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#R2P Propaganda for US War in Ethiopia Reaches Anarchists and Black Lives Matter
Ann Garrison | Black Star News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

Shortly after the 13 Mar 2021 Black Alliance for Peace webinar on the Horn of Africa, I came across a radio broadcast featuring “Anarchists from the Horn of Africa.” They were presenting the rebellion of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front as the struggle of a grassroots movement for autonomy being violently put down by the Ethiopian central government with the help of neighboring Eritrea.

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The Medical Industrial Complex: Never a Cure to Be Found
Dr. John Reizer | NoFakeNews - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

Not only does the medical industrial complex own the intellectual rights to the named entities, the treatment protocols, the pharmaceutical products, the insurance products that pay for the care, and the hospital corporations, they also control the regulatory agencies, the medical researchers, medical schools, medical curricula, media companies that advertise their drugs, and the newscasts that perform medical cheerleading on a daily basis.

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Syria War: Ten Years of Deception
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

18 Mar 2021 – Ten years ago, in March 2011, the US regime change operation against Syria commenced. As in Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere, it began as a classic rooftop sniper operation (shooting at both sides to escalate protests), but morphed into one of the largest CIA “covert” war campaigns of all times, employing dozens of Islamist militia and terrorist groups, supplied primarily via Turkey, Jordan and Israel.

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Who Are We? Where Are We Going? How Will We Get There?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

• We are the species whose ecological niche is the creation of cultures.
• We are going to a global mosaic of green and open societies.
• We will get there by transforming capitalism.

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With Ratings Down, the Networks Hunt for a Trump Replacement
Matt Taibbi | TK News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

16 Mar 2021 – Trump saved the cable news business once. Without him, things are looking bleak again. Who will news outlets find to feed the outrage machine?

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The Ideology of Late Imperialism
Prof. Zhun Xu | Monthly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

1 Mar 2021 – The Return of the Geopolitics of the Second International

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Coronavirus Global Data: 123,9M+ Infected; 2,7M+ Deceased; 99,8M+ Recovered; 263,7M+ Vaccinated
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

On 22 Mar 2021 12pm GMT:

Total Vaccinated: 263,709,158
Total Cases: 123,935,536
Deaths: 2,729,028
Recovered: 99,857,693
Cases Closed: 102,586,721
Active: 21,348,815

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There Are Options beyond Savage Capitalism
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi | Opinion Sur - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

18 Mar 2021 – Savage capitalism has surpassed the limits of its own sustainability. Important changes are to come. Options are multiple and diverse, including reformed capitalisms and other global and country projects. It is indispensable to envision the desired future. Let us hope we will not fear to advance towards encouraging courses; they bring sense and meaning to life.

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Drugmakers Promise Investors They’ll Soon Hike Covid-19 Vaccine Prices
Lee Fang | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

18 Mar 2021 – The U.S. pharmaceutical firms behind the approved coronavirus vaccines — Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer — have quietly touted plans to raise prices on coronavirus vaccines in the near future and to capitalize on the virus’s lasting presence. They pledged affordable vaccines — but only as long as there’s a “pandemic.”

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Let’s Stop Pretending Russia and China Are Military Threats
Dave Lindorff | This Can't Be Happening - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – The Biggest Threat to US Security Is Here at Home: The Pentagon – Someone needs to say this, and it looks like it’s gotta be me: China and Russia are not our enemies.

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Naomi Klein: ‘We Shouldn’t Be Surprised That Kids Are Radicalised’
Patrick Barkham | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

9 Mar 2021 – With ‘How to Change Everything’, the activist has written her first book for young people. She explains how she has been inspired by a new, very young generation of protesters.

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The Scene from Cuba: How It’s Getting So Much Right on COVID-19
Jennifer Ruth Hosek | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

16 Mar 2021 – As the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately harms underprivileged people globally, Cuba’s “people over profit” approach has been saving many lives — both on the island and abroad. From the onset, Cuba’s approach has been holistic and integrated.

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The Women’s Day
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

The International Women’s Day was celebrated on 8 March
A day when they are supposed to proudly, bravely march

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Syria: Losses in Oil Stolen by US and Its Allies Revealed
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

19 Mar 2021 – Syria’s oil minister says the uninvited US and its allied Takfiri militants are plundering crude oil reserves in the war-torn Arab country just like pirates. Since 2011, much of the oil resources have been damaged or looted, first by jihadists and then by the U.S. military and their Kurdish allies.

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18 Years Ago: Emergency Warning against the US Invasion of Iraq
Diane Perlman | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

19 Mar 2021 – The March 19, 2003 US led invasion of Iraq was cataclysmic. I cried. In the months before I had done everything in my power to try to prevent it, but it was a done deal. I felt like I was watching Romeo and Juliet and trying to warn them not to take the poison.

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Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic, Global Peace and Imperatives of our Future
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

What will be our future like beyond the compelling horizon of COVID-19 Pandemic and its aftermath? Are ‘We, the People and Humanity’ going to be learning for global unity and consciousness of One Humanity to cope with immense problems arising from unpredictable socio-economic, medical, humanitarian and political imagination terrified by the dreadful threats of unknown future?

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(Français) Massacres et dérive autoritaire. Pourquoi la situation en Haïti est-elle à rebours du récit international?
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

5 mars 2021 -La communauté internationale a largement contribué à la dégradation de la situation et à l’approfondissement de la crise que traverse Haïti. Et elle continue à le faire, en soutenant le président contesté Jovenel Moïse et son calendrier référendaire et électoral.

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U.S. Military Turns Somalia into a Failed State for Shell and Exxon-Mobil to Steal Its Oil
Nick Alexandrov | Covert Action Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

15 Mar 2021 – “U.S. foreign policy in Somalia has always sided with the wrong side.” That’s how a young Somali historian studying for his doctorate at Oxford summarized Washington’s legacy there. Petroleum industry analysts call Somalia “promising,” “one of the last truly unexplored oil frontiers.” Shell and ExxonMobil paid Mogadishu $1.7 million in 2019 for 30-year rights to offshore blocks.

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Myanmar’s Once Nationalist Military Has Just Lost the Nation
Maung Zarni | Politics Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

15 Mar 2021 – Whatever the outcome of the violent confrontation between civil society and the military will be, one thing is certain: the Burmese military has lost the nation irretrievably.

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Tens of Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Police Violence and Inaction
Mustafa Abu Sneinehj and Lubna Masarwa | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – Demonstration Held on Eighth Friday in a Row Said to Be the Largest in 20 Years – Furious over police violence and inaction in the face of armed gang violence, tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel protested in the town of Umm al-Fahem on Friday [5 Mar], demanding security and accountability.

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A Place the World Has Forgotten: Inside the Horror Show of Northern Uganda
Otim Tonny | Covert Action Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

17 Mar 2021 – The Lord’s Resistance Army began as an evolution of the ‘Holy Spirit Movement’—a rebellion against president Museveni’s oppression of northern Uganda, led by Alice Lakwena. When she was exiled, Joseph Kony took over, changing the name of the group to the Lord’s Resistance Army. As the group lost regional support, he quickly started a trend of self-preservation by stealing supplies and abducting children to fill his ranks.

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China-backed Junta’s Murder and Violence Aggravates Myanmar Economy
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

16 Mar 2021 – While the ongoing confrontation between Myanmar society and the criminal junta negatively impacts Myanmar’s economy, China is also responsible. Its short-sighted, human-rights-indifferent approach to pursuing its interests, is further aggravating the economic and political conditions with potentially dire consequences for all.

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Brazil’s Lula Launches Comeback — as the Judge Who Locked Him Up Falls from Grace
Alexandre de Santi and Rafael Moro Martins | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

15 Mar 2021 – By ending Lula’s political ban and trying the ex-judge Sergio Moro for bias, the Supreme Court shook up Brazilian politics.

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“Everything we face, we may not be able to change, but it is certain that what is not faced can never be changed.”
James Baldwin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

James Arthur Baldwin (1924-1987) was an American novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and activist. His essays, collected in Notes of a Native Son, explore intricacies of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in the Western society of the United States during the mid twentieth-century.

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Brazil’s High Court Invalidates Lula’s Convictions, Leaving Him Eligible to Run against Bolsonaro
Glenn Greenwald | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

10 Mar 2021 – The decision by a Brazilian judge reverses Lula’s unjust and politicized persecution. The corruption that led to this holds many lessons for the west.

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The Vaccine Conundrum
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – Initial data from Israel and Scotland appeared to indicate a very high real-world vaccine effectiveness, even in senior citizens. However, much of this data was heavily adjusted for various factors and therefore somewhat tentative and not easy to interpret. Numerous reports of covid outbreaks in care homes even after the second vaccination have raised additional questions.

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Covid-19 Mortality: An Overview
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – A) Excess mortality B) Life expectancy C) Nursing homes D) Countries – Excess mortality per country compared to the 2015-19 baseline since the beginning of the pandemic. In most Western countries, the covid pandemic increased mortality by about 5% to 20% until March 2021, but in some Latin American countries, mortality increased by up to 100%.

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Controls and Guinea Pigs in the Pandemic Experiment
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Honouring the Sacrifice of the Vaccine Refuseniks for the Wider Community

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UN Rebuke of US Sanctions on Venezuela Met with Stunning Media Silence
John McEvoy | FAIR Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

10Mar 2021 – By omitting the devastating impact of sanctions, corporate media attribute sole responsibility for economic and humanitarian conditions to the Venezuelan government, thereby using the misery provoked by sanctions to validate the infliction of even more misery. US and European officials have long admitted that the sanctions regime against Venezuela is collective punishment by design.

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USA: Reports of Deaths after COVID Vaccines up by 259 in 1 Week, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data Show
Megan Redshaw | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Servicee, 15 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – Data released today by the CDC on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines remain consistent except for a 31% spike of Bell’s Palsy. Between 14 Dec 2020, and 5 Mar 2021, 31,079 reports of adverse events including 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries and 390 reports of Bell’s Palsy.

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China and Russia to Build Lunar Space Station
The Baltic Word - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

10 Mar 2021 – Russian space agency Roscosmos has signed an agreement with China’s National Space Administration to develop research facilities on the surface of the moon, in orbit or both. A statement says it will be available for use by other nations as Russia prepares to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its first-ever manned space flight.

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(Português) Entenda a Decisão de Fachin que Anulou as Condenações de Lula e o que Acontece Agora
Tahiane Stochero | O Globo - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 março 2021 – A anulação das condenações de Lula vale para quais processos? Por que Fachin decidiu anular as decisões? Por que agora? Com a anulação, Lula agora é considerado inocente? O que acontece agora? Veja respostas para essas e outras perguntas.

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Lesson Learned from a Pandemic Year
Ted Howard | The Democracy Collaborative - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – A year ago today, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 had become a global pandemic. The twin crises that unfolded with that declaration—an unprecedented health crisis and an unprecedented economic crisis, both revealed the wrongly constructed and badly corroded foundations of a system that not only failed to protect our health and wellbeing but actively helped to make both worse as the year progressed.

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Continuing Instability in the Darfur Conflicts
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

The Darfur conflict of western Sudan is a textbook example of how programmed escalation of violence can get out of control. Neither the insurgencies nor the government-backed forces have been able to carry out good faith negotiations or deal with the fundamental issue of how to get cattle farmers and settled agriculturalists to live together in a relatively cooperative way.

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Fukushima Meltdowns Turn Ten, Still Getting Worse
William Boardman | Reader Supported News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

9 Mar 2021 – Fukushima Daiichi’s multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns started ten years ago. They are not over. They are not even close to over. Nuclear disasters don’t ever end. The radioactive danger slowly decays over decades, during which it needs constant safety management. Fukushima continues to be a low-level nuclear disaster, as it has been for ten years.

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Fusion Power Is a Strong Alternative Energy Source
Christopher Reis | UC Berkeley - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Fusion is the physical process by which atoms release energy when they are forced together into bigger atoms; it is the energy that drives the sun. The drawbacks of fossil fuels are now very well known. Electricity generation produces nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions, which contribute to smog and acid rain and the formation of fine particulate matter. Even renewable energy, which despite making great strides in combating the effects of fossil fuels, have drawbacks.

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Ten Problems with Biden’s Foreign Policy–and One Solution
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – On Biden’s failure to begin dismantling Trump’s most harmful foreign policies, and the simple principle that offers him a way out of this maze of war, sanctions and militarism.

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Defeating the Global Elite’s Coup d’état: The Great Reset
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

The elite coup now rapidly gathers pace, at enormous cost to the human population and our prospects for survival.

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Journalists Start Demanding Substack Censor Its Writers: To Bar Critiques of Journalists
Glenn Greenwald | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – This new political battle does not break down along left v. right lines. This is an information war waged by corporate media to silence any competition or dissent. That same motive of self-preservation is driving them to equate any criticisms of their work with “harassment,” “abuse” and “violence.”

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PRIO [Founded by Johan Galtung]: Silently Disciplining Research
Prof. Ola Tunander | PRIO - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

1 Mar 2021 – Researchers who question the legitimacy of US wars, seem to experience being ousted from their positions in research and media institutions. The example presented here is from the Institute for Peace Research in Oslo (PRIO). A researcher is said to seek objectivity and truth. But he or she learns to select their research topics and arrive at conclusions in accordance with what the authorities and management expect. In today’s societal discourse, freedom of speech seems to be reduced to the right to offend other people’s ethnicity or religion.

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Why It’s Especially Necessary to End NATO Now
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

13 Mar 2021 – In 2011 the U.S. Government started planning a takeover of Ukraine, whose border with Russia at its nearest point is only a 5-minute flight to Moscow for the fastest missiles. On 1 Feb 2021, Ukraine’s President made undeniably clear his intention for Ukraine to become a NATO member. Whether Joe Biden is going to push for that will be the most important decision of his Presidency, because it would be a commitment to World War III.

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Bandaging the Corpse
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – The ruling elites agreed to throw money at the crisis with the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 bill known as American Rescue Plan (ARP). But the Biden’s bailout will not alter the structural inequities and other fundamental underpinnings of America’s death spiral.

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460 Dead 243,612 Reported Injuries from COVID19 Vaccines Reported in the U.K.
Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

4 Mar 2021 – The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today. It covers data collected from 9 Dec 2020 through 21 Feb 2021 for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K., Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

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10 Global Peacebuilding Networks
Taylor O’Connor | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

2 Mar 2021 – Regardless of our approach, it is common that we work in silos, disconnected from similar efforts with same goals. A common challenge: peacebuilders feel alone in their efforts. But it doesn’t have to be like that. We peacebuilders are everywhere. And there are broad arrays of global peacebuilding networks that can support you.

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May the Unseen Be Seen
Caitlin Johnstone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

May what is unseen become seen.
May the hidden dynamics of oligarchy and empire be revealed to all of humanity.
May the depravity of the powerful be exposed before everyone.

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Spanish Romance–Romanza (Music Video of the Week)
Miloš Karadaglić – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Close your eyes and… lose yourself.

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Coronavirus Global Data: 120,4M+ Infected; 2,6M+ Deceased; 97M+ Recovered
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

On 15 Mar 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Vaccinated: 216,247,003
Total Cases: 120,464,096
Deaths: 2,666,235
Recovered: 97,008,373
Cases Closed: 99,674,608
Active: 20,789,488

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Is the US Heading for Confrontation with China? The Pentagon’s Multibillion Dollar Indo-Pacific Military Deployment
Stephen Lendman | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

On Sunday [7 Mar], China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed again: China seeks cooperative relations with the US. Washington’s rage to dominance prevents it, prioritizing containment of China along with seeking to undermine and isolate the country politically, economically, technologically and militarily.

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COVID: Several European Countries Halt Use of Astrazeneca Vaccine
Deutsche Welle - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – Denmark, Iceland and Norway have stopped administering the shot while Italy has banned the use of a batch of AstraZeneca doses as a precaution after an unconfirmed number of people developed blood clots. Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia and Austria are the other countries.

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60 Years of Int’l Impunity for Myanmar Military’s Mass Murder
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – Until Feb. 1 Coup, West and Rest Were Coasting Bogus Narrative of ‘Fragile Democratic Transition’ with Suu Kyi at Its Helm

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Naomi Klein on How We Can Help Young People Save the World
Emily Chan | Vogue - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

25 Feb 2021 – “There’s something happening with this generation that is really quite extraordinary.2

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Lula’s Return Could Save Brazilian Democracy
Hugo Albuquerque | Jacobin - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

13 Mar 2021 – With former Brazilian president Lula da Silva now eligible to run in next year’s election, Jair Bolsonaro’s grip on power is looking weaker than ever before. Amid the tide of reaction, Lula’s return means there is finally some hope for democracy and social justice in Brazil.

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Q: “If conflict is an inherent aspect of life, how do we know when we’ve achieved positive peace?”
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Johan Galtung, a professor of peace studies, dr hc mult, is founder of TRANSCEND International and rector of TRANSCEND Peace University. He was awarded among others the 1987 Right Livelihood Award, known as the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize. Galtung has mediated in over 150 conflicts in more than 150 countries, and written more than 170 books on peace and related issues, 96 as the sole author. More than 40 have been translated to other languages

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated Daily

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What’s Behind the Biden Administration’s New $100 Billion Nuclear Missile System?
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

9 Mar 2021 – One of the more important tasks that the Biden administration will undertake this year will be to review the Pentagon’s nuclear weapons budget and modernization strategy. Massive popular pressure—like that organized by the 1980s nuclear freeze movement—is needed to stop more waste, fraud and abuse.

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We Should Call the Myanmar Coup Regime a Terrorist Group
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – Myanmar today has become a textbook example of failed and collapsed state with the national armed forces, having morphed into gangs of heavily armed terrorists, still commanding the air force and navy. Myanmar’s military regime should no longer be treated as a state actor. They are terrorists, no less.

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63 Years Ago ‘Brave New World’ Author Predicted Big Tech’s Power to Manipulate Behavior
someoddstuff - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Aldous Huxley, interviewed by Mike Wallace in 1958, predicted the technological capability to bypass reason and manipulate behavior through subliminal means. Today, social media platforms and search engines use sophisticated artificial-intelligence algorithms to control the information we see.

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The Pattern inside the Pattern: Fractals, the Hidden Order beneath Chaos…
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

… and the Story of the Refugee Who Revolutionized the Mathematics of Reality – I have learned that the lines we draw to contain the infinite end up excluding more than they enfold. I have learned that most things in life are better and more beautiful not linear but fractal. Love especially. “In the mind’s eye, a fractal is a way of seeing infinity.”

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(Italiano) 11 marzo 2021 – Fukushima – un anniversario in sordina
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 marzo 2021, Fukushima, un anniversario in sordina. A 10 anni dalla tragedia si ripropone il nucleare come scelta energetica sostenibile?

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To Share or Not to Share Intellectual Property Rights: Covid Vaccine Patents and Developing Countries
Prof. Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – The availability and approval of different vaccines against Covid were globally welcomed but have faced a series of challenges: problems with the production of the vaccine, with supply chain management, availability of stocks to vaccinate, who should receive the vaccine first, government officials “jumping the queue”, corruption in distribution, the rich are vaccinated the poor excluded, vaccine apartheid in Israel, export bans of vaccines… [read on]

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The Misery of Loneliness
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – One common feature of modern life in many urbanised regions in different countries is a feeling of isolation and loneliness. It is not easy to pinpoint the principal causes but there is little doubt that the conditions that are prevalent in modern societies leads to this isolation.

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The Geopolitics of the Normalization Agreements
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Listen Closely to the Israeli Discourse in an American Liberal Idiom: Geopolitical Dreams, Ethical Nightmares

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‘Shoot Till They Are Dead’: Police Who Fled Myanmar Reveal Orders
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

10 Mar 2021 – Police officers who fled to India give first-hand accounts of how military ordered them to shoot peaceful protesters.

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My Long-Lost Conversation with John Lewis on His Vision of Nonviolence
Rev. John Dear | Waging Nonviolence - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

In this never-before-released interview, the late civil rights leader and congressman talks systemic racism, permanent warfare, extreme poverty and nonviolence as a way of life.

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The Attack on the Italian Ambassador in Congo
Daniel Ruiz, PhD | Scienza & Pace Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

1 Mar 2021 – A critical analysis of the recent attack that cost the life of the Italian Ambassador and of his bodyguard and driver in the Democratic Republic of Congo on 22 Feb 2021, focusing on a security risk analysis in the context of a long-lasting conflict.

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Nepo-India Territorial Disputes Transformation by Dialogue Means
Bishnu Pathak - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

March 2021 – A territorial dispute occurs when official government representative of one country release explicit statement(s) claiming sovereignty and integrity over a specific portion of territory that is claimed or administered by another country. It is an explicit contention between two or more nation-states over a specific piece of the terrestrial territory. The ‘Issue Correlates of War Project’ identifies over 800 territorial disputes occurred internationally since 1816.

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Yemen: World’s Worst Humanitarian Disaster Triggered by Deadly Weapons from US and UK
Thalif Deen | IPS/Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

It is caused by air attacks on Yemeni civilians by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Rarely has the world denounced the primary arms merchants, US and UK, for the more than 100,000 killings since 2015 due mostly to air strikes on weddings, funerals, private homes, villages and schools. Over 130,000 have died from shortages of food and medical care.

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(Italiano) Obiettivo giustizia. Convegno per studenti e insegnanti delle superiori della provincia di Brescia. Dedicato a Romano Colombini
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

14 Mar 2021 – Dedicato a Romano Colombini presidente della Commissione Scuola ANPI «Dolores Abbiati» di Brescia. L’incipit è affidato alle parole forti e conflittuali di un dialogo fra Antigone e Creonte. Dal silenzio, con una sapiente dissolvenza in apertura, dal nero, la presentazione del casus. In poche parole si consuma la straziante quanto irrinunciabile, violazione della legge di Creonte da parte di Antigone.

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Author Unknown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021


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My Win-Win Solution for Prince Harry and the Royal Family
Diane Perlman | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – Being born into or marrying into a Royal Family thrusts one into a double bind. Double bind theory regards the dilemma of being confronted with conflicting, irreconcilable demands — one negating the other. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. One can neither resolve the dilemma nor opt out of the situation.

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Exclusive: US Counterterrorism Operations Touched 85 Countries in the Last 3 Years Alone
George Petras, Karina Zaiets and Veronica Bravo | USA TODAY - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

26 Feb 2021 – These globe-spanning operations have cost the U.S. in blood and treasure and had a massive impact on populations around the world. Newer nonmilitary threats from climate change to cyberattacks raise questions about the utility of holding on to hundreds of foreign bases and deploying tens of thousands of troops overseas.

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What Does an Ecological Civilization Look Like?
Jeremy Lent | YES! Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Unless we move from a civilization based on wealth accumulation to a life-affirming, ecological civilization, we will continue accelerating toward global catastrophe. A society based on natural ecology might seem like a far-off utopia—yet communities everywhere are already creating it.

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Keep Victoire Ingabire in Your Hearts
Ann Garrison | Black Star News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – At the outset of International Women’s History Month, I’d like to ask Black Star News readers to remember and keep in their hearts one of the most courageous women I know, Rwandan political prisoner Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza.

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What Went Right This Week: The Power of the Grassroots, Rare Toads Breed and More Positive News
Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 -Grassroots green efforts were deemed crucial and the world’s oldest known wild bird was revealed to have hatched a chick, plus the week’s other positive news.

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Myanmar Junta Crackdown Likely Crimes against Humanity Requiring Coordinated International Response – UN Expert
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

11 Mar 2021 – “The people of Myanmar need not only words of support but supportive action,” said Tom Andrews, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar. “They need the help of the international community, now.”

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Women Who Build the Future: Vandana Shiva
Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – We open the series “Women who Build the Future: Towards a Nonviolent Culture“, with Vandana Shiva‘s interview. The renowned physicist, thinker and activist proposes ecofeminism as a response to the current moment, in which the capitalist patriarchy is leading us to destruction and death, after having colonized nature, women and the future.

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Author Unknown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

Or did you?

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The Sovietization of the American Press
Reporting by Matt Taibbi - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021 – The transformation from phony “objectivity” to open one-party orthodoxy hasn’t been an improvement.

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France: Sarkozy Found Guilty of Corruption, Sentenced to Prison
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

1 Mar 2021 – Former French president handed one year in prison and a two-year suspended sentence over corruption and influence peddling.

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Framing Dynamic Transcendence of Simplistic Cognitive Polarization
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – History may well find it remarkable the extent to which the present period cultivates the pretence of the adequacy of binary distinctions. Arguably these have even been embodied in the technologies on which civilization is now so dependent. In the case of the computer, this is most evident in the on/off distinction of logic gates — ironically at a time when progress in quantum computing is revealing other practical possibilities.

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United States Counterterrorism Operations, 2018-2020
Watson Institute/Brown University | Costs of War - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

Feb 2021 – From 2018 to 2020, the United States government undertook what it labeled “counterterrorism” activities in 85 countries. The map illustrates countries in which the U.S. government conducted operations it explicitly described as counterterrorism, in an outgrowth of President George W. Bush’s “Global War on Terror.”

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Greater Awareness Needed of Delayed Skin Reactions to Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Eurasia Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

4 Mar 2021 – Phase 3 clinical data from the Moderna vaccine trial did show delayed skin hypersensitivity in a small number of the more than 30,000 trial participants. However, the authors say the large, red, sometimes raised, itchy or painful skin reactions were never fully characterized or explained, and they warn clinicians may not be prepared to recognize them and guide patients on treatment options and completion of the second dose of the vaccine.

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For the Sixth Time, Israel Razes a Disabled Palestinian’s Home
Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

Mar 2021 – A disabled man watches as a bulldozer demolishes his home. There’s no way for Palestinians to build legally on their own land in Isawiyah. Almost all the construction there has been illegal, but the Jerusalem Municipality has chosen to single out this man.

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Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Independent Science News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

In March 2015, Bill Gates showed an image of the coronavirus during a TED Talk. The real threat to life, he said, is “not missiles, but microbes.” When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth five years later, he revived the war language, describing the pandemic as “a world war.” In fact, the pandemic is not a war. The pandemic is a consequence of war. A war against life. The mechanical mind connected to the money machine of extraction has created the illusion of humans as separate from nature, and nature as dead, inert raw material to be exploited.

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An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment under Israeli Colonization
Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan | Science for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

March 5th is Palestine Environment Day. The Palestinian environment is being attacked from all fronts. This article is about the Environmental Nakba (catastrophe) in Palestine. ~~ Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns, each with a small and manageable population living sustainably with nature. The land was owned or worked by the Palestinian people, who were 85 percent Muslim, 9.2 percent Christian, and 5.3 percent Jewish.

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War Mongering for Artificial Intelligence
Binoy Kampmark | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence chairman Eric Schmidt–technical advisor to Alphabet Inc., parent company of Google, which he was formerly CEO of: “Never before in my lifetime have I been more worried that we will soon be displaced by a rival or more aware of what second place means for our economy, our security, and the future of our nation.”

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Trump & Biden’s Secret Bombing Wars
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

4 Mar 2021 – The recent U.S. airstrike in Syria in the context of 20 years of U.S. and allied/NATO bombing in the Greater Middle East and the secrecy that has enveloped U.S. bombing since Feb 2020, when Trump stopped publishing monthly U.S. Airpower Summaries.

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All Said
ElephantsInTheRoom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

The Real, Sad Reality

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Why Big Pharma Shouldn’t Have Any Control over COVID-19 Vaccines
Sonali Kolhatkar | Independent Media Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

While a public desperate for protection against COVID-19 is quick to shame “vaccine hunters,” the real culprits are the companies refusing to share their publicly funded intellectual property and the governments allowing them to get away with it.

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Will 2021 Be Public Banking’s Watershed Moment?
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

4 Mar 2021 – Just over two months into the new year, 2021 has already seen a flurry of public banking activity. Sixteen new bills to form publicly-owned banks or facilitate their formation were introduced in eight U.S. states just in Jan and Feb. Faced with the dire Covid-19 crisis, some lawmakers are starting to see publicly-owned banks as the key to ensuring an equitable economic recovery.

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UK Data Show 402 Reports of Deaths Following COVID Vaccines
John Stone | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

2 Mar 2021 – Government data show that, compared with the Pfizer vaccine, there have been 43% more reports of injuries related to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK, including 77% more adverse events and 25% more deaths — but no red flags from UK regulators.

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Gym talk
Author Unknown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

No comment…

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Picnic Video Exposes Both Faces of Israeli Apartheid
Jonathan Cook | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

17 Feb 2021 – Israel upholds a system of Jewish supremacy over the land, and it doesn’t matter whether those challenging its apartheid rule are Palestinian subjects without rights or “Arab” citizens supposedly with full rights.

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The Attack That Never Happened: Cuba and the U.S. Fantasy of Sonic Attacks
Rosa Miriam Elizalde | Globetrotter - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

5 Mar 2021 – They called it “sonic attacks,” “health incidents,” and “Havana syndrome.” In September 2017, the United States government decided to withdraw all nonessential personnel and their families from their country’s embassy in Cuba. This decision was based on alleged inexplicable noises whose causes were unclear.

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By Putting Big Pharma’s Patents before Patients, Doctors Will Further Erode Trust in Experts
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

2 Feb 2021 – It is not just that expert institutions have been captured wholesale by corporate elites over the past 40 years and that, as a result, knowledge, experience and expertise have been sidelined in favour of elite interests – though that is undoubtedly true. The problem runs deeper: these institutions were rarely as competent or as authoritative as we fondly remember them being. They always served elite interests.

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21 Feb International Mother Language Day
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

Protection of Cultural Diversity: The UN designated 21 Feb as International Mother Language Day in a1999 resolution to promote cultural and linguistic diversity among peoples. The UN had also stated: “When languages fade, so does the world’s rich tapestry of cultural diversity”.

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Philosopher Martin Buber on What Trees Teach Us about Being More Human…
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

… and Mastering the Difficult Art of Seeing Others as They Truly Are – Contemplating the difference between objectifying and subjectifying the universe. I and Thou, I-Thou. Jewish Philosopher Martin Buber explores his 1923 existentialist masterpiece, laying out his visionary lens on what makes us real to one another.

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Saturday Night Live Joke over Israel’s Vaccination Sparks Fury
Michael Che | Saturday Night Live - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

23 Feb 2021 – Michael Che’s joke about Israel’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign pokes fun at a regime that does little to hide its supremacist and anti-Palestinian policies.

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Is It Too Late for Secrets?
Janet Phelan | Activist Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

4 Mar 2021 – The recent publication by the Associated Press of high resolution satellite photos of “sensitive” Israeli nuclear sites has some people worried. As it turns out, however, they may be worried about entirely the wrong thing.

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The Age of Social Murder
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

2 Mar 2021 – The ruling elites, despite the accelerating and tangible ecological collapse, mollify us, either by meaningless gestures or denial.

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