Articles by The Guardian

We found 918 results.

No More Foreign Wars? Yet America Is Fighting in Yemen’s Civil War
Ryan Goodman – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

On Syria, Obama went to Congress over military action. But in Yemen, the US has joined a counter-insurgency without a word.

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Elon Musk: Oil Campaign against Electric Cars Is Like Big Tobacco Lobbying
Adam Vaughan – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

Tesla chief executive likens attacks on electric cars to campaigns of misinformation by big tobacco and climate skeptics.

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US Defends Drone Strikes as ‘Necessary and Just’ in Face of UN Criticism
Ed Pilkington and Ryan Devereaux – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

The US government has defended its use of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries in front of the UN, telling that in President Obama’s view the deployment of unmanned aerial attacks against al-Qaida targets was “necessary, legal and just”.

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US Politics’ True Bipartisan Consensus: Capitalism Is Untouchable
Richard Wolff – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

Democrats like moderate Keynesianism. Republicans favour free markets unfettered. The crisis-ridden system is never challenged. The economic aim of both major US political parties is, in the end, the same: to protect and reinforce the capitalist system.

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NSA Monitored Calls of 35 World Leaders after US Official Handed Over Contacts
James Ball – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

The National Security Agency monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders after being given the numbers by an official in another US government department, according to a classified document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

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As Europe Erupts over US Spying, NSA Chief Says Government Must Stop Media
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed. As was true for Brazil previously, reports about surveillance aimed at leaders are receiving most of the media attention, but what really originally drove the story there were revelations that the NSA is bulk-spying on millions and millions of innocent citizens in all of those nations.

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Snowden Leaks: France Summons US Envoy over NSA Surveillance Claims
Sam Jones and Angelique Chrisafis – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

On Monday [21 Oct 2013], Le Monde published details from the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden suggesting that the US agency had been intercepting phone calls on what it terms “a massive scale”. The French government has summoned the US ambassador in Paris, demanding an explanation.

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France Cements Fracking Ban
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

France’s constitutional court has upheld a ban on hydraulic fracturing, ruling that the law against the energy exploration technique known as “fracking” is a valid means of protecting the environment.

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New York Times Says UK Tried to Get It to Hand Over Snowden Documents
Ed Pilkington – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

The editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson, has confirmed that senior British officials attempted to persuade her to hand over secret documents leaked by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

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Pierre Omidyar Commits $250m to New Media Venture with Glenn Greenwald
Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

Decision to set up news organisation fuelled by ‘concern about press freedoms in the US and around the world’. Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, has revealed more details of the media organization he is creating with journalist Glenn Greenwald.

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The Perfect Epitaph for Establishment Journalism
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

If the government tells me I shouldn’t publish something, who am I as a journalist to disobey? Put that on the tombstone of western establishment journalism. It perfectly encapsulates the death spiral of large journalistic outlets.

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Plummeting Morale at Fukushima Daiichi as Nuclear Cleanup Takes Its Toll
Justin McCurry – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

Staff on the frontline of operation plagued by health problems and fearful about the future, insiders say.

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How the World Health Organisation Covered Up Iraq’s Nuclear Nightmare
Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, 21 Oct 2013

13 Oct 2013 – Last month, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a long awaited document summarising the findings of an in-depth investigation into the prevalence of congenital birth defects (CBD) in Iraq, which many experts believe is linked to the use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions by Allied forces. According to the ‘summary report’.

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Attacking Tor: How the NSA Targets Users’ Online Anonymity
Bruce Schneier – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

The online anonymity network Tor is a high-priority target for the National Security Agency. The work of attacking Tor is done by the NSA’s application vulnerabilities branch, which is part of the systems intelligence directorate, or SID.

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Mass Spying: How the US Stamps Its Supremacy on the Pacific Region
Antony Loewenstein – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

The US is keen to convince its Pacific friends to fear a spy-friendly Beijing. The irony? Washington’s spying network is far more widespread than anything coming from the Chinese. What if China was beating the US at its own super-power game in the Pacific and we didn’t even notice?

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Skype under Investigation in Luxembourg over Link to NSA
Ryan Gallagher – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

The Microsoft-owned internet chat company could potentially face criminal and administrative sanctions, including a ban on passing users’ communications covertly to the US signals intelliigence agency.

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Chelsea Manning Rejects ‘Pacifist’ Label in First Statement since Sentencing
Ed Pilkington – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

Exclusive: In first public remarks since guilty verdict, WikiLeaks source expresses intense upset at public presentation of her.

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Guardian’s NSA Revelations: Spies to Go under Spotlight
Patrick Wintour, Rowena Mason and Dan Roberts – The Guardian, 14 Oct 2013

British deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is to start conversations in government about how to update the legal oversight of the UK’s security services in the light of disclosures by the Guardian that powerful new technologies appear to have outstripped the current system of legislative and political oversight.

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Russia to Monitor ‘All Communications’ at Winter Olympics in Sochi
Shaun Walker – The Guardian, 7 Oct 2013

Athletes and spectators attending the Winter Olympics in Sochi in February [2014] will face some of the most invasive and systematic spying and surveillance in the history of the Games, documents shared with the Guardian show.

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Stephen Hawking’s Big Ideas… Made Simple – Animation
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

Pretty interesting science. Hawking said that ‘the universe does not need god because its laws are self-created and self-perpetuating,” and that “the universe came from nothing.” Do you believe that? Or do you believe in intelligent design? The point being, they are both beliefs: in a theory vs in scriptures.

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Irish Schoolchildren to Learn about Atheism
Henry McDonald – The Guardian, 7 Oct 2013

In a historic move that will cheer Richard Dawkins, lessons about atheism are to be taught in Ireland’s primary schools for the first time. The lessons on atheism, agnosticism and humanism for up to 16,000 primary-school pupils in Ireland will be drawn up by Atheist Ireland and multi-denominational school provider Educate Together.

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Ocean Acidification Due to Carbon Emissions Is at Highest for 300m Years
Fiona Harvey – The Guardian, 7 Oct 2013

The oceans are more acidic now than they have been for at least 300m years, due to carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, and a mass extinction of key species may already be almost inevitable as a result, leading marine scientists warned on Thursday [3 Oct 2013].

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The Snowden Files: Why the British Public Should Be Worried about GCHQ
John Lanchester – The Guardian, 7 Oct 2013

When the Guardian offered John Lanchester access to the GCHQ files, the journalist and novelist was initially unconvinced. But what the papers told him was alarming: that Britain is sliding towards an entirely new kind of surveillance society.

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Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the ‘Pathetic’ American Media
Lisa O'Carroll – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back to the fundamental job of journalists, to be an outsider. It doesn’t take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative journalist who has been the nemesis of US presidents since the 1960s and who was once described by the Republican party as “the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist”.

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Syria: The Strategy Has Backfired
Alastair Crooke – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

What a curious turn of events: from the very brink of a military intervention in Syria that might have precipitated a wider regional conflagration, we have moved to one of those rare “points of inflection” over Iran which seems fecund with potential possibilities, including a solution in Syria.

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Recovery Hype: American Capitalism’s Weapon of Mass Distraction
Richard Wolff - The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

You don’t have to be a Marxist to see how the 1% tries to fool us that we too are sharing in their renewed wealth. But it helps. From President Obama on down, defenders of the status quo insist that the US economy has “recovered” or “is recovering”. Some actually see the world that way.

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Brazilian President: US Surveillance a ‘Breach of International Law’
Julian Borger – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s scathing speech to UN general assembly is the most serious diplomatic fallout over revelations of US spying. She launched a blistering attack on US espionage accusing the NSA of violating international law by its indiscriminate collection of personal information of Brazilian citizens and economic espionage targeted on the country’s strategic industries.

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NSA Surveillance Goes Beyond Orwell’s Imagination – Alan Rusbridger
Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

Guardian editor says depth of NSA surveillance programs greatly exceed anything the 1984 author could have imagined.

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Why Has Geoengineering Been Legitimised by the IPCC?
Jack Stilgoe – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

27 Sep 2013 – The big surprise comes in the final paragraph of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, with a mention of geoengineering. In the scientific world, a final paragraph is often the place to put caveats and suggestions for further research. In the political world, a final paragraph is a coda, a big finish, the place for a triumphant, standing-ovation-inducing summary. The IPCC tries to straddle both worlds.

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Fasted Training: Should You Eat Before Exercise?
The Guardian Running Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Traditional research states that runners need carbohydrate to train effectively, but new studies show the benefits of fasted training. A nutritionist explains the ‘train low, compete high’ concept.

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NSA Stories around the World
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

23 Sep 2013 – Revelations continue to produce outcomes on multiple levels in numerous countries around the world.

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The Best Countries in the World for Vegetarians
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Glasgow has been heralded as the best city in the world for vegans, but where are the best nations for travellers on a meat-free diet?

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At 16, Ganesh Got a Job in Qatar – Two Months Later He Was Dead
Pete Pattisson in Kathmandu and Doha – The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

Nepalese workers go to Qatar to find a way out of poverty. Instead, many are trapped into 12-hour days and nights in overcrowded, filthy camps. Some never make it home alive.

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London Whale Scandal to Cost JP Morgan $920m in Penalties
Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 23 Sep 2013

JP Morgan has agreed to pay about $920m in penalties to US and UK regulators over the “unsafe and unsound practices” that led to its $6.2bn losses last year. It admitted wrongdoing as part of the settlement, an unusual step for a finance firm in the crosshairs of multiple legal actions.

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The US: World’s Policeman or Schoolyard Bully?
Bill Maher – The Guardian, 23 Sep 2013

Bombing seems to be our answer for everything. Since 1945, when Jesus granted America air superiority, we’ve bombed Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Serbia, Somalia, Bosnia, the Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen.

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Major US Security Company Warns Over NSA Link to Encryption Formula
Charles Arthur and agencies – The Guardian, 23 Sep 2013

A major American computer security company has told thousands of customers to stop using an encryption system that relies on a mathematical formula developed by the National Security Agency.

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Why Anders Breivik Is Welcome at Our University
Ole Petter Ottersen – The Guardian, 16 Sep 2013

Anders Breivik’s application to the University of Oslo for admission to the political science study programme created interest worldwide. Breivik did not qualify for the full programme, but will be able study specific topics. Here the university’s rector explains the decision to grant him access to the course.

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Obama’s Syria Plans in Disarray after Britain Rejects Use of Force
Paul Lewis and Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

Barack Obama’s plans for air strikes against Syria were thrown into disarray on Thursday [29 Aug 2013] night after the British parliament unexpectedly rejected a motion designed to pave the way to authorising the UK’s participation in military action.

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Microsoft and Google to Sue over US Surveillance Requests
Rory Carroll – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

Microsoft and Google are to sue the US government to win the right to reveal more information about official requests for user data. The lawsuit was announced on Friday [30 Aug 2013], escalating a legal battle over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa), the mechanism used by the National Security Agency (NSA) and other US government agencies to gather data about foreign internet users.

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MediaGuardian Lists Digital Consumer as Most Powerful Industry Figure
Jason Deans – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

The digital consumer – listed as “you” – tops MediaGuardian’s annual ranking of the UK’s 100 most powerful industry figures this year, reflecting the extent to which mobile and social media are transforming an industry traditionally dominated by moguls, editors and celebrities.

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Just Say No to Nuclear Power – From Fukushima to Vermont
Amy Goodman – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

Fukushima showed us the intolerable costs of nuclear power. The citizens of Vermont show us the benefits of shutting it down.

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Obama, Congress and Syria
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

The president is celebrated for seeking a vote on his latest war even as his aides make clear it has no binding effect.

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An Attack on Syria Will Only Spread the War and Killing
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 2 Sep 2013

All the signs are they’re going to do it again. The attack on Syria now being planned by the US and its allies will be the ninth direct western military intervention in an Arab or Muslim country in 15 years. Depending how you cut the cake, the looming bombardment follows onslaughts on Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Mali, as well as a string of murderous drone assaults on Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

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NSA Paid Millions to Cover Prism Compliance Costs for Tech Companies
Ewen MacAskill in New York – The Guardian, 26 Aug 2013

• Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship
• Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA
• Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling

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David Miranda, Schedule 7 and the Danger That All Reporters Now Face
Alan Rusbridger - The Guardian, 26 Aug 2013

As the events in a Heathrow transit lounge – and the Guardian offices – have shown, the threat to journalism is real and growing. A transit lounge in Heathrow is a dangerous place to be.

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Alan Rusbridger: “I would rather destroy the copied files than hand them back to the NSA and GCHQ”
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2013

Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian, talks about the UK and international law, the future of journalism, and the David Miranda affair.

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Glenn Greenwald: Detaining My Partner Was a Failed Attempt at Intimidation
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 19 Aug 2013

The detention of my partner David Miranda “under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act of 2000″ by UK authorities will have the opposite effect of the one intended. Even the Mafia had ethical rules against targeting the family members of people they felt threatened by. The Guardian’s lawyer was able to speak with David and told me that he was in very good spirits and quite defiant, and he asked the lawyer to convey that defiance to me. I already share it, as I’m certain US and UK authorities will soon see.

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New York Banking Regulator Targets Bitcoin and Other Virtual Currencies
Reuters – The Guardian, 19 Aug 2013

New York’s top banking regulator is considering issuing regulatory guidelines for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, according to a memo posted on its website on Monday [12 Aug 2013]. Last year, the FBI reported that Bitcoin was being used by criminals to move money around the world.

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Google: Don’t Expect Privacy When Sending to Gmail
Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 19 Aug 2013

Critics call revelation ‘a stunning admission’ as Google makes claim in court filing in attempt to head off class action lawsuit.

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The NSA Is Turning the Internet into a Total Surveillance System
Alexander Abdo and Patrick Toomey – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

11 Aug 2013 – Now we know all Americans’ international email is searched and saved, we can see how far the ‘collect it all’ mission has gone. Another burst of sunlight permeated the National Security Agency’s black box of domestic surveillance last week.

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Excitement, but Anxiety too, as Uruguay Sets Liberal Path with New Cannabis Law
Uki Goni – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

Uruguay’s liberal President Jose Mujica put political weight behind drug law reform, and money from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation is helping push through congress. Other Latin American countries, such as Colombia and Bolivia, emboldened by Uruguay’s move and frustrated over their failure to beat illegal cartels in the region, will be looking carefully at how the reform fares.

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Email Service Used by Snowden [Lavabit] Shuts Itself Down, Warns against Using US-Based Companies
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

A Texas-based encrypted email service recently revealed to be used by Edward Snowden – Lavabit – announced yesterday [8Aug 2013] it was shutting itself down to avoid complying with unjust secret US court orders to provide government access to its users’ content. Edward Snowden: ‘Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, and the rest of our internet titans must ask themselves why they aren’t fighting for our interests the same way’.

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Richard Dawkins’ Tweets on Islam Are As Rational As the Rants of an Extremist Muslim Cleric
Nesrine Malik – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

My Eid was interrupted by Richard Dawkins tweeting about how few Nobel prizes Muslims have won. His logic rings a bell …

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Google Chrome Security Flaw Offers Unrestricted Password Access
Charles Arthur – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

Plain text logon details for email, social networks and company systems stored in browser’s Settings panel. One security manager said: “The fact you can view the passwords means they are stored in reversible form which means that the dark coders out there will be writing a Trojan to steal that password store as we speak.”

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Please Read Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 on Your Vacation, Mr. President
Amy Goodman – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

Senator Obama’s objection to ‘a dumb war’ won him nomination. As commander-in-chief, he has reneged on opposing militarism.

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Obama’s Abuse of the Espionage Act Is Modern-Day McCarthyism
John Kiriakou – The Guardian, 12 Aug 2013

Shame on this president for persecuting whistleblowers with a legal relic, while administration officials leak with impunity. In early 2012, I was arrested and charged with three counts of espionage and one count of violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. (I was only the second person in US history to be charged with violating the IIPA, a law that was written to be used against rogues like Philip Agee.)

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Manning, Snowden and Assange Were the Ones Who Took Risks to Expose Crime
Amy Goodman – The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

But those who planned the wars, those who committed war crimes, those who conduct illegal spying, for now, walk free.

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JP Morgan to Pay $410m in Penalties for Manipulating Electricity Prices
Associated Press in Washington – The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

JP Morgan has agreed to the penalty, although the company disputes the violations. The penalty includes $285m for the federal government, and $125m for ratepayers. The agency recently levied a $453m penalty on Barclays, Britain’s second-largest bank, for manipulating electricity prices in California and other western states. Barclays is disputing the allegations.

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Uruguay Votes to Create World’s First National Legal Marijuana Market
Associated Press in Montevideo - The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

1 Aug 2013 – Legislators in the ruling coalition said putting the government at the centre of a legal marijuana industry is worth trying because the global war on drugs had been a costly and bloody failure, and displacing illegal dealers through licensed marijuana sales could save money and lives.

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Xkeyscore: NSA Tool Collects ‘Nearly Everything a User Does On the Internet’
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

• XKeyscore gives ‘widest-reaching’ collection of online data
• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches
• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history
• NSA’s XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations

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Syria’s Exodus: A Refugee Crisis for the World
Martin Chulov and Mark Rice-Oxley – The Guardian, 29 Jul 2013

“When we look at the prospects, one that we all have to face is that this conflict is creating a large risk of sectarian cleansing. This is how Srebrenica happened, how Rwanda happened, by gradually building up this enormous wave that leads to catastrophic consequences. This is the [crisis] that makes me lose sleep.”

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America’s Real Subversives: FBI Spying Then, NSA Surveillance Now
Amy Goodman – The Guardian, 29 Jul 2013

As the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington approaches, commemorating that historic gathering where Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous “I have a dream” speech, it is important to recall the extent to which King was targeted by the government’s domestic spying apparatus.

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The Six Types of Atheist
Andrew Brown – The Guardian, 22 Jul 2013

A new study in the US seeks to break down atheists into distinct categories. Which one do you fall into?

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NSA Warned to Rein in Surveillance as Agency Reveals Even Greater Scope
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 22 Jul 2013

NSA officials testify to angry House panel that agency can perform ‘three-hop queries’ through Americans’ data and records.

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The Crux of the NSA Story in One Phrase: ‘Collect It All’
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 22 Jul 2013

The actual story that matters is not hard to see: the NSA is attempting to collect, monitor and store all forms of human communication.

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Goldman Sachs Profits Double in Second Quarter
Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 22 Jul 2013

Goldman Sachs doubled its profits in the second quarter as the bank benefited from gains in fixed income, currency and commodity trading revenue. The Wall Street giant set out its latest quarterly earnings Tuesday [16 Jul 2013] morning announcing net income of $1.93bn, compared with $962m a year earlier. Net revenue, including net interest income, rose 30% to $8.61bn from $6.6bn last year.

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Rapper Yasiin Bey (Aka Mos Def) Force Fed under Standard Guantánamo Bay Procedure
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

In this four-minute film made by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def), experiences the procedure. Warning: Some Viewers May Find These Images Distressing – Guantánamo inmates are submitted to this horrible procedure TWICE DAILY.

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The NSA/GCHQ Metadata Reassurances Are Breathtakingly Cynical
John Naughton – The Guardian, 15 Jul 2013

Over the past two weeks, I have lost count of the number of officials and government ministers who, when challenged about internet surveillance by GCHQ and the NSA, try to reassure their citizens by saying that the spooks are “only” collecting metadata, not “content”. Only two conclusions are possible from this: either the relevant spokespersons are unbelievably dumb or they are displaying a breathtaking contempt for their citizenry.

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How Microsoft Handed the NSA Access to Encrypted Messages
Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill, Laura Poitras, Spencer Ackerman and Dominic Rushe – The Guardian, 15 Jul 2013

• Secret files show scale of Silicon Valley co-operation on Prism
• encryption unlocked even before official launch
• Skype worked to enable Prism collection of video calls
• Company says it is legally compelled to comply

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The Snowden Video Sequel and Brazil Fallout
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 15 Jul 2013

In the first video we published, Snowden indicated that his primary motive was to shine light on the ubiquitous global surveillance apparatus being secretly constructed by the US and its allies in order to prompt a meaningful worldwide debate. It’s hard to contest that substantial progress has been made in fulfilling this objective.

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How Cryptography Is a Key Weapon in the Fight against Empire States
Julian Assange – The Guardian, 15 Jul 2013

Strong cryptography is a vital tool in fighting state oppression. That is the message in my book, Cypherpunks. But the movement for the universal availability of strong cryptography must be made to do more than this. Our future does not lie in the liberty of individuals alone. The cypherpunks have yet to do their greatest work. Join us.

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Egypt, Brazil, Turkey: Without Politics, Protest Is at the Mercy of the Elites
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 8 Jul 2013

From Egypt to Brazil, street action is driving change, but organisation is essential if it’s not to be hijacked or disarmed.

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Whales Flee from Military Sonar Leading to Mass Strandings, Research Shows
Damian Carrington – The Guardian, 8 Jul 2013

Whales flee from the loud military sonar used by navies to hunt submarines, new research has proven for the first time. The studies provide a missing link in the puzzle that has connected naval exercises around the world to unusual mass strandings of whales and dolphins.

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James Clapper, EU Play-Acting, and Political Priorities
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 8 Jul 2013

3 Jul 2013 – The NSA revelations continue to expose far more than just the ongoing operations of that sprawling and unaccountable spying agency. Let’s examine what we have learned this week about the US political and media class and then certain EU leaders.

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When States Monitored Their Citizens We Used to Call Them Authoritarian. Now We Think This Is What Keeps Us Safe
Suzanne Moore – The Guardian, 8 Jul 2013

The internet is being snooped on and CCTV is everywhere. How did we come to accept that this is just the way things are?

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The NSA’s Mass and Indiscriminate Spying on Brazilians
Glenn Greenwald – The Guardian, 8 Jul 2013

As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil.

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Bradley Manning Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize
Mairead Corrigan-Maguire – The Guardian, 1 Jul 2013

As a peace prize winner myself, I am nominating Manning for this honor for his work to help end the Iraq War and other conflicts. I hope American leaders will embrace the U.S. constitution, and base their national and foreign policies on ethical values, human rights and international law.

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Pentagon Bracing For Public Dissent over Climate and Energy Shocks
Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, 24 Jun 2013

Top secret US National Security Agency (NSA) documents disclosed by the Guardian have shocked the world with revelations of a comprehensive US-based surveillance system with direct access to Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech giants. New Zealand court records suggest that data harvested by the NSA’s Prism system has been fed into the Five Eyes intelligence alliance whose members also include the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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The Whistleblowers Are the New Generation of American Patriots
Gary Younge – The Guardian, 24 Jun 2013

The violation of civil liberties in the name of security has had a profound impact on those who came of age after 9/11.

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Steve Wozniak: ‘I felt about Edward Snowden the way I felt about Daniel Ellsberg’
Tania Branigan – The Guardian, 24 Jun 2013

Apple co-founder says he admires Edward Snowden as much as Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg. He said he had been brought up to believe that “communist Russia was so bad because they followed their people, they snooped on them, they arrested them, they put them in secret prisons, they disappeared them. We are getting more and more like that.”

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Rewilding Made Simple – An Animated Guide
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2013

Could the destruction of the natural world be reversed? Could our bare hills once more support a rich and thriving ecosystem, containing wolves, lynx, moose, bison, wolverines and boar? Does our wildlife still bear the marks of the great beasts that once roamed here? George Monbiot narrates an animation on the enchanting subject of rewilding.

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Guantánamo Force-Feeding Does Not Trouble Prison Doctors
Associated Press – The Guardian, 24 Jun 2013

Calls for the doctors who force-feed hunger-striking prisoners at Guantánamo Bay to refuse to perform the practice on ethical grounds have got nowhere, a spokesman for the prison said on Thursday [20 June 2013]. No doctors, nurses or corpsman had balked at feeding the prisoners or even voiced a concern about the military’s policy of using what’s known as enteral feeding to prevent any of the hunger strikers starving to death, said Navy Captain Robert Durand.

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Edward Snowden: Saving Us from the United Stasi of America
Daniel Ellsberg – The Guardian, 17 Jun 2013

Snowden’s whistleblowing gives us a chance to roll back what is tantamount to an ‘executive coup’ against the US constitution.

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Edward Snowden: The Whistleblower behind the NSA Surveillance Revelations
Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill and Laura Poitras in Hong Kong – The Guardian, 17 Jun 2013

The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA’s history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows.

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Guantánamo Doctors Must Refuse to Force-Feed Hunger Strikers – Physicians
Paul Harris in New York – The Guardian, 17 Jun 2013

“Military physicians should refuse to participate in any act that unambiguously violates medical ethics,” wrote Dr George Annas, Dr Sondra Crosby and Dr Leonard Glantz, in a three-page article outlining an ethical case against force-feeding of the detainees. All three are senior medical professors at Boston University.

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Guide to Your Metadata
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

Below, explore some of the data collected through activities you do every day. What you can tell using metadata – A case study of the Petraeus scandal.

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Edward Snowden and Whistleblowers: ‘The Truth Sets You Free’
Interviews by Leo Benedictus, Leo Hickman and Richard Norton-Taylor – The Guardian, 17 Jun 2013

Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA’s electronic surveillance make him one of the most damaging whistleblowers in history. But what drives loyal employees to reveal the truth? And how do they live with the backlash?

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Google+ Isn’t a Social Network; It’s The Matrix
Charles Arthur – The Guardian, 10 Jun 2013

Yes – you know, the one from the film, which knows everything you’re thinking and guides what you see and experience. If you create a Gmail account, you’ll automatically get a Google+ account. Even if you don’t ever do anything with it, the Google+ account will track you wherever you’re signed in to your Google account.

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Bilderberg 2013: Welcome to 1984
Charlie Skelton – The Guardian, 10 Jun 2013

Relax: thanks to Goldman Sachs and other ‘donors’, this year’s conference will be cost-neutral for Hertfordshire – despite the construction of the Great Wall of Watford.

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IMF Admits: We Failed To Realise the Damage Austerity Would Do to Greece
Larry Elliott, Phillip Inman and Helena Smith in Athens – The Guardian, 10 Jun 2013

The International Monetary Fund admitted it had failed to realise the damage austerity would do to Greece as the Washington-based organisation catalogued mistakes made during the bailout of the stricken eurozone country.

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NSA Prism Program Taps In to User Data of Apple, Google and Others
Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 10 Jun 2013

• Top-secret Prism program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook
• Companies deny any knowledge of program in operation since 2007
• Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks

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The Week Ahead: Bilderberg 2013 Comes to … the Grove Hotel, Watford-UK
Charlie Skelton - The Guardian, 3 Jun 2013

On Thursday [6 May 2013] afternoon, a heady mix of politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, chief executives and European royalty will swoop up the elegant drive of the Grove hotel, north of Watford, to begin the annual Bilderberg conference.

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Syria and the Middle East: Our Greatest Miscalculation since the Rise of Fascism
Simon Jenkins – The Guardian, 3 Jun 2013

By helping to destroy secular politics in the Middle East, the west has unleashed the Shia/Sunni conflict now tearing it apart.

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Guantánamo Bay Hunger Strike Worsens
Paul Harris – The Guardian, 3 Jun 2013

A long-running hunger strike at Guantánamo has worsened since Barack Obama promised to close it on Thursday [23 May 2013]. On the eve of Obama’s address, there were 103 prisoners on hunger strike, with 31 being force-fed and one in hospital. Since then, not a single one stopped their strike, and now 36 are being force-fed with five being hospitalised.

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Syria Conflict Drawing Hundreds of Jihadists from Europe, Says Report
Shiv Malik – The Guardian, 3 Jun 2013

A year-long survey by King’s College London of more than two hundred martyrdom posts on jihadist-linked websites and hundreds of Arab and western press reports found that up to 600 individuals from 14 countries including the UK, Austria, Spain, Sweden and Germany had taken part in the conflict since it began in 2011.

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Syria: Assad Says Government Is to Receive Missiles from Russia
Luke Harding and Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv, and Paul Owen – The Guardian, 3 Jun 2013

President’s claim raises tensions after indication by senior Israeli figures that delivery may prompt pre-emptive attack.

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Monsanto and Other GM Firms Are Winning In the US – And Globally
Wenonah Hauter – The Guardian, 27 May 2013

The US State Department has sadly joined the push to distribute GM crops around the world, whether people want them or not.

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Stephen Hawking’s Boycott Hits Israel Where It Hurts: Science
Hilary Rose and Steven Rose – The Guardian, 20 May 2013

That the world’s most famous scientist had recognised the justice of the Palestinian cause is potentially a turning point for the BDS campaign. And that his stand was approved by a majority of two to one in the Guardian poll that followed his announcement shows just how far public opinion has turned against Israel’s relentless land-grabbing and oppression.

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Noam Chomsky Helped Lobby Stephen Hawking to Stage Israel Boycott
Robert Booth and Harriet Sherwood – The Guardian, 20 May 2013

Chomsky, a US professor and well-known supporter of the Palestinian cause, joined British academics from the universities of Cambridge, London, Leeds, Southampton, Warwick, Newcastle, York and the Open University to tell Hawking they were “surprised and deeply disappointed” that he had accepted the invitation to speak at next month’s presidential conference in Jerusalem, which will chaired by Shimon Peres and attended by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.

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Austria Says UK Push to Arm Syrian Rebels Would Violate International Law
Julian Borger – The Guardian, 20 May 2013

Forceful Austrian position signals deep EU divisions on Syria ahead of this month’s embargo decision.

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