Articles by ANI

We found 874 results.

Rotten Science: How We Got Duped by Fake Chocolate Science
Daniela Hernandez, Fusion – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2015

On Retraction Watch, a site dedicated to tracking scientific papers that are retracted, newly debunked studies are piling up. The reason we keep getting duped is that science isn’t just science anymore. It’s Big Business. And it’s time we start thinking about it that way because, as in any big industry, there are some disturbing things going on that most people outside of scientific circles don’t know about — but should. After all, these missteps affect our lives.

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Edward Snowden: NSA Reform in the US Is Only the Beginning
Alan Rusbridger, Janine Gibson and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 25 May 2015

In an exclusive interview from Moscow, Snowden cautions that more needs to be done to curb NSA surveillance two years after his disclosures.

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(Português) A controvérsia do zoológico humano
Daniel kirjner - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 25 May 2015

18 maio 2015 – Nos últimos dias os ânimos se exaltaram em uma discussão acerca das intersecções entre racismo e especismo. Um vegano postou uma imagem que mostrava uma criança negra exibida em um zoológico há cerca sessenta anos atrás.

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Why Are the Rohingya Risking Everything to Flee Burma?
Daniel P. Sullivan – The Nation, 25 May 2015

Flight of the Rohingya – Stateless refugees from Burma are risking death, rape, and drowning by the thousands on a risky escape to Malaysia.

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Why I Teach Evolution to Muslim Students
Rana Dajani, Nature – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2015

Encouraging students to challenge ideas is crucial to fostering a generation of Muslim scientists who are free thinkers. “As educators, our objective is to help students to become independent thinkers.”

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A Blueprint for Greece’s Recovery
Yanis Varoufakis, Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2015

Months of negotiations have produced little progress. One reason is that all sides are focusing too much on the strings to be attached to the next liquidity injection and not enough on a vision of how Greece can recover and develop sustainably. If we are to break the current impasse, we must envisage a healthy Greek economy.

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Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Protectors Aim to Halt Construction of $1.4 billion, 30-meter telescope on Sacred Mountain
Imani Altemus-Williams – Waging Nonviolence, 11 May 2015

According to 17-year-old protector Kay Ala Kahaulelio, “The sacredness of Mauna Kea is beyond what we can comprehend in the human realm. It is so sacred because it is the portal and the closest temple where we can connect with our akua [god].” In Hawaiian genealogy, the mountain is revered as the piko, or center of one’s being, for Hawaii Island.

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All the President’s Psychologists [Full Report]
Stephen Soldz Ph.D., Nathaniel Raymond and Steven Reisner Ph.D., 4 May 2015

The American Psychological Association’s complicity in the CIA torture program, by allowing psychologists to administer and calibrate permitted harm, undermines the fundamental ethical standards of the profession. If not carefully understood and rejected by the profession, this may portend a fundamental shift in the profession’s relationship with the people it serves.

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Where Is the World… ?
Imani Michelle Scott, Ph.D. – The Huffington Post, 4 May 2015

I love the black men in my life. They are my brothers, my nephews, my cousins, my best friends. The politics of distraction successfully leads attention away from what occurs in the U.S. to focus on inhumanity in those nations beyond America’s borders. Where is the world when the collective of humanity is so needed to help end police violence against blacks in America?

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(Português) Um Amigo Que Se Foi
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 27 Apr 2015

19 de abril de 2015 – Durante várias horas, em silêncio, um grupo de chimpanzés, com aspecto sombrio e olhar entristecido, circula em volta de corpo de um querido amigo que acaba de morrer inesperadamente, fulminado por um ataque cardíaco.

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A New Deal for Greece
Yanis Varoufakis, Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Apr 2015

None of this means that common ground cannot be achieved immediately. The Greek government wants a fiscal-consolidation path that makes sense, and we want reforms that all sides believe are important. Our task is to convince our partners that our undertakings are strategic, rather than tactical, and that our logic is sound. Their task is to let go of an approach that has failed.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 6 (Apr 2015)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone and Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2015

20 Apr 2015 – Here is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ and a sample of news about, and reports of forthcoming events by, Charter signatories.

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(Português) A Mídia Está Perdendo a Grande História dos Animais
Peter Fricker - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 20 Apr 2015

Em 2012 um grupo de cientistas proeminentes assinou algo chamado Declaração de Cambridge sobre a Consciência, na qual eles expressam seu apoio à visão de que os animais são conscientes do mesmo modo que os humanos. Enquanto isso, evidências científicas de inteligência e senciência animal continuam a se acumularem.

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Deescalating Europe’s Politics of Resentment
Yanis Varoufakis – Project Syndicate, 30 Mar 2015

In 2010, Greece had no right to borrow from German – or any other European – taxpayers, because its public debt was unsustainable. Five years later, the consequences – open animosity toward and from Germany, a humanitarian crisis, and a mountain of unserviceable debt – could not be clearer.

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Sixty Percent of Global Drone Exports Come from Israel — New Data
Rania Khalek – The Electronic Intifada, 30 Mar 2015

Israel has supplied 60.7 percent of the world’s drones since 1985, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. In second place is the US with 23.9 percent. The besieged Gaza Strip has served as the leading testing ground for both armed and surveillance drones.

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(Português) Somos todos animais sensíveis [sencientes]
Philippe Regné - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 23 Mar 2015

O psicólogo britânico Richard Ryder, defensor da causa animal, cria o termo “especismo”, que designa “o preconceito que consiste em acordar mais consideração moral ao representante de uma espécie (com frequência a nossa, mas nem sempre) pelo único motivo de pertencer a esta espécie”.

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Dementia Now Affects over 47 Million People Worldwide, 75 Million by 2030, and Expected to Triple by 2050
UN World Health Organization – Human Wrongs Watch, 23 Mar 2015

Participants in this first ministerial conference on this issue included 80 Member States, 80 philanthropic foundations, 45 NGOs and 4 UN Agencies.

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Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
John Scales Avery - Danish Pugwash Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Mar 2015

A thermonuclear war would be not only genocidal but also omnicidal. It would kill people of all ages, babies, children, young people, mothers, fathers and grandparents. Such a war would be the ultimate ecological catastrophe, destroying not only human civilization but also much of the biosphere. Each of us has a duty to work with dedication to prevent it.

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(Português) Direitos Animais, uma exclusividade humana?
Sônia T. Felipe - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 16 Mar 2015

Tirar a vida dos animais é considerado um direito humano universal. Dez vezes a população de humanos é o número de animais mortos por ano ao redor do mundo para alimentar pouco mais de cinco bilhões de humanos que consomem, através de seus alimentos animalizados, 80% de toda proteína vegetal nobre cultivada ao redor do planeta e dada de comer aos animais que são mortos para virar bife.

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Rorschach and Awe – James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, the CIA Psychologists Central to America’s ‘Coercive Interrogation’ Methods [aka Torture]
Katherine Eban – Vanity Fair, 16 Mar 2015

America’s coercive interrogation methods were reverse-engineered by two C.I.A. psychologists who had spent their careers training U.S. soldiers to endure Communist-style torture techniques. The spread of these tactics was fueled by a myth about a critical “black site” operation.

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[Nobel Economics Laureate] Joseph Stiglitz on the Trans Pacific Partnership: “This Is a Big Deal”
Alexandros Orphanides – In These Times, 16 Mar 2015

12 Mar 2015 – Trade agreements are about more than business—they’re about who has final say in the way people around the world live, what they eat, how much they are paid, what medicines they can buy and whether they have jobs. Such agreements shape economic policies that impact billions of people. The discussions surrounding these agreements are far too important to done in secret.

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The Hidden Lives of Chickens
PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Mar 2015

Leading animal behavior scientists from around the globe know that chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals whose cognitive abilities are in some cases more advanced than those of cats, dogs, and even some primates.

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A Lifetime Achievement — Destruction of the State of Israel
Niva Lanir – Haaretz, 9 Mar 2015

Netanyahu the coward is sometimes even more dangerous than the diligent fool. After all, his speech to Congress showed he has the ‘courage’ to endanger Israel-U.S. relations.

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(Português) A Vida Secreta das Galinhas
Gabriel Gasperin - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 9 Mar 2015

Os principais cientistas do comportamento animal do mundo sabem que as galinhas são animais curiosos e interessantes de serem estudados, cujas habilidades cognitivas são, em alguns casos, mais avançadas do que as dos gatos, cães e até mesmo de alguns primatas.

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(Português) Baleeiras Japonesas: Um Choque para o Sistema
George Monbiot – ANDA-Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 2 Mar 2015

Uma das maiores piadas na área de conservação é a afirmação vinda do governo japonês de que está praticando “pesca científica de baleias”. Todas as mortes causadas por sua frota de lançadores de arpões acontecem sob o pretexto de serem “pesquisa”, já que esta é única justificativa disponível sob regras internacionais.

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Review of ‘Confessions of a Terrorist – A Novel’
Anita McKone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2015

In this novel, Jackson raises the confronting question: Is the fear and insecurity of Western societies and their violent abuse of people of other countries and cultures causing a violent defensive reaction? In which case, are Westerners the ones who need to de-‘radicalise’ their extremist capitalist and militarist ideologies and behaviour in order to reduce fearful extremist responses to these?

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Yanis Varoufakis: No Time for Games in Europe
Yanis Varoufakis – The New York Times, 23 Feb 2015

Game theorists analyze negotiations as if they were split-a-pie games involving selfish players. Because I spent many years during my previous life as an academic researching game theory, some commentators rushed to presume that as Greece’s new finance minister I was busily devising bluffs, stratagems and outside options, struggling to improve upon a weak hand. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Yanis Varoufakis: How I Became an Erratic Marxist
Yanis Varoufakis – The Guardian, 23 Feb 2015

Before he entered politics, Yanis Varoufakis, the iconoclastic Greek finance minister at the centre of the latest eurozone standoff, wrote this searing account of European capitalism and how the left can learn from Marx’s mistakes.

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Selma: Hollywood vs. Reality
Daniel Horgan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Feb 2015

Selma. An intriguing 2015 film about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his push to secure voting rights for African Americans who had been disenfranchised by a post-slavery, Jim Crow segregated society. Powerful. Yes! Moving. Yes! Convincing. Yes! Truthful. Not entirely.

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(Português) Freio na boca de cavalo serve para quê? Explicações de Alexander Nevzorov: Tortura
Sônia T. Felipe - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 9 Feb 2015

Alexander Nevzorov, em seu livro ‘The Horse Crucified and Risen’, ao alertar para a baba grossa escorrendo da boca de um cavalo com ferro plantado na cavidade bucal, pressionando a língua, refere-se a ele como “um aparato especial para infligir muita dor” ao animal, um “pesadelo” para o cavalo, pois a “causa dessa baba grossa é trágica”.

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(Português) Brasil: Os Zoológicos Também São Vitrine
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 26 Jan 2015

25 Jan 2015 – Uma extensa divulgação tem sido dada a uma Resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária, que questiona a exposição de animais domésticos para venda em “PET Shops” com vitrines e similares.

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El Salvador: Pardon Granted for One of 17 Women Jailed for Miscarriage, Accused of Homicide
Danica Jorden – Upside Down World, 26 Jan 2015

Cinthia, who gave birth alone to an infant she says had its cord wrapped around its neck, was denied pardon, ostensibly because she smoked and drank beer on a daily basis. She was 18 when she miscarried was found guilty of aggravated homicide and has been serving a 30-year sentence.

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Je Suis Martin Luther King
Daniel Horgan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Today, January 19, 2015, is Martin Luther King Day here in the US. The world has changed quite a bit since our former great civil rights leader was with us.

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The ‘Nation-State’ Bill: Jews Should Know Exactly Where It Leads
Daniel Blatman – Information Clearing House, 1 Dec 2014

One need not be a historian to see the resemblance between the controversial bill and nationality laws of in 1930s Europe.

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UN Presses Myanmar over Rohingya Rights
ReliefWeb – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 24 Nov 2014

The United Nations adopted a resolution Friday [21 Nov 2014] urging Myanmar to grant citizenship to its Rohingya Muslim minority, ramping up pressure on Yangon to scrap a controversial identity plan.

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From the Bottom Up: Democracy Works in Haiti
Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark - CounterPunch, 24 Nov 2014

Democracy, the kind the mainstream media ignores, belittles or calls “utopian”, works from the bottom up. If justice is to be achieved in Haiti social change must come from the bottom. The elites aren’t going to build legal systems to favour the poor (and limit their own power).

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US, Canada, and Ukraine Reject Russia’s UN Anti-Nazi Proposal
Josh Paniagua – Mass Report, 24 Nov 2014

22 Nov 2014 – A Russian proposal condemning all glorification of Nazi ideology and denial of Nazi war crimes was passed by the UN General Assembly. Of the 173 countries voting, 115 said yes and 55 abstained. The only three countries to vote against: United States, Canada, and Ukraine.

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(Português) A Doença Ebola e os Cães
Marcelo Quinzani – ANDA-Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 20 Oct 2014

14 Outubro 2014 – Nesta semana tivemos contato com a primeira notícia sobre um cão supostamente infectado com o vírus Ebola. O caso aconteceu na Espanha, onde um animal de propriedade de uma enfermeira espanhola com a doença teve que ser eutanasiado, causando muita consternação e preocupação com a possibilidade de animais domésticos participarem da disseminação do vírus.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 5 (Oct 2014)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone and Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

Here is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ and a sample of news about, and reports of forthcoming events by, Charter signatories.

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Makers of ‘Crush Porn’ Videos in Philippines Sentenced to Life in Prison
PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

Scantily clad girls—one of whom was just 12 years old at the time—were filmed skinning a dog alive and burning another with a clothes iron, cutting off rabbits’ ears and setting the rabbits on fire while they flailed and screamed, hitting a monkey in the eye with the sharp end of a stiletto heel, and crushing puppies until they vomited their own internal organs.

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US Could Topple My Government, Kill Me: Argentina’s Kirchner
Daniel Merolla, AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

2 Oct 2014 – Just hours after the US embassy warned its citizens to take extra safety precautions in Argentina, an aggravated Kirchner said, “When you see what has been coming out of diplomatic offices, they had better not come in here and try to sell some tall tale about ISIS trying to track me down so they can kill me.”

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(Português) Zoológicos
Sérgio Greif - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 29 Sep 2014

Um pouco de história: A visão de animais como “coisas” ou “objetos” a serem utilizados para nossos propósitos não é recente na história humana, e como todas as demais “coisas”, animais parecem ter sido sempre colecionados por seres humanos, mesmo no período pré- histórico.

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(Italiano) USA, il riarmo nucleare del Premio Nobel per la pace
Manlio Dinucci – Il Manifesto, 29 Sep 2014

23 set 2014 – Cinque anni fa, nell’ottobre 2009, il presidente Barack Obama fu insignito del Premio Nobel per la Pace in base alla «sua visione di un mondo libero dalle armi nucleari, e al lavoro da lui svolto in tal senso, che ha potentemente stimolato il disarmo». Motivazione che appare ancora più grottesca alla luce di quanto documenta oggi un ampio servizio del New York Times :

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Coalition of the Clueless
Sharmine Narwani – Russia Today, 29 Sep 2014

The airwaves are still heaving with spin two days after US airstrikes against Syria. Undoubtedly they were timed to the eve of the gathering of world leaders at the UN, so ‘Coalition’ partners could cluster behind the decision to bomb a sovereign state, uninvited. The goal this week will be to keep the ‘momentum’ on a ‘narrative’ until it sinks in.

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(Português) O que há por trás do “desafio do balde de gelo”
Dr Aysha akhtar - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 22 Sep 2014

Por que então, após 7 décadas do corajoso embate de Lou Gehrig contra essa doença, não existe um único tratamento efetivo ou cura à vista para a Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica? Grande parte do dinheiro de pesquisa tem sido canalizada para os assim chamados “modelos animais” de ELA. Aí está o problema: a ELA é uma doença exclusivamente humana.

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(Castellano) Fondos Buitre y la ONU
Daniel Kostzer -TeleSur, 8 Sep 2014

En el año 2000 la ONU firmó los denominados Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio a ser alcanzados o cumplidos en el 2015. Meta 8.D: Abordar en todas sus dimensiones los problemas de la deuda de los países en de-sarrollo con medidas nacionales e internacionales a fin de hacer la deuda sostenible a largo plazo.

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(Português) Banco Mundial: Cuba Tem o Melhor Sistema Educativo da América Latina e do Caribe
Salim Lamrani - Opera Mundi, 8 Sep 2014

As conclusões do relatório são implacáveis. O Banco Mundial enfatiza “a baixa qualidade média dos professores da América Latina e do Caribe”, o que constitui o principal obstáculo para o avanço da educação no continente.

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(Português) Jihadistas na Casa Branca e os Gasodutos da Eurásia
Nazanín Armanian – Carta Maior, 8 Sep 2014

Um dos objetivos da atual ofensiva lançada contra a Rússia pelos EUA é forçar a Gazprom Germania a suspender cerca de 25 projetos que desenvolve na Europa.

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Xi, Modi, Jokowi: The Rise of a New Triad
Kishore Mahbubani - The BRICS Post, 8 Sep 2014

Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Indonesia’s President-elect Joko “Jokowi” Widodo could end up ranked among their countries’ greatest modern leaders.

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(Português) Ratos Demonstram Empatia por Companheiros Torturados e Mortos em Laboratório
Mark Bekoff - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 25 Aug 2014

Aqueles dentre nós que estudam e convivem com animais já sabem muita coisa sobre suas emoções e capacidades mentais, mesmo que a ciência ainda não tenha provado além de uma sombra de dúvida acerca desse conhecimento.

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(Português) Estudo da legislação europeia referente à proibição da experimentação de cosméticos e seus ingredientes em animais, bem como sua comercialização
Sérgio Greif - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 18 Aug 2014

A legislação europeia referente à proibição dos testes de cosméticos em animais é rebuscada e confusa e tem gerado controvérsia com relação ao seu entendimento. Esboço o presente artigo com vistas a um melhor entendimento sobre a matéria.

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Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

We believe you need to seek out honest intelligence analysts now and hear them out. Then, you may be persuaded to take steps to curb the risk that relations with Russia might escalate from “Cold War II” into an armed confrontation. In all candor, we see little reason to believe that Secretary Kerry and your other advisers appreciate the enormity of that danger.

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Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals-PETA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

Although it was a crucial part of humans’ survival 100,000 years ago, hunting is now nothing more than a violent form of recreation that the vast majority of hunters do not need for subsistence. It has contributed to the extinction of animal species all over the world, including the Tasmanian tiger and the great auk.

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‘No Safe Place for Civilians’ in Gaza, U.N. Says
Stephanie Nebehay, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jul 2014

Palestinian civilians in densely-populated Gaza have no place to hide from Israel’s military offensive and children are paying the heaviest price, the United Nations said on Tuesday [22 Jul 2014].

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Both Israelis and Palestinians Are Losers in This Conflict
Daniel Barenboim – The Guardian, 28 Jul 2014

There can be no military solution. Both sides need to acknowledge the other’s suffering and their rights.

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(Português) Cientistas fazem macacos ter AIDS [SIDA] pela primeira vez: vitória ou derrota?
Sérgio Greif - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 21 Jul 2014

Após 30 anos do início da pandemia de AIDS em todo o mundo e milhões gastos em pesquisa, finalmente cientistas comemoram a noticia . . . não de que conseguiram a cura para a doença em seres humanos, mas que conseguiram criar a doença em outros primatas. Há algo de tolo e irracional na ciência tal como a entendemos hoje.

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(Castellano) Lo que la independencia de Cataluña representa y lo que debemos aprender de ella
Daniel Marty, TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

¿quién se beneficia de la independencia política y económica? ¿Será el pueblo en general o una pequeña élite? ¿será la independencia del Estado de Cataluña otorgada y protegida? ¿quién se beneficia de la división, no solamente de los catalanes, pero de los españoles también?

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NSA-Intercepted Data of Innocent Bystanders Far Outnumber Targeted Names
Barton Gellman, Julie Tate and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 14 Jul 2014

Files provided by Snowden show extent to which ordinary Web users are caught in the net.

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The Journey of One Hijab
Daniel Horgan and Hibak Hussein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Hibak is grateful for everything she has in the U.S., but as a young Muslim woman who wears a hijab in a Western society, she strives to have her religion, culture, and identity understood and respected.

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How Not to Pay the Price for Free Wi-Fi
Stephanie Rosenbloom – The New York Times, 16 Jun 2014

Part of globe-trotting nowadays is flitting from one free Wi-Fi network to the next. From hotel lobby to coffee shop to subway platform to park, each time we join a public network we put our personal information and privacy at risk.

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(Português) Sustentabilidade para Santuários de Animais
Sérgio Greif – ANDA-Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 26 May 2014

Santuários de animais são instituições e/ou pessoas que mantêm animais sob sua custódia, nas melhores condições possíveis e pelo tempo de suas vidas, mas não permitem sua reprodução, e não exploram esses animais de forma alguma (seja negociando animais ou suas partes, seja exibindo os animais ou entretendo pessoas à sua custa).

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(Português) É preciso fechar os zoológicos
Ivan santos – ANDA-Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 5 May 2014

Confinar animais em zoológicos foi e continua a ser um massacre irracional e sádico. Vários cientistas e biólogos em todo o mundo, após atentas pesquisas, concluíram que um zoológico não oferece condições adequadas para abrigar as espécies animais que têm direito a viver em liberdade em ambientes naturais.

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Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Report on Surveillance 2014
World Health Organization – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 May 2014

Antimicrobial resistance threatens the prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. Governments around the world are devoting efforts to a problem so serious that it threatens the achievements of modern medicine.

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A People’s War in East Ukraine
Daniel Patrick Welch – Consortium News, 5 May 2014

Ukraine’s Western-backed coup regime in Kiev has launched an offensive against ethnic Russians in the east while a pro-regime mob used fire to kill some 31 anti-regime protesters in Odessa. Virtually all U.S. pundits favor the coup regime. Here is a different view of the conflict.

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(Português) Reflexões sobre a morte induzida a animais
Juan Agustín Gómez, Ánima – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Apr 2014

Depois de alguns anos de prática na clínica de pequenos animais, foi-se desenvolvendo em mim uma crescente inquietude acerca deste tema. Sempre achei necessário ter uma posição, uma atitude coerente e sobretudo honesta frente a esta situação onde tantas vezes me vi envolvido.

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(Português) No Limite da Senciência
Sérgio Greif - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 7 Apr 2014

De tempos em tempos somos surpreendidos por “novas descobertas científicas” no que diz respeito ao sentimento de dor em animais. Recente estudo da Universidade do Texas demonstrou o que qualquer pessoa que já tenha manipulado ou observado cefalópodes deveria saber: Polvos e lulas são capazes de sentir dor.

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Peace Education in Boston
Daniel Horgan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Apr 2014

That’s what life, and peace education looks like in Boston. It also serves as a stark reminder that the citizens, teachers, and students of any nation are often far removed from the militarism and violence that their federal governments promote in their foreign (and/or domestic) policies.

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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report: ‘No One Will Be Untouched by Climate Change’
Danielle Demetriou in Yokohama – The Telegraph, 31 Mar 2014

Flooding, storm surges, droughts and heatwaves are among key risks of global warming. The warnings were published by the IPCC Working Group II report on Monday [31 Mar 2014], which was compiled by more than 300 authors from 70 countries and thousands of global experts.

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NSA Surveillance Program Reaches ‘Into the Past’ to Retrieve, Replay Phone Calls
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 24 Mar 2014

The NSA has built a surveillance system capable of recording “100 percent” of a foreign country’s telephone calls according to people with direct knowledge of the effort and documents supplied by former contractor Edward Snowden.

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The Geopolitics of Gay Rights in Uganda
Daniel Wagner and Giorgio Cafiero – Huffington Post, 17 Mar 2014

6 Mar 2014 – Last week’s passage into law of the controversial anti-gay bill in Uganda puts the country among an elite club of nations noteworthy for their backpedaling on human and civil rights.

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On the Ukraine: Three Awkward Questions for Western Liberals
Yanis Varoufakis – International Policy Digest, 17 Mar 2014

Awkward question no. 2: On what principle does a western liberal deny the right of Chechens to independence from Russia, but is prepared to defend to the hilt the Georgians’ or the Ukrainians’ right to self-determination?

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The War on Emotions is Driving Us Insane
Anita McKone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

Have you ever been provoked by someone into fear, anger or pain, and then blamed, punished or humiliated for feeling and expressing these feelings? This is a form of psychological torture which has very serious consequences. Here are three stories that demonstrate how commonly this form of torture occurs in human society.

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(Português) Brasil – Experiência com animais: Opinião contrária
Laerte fernando levai – ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 3 Mar 2014

O resgate de quase duzentos cães beagles no Instituto Royal de São Roque/SP, realizado por ativistas, surge como divisor de águas de um tema ainda considerado tabu no direito brasileiro: a experimentação animal.

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Five New Reasons Monsanto’s ‘Science’ Doesn’t Add Up
Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

As new studies surface it’s become increasingly clear that among credible physicians and scientists the consensus is that we’d better wake up to the risks and threats posed by a reckless technology that has been allowed to dominate our food and farming systems.

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(Português) Os Animais Têm Emoções?
Marc Bekoff - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 24 Feb 2014

Quando comecei meus estudos há três décadas atrás, a pergunta era: “Qual é a sensação de ser um cão ou um lobo?” Pesquisadores, quase todos céticos, passavam o tempo se perguntando se os cães, gatos, chimpanzés e outros animais sentiam, mas sentimentos não se encaixam sob um microscópio.

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Tragedi Rohingya – The Rohingya Tragedy in Burma/Myanmar
Agenda Awani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2014

The ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya ethnicity explained. Participation of TRANSCEND member Dr. Maung Zarni, Burmese scholar and expert on the issue.

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GMOs Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds, and . . . ?
Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins - Organic Consumers Association, 17 Feb 2014

“It is ironic to think that man might determine his own future by something so seemingly trivial as the choice of an insect spray.” – Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

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Bitcoin is a Flawed Currency but a Potentially Useful Application for the Eurozone
Yanis Varoufakis – International Policy Digest, 17 Feb 2014

While Bitcoin is too deflationary by nature to act as a widespread currency alternative to the dollar or the euro, its design can be used profitably in order to help the Eurozone’s member-states create euro-denominated electronic payment systems that help them, at least in the medium term, overcome the asphyxiating deflationary pressures imposed upon them by the Eurozone’s Gold Standard-like (and, indeed, Bitcoin-like) austerian design.

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Syria: At Least 50 Americans Have Joined Terrorist Units, US Says
Ken Dilanian - McClatchy, 10 Feb 2014

At least 50 Americans have joined the mix of extremist groups that are fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, and some could try to mount terrorist attacks at home, U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday [4 Feb 2014].

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Victory! India Ends Tests on Animals for Household Products
PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2014

A skin sensitization test that is currently performed by rubbing harsh chemicals into guinea pigs’ shaved skin was replaced with non-animal testing methods. This move will end all animal-poisoning tests for cleaners, detergents, and other common household products in India.

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“Failed Everywhere It’s Been Tried” – The Deadly Wages of Free Trade
Daniel Kovalik - CounterPunch, 20 Jan 2014

Since the passage of the Colombia FTA the violence has only increased and sadly bears resemblances to the violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico after the passage of NAFTA. The founding father of the “free trade” treaty, former President Bill Clinton, admitted to the US Senate in 2010 that it has “failed everywhere it’s been tried.”

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El Día Que Me Quieras (Music Video of the Week)
Daniel Barenboim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014

From the Album ‘Mi Buenos Aires Querido’
Tango, Sensual Dance

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Koodankulam: An Unfettered Struggle
Anitha S, People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jan 2014

We are proud that our dear sister Sundari who lost many months in jail and on conditional bail away from home has penned her thoughts as a book: Unfettered Struggle (Sirai Paadal Porattam). She has lucidly written about her experiences with the police, in jail ,and as a strong fighter for justice and life in this village.

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Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice
Anita McKone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jan 2014

Since the mid-1990s, Robert J. Burrowes and I have practised and further researched a form of psychology based on the principle of ‘fearless awareness of the self’. If people wish to know the underlying emotions that have caused me to write this account and critical analysis, they are love and anger. I love the truth and hope that what Robert and I have discovered through our research is useful to others who wish to truly love and understand themselves.

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The Way Forward for South Sudan
Mahmood Mamdani – Al Jazeera, 6 Jan 2014

How does one understand the current conflict in South Sudan? Two major explanations are on offer.

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Global Capitalism is the Real Enemy: Why Environmentalists Should Support Working Class Struggles
Stephanie Mcmillan - CounterPunch, 23 Dec 2013

First, we must recognize the fact that global capitalism is driving ecocide.

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ACT Gay Marriage Law Is Ruled Invalid by High Court of Australia
Daniel Hurst – The Guardian, 16 Dec 2013

Judges rule same-sex marriage law could not sit concurrently with the federal Marriage Act and therefore ‘is of no effect’.

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Open Letter to Intelligence Employees after Snowden
Thomas Drake, Daniel Ellsberg, Katharine Gun, Peter Kofod, Ray McGovern, Jesselyn Radack, Coleen Rowley – The Guardian, 16 Dec 2013

By Former Whistleblowers – Blowing the whistle on powerful factions is not a fun thing to do, but it is the last avenue for truth, balanced debate and democracy. There IS strength in numbers. Courage is contagious.

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New Documents Show How the NSA Infers Relationships Based on Mobile Location Data
Ashkan Soltani and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 16 Dec 2013

Everyone who carries a cellphone generates a trail of electronic breadcrumbs that reveal a wealth of information about who we are, where we live, who our friends are and much more. The NSA is collecting location information in bulk — 5 billion records per day worldwide — and using sophisticated algorithms to assist with U.S. intelligence-gathering operations.

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NSA Uses Google Cookies to Pinpoint Targets for Hacking
Ashkan Soltani, Andrea Peterson and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 16 Dec 2013

The agency’s internal presentation slides, provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, show that when companies follow consumers on the Internet to better serve them advertising, the technique opens the door for similar tracking by the government. The slides also suggest that the agency is using these tracking techniques to help identify targets for offensive hacking operations.

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The Surprising Republican Civil War That Erupted Over Nelson Mandela and Apartheid
Sagar Jethani, Policymic – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Ronald Reagan appeared on TV to warn Americans against the Anti-Apartheid Act, decrying it as “immoral” and “utterly repugnant.” Congress disagreed, and one month later it overrode Reagan and passed tough new measures against South Africa’s Apartheid government.

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NSA Tracking Cellphone Locations Worldwide, Snowden Documents Show
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 9 Dec 2013

Dec. 4, 2013 – The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable.

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Revealed: How the NSA Targets Italy
Glenn Greenwald and Stefania Maurizi – L’Espresso, 9 Dec 2013

A file mentions the “Special Collection Service” sites in Rome and in Milan, the very same service which, according to the German weekly “Der Spiegel “, spied on the mobile phone of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

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Mother Agnes Mariam: In Her Own Words
Sharmine Narwani – Mideast Shuffle, 2 Dec 2013

Neither Scahill nor Jones provided any reason for their harsh “indictment” of Mother Agnes. The journalists – neither of whom have produced any notable body of work on Syria – appear to have followed the lead of a breed of Syria “activists” who have given us doozies like “Assad is about to fall,” “Assad has no support,” “the opposition is peaceful,” “the opposition is unarmed,” “this is a popular revolution,” “the revolution is not foreign-backed,” “there is no Al Qaeda in Syria,” “the dead are mostly civilians,” and other such gems.

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Ambition Silences Myanmar’s Freedom Icon
Roger Mitton – The Manila Times, 25 Nov 2013

Throughout history, prominent political and even religious leaders and institutions have kept silent about enormities which they had vehemently opposed in the past. So it is right and just for many human rights advocates across the globe to attack Myanmar pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi for her public acquiescence in the persecution of Muslims in her country.

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(Português) Experimentação em Animais
Ricardo Laurino – ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 25 Nov 2013

Talvez uma frase de Thomas Edison, famoso cientista americano, resuma por que cada vez mais pessoas desaprovam a experimentação animal: “a não violência nos leva à mais alta ética, a qual é o objetivo de toda a evolução. Até pararmos de ferir outros seres vivos, seremos ainda selvagens”.

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(Português) Por Que Experimentos em Animais Não São Necessários
Corina Gericke - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 18 Nov 2013

Cientistas, políticos e cidadãos estão cada vez mais reconhecendo que as experiências com animais não cumprem o que prometem, e que os seus resultados não são diretamente aplicáveis aos seres humanos. Não é possível prever como um ser humano irá reagir com base nos resultados de experiências realizadas em animais.

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Blame It on the French
Khosrow Soltani – Al Jazeera, 18 Nov 2013

What are France’s motives in undermining a crucial deal between Iran and P5+1? Different viewpoints have been expressed on the multiple motives, ranging from commercial to geopolitical interests, to just playing its role as a scapegoat for the US.

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(Português) Experimentação Animal: Necessidade ou Especismo?
Hugo Chusyd e Katia Sendra Tavares - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 11 Nov 2013

É possível construir uma sociedade e uma medicina que não explora e abusa de outros animais. A história tem nos mostrado incansáveis vezes que sempre encontramos um meio de resolver aquilo que em certo momento parecia impossível.

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NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say
Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani – The Washington Post, 4 Nov 2013

30 Oct 2013 – The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.

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