Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26449 results.

Socialism Has a PR Problem—One That Can Be Solved
Sonali Kolhatkar | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

25 Jun 2021 – Even as openly socialist candidates are winning political power, the right is working hard to equate socialist governance with repressive regimes.

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Six Rules to Survive an Autocracy with Dignity
Alejandro Bendaña | Havana Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Institutions Are Useless to You, Be Outraged, Don’t Make Compromises, Remember the Future

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Meanwhile, Somewhere on Earth
Unknown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Trade Mark

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(Italiano) 25 giugno 1946 – 25 giugno 2021. 75 anni. E’ viva la Costituzione
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Nel 75mo anniversario della prima seduta dell’Assemblea Costituente, si è svolta a Brescia, venerdì 25 giugno 2021, la manifestazione denominata E’ viva la Costituzione. A coronamento di un percorso realizzato da Manifesto Costituente – gruppo informale di circa 50 associazioni del territorio bresciano – ri-unitesi attorno alla Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana. Nel segno dell’antifascismo, per ribadirne l’attualità, sollecitarne l’attuazione completa e, il 25 giugno, per celebrarne il portato culturale, politico e sociale. 

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Apartheid by Stealth
Andrew Mitrovica | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

20 Jun 2021 – Israeli apartheid continues its brutal abuse of Palestinians even after the bombing of Gaza stops and Palestine disappears from Western TV screens.

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Hermann Hesse (2 Jul 1877 – 9 Aug 1962): Revolt and Enlightenment
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Rebellion against established structures, the quest for personal values and a religious impulse are all elements in Siddhartha, published in 1922, perhaps his most widely-read book. It is not clear that Hesse found the harmony of enlightenment in his own life. In his last major work The Glass Bead Game (1943) he describes what might be an ideal Buddhist monastery devoted to the discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

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Key Witness in Assange Case Admits to Lies in Indictment
Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson and Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson | Stundin - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

26 Jun 2021 – A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder. The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud, made the admission in a newly published interview in Stundin where he also confessed to having continued his crime spree whilst working with the Department of Justice and FBI and receiving a promise of immunity from prosecution.

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Existing and Resisting in the Nuclear Submarine Capital of the World
Frida Berrigan | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

25 Jun 2021 – Or How to Deliver 16,128 Hiroshimas – In New London, Connecticut, where potential world killers are built, we manage our discomfort by being a small, but visible “No.”

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Brazil: Poll Shows Lula Would Crush Bolsonaro in Presidential Election
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

25 Jun 2021 – The former Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, leads the polls for voting intentions in the country for the 2022 elections with an advantage of 49 percent, 26 points above Jair Bolsonaro, according to a survey released today.

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Legacy of Western Scientists
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Max Planck, Marie Curie, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, C V Raman (of India), Stephen Hawking are some well known scientists who have made immeasurable contributions to various fields of science, mainly Physics and Astronomy. Some unusual topics they have worked on include : Big Bang Theory, Black Holes, Speed of Light, Special Relativity, Energy-Mass relationships E = mc2.

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COVID World Data: 181,9M Total; 3,9M Dead; Percentage Dead: 0.02%
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

On 28 Jun 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Cases: 181,933,945
Deaths: 3,940,603
Percentage Dead: 0,02%
Active: 16,864,765
Recovered: 166,433,947
Cases Closed: 170,374,550
Total Vaccinated: 1,796,972,595

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Franz Kafka (3 Jul 1883 – 3 Jun 1924)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

Born in Prague, capital of what is now the Czech Republic, writer Franz Kafka grew up in an upper middle-class Jewish family. After studying law at the University of Prague, he worked in insurance and wrote in the evenings. In 1923, he moved to Berlin to focus on writing, but died of tuberculosis shortly after. His friend Max Brod published most of his work posthumously, such as Amerika and The Castle.

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(Italiano) Peacebuilding: in quale direzione?
René Wadlow | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Benché i discorsi su una “Nuova Guerra Fredda” siano troppo drammatici, ci sono reali tensioni strutturali in atto da tempo e non facilmente superabili. I recenti avvenimenti in Medio Oriente, il futuro dell’Afghanistan e il suo effetto sull’area più vasta Pakistan-India-Iran, il futuro delle due Coree – sono tutte tematiche fondamentali relative all’equilibrio di forze a livello regionale e mondiale.

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The Real B3W-NATO Agenda
Pepe Escobar | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

16 Jun 2021 – The NATO summit communiqué concise low down: Russia is an “acute threat” and China is a “systemic challenge”. NATO, of course, are just a bunch of innocent kids building castles in a sandbox. Those were the days when Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, NATO’s first secretary-general, coined the trans-Atlantic purpose: to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

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Washington’s Dangerous New Consensus on China
Bernie Sanders | Foreign Affairs - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 – The challenges that the US faces today—climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, economic inequality, terrorism, corruption, authoritarianism—are shared global challenges. They cannot be solved by any one country alone. They require increased international cooperation—including with China, the most populous country on earth. Don’t Start Another Cold War!

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Divide & Rule: The Plan of the 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE
Vandana Shiva | After Skool – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

16 Mar 2021 -TRANSCEND Member Prof. Vandana Shiva is a physicist, ecofeminist, philosopher, activist, and author of more than 20 books and 500 papers. She is the founder of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, and has campaigned for biodiversity, conservation and farmers’ rights, winning the Right Livelihood Award [Alternative Nobel Prize] in 1993. She is executive director of the Navdanya Trust.

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(Italiano) Il G7 è stato un flop. Per il semplice motivo che la Cina può far saltare il Qe perenne
Mauro Bottarelli | Money - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

14 giugno 2021 – Il G7 è stato un totale fallimento. Al netto di un generico richiamo ai diritti umani, nulla di fatto. Non a caso, gli Usa hanno emanato un comunicato a parte. In compenso, il tallone d’Achille di Stati Uniti e Ue è platealmente emerso.

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The Covid Vaccine Is Causing the Covid Variants
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – The so-called Covid variants, officially designated as mutations, are being used to extend the British lockdown. However, Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and former director of the Retrovirology Lab at the Pasteur Institute, reports that in fact it is the vaccinations that are producing the variants.

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To Save Planet, Solve Twin Crises of Climate Change and Species Loss Together, Say UN Scientists
Reynard Loki | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

16 Jun 2021 – Some climate solutions can actually harm biodiversity. But there are synergistic solutions that can tackle both issues.

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Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World
Jon Schwarz | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – Yesterday’s summit showed how the “North Atlantic” Treaty Organization has decided it has an extremely expansive global mission.

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Symbolic Insignia Indicative of Global Health
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

21 Jun 2021 – Immunity Passports, Travel Worthiness and Certificates of Wholth – Recommendations, development and implementation of some form of “immunity passport” are ever more widely evident, potentially to be required for entry to public buildings, health facilities, public transport, educational institutions, or to obtain employment.

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The Latest on Covid Vaccine Adverse Events
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – Please note: SPR only covers vaccine-related issues that are of global importance.

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NATO Declares China as Global Security Challenge
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

The NATO summit in Brussels on 14 Jun 2021 reminds us of what a hoax the USA had perpetrated on the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 by assuring him that the western alliance would expand “not one inch eastward” once Moscow allowed German Unification and disbanded the Warsaw Pact.

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Helen Keller (27 Jun 1880 – 1 Jun 1968)
American Foundation for the Blind – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

American educator Helen Keller overcame the adversity of being blind and deaf to become one of the 20th century’s leading humanitarians, as well as co-founder of the ACLU.

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Tools for Repression in Myanmar Expose Gap between EU Tech Investment and Regulation
Zach Campbell and Caitlin L. Chandle | The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

14 Jun 2021 – Inside the interrogation room of a Myanmar detention center, what Myat remembers most clearly is looking up from the floor and everything being green. “When they first caught me, about 30 police just beat me up quite badly. They also dragged me on the road for about 100 meters and I think I lost consciousness,” Myat said. “But somehow I wasn’t bleeding, so they kept beating me until I bled.” Europe is developing phone-cracking technology with a company that has exported to violent, authoritarian regimes.

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Banks Increased Deforestation-Linked Investments by $8B during Covid-19: Report
Mongabay - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – A new analysis of financial data by Forests & Finance, a coalition of NGOs, has found that weak policies and continued major investments in forest-risk sectors are driving deforestation in Southeast Asia, Latin America and West and Central Africa.

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(Italiano) Coronavirus: l’Arca di papa Francesco
Antonino Drago | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Sin dall’inizio ha battuto e ribattuto che “tutto non deve tornare come prima, alla normalità”. Coronavirus: l’Arca di papa Francesco.

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Chan Chan (Music Video of the Week)
Playing For Change | Song around the World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Buena Vista Social Club Project – The Best of Traditional Cuba to the World
*Click on Watch on YouTube*

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Latest CDC VAERS Data for 12- to 17-Year-Olds Include 7 Deaths, 271 Serious Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines
Megan Redshaw | The Defender – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

18 Jun 2021 – VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 358,379 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 5,993 deaths and 29,871 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 11, 2021.

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George Orwell (25 Jun 1903 – 21 Jan 1950)
Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

George Orwell was a novelist, essayist and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949) the latter a profound anti-Utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule and surveillance state. Aldous Huxley was one of his masters. He worked between bouts of hospitalization for tuberculosis, of which he died in a London hospital.

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Capital and the Ecology of Disease
John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Hannah Holleman | Monthly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

June 2021 – The dominant view is that the COVID-19 crisis is simply an external, “black swan” event, a rare, unpredictable, and unlikely to be repeated occurrence that has entered from outside the system. The world capitalist economy, we are informed, was fundamentally sound prior to the advent of this unforeseen exogenous shock, and it will revive quickly once the SARS-CoV-2 virus is under control. This received view, however, is incorrect on all counts.

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Endogenous Racism against People of African Origins–Tulsa and Sharpeville: Parallels in History (Part 2)
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

16 Jun 2021 – Historically, the month of June in the Gregorian calendar is significantly important in terms of liberation of the Black people, globally. The United States Congress approves a bill, marking “Juneteenth: June 19th, a federal holiday, formally marking the end of slavery, and reflects the story of pain, separation, human bondage and highlights the bigotry of African chiefs who sold their own subjects to white colonial slavers for a few trinkets.

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Reconsidering Authority: The Pandemic and the Resurgence of Collectivism
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Economic democracy and cultural federalism: both are much-needed features of a political system now confronting increasing demands for more effective authority, more active mass participation, and the satisfaction of basic human needs. Defusing socioeconomic taboos makes it possible for people to freely consider what systems of production and consumption suit them best.

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Lend Self-Destructive U.S. a Hand
Jan Oberg, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

The new orchestrated China Cold War Agenda is suicidal for the US. That, instead of a policy of strategic cooperation, trust and peacebuilding, will be destructive to the whole world. Humanity’s extremely urgent problems cannot be solved with a Cold War between its two most influential powers. It must be stopped now. Particularly by those who love the USA. And can lend it a hand.

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Alan Turing (23 Jun 1912 – 7 Jun 1954)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Alan Mathison Turing was an English mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, educator, philosopher, and theoretical biologist. The famed code-breaking war hero, now considered the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, was criminally convicted to chemical castration and harshly treated under the U.K.’s homophobic laws. He committed suicide.

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The Failure of PCR Mass Testing
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

19 Jun 2021 – Since March 2020, SPR has warned that PCR mass testing in the general population (“test, test, test”) is a huge mistake. The issue never was that PCR tests didn’t work or that the Drosten PCR paper was “peer-reviewed” in just one day. The issue is that PCR tests cannot determine an acute infection, ongoing infectiousness, and actual disease, especially if ct values are not taken into account.

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Creating Enemies: China Reacts to NATO Targeting It
Rick Rozoff | Anti-Bellum - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – After months of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg mercilessly – tediously – denouncing Russia and China ahead of yesterday’s summit, the communiqué issued after it finally raised China’s ire. It was the first time the 30-nation military bloc so overtly directed harsh language of that nature at China in an official publication.

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EU Approves COVID Passport: Here’s How It Works—and Why the U.S. Doesn’t Have One
Megan Redshaw | The Defender – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

The European Commission on June 14 formally signed legislation to create the EU Digital COVID Certificate. The regulation will take effect July 1 and expire in 12 months. Member States are required to start issuing the first certificates within six weeks of the July 1 start date, if they haven’t done so by then.

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated Daily

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The Ganges Is Returning the Dead. It Does Not Lie.
Om Gaur | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 – The Ganges, or Ganga, is the holiest of India’s rivers, and most Hindus believe that dipping their body in it will purify their soul. But when the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic hit this spring, the river also became Exhibit A for the Modi administration’s failures and deceptions.

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The Pentagon Papers at 50: Press Freedom and Whistleblowers Still at Risk
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 -Legendary whistleblower Dan Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers fifty years ago, a courageous act of truth-telling for which he later faced life in prison. He hasn’t stopped since. Last May, just weeks after turning 90 years old, Ellsberg made yet another disclosure of classified national security information.

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Amber Guetebier | Red Tricycle – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

What did the left eye say to the right eye?

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How Mobsters Control U.S., UK, and the Netherlands
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

20 Jun 2021 – “Mobsters” are whatever the law says they are, but in some countries they are, in fact, simply the nation’s wealthiest people, who can and do pay whomever they have to pay (“consigliere”) in order to get the law to mean what they want it to mean. In other words: sometimes a mobster is anyone who no matter how harmful to society, can become and remain enormously wealthy and never go to prison for it, nor be executed for it.

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(Português) 2020: Desmatamento no Brasil equivale a uma área nove vezes maior que a cidade de São Paulo
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

11 jun 2021 – O desmatamento nos seis biomas brasileiros cresceu 13,6% em 2020, atingindo 13.853 quilômetros quadrados (1.385.300 hectares), uma área nove vezes maior que SP. Desse total, 61% estão na Amazônia. É o que mostra uma análise inédita de 74.218 alertas de desmatamento no país inteiro, publicada hoje pelo Projeto MapBiomas.

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Don’t Look Away
Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

A world that profits from human slaughter!
It happens in plain sight,

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The FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, the FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a Day
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 – Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a threat manufactured by our own government. Think about it. Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.

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Jean-Paul Sartre (21 June 1905 – 15 April 1980)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Sartre was offered, the Nobel Prize for literature in 1964 for his autobiography, ‘Words,’ though he subsequently rejected the award based on his own notions of his integrity as a writer.

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(Italiano) Un processo di conquista rovesciato per un’alternativa
Giorgio Barazza | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

18 Giugno 2021 – A proposito de L’invasione zapatista è iniziata! di Jérôme Baschet del 20/5/2021 pubblicato sul nostro sito e al cercare di impostare un processo di conquista rovesciato per un’alternativa, condivido con l’autore che “questo viaggio significa sfumare una storia che ha assegnato posizioni profondamente radicate e inequivocabili al conquistatore e al vinto. Ma significa soprattutto sbloccare la possibilità di una storia alternativa.”

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Why Democracies in G7 & NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – Instead of a world in which other countries emulate or fall victim to USA’s failed experiment in extreme neoliberalism, the key to a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous future for all the world’s people, including North Americans, lies in working together, learning from each other and adopting policies that serve the public good and improve the lives of all, especially those most in need. There’s a name for that. It’s called democracy.

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What Went Right This Week: A Soaring Conservation Success, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 – Scotland celebrated a conservation success story, the real winner of the Euros was revealed, scientists found a novel use for plastic…

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The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media
Joseph Mercola, M.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – What does The New York Times and a majority of other legacy media have in common with Big Pharma? Answer: They’re largely owned by BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world. Moreover, it turns out these two companies form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too.

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What Really Counts
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Nine physically and mentally disabled contestants at a Special Olympics assembled at the starting line for the 100-meter dash.

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Activism for Life: “Wake Up, the World Is Dying!”
Leonard Eiger | Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Do Something about It! ACTIVISM FOR LIFE is published by Luath Press Ltd., and is available from a number of booksellers. All royalties will go to Trident Ploughshares, a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a nonviolent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.

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International Yoga Day (21 June)
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Yoga, an ancient practice of India is today recognised in many parts of the world for its physical, social, spiritual benefits. It also leads to meditation and understanding the harmony of oneself with the outer world.

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Double Standard?
Carlos Latuff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021


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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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Burma: Engaging with State Power without Losing Principles or Head (Part 3)
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

17 Jun 2021 – Those of us Burmese who have made overthrowing our country’s well-entrenched military dictatorship, our business – or Doe-Ayay, as we say in Burma in specific reference to protests against any Oppressive Order – do not look to the UN or the EU, let alone ASEAN, for help.

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HIV Now Sets the Pace in the Bogus-vaxx Race
Rosemary Frei, MSc - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

14 Jun 2021 – This month marks the 40th anniversary of the first report of ‘acquired immunodeficiency syndrome’ or ‘AIDS.’ Officials like Anthony Fauci are using the occasion to spread the message that vaccines for HIV will soon be rolling out. Forty years of fruitless effort supposedly are suddenly successful thanks to the precedent of the lightening-speed and ‘successful’ development of Covid vaccines.

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Say This, Don’t Say That: Time to Confront the Misleading Language on Palestine, Israel
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

On May 25, famous American actor, Mark Ruffalo, tweeted an apology for suggesting that Israel is committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza. To avoid pointless social media spats, one only needs to reference the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. According to Article 2 of the 1948 Convention, the legal definition of genocide is:

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Confronting the Ruling Elite
Chris Hedge interviews Richard Falk | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

5 Jun 2021 – Richard Falk joins Chris Hedges for a new episode of “On Contact.” Falk has denounced what he calls “the global legalization of rogue behavior embedded in the UN Charter” which vests a right of veto in the five permanent members of the Security Council, the only organ within the UN system with the authority to reach binding decisions.

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“And still, after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe Me.’ Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the Whole Sky.”
Hafiz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

Hāfez (12 Feb 1317 – 14 May 1390) was a Persian poet whose collected works (The Divan) are regarded as a pinnacle of Persian literature and are to be found in the homes of most people in Iran, who learn his poems by heart and still use them as proverbs and sayings.  His life and poems have been the subject of much analysis, commentary and interpretation, influencing post-14th century Persian writing more than any other author.

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COVID World Data: 179,3M Total; 3,8M Dead; Percentage Dead: 0.02%
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

On 21 Jun 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Cases: 179,320,883
Deaths: 3,883,427
Percentage Deaths: 0.02%
Active: 11,556,620
Recovered: 163,880,836
Cases Closed: 167,764,263
Total Vaccinated: 1,698,359,858

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Why Daniel Ellsberg Wants the U.S. to Prosecute Him under the Espionage Act
Jon Schwarz | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

In an exclusive interview, Ellsberg explains why he hopes the courts take on the law used to crack down on whistleblowers.

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Power at Any Cost: How Opportunistic Mansour Abbas Joined Hands with Avowed ‘Arab Killers’
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

7 Jun 2021 – We are led to believe that history is being made in Israel, following the formation of a government coalition that for the first time includes an Arab party, Ra’am. In truth, Mansour Abbas, a Palestinian Arab politician who is willing to find common ground with extremists and proud ‘Arab killers’, only represents himself. The future shall attest to this claim.

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Inside the Pentagon’s Secret Undercover Army
William M. Arkin | Newsweek - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people belong to this secret army working under masked identities in a program called “signature reduction.” More than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, it carries out domestic and foreign assignments in military uniforms or civilian cover, in real life and online, hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

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Julian Assange and the Collapse of the Rule of Law
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Chris Hedges gave this talk at a rally on 10 June 2021 night in New York City in support of Julian Assange. John and Gabriel Shipton, Julian’s father and brother, also spoke at the event, which was held at The People’s Forum.

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Pre-Symptomatic Transmission Is Very Real
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

12 Jun 2021 – Because many authorities justified mask mandates with pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic coronavirus transmission, many skeptics and critics tried to argue against the existence or importance of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission. But pre- and asymptomatic transmission is real for the same reason that face masks don’t work: aerosols.

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IDF Operation ‘Guardian of the Walls’: Prelude, Aftermath, Prospects
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

7 Jun 2021 – The Palestinian ordeal is certainly not over, but for the first time we can envision it ending!

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Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (14 Jun 1928 – 9 Oct 1967)
Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, theoretician and tactician of guerrilla warfare, prominent communist figure in the Cuban Revolution (1956–59), and guerrilla leader in South America, Guevara was a medical doctor specialized in leprosy. Traveling around South America, he observed conditions that spurred his revolt against poverty and capitalist exploitation, adopting Marxist ideology, theory and practices. He is revered by many as a martyred cultural hero, having become an iconic cult figure as a symbol of anti-imperialist struggles everywhere.

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(Italiano) Armi nucleari: le vulnerabilità
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

7 Giugno 2021 – Le scelte sulle armi nucleari: le vulnerabilità presenti e future. Chi prende le decisioni, e su quali basi?

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How Organized Crime Infiltrated American Business after WWII and Corrupted National Politics from Truman to Trump
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

10 Jun 2021 – Provocative new book documents the unsavory alliance between the Mafia, the CIA, and the corporate establishment that transformed America into “the world’s most dangerous nation.”

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Oral Cancer in Florida – World No Tobacco Day
Vidushi Prasad - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Oral Cancer is a subtype of head and neck cancer occurring in an oral cavity. It is a cancerous tissue growth that may involve tongue, the floor of mouth, cheek, gingiva, palate, lips or oropharynx. It may be of different types adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, melanoma, but most common is squamous cell carcinoma, and it is one of the chronic diseases that results in high mortality rate due to late diagnosis.

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A Critical Decade
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

14 Jun 2021 – I would like to announce the publication of a book, which discusses the urgent changes that are needed to save our planet and our collective future. The book may be downloaded and circulated free of charge.

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The Brutality of Hate: Stop Homophobia!
Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

I wrote this poem after I read about Aubrey Boshoga a member of the LGBTQ community in South Africa. The community lives in fear and anxiety as crimes against their group goes unpunished. No life should be lost on the basis of discrimination and oppression on grounds of sex, gender and sexual orientation.

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(Português) Sem Espiritualidade Não Salvaremos a Vida na Terra
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

8 jun 2021 – Em momentos de grandes crises, desastres naturais, e agora do Coronavírus, os seres humanos deixam vir à tona a sua essência: a solidariedade, a cooperação, o cuidado mútuo e a espiritualidade. Michail Gorbachev, na elaboração da Carta da Terra: “Ou desenvolvemos uma espiritualidade com novos valores,centrados na vida e na cooperação, ou não haverá solução para a vida na Terra.”

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What Are Atomic Bomb Quasicrystals, and Why Do They Matter?
Susan D’Agostino | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

9 Jun 2021 – Something unexpectedly lovely was created amid the detonation of an atomic bomb 75 years ago: a mathematically perfect quasicrystal. Quasicrystals may be able to determine responsible parties in a nuclear terrorist attack.

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The American Working Class Must Come to Assange’s Defense!
Thomas Scripps | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

10 Jun 2021 – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been subjected to more than a decade of vicious uninterrupted persecution by the imperialist powers. He is currently in London’s Belmarsh maximum-security prison, fighting extradition to the US.

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Whither Palestine? Whither Israel? After the Violence Spike, after the Abraham Accords, after Netanyahu
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

13 Jun 2021 – The changing circumstances in Israel/Palestine over the last six weeks. Two questions that will shape the Palestinian destiny: Will the post-Netanyahu government push harder the political agenda of the right-wing settler movement? Will the aftermath of the IDF military operation, Guardian of the Walls, increase Palestinian resistance and global solidarity?

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The Inflation Red Herring
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

9 Jun 2021 – Far from signaling the return of significant inflation, temporary price increases are exactly what one would expect in a recovery following an economic shutdown. Whether those peddling inflation fears are pursuing their own agenda or simply jumping the gun, they should not be heeded.

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Burma: Engaging with State Power without Losing Principles or Head (Part 1)
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

9 Jun 2021 – The Burmese military regime remained, as intransigent towards any compromise with the democratic opposition, as it was repressive, towards Burmese dissidents.

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Prelude to War? The US/NATO, Egypt, and Ethiopian Sovereignty
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

9 Jun 2021 – Ethiopian American activist and community organizer Benyam Kitaw says that US hostility toward Ethiopia could lead to further sanctions, economic pressure, and perhaps even war.

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Man vs Man
Readers’ Digest – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Q: What is the difference between capitalism and socialism?

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The US National-Security State Has an Invisible Army
Branko Marcetic interviews William Arkin | Jacobin Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

9 Jun 2021 – Tens of thousands of Americans work for US military and intelligence agencies, operating domestically under false identities with fake documents and James Bond–style spy gizmos. Why? To allow the national-security state to pursue its forever wars smoothly, forever.

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How Billion-Dollar Foundations Fund NGOs to Manipulate U.S. Foreign Policy: A Case Study from Nicaragua
Rick Sterling | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

8 Jun 2021 – U.S. foreign policy is increasingly promoted by billionaire-funded foundations. The neoliberal era has created individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” flex their influence and feel good at the same time. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they almost universally support U.S. foreign policy and the “free market.” Because many of these super-rich individuals made their wealth through investments and speculation, most do not like a planned economy, socialized services beyond the private sector, or greater government control.

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Doorstep Delivery Services — DDS
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

The economy has shriveled so much
That DDS have been launched
But we should know DDS of what

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US Kidnaps Venezuelan Diplomat: The Case of Alex Saab
Anya Parampil | Red Lines/The Grayzone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

4 Jun 2021 – Attorney Femi Falana talks about the shocking case of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab who has been kidnapped for violating illegal sanctions to feed his country. Under pressure from the USA, Cape Verdean authorities arrested Saab in Jun 2020 when he stopped to refuel his plane. Falana explains why the case is invalid, accusing the US of practicing “gangsterism”.

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COVID World Data: 176,7M Total; 3,8M Deceased; 164,6M Cases Closed
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

On 14 Jun 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Cases: 176,782,604
Deaths: 3,820,853
Percentage Deaths: 0.01%
Active: 17,358,886
Recovered: 160,845,875
Cases Closed: 164,666,728
Total Vaccinated: 987,900,015

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(Français) Réflexions sur le génocide comme crime ultime
Alfred de Zayas et Richard Falk | Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

10 Juin 2021 – L’utilisation abusive du mot «génocide» est un manque de respect envers les proches des victimes des massacres arméniens, de l’holocauste et du génocide rwandais. Il est bien plus dangereux de découvrir que nous risquons également d’être immergés dans les eaux troubles du «faux droit» (fake law). Il est urgent de réagir. Une telle évolution n’est pas tolérable.

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(Português) Grupos da USP e Universidade de Lisboa realizam colóquio internacional “Derrida e a Questão dos Animais”
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

No dia 25 junho 2021, o Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa e o grupo de ética e direitos animais da Universidade de São Paulo realizam o colóquio internacional “Derrida e a Questão dos Animais”. Evento online fecha a primeira série de encontros sobre o livro “O animal que logo sou”, do filósofo franco-magrebino Jacques Derrida.

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An Alien’s View of Life on Earth
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

The author’s reasons for never having been too comfortable on this human level of existence, giving a different perspective on the peculiarities of what living on this planet and in a human body can be like, and why it may be better to move on.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

A neighbor’s wife had died, and he was very sad.

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Open Letter: The 16 Jun 2021 Biden/Putin Summit
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

The following recommendations for the Summit Meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden are the product of discussions among a core group of international think tanks specializing in world peace, disarmament, and a federal geopolitical system change to transform the United Nations.

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated Daily

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Endogenous Racism against People of African Origins–Tulsa and Sharpeville: Parallels in History (Part 1)
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

The Global Injustices towards Black People – June 1st 2021 marked the centennial of the Race Riots now called the Race Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1921, which led to the killing 300 North Americans of African origins, destroying their residences, businesses, and eradicating “The Black Wall Street” of Oklahoma forever.

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The Difference between ‘Woke’ and a True Awakening
Slavoj Žižek | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

10 Jun 2021 – The supposedly liberal ‘wokeness’ and cancel culture have little to do with awakening to what’s going on in the world and trying to change it – it’s just noise for the sake of noise, while the status-quo is carefully preserved.

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André Carrilho | OppArt/The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Lost Links

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“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Paulo Coelho de Souza, born Aug 24, 1947, is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist, best known for his novel, The Alchemist. In 2014, he uploaded his personal papers online to create a virtual Paulo Coelho Foundation. Wikipedia

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Peacebuilding: Where Do We Go from Here?
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

While talk of a “New Cold War” is overly dramatic, there are real structural tensions that have been there for a long time and that will not be easily overcome. Recent events in the Middle East, the future of Afghanistan and its impact on the wider Pakistan-India-Iran area, the future of the two Koreas – all are fundamental issues related to the balance of power at the regional and world levels.

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What Went Right This Week: The Other G7, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

10 Jun 2021 – Art installations cut straight to the point at the G7, Israel became the first nation to ban fur, and a plan was announced for a basic income trial in Wales, plus the week’s other positive news.

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US Navy Pilots Describe Encounters with UFOs
Bill Whitaker | 60 Minutes - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

17 May 2021 – Bill Whitaker reports on the regular sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, that have spurred a report due to Congress next month. “60 Minutes” is the most successful television broadcast in history.

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