Articles by David

We found 819 results.

Standing with Pablo
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2019

Like the three tenors, like three pillars,
there are three Pablos for peace:
Picasso, Neruda and Peredes.

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Japan Approves First Human-Animal Embryo Experiments
David Cyranoski | Nature – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2019

26 Jul 2019 – A Japanese stem-cell scientist is the first to receive government support to create animal embryos that contain human cells and transplant them into surrogate animals since a ban on the practice was overturned earlier this year. The research could eventually lead to new sources of organs for transplant, but ethical and technical hurdles need to be overcome.

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The Ignominious Collapse of the Case against Actor Kevin Spacey
David Walsh | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2019

19 Jul 2019 – Cape and Islands District Attorney announced that his office was dropping its sexual assault case against prominent actor Kevin Spacey. The prosecution had little choice in the matter since the accuser in the case, William Little, refused to testify 10 days ago. Little, after consulting with his family and legal counsel, pleaded the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination, essentially bringing the pretrial hearing and the entire case to a halt.

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(Português) Djokovic diz que está se recuperando melhor desde que parou de se alimentar de animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2019

13 jul 2019 – O célebre tenista sérvio Novak Djokovic, número 1 do ranking mundial, disse esta semana que está se recuperando melhor desde que parou de se alimentar de animais há alguns anos. “Não tenho mais as alergias que eu costumava ter. Gosto disso”

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Climate Changed: The U.S. Military Has Spewed $21 Billion in Emissions since 9/11
David R Baker | Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2019

American armed forces–with a globe-spanning array of bases, warships, planes and land vehicles–are the world’s largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases, topping countries including Sweden and Denmark, according to the study from Brown University’s Costs of War project.

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(Português) Quando John C. Reilly desistiu de filme por ser contra a morte de um burro
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2019

Reilly estava participando das filmagens em Trollhättan, na Suécia, quando afirmou que não continuaria na produção ao saber que um burro seria assassinado.

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Consciousness + Institutional Change = Culture of Peace
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2019

2 Jul 2019 – People are taking to the streets to defend human rights and demand democracy around the world. We need more institutional change if we are to harness the consciousness of people in the coming decade when the global financial system has crashed and a window of opportunity opens for us to move from the culture of war to a culture of peace.

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Hundreds of Sharks and Rays Entangled in Plastic Debris, Study Finds
Jordan Davidson | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2019

5 Jul 2019 – More than a thousand sharks and rays have become entangled in jettisoned fishing gear and plastic debris, a new study has found. The researchers behind the study warn that the plastic trapping the sharks and rays may cause starvation and suffocation.

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(Português) “Carga viva”, nossa miséria refletida nos olhos dos animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2019

2 julho 2019 — “Carga Viva” – Se sucumbem a bordo, são moídos; se escapam de um acidente, morrem afogados ou são abatidos pouco depois de chegarem às margens.

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(Português) Mate Coma
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2019

Diante de uma mesa, Ioan pegou o cardápio. Grande variedade de carnes – de cavalo a jacaré.

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The U.S. Wants to Bring Back the Shah of Iran
David William Pear | The Greanville Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2019

Historical Facts, Events: During the early 20th century the British Empire had full control of Iran’s oil industry, and was paying Iran a flat fee for every barrel of oil it extracted. Iran was never allowed to look at the financial books. Prior to the CIA-led 1953 overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, the British refused any negotiated settlement. It was then that the Iranian parliament led by Mossadegh voted to nationalized Iran’s oil industry. The British responded with a naval blockade, and began plotting to overthrow Mossadegh and the parliament. The Shah of Iran was mostly a figurehead, at the time.

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(Português) Governo brasileiro já liberou 197 agrotóxicos este ano
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2019

21 jun 2019 – Brasil tem 2263 agrotóxicos liberados, 31 aprovados somente no mês passado.

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(Português) MapBiomas revela que 95% do desmatamento no Brasil é ilegal
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2019

10 jun 2019 – Já foi possível detectar no Brasil uma área desmatada de 89.741 hectares, o que equivale a duas vezes e meia o tamanho de Belo Horizonte.

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Neoliberalism Is a Political Project
David Harvey interviewed by Bjarke Skærlund Risager – Jacobin Magazine, 17 Jun 2019

Cornel West speaks of the Black Lives Matter movement as “an indictment of neoliberal power”; the late Hugo Chávez called neoliberalism a “path to hell”; and labor leaders are increasingly using the term to describe the larger environment in which workplace struggles occur. The mainstream press has also picked up the term, if only to argue that neoliberalism doesn’t actually exist. David Harvey on what neoliberalism actually is — and why the concept matters.

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Obscuring the Responsibility to Protect in Palestine
David Palumbo-Liu | The Beirut Forum – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2019

Clearly the spirit of the democratic revolutions linked together power and responsibility in a way radically different from noblesse oblige—the obligation of the privileged to act with generosity toward the less privileged. The revolutionaries wanted rulers in a liberal democracy to be held accountable to the citizens and established institutions and laws to solidify and disambiguate that relationship. Of course, those in power have proven over and over again their capacity to obfuscate that relationship and avoid the law.

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(Português) Brasil Já Perdeu 85,5% da Floresta Nativa da Mata Atlântica
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2019

Brasil precisa criar 262 mil quilômetros quadrados de unidades de conservação para proteger, pelo menos, 10% dos seus biomas, fora a Amazônia.

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(Português) Governo permite que caçadores brasileiros comprem até 15 armas
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2019

27 maio 2019 – Desde que o Decreto nº 9.785 foi publicado este mês no Diário Oficial da União, mudando as regras sobre armas, caçadores brasileiros passaram a ter o direito de comprar até 15 armas. Segundo o decreto, caçadores registrados no Exército podem adquirir munições em quantidade superior ao limite permitido pelo Exército.

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Roadmap for Peace Activism
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2019

1 Jun 2019 – In this month’s bulletin of CPNN we try to identify those to whom we can look for peace leadership in these turbulent times. Let us consider their actions and advice. Let’s listen first to the new generation of youth activists.

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(Português) Abaixo-assinado com mais de 2,1 milhões de apoios contra Festival de Carne de Cachorro vai ser entregue na Embaixada da China
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2019

25 de maio de 2019 – No dia 12 de junho, às 11h, o movimento Nação Vegana Brasil vai entregar na Embaixada da China, em Brasília, um abaixo assinado com mais de 2,1 milhões de apoios contra o Festival de Carne de Cachorro. O objetivo é mostrar que o Brasil é contra a realização desse evento e que, além de injustificável, prejudica a imagem internacional dos chineses.

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The ‘3.5% Rule’: How a Small Minority Can Change the World
David Robson – BBC Future, 20 May 2019

14 May 2019 – Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.

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(Italiano) Perché Julian Assange è così importante
David Adams | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Il controllo dell’informazione è diventato un mezzo cruciale per la cultura dei guerra – esnza il quale non può sostenersi. In passato, solo alcuni dei segreti e delle bugie degli US e dei loro alleati sono state rivelate. Ma grazie a Julian Assange e alla sua organizzazione WikiLeaks, ne abbiamo appreso molti di più negli ultimi pochi anni. Come reagiscono i governi?

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(Português) Agropecuária é apontada como responsável por 58% das emissões de gases do efeito estufa
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

“Evitar o consumo desses produtos [de origem animal] traz benefícios ambientais muito melhores do que comprar carnes e laticínios sustentáveis”

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Is Noise Pollution the Next Big Public-Health Crisis?
David Owen – The New Yorker, 13 May 2019

6 May 2019 – Research shows that loud sound can have a significant impact on human health, as well as doing devastating damage to ecosystems.

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Why Julian Assange Is So Important
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

The control of information has become a crucial means for the culture of war – without this control it cannot be sustained. In the past, only a few of the secrets and lies were revealed. But thanks to Julian Assange and his organization WikiLeaks, we have learned about many more secrets and lies in the past few years. How do governments react?

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Australia High Court to Decide if Aboriginals without Citizenship Can Be Deported
David Love – Atlanta Black Star, 6 May 2019

28 Apr 2019 – Australia, a country taken over by white colonizers after the Black indigenous population had lived there for 65,000 years, will now determine if Aboriginal people without Australian citizenship are aliens who are subject to deportation.

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(Português) A Caminho do Matadouro
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

28 abr 2019 – É difícil imaginar quantas vidas passam por aqui. Indo de um lado para o outro – somente ida, sem volta. Uma prisão sobre rodas, que pouco permite observar o que existe ali fora. Hoje é a sua vez. Amanhã serão outros, e assim por diante.

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(Português) Brasil: Com a farra do boi, Semana Santa vira semana de violência contra animais em Santa Catarina
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Nessa violenta “brincadeira”, o animal é alvejado com pedras, paus, objetos cortantes e bombinhas, além de perseguido e mordido por cães.

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(Português) Multinacional decide libertar cães usados em testes de agrotóxicos exigidos pela Anvisa
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2019

12 abr 2019 – Segundo a Humane Society International, os animais que sobrevivessem às experiências seriam sacrificados.

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(Português) Alemanha fecha sua última fazenda de abate de animais para extração de peles
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

6 abr 2019 – De acordo com informações da organização Pessoas Pelo Tratamento Ético dos Animais (PETA), a Alemanha fechou a sua última fazenda de abate de animais para extração de peles. A propriedade situada em Rahden, no estado da Renânia do Norte-Vestfália, agora não abriga mais nenhum animal com essa finalidade.

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Can Students Become a Revolutionary Force?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – It seems we are now starting to see student strikes to demand that their governments address the problem of climate change. Can this movement become revolutionary? Students are beginning to see that their world is being exploited by their governments and that their schools seem to be in complicity with the governments. The American Youth Climate Strike say in their mission statement that “if the social order is disrupted by our refusal to attend school, then the system is forced to face the climate crisis and enact change.”

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How to Think about Breaking Up Big Tech
David Dayen – The Intercept, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan to break up tech giants Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple has given concentrated corporate power its most prominent political platform since the 1912 presidential election. Whether such policy boldness means anything in a brand-obsessed political landscape will be determined when ballots are cast.

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(Português) China aceita dois métodos de testes sem uso de animais para a regulamentação de cosméticos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

4 abr 2019 – Os novos métodos serão colocados em prática a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2020.

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(Português) Trabalhar Abatendo Animais Pode Alterar a Personalidade Humana
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

26 mar 2019 – O professor Antoni Barnard, da Universidade da África do Sul, republicou um estudo sobre o impacto psicológico e emocional de se trabalhar em matadouros. RP8 segredou que nunca havia agredido um animal como um cão ou gato, mas desde que começou a matar bovinos ele já não sente a mesma inibição de antes: “Eu acredito que posso chutar se eu quiser porque eu mato boi todos os dias. Chutar um cão ou gato e jogá-lo para longe já não é uma preocupação.”

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(Português) Manteiga Vegana Criada a Partir da Água do Grão-de-Bico Agrada Chefs nos EUA
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

16 mar 2019 – No ano passado, a Fora Foods, uma startup que surgiu no bairro do Brooklyn, NY, lançou uma manteiga vegana à base de aquafaba, a água do grão-de-bico cozido, com óleo de coco. O produto que recebeu o nome de FabaButter não é transgênico, não contém óleo de palma e substitui a manteiga tradicional em receitas.

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(Português) Nova campanha da Sea Shepherd mostra animais que sofrem com a contaminação plástica dos oceanos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

9 mar 2019 – Em sua nova campanha, a organização de conservação da vida marinha Sea Shepherd mostra que um simples saco plástico, que parece inofensivo aos nossos olhos, pode representar o sofrimento extremo e até a morte de milhares de animais que habitam os oceanos. “Se os oceanos morrerem, nós também morreremos”, alerta Paul Watson.

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(Português) Campanha Divulgada por Leonardo Dicaprio Convence o Governo Russo a Libertar Mais de 100 Baleias
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2019

2 mar 2019 – DiCaprio motivou os seus quase 19 milhões de seguidores no Twitter a assinarem uma petição contra o confinamento de baleias na Rússia.

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A Conspiracy of Decency
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2019

We will conspire to keep this blue dot floating and alive,
to keep the soldiers from gunning down the children;
to make the water clean and clear and plentiful,

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How to Prepare for a Global Financial Crash: Rural-Urban Continuum and Electric Vehicles
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2019

1 Mar 2019 In this blog we have often proposed that the culture of war is not sustainable and that the American empire is destined to crash for the same reasons that the Soviet empire crashed. It can be an opportunity for a transition from the culture of war to a culture of peace. However, the crash of the American empire may well be accompanied (caused) by a global financial crash with suffering for ordinary people, as it did for the Soviet people 30 years ago.

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(Português) Número de veganos tem dobrado a cada dois anos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

18 fev2019 – De acordo com a organização britânica The Vegan Society, o número de veganos, ou seja, de pessoas que não consomem produtos de origem animal e que fazem oposição à exploração animal para qualquer fim, tem dobrado a cada dois anos desde 2014. No ano passado, só no Reino Unido, o total de veganos chegou a 600 mil, superando de longe os 300 mil de 2016.

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(Português) Tolstói: “Enquanto o sangue descia, o açougueiro acendeu o cigarro”
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Quando o boi não caiu onde o açougueiro queria, ele gritou: “Maldito diabo!”

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(Français) Où est la démocratie?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

1er février 2019 – Au cours des derniers mois, deux élections ont eu lieu: en République Démocratique du Congo et au Venezuela.

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(Português) Filme Expõe a Realidade da Caça de Rinocerontes
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

4 fev 2019 – Recentemente o diretor Toby Wosskow lançou o filme de curta-metragem “Sides of a Horn”, que expõe a realidade dos rinocerontes, animais que têm sido perseguidos e mortos na África porque seus chifres são muito valorizados no mercado asiático.

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Where Is Democracy?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

1 Feb 2019 – In the past few months we have a tale of two elections: In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Venezuela.

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(Português) Brasil: A luta dos animais pela sobrevivência na catástrofe de Brumadinho
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

27 jan 2019 – Eles também partilham da senciência, da capacidade de sentir dor, e de um nível de consciência.

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(Português) Como os frangos sofrem com o rápido ganho de peso
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jan 2019

22 jan 2019 – Com o rápido ganho de peso, os animais tendem a sofrer porque seus músculos, ossos e órgãos se desenvolvem muito rápido. Mais de 131 mil toneladas de antibióticos são utilizadas todos os anos na pecuária mundial, o que gera um lucro de cinco bilhões de dólares para a indústria farmacêutica por ano.

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What the US Needs to Heal Is [Nobel Peace Laureate] MLK’s Radical Revolution of Values
David A Love – Al Jazeera, 21 Jan 2019

On his 90th birthday, understanding Martin Luther King’s real message is more crucial than ever before.

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Voltaire and Bertrand Russell, a Comparison: God, Religion and Dogma (Part 2)
David Lorimer | Wall Street International - Human Wrongs Watch, 14 Jan 2019

A comparison of the two men’s views on God may throw some light on how the affirmation of the mystery of existence may lead to a declaration of its meaninglessness.

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(Português) Luta com Touros Ganha Espaço na China
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2019

4 jan 2019 – Na China, alguns professores de kung-fu decidiram criar um “esporte infame”, a luta com touros. Em vez de lutar com pessoas, eles lutam contra bovinos com cinco vezes o seu peso. Claramente não conta com o aval do animal, mas o força a reagir pelo instinto de autodefesa em uma situação de violência.

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The Doomsday Clock
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jan 2019

2 Jan 2019 – Looking back at 2018, we see progress in all of the areas of a culture of peace except one: disarmament, and in particular nuclear disarmament. Symbolic of this, last year the “doomsday clock” of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists was reset to only two minutes before midnight, the shortest it has been since 1953!

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(Português) Sérvia proíbe a criação de animais para a indústria de peles
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jan 2019

“A imposição da proibição é o resultado bem-sucedido de uma década de luta decisiva e persistente de cidadãos, especialistas e ativistas dos direitos animais”.

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Voltaire and Bertrand Russell, a Comparison: The Crusade against Dogma and Fanaticism (Part 1)
David Lorimer | Wall Street International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jan 2019

The history of the world is the history of fanaticism. (Voltaire)
Mankind is never refrained from committing any folly of which he is capable. (Russell)

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(Português) A crueldade da “farra do boi”
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Dec 2018

Proibida no Brasil há mais de 20 anos, a “farra do boi” ainda continua a ser realizada em Santa Catarina.

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Hacking Nuclear Weapon Systems: A New Weakness in Nuclear Deterrence Theory
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Dec 2018

There are many ways a nuclear attack could be initiated. These include the four “Ms” of Malice, Madness, Mistake and Miscalculation. Of these ways of initiating a nuclear attack, only malice could possibly be inhibited by nuclear deterrence (fear of nuclear retaliation), and such an inhibition from attack would not be reliable due to psychological and communication issues that are required for nuclear deterrence to be effective.

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They Rescued Pigs and Turkeys from Factory Farms — and Now Face Decades in Prison
Leighton Akio Woodhouse, Pedro Armando Aparicio and David Zlutnick – The Intercept, 24 Dec 2018

23 Dec 2018 – Direct Action Everywhere engages in a practice called “open rescue.” Open rescue involves entering, without authorization, the facilities of animal-based industries, such as farms, slaughterhouses, and puppy mills, documenting the conditions within them, and removing as many animals as possible, usually from among the sick and injured. The activists don’t wear masks and make no effort to conceal their identities; they post the videos on social media for the world to see. By practically inviting prosecution, the activists aim to make a point: that the laws that regard these animals as mere property are wrong and that violating those laws is a moral imperative.

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(Português) Sem o consumo de carnes e laticínios, uso de terra poderia diminuir em mais de 75%
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Dec 2018

17 dez 2018 – Um estudo intitulado “Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers”, publicado na conceituada revista Science, afirma que se a humanidade abdicasse do consumo de carnes e de laticínios, o uso de terra para fins agrícolas poderia diminuir em mais de 75% – o equivalente as áreas dos Estados Unidos, China, União Europeia e Austrália.

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A Message to Today’s Young People: Put an End to the Nuclear Weapons Era
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Dec 2018

Nuclear weapons were created to kill indiscriminately. That means women, men, children – everyone. Even during war, under the rules of international law, that kind of mass killing is illegal. It is also immoral.

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(Português) Mais de 115 Milhões de Animais São Usados como Cobaias a Cada Ano
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Dec 2018

“Frequentemente, os sintomas e respostas aos tratamentos potenciais observados em outras espécies são diferentes daqueles de pacientes humanos”.

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(Português) Dezembro é o mês mais violento para os animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Dec 2018

Com a chegada do Natal, mais do que nunca, bebês, pais e mães de outras espécies são servidos sobre uma mesa.

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Rationale for an Alternative to the UN Security Council
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Dec 2018

3 Dec 2018 – In last month’s blog, I returned to a previous theme of an Alternative UN Security Council. It has been pointed out to me that I did not provide a very explicit rationale about this proposal and why it should be given priority. So let me try to do that now in terms of the following strategy and tactics involved.

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Genome-Edited Baby Claim Provokes International Outcry
David Cyranoski & Heidi Ledford | Nature – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2018

26 Nov 2018 – He Jiankui, a genome-editing researcher at the Southern University of Science and Technology of China in Shenzhen, says that he impregnated a woman with embryos that had been edited to disable the genetic pathway HIV uses to infect cells. The announcement has provoked shock and outrage among scientists around the world.

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We Shouldn’t Rush to Save the Liberal Order – We Should Remake It
Yanis Varoufakis and David Adler – The Guardian, 3 Dec 2018

1 Dec 2018 – From Viktor Orbán in the north to Jair Bolsonaro in the south, Rodrigo Duterte in the east to Donald Trump in the west, a coalition of nationalist strongmen are cracking down on civil rights, scapegoating minorities and facilitating widespread corruption for their family and friends. The UN Security Council, the IMF, the World Bank and the ILO were conceived as agencies of change – they can be again.

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(Português) Ringo Starr diz que o segredo para se manter jovem e saudável é não consumir carne
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2018

21 nov 2018 – Aos 78 anos, o ex-baterista dos The Beatles, Ringo Starr, disse em entrevista à revista Rolling Stone que o segredo para se manter jovem e saudável é não consumir carne e se exercitar. Ele abdicou do consumo de carne depois de assistir a uma tourada na Espanha.

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(Português) George Harrison: “A coisa que me repeliu em relação a comer carne foi a ideia de matar animais”
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Nov 2018

21 nov 2018 – Harrison era vegetariano porque sentia que era contraditório honrar a vida em muitas formas e ainda contribuir com o abate de animais. Era devoto de Krishna e membro da ISKCON-Internatioinal Society for Krishna Consciousness. Compôs seu maior êxito, My Sweet Lord, para Krishna.

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(Português) A Realidade Por Trás dos Testes em Animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2018

“O negócio de criação de macacos foi mais do que duplicado na última década”

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(Português) Como Tolstói Influenciou o Vegetarianismo na Rússia
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

“O vegetarianismo, desde que não tenha a saúde como objeto, está sempre associado a um alto ponto de vista moral”.

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As the Empire Crashes
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Nov 2018

2 Nov 2018 – As the American empire begins to crash, capitalism becomes desperate and takes off its gloves. We see its fist; all of the characteristics of the culture of war carried to extreme. In fact, that is the simple nature of fascism, the culture of war carried to extreme. Trump in the USA, Erdogan in Turkey, now Bolsonaro in Brazil. The capitalists finance their campaigns in a desperate effort to protect their wealth.

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(Português) Considerações sobre Hitler e sua ascensão
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Nov 2018

A principal arma de Hitler para ganhar a confiança da população foi a propaganda nazista que se apresentava como uma terceira via e fez uma grande parcela dos alemães considerarem os judeus como inimigos, mas não a princípio com a tentativa de relegá-los como inferiores, como faria mais tarde, mas sim como representantes de algo que, segundo Hitler, estava destruindo o país – os comunistas e os capitalistas.

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(Português) Pesquisa Rebate Crença de que É Caro Ser Vegetariano
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

Segundo o estudo, é mais fácil encontrar vegetarianos nas classes médias e baixas do que nas classes mais altas.

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(Português) Se alguém tivesse me falado há 15 anos…
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

16 out 2018 – Se alguém tivesse me falado há 15 anos que chegaria um dia em que os brasileiros votariam em massa em um cara que não apenas vê a ditadura militar como um período lindo, mas que além disso fez apologia à tortura, disse que não veria problema em matar 30 mil pessoas para mudar o Brasil, e que homenageou o maior torturador da história moderna brasileira, eu nunca acreditaria.

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(Français) La solution souffle dans le vent
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

7 octobre 2018 – Je suis tombé sur an article à propos de deux réunions le même jour aux Nations Unies sur les armes nucléaires. Les principaux États nucléaires (États-Unis, France, Royaume-Uni, Chine et Russie) se sont tous rendus à la réunion sur la non-prolifération et ils ont boycotté ainsi la réunion sur le désarmement! Comme l’article le conclut à juste titre, les États nucléaires “n’accordent pas de priorité à leur obligation d’éliminer leurs propres armes de destruction massive, mais se concentrent plutôt sur l’empêchement des autres d’acquérir de telles armes”.

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Transformational Journey – John F. Kennedy’s Turning toward Peace
David T. Ratcliffe – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

In 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave the commencement address to the graduating class at American University. Saturday Review editor Norman Cousins summed up the significance of that remarkable speech: “At American University on June 10, 1963, President Kennedy proposed an end to the Cold War.” Khrushchev called the American University Address “the greatest speech by any American President since Roosevelt.”

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(Português) Como podemos subestimar o sofrimento de um animal reduzido a comida?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

O ser humano é embrutecido pela naturalização do destino terrível dos animais que são colocados à nossa mesa.

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(Português) Segundo estudo da Comissão Europeia, a dieta vegetariana é mais benéfica para o meio ambiente
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

De acordo com o trabalho, uma dieta vegetariana requer cinco vezes menos água do que uma dieta padrão (que inclui o consumo de carne).

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The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

7 Oct 2018 – I came across a piece about two meetings at the UN on the same day concerning nuclear weapons. The major nuclear states (USA, France, UK, China and Russia) all went to a meeting for non-proliferation and boycotted the meeting for nuclear disarmament. As the article correctly concludes, the nuclear states “place very little priority on their obligations to eliminate their own weapons of mass destruction, focusing instead on preventing others from acquiring such weapons.”

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(Português) O Sofrimento Animal na Indústria do Café de Civeta
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2018

25 set 2018 – Kopi luwak ou café de civeta é o café mais caro do mundo, mas o que chama a atenção sobre esse produto é que a sua fabricação está associada à morte e captura de milhares de civetas, mamíferos noturnos que são nativos da Ásia e da África. Os grãos de café de civeta são comercializados livremente na internet, inclusive em sites como Amazon, Ali Baba e Mercado Livre.

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The Child Abuse Contrarian
David Armstrong | ProPublica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2018

Michael Holick, a renowned scientist turned expert witness, relies on his own controversial theory to help alleged abusers avoid prison and regain custody of the babies they were accused of harming.

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(Português) Jumentos, uma vida de exploração que agora termina no matadouro
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

21 set 2018 – Hoje, caminha-se para um novo nível de objetificação desnecessária de mais uma espécie animal. O jumento já não é apenas um animal explorado como meio de mão de obra, mas também reduzido a fonte de alimento.

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Wake Up!
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

The alarm is sounding.
Can you hear it?
Can you hear the bells
of Nagasaki
ringing out for peace?

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(Português) Respeito, Tolerância, Diálogo
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

2 set 2018 – Há pessoas que estão sempre buscando salvadores, heróis, gurus ou pessoas que, numa idealização romanesca, concordem com elas em tudo, ou as representem em tudo.

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Life without Principle
Henry David Thoreau – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

Thoreau offers a program for a righteous livelihood focusing on his penetrating questions about HOW TO LIVE ETHICALLY AND RESPONSIBLY as part of nature and part of society–questions that transcend regional and national boundaries leading us to confront the way we live our lives. Published 1863.

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In Our Hubris
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

We have, through our cleverness,
created nuclear weapons and found a way
to live with them.

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Call It by Its Name
Azeezah Kanji and David Palumbo-Liu – Jacobin Magazine, 17 Sep 2018

We have to name the crimes against the Rohingyas, Palestinians, and Kashmiris what they are: genocide, apartheid, and colonialism, respectively

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Nuclear Abolition: The Road from Armageddon to Transformation
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

10 Sep 2018 – The sunlight-blocking dust generated by the detonation of, say, 300 thermonuclear weapons in a war between the US and Russia could trigger a new Ice Age, dropping global temperatures to the lowest levels in 18,000 years, and leaving civilization utterly destroyed. Those who would survive the blast, heat, and radiation of nuclear war would live in a nuclear winter of freezing temperatures and perpetual darkness. The survivors would likely envy the dead.

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(Português) Mercado de substitutos da carne deve valer U$ 5,81 bilhões até 2022
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

3 set 2018 – Por enquanto, os substitutos da carne baseados em soja estão liderando o mercado, seguido por substitutos à base de trigo e micoproteínas (fungos). A proteína texturizada de soja está em primeiro lugar. No entanto, até 2022, substitutos da carne à base de trigo, como o seitan, devem conquistar.maior participação no mercado

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The Paradox of the United Nations: Peace vs. Culture of Peace
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

2 Sep 2018 – If we consider the purpose for which the United Nations was formed: “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,” it is failing badly. This spring, when we hoped that the UN would convene a High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, the meeting was cancelled due to pressure from the United States and its allies.

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Myanmar: The UN Calls It Genocide—Why Won’t the US?
David Palumbo-Liu – The Nation, 3 Sep 2018

On August 27, 2018, just two days after Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day, the United Nations issued a scathing report, accusing Myanmar’s military, known as the Tatmadaw, of committing crimes against humanity, including murder on a massive scale, torture, rape, enforced disappearance, imprisonment, and sexual slavery.

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(Português) Pesquisa Revela Que Muitos Consumidores Desconhecem a Real Violência por Trás da Carne Que Comem
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

Sete de cada dez consumidores que participaram do estudo se mostraram chocados.

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Another Hiroshima Day Has Passed
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

And there are still nuclear weapons in the world.
They are still on hair-trigger alert, weapons
with no concern for you or me or anyone.

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(Português) Forças Armadas da Finlândia oferecem refeições vegetarianas em todos os quartéis
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

22 agosto 2018 – As Forças Armadas da Finlândia estão oferecendo refeições ovolactovegetarianas e vegetarianas em todos os quartéis do país. Atualmente, todas as guarnições da Finlândia atendem às necessidades de vegetarianos e veganos.

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India Is Introducing Free Health Care—for 500 Million People
David Brennan - Newsweek, 20 Aug 2018

The Indian government will pay for health care for around 500 million of its poorest citizens. During a speech to mark the country’s Independence Day on 15 August Modi said, “It is essential to ensure that we free the poor of India from the clutches of poverty due to which they cannot afford health care. The country can reach its potential only with a healthy population.”

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(Português) Quando Tolstói condenou a caça e a exploração de mão de obra animal
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Aug 2018

“O primeiro passo para reduzir essa dependência é não comer animais e não viajar sobre eles, mas sim a pé”.

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(Português) A história da crueldade contra os animais em Hollywood
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

A crítica de cinema e escritora britânica Anne Billson publicou hoje [24 maio 2018] no jornal britânico The Guardian um artigo intitulado “Chicken decapitation and battered cats: Hollywood’s history of animal cruelty”, em que ela convida o leitor a refletir sobre a história da crueldade contra os animais no cinema, e especialmente em Hollywood.

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Movement for Sustainable Development: Model for Culture of Peace?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

2 Aug 2018 – Already we see that the paradigm of a culture of peace, as opposed to a culture of war, is becoming internalized in the consciousness of a large proportion of humanity. Can we not expect that the closer we come to a collapse of the present system, the more it will become evident that wise financial investment should seek out productive sectors instead of militarized sectors of the economy? If and when this occurs, then the time will be ripe for a social revolution from the culture of war to a culture of peace.

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(Português) Não Tenho Necessidade de Alimentar-me de Animais
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

1 jul 2018 – Pratico musculação há anos e reconheço que não tenho necessidade de me alimentar de animais e também não tenho necessidade de usar esteroides.

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“Slow News” vs “Fast History”
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2018

2 Jul 2018 – This blog last month suggested that history is moving much faster than we think and that the collapse of the American empire is likely to come within the next two years. This leads me to the question: Can the slow development of the culture of peace make it possible for a transition from the culture of war to a culture of peace when the American empire crashes?

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Who Gets to Write the Encyclopedia? Rohingya “Expert” Denies Genocide
David Palumbo-Liu | Truthout - TRANSCEND Media Servivce, 9 Jul 2018

15 Mar 2018 – A group of academics and human rights workers has issued a strong letter to the Oxford University Press, arguing that its choice of an author to write on the Rohingya is deeply flawed and could have wide-ranging consequences. The Press has commissioned Jacques Leider, whom the letter identifies as the head of the Bangkok-based École française d’Extrême-Orient and an adviser to the Burma military’s Armed Forces Historical Museum, to write the reference article on the Rohingya for its Oxford Research Encyclopedias.

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(Português) “Aprenda a ficar sozinho. Aprecie a solitude”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2018

Toda pessoa precisa aprender desde a infância como passar tempo consigo mesma. Isso não significa que ela deva ficar [sempre] sozinha, mas que ela não deveria ficar entediada consigo mesma, porque as pessoas que se aborrecem em sua própria companhia parecem estar em perigo, do ponto de vista da autoestima.

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‘Space Force’: Trump Orders New Branch of US Military
David Smith – The Guardian, 25 Jun 2018

Trump claims plan will keep US ahead in space race, prompting fears over militarisation of space. We must have American dominance in space, he says.

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(Português) Justine Butler: “Por que o leite é uma questão feminista”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2018

“Ficamos indignadas com histórias de estupro e gravidez forçada, mas essas são práticas comuns na moderna pecuária leiteira”

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The Catastrophe of the Rohingya
David Palumbo-Liu – Jacobin Magazine, 20 Jun 2018

10 Jun 2018 – Rohingyas in Burma are now one of most persecuted peoples in the world. What they’re experiencing can only be called genocide. Hannah Arendt wrote that human rights cannot depend on nation-states or international bodies for their viability. She said the only guarantor of human rights is the human community.

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