provém de nossa incapacidade de sonhar e de projetar utopias. Não qualquer utopia. Mas aquelas necessárias que podem se transformar em topias, quer dizer, em algo que se realiza nas condições de nossa história.
→ read full articleNewly Released Tim DeChristopher Finds a Movement Transformed by His Courage
Melanie Jae Martin – YES! Magazine,
29 Apr 2013
Tim DeChristopher, who was released from federal custody yesterday [21 Apr 2013], is best known as the man who disrupted an auction of pristine public lands. This Earth Day, we thank Tim DeChristopher for steering our movement toward the path of courage. With countless lives on the line, it’s the path we need to take.
→ read full article