Articles by Al Jazeera

We found 949 results.

Egypt’s Freedom of Repression
Khaled Diab – Al Jazeera, 29 Dec 2014

The freedom of expression promised by the Egyptian revolution has given way to repression and muzzling of the media.

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Facing the Truth about Brazil’s Dark Past
Renan Quinalha – Al Jazeera, 29 Dec 2014

The recent release of a truth commission report reveals that Brazil still struggles with the legacy of a violent past.

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Hacked Corporations Don’t Deserve Our Sympathy
Joshua Kopstein – Al Jazeera America, 29 Dec 2014

There is no cyber Pearl Harbor. Sony has been falling on its own sword for a long time.

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The Death of International Development
Jason Hickel – Al Jazeera, 22 Dec 2014

The development industry needs an overhaul of strategy, not a change of language. Poverty is created by rules that rig the economy in the interests of the rich.

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New York Fracking Ban Reverberates Nationally
Peter Moskowitz – Al Jazeera America, 22 Dec 2014

Activists say the ban will embolden the anti-fracking movement in several states.

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Brazil’s “Truth Commission” Panel Details Dictatorship’s Brutality
Reuters – Al Jazeera, 15 Dec 2014

11 Dec 2014 – A “truth commission” investigating abuses during Brazil’s 1964-85 dictatorship has called for the prosecution of former military officers and some private companies for their role in human rights atrocities, in a long-awaited report.

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Thinking Outside the Oslo Box
Mark LeVine & Mathias Mossberg – Al Jazeera America, 8 Dec 2014

The Oslo Accord has failed to bring justice to Palestinians or peace and security to Israelis. As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict once again spirals toward large-scale violence, the United States’ policymaking establishment is finally coming to grips with the demise of the Oslo peace process.

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‘Concerning Violence’: Fanon Lives On
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 8 Dec 2014

After all, violence is the prerogative of empire. ‘Concerning Violence’ is inspired by ‘The Wretched of the Earth,’ the 1961 book of Martinique-born psychiatrist and revolutionary Frantz Fanon, excerpts of which serve as the film’s narrative. A new documentary on colonial legacies in Africa raises questions about the colonialisms of today.

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UN Urges for Rohingya Citizenship in Myanmar
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Dec 2014

UN rights committee urges Myanmar government to scrap its identity plan and grant Rohingya access to citizenship.

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US Joins Somalia and South Sudan in Failing to Support Child Rights
Arjun Sethi – Al Jazeera America, 24 Nov 2014

25 years later, as the world celebrates Universal Children’s Day, only three countries bear the shame of not having ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Somalia, South Sudan and the United States.

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No Escape for Civilians in Syria
David Miliband – Al Jazeera, 24 Nov 2014

The number of Syrians able to flee violence in their country has dropped dramatically. The responsibility to shelter those fleeing lies with the whole world. Meeting it grows daily more urgent.

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Brave Little Denmark Leads War against Coal
Paul Hockenos – Al Jazeera America, 24 Nov 2014

Danish energy policies offer model even more admirable than Germany’s. A coal-free Denmark would be a beacon not just for the rest of Europe but also for a world gradually coming to grips with the reality of climate change.

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Behind The Barbarism: Misreading Online Militant Magazines
Rafia Zakaria – Al Jazeera America, 24 Nov 2014

In focusing narrowly on ISIL’s barbarities, the media are missing crucial insights on the group’s evolution. The proliferating militant magazines offer rare glimpses into the ascent of militancy, their appeal to Western youth and shifting political realities in the Muslim world.

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Creditors Use New Devices to Put Squeeze on Debtors
Jathan Sadowski & Frank A. Pasquale – Al Jazeera America, 10 Nov 2014

Technologies of control promise dystopian future if public doesn’t fight back. The device allows lenders to track and monitor the location of the vehicle — both in real time and over time — and provides them with the ability to remotely shut off vehicles if, say, the borrower falls behind on payments (sometimes by just a few days) or drives outside an approved area.

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Ecuador’s FM Wants Transnational Corporations Held Accountable
Ricardo Patino – Al Jazeera, 3 Nov 2014

It’s time to reign in the arbitrary actions of corporate power and create the conditions for a more just world.

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The Decline of Journalism from Watergate to ‘Dark Alliance’
Nick Schou – Al Jazeera America, 27 Oct 2014

What if Ben Bradlee had overseen Gary Webb’s investigation into the CIA, Contras and crack cocaine? “We are trying to follow in Gary Webb’s footsteps not only because the reporting he did was so important and fearless, but how vindictive the way the CIA and media reacted underscores how urgent it is to shine a light on what they are doing.” –Glenn Greenwald

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The Case for a Europe of Regions
Paul Hockenos – Al Jazeera America, 20 Oct 2014

The critical lessons that Europe’s political elite would do well to take away from Scotland and Catalonia should be the same as the ones that invigorated European integration from the beginning: more democracy, fewer borders. There’s a middle road between out-and-out separatism and rigid centralized states, even if finding it will be time-consuming and contentious.

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Pacific Islanders on Canoes Blockade Australia Coal Export Terminal
Al Jazeera and Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Environmental activists teamed up with Pacific islanders in eastern Australia on Friday [17 Oct 2014] in an attempt to block the world’s largest coal export terminal by forming a blockade of canoes, surfboards and kayaks.

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Journalism in the Age of Surveillance
Listening Post – Al Jazeera English, 6 Oct 2014

The ‘Snowden effect’ and challenges to the media in the age of state supervision. We spoke to journalists and technologists at the forefront of the effort to keep our communications – both the content and its related metadata – unavailable to the governments who might take advantage of them.

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Germany’s Energy Model Can Save the World
Paul Hockenos – Al Jazeera America, 6 Oct 2014

The US and China can switch to renewables now – and prosper from it. The shift to citizen-owned energy in Germany has dethroned the big utilities that for so long put the brakes on anything that looked like a threat to fossil fuels.

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Hard Choices: Hillary Clinton Admits Role in Honduran Coup Aftermath
Mark Weisbrot – Al Jazeera America, 6 Oct 2014

Clinton’s embrace of far-right narrative on Latin America is part of electoral strategy.

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Obama Inches US Closer to Accepting Land Mine Ban
Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Laureate – Al Jazeera America, 29 Sep 2014

Land mines are illegal, indiscriminate weapons that can kill long after the end of armed conflicts, which means that those affected by this lethal detritus of war are civilians.

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Gaza and the ‘Crime of Crimes’
Ronnie Kasrils – Al Jazeera, 29 Sep 2014

Nelson Mandela frequently declared that “Palestine was the greatest moral issue of our time”. After we toppled the Apartheid regime in 1994, he went further, saying “We South Africans cannot consider ourselves free until the Palestinian People are free”.

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Confidence Men and Their Masquerade: The Spanish Inquisition Provides a Telling Parallel to ISIL’s Extremism
John Bell – Al Jazeera, 22 Sep 2014

One of the most surreal events of the Spanish Inquisition, was the “Auto da Fe”, a ritual procession that took the victim to his or her punishment. The “guilty” would be dressed in a special yellow garment and a long pointed cap, both strangely decorated with hellish images of effigies, flames, and demons.

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The New (Religious) Face of Civil Disobedience
Sanford Levinson – Al Jazeera America, 22 Sep 2014

A resurgent sanctuary movement may complicate the precepts of the Christian right. Conservatives and liberals might find themselves rethinking some of their views about the meaning of religious freedom and the responsibilities of good citizenship.

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An Ideological Pendulum in the Arab World
Sharif Nashashibi – Al Jazeera, 22 Sep 2014

The tragedy of the Arab world is that people seem to be stuck between nationalistic and religious fascism.

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NATO: The Alliance That Should Have Been Dissolved
Ian Klinke – Al Jazeera, 8 Sep 2014

3 Sep 2014 – The focus on Moscow’s bullish behaviour has obscured both NATO’s recent attempts of joining the Ukrainian proxy war and its long-term strategy of Eastern expansion. The summit in Wales is only the most recent reminder that NATO should have been disbanded long ago.

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Mali: The Forgotten War
Pape Samba Kane – Al Jazeera, 8 Sep 2014

6 Sep 2014 – As representatives of the Malian government and various rebel groups meet in Algiers for peace talks, violence in northern Mali continues and so does the French military presence. France launched its military intervention in Mali in January 2013.

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The Outlaw State of Israel (Part I)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera, 25 Aug 2014

Since 1948 Israel has drawn a long list of military aggression, human rights violations and war crimes. It has become an outlaw state.

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The Outlaw State of Israel (Part II)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera, 25 Aug 2014

Unconditional US support for the state of Israel has precluded a peace settlement and destabilised the Middle East. In Part I we described the reasons that Israel has become an outlaw state. In this part we discuss US support for Israel and its consequences.

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The Rise of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
Ahmed Moor – Al Jazeera, 25 Aug 2014

The BDS movement was founded by a broad coalition of Palestinian civil society groups in 2005. It has developed and gained force in tandem with two phenomena that will define the Palestinian fight for freedom for the foreseeable future:

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Why Latin American Leaders Are Standing Up to Israel
Laura Carlsen – Al Jazeera America, 18 Aug 2014

A Latin America freed from U.S. dictums has the capacity, if not to isolate a wayward state, at least to send a powerful message of opprobrium. Hopefully, other nations will see the example and follow suit.

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Can Universal Jurisdiction Help Palestinians Seek Justice?
Rawan Abdulnabi – Al Jazeera, 18 Aug 2014

15 Aug 2014 – Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Maliki recently visited the International Criminal Court in The Hague seeking clarification about the legal procedures and mechanisms necessary for Palestine to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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Power to the People: Extending the Israel Boycott
Hatem Bazian – Al Jazeera, 11 Aug 2014

Every consumer is empowered by a moral imperative to boycott nations which support the subjugation of Palestine.

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The Uphill Battle to Hold US Corporations Accountable for Abuses Abroad
Lauren Carasik – Al Jazeera America, 11 Aug 2014

Big companies employ their considerable resources to invoke the protections of international law when it suits them, taking advantage of free trade agreements that grant corporations the right to sue governments. Yet they aggressively resist efforts to impose accountability across borders.

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Australian Government: Pirates of the Indian Ocean
Fiona Broom – Al Jazeera, 28 Jul 2014

As Australia’s conservative government falls further in opinion polls, it is willing to eschew international refugee conventions to cling to what is winning it support – the illegal and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers.

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How US Evangelicals Are Shaping Development in Uganda
James Kassaga Arinaitwe – Al Jazeera, 28 Jul 2014

US evangelical groups are increasingly shaping Uganda’s development policies to suit their religious agenda.

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On ‘Human Shielding’ in Gaza
Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon – Al Jazeera, 21 Jul 2014

The Israeli army has tried to justify striking civilian areas. For Palestinians living in Gaza today, simply spending time in their own homes, frequenting a mosque, going to a hospital or to school has become a dangerous enterprise since any one of these architectural edifices can become at any moment a target.

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Bolivia Makes Child Labor Legal from Age 10
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera America, 21 Jul 2014

Child labor has been common in a nation that ranks as one of the poorest in the Americas.

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US-German Relations Reach Breaking Point
John Batchelor – Al Jazeera America, 14 Jul 2014

Berlin holds the whip hand in the EU. The way Berlin goes, Paris, London, Rome and the other NATO members will follow. Berlin’s inclination since well before the Ukraine crisis was to move closer to Moscow in the “Common Eurasian home” narrative.

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African Leaders Vote to Give Themselves Immunity from War Crimes
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera, 7 Jul 2014

July 1, 2014 – African leaders gathered for a continent-wide summit voted to give themselves and their allies immunity from prosecution for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide at a new African Court of Justice and Human Rights.

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US Signals Intention to Eliminate Its Land Mines, Join Treaty
Renee Lewis – Al Jazeera America, 7 Jul 2014

The U.S. military will not be expanding its land mine stockpile and aims to eventually eliminate its entire supply so that it can accede to the Ottawa Convention, a 15-year-old international treaty on mines, the White House announced Friday [27 Jun 2014].

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Russia, China Sign Deal to Bypass U.S. Dollar
Michael Pizzi – Al Jazeera America, 26 May 2014

In a blow to U.S. global financial hegemony, Russia and China on Tuesday [20 May 20114] signed a deal to pay each other in domestic currencies, followed by the announcement on Wednesday of a $100 billion annual trade on natural gas, 10 years in the making.

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Chevron Uses Deep Pockets to Win Ecuador Legal Battle
Lauren Carasik – Al Jazeera America, 19 May 2014

Chevron’s bid to embolden transnational corporations to use their deep pockets to thwart justice underestimates the tenacity and resourcefulness of their opposition.

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Multinational Corporations Play Key Role in Qatar Labor Abuses
Arezo Yazd – Al Jazeera America, 19 May 2014

While many cited the Qatari government’s responsibility for labor-related abuses that resulted in over 500 deaths of Indian migrant workers since 2012, few mention the importance of corporate responsibility, primarily in light of construction for World Cup 2022.

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Exclusive: Emails Reveal Close Google Relationship with NSA
Jason Leopold – Al Jazeera America, 12 May 2014

6 May 2014 – Email exchanges between NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander and Google executives Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt suggest a far cozier working relationship than was implied by Silicon Valley brass after last year’s revelations about NSA spying.

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Ukraine: Lies, Propaganda and the West’s Agenda
Alastair Sloan – Al Jazeera, 5 May 2014

Is the Western narrative obscuring what’s really going on in Ukraine? Washington and Brussels are the heroes of the Ukrainian saga, if you believe the Western media. Putin is cast as the Big Bad Russian Bear, Obama and Kerry are the Democratic A-Team. Kerry has called Ukraine an “incredible act of aggression”, conveniently ignoring drone strikes, the Iraq War, and the numerous illegal coups the US has pulled off since World War II.

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Netanyahu’s ‘Destruction of Israel’ Mantra
John V. Whitbeck – Al Jazeera, 5 May 2014

Hamas is not remotely close to being in a position to cause Israel’s territory to sink beneath the Mediterranean or to wipe out its population or even to compel the Israeli regime to transform itself into a fully democratic state pledged to equal rights and dignity for all who live there.

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Remembering Chernobyl
Evgenia Ivanova – Al Jazeera, 28 Apr 2014

The fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion remains as politicised as ever, 28 years on. Over 100 radioactive elements released during the explosion contaminated substantial amounts of soil and waterways in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Many other neighbouring countries – Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway, Romania and Sweden – suffered radioactive contamination as well.

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Why 21st Century Capitalism Can’t Last
Bhaskar Sunkara – Al Jazeera America, 28 Apr 2014

The response to French economist Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” has been surprising, to say the least. Though the Amazon best-seller is well written and artfully translated from French by Arthur Goldhammer, the 696-page text is filled with enough charts and footnotes to occupy experts for months.

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Marshall Islands Sues Nuclear Powers for Failure on Disarmament
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera America, 28 Apr 2014

“I personally see it as kind of David and Goliath, except that there are no slingshots involved,” said David Krieger, president of the California-based Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Krieger is acting as a consultant in the case. There are hopes that other countries will join the legal effort, he said.

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When Will the World Act on Myanmar’s Abuses?
Emanuel Stoakes – Al Jazeera, 28 Apr 2014

Most of all, highly credible allegations of crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya minority underline the country’s enduring backwardness on urgent moral issues. The offences continue to this day, perpetrated as a matter of long-standing state policy.

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Terrorism: The Legacy of US War in Iraq
Haifa Zangana – Al Jazeera, 7 Apr 2014

Words with noble meanings are used to camouflage acts of state terror: liberation rather than occupation; democratic government rather than a sectarian regime; transparency rather than corruption by bribes, theft, and extortion; communal violence rather than dirty war with manufactured terrorism and black operations.

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The New Shock Doctrine: ‘Doing Business’ With the World Bank
Jason Hickel – Al Jazeera, 7 Apr 2014

A yearly World Bank report encourages countries to undertake extreme deregulation. In 2003 the World Bank published the first Doing Business Report, which ranks the world’s countries based on the “ease of doing business” in them. Investors and CEOs use the rankings to decide where to move their money or headquarter their businesses for maximum profit.

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Nuclear Summit: Upgrade Or Downsize?
Kate Hudson – Al Jazeera, 31 Mar 2014

24 Mar 2014 – As world leaders gather to discuss securing fissile materials, nuclear arsenals remain the elephant in the room.The problem is that while steps certainly must be taken to reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism, nuclear risks are not reducible to terrorism.

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Crimea: Whose Land Is This? (Part 1)
Sergei Khrushchev – Al Jazeera, 24 Mar 2014

In order to understand the conflict in Crimea, one has to know the history of the peninsula.

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Crimea: Whose Land Is This? (Part 2)
Sergei Khrushchev – Al Jazeera, 24 Mar 2014

Is it fair for the US to expect unconditional obedience from Russia against its own national interests?

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The UN Is Not Above the Law
Lauren Carasik @ajam – Al Jazeera America, 10 Mar 2014

The US should support accountability claim for the cholera epidemic in Haiti.

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Nigeria Court Orders Men Whipped for Gay Sex
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

Four young men have been convicted of gay sex and whipped publicly as punishment in an Islamic court on Thursday [6 Mar 2014], with 15 strokes. They also face a year’s imprisonment if they cannot pay a fine of $120. They had to prostrate themselves on the floor of the court to be whipped on their bottoms.

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Gigabytes Gone Wild
Neil Richards and Jonathan King – Al Jazeera America, 3 Mar 2014

Big data has outpaced our legal system’s ability to control it — we need a new ethics for a new digital age.

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Israel Jittery over Global Boycotts
Dalia Hatuqa – Al Jazeera America, 24 Feb 2014

But never has the issue of boycotts caused so much vexation inside Israel’s corridors of power. Israeli politicians have been trading barbs about who is fueling the situation.

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Australian Terrorists in Syria Alarm Officials
Sophie Cousins – Al Jazeera, 10 Feb 2014

The Australian government has confiscated passports in an effort to prevent attacks by returning fighters. With estimates of up to 11,000 foreign mercenaries in Syria, Western powers are increasingly worried about the potential national security threat posed by returning fighters.

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Homophobia: Africa’s New Apartheid
Azad Essa – Al Jazeera, 3 Feb 2014

Both African and western governments are using gay rights as a political tool.

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Patterns of Impunity and Deceit in Myanmar
Emanuel Stoakes - Al Jazeera, 27 Jan 2014

A UN supervised investigation is needed before more atrocities are committed against the Rohingya Muslims.

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Hawks for Humanity
Chase Madar – Al Jazeera, 27 Jan 2014

To be fair, Human Rights Watch and Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., are far from alone in warmongering: In 2012, Amnesty International USA went so far as to put up bus-stop advertisements in Chicago during the NATO conference to urge the military alliance to “keep the progress going.”

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Honduras: Audit Slams World Bank Agency
Kate Woodsome – Al Jazeera, 20 Jan 2014

Investigation says loan to Honduran palm oil magnate, alleged to be linked to activist deaths, violated bank’s rules.

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US in Iraq: They Broke It but Didn’t Fix It
Rachel Shabi – Al Jazeera, 13 Jan 2014

Even as news from Iraq is overwhelmingly of death, suffering and despair, the US still asserts that its ravaging venture in Iraq was designed to bring stability and democracy. It’s as though Iraqis, dealing with the senseless devastation of their country and longing for a normal life, are supposed to remember, above all, that the US is a force for good and that – well, it really means well.

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The Way Forward for South Sudan
Mahmood Mamdani – Al Jazeera, 6 Jan 2014

How does one understand the current conflict in South Sudan? Two major explanations are on offer.

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Researchers Find 7,300-Sq-Mile Ring of Mercury around Tar Sands in Canada
Peter Moskowitz – Al Jazeera, 6 Jan 2014

Scientists have found a more than 7,300-square-mile ring of land and water contaminated by mercury surrounding the tar sands in Alberta, where energy companies are producing oil and shipping it throughout Canada and the U.S.

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Why Do Western Media Get Africa Wrong?
Nanjala Nyabola – Al Jazeera, 6 Jan 2014

There are fundamental differences in how Western and African media cover African events. Ask Africans what they think and have them tell their own stories, instead of co-opting them to undermine or reinforce existing narratives among the Western audience.

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Fun with Chronology: Misreporting the Israeli Assault on Gaza
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 6 Jan 2014

The media has a habit of using truncated timelines to excuse Israel’s assaults on Gaza. The New York Times’ rendering of recent violence on the border between Gaza and Israel is a shining example of the chronological sleights of hand that have come to characterise mainstream reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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The Deal of the Year: Why the Iran Nuclear Deal Is Good News for All
Riccardo Alcaro – Al Jazeera, 30 Dec 2013

Opponents of the US-Iran nuclear deal have much to gain from it.

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Is BDS Campaign against Israel Reaching a Turning Point?
Omar Barghouti – Al Jazeera, 30 Dec 2013

The movement calling for the boycott, divestiture and sanction of Israel is gaining momentum globally.

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Pungesti: Romania’s Battlefield against Chevron
Raluca Besliu – Al Jazeera, 16 Dec 2013

13 Dec 2013 – For the past few days, the small village of Pungesti has become a battle scene between protesters opposing US energy giant Chevron’s intention to explore for shale gas in a nearby field and Romanian police forces, sent by the government to protect Chevron in installing its equipment.

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Pathways to Peace: Talk with Johan Galtung
The Stream – Al Jazeera, 9 Dec 2013

Dec 5, 2013 – In a world full of conflict, how does one manage to negotiate peace? Al Jazeera’s “The Stream” talks to the father of peace studies, Prof. Johan Galtung, about the future of peace studies and conflict resolution, US foreign policy, and issues facing the world.

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Here Is Why Deconstructing Zionism Is Important
Michael Marder – Al Jazeera, 9 Dec 2013

First, the biggest threat to the wellbeing and security of Israeli Jews (and, often, by implication of Jews who live elsewhere in the world and are assumed to be the supporters of Israeli policies) is neither Iran nor Syria; it is the State of Israel itself.

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US And Iran: Seven Questions beyond the Nuclear Deal
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera, 2 Dec 2013

What are the ramifications of Iran’s deal with the West on Middle East politics?

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Obama, Karzai and the Afghan Labyrinth
Deepak Tripathi – Al Jazeera, 2 Dec 2013

Afghan constitutions have come and gone with the country’s upheavals. The customary role of tribal assemblies in approving a constitution, resolving disputes and considering issues of national importance has remained constant.

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Child Soldiers: Passive Victims?
Virginie Ladisch – Al Jazeera, 25 Nov 2013

As a young woman demobilised at age 16 from the FARC in Colombia explained about reintegration programmes, “Many of us possess vast experience in the areas of survival, health, and discipline that we gained as a result of our time in the armed groups. But it’s not appreciated. They force us to push aside these things, to erase them and accept an identity that is not ours, to be bakers and cobblers…”

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Libya: On the Brink of Abyss
Solomon Dersso – Al Jazeera, 18 Nov 2013

Libya’s dangerous slip into anarchy will have serious implications for Africa. Overshadowed by the events in Egypt and Syria, Libya’s multidimensional crisis attracts little attention.

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Israel’s Other Silent War
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 18 Nov 2013

State-sponsored racism and discrimination against African migrants continue amid international media silence. “When Israel rounds up and deports African refugees, it makes a mockery of the millions of Jews who died during World War II because no one would grant them shelter.” — David Sheen, Israeli-Canadian journalist.

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Blame It on the French
Khosrow Soltani – Al Jazeera, 18 Nov 2013

What are France’s motives in undermining a crucial deal between Iran and P5+1? Different viewpoints have been expressed on the multiple motives, ranging from commercial to geopolitical interests, to just playing its role as a scapegoat for the US.

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UN Climate Change Summit Kicks Off in Poland
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

World leaders launch new round of talks in Warsaw to pave way for 2015 deal to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. The 12-day United Nations Climate Change Conference began on Monday [11 Nov 2013] in Poland’s capital amid a slew of warnings about a potentially disastrous rise in greenhouse-gas emissions.

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Revealed: NSA Pushed 9/11 as Key ‘Sound Bite’ to Justify Surveillance
Jason Leopold – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

The document, obtained by Al Jazeera through a Freedom of Information Act request, contains talking points and suggested statements for NSA officials responding to the fallout from media revelations that originated with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

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Blackfish: Highlighting the Plight of Captive Orcas
Rose Aguilar – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

Blackfish, a riveting documentary about the deadly consequences of kidnapping orcas from the ocean and keeping them in captivity, is Sea World’s biggest nightmare. If you want to stop this brutality, refuse to go to water parks. Don’t buy a ticket. See the film and spread the word. We now know too much to allow this to continue.

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[Nobel Peace Laureate} Aung San Suu Kyi and the World of Buddhist Islamophobia
Maung Zarni – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

The details of this systematic ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya which has been set in motion as a matter of state policy since 1978, and the more recent anti-Muslim mass violence, again with state impunity, generally play second fiddle in the media, to Suu Kyi’s failure to condemn it.

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Where Is the Ethical Leadership over Syria?
Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureate – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

It was tragic to see Western politicians who spoke out against military intervention get slammed for somehow being cowardly. Although their effort would not stop the killing outright, to hold back the war designs of their own leaders was a brave act.

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Malala and Nabila: Worlds Apart
Murtaza Hussain – Al Jazeera, 4 Nov 2013

The only people to be recognized for their suffering in this conflict are those who fall victim to the Taliban. Malala for her struggles was to be made the face of the American war effort while innumerable little girls such as Nabila will continue to be terrorized and murdered as part of this war without end. There will be no celebrity appearances or awards ceremonies for Nabila. At her testimony almost no one even bothered to attend [5 congressmen].

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Cuba to Open Tax Free Special Economic Zone
Chris Arsenault – Al Jazeera, 28 Oct 2013

First development of its kind on the island take effect in November [2013].Communist Cuba is the latest country to plan a “Special Economic Zone”, part of an economic model blasted by critics for creating a “race to the bottom” on wages and corporate taxes.

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Report: US and UK Spied on Italian Government
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

U.S. and British intelligence services monitored Italian telecommunications, targeting the government and companies, L’Espresso reported Thursday [24 Oct 2013]. The report, based on evidence from Edward Snowden, is likely to fuel growing anger among Washington’s European allies.

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No Place for Islam? Buddhist Nationalism in Myanmar
Harrison Akins – Al Jazeera, 21 Oct 2013

The continued violence against the broader Muslim community stains any democratic reforms in a country.

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Time for the ICC to Act on Palestine
Raji Sourani & Shawan Jabarin – Al Jazeera, 21 Oct 2013

We urge the prosecutor to visit Palestine, to meet with the victims, and to experience the reality on the ground. Justice is not a commodity that can be traded in the name of political progress. The International Criminal Court must not become complicit in the on-going failures of the peace before justice process.

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The Deep Roots beneath 1,000,000 Dead Iraqis
Mark LeVine – Al Jazeera, 21 Oct 2013

Iraq continues to suffer the legacy of two decades of US military intervention and meddling, with little end in sight.

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It’s Time to Put an End to Israel’s Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell Nuclear Policy
Pam Bailey & Medea Benjamin – Al Jazeera, 21 Oct 2013

Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona, a city in the Negev desert, has six underground floors to plutonium extraction and production of tritium and lithium-6, for use in nuclear weapons. Whereas Iran has signed the Non-proliferation Treaty, giving the international community the right to demand inspections and controls, Israel has not – and is therefore not subject to external oversight.

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Japan Asks for World’s Help on Fukushima Leaks
Al Jazeera and The Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday [6 Oct 2013] that Japan is open to receiving overseas help to contain widening disaster at the crippled nuclear plant in Fukushima, where radioactive water leaks and other mishaps are now reported almost daily. “My country needs your knowledge and expertise,” he said.

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Myanmar: Can the Religious Violence Be Ended?
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

3 Oct 2013 – TRANSCEND member Dr. Maung Zarni and Debbie Stothard: A 25-minute analysis of Myanmar’s “Communal or Religious Violence.”

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(Arabic: Peace and the Islamic Roots of Non Violence) صدر مؤخرا للبروفيسور عباس عروة كتاب عن السلام ومرجعية اللاعنف في الإسلام
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

في كتابه الجديد “السعي إلى السلام في الموروث الإسلامي” يواصل البروفيسور عباس عروة مشروعه في تقديم رؤاه الدينية لإيضاح صورة الإسلام الحنيف، وتقديمه للقارئ الغربي وتخليصه مما شابه من عوالق لسوء تأويل مارسه بعض دعاته من جهة، وإغناء مكتبة مسلمي ودعاة الغرب بكتاب دعوي يعود إلى مبادئ الإسلام الأولى تعليما وتثبيتا لهم من جهة أخرى.
(In his new book, “The Quest for Peace in the Islamic Tradition” Professor Abbas Aroua continues his program in providing a clear image of the Islamic religion and presenting it to the Western reader free from the accumulated ill-interpretations.)

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Al-Shabab Defends Nairobi Attack
Hamza Mohamed – Al Jazeera, 30 Sep 2013

Military spokesman explains why mall siege was launched, and what will happen next.

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Timeline of Edward Snowden’s Revelations
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

In-depth look back at two months of leaks by the ex-NSA contractor who fled from Hawaii to Hong Kong to Russia after releasing loads of documents on surveillance in the U.S. and around the world. The information below is compiled from the news outlets that first reported the data.

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Sanctions: Cruel and Counterproductive
Jason Ditz – Al Jazeera, 30 Sep 2013

The great sanctions experiment of the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been a disastrous failure, and must be abandoned outright, both on humanitarian grounds as well as a rational measure of its impracticality. Sanctions simply don’t work.

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