Articles by David

We found 819 results.

Perspectives on the Surveillance Scandal
Lawrence Davidson, Ph.D, Brave New World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2013

The existence of men like Manning, Snowden and a handful of others demonstrates that there are employees of the government who have a superior sense of morality as well as the courage to act on their principles. However, the numbers are very small and they are invariably considered as dangerous mistakes within the system. What of the rest of the government’s personnel?

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Forty Years of Heartbreak: Let the People of Diego Garcia Return to their Homeland
David Vine – Huff Post, 10 Jun 2013

Over a weekend of memorials, I was remembering a friend who died of a broken heart. Her death certificate may not say so, but she did. Aurélie Lisette Talate died last year at 70 of what members of her community call, in their creole language, sagren–profound sorrow.

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Nuclear Power Falters, Engulfed by ‘Cauldron’ of Bad Luck
Javier E. David - CNBC, 27 May 2013

13 May 2013 – Once touted as a successor, or at least a competitor, to carbon-based power, the nuclear sector has taken a beating as the momentum behind new projects stalls and enthusiasm for domestic fossil fuel production grows.

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Pogroms That We Cannot Ignore
David Aaronovitch – The Jewish Chronicle, 22 Apr 2013

The Holocaust, as we know, was not a sudden event and nor is it – as some well-meaning (mostly) religious people often suggest – incomprehensible. Its scale, its ambition was what was remarkable about it. In western Burma there are hundreds of thousands of “Rohingya” Muslims, originally from Bengal, but for years Burmese governments have refused to recognize them as Burmese citizens. They have, however, nowhere else to go and have built lives for themselves in the Arakan province.

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The U.S. Chokehold on North Korea
David Whitehouse – Socialist Worker, 15 Apr 2013

North Korea’s escalating threats are a response to new shows of force by the U.S.

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State-Wrecked: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
David A. Stockman – The New York times, 1 Apr 2013

The United States is broke — fiscally, morally, intellectually — and the Fed has incited a global currency war (Japan just signed up, the Brazilians and Chinese are angry, and the German-dominated euro zone is crumbling) that will soon overwhelm it. When the latest bubble pops, there will be nothing to stop the collapse. If this sounds like advice to get out of the markets and hide out in cash, it is.

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The Holy Land Gets Skunked
Lawrence Davidson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2013

Something Is Rotten in the State of Israel – Sooner or later everyone possessing a humane conscience, to say nothing of a functioning honest nose, will refuse to have anything to do with this “apartheid-like” state.

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The Blind Theology of Militarism
David Sirota – Tahoe Daily Tribune, 18 Feb 2013

In a country whose culture so often (wrongly) portrays bloodshed as the most effective problem solver, many Americans hear this now-ubiquitous drone-war argument and reflexively agree with its suppositions.

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[Tragicomic] Pentagon Urges Delay in “Devastating” $46 Billion Budget Cuts
David Alexander and Phil Stewart, Reuters – Chicago Tribune, 18 Feb 2013

The Pentagon’s civilian and military leaders warned in dire terms on Tuesday [12 Feb 2013] that $46 billion in budget cuts due to go into effect in two weeks would erode the nation’s ability to go to war and appealed to Congress to delay the reductions.

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Letter from a Drone Protester’s Jail
David Swanson, War Is a Crime – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

15 Feb 2013 – Greetings from the Federal Prison Camp in Yankton, South Dakota! As of this writing, I am two months into a six month sentence imposed due to my protest of war crimes committed by remote control from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri against the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix
David Duke – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

This documentary video is the first public expose’ that the same Zio who is the biggest stockholder of the mega Zio media corporation Time Warner, was the biggest stockholder also of Goldman Sachs at the time of the mortgage meltdown. It shows how the biggest economic theft in history, that by Goldman Sachs in the Mortgage meltdown, was covered up by Zio influence in media and government.

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(Italiano) In Carcere per la Pace
David Swanson – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 7 Jan 2013

Centinaia di statunitensi, giovani e anziani, vanno regolarmente in prigione, a volte per mesi o anni o decenni, perché si oppongono con la nonviolenza al militarismo USA.

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Palestine Poems after Operation Pillar of Cloud
David Smith-Ferri – Voices for Creative Nonviolence, 31 Dec 2012

The Israeli military’s eight-day assault
on the people of Gaza
was no downy pillar of cloud
no feathered wing
moving lightly across the landscape…

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House Approves Sweeping, Warrantless Electronic Spy Powers
David Kravets,Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2012

The House on Wednesday [12 Sep 2012] reauthorized for five years broad electronic eavesdropping powers that legalized and expanded the George W. Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping program. The National Security Agency told lawmakers that it would be a violation of Americans’ privacy to disclose how the measure is being used in practice.

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I Am Too Poor To Go To War
David Inkey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2012

I am too poor to go to war…
Let me tell you the score…

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Israeli Settlements and the United Church Boycott: Responding To Three Common Distortions
David Taub Bancroft, Rabble – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2012

After months of controversy and negative media attention, the United Church of Canada, the country’s largest Protestant denomination, finally made it official. The church’s General Council voted today [21 Aug 2012] to call on its members to avoid buying products coming from Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Presbyterian and Methodist churches in the United States have made similar calls.

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Help Me To Sew Life’s Quilt
David Inkey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2012

“Inkey appreciates the TMS publication of his with death poem, but he suggests the TMS coverage would not be complete without also including his sewing life poem.”

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With Death, Love Does Not Die…
David Inkey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2012

With death, love does not die,
we cry tears of deep grief for our own relief,
memory is a bridge cresting on a special ridge,
with death, love does not die…

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Soldiers Who Refuse to Kill
David Swanson – War Is A Crime, 13 Aug 2012

One of the most inspiring events thus far at the Veterans For Peace National Convention underway in Miami was a presentation on Thursday [9 Aug 2012] by several veterans who have refused to participate in war. Typically, they have done this at the risk of significant time in prison, or worse.

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The New York Times Makes the “Moral Case” For Drones
David Walsh – World Socialist Web Site, 6 Aug 2012

On July 14 [2012], the New York Times published an article by national security reporter Scott Shane entitled “The Moral Case for Drones.” At first glance, one might have thought that the headline was intended as a Swiftian satire. But no satire was intended. Quite the opposite: the piece seeks to justify the assassination program run out of the Obama White House, which has resulted in hundreds of deaths of civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and elsewhere.

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Reform and Change, Cuban Style
David Tebaldi – Americas Quarterly, 30 Jul 2012

Cuba’s 53-year-old revolutionary socialist system is in transition. Toward what, though, is anyone’s guess.

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The Lily-Pad Strategy
David Vine - TomDispatch, 23 Jul 2012

Unknown to most Americans, Washington’s garrisoning of the planet is on the rise, thanks to a new generation of bases the military calls “lily pads” (as in a frog jumping across a pond toward its prey). These are small, secretive, inaccessible facilities with limited numbers of troops, spartan amenities, and prepositioned weaponry and supplies.

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A Gift for Santa
David Inkey, UN Poet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2012

I want to live in a world where the past tense, the present tense,
and the future tense–all avoid pre-tense.

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GlaxoSmithKline Settles Healthcare Fraud Case for $3 Billion
David Ingram, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2012

GlaxoSmithKline Plc agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor criminal charges and pay $3 billion to settle what government officials on Monday [2 Jul 2012] described as the largest case of healthcare fraud in U.S. history. GSK targeted the antidepressant Paxil to patients under age 18 when it was approved for adults only, and it pushed the drug Wellbutrin for uses it was not approved for.

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Nuclear Zero: Getting to the Finish Line
David Krieger - Truthout, 9 Apr 2012

Almost five decades ago, I first visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was 18 years after the atomic bombings flattened the two cities, and in that time they had returned to a kind of normalcy. At the memorial museums, though, a very different perspective on nuclear weapons was presented than that taught in American schools. It was the perspective from below the bombs – that of the victims – not the technological perspective of having created and used the bombs.

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For Nuclear Security beyond Seoul, Eradicate Land-Based ‘Doomsday’ Missiles
David Krieger and Daniel Ellsberg – The Christian Science Monitor, 2 Apr 2012

America’s 450 launch-ready land-based nuclear-armed ballistic missiles are the opposite of a deterrent to attack. In fact, their very deployment has the potential to launch World War III and precipitate human extinction – as a result of a false alarm. We’re not exaggerating.

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Why Germany Is Phasing Out Nuclear Power
David Roberts, grist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2012

The most controversial aspect of this power overhaul is Germany’s post-Fukushima decision to completely phase out nuclear power by 2020, which caused the heads of Very Serious People to explode on multiple continents. To many, passing ambitious low-carbon energy goals and then axing a good chunk of your low-carbon energy seems irrational and self-defeating.

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Big 6 Oil Companies Complete a Trillion-Dollar Decade
David Wallechinsky, AllGov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2012

Times are good for the six largest oil companies, with profits easily surpassing the figures from before the 2008 financial meltdown. In 2011 ExxonMobil led the way with profits of $41.1 billion. Shell was in second place at $28.6 billion, followed by Chevron at $26.8 billion and BP at $23.9 billion. Total was back at $15.9 billion and ConocoPhillips trailed at $12.4 billion.

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Forgetting the Past, One Military Movie at a Time
David Sirota – In These Times, 27 Feb 2012

When the entertainment industry gets in bed with the Pentagon, censorship is inevitable.

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Private Prison Company to Demand 90% Occupancy
Noel Brinkerhoff & David Wallechinsky, AllGov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2012

Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) has reached out to 48 states as part of a $250 million plan to own existing prisons and manage their operations. But in return CCA wants a 20-year contract and assurances that the state will keep the prisons at least 90% full.

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Monsanto’s GM Maize Retreat
Gordon Davidson – The Scottish Farmer, 6 Feb 2012

France has held firm in its opposition to Monsanto’s genetically modified MON 810 maize – and the agri-chemical multinational has admitted defeat.

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Coca-Cola Accused of Propping Up Notorious Swaziland Dictator
David Smith in Johannesburg – The Guardian, 9 Jan 2012

The king has travelled to Coca-Cola’s headquarters in Atlanta in the US, much to the disgust of Swazi political activists. Mswati III has 13 wives and hosts an annual dance where he can choose a new bride from tens of thousands of bare-breasted virgins. With a fortune of about $100m, he presides over one of the worst-off countries in the world, with most people living in absolute poverty. Political parties are banned and activists are regularly arrested, imprisoned and tortured.

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Two Thirds of U.S. Foreign Aid is Really Military Aid
David Wallechinsky & Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2012

When some Americans complain that foreign aid is wasting taxpayer money abroad that could be put to better use at home, they may not realize that today’s version of foreign aid isn’t what it used to be. Call it the Pentagon-zation of U.S. foreign assistance.

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New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocity, With Documents and Video
David Swanson – War Is a Crime, 26 Dec 2011

U.S. Army Ranger John Needham, who was awarded two purple hearts and three medals for heroism, wrote to military authorities in 2007 reporting war crimes that he witnessed being committed by his own command and fellow soldiers in Al Doura, Iraq. His charges were supported by atrocity photos that, in the public interest, are now released in this video. John paid a terrible price for his opposition to these acts. His story is tragic.

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Drug Companies Increase Profits by Creating Fear of Diseases (and Even Diseases)
David Wallechinsky, AllGov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2011

Coined nearly 20 years ago, the term “disease mongering” is still applicable today for what the pharmaceutical industry is doing to promote its blockbuster drugs among the “sick.” Dr. Andrew Weil has highlighted another tactic: attaching “polysyllabic, clinical-sounding names to what used to be seen as trivial or transient conditions.” For example, “Occasional heartburn becomes ‘gastro-esophageal reflux disease’ or GERD; premenstrual tension becomes ‘premenstrual dysphoric disorder’ or PMDD; and shyness becomes ‘social anxiety disorder’ or SAD.”

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Capitalism and the Spy Market
Lawrence Davidson – To the Point Analysis, 28 Nov 2011

It was certainly appropriate that the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the mouthpiece of capitalist ideology, should publish an expose on “a new global market for off-the-shelf surveillance technology…” Entitled “The Surveillance Catalog” and referencing some “200 plus marketing documents” from companies worldwide, the WSJ story lays out an array of tools designed to rob every person on planet of their privacy.

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Occupy Peace
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2011

The Occupy movement is demonstrating its durability and perseverance. Like a Daruma doll, each time it is knocked off balance it serenely pops back up. The movement has been seeking justice for the 99 percent, and justice is an essential element of peace. World military expenditures exceed $1.5 trillion annually, and the United States spends more than half of this amount, more than the rest of the world combined. In the nuclear age, war is far too dangerous; it has the potential to end civilization and most life on the planet. Peace is an imperative.

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‘The Laptop-and-Latte Generation Has Found Its Party’
David Crossland - Der Spiegel, 3 Oct 2011

The German Pirate Party won 8.9 percent in the Berlin election to gain its first-ever seat in a state parliament. It could become a political force at the national level, say observers, arguing that the party represents a generation of Internet users who have been ignored by the web-phobic mainstream parties.

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Dick Cheney’s Song of America: Drafting a Plan for Global Dominance
David Armstrong - Harper's Magazine, 26 Sep 2011

The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be absolutely powerful.

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The Dark Side of “Soldier of Fortune” Magazine: Contract Killers and Mercenaries for Hire
David Holthouse - Media Matters for America, 19 Sep 2011

The magazine caters to mercenaries but tries to broaden to its appeal to war fans, weapon-lovers, fanatic anti-commies and those who enjoy reading about blood and guts.

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US Plans Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test on International Day of Peace
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 5 Sep 2011

The General Assembly declared in its Resolution 55/282 that “the International Day of Peace [21 September] shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day.” The United States has announced that its next test of a Minuteman III will occur on September 21, 2011. So, on the 2011 International Day of Peace, the United States has chosen not “to honor a cessation of hostilities,” but rather to implement a very visible, $20 million test of a nuclear-capable missile.

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Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America
David DeGraw – AmpedStatus Report, 15 Aug 2011

Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion

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Truman Lied, Hundreds of Thousands Died
David Swanson – War Is a Crime, 8 Aug 2011

On August 6, 1945, President Harry S Truman announced: “Sixteen hours ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima, an important Japanese Army base. That bomb had more power than 20,000 tons of T.N.T. It had more than two thousand times the blast power of the British ‘Grand Slam’ which is the largest bomb ever yet used in the history of warfare.”

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The Indoctrination of Missile Launch Officers
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2011

The US Air Force has a history of indoctrinating its missile launch officers to assure that these officers will have no moral qualms about following orders to use weapons of mass annihilation. It includes numerous quotations from both the Old and New Testaments to make the case for the morality of war. For example, “Jesus Christ is the mighty warrior.” (Revelation 19:11)

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US Sponsored ‘Democracy’ in Colombia: Political Assassinations, Poverty and Neoliberalism
José David Torrenegra – Global Research, 1 Aug 2011

Not a week goes in Colombia without reports of assassinations and persecution of labor and political activists.

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California: Gov. Brown Signs Law Requiring Teaching of Gay History
David Siders – The Sacramento Bee, 18 Jul 2011

The bill was cheered by gay rights advocates, and Brown said in a written statement Thursday [14 July 2011] that it “represents an important step forward for our state.” The legislation requires instruction in the social sciences to include the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, as well as people with disabilities and members of other cultural groups.

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On Flotillas and the Law
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News, 11 Jul 2011

Civil Society Movements vs. Corrupt Politics – Most of us are unaware of the potential of organized civil society because we have resigned the public sphere to professional politicians and bureaucrats and retreated into a private sphere of everyday life, which we see as separate from politics. This is a serious mistake. Politics shapes our lives whether we pay attention to it or not. By ignoring it we allow the power of the state to respond not so much to the citizenry as to special interests.

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Ugandan Farmers Reject Genetically Modified Crops
David Kazungu – Daily Monitor, Uganda, 4 Jul 2011

Farmers in the eastern districts of Uganda rejected a proposal by Mr. Arthur Makala, the executive director at Science Foundation for Livelihoods and Developments, to start engaging in the cultivation of genetically modified crops. He had suggested that farmers should embrace the Genetically Modified Crops [GMC] for better yields but the farmers rejected it saying GMCs are contaminated with chemicals that may be harmful to their health.

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The Guantánamo Files: Leaks Lift Lid on World’s Most Controversial Prison
David Leigh, James Ball, Ian Cobain and Jason Burke - The Guardian, 2 May 2011

• Innocent people interrogated for years on slimmest pretexts
• Children, elderly and mentally ill among those wrongfully held
• 172 prisoners remain, some with no prospect of trial or release
• Interactive guide to all 779 detainees

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‘Hungary Is a Disgrace for Europe’
David Crossland – Der Spiegel, 25 Apr 2011

An attack on pluralism, legislated intolerance, a crippling of checks and balances: Critics of Hungary’s new constitution are not hard to find. The country’s neighbors are also unhappy. German commentators say it is a scandal for Europe.

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(Italian) Previsione: 20 Anni di Guerra in Libia
David Swanson – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 18 Apr 2011

Johan Galtung, indicato talvolta come il padre degli studi per la pace, ha predetto il crollo dell’URSS e il rifiuto dei soldati egiziani di attaccare i civili. La sua previsione di crollo dell’impero USA nel 2020 sembra essere in orario. È stato quindi degno di nota quando martedì scorso all’Università della Virginia ha predetto che la guerra in Libia potrebbe durare 20 anni. Se poi la NATO e l’opposizione dovessero uccidere Gheddafi, ha detto, i combattimenti potrebbero proseguire per più di 20 anni.

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Tackling Fake Drugs Needs Technology and Collaboration
David Dickson and Anita Makri – Science & Development Network, 18 Apr 2011

Developing countries must be given all the scientific, technical and legal help they need to counter the growing trade in fake medicines.

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Prediction: 20 Years of War in Libya
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2011

Johan Galtung, sometimes called the father of peace studies, predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and the refusal of Egyptian soldiers to attack civilians. His prediction of the collapse of the US empire in 2020 appears to be on schedule. So, it was noteworthy when he predicted on Tuesday [12 Apr 2011] at the University of Virginia that the war in Libya would last 20 years. If, however, NATO and the opposition were to kill Gadaffi, he said, the fighting could go on for more than 20 years.

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(Castellano) El Gran Robo
David Brooks – La Jornada, 18 Apr 2011

Charles Ferguson fue premiado con el Óscar por mejor documental este año, Inside Job, que documenta las maniobras de financieros, ejecutivos empresariales, políticos y economistas académicos que llevaron a la crisis económica más severa desde la gran depresión. Al pronunciar su breve discurso de aceptación ante millones de televidentes a nivel mundial, dijo que tenía que decir una cosa: que de los responsables de este desastre, que tanto daño ha causado a la gente, ni un solo ejecutivo financiero ha sido encarcelado, y eso está mal.

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Playboy Interview: Helen Thomas
David Hochman – Playboy, 28 Mar 2011

A candid conversation with the disgraced dean of the White House press corps about her rage against Israel, her sympathy for Palestinians and why she was fired.

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How Does the Drug Industry Get Away with Broadcasting Those Deceptive Ads?
David Rosen – AlterNet, 28 Mar 2011

We’ve all seen them in newspapers and magazines, on TV and the Internet — cheerful people in glossy, picturesque ads claiming that by taking a little magic prescription pill their lives were immeasurably improved.

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A System Designed to Crash
David Korten – Yes! Magazine, 28 Mar 2011

Why a Money System Dependent on Constant Growth Can’t Last – The problem appears to be a lack of money, even though the total money in circulation is far more than enough to cover real-wealth exchanges in a rational real-wealth economy. The money, however, is locked up in the Wall Street casino economy rather than circulating in the real Main Street economy. Pouring public bailout money into Wall Street serves only to reflate the bubble. It does nothing to revive the real economy.

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Mother Nature and Nuclear Power
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2011

The major lessons to be drawn from the tragedy in Japan are: first, nature’s power is far beyond our ability to control; second, the nuclear industry, in Japan and elsewhere, has arrogantly pushed ahead with their dangerous technology, assuring the public there is no reason for concern; third, the reassurances of self-interested nuclear “experts” are not to be trusted; and fourth, the nuclear power plant failures in Japan are a final wake-up call to replace nuclear power with safe, sustainable and renewable forms of energy.

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Superpower Bypassed by History: The Embarrassments of Empire
David Bromwich - TomDispatch, 14 Mar 2011

Washington Wonders What to Say about Arab Freedom – From Egypt to Pakistan, February 2011 will be remembered as a month unusually full of the embarrassments of empire. Americans were enthralled by a spectacle of liberty in which we felt we should somehow be playing a part. Here were popular movements toward self-government, which might once have looked to the United States as an exemplar, springing up all across North Africa and the Middle East. Why did they not look up to us now?

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The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger
Prof. Lawrence Davidson – To The Point Analyses, 14 Mar 2011

The gods protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!.. The real Henry Kissinger… borders on being a war criminal. That should tell us what his advice is really worth. President Obama would be a fool to listen to a man whose blood stained career should have long ago come to an ignoble end.

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Japan Forced to Halt Whaling in Antarctic As Activists Claim Victory
David McNeill in Tokyo – The Independent, 21 Feb 2011

The US-based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which has been stalking the whaling fleet with their own vessels, claimed that the Japanese ships had managed to harpoon just 30 whales, a fraction of their 945 target. “We’ve shut them down basically,” Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson told The Independent by satellite from aboard the MY Steve Irwin. “It’s silly to say they’ve suspended the hunt. We suspended them.”

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Tunisia and Egypt: Why Now?
Lawrence Davidson – Information Clearing House, 7 Feb 2011

For a very long time now the U.S. has put its money on the dictators. Washington has bought both them and their armies so as to have the leverage to economically exploit their countries and dictate their foreign policies. We officially call this arrangement “stability.”

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Africa’s New Country
David Whitehouse – Socialist Worker, 31 Jan 2011

Background to the recent referendum in South Sudan, where voters overwhelmingly backed secession.

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(Castellano) EEUU: Partido Único
David Brooks, surysur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jan 2011

Gore Vidal, el gran novelista y ensayista, ha repetido durante años: tenemos un solo partido, un partido esencialmente del empresariado estadounidense, con dos alas derechas, una llamada los demócratas, una llamada los republicanos”.

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Silence Is Complicity: The Methodical Shooting of Boys at Work in Gaza by Snipers of the Israeli Occupation Force
Dr. David Halpin – Global Research, 31 Jan 2011

The deliberate injury of the limbs of 23 boys by high velocity weapons has been logged and described by Defence for Children International – Palestine Branch (DCI-P) since March 2010. (1) Some of the facts have been published in national newspapers. These barbarous acts contravene international and national law but there are no judicial responses. The caring professions see the physical and mental pain of those who suffer and they should be in the vanguard in calling for this great cruelty to cease forthwith. Political leaders have failed to act.

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(Italian) Palestine for Dummies
Davide Zivieri – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 27 Dec 2010

Ai cittadini israeliani è proibito entrare nei Territori Palestinesi, sebbene 450.000 coloni abitano negli insediamenti sparsi per la Cisgiordania e molte sono le presenze militari israeliane che controllano il territorio: “non vogliono che si veda che gli arabi non hanno il coltello tra i denti, le corna e la coda, e non sono tutti terroristi” afferma decisa un’ottantasettenne infermiera volontaria di PHR.

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[WikiLeaks] US Embassy Cables Leak Sparks Global Diplomacy Crisis
David Leigh – The Guardian, 29 Nov 2010

• More than 250,000 dispatches reveal US foreign strategies
• Diplomats ordered to spy on allies as well as enemies
• Hillary Clinton leads frantic ‘damage limitation’
The United States was catapulted into a worldwide diplomatic crisis today [28 Nov 2010], with the leaking to the Guardian and other international media of more than 250,000 classified cables from its embassies, many sent as recently as February this year.

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Media Disinformation: Washington’s “Regime-Change Hit-List” – Iran vs. Honduras (Part 1)
Edward S. Herman and David Peterson – Monthly Review, 11 Oct 2010

It would be hard to find a better test of the integrity of the establishment U.S. media than in their comparative treatment of Iran and Honduras over the past couple of years (2009-2010).

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Nuclear Dangers and Opportunities in the Middle East
Richard Falk and David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 27 Sep 2010

Hardly a week goes by without an Israeli top official threatening to attack Iran so as to disrupt or destroy its nuclear program, which is suspected of moving in the direction of acquiring nuclear weapons. Shamelessly, as well, the extreme right think tanks in the Washington Beltway and many faithful followers of Israel echo these dangerous sentiments. They send Tel Aviv a signal that it has a green light to launch an attack on Iran at the time of its choosing, along with the reassuring message that the United States Government will step forward in support, whatever the adverse economic and diplomatic consequences for the region.

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Nuclear Detonation: Fifteen Scenarios
David Krieger – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 27 Sep 2010

Many people are complacent about nuclear weapons. They would prefer to deny the nuclear threat and put nuclear dangers out of their minds. Unfortunately, this is a dangerous approach to a serious threat to humanity. There are many ways in which a nuclear detonation could take place, including accident, miscalculation and intentional use. Any use of nuclear weapons, including by accident or miscalculation, could lead to the destruction of a city as occurred at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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‘The Roma Are EU Citizens — Everywhere in the European Union’
David Crossland - Spiegel, 13 Sep 2010

France’s expulsion of Roma people could be copied by other governments unless it is vigorously condemned by the European public, warn German media commentators. They argue that Brussels is right to voice its misgivings against a policy that flies in the face of the principles the French nation has stood for since the revolution.

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Europe: New Expulsions Hit People Without a Place
David Cronin – TerraViva Europe, 13 Sep 2010

Roma gypsies are routinely described as Europe’s largest ethnic minority. Numbering between 10 and 16 million, their combined population exceeds that of many European Union countries. Yet their numerical strength offers no compensation for the poverty, persecution and scapegoating that the Roma have to endure — or for how their welfare is accorded a low priority by the EU’s institutions.

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Red Shirt vs. Yellow Shirt: Thailand’s Political Struggle
David McNeill in Lamphun – The Independent, 23 Aug 2010

The supporters of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra are massing again.

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A Case of Decency Deficit – An Analysis
Professor Lawrence Davidson - ICH, 23 Aug 2010

Many Israelis are convinced that the Palestinians are barbarians, “beasts walking on two legs,” who want to “push the Jews into the sea.” The answer to this alleged threat is to convince the Palestinians that they are “a defeated people.”

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Omar Khadr, Bradley Manning and Our National Psyche
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News, 16 Aug 2010

At present there are two men sitting in prison who have never met but are nonetheless intimately connected. One is 23-year-old Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen who was with a group of Afghan resistance fighters attacked by US troops in 2002 (when he was 15). The second is PFC Bradley Manning, the man who blew the whistle on the barbaric tactics used by the US in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It is their different forms of resistance to a war sold to the US public as “necessary” and defensive that binds their fate.

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Guantánamo’s Child-Soldier Trial
Amy Davidson - The New Yorker, 16 Aug 2010

“Where are our concerns about the rehabilitation of child soldiers when one falls into our own hands?”

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Exposed: The Truth about Israel’s Land Grab in the West Bank
Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem and David Usborne – The Independent, 19 Jul 2010

As President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet, a report reveals 42 per cent of territory is controlled by settlers.

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The U.S. War Addiction: Funding Enemies to Maintain Trillion Dollar Racket
David DeGraw - Alternet, 19 Jul 2010

Editor’s Note: With so many problems in the USA, it’s no easy job to single out a handful of the most important, priority issues. But the enormous pile of wasted money spent on wars and the military-industrial complex has to be right at the top. Not only is the money spent an enormous destructive waste, but there’s also the question of opportunity cost; just a fraction of war money could make major improvements to health care, schools and universities, and our decaying public infrastructure. The release of the Pentagon’s Quadrennal Defense Review indicates that Obama intends to spend even more on war. David DeGraw’s article below sheds some light on the madness of war spending and the serious attempts made by the racketeers to make our wars self-perpetuating to keep the cash rolling in; infuriating as it is sickening.

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(Italian) Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese: L’Esperienza Nonviolenta di At-Tuwani e di Operazione Colomba
Davide Ziveri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2010

Sabato 12 giugno una trentina di coloni mascherati hanno attaccato con sassi e spranghe la casa del villaggio palestinese di At-Tuwani più prossima all’avamposto di Havat Ma’on, nelle colline a sud di Hebron, in Cisgiordania. Nell’abitazione in quel momento si trovavano solo donne e bambini. Da allora, ogni notte, i coloni si sono organizzati in ronde e non hanno cessato di lanciare intimidazioni agli abitanti del villaggio. Solo un altro aneddoto del mitico conflitto mediorientale?

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The National Interest Has Gone Missing
Lawrence Davidson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2010

It does not take a genius to observe that the pursuit of national interests, defined in common sense terms, would have led to very different behavior by the U.S. and Israeli governments. But both failed to pursue such a course. Their doors remained locked. The question why is a seminal one. It touches on war and peace and thus the lives of millions. So let’s look at some of the factors that might go into an answer to this question–why was national interest not pursued?

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Better Than Facebook?
David Bollier – Yes! Magazine, 5 Jul 2010

Fed up with Facebook’s commercialism, four NYU students have created an open source, peer-to-peer alternative: Diaspora.

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Icons, of Peace
David Inkey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2010

I want to tell you a story about The Pieces of Peace in The United Nations.
It is a story that only I know how to tell and it is meant only for peacemakers:

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I Am Too Poor to Go to War…
David Inkey - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

A Poem

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Tale of Two Nuclear Whistleblowers
David Krieger – Common Dreams, 21 Jun 2010

What are we to learn from this tale of two whistleblowers, one fictitious, one real? One important lesson is the danger of nuclear double standards. We cannot be content to make a hero of a fictional Iranian nuclear whistleblower, while turning a blind eye to the treatment of a real-life Israeli nuclear whistleblower and to the Israeli nuclear arsenal.

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WikiLeaks is Asking for Urgent Help
David Heath - iTWire, 21 Jun 2010

Following the arrest of the person suspected of leaking the “Collateral Murder” video, WikiLeaks feels that it is under attack and is seeking urgent support. iTWire received the following message in the past few minutes, its meaning is very clear. We ask readers to assist where they can.

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Corporate Greenwash at EU Environment Meet?
David Cronin - IPS, 7 Jun 2010

Coca-Cola, recently indicted for causing serious damage to water and soil in India, might seem like an odd champion of environmental protection.

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The Ocean Is a Rich Blue. But Suddenly We See What This Crisis Is All About
David Usborne – The Independent, 10 May 2010

There may be few indicators to the scale of the US oil slick from land, but from the air it is a different story.

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Europe Imports Torture from US
David Cronin – TerraViva Europe, 19 Apr 2010

A U.S. company has admitted for the first time that it exports equipment designed to inflict pain on prisoners to Europe.

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The New U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
David Krieger, TFF & Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2010

While pausing to celebrate the incremental steps in arms reductions and the limitations on nuclear weapons use that are being made now, we should also recognize that a policy of No First Use and a commitment to negotiate a Nuclear Weapons Convention would move us far more rapidly toward the peace and security of the nuclear weapon-free world envisioned by President Obama.

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David Cronin – TerraViva Europe, 12 Apr 2010

Arms traders are to be given a central role in formulating a new European Union (EU) blueprint for stimulating weapons production, it has been confirmed.

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David Kushner – Mother Jones, 12 Apr 2010

Since 2006, WikiLeaks has posted more than 1.2 million documents. Governments and corporations have tried to shut them down. They’ve failed.

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David Corn – Politics Daiy, 20 Mar 2010

Whenever there’s an election in Iraq, U.S. triumphalism follows. In a recent column, Peter Wehner, my colleague, touts George W. Bush’s war in Iraq and joins others in the it-hasn’t-turned-out-so-bad chorus. But these pronouncements serve as a reminder that it’s rather easy to be a freedom fighter with somebody else’s blood. Wehner, who worked […]

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David R. Henderson -, 14 Mar 2010

In which the author finds hope in a left/right antiwar movement.On Friday, February 19, I went to the opening dinner of a Washington, D.C. event billed as “Across the Political Spectrum Against War and Militarism.” That’s not my favorite title because it sounds as if the participants are presumed to be against all war. I’m […]

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Thomas N. Gladwin and David Berdish – Financial Times, 9 Feb 2010

Following Copenhagen, we face a perfect storm of global moral questions: what do we owe future generations, the deprived and the environment? Companies are being challenged to declare and act on their social and moral obligations. But business schools are failing to prepare leaders for this challenging task. The Aspen Institute’s latest Beyond Grey Pinstripes […]

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David Cromwell – Znet, 14 Jan 2010

Ignoring or downplaying Western crimes is a standard feature of the corporate Western media. On rare occasions when a broadcaster or newspaper breaks ranks and reports ‘our’ crimes honestly, it is instructive to observe the response from the rest of the media. Do they follow suit, perhaps digging deeper for details, devoting space to profiles […]

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David McNeill in Tokyo, 9 Jan 2010

The only man to experience nuclear bombardment twice and live to tell the tale became an eloquent voice for peace.Reporters never knew whether to call Tsutomu Yamaguchi the luckiest or unluckiest man alive. In 1945, the Nagasaki native was exposed to both nuclear blasts that incinerated his home city and Hiroshima. Last year the Japanese […]

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Bibi van der Zee in Copenhagen, David Batty and agencies – The Guardian, 13 Dec 2009

Thousands of people march as part of a global protest to demand that governments agree a new climate deal.Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Copenhagen today (Sat, Dec 12, 2009] as part of a global protest to demand governments across the world agree a binding new global deal to tackle climate […]

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David Swanson – Global Research, 4 Nov 2009

"The Most Dangerous Man in America""Glaubt es mir – das Geheimnis, um die größte Fruchtbarkeit und den größten Genuß vom Dasein einzuernten, heisst: gefährlich leben." — Friedrich Nietzsche On Thursday night I had the privilege of viewing a premier of a film together with its star. The theater was in the U.S. Capitol, and the […]

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats It is spell-binding to see how the U.S. establishment can inflate the threat of a target, no matter how tiny, remote, and (most often) non-existent that threat may be, and pretend that the real threat posed by its own behavior and policies is somehow defensive and related to that […]

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats And the media tremble also. Iranian words are also frightening, just as were Krushchev’s "I will bury you," the alleged Sandinista threat of a "revolution without borders," and Grenada’s reported threat to cut off the supply of nutmeg. Notoriously, in the rich load of disinformation that surrounds Iranian President […]

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