Articles by DW

We found 363 results.

A Vindication for the Public: The Guardian and Washington Post Win the Pulitzer Prize
Edward Snowden – Freedom of the Press Foundation, 28 Apr 2014

I am grateful to the committee for their recognition of the efforts of those involved in the last year’s reporting, and join others around the world in congratulating Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Barton Gellman, Ewen MacAskill, and all of the others at the Guardian and Washington Post on winning the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

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Vladimir Putin Must Be Called To Account on Surveillance Just Like Obama
Edward Snowden – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

On Thursday [17 Apr 2014], I questioned Russia’s involvement in mass surveillance on live television. I asked Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, a question that cannot credibly be answered in the negative by any leader who runs a modern, intrusive surveillance program: “Does [your country] intercept, analyse or store millions of individuals’ communications?”

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(Português) Putin deve prestar contas em matéria de espionagem tal como Obama
Edward Snowden – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

A 10 de abril, questionei em direto na televisão o envolvimento da Rússia na espionagem em massa. Fiz uma pergunta ao presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, que não pode ser respondida negativamente de um modo credível por qualquer líder que dirija um programa moderno e intrusivo de vigilância: “[O seu país] interceta, analisa ou armazena as comunicações de milhões de indivíduos?”

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Here’s How We Take Back the Internet
Edward Snowden – TED Talks, 24 Mar 2014

Mar 18, 2014 – Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. “Your rights matter,” he say, “because you never know when you’re going to need them.”

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Edward Snowden’s Written Testimony to the European Parliament
Edward Snowden – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

The NSA granted me the authority to monitor communications world-wide using its mass surveillance systems, including within the United States. I have personally targeted individuals using these systems. I know the good and the bad of these systems, and what they can and cannot do, and I am telling you that without getting out of my chair, I could have read the private communications of any member of this committee, as well as any ordinary citizen. I swear under penalty of perjury that this is true.

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9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

Ingested in high doses, fluoride is indisputably toxic; it was once commonly used in rat poison. So why is it in our drinking water? Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately reduce your fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride.

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Are the Robots about to Rise? Google’s New Director of Engineering Thinks So…
Carole Cadwalladr – The Guardian, 24 Feb 2014

Ray Kurzweil popularised the Teminator-like moment he called the ‘singularity’, when artificial intelligence overtakes human thinking. But now the man who hopes to be immortal is involved in the very same quest – on behalf of the tech behemoth.

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Eisenhower Farewell Address – 17 Jan 1961
U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014

We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

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An Open Letter to the People of Brazil
Edward Snowden – Folha de S. Paulo, 23 Dec 2013

These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power. Many Brazilian senators agree, and have asked for my assistance with their investigations of suspected crimes against Brazilian citizens.

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Journalist Or Activist? Smearing Glenn Greenwald
David Edwards – Media Lens, 28 Oct 2013

Modern thought control is dependent on subliminal communication. Messages influencing key perceptions are delivered unseen, unnoticed, with minimal public awareness of what is happening or why. For example, journalists tell us that Hugo Chavez was ‘divisive’, that Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are ‘narcissistic’, that George Galloway is ‘controversial’. But beneath their literal meaning, these adjectives communicate a hidden message: that these individuals are acceptable targets for negative media judgement; they are fair game.

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Factory Farming: The True Price of a Pork Chop
Susanne Amann, Michael Fröhlingsdorf and Udo Ludwig – Der Spiegel, 28 Oct 2013

Germany slaughters 58 million pigs a year and has built an efficient meat industry second only to the US in pork exports — but at a hidden cost to the environment and our health.

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Questions Plague UN Syria Report. Who Was Behind the East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack?
Sharmine Narwani and Radwan Mortada - Al-Akhbar, 30 Sep 2013

A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical weapons attack: “Of course not, he (President Bashar al-Assad) would be committing suicide.” When asked who he believed was responsible for the use of chemical munitions in Ghouta, the UN official, who would not permit disclosure of his identity, said: “Saudi intelligence was behind the attacks and unfortunately nobody will dare say that.”

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Sri Lanka: Tamil National Alliance Wins Landslide Victory in First Local Elections since Civil War
Michael Edwards and wires – Australia Network News, 23 Sep 2013

Sri Lanka’s main Tamil party has secured 30 seats in the 38-member Northern Provincial Council. A coalition of parties representing president Mahinda Rajapaksa won seven seats, while a Muslim party won one.

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Chemical Weapons in Syria Provide an Opportunity for Making Peace
Robin Edward Poulton, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Sep 2013

If Syria pulls back from the chemical red line and accepts some form of sanction, then the Wahabists and Jihadists and Iraqi Sunnis should pull back across the frontiers and accept some form of sanction. It is unclear why NATO forces are supporting extremist Sunni Al-Qaeda look-alikes in Syria, while fighting them in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and recently in Mali.

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5 Surprising Genetically Modified Foods
Maggie Caldwell – Mother Jones, 12 Aug 2013

Leaving aside the question of whether they’re good or bad for a moment, what exactly are GMOs, and which foods are they in?

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10 Causes of Bad Breath
Dr. Edward F. Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2013

Bad breath plagues everyone at some time or another. If you are aware of it, hopefully you try to get rid of it, or at least try to hide it. If you are not aware of it, you may be wondering why people keep their distance.

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Syria’s [Armed] Rebels in Rift with Aleppo’s [Nonviolent] Civil Opposition
Edward Dark – Al Monitor, 8 Jul 2013

Aleppo’s civil opposition has been swept aside as hard-line armed groups assert their power in the city.

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6 Causes of Flatulence
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2013

Just as everyone goes to the bathroom, everyone also passes gas; it’s simply a biological reality. Your body is able to absorb a limited amount of the gas it ingests or produces. The rest has to come out somewhere.

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What is Andropause?
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2013

The phenomena of the biological clock isn’t exclusive to women, it seems men also are prone to age related changes in hormone levels, sexual function, physical features, and quality of life. These changes, dubbed “andropause” (and sometimes “male menopause”) are due to a progressive decrease in testosterone production.

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Obama’s Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US “Deep State” Agenda: The Case of Syria
Elizabeth Woodworth - Global Research, 24 Jun 2013

This essay examines the connections between the foreign intervention crisis in Syria, the vast NSA surveillance program that has recently been exposed, and the sequence of events that begin with NSA program changes in February, 2001 — six months before 9/11. The connections are illuminating.

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It Won’t Be Easy, But Here’s How You Can Keep All Your Conversations Private
Roberto Baldwin, Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

So how do you communicate without the whole world finding out that you’ve visited the doctor 12 times in the past six months for a mysterious rash? Well it’s not easy, but there are ways to keep your correspondence off the grid.

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Bill Keller Has Completely Misread Syria’s Red Lines
Robin Edward Poulton PhD – The New York Times, 20 May 2013

What makes Bill Keller or John McCain or any other gung-ho armchair warrior in Washington think that an Al Qaeda-related Sunni regime in Damascus led by Al-Nusra or by the militant Muslim Brotherhood would be good for America, or Lebanon, or Israel?

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Two Types of Calcium Deficiency
Dr. Edward F. Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2013

As you may be aware, calcium is integral when it comes to building strong bones, teeth, a normal heart rhythm, powering muscle contractions, enabling the relaxation of your muscles, hormone function, and even blood pressure regulation. There are Two Types of Calcium Deficiency

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Abyss of Uncertainty: Germany’s Homemade Nuclear Waste Disaster
Michael Fröhlingsdorf, Udo Ludwig and Alfred Weinzierl – Der Spiegel, 25 Feb 2013

Some 126,000 barrels of nuclear waste have been dumped in the Asse II salt mine over the last 50 years. German politicians are pushing for a law promising their removal. But the safety, technical and financial hurdles are enormous, and experts warn that removal is more dangerous than leaving them put.

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Johan Galtung on How to Build a Culture of Empathy and Peace
Edwin Rutsch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Dec 2012

14 Sep 2012 – The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy – This is part of a larger documentary project by Edwin Rutsch on the nature of empathy.

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War or Peace in the Sahara?
Robin Edward Poulton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2012

What Mali needs now is international partners that are ready to study the lessons of the 1990s, and to devise radical actions based on decentralized Malian models that have already been successful.

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Ways to Eliminate Body Odor
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2012

If body odor is a product of poor hygiene, new behaviors simply must be learned and adequate tools must be used. One thing we need to be clear of though is that toxic antiperspirant and deodorant sprays are not the answer. When body odor is indicative of a problem from within, detoxifying your body is the answer. There are a variety of cleansing routines that may be appropriate and regularly incorporating detox foods may help.

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9 Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Pet Allergies
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Nov 2012

Pets bring a lot of joy and are usually considered a true member of the family. Petting a cat or dog has been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s not hard to understand why we have a real emotional connection to our pets. However, for people with allergies to animal dander, pets can pose a problem.

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Why Is NATO Supporting This Syrian War?
Robin Edward Poulton, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2012

No one has been able – or willing – to explain to me why the US administration and its NATO allies are supporting the Sunni destruction of Syria. The people we decry as ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Al Qaeda’ are in fact the very same Sunni Muslim Extremists – supported by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States – whom we are apparently funding and arming in Syria. Why?

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The Top 5 Herbs for Controlling Mood Swings
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2012

Whether you have a short temper or just can’t seem to optimize your mental clarity, mood swings and emotional distress can be a serious situation to deal with. Thankfully, a number of herbs can assist you in your fight against mood swings and emotional distress.

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Top Natural Remedies For Depression
Dr. Edward Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2012

The experience of emotional and psychological depression has been noted and subjected to various explanations since the dawn of recorded history and quite probably before. The current model, which reduces all depression to a deficiency in serotonin, seems as overly simplistic and inadequate as those before it.

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Constipation and Cleansing the Colon
Dr. Edward Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2012

Millions of Americans exhibit constipation symptoms on a frequent basis, both minor and severe. Given how many people experience this, and how often, it gives support to the argument that constipation is so prevalent and widespread it should be considered an epidemic.

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West’s Mistake: Focus on Al Qaeda
Dr Robin-Edward Poulton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2012

The Real Big Problem Is Saudi Arabia – One of our really big foreign policy mistakes in the West has been to focus on Al Qaeda, as if it were an isolated phenomenon.

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Death of Democracy in America
Terrence Edward Paupp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2012

Democracy in the United States is completely dead. The American people are living under the tyranny of an oligarchy that is run between the financial sector on Wall Street and its bought-and-paid-for minions in Washington, D.C. With the exception of a few elected officials, the main concern of senators and congressmen is not the welfare of the people but the business interests of US big corporations, generally headed by the weapons industry and the military industrial complex.

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Libya: Hounding of Migrants Continues – Preliminary Findings of an Investigation Mission
FIDH, Worldwide Human Rights Movement – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2012

With rich oil reserves and a small population, Gaddafi’s Libya relied heavily on migrant labour to serve the economy. During the conflict hundreds of thousands of migrants fled to Tunisia, Egypt and neighbouring countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, fearing for their lives. More than six months since the conflict’s end, migrants and refugees in Libya continue to be victims of grave violations of their human rights. FIDH, Migreurop and JWBM make the following recommendations:

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Vitamins and Minerals
Dr. Edward Group – Global Healing Center, 2 Jul 2012

Even though they’re in almost everything we eat and drink, many people aren’t exactly clear what the distinction is between vitamins and dietary minerals. We’re told they’re important and we need them to keep us healthy, but what’s the difference?

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The Health Benefits of Sungazing
Dr. Edward Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jun 2012

The practice of sungazing closely resembles its name. At sunrise and/or sunset, when the sun is closest to the earth, sungazers stand barefoot on the earth and look directly at the sun for 10 seconds. The theory is that the sun is the force of all life, and staring at it can infuse the body with large amounts of energy.

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Remembering Talal Hamseh, Murdered by Wahabbists in Damascus
Robin Edward Poulton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2012

On April 27 Talal was parking his car when a Syrian terrorist shot him through the head. He was a kind young man, my daughter’s friend. This murder has been proudly displayed on the murderers’ website, a ‘rebel’ trying to overthrow the Syrian regime. Why would we support Sunni Wahabbist terrorists murdering other Muslims, Christians and Alawites?

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Home, Next To N-Reactor
Praful Bidwai and MV Ramana - Tehelka, 9 Apr 2012

Rules say there should be no habitation around nuclear plants but 70,000 people live within 16km of Koodankulam, which lies at the edge of the Gulf of Mannar, one of the world’s richest biodiversity areas. A unit of power from Koodankulam 1 and 2 will cost Rs 3.08. A unit of thermal power costs Rs 1.74 to 1.66. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India-NPCIL doesn’t provide for insurance against accidents or catastrophes. It expects the government to deal with such eventualities.

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False Flag? Bombing Puts India’s Trade Ties with Iran to the Test
Mayank Bhardwaj, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2012

“There are U.N. sanctions which India honours, those don’t cover the export of a vast range of products which India can export to Iran,” Trade Secretary Rahul Khullar said. “If the EU and the U.S. both want to stop exports to that country, please tell me why I should follow suit? Why shouldn’t I take up that business opportunity?” Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center said that India will find it increasingly difficult to placate both Iran, on the one hand, and the United States and Israel on the other.

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USDA Deregulates Two Monsanto Genetically Engineered Seeds
Mike Ludwig - Truthout, 26 Dec 2011

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced its decision to deregulate two Monsanto genetically engineered (GE) seed varieties: a corn variety engineered to resist drought conditions and an herbicide-resistant soybean engineered to produce more fatty acids than regular soybeans … Critics say such efforts could replace traditional and sustainable farming methods with American-style industrial agriculture and prevent African governments from effectively regulating GE crops.

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15 Foods High in Folic Acid
Dr. Edward Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2011

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is perhaps most well known for its applications in the prevention of fetal deformities, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as several types of cancer. The good news is that there are many rich sources of folic acid that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet. Physiologically, consuming enough folic acid allows the body to perform many of its essential functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, DNA synthesis and repair, red blood cell creation, and also helps to prevent anemia.

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The Differences Between Synthetic and Natural Vitamins
Dr. Edward Group – Global Healing Center, 7 Nov 2011

Synthetic versions of vitamins contain chemical compounds that were not meant for human consumption and do not occur in nature. Evolution has dictated that we eat the food we can gather from the earth, not the food we create in a lab.

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Speculation in Agricultural Commodities: Driving up the Price of Food Worldwide and Plunging Millions into Hunger
Edward Miller – Global Research, 10 Oct 2011

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has again delayed the introduction of position limits required under the Dodd-Frank Act. These limits are intended to prevent speculation in (among other things) agricultural commodities, speculation that, many critics argue, have driven up the price of food worldwide and plunged millions into hunger.

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Study: Phytochemical Found in Broccoli & Cauliflower Attacks Prostate Cancer Cells
Dr. Edward Group – Global Healing Center, 15 Aug 2011

According to a new study conducted at Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Micronutrient Research Institute confirms that sulforaphane, a phytochemical found in broccoli and related cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower and cabbage, have a natural ability to target and attack prostate cancer cells without harming neighboring cells.

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Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push GE Crops on Africa
Mike Ludwig - Truthout, 18 Jul 2011

Biosafety activists in South Africa are calling a program funded by the Gates Foundation a “Trojan horse” to open the door for private agribusiness and genetically engineered (GE) seeds, including a drought-resistant corn that Monsanto hopes to have approved in the United States and abroad.

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New Guidance Allows Nations to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
Mike Ludwig - Truthout, 11 Jul 2011

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, which is composed of food safety regulators from more than 100 countries, adopted a guidance document during its annual summit in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday [5 Jul 2011] that prevents any country’s GE food labeling policies from being legally challenged as barriers to trade. The commission was created in 1963 to create international food safety standards. The guidance does not mandate the labeling of GE foods, but allows countries to develop their own labeling policies.

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Understanding Political Reality in Syria
Robin Edward Poulton, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2011

In his OpEd of June 3rd entitled The Depravity Factor, David Brooks writes emotionally about a murdered 13-year-old Syrian boy called Hamza Ali al-Khateeb. The descriptions and internet photographs of Hamza’s tortured body are horrible, but Brooks draws from this story a set of political conclusions that are unjustified by anything we know about Syria or the region we vaguely think of as the ‘Middle East’.

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16 Foods High in Vitamin C
Dr. Edward Group – Global Healing Center, 30 May 2011

Vitamin C is one super important, naturally-occurring nutrient. From preventing colds and flu, rebuilding tissue, bones and blood vessels, to boosting the body’s ability to synthesize calcium and other minerals, Vitamin C is something we want to be eating more of on a daily basis. In fact, studies are now confirming the need for Vitamin C to boost brain function, heal from injuries and recover from illness. A potent antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals, a diet lacking Vitamin C may cause health problems over time.

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Operation Avenge Assange as Digital Direct Action
ReadWriteWeb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Dec 2010

“Nonviolence (ahimsa) is a philosophy and strategy for social change that rejects the use of violence. Thus, nonviolence is an alternative to passive acceptance of oppression or of armed struggle against it.” And direct action “is activity undertaken by individuals, groups, or governments to achieve political, economic, or social goals outside of normal social/political channels.”

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What of Military Aggression?
Benjamin Ferencz | Radio Netherlands Worldwide - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Dec 2010

Today [20 Nov 2010] marks the 65th anniversary of the Nuremberg war crimes trials — the landmark process that brought top Nazis to justice and established precedents that now underpin international law. “We have come a long way from Nuremberg, and have miles to go before we sleep.”

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Media Disinformation: Washington’s “Regime-Change Hit-List” – Iran vs. Honduras (Part 1)
Edward S. Herman and David Peterson – Monthly Review, 11 Oct 2010

It would be hard to find a better test of the integrity of the establishment U.S. media than in their comparative treatment of Iran and Honduras over the past couple of years (2009-2010).

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Marta Harnecker and Edwin Herrera Salinas – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Apr 2010

One of the greatest problems is that we are trying to build an alternative society with an inherited individualistic and clientelistic culture. . . . Even our best cadres are influenced by this culture. So, it’s a process of cultural transformation. Human beings change themselves through practice, not by decrees.

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Edward C. Corrigan – Dissident Voice, 2 Mar 2010

There is a controversy raging in North America over Israeli Apartheid Week (March 1-7 2010).1 A resolution was passed in the Ontario Provincial Parliament which was unanimously supported (only 30 MPPs voted) and declared the comparison of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians to apartheid as “odious.” To quote an article in the Toronto Star Canada’s […]

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Praful Bidwai – Transnational Institute, 26 Feb 2010

An emphasis on popular mobilisation,  essential to enfranchising the millions who were excluded from public life and political processes for centuries, remains one of Gandhi’s epochal successes. Hind Swaraj is an extraordinary tour de force of ideas, which tries to invest the concept of independence for an India freed from the burden and ignominy of […]

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Thomas N. Gladwin and David Berdish – Financial Times, 9 Feb 2010

Following Copenhagen, we face a perfect storm of global moral questions: what do we owe future generations, the deprived and the environment? Companies are being challenged to declare and act on their social and moral obligations. But business schools are failing to prepare leaders for this challenging task. The Aspen Institute’s latest Beyond Grey Pinstripes […]

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Patrick Strudwick – The Independent, 1 Feb 2010

Is homosexuality a form of mental illness? A small but evangelical band of psychotherapists believe that it is – and they’re on a mission to ‘heal’ the afflicted. Patrick Strudwick enters the bizarre world of gay-to-straight conversion. In Britain today therapists are trying to convert gay men and women to heterosexuality. I know this, because […]

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Michael Edwards – Open Democracy, 26 Jan 2010

In 2007, I experienced one of those fork-in-the-road moments that seem to occur when you least expect them. It was another day at the office, sifting through e-mails in the Ford Foundation’s glass palace in Manhattan, where I worked as one of the organization’s six directors. As usual, half of my inbox was filled by […]

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Edward C. Corrigan – Dissident Voice, 11 Jan 2010

There is some controversy over Einstein’s political views especially on the issue of Palestine and the creation of a Jewish State. Many Zionists claim Einstein as one of their own. Einstein, however, was a pacifist, a universalist and abhorred nationalism. The recently published book, Einstein on Israel and Zionism: His Provocative Ideas About the Middle […]

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats It is spell-binding to see how the U.S. establishment can inflate the threat of a target, no matter how tiny, remote, and (most often) non-existent that threat may be, and pretend that the real threat posed by its own behavior and policies is somehow defensive and related to that […]

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats And the media tremble also. Iranian words are also frightening, just as were Krushchev’s "I will bury you," the alleged Sandinista threat of a "revolution without borders," and Grenada’s reported threat to cut off the supply of nutmeg. Notoriously, in the rich load of disinformation that surrounds Iranian President […]

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submission of Robin-Edward Poulton, 24 Oct 2009

Paper deliverd by the author to a symposium at Washington, DC on Oct 21, 2009The report consists of five parts: 1: Summary Report 2: Lessons and Recommendations 3: Commander Incentives Programme 4: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration 5: Annexes ABSTRACT Between 2003 and 2006 the UNDP and UNAMA assisted the Government of Afghanistan to organise the […]

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Elizabeth Woodworth, 31 Dec 2008

Joel Brinkley: Does His Article on Richard Falk Demonstrate the Right "Frame of Mind" to Teach Journalism at Stanford? In a companion essay, I discussed the response of some articles in the mainstream press to the claim, made by some defenders of Israel, that Professor Richard Falk should be removed from his current position of […]

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