Articles by The Guardian

We found 918 results.

Cop 20: UN Climate Change Conference | Lima – Talks Reach Global Warming Agreement
Suzanne Goldenberg in Lima – The Guardian, 15 Dec 2014

Sunday 14 December 2014 – International negotiators at the Lima climate change talks have agreed on a plan to fight global warming that would for the first time commit all countries to cutting their greenhouse gas emissions. •Full text of the deal (pdf)

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Facebook’s ‘Emotional Experiment’ Is Most Shared Academic Research
Alex Hern - The Guardian, 15 Dec 2014

9 Dec 2014 – Facebook’s notorious emotional manipulation study received more online attention than any other scientific research in 2014, according to an analytics company.

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Rectal Rehydration and Broken Limbs: The Grisliest Findings in the CIA Torture Report
Dominic Rushe, Ewen MacAskill, Ian Cobain , Alan Yuhas and Oliver Laughland – The Guardian, 15 Dec 2014

Parts of the CIA interrogation programme were known, but the catalogue of abuse is nightmarish, especially knowing much more will never be revealed.

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Edward Snowden Wins Swedish Human Rights Award for NSA Revelations
Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 8 Dec 2014

Whistleblower receives several standing ovations in Swedish parliament as he wins Right Livelihood award. Speaking by video from Moscow he said: ‘All the prices we’ve paid, all the sacrifices we made, I believe we would do again – I know I would.’ The Guardian editor, Alan Rusbridger, was also among the recipients.

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Cuba’s Extraordinary Global Medical Record Shames the US Blockade
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 8 Dec 2014

Four months into the Ebola emergency that has devastated West Africa, Cuba leads the world in direct medical support to fight the epidemic. The US and Britain have sent thousands of troops and promised aid that has yet to materialise. From Ebola to earthquakes, Havana’s doctors have saved millions. Obama must lift this embargo.

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US Control Is Diminishing, but It Still Thinks It Owns the World
Noam Chomsky – The Guardian, 8 Dec 2014

The United States has long assumed the right to use violence to achieve its aims, but it is now less able to implement its policies.

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Business and Entrepreneurs Seize Opportunities in Rise of Veganism
Damien Clarkson – The Guardian, 8 Dec 2014

With a growing consumer interest in plant-based healthy eating, vegetarian and vegan options present a chance new business and competitive advantage.

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EU Divided on Issue of Net Neutrality
Alex Hern – The Guardian, 1 Dec 2014

European commission vice-president for single digital market has criticised Italian proposals to weaken net neutrality within the common market.

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41 Men Targeted but 1,147 People Killed: US Drone Strikes – The Facts on the Ground
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 1 Dec 2014

New analysis of data conducted by human rights group Reprieve raises questions about accuracy of intelligence guiding ‘precise’ strikes. ‘They are only as precise as the intelligence that feeds them.’

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Israeli Cabinet Approves Legislation Defining Nation-State of Jewish People
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian, 24 Nov 2014

23 Nov 2014 – A controversial bill that officially defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people has been approved by cabinet despite warnings that the move risks undermining the country’s democratic character.

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Fivefold Increase in Terrorism Fatalities since 9/11, Says Report
Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 24 Nov 2014

Terrorism is on the rise, with an almost fivefold increase in fatalities since 9/11, in spite of US-led efforts to combat it in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world, according to a report published on Tuesday [18 Nov 2014].

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Tanzania Accused of Backtracking over Sale of Masai’s Ancestral Land
David Smith, Africa correspondent – The Guardian, 24 Nov 2014

Masai told to leave historic homeland by end of the year so it can become a private hunting reserve for the Dubai royal family.

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ICC Rules Out Investigation into Israeli Raid on Gaza-Bound Flotilla
Agence France-Presse at The Hague – The Guardian, 10 Nov 2014

War crimes court [International Criminal Court] says killing of Turkish activists by Israeli commandos in 2010 not of sufficient gravity to warrant inquiry.

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Mark Udall’s Loss Is a Blow for Privacy, but He Can Go Out With a Bang: ‘Leak’ the CIA Torture Report
Trevor Timm – The Guardian, 10 Nov 2014

The outgoing Senator and champion of civil liberties has one last chance to read the truth about American atrocities out loud, for the world to see – before it’s too late.

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Luxembourg Tax Files: How Tiny State Rubber-Stamped Tax Avoidance on an Industrial Scale
Simon Bowers – The Guardian, 10 Nov 2014

Leaked documents show that one of the EU’s smallest states helped multinationals save millions in tax, to the detriment of its neighbours and allies.
•What do you want to know about Luxembourg’s tax secrets?
•Video: The $870m loan company above a stamp shop
•Explore the documents in full

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Foreign Jihadists Flocking to Iraq and Syria on ‘Unprecedented Scale’ – UN
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 3 Nov 2014

30 Oct 2014 – A report by the UN Security Council finds that 15,000 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State (Isis) and similar extremist groups. They come from more than 80 countries, “including a tail of countries that have not previously faced challenges relating to al-Qaida”.

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Tim Cook: ‘I Consider Being Gay among the Greatest Gifts God Has Given Me’
Rupert Neate and Alex Hern – The Guardian, 3 Nov 2014

30 Oct 2014 – Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple, has officially come out as gay and described his sexuality as “among the greatest gifts God has given me.” He has written about his sexuality for the first time, in the hope that he can ‘help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is.’

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UK Axes Support for Mediterranean Migrant Rescue Operation
Alan Travis – The Guardian, 3 Nov 2014

Refugees and human rights organisations react with anger as minister says saving people encourages others to risk voyage.

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Catholic Bishops Veto Gay-Friendly Statements Leaving Pope Francis the Loser
Lizzy Davies – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Final report of Roman Catholic extraordinary synod on the family removes talk of ‘welcoming’ gay people.

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Lockheed Announces Breakthrough on Nuclear Fusion Energy
Reuters – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday [15 Oct 2014] it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready for use in a decade.

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Climate Change: How to Make the Big Polluters Really Pay
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

By dropping Shell, Lego shows new ways to target the astronomical profits of the fossil fuel industries.

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Secret Space Plane Lands at US Air Force Base after Unknown Two-Year Mission
Associated Press – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Resembling a small space shuttle, the X-37B landed in southern California Friday [17 Oct 2014], after 674 days in orbit on a secret mission.

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Iran Nuclear Talks: Why Tehran Must Be Brought In from the Cold
Christopher de Bellaigue – The Guardian, 6 Oct 2014

A deal with Iran is vital for the stability of the wider Middle East. The opportunity must be grasped.

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Neoliberalism Has Brought Out the Worst in Us
Paul Verhaeghe – The Guardian, 6 Oct 2014

An economic system that rewards psychopathic personality traits has changed our ethics and our personalities. We are forever told that we are freer to choose the course of our lives than ever before, but the freedom to choose outside the success narrative is limited.

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‘Africa’s Arms Dump’: Following the Trail of Bullets in the Sudans
Charlton Doki in Juba and Adam Mohamed Ahmad in Khartoum - The Niles, The Guardian Africa network, 6 Oct 2014

Sudan and South Sudan are among the most heavily armed countries in the world. The Niles investigates how this came about and the consequences of spiraling bloodshed.

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Bhutan Could Be World’s First Wholly Organic Nation within a Decade
Jo Confino – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Political parties in the Himalayan kingdom unite to eradicate chemical fertilisers and pesticides as part of its Gross National Happiness programme.

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Julian Assange: ‘When you post to Facebook, you’re being a rat’
James Camp – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Assange said: “Compare the mission statements of Google and the NSA – the NSA say, ‘We want to collect all private information, pool it, store it, sort it, index it, and exploit it.’ Whereas Google says, ‘We want to collect all private information, pool it, store it, sort it, and sell those profiles to advertisers.’ “Really, they’re identical. Every time you go to a party and take a picture and post that picture to Facebook, you’re being a rat. You’re being a narc.”

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The Myth of Religious Violence
Karen Armstrong – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

The popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction that faith and politics should never mix. But the messy history of their separation suggests it was never so simple.

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Fatah and Hamas Agree Deal for Unity Government to Take Control of Gaza
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

25 Sep 2014 – The two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, have reached a “comprehensive” agreement that would turn over the civil administration of Gaza immediately to officials of a Palestinian unity government led by President Mahmoud Abbas. Breakthrough agreement negotiated in Cairo is designed to ease blockade and open way to reconstruction after Gaza war.

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José Mujica: Is This the World’s Most Radical President?
Giles Tremlett – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Uruguay’s José Mujica lives in a tiny house rather than the presidential palace, and gives away 90% of his salary. He’s legalised marijuana and gay marriage. But his greatest legacy is governing without giving up his revolutionary ideals.

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How to Make Isis Fall on Its Own Sword
Chelsea E Manning – The Guardian, 22 Sep 2014

Degrade and destroy? The west should try to disrupt the canny militants into self-destruction, because bombs will only backfire.

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Naomi Klein: The Hypocrisy behind the Big Business Climate Change Battle
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

I denied climate change for longer than I care to admit. I told myself the science was too complicated and the environmentalists were dealing with it. And I continued to behave as if there was nothing wrong with the “elite” frequent-flyer card in my wallet. A great many of us engage in this kind of denial.

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Isis Jihadis Aren’t Medieval – They Are Shaped by Modern Western Philosophy
Kevin McDonald – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

We should look to revolutionary France if we want to understand the source of Islamic State’s ideology and violence. Contemporary jihadism is not a return to the past. It is a modern, anti-traditional ideology with a very significant debt to western political history and culture.

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The Sad Legacy of 9/11: Isis and Al-Qaida Are Stronger Than Ever
Ali Soufan – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

Thirteen years later, it’s becoming clear that we have not fought a 13-year war so much as a one-year war, 13 times. It is the sad legacy of our tactic-driven response to 9/11 that bin Ladenism has spread far beyond Osama bin Laden’s wildest dreams.

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MH17 Crash Caused by ‘Objects Penetrating Aircraft from Outside’
Gwyn Topham – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

9 Sep 2014 – Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke up in mid-air as a result of structural damage caused by “a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside”, according to the Dutch investigators’ preliminary report.

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Israel to Build 283 Homes on West Bank
Agence France-Presse – The Guardian, 8 Sep 2014

5 Sep 2014 – Israel has published tenders to build 283 homes in a West Bank settlement, days after announcing its biggest land grab on occupied Palestinian territory for three decades. That move drew international condemnation, even from its staunch ally, the US, and some Israeli cabinet ministers.

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The US Government Can Brand You a Terrorist Based on a Facebook Post. We Can’t Let Them Make Up the Rules
Arjun Sethi – The Guardian, 1 Sep 2014

Innocent people’s lives are being ruined. Why isn’t anyone watching the watchlist?

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SeaWorld Shares Tumble 33% Following Blackfish Documentary
Ben Beaumont-Thomas – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

The negative publicity from Blackfish, a documentary film that followed the violent behaviour of an orca kept captive by SeaWorld, has caused attendance to fall at the theme parks.

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Gaza Homes ‘Uninhabitable’ as Tens of Thousands Come Back to Rubble
Jason Burke in Beit Lahia – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

United Nations says the level of destruction is ‘unprecedented’ as 30,000 people in Beit Hanoun alone need rehousing.

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UK Government to Block Arms Exports to Israel If Military Action Resumes
Rupert Neate – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

Announcement comes after lengthy dispute between leading Tories and Liberal Democrats over restriction of arms sales.

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1914: The Great War Has Become a Nightly Pornography of Violence
Simon Jenkins – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

The centenary has been seized as a military propaganda opportunity. So-called lessons learned have been ignored or forgotten. Britain’s commemoration of the Great War has lost all sense of proportion. It has become a media theme park, an indigestible cross between Downton Abbey and a horror movie.

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Hollywood Divided: Passions High as Actors and Celebrities Speak Out on Gaza
Rory Carroll – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

Artists voicing solidarity for Palestinians trigger backlash from industry heavyweights in a town with strong Israel connections. It is perhaps the last taboo in Hollywood but the carnage in Gaza is prompting an increasing number of artists and celebrities to do the unthinkable: criticise Israel.

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Gaza Blockade Must End
Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

The UN should mandate an end to the siege of Gaza as a first step towards a settlement. There is no humane or legal justification for how the Israeli Defence Force is conducting this war, pulverising with bombs, missiles and artillery large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.

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Crimes against Humanity in Gaza: Is It Really a ‘Buffer Zone’ – Or a Bigger Plan?
Dennis Kucinich – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

5 Aug 2014 – It’s time to step back and ask if we want to support Israel if it wants to eject all Palestinians from their land. Late last week, the White House decried Israel’s attack on a UN school in Gaza as “totally unacceptable” and “totally indefensible”, then proceeded to approve $225m in funding for its Iron Dome.

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Want to Have a Real Impact on Climate Change? Then Become a Vegetarian
Travis McKnight – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Millennials who care about the environment should put their money where their mouths are and stop eating meat. It’s time to start a dietary revolution.

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As the Gaza Crisis Deepens, Boycotts Can Raise the Price of Israel’s Impunity
Rafeef Ziadah – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

If governments refuse to act on Gaza, we must emulate the methods that isolated South Africa during apartheid.

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Modern-Day Slavery – Qatar World Cup: Migrants Wait a Year to Be Paid for Building Offices
Robert Booth, and Pete Pattisson in Doha – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Monday 28 July 2014 – Migrant workers who built luxury offices used by Qatar’s 2022 football World Cup organisers have told the Guardian they have not been paid for more than a year and are now working illegally from cockroach-infested lodgings.

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Portugal Uses EU Bailout Cash to Shore Up Troubled Banco Espírito Santo
Chris Johnston – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Portugal injected almost €5bn into Banco Espírito Santo on Sunday [3 Ago 2014] night to stave off the collapse of the country’s biggest bank following a series of financial scandals.

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Modern-Day Slavery – Trapped in Qatar: The Migrants Who Helped Build the ‘Tower of Football’
Robert Booth, and Pete Pattisson in Doha – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Despite World Cup host’s promises to improve life for foreign labourers, many still live desperate lives in the shadow of unimaginable riches.

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Both Israelis and Palestinians Are Losers in This Conflict
Daniel Barenboim – The Guardian, 28 Jul 2014

There can be no military solution. Both sides need to acknowledge the other’s suffering and their rights.

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Google Doesn’t Want You to Limit Its Ability to Follow You around the Internet
Dan Gillmor – The Guardian, 28 Jul 2014

Behind our screens, tech companies are racing to extract a price for what we read and watch on the web: our personal information.

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I, Spy: Edward Snowden in Exile
Alan Rusbridger and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

He doesn’t drink, he’s reading Dostoevsky and, no, he doesn’t wear a disguise. A year after blowing the whistle on the NSA, America’s most wanted talks frankly about his life as a hero-pariah – and why the world remains ‘more dangerous than Orwell imagined’.

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Edward Snowden Urges Professionals to Encrypt Client Communications
Alan Rusbridger and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

Whistleblower says NSA revelations mean those with duty to protect confidentiality must urgently upgrade security. Watch Snowden’s interview with the Guardian in Moscow.

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A Nurse at Gitmo Refuses to Force Feed Any More Prisoners – Others Should Too
Cori Crider – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

What the US military does to detainees at Guantánamo is shocking. Perhaps change can come from within.

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Nobel Literature Laureate Nadine Gordimer Dies Aged 90
David Smith – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

Nobel-prize-winning chronicler of apartheid died peacefully in Johannesburg on Sunday [13 Jul 2014].

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Blood Test Breakthrough in Search for Alzheimer’s Cure
Sarah Boseley – The Guardian, 14 Jul 2014

Test for 10 proteins predicts onset of disease over 12 months in those with mild memory loss with 87% accuracy.

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Isis Announces Islamic Caliphate in Area Straddling Iraq and Syria
Mark Tran and Matthew Weaver – The Guardian, 7 Jul 2014

Jihadist group challenges al-Qaida as it changes name to Islamic State and pledges to free Palestine in video.

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Facebook Denies Emotion Contagion Study Had Government and Military Ties
Samuel Gibbs – The Guardian, 7 Jul 2014

Researchers say the study was not funded by Minerva Research Initiative, which engaged scientists in national security issues.

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Pentagon Preparing for Mass Civil Breakdown
Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, 30 Jun 2014

Social science is being militarised to develop ‘operational tools’ to target peaceful activists and protest movements.

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Revealed: Asian Slave Labour Producing Prawns for Supermarkets in US, UK
Kate Hodal, Chris Kelly and Felicity Lawrence – The Guardian, 30 Jun 2014

Thai ‘ghost ships’ that enslave, brutalise and even kill workers are linked to global shrimp supply chain, Guardian investigation discovers.

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The Age of Climate Warfare Is Here. The Military-Industrial Complex Is Ready. Are You?
Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, 9 Jun 2014

30 May 2014 – During his speech at West Point Military Academy earlier this week, President Barack Obama described climate change as a “creeping national security crisis” that will require the armed forces to “respond to refugee flows, natural disasters, and conflicts over water and food.”

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Four Ways Edward Snowden Changed the World – And Why the Fight’s Not Over
Trevor Timm – The Guardian, 9 Jun 2014

Encrypted Gmail. Transparency from mobile providers. Maybe even a legal ‘revolt’ against ‘Orwellian’ surveillance. But until we get real reform, NSA and Co may survive in the shadows.

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Who’s in Control – Nation States or Global Corporations?
Gary Younge – The Guardian, 9 Jun 2014

The limited ability of national governments to pursue any agenda that has not first been endorsed by international capital and its proxies is no longer simply the cross they have to bear; it is the cross to which we have all been nailed. The nation state is the primary democratic entity that remains. But given the scale of neoliberal globalisation it is clearly no longer up to that task. Minorities are blamed but the real culprit is Neoliberalism.

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Greece – SS Songs and Antisemitism: The Week Golden Dawn Turned Openly Nazi
Helena Smith – The Guardian, 9 Jun 2014

7 Jun 2014 – Supporters of the far-right party gave Hitler salutes and sang the Horst Wessel song outside parliament last week. How Golden Dawn has taken on a sinister new tone.

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Edward Snowden: Breaking Law Was Only Option, Says Whistleblower
Tom McCarthy – The Guardian, 2 Jun 2014

One year after revealing himself as the source of the biggest intelligence leak in US history, Edward Snowden appeared in a long network television interview on Wednesday [28 May 2013] to describe himself as an American patriot and to make the case that his disclosures were motivated by a desire to help the country.

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Homophobia Is Deep-Rooted, Rife – And Ultimately Doomed
Owen Jones – The Guardian, 2 Jun 2014

The more conservative the man, the stronger the impulse to wash away gay contact – which is a menace to their identity. A society free of sexism and homophobia won’t just emancipate women and gay men: it will free straight men, too.

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Fukushima Daiichi Begins Pumping Groundwater into Pacific
Justin McCurry – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

21 May 2014 – The operator of the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has started pumping groundwater into the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to manage the large volume of contaminated water at the site. Tokyo Electric Power said it had released 560 tonnes of groundwater pumped from 12 wells located upstream from the damaged reactors.

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The Pentagon Report on Snowden’s ‘Grave’ Threat Is Gravely Overblown
Julian Sanchez – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

NSA defenders still won’t tell the whole truth, but a newly revealed damage assessment offers a window into government damage control – not any actual damage done by Snowden.

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Virus Experiments Risk Unleashing Global Pandemic, Study Warns
Ian Sample – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

Several groups of scientists around the world are creating and altering viruses. But in a report published on Tuesday [20 May 2014], researchers at Harvard and Yale universities argue that the benefits of the work are outweighed by the risk of pathogenic strains escaping from laboratories and spreading around the world.

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10 Reasons to Go Vegan That Have Nothing to Do with Animal Rights
Lindsay McDougall – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

Do you want to go meat free but are sick of the animal rights crowd? Can’t remember a single stat about sustainable land use? Then try these alternative reasons (excuses) on for size.

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First Dog on the Moon on … surveillance, everywhere
First Dog on the Moon – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

Think the NSA doesn’t know you are reading this cartoon, right now? Think again.

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Secrets, Lies and Snowden’s Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
Ladar Levison – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

For the first time, the founder of an encrypted email startup that was supposed to insure privacy for all reveals how the FBI and the US legal system made sure we don’t have the right to much privacy in the first place.

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[An Antithesis of Peace Journalism]: 1,000 Days of Syria – Turning War Journalism into a Game
Simon Parkin – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

How an American journalist is attempting to tell the story of Syria’s violence through an online adventure game. Swenson describes 1,000 Days of Syria, which is freely available to play on the internet, as “part electric literature; part newscast; and part choose-your-own-adventure.”

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Pentagon Report: Scope of Intelligence Compromised by Snowden ‘Staggering’
Jason Leopold – The Guardian, 26 May 2014

The Guardian has obtained a copy of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s classified damage assessment in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed against the Defense Department earlier this year.

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Glenn Greenwald: How the NSA Tampers with US-Made Internet Routers
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 19 May 2014

The NSA has been covertly implanting interception tools in US servers heading overseas – even though the US government has warned against using Chinese technology for the same reasons, says Glenn Greenwald, in an extract from his new book about the Snowden affair, No Place to Hide.

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EU Court Backs ‘Right to Be Forgotten’: Google Must Amend Results on Request
Alan Travis and Charles Arthur – The Guardian, 19 May 2014

Individuals have right to control their data and can ask search engines to remove results, says European court.

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Global Warming: It’s a Point of No Return in West Antarctica. What Happens Next?
Eric Rignot – The Guardian, 19 May 2014

Last week [12 May 2014] saw a ‘holy shit’ moment in climate change science. A landmark report revealed that the collapse of a large part of Antarctica is now unstoppable.

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Qatar Promises to Reform Labour Laws after Outcry over ‘World Cup Slaves’
Ian Black, Owen Gibson and Robert Booth – The Guardian, 19 May 2014

Officials said they would replace the country’s “kafala” sponsorship system, which tethers workers to a single employer, who can therefore treat his workforce with impunity, pending the approval of a draft law.

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Michael Sam Is First Openly Gay NFL Player as St Louis Rams Draft Pick
Martin Pengelly – The Guardian, 12 May 2014

Michael Sam, the college defensive end who made headlines earlier this year by coming out, is set to become the first openly gay player to play in the National Football League. Sam was picked in Saturday’s [10 May 2014] final round of the NFL Draft, by the St Louis Rams.

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Danger of Drones Highlighted by Near Collision with Airliner in Florida
Associated Press – The Guardian, 12 May 2014

Jim Williams of the Federal Aviation Administration’s unmanned aircraft systems office acknowledged the incident on Thursday [8 May 2014, citing it as an example of the risks posed by drones.

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(Português) As revelações de O Capital no Século XXI
Paul Mason, The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 May 2014

Sucesso internacional, livro de Thomas Piketty expõe engrenagens que produzem desigualdade e pobreza, sugere alternativas e desafia: elites aceitarão debatê-las?

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Antivirus Software Is Dead, Says Security Expert at Symantec
Samuel Gibbs – The Guardian, 12 May 2014

Information chief at Norton developer says software in general misses 55% of attacks and its future lies in responding to hacks.

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It’s Not Russia That’s Pushed Ukraine to the Brink of War
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 5 May 2014

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all.

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We Need an Apartheid-Style Boycott to Save the Planet
Desmond Tutu – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

10 Apr 2014 – We must stop climate change. And we can, if we use the tactics that worked in South Africa against the worst carbon emitters.

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Why US Fracking Companies Are Licking Their Lips over Ukraine
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

From climate change to Crimea, the natural gas industry is supreme at exploiting crisis for private gain – what I call the shock doctrine.

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Vladimir Putin Must Be Called To Account on Surveillance Just Like Obama
Edward Snowden – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

On Thursday [17 Apr 2014], I questioned Russia’s involvement in mass surveillance on live television. I asked Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, a question that cannot credibly be answered in the negative by any leader who runs a modern, intrusive surveillance program: “Does [your country] intercept, analyse or store millions of individuals’ communications?”

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(Português) Putin deve prestar contas em matéria de espionagem tal como Obama
Edward Snowden – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

A 10 de abril, questionei em direto na televisão o envolvimento da Rússia na espionagem em massa. Fiz uma pergunta ao presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, que não pode ser respondida negativamente de um modo credível por qualquer líder que dirija um programa moderno e intrusivo de vigilância: “[O seu país] interceta, analisa ou armazena as comunicações de milhões de indivíduos?”

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As We Sweat Government Surveillance, Companies Like Google Collect Our Data
Dan Gillmor – The Guardian, 28 Apr 2014

The depressing news just seems to be getting worse. Google confirmed this week what many people had assumed: even if you’re not a Gmail user, your email to someone who does use their services will be scanned by the all-seeing search and the advertising company’s increasingly smart machines.

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Leak the CIA Report: It’s the Only Way to Know the Whole Truth about Torture
Trevor Timm – The Guardian, 7 Apr 2014

Unless, of course, you think spies redacting 6,300 pages of their own sins is transparency. Look how much leaks told us this week.

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Israeli Boycott Case: Sydney Academic’s Lawyers Say Claims Are Pumped Up
Michael Safi – The Guardian, 31 Mar 2014

25 Mar 2014 – Lawyers for a Sydney University academic who is accused of unlawful discrimination for his boycott of Israel say the case against [TMS advisor, TRANSCEND member] Jake Lynch is full of “pumped-up claims” that are “embarrassing in the legal sense, and embarrassing in the non-legal sense”.

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Online Dating for Lesbians: Has Dattch Rewritten the Rules?
Eleanor Margolis – The Guardian, 31 Mar 2014

The award-winning UK-based app Dattch says it’s the first of its type designed specifically for women. So has it improved the online dating experience for lesbians?

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Microsoft Tightens Privacy Policy after Admitting to Reading Journalist’s Emails
Alex Hern – The Guardian, 24 Mar 2014

After outrage from privacy campaigners, the tech firm will now seek legal advice before examining the contents of customers’ inboxes.

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US Tech Giants Knew of NSA Data Collection, Agency’s Top Lawyer Insists
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 24 Mar 2014

NSA general counsel Rajesh De contradicts months of angry denials from big companies like Yahoo and Google.

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The Vegans Are Winning. It’s OK to Give In – And Still Eat Mcdonald’s Sometimes
Emma Brockes – The Guardian, 24 Mar 2014

Veganism’s benefits have been sold, bought, taken mainstream. You’re probably eating animal-free more often than you thought.

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The Truth about Venezuela: A Revolt of the Well-Off, Not a ‘Terror Campaign’
Mark Weisbrot – The Guardian, 24 Mar 2014

John Kerry’s rhetoric is divorced from the reality on the ground, where life goes on – even at the barricades. It’s not just the poor who are abstaining – in Caracas, it’s almost everyone outside of a few rich areas like Altamira. The only place where the opposition seems to be garnering broad support is Washington.

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The Caribbean People Have a Legitimate Claim for Slavery Reparations
Cecily Jones – The Guardian, 24 Mar 2014

The economic and social poverty of parts of the region are a lasting legacy of slave trading.

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Edward Snowden Discusses NSA Leaks at SXSW: ‘I Would Do It Again’
Jon Swaine and Jemima Kiss – The Guardian, 17 Mar 2014

He encouraged ordinary internet users to protect themselves against surveillance by encrypting both their hard drives and their online activity, describing encryption as “the defence against the dark arts in the digital realm”. He also advised people to browse the web anonymously using the Tor system.

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An Online Magna Carta: Web Inventor Berners-Lee Calls for an Internet Bill of Rights
Jemima Kiss – The Guardian, 17 Mar 2014

The inventor of the world wide web believes an online “Magna Carta” is needed to protect and enshrine the independence of the medium he created and the rights of its users worldwide. Sir Tim Berners-Lee said that the web had come under increasing attack from governments and corporate influence and that new rules were needed to protect the “open, neutral” system.

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Britain’s Five Richest Families Worth More Than Poorest 20%
Larry Elliott – The Guardian, 17 Mar 2014

Oxfam report reveals scale of inequality in UK as charity appeals to chancellor over tax. The scale of Britain’s growing inequality is revealed today [17 Mar 2014] by a report from a leading charity showing that the country’s five richest families now own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population.

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“Snowden Told Me the NSA Set Fire to the Web. Silicon Valley Needs to Put It Out.”
Christopher Soghoian – The Guardian, 17 Mar 2014

How to move beyond our SXSW talk: revenge of the nerds, one everyday security tool at a time.

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