Articles by Al Jazeera

We found 949 results.

Circle of Poison
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2016

A look at the powerful pesticide industry, its effect on the developing world and how small farmers are fighting back.

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Fidel Castro in Context
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 28 Nov 2016

26 Nov 2016 – As of the year 2006, Fidel Castro, Cuba’s revolutionary leader, who has died aged 90, had reportedly been the subject of no fewer than 638 assassination plots by the CIA. The revolutionary’s achievements in the face of US meddling made him a powerful symbol of resistance against hegemony.

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The Fight for Brazil’s Future
Rodrigo Nunes – Al Jazeera, 21 Nov 2016

The Brazilian youth is leading the resistance to legislation that would reverse social gains and protect wealthy elites. If one could speak of a coup in Brazil, it was not against Rousseff, but against Brazilian society.

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Africa’s Challenge to the ICC
Solomon Dersso – Al Jazeera, 14 Nov 2016

On November 16, the signatories to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court will come together and for the first time they’ll have to face defections. In a matter of weeks three states withdrew from the ICC. The scrutiny of the three African withdrawals from the ICC should not be reduced to accusations of seeking impunity.

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The Balfour Declaration 99 Years Ago Marked the Beginning of a Settler Colonial Project of Tragic Proportions
Ilan Pappe – Al Jazeera, 7 Nov 2016

2 Nov 2016 – November is a painful month dotted with commemorative days that have one theme in common: the partitioning of Palestine. Today is the 99th anniversary of the Balfour declaration. Although it did not offer partition, it sowed the seeds for it, which eventually allowed the Zionist movement to take over Palestine.

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Palestinian Villages ‘Get Two Hours of Water a Week’
Eloise Bollack – Al Jazeera News, 7 Nov 2016

Israeli control over water supplies in the occupied West Bank has left Palestinians desperate.

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Why the Rich Can’t Be Trusted with Money
Larry Beinhart – Al Jazeera, 31 Oct 2016

The members of the investor class are programmed to destroy. It is way too smart to stick under the mattress. Money is supposed to be out there making money, damn it!

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Israel’s War on Peaceful Activism
Khaled Diab – Al Jazeera, 10 Oct 2016

Despite increasing dangers Palestinian and Israeli activists continue their efforts to oppose the occupation peacefully. The Knesset recently passed the controversial ‘NGO law’ to single out left-wing and rights groups as treacherous agents of insidious foreign powers.

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Christopher Columbus: The Myth That Keeps on Giving
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 10 Oct 2016

Why has a symbol of mass slaughter been unrepentantly idolised for more than half a millennium? On October 12, 1492, a geographically misguided voyager by the name of Christopher Columbus happened upon the so-called New World. Dismantling the myth of Columbus as hero would require some serious national introspection that would inevitably raise uncomfortable questions…

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Why Colombians Opposed the Peace Deal with FARC
Hisham Aidi – Al Jazeera, 10 Oct 2016

The outcome of the referendum on the peace accord may be shocking but it is largely a result of domestic politics. Critics of the accord have argued that, by granting amnesty to FARC, the agreement secured peace at the expense of justice.

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Gaza-Bound Flotilla Sails Off from Spain’s Barcelona
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

A new flotilla of international activists has left for the Gaza Strip from the Spanish city of Barcelona, hoping to break a nearly decade-long Israeli blockade. Two sailing boats with 11 women on board each sailed off on Wednesday [14 Sep] under the banner “The Women’s Boat to Gaza”.

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Maung Zarni on the Kofi Annan Commission and Persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

Sep 7, 2016 – Dr Maung Zarni comments on Kofi Annan Commission and Myanmar Genocide of Rohingya, Al Jazeera English News Hour.

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Towards a New Economic System for the 21st Century
C J Polychroniou – Al Jazeera, 12 Sep 2016

A revolution in consciousness is mandatory in order for a great shift to occur in the way the global economy works and the future we want. The new economic system should be based on localised forms of industry, finance and participatory democracy.

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Kashmir and Palestine: The Story of Two Occupations
Goldie Osuri – Al Jazeera, 29 Aug 2016

The growing pockets of solidarity expressed for Kashmiris are heartening, as is the solidarity for Palestinian struggle.

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Dreaming Again for Equality in India
Devanuru Mahadeva – Al Jazeera, 15 Aug 2016

The Dalits need to be mindful of what to expect and wise to organise the community, and continue their struggle.

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World Leaders Perpetuate Failed Anti-Terror Policies
Rami G Khouri – Al Jazeera, 1 Aug 2016

After decades of failed military action we still don’t know what drives citizens to terror.

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Going Green: Morocco Bans Use of Plastic Bags
Aida Alami – Al Jazeera, 11 Jul 2016

As a ban on the production and use of plastic bags comes into effect across Morocco on Friday [1 Jul], green campaigners say that the country’s consumers may need years to fully comply with the new law. A landmark bill passed by the Moroccan parliament last October banned the production, import, sale and distribution of plastic bags across the country.

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Why Are the Dutch Funding Settlers in Palestine?
Hanine Hassan – Al Jazeera, 4 Jul 2016

Dutch ministers don’t seem to mind bending the laws to incorporate territory to Israel that does not belong to it. Dutch Jewish colonists receive income support on top of their pensions, and have their taxes, which Dutch citizens living in the Netherlands have to pay, covered by the SVB. As a result, you are better off financially if you are a Dutch Jewish settler on Palestinian stolen land.

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Myanmar’s Shame
Wayne Hay – Al Jazeera, 23 May 2016

Rohingya Muslims, in camps, wait for what democracy led by a Nobel Peace Prize winner will bring them. So far: Nothing.

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Iraq, Sykes-Picot and Mr Five Percent
Ibrahim Al-Marashi – Al Jazeera, 16 May 2016

16 May 2016 – May 16 marks the 100-year anniversary of the Sykes-Picot Treaty, a secret agreement between Britain and France during World War I to carve up the domains of the Ottoman Empire upon its defeat. Mr Five Percent, the nickname of the oil broker Calouste Gulbenkian, certainly deserves attention a century later. Gulbenkian served as a midwife of sorts to not only Iraq, but also to the birth of the world’s major oil corporations.

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Rebuilding the EU or Breaking Free from It?
C J Polychroniou – Al Jazeera, 2 May 2016

The powers that be continue to defend ferociously a Frankenstein-like creation, a playground for financial vultures.

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Amy Goodman: How the Media Ruins Elections
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

Amy Goodman, of Democracy NOW!, tells us about Trump-land and how the media is ruining this election.

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Refugee Crisis: When Is a Tragedy a Massacre?
Richard Seymour – Al Jazeera, 2 May 2016

The EU is simply determined not to be a destination for refugees. With illegal pushbacks, brutal detainment, and harassment at sea, the options for refugees are increasingly severe.

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Palestine Land Day: Here We Shall Stay
Lamis Andoni – Al Jazeera, 4 Apr 2016

The Judaisation strategy did not only aim at confiscating lands, but also to undermine the rise of Palestinian leaders.

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The Dark Prisoners: Inside the CIA’s Torture Programme
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Despite US admissions that it tortured people after 9/11, little has been heard from the victims themselves.
“There is a proverb that a human being is stronger than a stone and more tender than a flower.”
— Habib Rahman, brother of Gul Rahman (Prisoner #24) who died in CIA custody.

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Japan Enacts Laws Allowing Combat Missions Abroad
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Critics say military engagement in conflicts for reasons other than self-defence is breach of pacifist constitution. The legislation, which took effect on Tuesday [29 Mar] after being passed last year despite nationwide protests, have been backed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Defence Minister Gen Nakatani, who said it was needed to improve international co-operation of armed forces.

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Brexit and the Failure of the European Union Project
Andrea Mammone – Al Jazeera, 7 Mar 2016

Granting special powers back to member states essentially mean legitimising local nationalisms.

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Kurds: Pawns and Kings in Syria and Iraq?
Sharif Nashashibi – Al Jazeera, 7 Mar 2016

The Kurdish issue is causing tensions within the US-led anti-ISIL coalition.

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ISIL and the Poor Man’s Nuke
Luke Coffey – Al Jazeera, 7 Mar 2016

It’s only a matter of time before ISIL employs a dirty bomb either on the streets of the West or in the towns of Syria. It is no surprise that a terror group such as ISIL, which has declared its intent to acquire weapons of mass destruction, would be eager to get its hands on enough radioactive material for a dirty bomb.

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In Israel, Racism Is the Law
Ben White – Al Jazeera, 7 Mar 2016

Successive Israeli governments since 1948 are responsible for the institutionalised discrimination against Palestinians. The Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, under military rule within this de facto single state, are subjected to severe policies of discrimination and segregation, as well as military brutality and repression.

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Hooray for Cultural Marxism
Malcolm Harris – Al Jazeera America, 22 Feb 2016

You don’t need a bedside picture of Lenin to believe in what sociologists call conflict theory, or the idea that society is composed of struggling classes. Class analysis is popular because it’s true.

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BDS Tactics Are Not Anti-Semitic
Alastair Sloan – Al Jazeera, 22 Feb 2016

Criminalising political dissent is only going to reinforce perceptions of Jewish conspiracy theories – so why do it? BDS should stick to lobbying publicly accountable bodies, but it is this entirely legitimate activity which Prime Minister David Cameron is now planning to criminalise.

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New Hope for India’s Gay-Rights Movement
Chandrahas Choudhury – Al Jazeera, 15 Feb 2016

Two decades of spirited debate has had its effect across the board. Indian thinking on gay rights may still lean towards the conventional, but it is no longer static, and when it becomes overly shrill or self-righteous it is widely mocked. Support for gay rights is no longer a niche demand restricted to those with a personal interest in the matter.

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Blame Capitalism for Doping in Sports
Bhaskar Sunkara – Al Jazeera America, 11 Jan 2016

Players who take performance-enhancing drugs are only responding to the incentives of the free market. When it comes to corruption in sports, don’t hate the players—scapegoats for capitalism; hate the game.

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What’s Left of the Latin American Left?
Hisham Aidi – Al Jazeera, 21 Dec 2015

As happens in democracies, Latin American voters are punishing parties of the left for economic mismanagement. That leftist and rightist parties are no longer immune to electoral punishment is a sign of the stability of Latin American democracy.

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Tehran’s Damascene Moment?
James Denselow – Al Jazeera, 14 Dec 2015

14 Dec 2015 – The wider regional conflict between Riyadh and Tehran has influenced much of the machinations of the Middle East over the past decade. The fact that the two countries are sitting at the same table discussing Syria rather than negotiating through violence on the ground is a significant – and under-reported – success of the Vienna process to date.

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Finally, the EU Stages an Israel Intervention
Rachel Shabi – Al Jazeera, 14 Dec 2015

The EU decision to identify and label Israeli products from occupied territories is a brave move to penalise occupation.

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ISIL Sells Its Oil, but Who Is Buying It?
Carole Nakhle – Al Jazeera, 7 Dec 2015

The group hasn’t only recruited suicide bombers, it has also drawn technicians and engineers to manage the oil fields. The grim reality is that black markets have a highly organised and extensive web of shadow partners and clients, who are attracted by the dollar sign, irrespective of their nationalities, religious beliefs or principles.

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The Dark Alliance of Global Philanthropy and Capitalism
William G Moseley – Al Jazeera, 7 Dec 2015

It’s a problem if endowment investments generate the very poverty foundations are trying to alleviate.

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Myanmar’s Punk Rockers Challenge Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Hanna Hindstrom – Al Jazeera, 9 Nov 2015

Ahead of crucial election, musicians rail against government-sanctioned repression of persecuted Rohingya minority. Some musicians in Myanmar are risking their lives and freedom to sing out against injustice.

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Breaking Down Genocide in Myanmar
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2015

For eight months, a Yale University Law clinic assessed evidence obtained by Al Jazeera and Fortify Rights.

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USA: Historic Election Could Return Sovereignty to Native Hawaiians
Brittany Lyte – Al Jazeera America, 2 Nov 2015

30 Oct 2015 — In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii, yielded power to a group of businessmen backed by Marines in order to avoid the bloodshed of her people. She did so believing that the U.S. government, when presented with the facts, would eventually restore the Hawaiian kingdom. Instead, the coup led to the dissolution of Hawaiian sovereignty and the tropical archipelago’s eventual admission to statehood.

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The Tide Is Turning against Zionist Extremism
Mark LeVine – Al Jazeera, 26 Oct 2015

The inherent contradiction of Israel as both a modern democratic state and brutal occupier is becoming clear to all. Anti-BDS initiatives are doomed to fail, particularly when they attempt to bully universities and even Jewish students into muting criticism.

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See Jerusalem through Palestinian Eyes
Yousef Munayyer – Al Jazeera, 26 Oct 2015

Israel should take concrete steps to reverse its Judaization efforts in occupied East Jerusalem. For Palestinians, Israel’s actions – past and present – leave an impression that the walls are closing in on them and what little is left of their sacred city, including the holy sites.

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Criminal Prosecutions Won’t Change the Financial Industry
Chase Madar – Al Jazeera, 19 Oct 2015

Indictments will catch some small fish, but reforming Wall Street requires much, much more. Criminalization is a toxic heavy gas that tends to sink to the bottom of any social ladder, leaving those at the upper rungs untouched.

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The World Needs Investigative Journalism
David Cay Johnston – Al Jazeera, 19 Oct 2015

The risks reporters take are great, but the rewards for the public are worth it The freedom of the press we take for granted in the United States, Canada, Western Europe and some other countries is but a dream for journalists in much of the world.

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The Ongoing Epidemic of Corporate Crime
Dean Baker – Al Jazeera, 5 Oct 2015

Volkswagen is just the latest scandal from an epic decade of white-collar criminality. Reforming the SEC will not by itself be sufficient to reverse the corporate crime epidemic, but it would be a big step in the right direction.

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Murdoch Purchases Nat Geo for Infotainment Synergy
Chris Lehmann – Al Jazeera America, 21 Sep 2015

Like The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic will lumber on; this deal is all about the boob tube. There’s no need to traffic in outright propaganda, after all, when you’ve already downgraded scientific values into infotainment ones.

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It’s Time for Israel to Disarm
Alex Kane – Al Jazeera America, 14 Sep 2015

A Nuke-Free Israel Will Create a More Stable Middle East – The American policy of shielding Israel’s nuclear weapons continues to be the main obstacle to nuclear disarmament in the region.

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The West’s Hidden Tribalism
Khaled Diab – Al Jazeera, 14 Sep 2015

Tribalism and sectarianism afflict Western societies too. So why do they seem to be tearing the Middle East apart? There isn’t a country in Europe whose borders are not artificial, whose past frontiers do not overlap with those of its neighbours and whose population is not a messy mix of peoples.

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El Salvador’s Gangs Have Something to Say
Magally Zelaya – Al Jazeera, 7 Sep 2015

1 Sep 2015 – The time has come for El Salvador’s government to do something it has never done before: openly engage in dialogue with the gangs that are tormenting the country. Talking to the gangs may not be the politically popular thing to do, but it will take the steam out of this two-decades-long conflict.

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India Village Council Orders Rape of Two Sisters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

30 Aug 2015 – Council orders sisters to be raped and paraded naked after their brother elopes with married woman.

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Climate Policymakers Can Learn from Germany
Paul Hockenos – Al Jazeera America, 24 Aug 2015

Germans have a decade’s worth of best practices on how to switch from fossil fuels and nuclear to renewables.

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Why Israel Is Suddenly Owning Up to Its Terrorism
Daoud Kuttab – Al Jazeera, 10 Aug 2015

By calling Friday’s [31 Jul 2015] arson attack a terrorist act, the Israelis are hoping to avoid the full force of international law. The senseless burning alive of infant Ali Dawabasheh, and the maiming of his family, has refocused local, regional, and world attention on the Palestinian cause.

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Reclaiming Utoya
Aage Borchgrevink – Al Jazeera, 10 Aug 2015

Breivik wanted to create conflict between Norwegians and immigrant communities, but his acts had the opposite effect. The young are more positive to the new multicultural reality, and the statistics indicate that attitudes are more positive in the places where majority and minority populations live together, such

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Putin and Xi Plot the Future of Eurasia
John Batchelor – Al Jazeera America, 27 Jul 2015

There is nothing to be gained by Washington pretending it can continue to project military and economic power into an ambitious Eurasia. Strengthening ties between Moscow and Beijing are tipping the world’s balance of power eastward.

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Greece’s Other Crisis
Mark Hetfield – Al Jazeera America, 27 Jul 2015

Refugees crossing the Aegean face hostile conditions – and no-one is helping them out. The best way to keep refugees from making perilous journeys is to protect them from what they are fleeing in the first place.

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CNN to Broadcast Corporate Propaganda as News?
C. Robert Gibson – Al Jazeera America, 13 Jul 2015

Companies paying media outlets to produce news-like content is a new low for network TV. Once a news outlet as recognizable as CNN starts airing branded content, it has the potential to create a huge conflict of interest in editorial decisions.

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The Billion-Dollar Business to Sell Us Crappy Food
Anna Lappé – Al Jazeera, 13 Jul 2015

New report sheds light on the covert tactics used to shape public opinion about what we eat. Because the food industry employs under-the-radar PR strategies, often people don’t realize the stories are being crafted behind the scenes.

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Three Depressing Lessons from the Greek Debt Negotiations
Branko Milanovic – Al Jazeera, 6 Jul 2015

Even if Athens remains in the eurozone, the damage to EU credibility has been done. The troika’s more inflexible demands had the objective of demonstrating the inability of any left-wing government to exist.

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The Honduran Meltdown: Made in USA
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 6 Jul 2015

Six years after the coup in Honduras, it’s time for another history lesson. The post-coup era has seen soaring homicide rates, with much of the violence committed by state security forces enjoying near-total impunity.

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Gaza-Bound Flotilla Vessel Seized by Israeli Navy
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2015

29 Jun 2015 – Activists say the Marianne was intercepted by Israel’s military around 100 nautical miles from Gaza’s shore.

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Ending Child Marriage in Bangladesh and Beyond
Mabel van Oranje – Al Jazeera, 22 Jun 2015

Changing a social norm like child marriage might seem daunting but the experience in Bangladesh shows it can be done.

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Underage ‘Enemies’ of the US: Omar Khadr and the Juveniles of Guantánamo
Jenifer Fenton – Al Jazeera America, 15 Jun 2015

Jun 7, 2015 – “I have memories, but I don’t know if they’re mine, if they are accurate or not,” said Omar Khadr recently, recalling the events for which he was convicted by a U.S. military tribunal. Khadr, a Canadian citizen, spent almost nine years at Guantánamo Bay after being captured in Afghanistan at age 15.

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The Occupation Is Starting to Become Costly for Israel
Daoud Kuttab – Al Jazeera, 15 Jun 2015

Settlement products that have for years been exported to Europe under the false title “Made in Israel” will have to change their labels now according to new EU guidelines, or be denied entry. Forty-eight years after Israel usurped Palestinian lands, the occupation is finally starting to become a liability.

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Germany Is Bluffing on Greece
Mark Weisbrot – Al Jazeera America, 15 Jun 2015

Berlin is not going to force Athens out of the eurozone anytime soon. The people primarily responsible for Greece’s deep and prolonged depression and high unemployment are pushing policies that would extend the crisis and worsen its impact on those who have suffered the most.

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Obama’s Cuba Legacy May Run through Venezuela
Mark Weisbrot – Al Jazeera America, 8 Jun 2015

The Cubans made it clear to Obama that normalization of relations would be limited if Washington was unwilling to normalize relations with Venezuela. The president has taken steps to normalize relations with Caracas but faces resistance at home.

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World’s First Ocean System Targeting Plastic Pollution to Launch in 2016
Renee Lewis – Al Jazeera America, 1 Jun 2015

29 May 2015 – The world’s first system designed to rid the oceans of plastic pollution will be deployed near Japan in 2016, with the aim of eventually capturing half of the plastic found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch — a large concentration of marine debris located between Hawaii and California.

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Women Peace Activists Cross North-South Korea Border
Al Jazeera English – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2015

May 23, 2015 – Group of 30 women cross heavily militarised DMZ by bus after being denied by authorities to walk across the border.

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The Militarization of Development Aid
Rafia Zakaria – Al Jazeera America, 1 Jun 2015

How War Makes USAID a Dirty Word – Most of the initial criticism focused on [new head of USAID] Gayle Smith’s close relationships with various African despots and her belief that aid is the vehicle for obtaining foreign policy concessions. Humanitarian aid must not bear hidden agendas, and accepting assistance should not come at the cost of cowing to imperialism.

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Organic Is Going Mainstream
Anna Lappé – Al Jazeera America, 18 May 2015

Food-Industry-Funded Spin on Health and Sustainability Is Losing Traction

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Yarmouk and the Failures of Neutral Humanitarianism
Brent Eng & José Ciro Martínez – Al Jazeera America, 11 May 2015

Aid agencies should acknowledge their role in exacerbating the Syrian crisis. By bringing external resources into life-or-death situations characterized by scarcity, aid agencies have indirectly exacerbated the very situation that they are trying to ameliorate.

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Brazil Passes Femicide Law to Curb Domestic Violence
Donna Bowater & Priscilla Moraes – Al Jazeera America, 11 May 2015

Legislation defines gender-based killings and sets out tougher punishments for attackers.

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Countries around World Are Revoking Freedom of Assembly
Willie Osterweil – Al Jazeera America, 11 May 2015

Faced with mounting unrest and unwilling to offer reforms, democratic governments are rolling back traditional rights.

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Feds Are Using Fear, Not Facts, in Anti-Encryption Crusade
Joshua Kopstein – Al Jazeera America, 4 May 2015

Federal agencies say encryption will doom us, but they’re already using spy tools that circumvent it. That law enforcement groups continue to ignore a broad consensus of experts speaks to how desperately their position relies on scaremongering and distortions.

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Nine Things You Might Want to Know about the Massive Pacific Trade Deal
E. Tammy Kim – Al Jazeera America, 4 May 2015

All this trade talk can seem an impenetrable thicket of arcane economics and alphabet soup. Here we provide answers to some basic questions.

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Robbie Williams Rocks Tel Aviv and the Boycott
Ewa Jasiewicz – Al Jazeera, 27 Apr 2015

23 Apr 2015 – Robbie Williams’ performance in Tel Aviv helps normalise settler colonialism, war crimes, and apartheid in Palestine.

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YouTube at 10: The Archive of Now
Mark Little – Al Jazeera, 27 Apr 2015

Ten years on, YouTube has put the power in our hands: eyewitnesses and journalists. Before YouTube, you needed a journalist, a satellite dish, and a TV network to spread news. Today, all you need is a camera-phone and internet connection, a YouTube account and a social network.

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Don’t Arm Pakistan’s Teachers
Maham Javaid – Al Jazeera America, 13 Apr 2015

Distributing guns and weapons training to students and school staffers is the wrong way to fight terrorism. Requiring teachers to defend their schools against attack while awaiting security forces reveals the government’s utter failure to develop effective policies.

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Destroying the Greek Economy in Order to Save It
Mark Weisbrot – Al Jazeera America, 13 Apr 2015

Blackmail is actually an understatement of what the troika is doing to Greece. It is trying to harm the Greek economy in order to pressure the new Greek government to agree to its demands. Recent European Central Bank actions are not about money or fiscal sustainability but about politics. European authorities are using dirty tactics to bring Greece to heel.

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Buddhist Nationalists Stoke Hatred in Myanmar
Richard Bennett – Al Jazeera, 23 Mar 2015

Myanmar’s Proposed ‘Race and Religion Laws’ Fuel Hatred and Fear – Authorities should work for reconciliation between religious and ethnic groups – not play into hatred and fear, and seek to cement already widespread discrimination.

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Corporations That Benefit People and the Planet
Mary Turck – Al Jazeera America, 16 Mar 2015

Though they are still for-profit businesses, public benefit companies focus on environmental and social benefits. B Corps offer an alternative to capitalism run rampant – a choice to make profit just one of many corporate goals rather than the only or primary goal.

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The Convergence of Three Fundamentalisms
Ebrahim Rasool – Al Jazeera, 16 Mar 2015

Muslims Do Not Have a Monopoly on either Fundamentalism or Extremism – All three have the capacity for devastating violence. All three read texts literally, whether their scriptures or constitutions. All three feed on fear and ignorance and exploit an instinctive suspicion of those who are different.

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The Time for a New Economics Is at Hand
Julie Matthaei – Al Jazeera America, 16 Mar 2015

The crises we now face illustrate the limits of neoclassical orthodoxy. With capitalism beset by multiple interconnected crises, the hegemony of neoliberalism appears to have peaked.

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Let Clowns Be Clowns and Elephants Be Elephants
Lori Gruen – Al Jazeera America, 16 Mar 2015

Ringling Bros. finally bows to public distaste for its exploitation of highly intelligent, social animals.

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UN Expert Slams US as Only Nation to Imprison Kids for Life without Parole
Natasja Sheriff – Al Jazeera America, 16 Mar 2015

A sentence of life without parole means life and death in prison — a practice considered cruel and inhumane punishment for juveniles under both international and U.S. law.

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Spy Cables: Greenpeace among Intelligence Targets
Rahul Radhakrishnan & Will Jordan – Al Jazeera, 2 Mar 2015

S Korea asked for a “specific security assessment” of Greenpeace Director Kumi Naidoo
Cameroon’s agency asked to spy on an opposition leader weeks ahead of elections
Rwanda tried to list “genocide fugitives” and “negationists” as surveillance targets
A deal with Zimbabwe to spy on “rogue NGOs”
Continuous requests from Sri Lanka for S Africa to spy on Tamil diaspora groups

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Myanmar’s [Burma’s] Buddhist Terrorism Problem
Usaid Siddiqui – Al Jazeera America, 23 Feb 2015

18 Feb 2015 – The country’s Rohingya minority is one of the most persecuted groups in the world. Burmese activists and leaders such as Suu Kyi must stand up for the human rights of the Rohingya community.

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Ban Greyhound Racing Now
Lori Gruen – Al Jazeera America, 23 Feb 2015

Empathy for animals demands an end to the practice. When people treat greyhounds as disposable things, they are not only hurting the dogs but also furthering a culture of cruelty and indifference toward animals.

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The Truth about West Bank Demolitions
Ben White – Al Jazeera, 16 Feb 2015

Driving Palestinians out of Area C will facilitate its future annexation to Israel. In January , UN official James W Rawley urged Israel to stop demolishing Palestinian structures, including those ‘provided by the international community to support vulnerable families’.

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Don’t Blame Greece for the EU’s Woes
Stephen Kinzer – Al Jazeera America, 16 Feb 2015

The pan-European project is waning because of its inherent flaws. The deepest flaw in the EU concept was the fantasy that Europeans would steadily become less nationalistic.

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Junk the Phrase ‘Human Capital’
Branko Milanovic – Al Jazeera America, 16 Feb 2015

It has added nothing but conceptual confusion for the last 50 years. The term “capital” should be used as it is used in common parlance and as it was used during more than 200 years of economics: for property distinct from one’s labor.

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My Gitmo Client’s Interpreter Worked for the CIA
Ramzi Kassem – Al Jazeera America, 16 Feb 2015

Latest embarrassing incident demonstrates that military tribunals cannot mete out justice to detainees. This revelation should undercut any trust the public retains in the integrity of the military commissions system at Guantánamo.

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Opening Our Hearts to Syria’s Refugee Crisis
Sherif Elsayed-Ali – Al Jazeera, 9 Feb 2015

As the Syrian crisis worsens, the need for an international response is more crucial than ever. The statistics speak for themselves. The bloody conflict has displaced at least 7.6 million people within the country. Around four million have fled abroad as refugees – 95 percent of them currently live in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt.

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Fighting for Palestine
Hatem Bazian – Al Jazeera, 9 Feb 2015

Al-Arian’s deportation brings an end to a painful and torturous episode in the life of one of the most active Palestinian civil rights advocates. Al-Arian maintained that all along that the government case was political and directly connected to silencing Palestinian and Muslim voices critical of Israel and successive US administrations’ unconditional support for an occupying power.

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Greece to the Troika: ‘You Don’t Own Us!’
Lynn Stuart Parramore – Al Jazeera America, 2 Feb 2015

Alarmists have warned that Syriza’s victory will ignite instability and economic disaster, but that threat sounds hollow to a country already laid to waste by flawed policies. While it is true that Greece is a small country of 10 million people that represents a mere 2.5 percent of Europe’s economy, the elections could have big consequences well beyond the country’s borders.

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Plagiarism Is the New Pornography
Curtis Brown – Al Jazeera, 5 Jan 2015

“I feel delighted that he has borrowed heavily from my work,” says the scholar Fawaz Gerges, from whom Zakaria lifted three paragraphs virtually verbatim and without attribution. If anything, the wind is in Zakaria’s sails, for God helps those who help themselves, and this fellow helps himself to a lot. And even if the going gets rough and God begins to balk, CNN will hold fast.

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Can GMOs Save the World?
Anna Lappé – Al Jazeera America, 5 Jan 2015

Monsanto Claims That Biotech Can Feed the Planet. Here’s Why It Won’t

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UN Security Council Rejects Resolution on Palestinian State
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jan 2015

Bid to end Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by 2017 garners eight votes, one short of total needed to pass:
YES: Jordan, China, France, Russia, Luxembourg, Chad, Chile, Argentina.
NO: United States, Australia.
ABSTAINED: United Kingdom, Lithuania, Nigeria, South Korea, Rwanda.

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Shame Is Good. Shame Is Right. Shame Works
Lynn Stuart Parramore – Al Jazeera America, 29 Dec 2014

Shaming may not bring America’s corporate Scrooges immediately around to a Dickensian redemption, but it can play a key role in creating a societal consensus that certain behaviors are indeed disgraceful — and that’s a start. No shame, no blame, you might say.

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