Articles by David

We found 819 results.

The Hidden Monopolies That Raise Drug Prices
David Dayen | The American Prospect – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2017

How Pharmacy Benefit Managers Morphed from Processors to Predators – Under fire for their many drug-pricing scandals, from Martin Shkreli to Valeant, the pharmaceutical industry has tried to deflect blame by citing PBMs .

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(Português) Sobre críticas equivocadas em relação ao veganismo
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

Se você diz que já foi vegano e hoje se alimenta de produtos de origem animal, não nego que acho isso muito estranho, levando em conta que a maior parte dos veganos que conheço seriam incapazes de consumir carne novamente, por entenderem que se trata do cadáver de um animal que foi privado de existir à sua maneira. Tenho o claro entendimento de que um animal não existe para ser fatiado e colocado em meu prato.

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A Better Mousetrap?
David Krieger | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

23 Mar 2017 – Albert Einstein noted, “Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap.” We humans have created the equivalent of a mousetrap for ourselves. And we’ve constructed tens of thousands of them over the seven decades of the Nuclear Age.

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North Korea Tensions Pose Early, and Perilous, Test for Trump
David E. Sanger, Choe Sang-Hun, Chris Buckley and Michael R. Gordon – The New York Times, 20 Mar 2017

7 Mar 2017 – The United States began deploying a missile defense system in South Korea this week. China condemned the new antimissile system as a dangerous opening move in what it called America’s grand strategy to set up similar defenses across Asia, threatening to tilt the balance of power there against Beijing.

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(Português) Joaquin Phoenix: “Quando somos tocados pelo sofrimento dos animais, aquele sentimento fala bem de nós”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2017

O ator Joaquin Phoenix, indicado três vezes ao Oscar, e também muito conhecido como o narrador de um dos documentários mais controversos sobre a exploração animal – Earthlings (Terráqueos), tinha três anos quando se tornou vegano. “Os animais passavam de uma criatura viva e vibrante, lutando pela vida, para uma morte violenta.”

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(Português) John Feldmann: “Os laticínios são os piores. Cheguei a preferir que as pessoas comessem um bife do que bebessem um copo de leite”.
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

“Porque pelo menos a vaca logo estaria livre de sua vida miserável. Com o leite, a situação é outra”.

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Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War
Evan Osnos, David Remnick and Joshua Yaffa – The New Yorker, 6 Mar 2017

What lay behind Russia’s interference in the 2016 election—and what lies ahead?

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The Cowardice of [Nobel Peace Laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi
David Hutt – The Diplomat, 6 Mar 2017

1 Mar 2017 – The life of a politician is made infinitely easier when, as the saying goes, their actions are judged by their reputation, and not the other way around. Such a phrase is befitting of Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whom the media can describe with a number of glowing phrases: Nobel Peace Prize laureate, democracy icon, human rights defender, champion of the Myanmar people. But is The Lady still a champion of rights and democracy?

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Role of Mass Demonstrations in History
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2017

I am reminded of mass demonstrations which I have experienced over the years in the United States: the gathering for civil rights at the Washington Monument in 1963 when Martin Luther King made his great speech “I have a dream!”; the mobilization of one million people for a nuclear test ban in New York’s Central Park in 1982; and the mobilizations in 2003 against the American invasion of Iraq which involved millions of people around the world.

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(Português) Há quem não goste de saber sobre a realidade da exploração animal
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2017

Há muitas pessoas que evitam confrontar esse tipo de realidade porque sabem que isso pode tirá-las da zona de conforto. Têm receio de sentirem-se péssimas e culpadas. Esse apontamento não é feito por ninguém, a não ser por quem se lança nesse tipo de experiência.

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(Português) Sobre produtos de higiene pessoal e cadáveres de animais
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2017

É difícil acreditar que alguém esteja realmente se higienizando ao usar um produto que tem em sua composição algo que é extraído de cadáveres de animais.

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An Open Letter to Trump and Putin: The World Needs Nuclear Zero
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – The Hill, 20 Feb 2017

16 Feb 2017 – As the leaders of the USA and Russia, the two countries with the largest nuclear arsenals, you have the grave responsibility of assuring that nuclear weapons are not used — or their use overtly threatened — during your period of leadership. We, the undersigned, implore you to commence negotiations to reduce the dangers of a nuclear war, by mistake or malice, and immediately commit your respective governments to the realizable objective of a nuclear weapons-free world.

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Not So Innocent
David S. Foglesong | London Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2017

Trump and Putin have an important opportunity to work together against international terrorism, nuclear proliferation, drug trafficking and other threats. That chance may be missed if journalists and politicians persist in vilifying Putin and harassing Trump with charges that he is Putin’s puppet.

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Big Pharma Really, Really Doesn’t Want You to Know the True Value of Its Drugs
David Lazarus – Los Angeles Times, 20 Feb 2017

17 Feb 2017 – The latest poster child for cruel and inhuman drug pricing is Kaleo Pharma, maker of an emergency injector for a med called naloxone, which is used as an antidote to save the lives of people who overdose on painkillers.

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(Português) Jo Frederiks: Animais Não São Coisas, Não São Nossos Escravos
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2017

Jo Frederiks é uma artista australiana que cria desenhos e pinturas para conscientizar as pessoas sobre a crueldade contra os animais na indústria alimentícia, farmacêutica e de entretenimento. “Nosso próprio futuro é baseado em um reflexo de como tratamos nossos companheiros não humanos”.

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(Português) Considerações sobre a vida não humana
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

Como podemos subestimar o sofrimento de um animal reduzido à comida, quando nós mesmos não estamos na mesma situação que eles? Não se pode menosprezar o sentimento de um animal diante do abate, a não ser que tenhas sentido na pele o desespero da iminência do canibalismo ou de ser morto para tornar-se comida para ser d’outra espécie.

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(Português) “Se os matadouros tivessem paredes de vidro, todos seriam vegetarianos”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

“Se os matadouros tivessem paredes de vidro, todos seriam vegetarianos” se tornou uma das citações mais populares entre vegetarianos e veganos desde 2009. A frase foi dita pelo compositor britânico Paul McCartney no documentário Glass Walls (Paredes de Vidro), apresentado voluntariamente por ele em uma produção da organização Pessoas pelo Tratamento Ético dos Animais (Peta).

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Why Mass Disruption, Civil Unrest Works
David S. Cohen – Rolling Stone Magazine, 6 Feb 2017

Outrage over abandonment of American values, coupled with judicial action, can deliver a powerful one-two punch.

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(Português) Jorge Luis Borges: “Comecei a perder a vista desde o momento em que comecei a enxergar”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

“Uma das primeiras cores que se perde é o negro. Perde-se a escuridão e o vermelho também. Vivo no centro de uma indefinida neblina luminosa. Mas não estou nunca na escuridão. Neste momento esta neblina não sei se é azulada, acinzentada ou rosada, mas luminosa.

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(Português) Pawel Kuczynski, um cartunista que desperta reflexões sobre a exploração animal
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2017

O artista gráfico e cartunista Pawel Kuczynski vive no Noroeste da Polônia. Lá, ele produz desenhos que despertam a atenção para temas como exploração animal, ecologia, política, pobreza, fome, ganância, novas tecnologias e vício em internet. “Nossa realidade é triste e, como consequência, meu senso de humor é mórbido”.

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(Portuguese) Exploração animal, consumo de carne e fome mundial
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2017

16 Jan 2017 – O mundo atualmente conta com mais de 1,5 bilhão de bovinos e pouco mais de sete bilhões de pessoas. Os seres humanos consomem 9,5 bilhões de quilos de comida e 20 bilhões de litros de água por dia. Por outro lado, o gado é alimentado com 61 bilhões de quilos de comida e 170 bilhões de litros de água por dia, segundo a Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação.

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Lame Duck’s Last Quack
Michael David Morrissey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Mr. O, failing miserably to fly,
Wants to give it one more try.

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(Português) Gustav Mahler acreditava que o vegetarianismo é o caminho para a regeneração da humanidade
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

“Os efeitos morais deste estilo de vida são imensos. Você pode julgar por si mesmo…”

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Scientists Confirm: Darwinism Is Broken
Paul Nelson and David Klinghoffer | Media Research Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

13 Dec 2016 – Darwinian Theory is broken and may not be fixable. That was the takeaway from a meeting last month organized by the Royal Society in London, the world’s most distinguished and historic scientific organization. The three-day conference–mostly unreported by the media–was remarkable in confirming something that advocates of intelligent design, a controversial scientific alternative to evolution, have said for years.

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(Português) Ser Tímido
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

As pessoas subestimam a timidez quando a relacionam apenas aos aspectos negativos da vida em sociedade. Pessoas tímidas naturalmente ouvem mais e observam mais. Também refletem muito.

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New Report Exposes “Patient Advocacy” Groups as a Big Pharma Scam
David Dayen – The Intercept, 5 Dec 2016

A new study shows that nearly all patient advocacy groups are captured by the drug industry. Drug companies don’t only fund them, but also doctors, medical journals, university research, hospitals, and politicians.

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(Português) Élisée Reclus: “Não é um equívoco relacionar os horrores da guerra com o massacre do gado”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2016

“A porca chorava sem cessar, e de vez em quando soltava gemidos tão desesperadores que parecia simular a fala humana”.

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Standing Rock Resistance: Something to Teach Us about Living Well
David Smith-Ferri - CounterPunch, 21 Nov 2016

Somehow, through all of this, almost all of the protestors remained peaceful, calling out to each other “Stand in your prayer,” and holding their ground. And where they didn’t remain peaceful, setting fires that burned a couple of cars, they were rebuked by the movement’s leadership. In a statement made after the arrests, Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II makes it clear that no form of violence by anyone is acceptable.

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(Português) Sobre textos que tentam desqualificar o veganismo
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2016

Meu raciocínio vai ao encontro do que preconizava Donald Watson: “Minha prioridade é proporcionar o menor impacto possível aos seres vivos enquanto eu viver, e vou me adaptando às novidades sem problema algum.”

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Advancing the Next System with Advanced Manufacturing
Max Ogden, Nina Gregg, Doug Gamble, Andrew Dettmer and David Schweickart | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2016

27 Sep 2016 – This essay is a polemic. As such, we argue with broad strokes. We welcome debate on the broad strokes as well as the details, knowing that such an exchange will refine and improve the discussion. The foundation for a society that is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable.

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The Simple Act of Pushing a Button
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

On one side of the ledger is everything natural and extraordinary about life with its long evolution bringing us to the present and poised to carry its processes forward into the future. On the other side of the ledger is “the button,” capable of bringing most life on the planet to a screeching halt. Also on this side of the ledger are those people who remain ignorant or apathetic to the nuclear dangers confronting humanity.

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(Português) O Gato da Vila Paraná
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

24 set 2016 – Querubim ouviu tiro de espingarda seguido de miado. Lá fora, na rua de terra arenosa, Ranulpho nem se mexia, estatelado sobre uma porção de folhas miúdas de sibipiruna. A boca continuava entreaberta, denunciando que a dor da morte não poupava nem os mais inocentes.

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The Malevolence of Occupation
David Lloyd | Dublin Review of Books - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

1 Sep 2016 – Boycott is, as many proudly recall, an Irish invention. The first boycott targeted a notorious land agent, the eponymous Captain Charles Boycott, for attempting to evict Mayo tenants in 1880… Above all, boycott is an instrument of civil society. We call for a boycott when the means to redress an ongoing injury are denied by the legal or political institutions that ought to intervene.

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(Français) La Malveillance de l’Occupation
David Lloyd | Dublin Review of Books - Association des universitaires pour le respect du droit international en Palestine, 19 Sep 2016

Le boycott est, comme beaucoup se le rappellent fièrement, une invention irlandaise. Le premier boycott visait un célèbre propriétaire terrien, l’éponyme Captain Charles Boycott, qui avait essayé de se débarrasser de ses locataires… Avant tout, le boycott est un instrument aux mains de la société civile. Nous faisons appel au boycott lorsque les moyens de corriger une atteinte continue sont refusés par les institutions juridiques ou politiques qui devraient intervenir.

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(Português) Romain Rolland: “Milhares de animais são assassinados todos os dias, sem sombra de remorso”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

Vencedor do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura em 1915, o escritor francês Romain Rolland dedicou sua vida também à defesa dos direitos dos animais e da dieta vegetariana. Importante pensador, Rolland influenciou Sigmund Freud e se tornou amigo de Mahatma Gandhi. Em 1922, o alemão Hermann Hesse, também vencedor do Nobel de Literatura, dedicou o livro “Sidarta”, um dos romances mais espiritualistas da literatura mundial, ao seu querido amigo Romain Rolland.

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The Big Problem with the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s Super Court That We’re Not Talking About
David Dayen – The Huffington Post, 5 Sep 2016

Financiers will use it to bet on lawsuits, while taxpayers foot the bill.

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(Português) Sobre vegetarianismo, veganismo e a literatura
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

Meus artigos sobre vegetarianismo e veganismo reproduzem visões de escritores e pensadores que deram sua contribuição ao mundo das mais diversas formas, e muitos são desconhecidos enquanto vegetarianos ou defensores dos animais.

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The Power of Imagination
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

20 Aug 2016 – Albert Einstein, the great 20th century scientist and humanitarian, wrote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Let us exercise our imaginations.

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Taking a Stand at Standing Rock
David Archambault II – The New York Times, 29 Aug 2016

24 Aug 2016 — Perhaps only in North Dakota, where oil tycoons wine and dine elected officials, and where the governor, Jack Dalrymple, serves as an adviser to the Trump campaign, would state and county governments act as the armed enforcement for corporate interests. In recent weeks, the state has militarized my reservation, with road blocks and license-plate checks, low-flying aircraft and racial profiling of Indians. The local sheriff and the pipeline company have both called our protest “unlawful,” and Gov. Dalrymple has declared a state of emergency.

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(Português) Eu o/a desafio a não virar vegetariano/a…
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Muitas pessoas não assistem esses documentários porque isso significa sair da zona de conforto e confrontar a realidade que envolve a produção de alimentos de origem animal. Sim, não existe alimento de origem animal que não envolva dor ou privação. E quando alguém fala em bem-estarismo animalista penso apenas no quão insensível o ser humano é capaz de ser.

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The New Economy: A Living Earth System Model
David Korten | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Treat the visible problem—a defective product or an underperforming employee—as the symptom of a deeper system failure. Look upstream to find and correct the system conditions responsible for the system failure. Otherwise the problem will simply reoccur. David Korten contrasts what he calls the self-destructing “suicide economy” we have and a “living Earth economy” that self-organizes toward ecosystem health and balance, shared prosperity, and living democracy.

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Why Are Elites Out of Touch? They Think Anyone Who Disagrees with Them Is Crazy
Nitzan David Foucks – The National Interest Magazine, 15 Aug 2016

Not a single expert has questioned his own beliefs. Not a single word on the dysfunction of the EU, or why exactly cosmopolitanism should be embraced. And the Brexit is just one example where the experts put the blame on the general public. Another is Trump. And again, instead of questioning why their voice has become irrelevant, the elites blame the masses. This trend cannot go on.

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Ten Lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The nuclear power plant accident at Chernobyl was repeated, albeit with a different set of circumstances, at Fukushima. Have our societies yet learned any lessons that will prevent the people of the future from experiencing such devastation? As poet Maya Angelou points out, “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage doesn’t need to be lived again.”

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This Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult
David Gauvey Herbert | Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every place you stay. They’ll be watching you. The bottom line: IDI’s marketing databases may help PIs predict people’s moves or digitally peek into their cars or medicine cabinets.

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(Português) A história do veganismo
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

“Enquanto o ser humano for implacável com as criaturas vivas, ele nunca conhecerá a saúde e a paz. Enquanto os homens continuarem massacrando animais, eles também permanecerão matando uns aos outros. Na verdade, quem semeia assassinato e dor não pode colher alegria e amor”, disse o filósofo grego Pitágoras por volta de 500 anos antes de Cristo.

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(Português) Eu e as proteínas de origem animal
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Aug 2016

No meio da musculação, de cada cinco palavras ditas, uma costuma ser proteína. Dificilmente alguém toca no assunto sem dizer: “Proteína animal, proteína animal, proteína animal, alto valor biológico – filé de frango, claras de ovos…” Com isso em mente, cheguei a consumir até três gramas de proteínas por quilo corporal em uma fase da minha vida. Pode ter certeza que é muita proteína.

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The UN Human Rights Council Adopts the Declaration on the Right to Peace
Christian Guillermet Fernández and David Fernández Puyana – Inter Press Service-IPS, 1 Aug 2016

On 1 July 2016, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the Declaration on the Right to Peace by a majority of its Member States. It is the result of three years of work with all stakeholders led by Costa Rica, through its Ambassador Christian Guillermet-Fernández.

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How an iPhone Defeated the Tanks
David Hearst – Middle East Eye, 1 Aug 2016

Turkey’s reaction last night [15 Jul] was that of a mature democracy. The West’s was that of corrupted democracy tainted by its support of autocracy.

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(Português) Tazinha e a galinha Jurema
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jul 2016

Com cinco anos, Tazinha não imaginava que aquele molho vermelho e borbulhante cobrindo fatias grossas de batata-inglesa envolvia partes de um ser idêntico àquele que percorria o quintal com o viço de uma criança. Quando viu a garotinha de olhos amendoados e graúdos, a galinha se escondeu atrás de um pedaço de capoeira e cacarejou, mantendo os olhos castanhos e vibrantes bem esgazeados.

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U.S. Plans to Saturate Globe with Weapons
David Swanson | Veterans Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2016

11 Jul 2016 – My headline above is a plain English translation of this Pentagonspeak found in a Reuters headline today: “International demand for U.S. weapons systems is expected to continue growing in coming years, a senior U.S. Air Force official said on Sunday [10 Jul], citing strong interest in unmanned systems, munitions and fighter jets.” Thus is the proliferation of drones around the world spun as something positive, along with bombs and jets.

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If Afghan Lives Mattered, Dallas Lives Would Matter
David Swanson | Let’s Try Democracy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2016

8 Jul 2016 – The man who murdered police officers in Dallas, Texas, this week had earlier been employed in a massive operation, now in its 15th year, that has killed many thousands of people in Afghanistan. He was trained to kill by the U.S. military and was conditioned to believe violence an appropriate response to violence by the examples everywhere to be found in U.S. public policy, history, entertainment, and language.

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(Português) José Oiticica definia o consumo de carne como um vício social
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2016

Para o escritor e anarquista, a saúde humana deve envolver a alimentação vegetariana.

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(Português) Tolstói: “O vegetarianismo é um sinal da aspiração séria e sincera da humanidade”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

22 Jun 2016 – Um dos maiores nomes da literatura mundial, Liev Tolstói, além de romancista, filósofo, humanitarista e pacifista, também chamou a atenção e conquistou muito respeito nos séculos 19 e 20 por ser um grande defensor do vegetarianismo. Levando uma vida frugal, ele se alimentava basicamente de pães, frutas e vegetais.

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Economic Democracy
David Schweickart | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

An Ethically Desirable Socialism That Is Economically Viable – The big challenges that capitalism now faces in the contemporary world include issues of inequality (especially that of grinding poverty in a world of unprecedented prosperity) and of “public goods” (that is, goods people share together, like the environment). The solution to these problems will almost certainly call for institutions that take us beyond the capitalist market economy.

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Ten Worst Acts of the Nuclear Age
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

The ten worst acts of the Nuclear Age described below have set the tone for our time. They have caused immense death and suffering; been tremendously expensive; have encouraged nuclear proliferation; have opened the door to nuclear terrorism, nuclear accidents and nuclear war; and are leading the world back into a second Cold War.

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(Português) Como o vegetarianismo entrou na vida de Franz Kafka
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2016

Um dos escritores mais influentes do século 20, o tcheco Franz Kafka, famoso por clássicos intrapessoais como A Metamorfose, O Processo e Um Artista da Fome, é um exemplo de ser humano que, contrariando todas as expectativas, se tornou vegetariano ainda na juventude. “Agora eu posso olhar para vocês e me sentir em paz”, disse aos peixes no aquário.

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Message to the Wall
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2016

Dear Wall,
Your polished surface deceives.
You appear serene, yet you are bursting with anguish and lost potential.

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[Nobel Peace Laureate] Dalai Lama Urges Myanmar’s [Nobel Peace Laureate] Suu Kyi to Ease Rohingya Tensions
David Brunnstrom | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2016

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has a moral responsibility to try to ease tensions between majority Buddhists and minority Rohingya Muslims, her fellow Nobel laureate, the Dalai Lama, said on Monday [13 Jun]. “She already has the Nobel Peace Prize, a Nobel Laureate, so morally she should … make efforts to reduce this tension,” he told Reuters in an interview in Washington.

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A Tree for the Victims
David Krieger | Global Poetry – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

As far away as London, there is a solid tree,
a stately tree, I would say, casting a broad shadow
on a cool green lawn.

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Peace Jobs – A Student’s Guide to Starting a Career Working for Peace
David J. Smith | George Mason University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2016

This book is a guide for college students exploring career options who are interested in working to promote peacebuilding and the resolution of conflict. High school students, particularly those starting to consider college and careers, can also benefited from this book. A major feature of the book is 30 stories from young professionals, most recently graduated from college, who are working in the field.

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The Scope for Parallel Diplomacy Has Never Been Greater
David Richmond – Foreign Policy In Focus, 30 May 2016

One of the great diplomatic breakthroughs for which the Obama presidency will undoubtedly be remembered is the re-establishment of relations with Cuba. The role of the Vatican in this rapprochement serves as a reminder that even in the era of systematised diplomacy, significant benefit can be derived from an informal process that takes place away from the limelight.

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The Doomsday Clock in Fiction and Reality
David Warmflash – Discover Magazine, 23 May 2016

The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation of the level danger on planet Earth. Since its creation at the dawn of the nuclear age, the Clock has been reset 21 times, but the only other time that it ever moved as close as two minutes to midnight was 1953. That was after the United States and Soviet Union both tested fusion weapons, or “H-bombs”, within nine months of one another.

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Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm
David Bollier | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

In facing up to the many profound crises of our time, we face a conundrum that has no easy resolution: how are we to imagine and build a radically different system while living within the constraints of an incumbent system that aggressively resists transformational change? Our challenge is not just articulating attractive alternatives, but identifying credible strategies for actualizing them. I believe the commons—at once a paradigm, a discourse, an ethic, and a set of social practices—holds great promise in transcending this conundrum.

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Take Three Gifts on Your Journey
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 9 May 2016

Mr. President,
The word is out.
You will visit Hiroshima in May.
In Hiroshima, nuclear weapons become real.

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Anthropologists Marshalling History: The American Anthropological Association’s Vote on the Academic Boycott of Israeli Institutions
Roberto J. González and David Price - CounterPunch, 2 May 2016

The AAA’s full membership now has a historic opportunity to vote on whether or not to approve the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The rank-and-file membership’s overwhelming support for the Resolution 2 was clear, but so too is the determination, resources, and willingness to use fear tactics of the minority who oppose the pro-boycott measure. Now is the time for concerned anthropologists to take action by voting to support the resolution.

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Nuclear Age Peace Foundation: A Voice for Peace
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 Apr 2016

I believe that complacency has four principal elements: apathy, conformity, ignorance and denial. Together these four elements form the acronym ACID, and they are corrosive to a decent human future or to any future at all. We must transform apathy to empathy; conformity to critical thinking; ignorance to wisdom; and denial to recognition of the threats that nuclear weapons pose to our common future.

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The Syrian Boy Soldier with a Thousand-Yard Stare: The Sad Image of Child Aged SEVEN
David Williams – Daily Mail, 4 Apr 2016

Puffing on a cigarette, a Kalashnikov AK-47 slung awkwardly across his little shoulders, seven-year-old Ahmed stands at a [NATO supported] makeshift barricade in Syria. He is one of the youngest fighters to be swept into his country’s civil war and something in his blank expression seems to hint at horrors that no child of his age should ever have to witness.

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(Português) O Brasil Está Sendo Engolido pela Corrupção — E por Uma Perigosa Subversão da Democracia
Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman and David Miranda – The Intercept, 21 Mar 2016

Tudo isso parece historicamente familiar, particularmente para a América Latina, onde governos de esquerda democraticamente eleitos tem sido repetidamente removidos do poder por meios não legais ou democráticos. A mídia internacional está apresentando os protestos de rua como uma revolta nobre e populista. Os fatos são muito mais complicados.

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Brazil Is Engulfed by Ruling Class Corruption — and a Dangerous Subversion of Democracy
Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman and David Miranda – The Intercept, 21 Mar 2016

Western media are depicting street protests as a noble populist uprising. The facts are much more complicated. It all seems historically familiar, particular for Latin America, where democratically elected left-wing governments have been repeatedly removed by non-democratic, extra-legal means.

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Message to Youth
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Mar 2016

You are not required
to kill on command, to wear
a uniform, to camouflage yourself,
to place medals on your chest,

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Air (Music Video of the Week)
David Garrett – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2016

Composition by Johann Sebastian Bach – David Garrett, born 4 Sep 1980, is a record-breaking classical violinist and recording artist. Garrett was born in Aachen, Germany to an American prima ballerina and a German lawyer and jurist.

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Science for Sale – Making a Cancer Cluster Disappear
David Heath – The Center for Public Integrity, 22 Feb 2016

After a record number of brain tumors at a chemical plant, industry launched a flawed study that obscured the extent of the problem. The largest cluster of workplace-related brain tumors happened at a vinyl chloride plant now owned by Dow Chemical in Texas City, Texas.

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Research Paper: ISIS-Turkey Links
David L. Phillips – Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights, 15 Feb 2016

Is Turkey collaborating with the Islamic State (ISIS)? Allegations range from military cooperation and weapons transfers to logistical support, financial assistance, and the provision of medical services. It is also alleged that Turkey turned a blind eye to ISIS attacks against Kobani.

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North Korea: How Many Wake-Up Calls Will It Take?
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2016

North Korea has been roundly condemned for its nuclear tests, including this one. To put this in perspective, however, the U.S. has conducted more than 1,000 nuclear tests, continues to conduct subcritical nuclear tests, has not ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, is in breach of its obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, regularly tests nuclear-capable missiles, and plans to spend $1 trillion modernizing its nuclear arsenal.

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David Sipress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Feb 2016

Conflicting Desires

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An Open Letter to the American People: Political Responsibility in the Nuclear Age
Richard Falk, David Krieger and Robert Laney – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jan 2016

What is most notable about the Nuclear Age is that we humans, by our scientific and technological ingenuity, have created the means of our own demise. The world currently is confronted by many threats to human wellbeing, and even civilizational survival, but we focus here on the particular grave dangers posed by nuclear weapons and nuclear war.

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Should Criminalizing War Start by Pretending It’s Legal?
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jan 2016

6 Jan 2015 – There’s a terrific new book on abolishing war called ‘Abolishing War: Criminalizing War, Removing War Causes, Removing War as Institution.’ Johan Galtung, who was recently on my radio show, is brilliant as always, drawing on vast knowledge and wisdom.

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We Are Living at the Edge of a Nuclear Precipice
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jan 2016

With nuclear weapons, what could possibly go wrong? The short answer is: Everything. The ever-present dangers of nuclear proliferation, nuclear accidents and miscalculations, nuclear terrorism and nuclear war. Instead of nuclear deterrence and modernization of arsenals, we need to negotiate in good faith for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. That is, we need to break free of our acidic complacency and commit ourselves to achieving a nuclear zero world.

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WTO Ruling on Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling Illustrates Supremacy of Trade Agreements
David Dayen – The Intercept, 30 Nov 2015

Case in point: the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Friday [20 Nov] ruled that dolphin-safe tuna labeling rules — required by U.S. law, in an effort to protect intelligent mammals from slaughter — violate the rights of Mexican fishers. As a result, the U.S. will have to either alter the law or face sanctions from Mexico.

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Saudi Court Sentences Poet to Death for Renouncing Islam
David Batty – The Guardian, 30 Nov 2015

Friends of Palestinian Ashraf Fayadh believe he is being punished for posting video showing religious police lashing a man in public.

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Talk Nation Radio: Johan Galtung on ISIS and Alternative to War
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2015

24 Nov 2015 – Johan Galtung is the founder of the discipline of peace studies. He founded the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo in 1959 and the Journal of Peace Research in 1964, and has helped found dozens of peace centers. He has taught peace studies at universities all over the world, and mediated hundreds of conflicts. He is author or coauthor of over 160 books, and is cited and discussed in many thousands. He is the founder of TRANSCEND Media Service, TRANSCEND Peace University and TRANSCEND International.
Please click to listen to audio podcast.

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How Africa’s Fastest Solar Power Project Is Lighting Up Rwanda
David Smith – The Guardian, 30 Nov 2015

East African plant is completed in less than a year – creating jobs and setting the country on the path to providing half its population with electricity by 2017.

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Turkey Could Cut Off Islamic State’s Supply Lines. So Why Doesn’t It?
David Graeber – The Guardian, 23 Nov 2015

Not only has Erdoğan done almost everything he can to cripple the forces actually fighting Isis; there is considerable evidence that his government has been at least tacitly aiding Isis itself. It might seem outrageous to suggest that a NATO member like Turkey would in any way support an organisation that murders western civilians in cold blood.

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The View from the Doctors Without Borders Hospital
Amy Davidson – The New Yorker, 9 Nov 2015

The night of the attack there were a hundred and five patients in the hospital. Three or four were members of the Afghan government forces, another twenty or so were affiliated with the Taliban, and about eighty belonged to neither force. The most troubling call might have been one that the group got on Thursday, October 1st, from a person the report describes as “a US government official in Washington, D.C.”

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TPP Trade Pact Would Give Wall Street a Trump Card to Block Regulations
David Dayen – The Intercept, 9 Nov 2015

Article 11.2 of the agreement confirms that financial services providers are covered under the minimum standard of treatment obligation. This means that almost any change in financial regulations affecting future profits could be challenged in an extra-judicial tribunal, even if they equally applied to foreign and domestic firms and even if they were enacted in response to a crisis.

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The World Needs Investigative Journalism
David Cay Johnston – Al Jazeera, 19 Oct 2015

The risks reporters take are great, but the rewards for the public are worth it The freedom of the press we take for granted in the United States, Canada, Western Europe and some other countries is but a dream for journalists in much of the world.

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Humanize, Not Modernize
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 7 Sep 2015

In the Nuclear Age, our technological capacity for destruction has outpaced our spiritual and moral capacity to control these destructive technologies. The Foundation is a voice for those committed to exercising conscience and choosing a decent future for all humanity.

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Thatcher’s Tyrants – The Tanks, The Guns, The Christmas Cards
David Edwards – Media Lens, 31 Aug 2015

“Tyrants willing to serve the West are sent tanks, guns and Christmas cards. Their crimes are buried out of sight, protected from censure at the United Nations. Likewise, outrage at dissidents’ alleged ‘support’ for tyranny is mostly a device used to attack voices threatening power and profit. The state-corporate moral compass is not malfunctioning or broken – there is no moral compass.” – Howard Zinn

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Anonymous Hacks Israeli Government, Officials Blame Hamas, So They Hack Again to Prove It Was Them
Zeidy David – Counter Current News, 24 Aug 2015

August 16, 2015 – This past week we reported on a new wave of #OpIsrael attacks by Anonymous on the State of Israel. A new attack, being termed #OpBurnedAlive was reported on in an article entitled Anonymous Hacks Israel After Police Release Terrorist Who Murdered Toddler

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Most Disgusting Game Ever
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The Nazis never reached this height of banality in the general German public, but had they done so it would be a sinister feature of tens of thousands of Hollywood movies. If Russians sat around playing a board game that involved blowing up Ukrainian children, the Washington Post would have already published several front-page articles.

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A Short History Lesson: 1945
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

August 6th:
Dropped atomic bomb
On civilians
At Hiroshima.

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70 Years of Korean War
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Aug 2015

I’m inclined to think that August 10th should be formally recognized as Gulf of Tonkin War Fraud Day. But I’m not sure, because another event is in even more need of remembrance. It was the day after the death blow to Nagasaki, 70 years ago, that the victors of the most awesomest war ever chose to create a division of Korea along the 38th parallel.

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Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 10 Aug 2015

On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing some 90,000 people immediately and another 55,000 by the end of 1945. Three days later, the United States dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, killing some 40,000 people immediately and another 35,000 by the end of 1945.

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In Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Aug 2015

The heat of summer is oppressive.
Children pass by in groups, chattering.

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Wake Up!
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2015

The alarm is sounding.
Can you hear it?

Can you hear the bells
of Nagasaki
ringing out for peace?

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Vietnam War Half a Century Later
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2015

This was the bad war in contrast to which World War II acquired the ridiculous label “good war.” Members of the wonderful organization, Veterans For Peace, have launched their own educational campaign to counter the Pentagon’s at, and the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee has done the same at

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Hiroshima Cover-up: How the War Department’s Timesman Won a Pulitzer
Amy Goodman and David Goodman – Common Dreams, 3 Aug 2015

What about the “deliberate deception” of William L. Laurence in denying the lethal effects of radioactivity? And what of the fact that the Pulitzer Board knowingly awarded the top journalism prize to the Pentagon’s paid publicist, who denied the suffering of millions of Japanese? It is long overdue that the prize for Hiroshima’s apologist be stripped.

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Israel Sees Nazism in Mirror it Mistakes for Window
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

27 July 2015 – Israel is trying to expel the population of a village for the crime of not being Jewish, the same crime for which Israel bombs the people of Gaza for a month or so every few years and blockades them in between these bursts of violence. Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee declares that making peace with Iran amounts to marching Israelis “to the door of the oven.” Guess which of the two stories will get more coverage!

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George Clooney Opposes War Profiteering—But only in Africa
David Swanson, World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

Of the top 100 weapons makers in the world, not a single one is based in Africa. Only 1 is in South or Central America. Fifteen are in Western allies and protectorates in Asia (and China is not included in the list). Three are in Israel, one in Ukraine, and 13 in Russia. Sixty-six are in the United States, Western Europe, and Canada. Forty are in the U.S. alone. Seventeen of the top 30 are in the U.S. Six of the top 10 mega-profiteers are in the U.S. The other four in the top 10 are in Western Europe.

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‘Anarchism Could Help to Save the World’
David Priestland – The Guardian, 20 Jul 2015

State socialism has failed, so has the market. We need to rediscover the anarchist thinker Peter Kropotkin.

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