Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26449 results.

Burma: Engaging with State Power without Losing Principles or Head (Part 2)
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

11 Jun 2021 – In those years, the Burma policy world was caught in the emerging Orwellian duality of ‘Sanctions Bad, Engagement Good’ of international debates which took place with respective proponents talking past one another, pursuing their own concealed interests.

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Napalm Sticks to Kids (Music Video of the Week)
Covered Wagon Musicians | Vietnam War Song Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

A vivid account of US forces indiscriminately dropping bombs on Vietnam, hitting pregnant women, children, and other civilians. The focus of the song is chemical weapon Napalm B – a jellied gasoline mixture, with polystyrene, benzene, and gasoline. Declared a war-crime since 1980, the US government extensively used this weapon during the Vietnam conflict, dropping 388,000 tons on Indochina between 1963 and 1973.

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Tokyo Pushes Ahead with Olympics despite Growing Demands to Cancel
Ben McGrath | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

31 May 2021 – With the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games scheduled to start on July 23, opposition continues to grow in Japan as the COVID-19 pandemic worsens throughout the country. The head of the Japan Doctors Union warned that holding the Games could lead to a new “Olympic” strain of the COVID-19 virus.

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We Charge Apartheid? Palestine and the International Criminal Court
Noura Erakat & John Reynolds | Third World Approaches to International Law Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Reflections on Palestinian efforts to engage the International Criminal Court, in the context of Israeli settler-colonialism and both its spectacular and structural violence. Conscious of the limits of international criminal law, we think about Palestinian activist legal tactics – and the charge of the crime of apartheid in particular – in relation to political strategy.

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Israel’s New Government Will Deepen Rifts, Not Heal Them
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

4 Jun 2021 – Ignore all the talk of a historic, post-Netanyahu era in which settlers and ‘Arabs’ work together in government. The new coalition will quickly turn sour – and Israel’s large Palestinian minority will, as always, pay a heavy price.

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The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff Project - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

22 Apr 2009 -From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.

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(Français) Une Vision Utopique pour Jérusalem
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

1 juin 2021- Il nous reste cinq ans avant les événements que j’imaginais dans ma nouvelle, “j’ai vu la terre promise.” Plus que jamais, je pense qu’il s’agit d’un tournant essentiel dans la voie que nous devons suivre pour passer de la culture de la guerre à une culture de la paix.

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Nukes, Lies and Invisible Murder
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – “The employment or threat of employment of nuclear weapons could have a significant influence on ground operations. . . . Integration of nuclear weapons into a theater of operations requires the consideration of multiple variables. Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability. Specifically, the use of a nuclear weapon will fundamentally change the scope of a battle and create conditions that affect how commanders will prevail in conflict.” – ‘Nuclear Operations’ Report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Covid: The Big Picture – June 2021
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Jun 2021 – In response to numerous requests, SPR provides another update on the covid pandemic.

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The Tokyo Olympics Must Go Ahead
Johnny Luk | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

30 May 2021 – Although they are one year later, the “2020” Tokyo Olympics are finally around the corner, with less than two months to go before the opening ceremony. COVID has raised the stakes to unprecedented levels but we need the Olympics more than ever before.

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Off the Rails: New Report by Corporate-Funded Think-Tank Reveals How Profit-Driven Motives Drive New Cold War against China
Danny Haiphong | Covert Action Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

5 Jun 2021 – A new report published in Railway Age magazine and written by the Information Technology Innovation Foundation has sounded the alarm about China’s growing high-speed rail sector amid escalations in the U.S.’s New Cold War against China. It paradoxically acknowledges the failure of the economic model the U.S. has tried to impose on the rest of the world.

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(Italiano) ‘Ordine internazionale su base normativa’: nuova metafora per un primato geopolitico U.S.A.
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Giugno 2021 – Questa enfasi su un mondo ‘governato da norme’ implicitamente esprime l’asserzione polemica che gli Stati Uniti si muovono secondo le regole mentre gli avversari no. Ma Snowden ha rivelato che gli USA hanno investito più pesantemente di qualunque altro governo del pianeta nello sviluppo di capacità di sorveglianza intrusiva. I precedenti USA di manipolazione di elezioni estere sono notori, e sono da tempo una parte ben nota del repertorio CIA.

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‘Sponsor a Child’ Schemes Attacked for Perpetuating Racist Attitudes
Karen McVeigh | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

31 May 2021 – International child sponsorship schemes have come under attack for perpetuating racist thinking. Using individual children to ‘sell’ schemes to rich donors is similar to ‘poverty porn’ images of past, say experts, as calls grow to decolonise aid.

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Was Mark Ruffalo Wrong to Accuse Israel of Genocide?
Juan Cole | Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – So, is it bigoted to say that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians? No. Is it inaccurate? That is harder to say. Is it inflammatory? I guess I would ask why that is an issue.

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Norman Finkelstein: Truth and Justice Are the Ultimate Test, Not International NGOs
Ann Garrison interviews Norman Finkelstein | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – Even Human Rights Watch says Israel is committing crimes against humanity in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and in Gaza, and the idea of a Jewish state in the context of Palestine is not legitimate. “Do concentration camp guards have a right to self-defense?”

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The Leaking Pot
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on one end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a hole in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.

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Perception of What Happens in Complex Realities
Editorial | Opinion Sur - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Societies frequently accept what is harmful, fearful or hindered to address the necessary changes. Concentrated Power manipulates opinions and colonizes minds, formatting subjectivities. Fear of changing, legitimate or induced, facilitates Concentrated Power domination. Lifting the veils and uncovering the deceits create conditions to choose different courses and ways of functioning.

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On Myanmar, ASEAN’s Empty Diplomatic Rhetoric Is Costing Lives
Lawrence Moss | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

4 Jun 2021 – Words have failed to persuade the Myanmar military to stop killing and jailing its civilian opponents. Both the UNSC and ASEAN have called on it to cease the violence but it defies these calls; the killing spree and arbitrary detentions continue. ASEAN must support the growing calls for a global arms embargo on Myanmar.

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Gestalt Prayer
Frederick Perls – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

The Gestalt Prayer is a  statement taken as a classic expression of Gestalt therapy as a way of life model of which Dr. Perls was a founder.
“I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, …”

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue & Debate
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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AFRICOM Military’s Exercise: The Art of Creating New Pretexts for Propagating US Interests
Pavan Kulkarni | People's Dispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

1 Jun 2021 – Phoenix Express 2021, the AFRICOM-sponsored military exercise involving 13 countries in the Mediterranean Sea region, concluded last week. While its stated aim was to combat “irregular migration” and trafficking, the US record in the region indicates more nefarious interests.

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126 Nobel Laureates Warn ‘Humanity Taking Colossal Risks with Our Common Future’
Julia Conley | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Jun 2021 – A group of 126 Nobel laureates and other experts today called on the leaders of the G7 nations and the UN to help put the global community on a path to establishing “a new relationship with the planet” as the world faces a coming decade which will be “decisive” in determining whether the Earth remains habitable.

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COVID World Data: 174M Total; 3,7M Deceased; 160,8M Cases Closed
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

On 7 Jun 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Cases: 174,092,834
Deaths: 3,745,093
Percentage Deaths: 0,021%
Active: 18,157,780
Recovered: 157,121,360
Cases Closed: 160,866,453
Total Vaccinated: 905,893,641

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“Dying for an iPhone”
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

31 May 2021 – The suffering of the working class, within and outside the United States, is ignored by our corporatized media, and yet, it is one of the most important human rights issues of our era.

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Two Centuries of ‘the Imperialist, Warmongering, Hate-Filled Guardian’
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – Guardian reader on Twitter: ‘My comment comparing the detention of the journalist in Belarus with what is being done to Craig Murray and Julian Assange in the UK has been deleted by The Guardian within seconds.’ Awkward readers like this are simply ostracised and no longer deemed part of the ‘Guardian’s community’.

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San Francisco {Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair} (Music Video of the Week)
Scott McKenzie – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

From 1967 – San Francisco’s Anthem (Click on Watch on YouTube)

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USA Dominant again in Arms Sales: Selling Death
William D. Hartung | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

25 May 2021 – When it comes to trade in the tools of death and destruction, no one tops the United States of America. Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and others are again profiting at the expense of so many of the rest of us. And Again… and Again… and Again

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“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
Maya Angelou – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Maya Angelou was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees.

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(Italiano) “Siamo testimoni non perché c’eravamo ma perché continuiamo a esserci”
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

5 Giu 2021 – Italy, Lombardia, 28 maggio 2021 – anniversario della Strage di Piazza della Loggia – Il 28 maggio a Brescia è sempre una data attorno alla quale la città si ritrova e sa raccogliersi. È ormai una data che appartiene a tutti. Appartiene davvero in senso proprio ampio.

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The Lethal Nexus: Mass Shootings and Domestic Violence
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Jun 2021 – You know the United States is emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic when the pace of mass shootings gets back to “normal.” As of June 2nd, there were 244 mass shootings in the U.S. this year. That’s one to two per day.

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated Daily

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

A couple heard a psychologist explain that if one member of a family changes, the whole family system would change as a result.

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The Etymological Animal Must Slip Out of the Cage of Habit to Grasp Truth
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – Since Sep 11, 2001, the corona virus lockdowns, and the WEF’s push for a Fourth Industrial Revolution that will lead to the marriage of artificial intelligence, cyborgs, digital technology, and biology, that the USA has been slipping into a new form of fascism. Dissent has become unpatriotic and worse – treasonous. Unless people wake up and rebel in greater numbers, the gates of this electronic iron cage will quietly be shut.

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Supreme Court Says a $2 Billion Verdict in a Baby Powder Cancer Case Should Remain
Associated Press | NPR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

1 Jun 2021 – The Supreme Court is leaving in place a $2 billion verdict in favor of women who claim they developed ovarian cancer from using Johnson & Johnson talc products.

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Why Did Naomi Osaka Withdraw from the French Open?
Mia Mercado | The CUT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

On Monday [31 May], tennis star Naomi Osaka dropped out of the French Open after a week of confrontation with tournament officials over whether she would participate in press events. In an Instagram post, Osaka announced her decision to withdraw, citing mental-health concerns including depression and anxiety.

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Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza
Carlos Latuff | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

May 2021

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Covid-19 Plastics: The Good, the Bad and the Pretty–Art from Pollution
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

One Person’s Thrash Is another Person’s Creativity

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A Utopian Vision for Jerusalem
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

1 Jun 2021 – We have over five years remaining before the events I imagined as follows in my novella, “I have seen the promised land.” More than ever, I think that this is an essential turning point in the road we need to follow to achieve the transition from the culture of war to a culture of peace.

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The Future of Conflict Prevention and Conflict Transformation in the Global Agenda after COVID-19
Eloá dos Santos Prado – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

The ideal international security environment is the one that does not have conflict and violence lasting long nor spilling over cross-borders. Therefore, attention has been also paid to strategies and tools for handling conflict, for such reason comes to the fore conflict management, conflict settlement, conflict resolution, conflict transformation and conflict prevention. This essay, in part II, wants to reflect on the last two approaches.

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Cyclonic Storms, Hurricanes, Typhoons
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Cyclones, Hurricanes, Typhoons have strong winds and rain
Winds blowing Clockwise in Southern Hemisphere
Anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere
Around a centre or eye of the storm

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Meet Antonio C. S. Rosa: Pioneer in Peace Journalism
Sebastian Eck – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

“TMS HAS INTEGRITY”: Meet the man behind TRANSCEND Media Service

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William Butler Yeats (13 Jun 1865 – 28 Jan 1939): The Transition to Aquarius
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

William Butler Yeats is the modern European poet most conscious of the transition within astrological cycles from the Piscean Period to the Age of Aquarius. The concept that humanity is at the end of a 2000-year cycle and about to start a new dispensation at a higher turn of the spiral – the gyre as Yeats called the historic spiral – was the framework within which he always worked.

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Danish Public Broadcaster Reveals Ongoing NSA Spying on Top EU Officials
Alex Lantier | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

2 Jun 2021 – While Snowden’s actions have met with support and gratitude from workers and young people in the US and across the planet, that is not the case with the governments that rule them. All of them bow to the bullying from Washington. Like the US government, they defend wealthy ruling classes under conditions of ever-widening social inequality, and like Washington, they fear that their conspiracies against their own people will be exposed to the light of day.

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Syrian Monologues
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

Review of two books of poems related to the armed conflict in Syria.

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Global Elite Use 3 Giant Financial Companies to Control 88% of the Corporations Listed on the S&P 500
Michael Snyder | Activist Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Jun 2021 – The “big three” had almost 18 trillion dollars in combined assets, equivalent to more than three-quarters the size of the US economy, under management in Jan 2021; a number quite higher by now. If you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent a million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent a trillion dollars yet—for context.

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What Went Right This Week: All Hail Citizen Science, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

3 Jun 2021 – The UK’s national parks called on visitors to embrace citizen science, there were signs the EU’s carbon footprint is shrinking, and a woman’s sight was saved by a robot, plus more positive news.

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Application of Universal Vaccination Narrative to Climate Change
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

30 May 2021 – There are numerous sources justifying universal vaccination against COVID-19. However, many others highlight the arguments for vaccine hesitancy. The controversy bears a resemblance to the poisonous discourse between opposing political parties in any country — except that the enforced total dominance of public discourse by pro-vaccination authorities is more consistent with the dynamics of a dictatorship.

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US-Funded Belarusian Regime-Change Activist Arrested on Plane Joined Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 May 2021 – Belarusian regime-change activist Roman Protasevich, whose arrest on a grounded plane caused a global scandal, joined Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and was cultivated by the US government’s media apparatus.

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Chemical Farming & the Loss of Human Health
Dr. Zach Bush | After Skool – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 Apr 2021 – Zach Bush, MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Farmers Footprint , a coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders to expose the impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance–offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

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Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

For Memorial Day USA – 31 May 2021

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A Permanent Structure of Peace
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

26 May 2021 – Wars are too easily seen as necessary until they blow up in our faces. We’re at a point where something has to change, where human effort has to be put into planetary survival, which requires creating “a permanent structure of peace.” Is it asking too much that the media bring values, at least as deep as the U.N. Charter, to its reporting, when it comes to matters of war and peace?

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Palestine: This Time, the International Criminal Court Is Watching
Mark Kersten | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 May 2021 – The ICC cannot bring peace to Israel-Palestine. It cannot end apartheid. It is not the solution. But it should be part of it. Every hour that passes offers only more evidence that the ICC should continue its investigation and, ultimately, issue warrants for those responsible for international crimes in Palestine. The court is watching. Perpetrators ignore this fact at their peril.

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“Today We Are Nazis,” Says Member of Israeli Jewish Extremist Group
Ali Abunimah and Tamara Nassar | The Electronic Intifada - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

19 May 2021 – Israeli Jewish extremists used instant messaging services to organize armed militias to attack Palestinian citizens of Israel. “We are no longer Jews today,” one user wrote in a Telegram group titled “People from Holon, Bat Yam and Rishon Lezion go out to bring war.” “Today we are Nazis.” “No one in the authorities could claim that they did not know,” HaBloc said.

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As Anger toward Belarus Mounts, Recall the 2013 Forced Landing of Bolivia’s Plane to Find Snowden
Glenn Greenwald | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

24 May 2021 – What Belarus did, while illegal, is not unprecedented. The dangerous tactic was pioneered by the same U.S. and E.U. officials now righteously condemning it.

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(Français) Reconstruction du capital au prix de notre destruction
Angeles Maestro | Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 mai 2021 – Au fur et à mesure que l’abîme de la crise s’approfondit, le capitalisme montre sans ambages que la liberté des marchés et sa défense de la libre concurrence ne sont que de la propagande. Le gâteau pour lequel les factions oligarchiques dominantes se battent bec et ongles est l’argent public que l’État, leur État, l’État au service du capital, met à leur disposition.

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Israeli Provocations Continue as Scale of Gaza Damage Emerges
Mike Head | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

24 May 2021 – The United Nations said nearly 450 buildings had been damaged, including six hospitals, 53 schools and 11 primary healthcare centres, as well as more than 1,000 homes.

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(Italiano) La Norvegia e il Premio Nobel per la Pace: Fama o onta?
Fredrik S. Heffermehl | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

26 Maggio 2021 – Qualche anno addietro il ministro degli esteri norvegese Thorvald Stoltenberg intraprese dei passi saggi per ridurre il confronto con la Russia mediante un Barents Council per la cooperazione civile. La settimana scorsa il figlio di Stoltenberg, Jens, attuale capo della NATO, ha disonorato un incontro ad alto livello per la [corporation>>] cooperazione civile nell’ambito dell’Arctic Council a Reykjavik tenendo grandi manovre navali NATO in quella zona dell’Atlantico, con la partecipazione di molti paesi a quella provocazione atta a suscitare tensione, diventata una politica standard norvegese negli anni recenti.

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Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

26 May 2021 – Finally, it can unequivocally be asserted that the Palestinian resistance scored a major victory, arguably unprecedented in its proud history. This is the first time that Israel is forced to accept that the rules of the game have changed, likely forever.

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World-Renowned Academic Physician Blows Lid off COVID Vaccines
Dr Peter McCullough | LewRockwel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is the co-editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, and associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology and Cardiorenal Medicine.

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UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: An Alliance for Action
René Wadlow | Association of World Citizens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

On World Environment Day, 5 June 2021, begins the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030. An ecosystem is the interaction between people, plants, animals, and their surroundings.

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29 May 2021: First Meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples
Multiconvergence of Global Networks | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) is an articulation that aggregates global networks for mutual support, dialogue, development of common strategies and planning of joint actions. It is not an institution, but a confluence of global civil society networks that explores new ways of doing politics through interarticulation, communication and cooperation between various processes that seek to strengthen planetary citizenship.

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Nights in White Satin (Music Video of the Week)
The Moody Blues – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

From 1968 – Just kick back and enjoy… (Click on Watch on YouTube)

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Today I Saw Syrians Dancing and Celebrating Life, and a Return to Peace – but, of Course, the Western Media Won’t Report That
Eva Bartlett | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

26 May 2021 – Although the West has waged 10 years of war on Syria, and there is much destruction, the entire country isn’t in ruins and the pulse of life continues, albeit strangled by brutal Western sanctions. In Douma, I saw lovely, smiling children, excited to practise their English with me.

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What Went Right This Week: Low-CO2 Passenger Blimps, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 May 2021 – A blimp maker promised low-carbon flights by 2025, Tasmanian devils bred in mainland Australia for the first time in 3,000 years, and scientists invented the ‘holy grail’ of batteries, plus more positive news.

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Future of Planetary and People’s Health
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Jivad – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 May 2021 – The Health and Climate Emergency are interconnected: Their common roots are an energy intensive, chemical intensive corporate controlled globalized food system that puts profits above people and planet. – A reflection on why we must avoid fake food, fake science , face economics which puts profits above people and planet.

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Chileans Voted for an End to Neoliberalism
Pablo Abufom | Jacobin Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

22 May 2021 – Last week, the people of Chile voted for sweeping structural reform and an end to neoliberalism. It’s one of the Left’s biggest victories since the end of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.

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US Moves against Ethiopia and Eritrea: Atrocities Alleged, Sanctions Imposed
Ann Garrison interviews Simon Tesfamariam | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

27 May 2021 -US hostilities towards Ethiopia and Eritrea look more and more like those preceding US wars in Yugoslavia, Libya, and Syria. 

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Peace to Unity: A Framework for Peace Between Palestine and Israel
Jorgen Johansen | Irene Publishing - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

22 May 2021 – As Jerusalem Post reported that thousands of Jews and Arabs were marching in Tel Aviv for coexistence, Irene Publishing launched a new book by Omar Dweik presenting a framework for sustainable peace between Palestine and Israel.

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Israel Kills Children, Doctors in Horrific Nighttime Massacre
Tamara Nassar | The Electronic Intifada - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Israel in the early hours of Sunday [16 May 2021]—around 1 am–obliterated multiple generations of families when it bombed their homes in Gaza firing 50 missiles. Two prominent doctors were among the dead. This has raised the death toll in Gaza since Israel’s bombing campaign began on 10 May to 192, including 58 children and 34 women. More than 1,200 people have been injured as of 17 May.

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From Haiti to Palestine: One Struggle/One Fight
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

A powerful eulogy given by Antoine Izméry in May 1992 for his younger brother, Georges. They were Palestinian-Haitians, both assassinated by U.S.-backed death squads following the U.S.-orchestrated coup in 1991 that overthrew the democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 

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Israel: Profile of a Terror State
Donald Monaco | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

23 May 2021 – Historical Analysis – Israel’s crimes against the people of Palestine reveal a record of barbarism and cruelty unmatched in the modern world except for the unrivaled chronical of suffering resulting from murderous wars perpetrated by U.S. imperialism in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Nicaragua, and beyond.

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‘The Savage Punishment of Gaza’: Israel’s Latest Assault on Palestine’s Open Prison
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – Recent media coverage of Israel incursions into Gaza has been full of the usual deceptions: Israel is ‘responding’ or ‘reacting’ to Palestinian ‘provocation’ and ‘escalation’; Palestinian rockets ‘killed’ Israelis, but Palestinians ‘have died’ from unnamed causes; Israel has ‘armed forces’ and ‘security forces’, but Hamas has ‘militants’. Reality: 248 Palestinians were killed by Israeli bombardment in Gaza, including 66 children. Palestinian rocket fire killed 12 in Israel, including one child.

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“Fact-Checking” Takes another Beating
Matt Taibbi | TK News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – Fact-checkers are great, but the media business keeps trying to solve its credibility problem by misrepresenting what they do.

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That Inconvenient Insurrection
Tom Tomorrow | Daily Kos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

This Modern World – 24 May 2021

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated Daily

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(Italiano) L’Osservatorio democratico sulle nuove destre
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

28 maggio 2021 – Azione antifascista Brescia ha invitato Saverio Ferrari in piazza Loggia a Brescia.

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Abhaya Sutta – Fearless
Buddha Sutra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Then Janussoni the Brahman went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After an exchange of friendly greetings and courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: “I am of the view and opinion that there is no one who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.”

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Double Ticket
Readers’ Digest – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

My dad is so cheap…

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Walt Whitman (31 May 1819 – 26 Mar 1892)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Walt Whitman was an American poet whose verse collection ‘Leaves of Grass’ is a landmark in the history of American literature. Fascinated by this newcomer to the poetry scene, Emerson dispatched writers Henry David Thoreau and Bronson Alcott to Brooklyn to meet Whitman.

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COVID World Data: 171M Total; 3,5M Deceased; 156,7M Cases Closed
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

On 31 May 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Cases: 171,085,015
Deaths: 3,557,998
Percentage Deaths: 0,02%
Active: 17,572,234
Recovered: 153,388,508
Cases Closed: 156,784,988
Total Vaccinated: 833,613,855

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To Be Young Is to Be Healthy Forever
Surya Nath Prasad – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

28 May 2021 – The author tries to find the answer of the question: “What Does It Mean to Be Young in an Aging World?” in the answers of three questions of Prince Siddhartha Gautama (before he became Buddha): “Why does a man become old?” “Why does a man become sick?” And “why does a man die?”

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(Português) Pizza Hut Entra em Lista de Empresas que Mais Financiam Tortura de Animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

29 May 2021- A Humane League, dos EUA, divulgou um relatório com uma lista de cadeias de pizzarias que mais têm financiado a crueldade contra os animais. Um dos destaques é a rede Pizza Hut que “incentiva o abuso e tortura de animais por meio de sua cadeia de abastecimento”.

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How the USA Does Regime-Change Propaganda
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

* In the case of Saddam Hussein, it was by lying about “WMD” and about Saddam’s being behind Al Qaeda.
* In the case of Muammar Qaddafi, it was by lying about Qaddafi’s being hated (instead of supported) by most Libyans.
* In the case of Bashar al-Assad, it was by lying about Assad’s being hated (instead of supported) by most Syrians.
* In the case of Xi Jinping, it is by lying about Xi’s being a dictator.
* In the case of Vladimir Putin, it is by lying about Putin’s being a dictator.

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The Real Crimes of Myanmar’s Suu Kyi and the Farce of Her Trial
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

28 May 2021 – Suu Kyi Being Charged under Same Draconian Law She Defended while in Power – There is absolutely no question about the farcical nature of this trial of the deposed Myanmar state counselor by the regime that has committed — and continues to commit — all the gravest crimes in international law.

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The Zionists on the Defensive
Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – Israel’s Friends Overwhelm Capitol Hill – Yes folks, there is an international conspiracy and it is all about “protecting” Israel. It operates through front and lobbying groups that uniquely promote the interests of a foreign country, Israel, even when those interests do serious damage to the host country where the lobbyists actually live.

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Gaza Lives Erased: Israel Is Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families on Purpose
Jews for Justice for Palestinians - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

20 May 2021 – The numerous incidents of killing entire families in Israeli bombings in Gaza – Parents and children, babies, grandparents, siblings – attest that these were not mistakes. The bombings follow a decision from higher up, backed by the approval of military jurists.

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Fairness, Justice, Solidarity, Not Even Mercy or Compassion?
Editorial | Opinion Sur - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

18 May 2021 – No person, no economic group, no country could have accumulate so excessively wealth and decisional power just with their own effort. Always, openly or concealed, they have done it taking advantage of other persons, other economic groups, other countries. It is impossible to explain not moderate but enormous inequalities without considering some degree, some modality of appropriating what others had generated.

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Many Civilian Airplanes Hijacked by States before Lukashenko’s
Petri Krohn | Moon of Alabama – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

24 May 2021 – While the incident unfolded yesterday I amused myself with reading the know-nothing responses from several European prime ministers and officials.

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A New Different Cold War, an Old Geopolitics
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

30 May 2021 – This text is based on responses to questions posed by C.J. Polychroniou, a skilled interpreter of the global scene and noted author and interviewer.

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Covid 19 Pandemic: Body Disposal Crisis–What to Do with Dead People in a Living World? (Part 2)
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – Towards an Eternal Presence – Death and dying, as well as mechanism of body disposal have been a challenge for humanoids since genesis of man, as related in the scriptures of Abrahamic faiths.

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Seneca on Grief and the Key to Resilience in the Face of Loss: An Extraordinary Letter to His Mother
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

“All your sorrows have been wasted on you if you have not yet learned how to be wretched.”

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The Social Responsibility of Scientists
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

26 May 2021 – I would like to announce the publication of a book that discusses the duty of scientists and engineers in trying to prevent the catastrophes that currently threaten human society and the biosphere. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated.

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Global Humanity Paralyzed by COVID-19 Pandemic and Politics of Conflicts Looks for Change and Unity
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

22 May 2021 – COVID-19 Pandemic Deserves Critical Thinking and Human Unity

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From No to Know
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Not knowing a word of the lingo
Necessary to be admitted to this school…

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research and The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative–not on the streets but confined to human dwellings.

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“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
Roy T. Bennett | The Light in the Heart – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

Roy T. Bennett is the author of The Light in the Heart. He loves sharing positive thoughts and creative insight that has helped countless people to live a successful and fulfilling life. He hopes that his writing will help you become what you are capable of becoming.

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Manufacturing Consent for War: 70 Years of CIA Coups, Assassinations, False Flag Operations and Mass Murder
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

21 May 2021 – A Review of Vijay Prashad’s book, Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations, with foreword by Evo Morales (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020).

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‘Rule-Based-International-Order’: A New Metaphor for U.S. Geopolitical Primacy
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

The implication of this ‘rules-governed’ world is that the USA plays by the rules whereas our adversaries do not. But Snowden revealed that the US has invested more than any other government in intrusive surveillance. Its record of manipulating foreign elections is notorious being a well-known part of the CIA’s portfolio. It has projected more deadly force outside its borders than any other state in last 75 years and has intervened repeatedly in disrupting democracies, blocking and sanctioning their governments if they refuse U.S. tutelage.

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The Emperor’s New Rules
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – For Secretary Blinken, the concept of a “rules-based order” seems to serve mainly as a cudgel with which to attack China and Russia. At a May 7 UN Security Council meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov suggested that instead of accepting the already existing rules of international law, the United States and its allies are trying to come up with “other rules developed in closed, non-inclusive formats, and then imposed on everyone else.”

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Did Time Start at the Big Bang? What Happened before the Big Bang?
Matt O’Dowd | PBS Space Time - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 May 2021

Our universe started with the big bang. But only for the right definition of “our universe”. And of “started” for that matter. In fact, probably the Big Bang is nothing like what you were taught. Simply fascinating!

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