Articles by Editor

We found 736 results.

A Boy and His Dog
TMS Editor, 11 Jul 2011

An eight-year-old boy went into a grocery store and picked out a large box of laundry detergent. The grocer walked over and asked the boy if he had a lot of laundry to do. “Oh, no laundry,” the boy said, “I’m going to wash my dog.”

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Flotilla Passengers Are Today’s Freedom Riders
Truthout, Staff Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2011

It has been widely reported that 25 percent of the activists on the US boat that was to sail in the Gaza flotilla are Jewish. Six of those 35 activists are Truthout friends, many of long date: Chairman of the Truthout Board Robert Naiman and contributing authors Medea Benjamin, Kathy Kelly, Ray McGovern, Gabriel Schivone and boat leader Ann Wright. Knowing that these friends are putting their lives on the line for what they believe in fills us with pride and anxiety. Our hearts are locked up with their boldly christened boat, The Audacity of Hope.

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A Newspaper’s Closure Does Not End the Hacking Scandal
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2011

The management team that repeatedly covered up evidence of wrongdoing remains in place. Even in the depths of a crisis, Rupert Murdoch’s flair for the dramatic never deserts him. No – the sound that could be heard yesterday [7 Jul 2011] was not of an empire crumbling, but an empire attempting to shore up its defences and protect its key personnel. The purpose of this move is to prevent the rest of the sprawling Murdoch media organisation from contamination.

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My Next Life
TMS Editor, 4 Jul 2011

In this life I’m a woman. In my next life, I’d like to come back as a bear.

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It Sure Aids
TMS Editor, 27 Jun 2011

An elderly patient gets a hearing aid from his doctor. After some time he meets the doctor again.

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Imperial War behind a Humanitarian Charade
Socialist Worker, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2011

The UN-sanctioned intervention, at first supposedly focused on imposing a “no-fly zone,” quickly–and predictably–transformed into what Western leaders now openly say is a war to topple Qaddafi. Rather than a mission that promotes democracy and freedom for the Libyan people, the Western war is about the plan of the U.S. and its allies to put in place a new regime that serves their interests.

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Gorilla Hunting
TMS Editor, 20 Jun 2011

A woman woke up one morning to find a ferocious-looking gorilla in a tree on her African plantation. She quickly phoned the local game warden, which arrived minutes later.

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I Am Bradley Manning
TMS Editor, 20 Jun 2011

Bradley Manning is the accused WikiLeaks source who allegedly provided the truth about the human cost of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, exposed government corruption and lies around the world, and changed journalism forever. He has been held in punitive pretrial detainment for nearly a year.

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Old Age
TMS Editor, 13 Jun 2011

A woman walks up to an old man sitting in a chair on his porch.

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Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day 2011
TMS Editor, 13 Jun 2011

A State-Supported Display of Racism and Hatred: Jun 1, 2011 – Israelis walking in the Arab neighbourhoud at 4 o’clock in the morning while chanting “Death to the Arabs”. Pure, senseless provocation.

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(Castellano) Eduardo Galeano en la Acampada Catalunya, Barcelona
TMS Editor, 13 Jun 2011

LEGENDADO EM PORTUGUES – Con los Indignados de Espana: Eduardo Galeano–famoso escritor, jornalista e novelista uruguaio–na Praça Catalunya, Barcelona, transmite uma mensagem inspiradora, penetrante e honesta para a juventude.

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TMS Editor, 6 Jun 2011

One afternoon a man was riding in his limousine when he noticed two men eating grass by the road side. He ordered his driver to stop and got out to investigate.

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A Report That Dares to Tell the Truth to Power
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2011

Global commissions normally tell international leaders what they want to hear. But the Global Commission on Drug Policy – which has called on the services of distinguished names such Paul Volcker, Kofi Annan, Mario Vargas Llosa and Javier Solana – has done something very different. Instead of telling world leaders what they want to hear, the commission has, instead, told them the truth.

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Great Discovery
TMS Editor, 30 May 2011

A fifteen year old Amish boy and his father were in a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again.

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Best Seller
TMS Editor, 23 May 2011

Three men, selling bibles door to door, bet who will sell the most in a day.

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Israel and Palestine: Here Comes Your Non-Violent Resistance
The Economist, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2011

Will we even bother to acknowledge that the Palestinians are protesting non-violently? Or will we soldier on with the same empty decades-old rhetoric, now drained of any truth or meaning, because it protects established relationships of power? What will it take to make Americans recognise that the real Martin Luther King-style non-violent Palestinian protestors have arrived, and that Israeli soldiers are shooting them with real bullets?

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TMS Editor, 16 May 2011

-How many Frenchmen does it take to defend the city of Paris?

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War of the Sexes
TMS Editor, 9 May 2011

A plane is falling rapidly from the sky and the passengers are dead scared. Suddenly a woman in the front stands up and taking off her blouse and bro yells,

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Zionist Backpack Squatters Evict Palestinian Grandma from Her Home Forcefully - TMS Editor, 9 May 2011

Imagine this being your grandma. How would it make you feel? They do this as a matter of course, without humanity or sentiment; like animals.

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Urging the U.N. Security Council to Establish a “No Fly Zone” Over Gaza under the Principle of “Responsibility to Protect”
TMS Editor, 2 May 2011

Please Sign the Petition

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The Guantánamo Papers
The New York Times, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2011

Innocent men were picked up on the basis of scant or nonexistent evidence and subjected to lengthy detention and often to abuse and torture. Some people were released who later acted against the United States. Inmates who committed suicide were regarded only as a public relations problem. There are seriously dangerous prisoners at Guantánamo who cannot be released but may never get a real trial because the evidence is so tainted. Hampered by ideologues and cowards in Congress, President Obama has made scant progress in healing it.

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TMS Editor, 2 May 2011

An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam.

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An Opportunity for Peace That Must Not Be Squandered
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2011

The EU made a serious mistake five years ago when it refused to recognise Hamas.

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US, EU & Media’s Complicity in Crimes against Humanity: Bahrain’s Secret Terror
Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor – The Independent, 2 May 2011

Desperate emails speak of ‘genocide’ as doctors who have treated injured protesters are rounded up. The intimidation and detention of doctors treating dying and injured pro-democracy protesters in Bahrain is revealed today [21 Apr 2011] in a series of chilling emails obtained by The Independent.

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How the Wheels of This Misadventure Were Oiled
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2011

Tony Blair has always maintained that Iraq’s oil reserves did not cross his mind in the run-up to the 2003 invasion. But Iraq’s abundant oil supplies had certainly crossed the minds of the British energy giant BP. As this newspaper reported yesterday [19 Apr 2011], documents reveal that the oil company discussed Iraq’s fossil fuel reserves in considerable detail with government officials in late 2002.

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Royal Wedding Dance Routine
TMS Editor, 25 Apr 2011

FUNNY – The T-Mobile royal wedding look-alike dance routine.

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A Brief History of Palestine
TMS Editor, 25 Apr 2011

From its early inception and up to the 1930s, Zionist thinkers propagated the need to ethnically cleanse the indigenous population of Palestine if the dream of a Jewish state were to come true. The preparation for implementing these two goals of statehood and ethnic supremacy accelerated after the Second World War.

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More on Lawyers…
TMS Editor, 25 Apr 2011

How come sharks will not bite lawyers?

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Fukushima: Openness Can Be the Only Policy
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2011

Panic and nuclear technology go together. But that does not mean the nuclear authorities in Japan, as elsewhere in the world, should withhold information. It means the opposite. The more educated public opinion becomes, the less purchase alarmist scares and inaccurate comparisons will have. Honesty and openness is the best long-term strategy for the nuclear industry if it is to stand any chance of playing a major part in meeting the world’s future energy needs.

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Show of Love
TMS Editor, 18 Apr 2011

A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

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The Most Dangerous Thing You’ll Do All Day
Bill Phillips and the Editors of Men's Health – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2011

Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over about 13 years, and found that people who sit for most of the day are 54 percent more likely to die of heart attacks. That’s right—I said 54 percent!

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Meet the Shministim – Israeli Conscientious Objectors (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Editor, TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2011

The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories.

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What Liberals and Conservatives Generally Do in Certain Situations
TMS Editor, 11 Apr 2011

If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.

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TMS Editor, 4 Apr 2011

An old lady was speeding down the highway while she was knitting.

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TMS Editor, 28 Mar 2011

“Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl? “

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TMS Editor, 21 Mar 2011

How do you make a group of lawyers to smile for a photo?

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Europe Has an Obligation to These Desperate African Refugees
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2011

If Italy needs assistance to deal with migration flows, other EU states should provide it. Fortress Europe has closed its gates.

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Libya and the Dilemma of Intervention
The Nation, Editorial - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2011

Our natural tendency is to want to help end Qaddafi’s despotic rule and to save the lives of those bravely resisting his onslaught. But it is a difficult challenge to take action that has a reasonable chance of success but that does not arouse popular—and well-founded—suspicions of neoimperial intervention.

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Rachel Corrie – Last Interview (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2011

Footage conducted by the Middle East Broadcasting Company on March 14th, 2003, two days before Rachel was murdered by the Israeli Defense Forces that crushed her under a Caterpillar bulldozer in Nablus, Palestine as she tried to prevent it from demolishing a Palestinian home–to create a no-man’s-land around Gaza and keep the siege. She was a 23-year-old American member of the International Solidarity Movement.

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Decline of Honey Bees Now a Global Phenomenon, Says United Nations
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent, 14 Mar 2011

The mysterious collapse of honey-bee colonies is becoming a global phenomenon, scientists working for the United Nations have revealed.

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The U.S. Is no Friend to Libya’s Uprising
Socialist Worker, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2011

The U.S. was perfectly happy to do business with Qaddafi, in spite of his regime’s record of violent repression–for the same reason it’s now posing as Qaddafi’s enemy.

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TMS Editor, 14 Mar 2011

One day, a priest was walking through a forest, when he came upon a pond. On the pond was a lily-pad, and on the lily-pad was the saddest frog the priest had ever seen!

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[UK] Cameron Defends Arms Sales in Push for Growth
Andrew Grice, Political Editor – The Independent, 7 Mar 2011

David Cameron declared yesterday [6 Mar 2011] that enterprise was morally right and defended his controversial campaign to sell British-made arms to regimes around the world with poor records on democracy and human rights.

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Catastrophic Drought in the Amazon
Steve Connor, Science Editor – The Independent, 7 Feb 2011

Region Set to Outstrip US as CO2 Emitter

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Remembering Howard Zinn on the Anniversary of His Death and Germinating the Seeds of Truth
Mark Karlin, Buzzflash editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2011

“You can’t be neutral on a moving train,” Howard Zinn said. Although he died over a year ago (January 27, 2010), no statement could be more timely considering the upheaval in Egypt.

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Stop Belo Monte—No Mega-Dam in the Amazon
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2011

Belo Monte would be a project bigger than the Panama Canal, flooding at least 400,000 acres of rainforest, displacing 40,000 indigenous and local people, and destroying the priceless habitats of countless unique species — all to create power that could easily be generated through investments in energy efficiency.

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(Portuguese) Pare Belo Monte: Não à Mega Usina na Amazônia
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2011

A hidrelétrica iria inundar pelo menos 400.000 hectares da floresta, impactar centenas de quilômetros do Rio Xingu e expulsar mais de 40.000 pessoas, incluindo comunidades indígenas de várias etnias que dependem do Xingu para sua sobrevivência. O projeto de R$30 bilhões é tão economicamente arriscado que o governo precisou usar fundos de pensão e financiamento público para pagar a maior parte do investimento. Apesar de ser a terceira maior hidrelétrica do mundo, ela seria a menos produtiva, gerando apenas 10% da sua capacidade no período da seca, de julho a outubro.

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Pesticide Linked to Bee Deaths Should Be Suspended, MPs Told
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor and Josephine Forster – The Independent, 31 Jan 2011

A new generation of pesticides is implicated in the widespread deaths of bees and other pollinators and should be suspended in Britain while the Government reviews new scientific evidence about their effects, MPs were told yesterday [26 Jan 2011]. Neonicotinoid pesticides are linked by “a growing weight of science” to insect losses, and the assessment regimes for them are inadequate, the Labour MP Martin Caton told the House of Commons.

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Mubarak’s Dictatorship Must End Now
Guardian-Observer Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jan 2011

Sun Jan 30 2011 – Fittingly, Egypt’s youth led the way against the old order, using not guns or bombs but the arsenal of 21st-century information technology: social media, mobiles, texts and emails. The Paris mob of Bastille notoriety became, through peaceful evolution, the flash mob of Tahrir Square. They espoused no leaders. They wrote no plans. In fast-moving, separate but interconnected street offensives, they out-thought, outfoxed and outran the police.

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Secret Papers Reveal Slow Death of Middle East Peace Process
Seumas Milne and Ian Black, Middle East editor – The Guardian, 24 Jan 2011

The biggest leak of confidential documents in the history of the Middle East conflict has revealed that Palestinian negotiators secretly agreed to accept Israel’s annexation of all but one of the settlements built illegally in occupied East Jerusalem. This unprecedented proposal was one of a string of concessions that will cause shockwaves among Palestinians and in the wider Arab world.

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Are Corporations People?
Los Angeles Times, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jan 2011

In a case that could erect new barriers to public access to government information, the Supreme Court this week was asked to hold that corporations have a right to “personal privacy.” Fortunately, justices from across the ideological spectrum appeared skeptical that such a counterintuitive concept could be found either in the law or in a dictionary.

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Petition in Defence of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor, 17 Jan 2011

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s public criticism of Israeli policy towards Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank has triggered accusations of anti-Semitism and calls for him to step down as patron of the South African Holocaust Foundation. Sign a petition in support of a man whose ‘life has been lived in the spirit of “never again” – the ultimate lesson of the Holocaust.’

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Soldier’s Inhumane Imprisonment
Los Angeles Times, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jan 2011

For five months, Pfc. Bradley Manning is confined to his cell for 23 hours a day, with no sheets and without exercise, while he awaits trial on charges of providing documents to WikiLeaks…. The conditions under which he is being held at the Marine detention center at Quantico, Va., are so harsh as to suggest he is being punished for conduct of which he hasn’t been convicted.

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11th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2010

The Summit Final Declaration on the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

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The Hiroshima Peace Summit
The Asahi Shimbum, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2010

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize gathered in Hiroshima over the weekend [Nov 12-14, 2010] for an international conference held under the theme: The Legacy of Hiroshima: A World Without Nuclear Weapons.” The participants issued a declaration that called for popularizing the view that the use of nuclear weapons is immoral and illegal, immediately ratifying the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty by the United States and Russia, and deeply cutting the nuclear arsenals of nuclear powers…. The organizers of the conference and the city of Hiroshima invited U.S. President Barack Obama, who won the prize last year, to attend, but to no avail…. The U.S. government’s moves to increase the nuclear arms budget and conduct a subcritical nuclear test in September have caused deep disappointment in Hiroshima, leaving many citizens feeling “betrayed” by Obama.

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Defend Julian Assange
WikiLeaks Staff Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2010

18 November 2010. Why Our Editor-in-Chief Is Busy and Needs to Be Defended.

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Prof. Johan Galtung’s Papers, Books and Publications Online
Antonio C. S. Rosa – TMS Editor, 15 Nov 2010

Some of Prof. Galtung’s writings can now be accessed online. Please click on the links below to browse, read, download.

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Michael Moore on Countdown with Keith Olbermann – Nov/9/2010
Antonio C. S. Rosa, Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Nov 2010

“My plea if Mr. Immelt or anyone who’s watching here at GE — I will give them, for free, ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ to run on NBC as balance to all this publicity that they’ve been giving President Bush this week and his answers about how the worst thing that happened to him was Kanye West. I hope we never forget what this man did. — Michael Moore

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Haiti Was Forgotten Too Soon
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Nov 2010

It was only 10 months ago that the international spotlight was focused on the misery of Haiti after an earthquake killed at least 200,000 people. But 10 months is a long time in the aid world. Recent reports of an outbreak of cholera, which has already killed more than 250 people, are a reminder that once the spotlight of attention shifts, disaster-stricken countries are too often left more or less to their own devices. That this contagious disease has already moved into the overcrowded capital, Port-au-Prince, claiming several lives there, is another ominous development.

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Antonio C. S. Rosa, Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Oct 2010

On Sunday, Oct 24, 2010, Prof. Johan Galtung celebrated his 80th birthday. In name of de TRANSCEND Network and all TMS readers I would like to greet and congratulate him for a precious, extraordinary life dedicated to peace, nonviolence, social justice and sanity.

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Israel’s Loyalty Oath: Discriminatory by Design
The Guardian, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Oct 2010

New pledge requires future citizens declare their loyalty to an ideology, one intended to exclude Palestinians.

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TRANSCEND Member Fredrik Reffermehl on Al Jazeera’s ‘Inside Story’: What Nobel Really Wanted
Antonio C. S. Rosa, Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Oct 2010

A jailed Chinese activist is awarded the Nobel Peace prize, and Beijing summons the Norwegian ambassador in protest. Is the Nobel Peace Prize still contributing to world peace in the way Alfred Nobel envisioned? Fredrik Reffermehl is the author of “The Nobel Peace Prize: What Nobel Really Wanted.”

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John Lennon Give Peace a Chance Live From Toronto Hotel
Antonio C. S. Rosa, Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Oct 2010

John Lennon would have been 70 on 9 October, 2010. “Give Peace a Chance” is a 1969 single by (John Lennon’s) Plastic Ono Band that became an anthem of the American anti-war movement at that time. It still inspires us against the wars of the moment…

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Johan Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 2)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Oct 2010

September 16, 2010 – Recorded during Right Livelihood Award recipients’ meeting in Bonn. Amy Goodman: We continue speaking with Johan Galtung, known as a founder of the field of peace and conflict studies, he’s spent the past half-century pursuing nonviolent conflict resolution in international relations. Galtung discusses the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Mideast talks, why President Obama is losing his base and much more.

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Eisenhower’s Farewell Address – Jan 17, 1961
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Oct 2010

Eisenhower’s farewell address where he warns of a “hostile ideology”, the “military industrial complex,” and “the consequences of too much government-funded research.”

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Johan Galtung on Democracy NOW! (Part 1)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Oct 2010

September 16, 2010 – Recorded during Right Livelihood Award recipients’ meeting in Bonn. Amy Goodman: We speak with Johan Galtung, known as a founder of the field of peace and conflict studies, he’s spent the past half-century pursuing nonviolent conflict resolution in international relations. Galtung discusses the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Mideast talks, why President Obama is losing his base and much more.

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Standing Army – A Documentary (2010) – Trailer
TMS Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Sep 2010

The US has encircled the world with a web of military bases that today amount to more than 700, in 40 countries. It’s one of the most powerful forces at play in the world, yet one of the less talked-about. Why do countries like Germany, Italy, Japan still host hundreds of US military bases and thousands US soldiers? What stance has president Obama taken on this subject? This documentary answers these and other questions both through the words of experts Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and Chalmers Johnson, and through those directly affected by US bases in Italy, Japan and in the Indian Ocean.

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Torture Is a Crime, Not a Secret
The New York Times, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Sep 2010

All too often in the past, the judges pointed out, secrecy privileges have been used to avoid embarrassing the government, not to protect real secrets. In this case, the embarrassment and the shame to America’s reputation are already too well known.

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Three Degrees Is At Least One Too Many
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Sep 2010

It is fittingly ominous that 2010, year of the next big climate change conference, has been the hottest in recorded history. The heat rises inexorably yet the world dithers and looks away. None of the excitement that surrounded the opening stages of the climate summit at Copenhagen last year looks like materialising this November at Cancún in Mexico.

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Pakistan – A Disaster of Daunting Magnitude
Miami Herald, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Aug 2010

The eyes see. The ears hear. Yet, somehow, the mind struggles to grasp the full dimension of this catastrophe. Almost 20 million people need shelter, food and emergency care. That is more than the entire population hit by the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Kashmir earthquake, Cyclone Nargis and the earthquake in Haiti — combined.

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World Feeling the Heat as 17 Countries Experience Record Temperatures
John Vidal, environment editor – The Guardian, 16 Aug 2010

2010 sees record highs in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine but also many African, Middle Eastern and Latin American countries.

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A Prison That Stains US Moral Authority
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Aug 2010

The first case to be tried under the new commissions is that of child soldier Omar Khadr, who was 15 years old when he was accused of throwing a grenade which killed a US serviceman in Afghanistan in 2002. Mr Khadr’s trial has been condemned by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, who stress that it is America which has led the world in recognising that children caught in war zones in Africa must be treated as victims and not combatants. The Khadr case serves only to confirm the alternative legal universe in which Guantanamo exists.

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Please Sign the Petition to Release Mordechai Vanunu
TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Aug 2010

Please express your support for this letter by signing this petition.

The following letter has been sent by Mairead Maguire-Nobel Peace Laureate and Gerry Grehan-Chair of the Peace People, Northern Ireland, to President Barak Obama, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, other world leaders and prominent personalities, to ask for their help in obtaining the lifting of all restrictions on Mordechai Vanunu and for him to be granted freedom to leave Israel.

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Deep-Sea Mining Adds to Fears of Marine Pollution
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent, 5 Jul 2010

Concerns about large-scale marine pollution, fuelled by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, are set to be heightened by a new development in exploitation of the oceans: deep-sea mining. The Chinese government has just lodged the first application to mine for minerals under the seabed in international waters, in this case on a ridge in the Indian Ocean 1,700 metres (more than 5,000ft) below the surface.

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Cheat Neutral
TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jul 2010

The idea is a spoof on the current policy of carbon offsetting. In the same way that we shouldn’t be able to pay money to neutralize the damage done to our relationships, the site’s creators argue, we should not be able to pay money to offset our carbon polluting. The website’s satirical purpose is to “make it seem acceptable to cheat on your partner. In the same way, carbon offsetting tries to make it acceptable to carry on emitting excess carbon.”

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Victory for Anti-Whaling Campaigners
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent, 28 Jun 2010

The controversial attempt to scrap the 24-year-old international moratorium on commercial whaling collapsed yesterday, to the delight of anti-whaling campaigners and the frustration of Japan, Norway and Iceland, the three countries which continue to hunt whales in defiance of world opinion.

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New Jake Lynch and Johan Galtung book launched at IPRA Sydney, July 8 2010
TMS Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

Jake Lynch and Johan Galtung will launch their new book, Reporting Conflict: New Directions in Peace Journalism, in Sydney, on July 8th at Gleebooks. The launch is part of the Fringe programme of the International Peace Research Association biennial conference, taking place at the University of Sydney from July 6-10.

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(Portuguese) Palestina, um Povo em Marcha pela Libertação
Editorial, Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2010

Não se derrota 62 anos de colonialismo israelense com duas semanas de mobilizações, mas as lutas de agora vão se transformando numa onda.

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The Arms Circus, Israel Keeping the World in Turmoil
Gordon Duff, senior editor – Veterans Today, 7 Jun 2010

This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa. The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. South Africa then released an arms agreement signed by current Israeli President Shimon Peres. This is the document “heard round the world.”

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End of Moratorium on Whaling Threatens More Blood in the Seas
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent, 7 Jun 2010

The moratorium on commercial whaling, one of the world’s major environmental achievements, is in danger of being abandoned after 24 years at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) which begins this week in Morocco.

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An appeal to Peace Nobelist President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu to free Mordechai Vanunu
TMS Editor, 31 May 2010

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire has written to President Barack Obama, USA, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, asking them to ‘do all they can’ to obtain the release of Mordechai Vanunu and for him to be allowed to leave Israel.

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Sri Lanka War Crimes
TMS Editor, 31 May 2010

Louise Arbour, President and CEO of Crisis Group, on the report “War Crimes in Sri Lanka” and the Sri Lankan government’s response to the report thus far.

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Transcend Themes around the World (using Prof. Galtung at 80 as pretext)
TMS Editor, 31 May 2010

The TRANSCEND Network has been around since 1993 and has tried to develop a number of themes related to conflict, development, civilization and peace. Time has come to take stock, where are we, where would we like to be in, say, 2020, what can we learn from failures and, possibly, successes? What are the criteria?

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One Love – Playing for Change: Peace through Music
Bob Marley - TMS Editor, 24 May 2010

From the award-winning documentary, “Playing for Change: Peace through Music”, comes an incredible rendition of the legendary Bob Marley song “One Love” with Keb’ Mo’ and Manu Chao. Released in celebration of Bob Marley’s birthday on February 6th, this tribute to the legend is performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe.

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The Fight against Israeli “Impunity”
TMS Editor, 3 May 2010

How universal jurisdiction is used as a tool to bring to court Israeli leaders accused of war crimes.

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“PAX AMERICANA and the Weaponization of Space”
TMS Editor, 19 Apr 2010

Award winner documentary about the US ambition to monopolize space for [more] wars and dominance.

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Keeping a Finger on the Nuclear Trigger
Editorial, Socialist Worker – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2010

The U.S. has repackaged its strategy–but the terrible threat of nuclear war remains.

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UN Helps Free Gaza of Israeli Bombs
TMS Editor, 19 Apr 2010

Over a year since Israel’s military offensive, Gazan Palestinians are still being killed/injured by unexploded bombs.

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TMS Editor, 12 Apr 2010

Young Israeli conscientious objectors state their convictions courageously, compassionately: role models for the rest of us. Indeed.

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TMS Editor, 5 Apr 2010

Al-Karameh Pledge (Pledge of Dignity) We, the people of Palestine, of all religions, affiliations, professions, and ages, have all come together to affirm our desire and determination to rise up, and shiver off the effects of settlement contamination in our Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps, first and foremost, via replacing settlement products in our […]

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Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor – The Independent, 5 Apr 2010

World Health Organisation Concerned About Disease’s Resistance to AntibioticsThe World Health Organisation is to meet next week to consider the growing threat from a sexually transmitted infection which has developed resistance to most known antibiotics. Gonorrhoea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease in the UK after chlamydia with 16,629 cases recorded in 2008. […]

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TMS Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Apr 2010

A new initiative allows 1 million EU citizens a unique chance to make official requests of the European Commission. The European Commission has just allowed genetically engineered crops into Europe, ignoring safety concerns of the public interest. Let’s make it official! Add your voice now or pass this along to friends you have in the […]

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Johan Galtung Conscientious Objector at 21
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2010

JOHAN GALTUNG, leading figure in international peace, born in Oslo-Norway in 1930, refused the military service, jailed as a conscientious objector at 21. At age twelve witnesses the Nazis take his father to a concentration camp. More… httpv://

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Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor – The Independent, 23 Mar 2010

Outrage as Secret Deal Set to Sweep Away International MoratoriumThe moratorium on commercial whaling, one of the environmental movement’s greatest achievements, looks likely to be swept away this summer by a new international deal being negotiated behind closed doors. The new arrangement would legitimise the whaling activities of the three countries which have continued to […]

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THE BLACK MARKET ANIMAL BUSINESS – US customs agents say smuggling of protected wildlife is becoming a multi-billion dollar business, generated by a huge demand. Mike Kirsch – Aljazeera
TMS Editor, 21 Mar 2010

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Truthout Staff Editorial, 20 Mar 2010

We are still shocked. We were never awed. We have not adjusted. The senseless waste of our blood and treasure, our honor and our reputation continue. Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom – the latter unleashed seven years ago today – have morphed into a single Operation Enduring Occupation, set to bankrupt this country […]

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Scott Sanders and James Owens – Editor & Publisher, 17 Mar 2010

Net Neutrality won’t do anything to democratize the media if corporate media and traditional professional journalists just use it to rebuild the Old Media in new technolgy, media activists Scott Sanders and James Owens argue. Media justice organizers at the Center for Media Justice and MAG-Net have recently produced a brilliant campaign plan (‘The Campaign […]

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ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK TORONTO – Highlights from the opening day of the sixth annual Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto, filmed on 1 March 2010. Speakers include Na’eem Jeena and Jon Elmer.
TMS Editor, 6 Mar 2010

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TMS Editor, 27 Feb 2010

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Yousef Abudayyeh, Mohamed Khodr, Mary Rizzo, Haitham Sabbah and Saja – Palestine Think Tank editorial, 20 Feb 2010

Activism and activists for Palestine have been getting some media attention recently. This is absolutely great news. It is an opportunity that we need to take advantage of, especially since Palestinians themselves are denied space in almost all mainstream mass media. Reflecting on this fact, we at PTT have decided to express some of our […]

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