Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26253 results.

We Tried to Bring Food into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us
Brant Rosen | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

6 May 2024 – As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. They were arrested.

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Africa to France: ‘Get Out!’
Vijay Prashad | Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

9 May 2024 – After decades of brewing anti-imperialist sentiment in the Sahel, events in the region are now unfolding at a rapid pace. France has long sought to undermine African sovereignty since the national liberation struggles of the twentieth century. But Africa would not tolerate French dominion then, nor will it now.

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Trial, Triumph, and the Art of the Possible: The Remarkable Story Behind Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”
Maria Popova | The Marginalian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

On the early evening of May 7, 1824, the Viennese crowded into the concert hall — but they were not the usual patrons. Looking up to the royal box, Beethoven was crushed to see it empty. He was going to be playing for the people.

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Kenya Floods Death Toll at 228 as Crisis Persists
Agence France-Presse | VOA News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

5 May 2024 – Kenya said today that the death toll from weeks of devastating rains and floods had risen to 228 and warned that there was no sign of a let-up in the crisis.

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Palestine, Iran, and Populist Resistance: The Limits of Law, Morality, and the UN
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

3 May 2024 – The Palestinian struggle, connected with wider regional and global conflict patterns, is giving rise to worldwide student protests against genocide and complicity with genocide, as well as a tidal wave of global consciousness sweeping away the cobwebs of political and moral complacency.

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The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus
Edward J. Curtin, Jr. | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – To be crucified is to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly.  It is generally associated with Rome’s killing of Jesus and carries profound symbolic spiritual meaning for Christians.  It also refers to many types of suffering and death inflicted on the weak by the strong, such as the ongoing genocidal slaughter of Palestinians by the Israel government.

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Beyond Palestine: A Burmese Activist Salutes Anti-Genocide US Campus Protestors
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

5 May 2024 – US students’ courageous and passionate activism is inspiring their peers in other institutions of higher learning in places as diverse as Waseda University in Tokyo, the universities of Sydney and Melbourne, the Sorbonne and Sciences Po in Paris, and Britain’s universities at Warwick and Bristol.

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Israeli Soldier Speaks Out: Why I Turned against the War on Gaza
Channel 4 News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

23 Apr 2024 – It’s rare to hear from soldiers who’ve served on the ground, but an Israeli soldier says that what he witnessed turned him against the genocide. He’s voiced by an actor to protect his identity. And a warning: you may find some images upsetting.

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Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2024
Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

April 2024 – Welcome to the seventh edition of the AI Index report. The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced.

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Campus Crackdown: 300+ Arrested in Police Raids on Columbia & CCNY to Clear Gaza Encampments – VIDEO
Amy Goodman | Democracy NOW! - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – New York police in full riot gear stormed Columbia University and the City College of New York Tue [30 Apr] night, arresting over 300 students to break up Gaza solidarity encampments on the two campuses.

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‘We Must Shame Pro Genocide Israel Defenders’
Abby Martin | Katie Halper – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

27 Apr 2024 – I anchored a livestream of a “Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming Israel” held on Passover Tue 23 Apr night. The demonstration was held in Brooklyn hours before the Senate approved a package of $17 billion in arms and security to Israel. Hundreds of protesters were arrested.

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Regenerating Our Planet, Regenerating Our Health
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

22 Apr 2024 – The health of the planet and the health of the people are One, maintained through the cycles of food, life, and regeneration. We are part of nature and of its complex living processes. The earth, food and our bodies are interconnected living systems.

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What Does It Mean to Be Human? Humanism, Transhumanism, Posthumanism
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – What does it mean, essentially, to be human? Reading Homer, one would gather than being human means being mortal. The gods and goddesses of ancient Greece partook of immortality.

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The One Video Israel Doesn’t Want You to See
Al Jazeera Investigations | Double Down News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

10 Apr 2024 – What Really Happened on October 7

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Mapping Pro-Palestine College Campus Protests Around the World
AJLabs | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

29 Apr 2024 – Pro-Palestinian demonstrations and sit-ins are spreading at universities across the US and around the world. From the US to Australia to Europe and Latin America, students are calling for their universities to divest and sever ties with Israel.

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Heart-Stopping Moment Bridge Is Wiped Out in ‘Apocalyptic’ Brazil Floods & Roads Turn to Rivers
The Sun - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

3 May 2024 – Shocking footage shows the moment a bridge collapses and vanishes in “apocalyptic” Brazil floods that killed at least 32 people. The death toll is expected to rise as 60 people are reported missing in Rio Grande do Sul while the state suffers “its biggest disaster”.

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200 Days of Genocide: Gaza’s Shocking Stats on Massacres, Dead, Missing, Injured
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

30 Apr 2024 – In addition to 75,000 tons of explosives dropped on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military committed 3,025 massacres, leaving 41,183 Palestinians dead or missing and injuring 77,143.

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Columbia University Student Journalists on the Student Encampment and the Crackdown
Anna Oakes and Claudia Gohn | Rolling Stone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – Columbia student journalists report on the pro-Palestine protest movement that roiled the university and ended in mass arrests.

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Governing Gaza after Genocide
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Q: Israeli officials are weighing sharing power with Arab states in postwar Gaza. How do you see that?
A: Such a format seems like nothing more than a cover for continued Israeli governance of Gaza. The governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE are more opposed to Hamas (and Iran) than to Israel, fearful of their own stability.

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Small Wooded Areas Around Us
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Even a crowded city like Delhi, which is the capital of India, has several forests in different parts of the city.

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A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won’t)
Noam Chomsky | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

5 May 2024 – In Washington-Speak, “Palestinian State” Means “Fried Chicken”

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‘Dead Aid’: What’s Behind the West Helping Africa?
Denis A. Degterev | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

30 Apr 2024 – Why international aid meant to help doesn’t, and what can be done about it. Western financing only worsens Africa’s development prospects. In 2009, Zambian economist and former World Bank consultant Dambisa Moyo defined such assistance as “dead aid.”

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What’s Next as ‘Heavy-Handed’ US Negotiates Pullout from Niger?
Lorraine Mallinder | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – US ‘touched a nerve’ in security dealings with Niger, opening door to ‘transactional’ Russia as Sahel violence spirals.

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Ukraine War: Washington Moves on to Plan B
Mike Whitney | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

26 Apr 2024 – Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine: The US has already moved on to Plan B, but the Biden administration has not issued an official statement; the shift has already begun. The Washington Brain-trust has abandoned any hope of winning the war outright.

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How Deep Is Your Love (Music Video of the Week)
Bee Gees – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Bee Gees official music video from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, now remastered in HD.
A Classic from 1977!     Enjoy It…

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How Israel Violates International Law in Gaza: Expert Report
Steve France | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

29 Apr 2024 – An independent expert report lays out how Israel systematically violated U.S. and International Law in Gaza, concluding that Israel launched indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian areas due to “extremely relaxed rules of engagement.”

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Will They Crush the Biggest Student Movement Since Vietnam?
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – Gaza solidarity encampments sprung up on over a hundred university campuses across the U.S. It’s the biggest student movement since the anti-Vietnam War protests in the 1960s. In response to the peaceful protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

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Blame South Sudan’s Civil War on Elites, Not “Ethnic Tensions”
Stefan Bakumenko | Jacobin - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

30 Apr 2024 – South Sudan’s post-independence instability is often blamed on ethnic tensions. But exploitation by international companies and zero-sum competition over resources between local elites are the real causes of ongoing violence in the country.

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Dignity Visible
Prof. Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Where can you be found?
Where can we hear your sweet sound?

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CNN Compares Campus Protesters to Nazis in Stunning Propaganda Segment
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – Propaganda only works if you don’t know it’s happening to you, so hopefully they keep going mask-off like this for everyone to see.

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World Press Freedom Day: Journalists the “Ultimate Allies in Human Rights”
Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

3 May 2024 – When I think of the values of journalism, I think of trust, truth and integrity. I think of the countless, fearless individuals daring to question. Daring to challenge power, risking their lives to document atrocities, corruption and crime, and to stand up against oppression.

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US Working to Prevent International Criminal Court Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu
Dave DeCamp | Antiwar - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

28 Apr 2024 – The US and Israel are working to prevent the ICC from issuing an arrest warrant for Israeli PM Netanyahu and other high-level officials. -The US Backed the ICC Issuing an Arrest Warrant for Putin-

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Extraordinary International Conference on Killer Robots and Killer AI – Austria
Ousman Noor | X - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

See X Below

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Can Democracy Survive? Maybe in Africa and Latin America
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – Lula da Silva, the former trade unionist, continues as President of Brazil. “Like other countries in Latin America, Brazil is developing a culture of peace which can support a true democracy,” he said. In his speech to the African Union Lula said, “We are reviving our democracy and making it increasingly participatory.”

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How Artificial Intelligence Kill-Lists Drive Israeli Genocide in Gaza
Bappa Sinha | NewsClick - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

27 Apr 2024 – A probe report reveals how AI programmes, such as Lavender and The Gospel, were used to target supposed Palestinian militants in Gaza through bombing attacks that resulted in mass civilian casualties.

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Basic Points about the Zionist Israeli-Arab Palestinian Conflict
Vladislav B. Sotirovic – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

28 Apr 2024 – The Zionist Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict is historically not much old as it is a pretty modern issue, dating, in fact, since the First Zionist Congress in 1897. The focal question is: What is conflict about? In other words: What are those two different groups fighting for?

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‘Control Arms’ Statement on the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Control Arms - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 –  #Stop Sending Arms

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Masked Israel Supporters Attack UCLA’s Palestine Solidarity Encampment with Weapons
Niko Georgiades | Unicorn Riot - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Over more than five hours on Tue 30 Apr night, pro-Israel Zionist agitators violently beat, pepper sprayed and threw fireworks at hundreds of college students and protesters in a “unilateral, surprise attack“ as they held UCLA’s Palestine solidarity encampment while security and police stood by idly.

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Facts about the Moon
Dorianne Laux – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

The moon is backing away from us
an inch and a half each year. That means

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Happy May Day
Daniel Medina | Racket Cartoons – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024

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(Italiano) L’approccio di Johan Galtung ad argomenti tabù
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 Maggio 2024 – Un argomento cui non è permesso di essere trattato nelle venerate sale accademiche è qualunque accenno che la narrazione ufficiale dell’11 settembre 2001 possa non essere interamente vera. I professori con rispetto per sé stessi non solo eviteranno come la peste tale argomento, ma proibiranno a chiunque di trattarlo in loro presenza, come temendo di poter essere stigmatizzati quali “teorici della cospirazione/ complottisti” per associazione.

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It’s Time to Declare Israel a Rogue State
Somdeep Sen | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

25 Apr 2024 – Another day, another tragedy in Gaza. Rescuers pull bodies out of the rubble after an Israeli air strike on a residential building in southern Gaza’s Rafah city. It is time for the international community to accept that Israel is a rogue actor and start treating it as such.

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Morality Police Crackdown again in Iran
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – After several weeks when the attention of the Iranian government was focused on its relations with Israel after the exchanges of drones, there is a renewed activity of the morality police directed on women who do not wear a hidjab. 

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Protestors Confront White House Correspondents’ Dinner
News2Share | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

27 Apr 2024 – As corporate media members enter the venue for the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner today, anti-genocide protestors are literally in their faces over the mainstream media covering for Israel.

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Global Military Spending Surges amid War, Rising Tensions and Insecurity
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute-SIPRI - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

22 Apr 2024 – Total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023, an increase of 6.8 per cent in real terms from 2022. The 10 largest spenders in 2023—led by the United States, China and Russia—all increased their military spending, according to new data on global military spending published today by SIPRI.

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Official Lies and Narratives
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – On tonight’s ‘BBC News at Ten,’ the narrative about the campus protests moved even deeper into the realms of mendacious fiction.

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Israel Uses Foreign Mercenaries in Gaza
Steven Sahiounie | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – The international community is not only silent about Israel’s genocide but also sends foreign mercenaries to fight alongside IDF in Gaza. The US are trying to make the Kurds partners with Israel but many Kurds take the side of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance.

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Education and Dialogue vs Militarism
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – ‘ Education and dialogue’ has been taught since the late and great Johan Galtung invented ‘Peace Studies.’ Nothing will change until the peace lobby understands that politicians are not magicians. People accept the armed forces, thousands of men and women we train in the art of fighting, killing and destruction.

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AI, Big Tech Seek to Consolidate Hold on Journalism
Patrick Boylan | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 -“Can Journalism Survive AI?” was the provocative title of one of the key presentations at the recent Perugia International Journalism Festival (April 17-21).  Young activists from the Perugia Social Center “Turba” say no, it cannot.

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The West vs. the Rest
Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

30 Apr 2024 – Is the West launching an all-out war against global ‘South,’ against the BRICS – plus, against the ‘other’? Are we in the first stages of a civilizational struggle initiated by the U.S.-led assemblage we call the “collective West”? That would have seemed an absurd idea until very recently.

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Sensible Responses
Tom Tomorrow | Daily Kos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

…to Bothersome Student Protesters

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Israel’s Defenders Talk So Much about Feelings Because They Can’t Talk about Facts
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

4 May 2024 – Their position is so gross and indefensible that all they have left is babbling about some select people having upset feelings and holding those feelings as more important than stopping an active genocide.

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The Failure of Pacifism and the Success of Nonviolence
Dustin Ells Howes | Academia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Although pacifism and nonviolence bear a close relationship to one another historically, pacifism is the ideological assertion that war and violence should be rejected in political and personal life, whereas nonviolence refers to a distinct set of political practices.

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Still Thinking Conflict
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Hans Küng gives a number of examples of misguided policies by the present US and Israeli administrations. Not difficult to agree. But something even more basic than a new ethos also has to happen, like coming to terms with conflicts where the USA is involved. And exactly with the term conflict, how to think about conflict, let alone solving it.

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A Poet and a Geologist’s Love Letter to Life Lensed Through a Mountain
Maria Popova | The Marginalian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

How astonishing to remember that nothing has inherent color, that color is not a property of objects but of the light that falls upon them, reflected back. So too with the light of the mind — it is attention that gives the world its vibrancy, its kaleidoscopic beauty.

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(Français) La Démocratie Peut-Elle Survivre ? Peut-Être en Afrique et en Amérique Latine
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1er mai 2024 – Il y a quelques mois, j’affirmais sur ce blog que nous assistions « au début de la fin de la démocratie bourgeoise ». J’étais pessimiste quant à la possibilité que la démocratie survive sous une autre forme.

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Campus Protests, Press Freedom and Palestine
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

2 May 2024 – World Press Freedom Day comes this week amidst Gaza solidarity protests on campuses across the world. In this election year, with the likelihood of mass protests at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, let us remember: a free press is essential to the functioning of a democratic society.

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Profs Urge NYT to Probe False Oct. 7 Rape Story
Julia Conley | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

29 Apr 2024 – To Remove ‘Cloud of Doubt,’ Journalism Professors Urge Review of NYT Story on Oct. 7 Sexual Violence – More than 50 journalism professors call for an independent review into the debunked NYT story “Screams Without Words.” Nothing can “reverse the damage done to Palestine and to Palestinians,” said the professors.

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Enforcing Silence on Genocide
Elizabeth Vos | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

4 May 2024 – The U.S. public should by now be realizing that instead of stopping genocide, U.S. institutional and media authority is actively stamping out cries to stop the mass murder being committed with U.S. complicity.

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US Defense Industry Size & Share Analysis – Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024 – 2032)
Mordor Intelligence - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

The US Defense Market size is estimated at USD 309.77 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 367.30 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 3.58% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

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Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Activists Blocked from Sailing to Gaza but Vow to Keep Trying to Break Siege – Video
Amy Goodman | Democracy NOW! - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

Hundreds of activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla were blocked in Turkey on Sat 27 Apr as they attempted to set sail for the besieged Palestinian territory with 5,500 tons of aid. Organizers say Guinea-Bissau withdrew its flagged ships under pressure from Israel and the United States.

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War, Money and Universities
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024  – Peaceful protest, violent response – that says it all. Human politics – from global to local – remain mixed with hatred, dominance and . . . well, dehumanization. We’ve organized ourselves across the planet around one primary principle: the existence of an enemy.

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50 Years: Portugal’s Carnation Revolution
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 April 1974: what began as a military coup led by young officers who had participated in Portugal’s colonial wars became a revolution of the people. Red carnations were placed by people in the barrels of the insurgents’ guns.

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Implication of Mathematics in Human Experience from an AI Perspective
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

29 Apr 2024 – From Sexual Attraction to Existential Preoccupations of Discipline Practitioners – Scientists (and notably mathematicians) pride themselves on their objectivity and tend systematically to deprecate anything characterized as subjective or experiential.

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The Rise of an Artificial Intelligence Messiah
Eric Herter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

I asked Claude 3, a low-level no-cost AI available from, to outline a video series on the rise of an AI Messiah. Claude 3 did so in less than ten seconds, coming up with the dramatic and nuanced plot-sequence below.

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Netanyahu Failed in Gaza, Tries to Widen War
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

20 Apr 2024 – It now seems either that the US reaction to the Damascus attack or the concerns of the Netanyahu war cabinet rejected the temptations of a wider war. Iran as well seemed to accept an outcome of its retaliation directed at Israel, resulting in neither death nor damage, was nevertheless sufficient for its purposes.

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Israel Just Launched a Brutal Attack on Rafah. “Beyond Shame, Beyond Crime…”
Peter Koenig | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – Brutality, atrocity no end.
Horrendous indiscriminate firebombing of Gaza’s southernmost city, Rafah.
We know Netanyahu does not move a finger without Washington’s OK.

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What We Are Seeing in Gaza Is a ‘Repeat of Auschwitz,’ Says Genocide Expert
Ahmet Gurhan Kartal | Anadolu Ajansi - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

26 Apr 2024 – What Israel is doing in Gaza is ‘simply mass extermination without the gas chambers,’ says human rights activist and genocide scholar Maung Zarni, [a member of TRANSCEND]. ‘This is a collective white imperialist man’s genocide,’ Nobel Peace Prize nominee says.

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Israel/Iran Tensions: Provocation, Retaliations, Wider War Option/Fears
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – The focus is on the Israeli April 1st attack on Iran’s Damascus consulate, and the international law implications of Iran’s retaliation against Israeli targets on April 13, followed a week later by Israel’s second drone attack on a military base not far from Isfahan, which both countries somewhat downplayed. Israel seemed to have given up the wider war option at least for the present in response to diplomatic pressures from allies to deescalate regional tensions.

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Will the Freedom Flotilla Sail to Gaza?
Medea Benjamin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

23 Apr 2024 – The non-violence training to join the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s ships to Gaza has been intense. As hundreds of us from 32 countries gathered in Istanbul, we were briefed about what we might encounter on this voyage. “We have to be ready for every possibility,” our trainers insisted.

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US Campus Protests against Israel’s Genocide on Gaza Going Global
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

26 Apr 2024 – From France to Australia, university students are part of pro-Palestine protests as Columbia students continue encampments.

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DC Police Refuse George Washington University Request to Arrest Students
Joe Lauria | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

27 Apr 2024 – The Washington, D.C. police turned down a request by GWU president to clear out the anti-genocide encampment on campus.

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Palestinian Genocide: Worse Than You Can Imagine
Craig Murray | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

26 Apr 2024 – The author has no doubt the Western political elite are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood.

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UK and Others Cut Funding to UNRWA but Israel Gave NO EVIDENCE of Terror Links
Dilip Simeon | After the Truth Shower – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – An independent report has just exonerated the UN relief agency that is the main channel of humanitarian support to Palestinians across the Middle East. The report by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna has said Israel has yet to provide any supporting evidence of its claims that employees of the UNRWA are members of terrorist organisations.

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The World Dumps 2,000 Truckloads of Plastic into the Ocean Each Day: Here’s Where a Lot of It Ends Up
Dilip Simeon | After the Truth Shower – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

23 Apr 2024 – The western coast of Java in Indonesia is popular with surfers for its world-famous breaks. There’s a majestic underwater world to explore, too. But it’s impossible to surf or snorkel without running into plastic water bottles, single-use cups and food wrappers.

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‘The Soldiers Opened the Way for the Settlers’: Pogroms Surge Across West Bank
Oren Ziv | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

18 Apr 2024 – Armed Israeli settlers raided more than a dozen Palestinian communities under the army’s guard, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake.

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Revolt in the US Universities
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – University students across the country, facing mass arrests, suspensions, evictions and expulsions are our last, best hope to halt the genocide in Gaza.

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Complexity in Modern Lifestyles
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

The world that we see around us is complex and trying to live meaningfully in it, is not easy both physically and mentally.

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The Gaza Genocide as Explicit Policy: Michael Hudson Names All Names
Dilip Simeon | After the Truth Shower – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

17 Apr 2024 – The essential background to understand the unthinkable: a 21st century genocide broadcast live 24/7 to the whole planet–a first.

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Don’t Equate Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism
Daniel Medina | Racket Cartoons – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024


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Howard Richards (10 Jun 1938 – 7 Apr 2024) RIP
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

Dr. Howard Richards was a member of the TRANSCEND Network and a philosopher of social science based in Chile, working also in South Africa. He was a Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College in Indiana, a Quaker school where he taught for thirty-five years. Howard will always be in our hearts as one of our most brilliant thinkers. RIP

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Gaza Genocide: The Abysmal Moral Failure of the ‘West’
Jeremy Salt | Palestine Chronicle - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – There is little that could be more uncivilized, cruel and barbarous than the crimes Israel is committing or more morally depraved than the complicity of the governments helping it along.

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Police Brutally Break Up Peaceful Anti-Genocide Demonstration in Berlin
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – The storming of the Palestine Congress on April 12 was the prelude to an escalation of police violence and the suppression of democratic rights in Germany on an enormous scale.

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Poison Ivy
Mr. Fish | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

Not necessary any comment…

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In This Dystopia, Opposing a Genocide Is Considered Worse Than Committing One
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – That’s how crazy they need us to be to keep us supporting a globe-spanning empire that literally cannot exist without nonstop violence and tyranny.

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Arab Leadership Complicity to Support the US-Israeli War on Gaza
Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – Palestinians in Search of Global Humanity! – Once a people or a nation colonized by European imperialists, it remains colonized and subjugated by the Masters forever.

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Israel Is Turning Hospitals into Mass Graves While the West Fixates on ‘Antisemitism’
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

23 Apr 2024 – The IDF are just attacking hospitals and mowing down civilians and trying to bury the evidence of their crimes, so naturally we’re seeing the western political-media class focus very hard on the problem of antisemitism allegations on college campuses.

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Eighty-Six Percent of Guantanamo Bay Inmates Were Sold to US Troops in Response to $5,000 Bounty Offer
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – I Am Gitmo spotlights the story of an Egyptian man who was incarcerated in notorious torture chamber for a decade after being wrongfully accused of being part of 9/11 plot.

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War & Genocide on Earth Day
Melissa Garriga | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

19 Apr 2024 – On Earth Day, Mon 22 Apr, prepare for the annual spectacle of U.S. lawmakers about their love for the planet. U.S. military aggression and imperial ambitions leave a trail of natural destruction — all under the guise of national security.

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Genocide in Pictures: Worth a Trillion Words
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

Parental Guidance Advised: Pornographic Violence
GAZA and WEST BANK, 29 Apr 2024

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Senior UN Aid Official Urges Comprehensive Response to Haiti Crisis
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – The ongoing crisis in Haiti is having a “massive” and “devastating” impact, with over half the population acutely food insecure and more than one million staring at emergency levels of hunger, a senior UN World Food Programme official said today.

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Iran’s ‘New Equation’ Reaches Way Beyond West Asia
Pepe Escobar | Sputinik International - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

17 Apr 2014 – A Holy of the Holies was shattered in the Holy Land as Iran staged a quite measured, heavily choreographed response to the Israeli terror attack against its consulate/ambassador residence in Damascus, a de facto evisceration of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic immunity.

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UN Report Demolishes Israeli Propaganda Campaign against UNRWA
The Cradle - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – Israel has waged a multi-year campaign against the UN aid group for Palestinian refugees in hopes of eradicating the right of return.

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US Campus Crackdowns Ignite Gaza Solidarity Movement
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

25 Apr 2024 – “What starts here changes the world. It starts with you and what you do each day.” So reads a sign that greets students at the University of Texas–Austin. But a photo shows the sign in front of a row of state troopers in riot gear to disperse students protesting genocide in Gaza. Armed with semi-automatic rifles and mounted on horseback, they proceeded to violently arrest at least 50 students, including a journalist.

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The Johan Galtung Approach to Taboo Topics
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

A topic that is virtually never allowed to be addressed within the hallowed halls of academia is any suggestion that the official narrative of 9/11 may not be entirely true. Self-respecting professors will avoid this topic like the plague, fearing they could be stigmatized as a “conspiracy theorist” by association.

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How Banksters and Investors Are Fueling a Global Biodiversity Crisis
Laurel Sutherlin | Independent Media Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

26 Apr 2024 – Commercial financial flows to the forest-risk commodity sectors are driving the majority of tropical deforestation.

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Massive Study of 99M COVID Vaccinated People “Exposes the Lies They Told Us”
Clayton Morris, Dr. Peter McCullough | Redacted - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

“This COVID study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told us.”

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Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Are the Largest Known Contributors of Branded Plastic Waste, Study Finds
The Amp Media - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

28 Apr 2024 – Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been identified as the top two contributors to global plastic pollution, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances.

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United Nations World Book Day on 23 April
Dr. Surya Nath Prasad – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

26 Apr 2024 – I wish all the book lovers and readers of all over the world a very Happy UN World Book-Day.

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Somewhere in Time (Music Video of the Week)
Maksim Mrvica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

Composed by John Barry in 1980 – A Classic
Soothing – Relaxing

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