Articles by WSWS

We found 364 results.

US Exploiting West Africa Ebola Outbreak to Establish Military Foothold
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

Under the guise of a humanitarian mission aimed at containing the spread of the Ebola virus, the Obama administration is exploiting the outbreak to establish a solid military footing on the African continent.

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Predatory Capitalism and Poverty, Culprits in the Ebola Catastrophe
Patrick Martin, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

These three countries are among the poorest in the world, ranking 161st (Sierra Leone), 176th (Guinea) and 181st (Liberia) in per capita GDP (185 countries total). Their people live in misery, but the countries themselves are rich in natural resources that have been ruthlessly exploited by major corporations and the governments that enforce their interests.

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US Military, Obama Administration Plan Massive Military Escalation in Syria and Iraq
Patrick Martin, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

29 Sep 2014 – The comments this weekend by spokesmen for the White House, the Pentagon and US Congress are part of a carefully orchestrated campaign to prepare public opinion for full-scale war in the Middle East.

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Continuing Media Silence on the Fate of Flight MH17
Stefan Steinberg, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Sep 2014

With a handful of exceptions, a shroud of silence has been drawn by the international media regarding the fate of Malaysian Airlines MH17, which crashed over Ukraine nearly six weeks ago.

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Why Have the Media and Obama Administration Gone Silent on MH17?
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

The deafening silence of the US media and government about the investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 one month ago reeks of a cover-up. Having built up the crash into a casus belli against Russia, the US media suddenly dropped the matter completely. The New York Times has not found it fit to print a word on the MH17 crash since August 7. Why?

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Malaysian Press Charges Ukraine Government Shot Down MH 17
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

A Thursday [7 Aug 2014] article in the New Straits Times, Malaysia’s flagship English-language newspaper, charged the US- and European-backed Ukrainian regime in Kiev with shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in east Ukraine last month.

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The Libyan Catastrophe
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

“We came, we saw, he died,” then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bragged, laughing on CBS News after Gaddafi was captured, tortured, and murdered by US proxy forces. The catastrophe in Libya is an indictment not only of the imperialist powers, but also of pro-imperialist academics and pseudo-left parties they mobilized to support the war.

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Sri Lankan Minister Confirms Australia’s Handover of Tamil Refugees
Mike Head, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Canberra is forcibly handing over Tamil refugees to the Sri Lankan navy on the treacherous high seas of the Indian Ocean. This operation is a criminal violation of the fundamental legal and democratic rights of asylum seekers, as well as a blatant violation of international law, including the international Refugee Convention and the UN Convention Against Torture.

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Vodafone Privacy Report Reveals State Access to Its Networks
Mike Ingram, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

The world’s second largest mobile phone group, Vodafone, revealed the existence of secret permanent access to its networks from governments in six of the 29 countries in which it operates. Vodafone did not name the countries, citing fear that they could revoke licenses and pursue legal action.

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One Year of Edward Snowden’s Revelations
Eric London and Barry Grey, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Thursday [5 Jun 2014] marked one year since evidence of the US government’s mass surveillance programs first began appearing in the Guardian newspaper. The international surveillance apparatus Snowden has uncovered is more powerful than any in history.

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UK Referred to International Criminal Court for War Crimes in Iraq
Jean Shaoul, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, has accepted the complaint lodged in January [2014] alleging that UK military personnel committed war crimes against Iraqis in their custody between 2003 and 2008. She has ordered a preliminary investigation.

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US Supreme Court Rejects Appeal by New York Times Reporter James Risen
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The US Supreme Court on Monday [2 Jun 2014] decided not to intervene in the case of James Risen, an author and reporter who is facing imprisonment for refusing to reveal the identity of one of his sources. He wrote a piece for the New York Times about the NSA’s compiling facial images of hundreds of millions of people in the US and around the world [published on TMS Spotlight today].

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US Deploys Special Forces to Train Military Units in North and West Africa
Eric London, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

The Obama administration is establishing new elite military units in Libya, Niger, Mauritania and Mali. Although the ostensible purpose of the program is to combat terrorism, the new detachments are being set up to aid US to gain control of natural resources and establish positions of strategic geopolitical importance on the continent.

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[Grotesquely Pornographic] Sunday Times Rich List: “Astonishing Year” for Britain’s Most Wealthy
Jordan Shilton, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 May 2014

The headline on May 18 [2014] was that the number of billionaires in Britain had surpassed 100 for the first time. With a total of 104 billionaires, Britain has witnessed the emergence of more than 20 new billionaires over the past year and has the highest concentration of billionaires of any country.

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The Wall Street Bonanza
Andre Damon, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 May 2014

The vast redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top that has taken place since the 2008 crash is expressed in the colossal rise in stock prices, which have nearly tripled since March 2009.

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Nigeria: Boko Haram Kidnappings Used to Justify US Military Build-Up in Africa
Jean Shaoul, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 May 2014

The kidnapping presents Washington, whose requests to mount military and intelligence operations from Nigeria had repeatedly been rebuffed, with a golden opportunity to secure a foothold in the oil-rich country, now Africa’s largest economy.

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Obama in Talks with “Rebel” Leader on Escalating Syrian War
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 May 2014

9 May 2014 – The Obama administration has entered into direct talks with the leader of the political front for Syria’s Western-backed “rebels” on arming them with US surface-to-air missiles, amid fresh confirmation that these forces are dominated by Al Qaeda-linked militias.

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New York Times Covers Up Fascist Atrocity in Odessa
Barry Grey, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 May 2014

The criminal character of the US-European Union intervention in Ukraine was tragically exposed Friday [2 May 2014] when supporters of the US-installed regime in Kiev, led by neo-Nazi Right Sector thugs, set fire to the Trade Unions House in Odessa, killing 38 demonstrators. The cover-up by the New York Times, along with the rest of the “mainstream” media, makes them accomplices.

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Libya: Ex-US Base Now Headquarters of Al Qaeda-linked Forces
Gabriel Black, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 May 2014

Al Qaeda fighters are now operating out of a base set up by US Special Forces near the Libyan capital of Tripoli, in the aftermath of the 2011 NATO war in Libya. This fact underscores the reactionary character of the Libyan war and Washington’s continued reliance on far-right Islamist forces in its Middle East wars.

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The Ukraine Crisis and the Political Lies of the Media
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Apr 2014

Not a single critical voice can be found within the so-called mainstream media. The newspapers and television news programs are filled with lies, anti-Russian propaganda, and—preparing for the possibility that the crisis escalates out of control—apologetics for war.

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New York Times Tries to Whitewash Publication of Faked Ukraine Photos
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Apr 2014

The New York Times responded yesterday [23 Apr 2014] to the exposure of its fabricated report alleging that Russian Special Forces are stirring up protests in east Ukraine against the pro-Western regime in Kiev. An article Tuesday [22 Apr 2014], titled “Scrutiny over Photos Said to Tie Russia Units to Ukraine,” is a clumsy attempt at damage control.

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NATO’s Aggression against Russia and the Danger of War in Europe
Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Apr 2014

7 Apr 2014 – This was made clear by last week’s NATO foreign ministers summit, which set out plans for the military alliance’s expansion up to Russia’s borders, including extensive war games and the possible stationing of troops within neighbouring states.

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Brazil Marks 50 Years since US-Backed Coup
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Apr 2014

Brazil marks the 50th anniversary of the April 1, 1964, military coup that subjected Latin America’s largest country to 21 years of brutal dictatorship. The events were orchestrated by the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

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US Continues to Militarize Space
Douglas Lyons, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Mar 2014

In its effort to encircle China and control the former states of the Soviet Union, the American military has been increasingly worried about maintaining supremacy over any adversaries who are developing anti-satellite weapons.

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Spanish Government Abolishes Prosecutions under Universal Jurisdiction Laws
Alejandro López, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Mar 2014

Spain’s right-wing Popular Party (PP) government has placed a ban on attempts to pursue justice for crimes under universal jurisdiction laws. PP spokesman Alfonso Alonso declared it was necessary to eliminate universal jurisdiction because it “only brings conflict.”

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Forbes 400 List of World’s Richest People Highlights Growth of Social Inequality
Ed Hightower, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

* The world’s 85 richest people have more wealth than the poorer half of the world’s population combined. Some 2.4 billion people live on less than $2 per day.
* In the United States, 95 percent of all income gains between 2009 and 2012 went to the wealthiest 1 percent of the population.

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In the Name of “Peace”, the European Union Readies for War
Jean Shaoul, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

A series of EU discussion papers and meetings made it clear that the European powers are pushing for a more assertive militarist policy. A recent brief, “Why Europe needs a new global strategy,” sets out their military ambitions, not just in former colonial possessions but in areas further afield.

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Edward Snowden Elected Rector of Glasgow University
Steve James, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

Students at the University of Glasgow in Scotland voted Tuesday [18 Feb 2014] to elect Edward Snowden as Rector of the University, in a powerful display of opposition to attacks on democratic rights by the NSA and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

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Sri Lanka’s War Crimes and the US “Human Rights” Charade
WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

While Rajapakse is undoubtedly implicated in crimes, no credence should be placed in Washington’s bogus “human rights” charade, an ideological banner used by the US for its intrigues, provocations and wars of aggression around the world. The US is no more concerned about war crimes in Sri Lanka than it was in Iraq, or Libya or Syria.

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Berlin and Washington Foment Civil War in Ukraine
Peter Schwarz, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

Recent events in Ukraine make clear that political leaders in Washington, Berlin and Brussels are prepared to split the country, drive it into civil war and risk a conflagration across the entire region to achieve their geopolitical goals.

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UK Ruling against David Miranda Escalates Assault on Democratic Rights
Robert Stevens, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

In what was clearly a politically motivated judgment, the High Court in London ruled Wednesday [19 Feb 2014] that David Miranda, the partner of journalist Glenn Greenwald, was detained lawfully when he was held for nine hours last August at London’s Heathrow Airport. The 28-year-old Brazilian was in transit from Germany to Brazil when he was arbitrarily detained by the Metropolitan Police.

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Japanese Government Promotes Militarism in Media and Schools
John Watanabe, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

In line with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s boosting of the military and aggressive stance toward China, his government is seeking to refashion both the media and school curriculum to promote Japanese nationalism and militarism.

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US Increases Pressure on Sri Lankan Government over War Crimes
K. Ratnayake, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia Nisha Desai Biswal announced in Colombo on Saturday [1 Feb 2014] that Washington will move another resolution—the third in three years—on Sri Lankan war crimes next month in the UN Human Rights Council.

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New Report Reveals: NSA, GCHQ Mapping “Political Alignment” of Cellphone Users
Eric London, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2014

28 Jan 2014 – New information made public by Edward Snowden reveals that the governments of the United States and United Kingdom are trawling data from cellphone “apps” to accumulate dossiers on the “political alignments” of millions of smartphone users worldwide.

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The Global Plutocracy
Andre Damon and Barry Grey, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jan 2014

The impoverishment of the working class and enrichment of the financial elite accelerated since the 2008 Wall Street crash. While the wealth of the world’s billionaires has doubled, there are today over 1 billion people living on less than a dollar per day, and nearly half the world’s population, more than 3 billion people, subsist on less than $2.50 per day.

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US Appeals Court Strikes Down “Net Neutrality” Rules
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-to-1 Tuesday [14 Jan 2014] that the Federal Communications Commission’s 2010 Open Internet regulations were based on a wrong legal argument and are void. The ruling represents a significant blow against “net neutrality.”

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Paris Conference on Syria: US, European Allies Renew Push for Regime-Change
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jan 2014

Top US and European diplomats assembled Sunday [12 Jan 2014] in Paris for a two-day meeting of the so-called Friends of Syria group amid reports that US officials are preparing renewed shipments of supplies to Syrian Islamist opposition forces.

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Australian Spying on Indonesian President Provokes Diplomatic Storm
Peter Symonds, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

Angry Indonesian officials threatened to retaliate after a leaked document yesterday [18 Nov 2013] revealed that the Australian Signals Directorate illegally tapped the phones of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife and other members of his inner circle. Jakarta has already recalled its ambassador to Canberra.

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New York Times Mourns Death of Al Qaeda-Linked Syrian Opposition Fighter
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

The article, titled “Death of Pragmatic Leader Further Muddles Syrian Rebellion,” exemplifies the Orwellian character of the US media. Examining the Times piece critically, what emerges is a devastating picture of how the US media embedded itself in a layer of Al Qaeda allies, falsely promoting a bloody US-backed proxy war in Syria fought by far-right Islamist forces as a “democratic” uprising.

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Wealth of World’s Billionaires Doubles Since 2009
Andre Damon, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2013

The collective wealth of the world’s billionaires hit $6.5 trillion, a figure that is nearly as large as the gross domestic product of China, the world’s second-largest economy. The number of billionaires has grown to 2,170 in 2013, up from 1,360 in 2009, according to the report.

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NSA Spying Revelations Exacerbate Australian-Indonesian Tensions
Peter Symonds, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

The Indonesian government is threatening to wind back intelligence sharing with Australia and the US after revelations last week, based on leaked documents provided by Edward Snowden, that their embassies in Jakarta were used as electronic listening posts for the US National Security Agency.

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Costa Gavras’s “Capital”: A Critique of “Cowboy Capitalism”
David Walsh, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

That unprincipled, greedy men and women are largely to blame for a good deal of the world’s problems and that they ought to and can be exposed by crusading individuals is a conception that seems to guide, semi-consciously or otherwise, a number of the current films on the subject of Wall Street and related issues.

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US, Australia Face Backlash over Spy Operations in Asia
Peter Symonds, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

The latest NSA leaks have exposed US and Australian listening posts in diplomatic missions throughout Asia.

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Plans for Geneva II Talks on Syria in Disarray
Chris Marsden, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

The aftermath of the Obama administrations forced retreat from direct military intervention to depose Bashar al-Assad and its shift to negotiations with Iran has angered key allies Israel and Saudi Arabia, and set in motion a dramatic foreign policy realignment in Turkey. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, said, “In my personal opinion, Geneva II will not happen if no opposition representatives attend.”

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France to Intensify Military Intervention in Central African Republic
Kumaran Ira, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

The decision by French and US imperialism to support Seleka rebel forces and topple President François Bozizé in March has led to a disaster. There has been a surge in sectarian fighting between Christian and Muslims in this impoverished country, where France, the former colonial power, has dictated the installation of various corrupt regimes since granting CAR formal independence in 1960.

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Protests Grow as Western Powers, Rival Militias Loot Libyan Oil Industry
Rosa Shahnazarian, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

Over the past two years, the predatory character of NATO’s 2011 war against Libya has emerged most clearly in the looting of the heart of Libya’s economy: its massive oil industry. Virtually none of the frozen oil assets belonging to Muammar Gaddafi, his family and associates have been returned to Libya, and the country’s oil industry is the now subject to power struggles between rival armed groups and foreign oil corporations.

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Victims of Haiti Cholera Epidemic Sue the United Nations
John Marion, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

On Oct 9 [2013], a lawsuit was filed against the UN in a US federal court by the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux. The suit seeks class action status for all victims of the epidemic, which to date has caused at least 8,300 deaths and left more than 679,000 sick.

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Two Years after US-NATO War, Torture Rampant in Libya
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

Two years after the end of the US-NATO war in Libya, thousands in the North African country remain imprisoned without charges and are being subjected to systematic torture, according to a report released Tuesday [1 Oct 2013] by the United Nations.

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Sri Lankan Buddhist Extremists Attack Muslim Mosque
W.A. Sunil, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Aug 2013

Sinhala extremists led by several Buddhist monks attacked a mosque in Colombo on Saturday [10 Aug 2013] during the evening prayers. According to local residents, more than 150 people came armed with wooden poles, stones and glass bottles.

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Bradley Manning’s Statement: A Forced “Confession” Concludes a Drumhead Tribunal
Eric London, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Aug 2013

Manning’s comments reflect the element of coercion in the entire proceedings. In all, the episode more closely resembled a Stalinist show trial than a democratic court of law. “First, your honor, I want to start off with an apology. I’m sorry that my actions hurt people, and I’m sorry that it hurt the United States. I understand what I was doing and the decision that I made. I’m sorry for the unintended consequences of my actions.”

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Communal Tensions in Burma Continue
John Roberts, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“A recurring theme from locals is that ‘outsiders’ are bussed in by trucks and nearly all of them are armed with sticks, swords and machetes. An incident soon happens between a Muslim and a Buddhist that provides the spark and then the gangs swing into action, agitating and enlisting locals to join the ensuing riot. Muslim homes and shops are demolished and along with them previous inter-communal and religious harmony.”

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Judge Retains “Aiding the Enemy” Charge against Bradley Manning
Matthew MacEgan and Joseph Kishorej, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The US military judge presiding over the court martial of Private Bradley Manning decided Thursday [18 Jul 2013] against dropping the most draconian charge sought by the prosecution, that of “aiding the enemy.”

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NSA Casts Massive Surveillance Net Over Latin America
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

According to Rio de Janeiro-based daily O Globo, the most intensive surveillance has been conducted against US allies Brazil, Colombia and Mexico—and against Venezuela. Also subjected to the NSA surveillance net have been Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Paraguay, Chile, Peru and El Salvador, according to the O Globo report.

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The Re-Emergence of Japanese Militarism
John Chan, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

The latest Japanese defence white paper, released on Tuesday [9 Jul 2013], is another unmistakable sign of the resurgence of militarism under the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s right-wing government. The Obama administration in the United States has deliberately fostered the re-emergence of Japanese militarism as part of its “pivot to Asia” aimed at encircling China.

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The Infrastructure of a Police State Emerges in Europe
Peter Schwarz, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

Former NSA employee Edward Snowden has exposed the infrastructure of a police state whose surveillance powers far exceed those of totalitarian dictatorships such as the German Nazi regime.

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Pretext for a New War: Obama Lies About Syrian Chemical Weapons
Peter Symonds, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

In a statement issued Thursday [13 June 2013], the Obama administration has declared that the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad has violated “international norms” by using chemical weapons on multiple occasions over the past year. The claim is a transparent lie that will be used by the US and its European allies, Britain and France, as the pretext for arming their right-wing Islamist terrorist proxies and for military intervention.

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Nicaragua Approves China-Backed Atlantic-To-Pacific Canal
Don Knowland, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

The Nicaraguan National Assembly enacted legislation June 13[2013] granting a 50-year concession to a Hong Kong company to plan and build a trans-isthmian shipping channel from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea that would rival the Panama Canal.

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US-Backed “Rebels” Carry Out Sectarian Massacre in Syria
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

At least 60 people, including women, children and the elderly, were killed in a massacre of Shia Muslims by US-backed “rebels” in eastern Syria Tuesday [11 June 2013]. The slaughter in the village of Hatlah was reported by both the Syrian government and by a London-based human rights group that supports the Western-backed terrorist militias trying to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

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Syria: UN Report Reveals Opposition Crimes
Johannes Stern, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2013

A UN report presented yesterday [4 June 2013] by the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria in Geneva represents a devastating indictment of the United States and Europe and their regional allies, who have fueled a sectarian-based civil war in Syria for more than two years to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

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Espionage, Blackmail and Oil—Australian Neo-Colonialism in East Timor
Patrick O’Connor, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2013

New revelations of illegal Australian government espionage operations during negotiations for the carve up of the oil- and gas-rich Timor Sea have laid bare the neo-colonial character of Canberra’s relations with East Timor.

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Sri Lankan Buddhist Chauvinists Provoke Violence against Muslims
Gamini Karunasena and Wasantha Rupasinghe, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2013

President Mahinda Rajapakse’s government is again giving tacit support to communal provocations against Sri Lanka’s minorities in a bid to divide working people amid the country’s deepening economic and social crisis. This time, Muslims have become the main target of chauvinist groups.

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The Libor Swindle
Andre Damon, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Dec 2012

22 Dec 2012 – The latest sweetheart settlement with a major international bank, in this case involving criminal activities that financial regulators describe as “epic,” has once again lifted the lid on the cesspool of corruption otherwise known as the world financial system. UBS, Switzerland’s largest bank, admitted this week to systematically rigging the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor), the benchmark global interest rate to which hundreds of trillions of dollars of financial contracts are tied. It did so to increase its profits and conceal its financial problems.

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Cancer Rate in Fallujah Worse than Hiroshima
Tom Eley - WSWS, 26 Jul 2010

The Iraqi city of Fallujah continues to suffer the ghastly consequences of a US military onslaught in late 2004. According to the authors of a new study, “Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009,” the people of Fallujah are experiencing higher rates of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality, and sexual mutations than those recorded among survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the years after those Japanese cities were incinerated by US atomic bomb strikes in 1945.

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Alex Lantier – WSWS, 3 Feb 2010

The revelation that US intelligence agencies made a deliberate decision to allow Abdulmutallab to board the commercial flight, without any special airport screening, has been buried in the media. As of this writing, nearly a week after the hearing, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times have published no […]

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