Articles by Johan Galtung

We found 973 results.

The Muslim Diaspora in Europe and the USA
Johan Galtung et al* - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2012

By far the tallest diaspora in the world is Muslim: about 300 million, of them 177 M in India, 19 M in EU, 23 M in China, 16 M in Russia, and 2.6 M in the USA. This paper is about the Muslim social situation in two of the six poles: Europe and the USA.

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Balkan Wars at 100: Four Roads to Good Neighborhood*
Johan Galtung, 15 Oct 2012

Keynote Speech, Istanbul, Hacettepe University, 4 Oct 2012 – How about a federal Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia?–all within an overarching Balkan Community, doing well on all four peace tasks, building symbiosis among its beautifully diverse parts? As model for Europe and the world? Balkans of all kinds, unite! You have only your self-pity to lose.

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Turkey – Cyprus – Kurds – Armenia – Syria*
Johan Galtung, 10 Oct 2012

Turkey is not problem-free; no country is. The focus here is on four problems involving other nations: the Greeks, the Kurds, the Armenians and the many nations in Syria. Politics as usual in homogeneous countries, with no solution for nationalities, is the same as courting disaster. A minority climbs up, conquers economic-cultural niches and the majorities will silence them politically-militarily; such as Armenians in Turkey, Jews in Germany, Chinese in Southeast Asia; Tutsis-Hutus.

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Sociocide, Palestine and Israel
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2012

Testimony for Russell Tribunal on Palestine – NYC, 7 Oct 2012 – Sociocide is a new concept that has not found its place in positive international law. Like Genocide and Ecocide, Sociocide, the killing of a society’s capacity to survive and to reproduce itself, should become equally and prominently a crime against humanity. A society is a self-reproducing social system. Is Palestine the victim of sociocide by Israel? Indeed!

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Peace, Human Rights and Development in an Evolving World
Johan Galtung, 1 Oct 2012

Keynote Speech at the UN Human Rights Council SOCIAL FORUM – Oct 1, 2012. The focus is on people-centered development–as opposed to system-centered economic growth. And on globalization, a challenging process involving all states and regions, nations and civilizations, humans and nature–as opposed to a globalized market with only three free flows, of capital, goods and services, not labor; increasing the global economic gap.

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Freedom of Expression = Freedom to Insult?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2012

There are two key human rights values in this confrontation:
freedom of expression–basic, but not the only value in the world;
freedom from insult and respect for the sacred–basic, but not alone.
Conflicts between two values generally have five outcomes:

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A Day of Peace: For the Americas
Johan Galtung, 24 Sep 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2012

Straight to the key problem in the theory and practice of peace: Are we thinking of the negative peace of cease-fire and no violence (as distinct from nonviolence), or are we thinking of the positive peace of cooperation for mutual and equal benefit, empathy for emotional harmony, reconciliation of past traumas, and resolution capacity for an endless agenda of future conflicts? Are we thinking of using nonviolence? Or of persuading, or forcing, those with serious grievances to lay down their arms and reintegrate peacefully in civilian life?

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SABONA: From Kindergarten to Geopolitics
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2012

Some global bullies invented a new play: the nuclear game. One child had the monopoly for some time, refusing to give it up to that big kindergarten called the UN. Then other children came, and more, and more. What to do? Give all the weapons to the UN for destruction and then celebrate their demise from earth.

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(Portuguese) O Mapa Hexagonal do Mundo Multipolar
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2012

Como é que enfrentamos, intelectualmente, o mundo de hoje?

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US National Defense Act and a Global Peace Agenda
Johan Galtung, 10 Sep 2012

The Democratic National Convention, DNC, floated into oblivion with no debate–Soviet style, hallelujah, amen–,with no mention of overt wars with 5-6 Muslim countries; of covert wars by drones and SEALs-US Navy’s Sea, Air and Land Teams with many others; and the war on terror. Like the Republican National Convention, RNC, squeezing out Ron Paul, who argued for no bases, no wars, no support to Israel. Nor was the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA, visible.

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Attacking Iran: A Disaster for the Region and the World
Johan Galtung, 3 Sep 2012

The Israeli attack seems imminent. Richard Silverstein circulates a leaked “shock and awe” strategy of Benjamin Netanyahu / Ehud Barak hard zionism to decapitate, paralyze Iran; and Alon Ben‑Meir, an expert on Middle East politics, says Israel is not bluffing. A Middle East nuclear free zone that would include Iran and Israel. 64 percent of Israelis are in favor; like in Iran, provided Israel participates. Negotiate an agreement of that type and there would be a sigh of relief all over!–and both countries would be embraced.

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Conspiracies: Theories and Hypotheses
Johan Galtung, 27 Aug 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2012

Conspiracies exist. They are a part of social reality, have always been, and will always be; as confirmed conspiracy theories, as unconfirmed conspiracy hypotheses, as suspicions, as allegations. The conspiracy-labeling carries all the characteristics of a conspiracy, using the cultural power of the media to steer the discourse away from important issues. Unacceptable.

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Hamsun, Ibsen, and Their Utopias
Johan Galtung, 20 Aug 2012

We are celebrating the two greatest Norwegian poets in this beautiful town they had in common. Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) had his farm here, and Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) was apprentice in an apothecary. And you have given me the honor of concluding this festival with some words about their relevance for our world today.

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(Italian) La Mappa Esagonale del Mondo Multipolare
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Aug 2012

Qualche tempo fa la mappa geopolitica si basava sul conflitto diretto Est-Ovest, sulle due super-potenze USA/URSS e rispettive alleanze, con i neutrali-nonallineati trattati da categoria residuale. Il mondo era bipolare. L’implosione dell’URSS lo rese unipolare, con l’”unica super-potenza sopravvissuta”: 2-1 = 1. O così ci fu raccontato. Oggi abbiamo quattro stati molto grandi: i tre maggiori per popolazione, Cina-India-USA, e il maggiore per superficie, Russia. E la UE, regione con cinque stati di media grandezza: UK-Francia-Germania-Italia-Spagna. Ma c’è un altro polo sulla mappa geopolitica: l’Islam.

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The Hexagon Map of the Multipolar World
Johan Galtung, 13 Aug 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2012

Some time ago the geopolitical map was based on the direct East-West conflict, the two superpowers USA/USSR with alliances, and the neutral-nonaligned treated as a residual category. The world was Bipolar. The implosion of the USSR made it Unipolar, “the only surviving superpower”, 2-1 = 1. Or so we were told. Today we have four huge states: the three largest in population, China-India-USA, and the largest in area, Russia. And the EU, a region with five middle-range states: UK-France-Germany-Italy-Spain. But there is one more pole on the geopolitical map: Islam.

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The Nordic Countries in a World in Crisis
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2012

Knowing that India and China can meet alone the world’s demand for industrial goods at higher quality/price ratios, and that the South is able to fulfill a world demand for resources and agricultural products, one Western approach was to switch from real to finance economy. Building on the old City of London-Wall Street traditions in private banking and using debt bondage as power, cheap credit and speculation has been another approach, but it backfired.

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(Portuguese) Willy Brandt Vinte Anos Depois
Johan Galtung, Forum Abel Varzim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2012

Morreu há já vinte anos, o grande estadista alemão. A Alemanha, a Europa e o mundo têm amplos motivos de gratidão e muito a aprender com este mestre da política, em condições de grande tensão e polarização. O que era a sua “Ostpolitik” – uma nova fórmula de política para com o Leste? Ele tornou a Alemanha de Leste razoável, ao ser ele próprio razoável. Brandt tornou possível o Kohl de 1989.

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The Politics of the Economic Crisis
Johan Galtung, 30 Jul 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2012

The transfer of capital from investment in the real economy to speculation in the finance economy done digitally, in microseconds, is to a labor-free economy. Workers, the plague of industrial capitalists, quarrelsome, on strike, always demanding more, are out. The longer the buying and selling chains in the finance economy, the more commissions-and hence, “economic growth”-, the fewer jobs. A handful can do it; Lehman Brothers taking huge risks that are compensated by huge Goldman Sachs bonuses.

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(Italian) Non Molta Pace? Anche Colpa Dei Mediatori
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2012

Più difficile è sostenere una pace positiva: cooperazione per vantaggi reciproci e uguali e armonia, consonanza emotiva. Gli studi per la pace non sono soli in questa difficile situazione. Gli studi sulla sanità si concentrano molto più sull’assenza di malattia che sulla presenza di salute positiva, con solo vaghi sforzi per configurarla esplicitamente. Come la psicologia: profusa sui disordini mentali, ma tuttora carente sull’assetto psicologico positivo. Si possono individuare quattro spiegazioni, non giustificazioni.

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Not Much Peace? Also the Mediators’ Fault
Johan Galtung, 23 Jul 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2012

Most difficult is to argue positive peace: cooperation for mutual and equal benefit and harmony, emotional resonance. Peace studies are not alone in this predicament. Health studies focus much more on absence of disease than on presence of positive health, with only vague efforts to spell it out. Like psychology: long on mental disorders, but still short on positive psychology. There are, say, four explanations, not justifications, around.

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(Italian) Willy Brandt 20 Anni Dopo
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2012

È morto vent’anni fa, il grande statista tedesco. La Germania, l’Europa e il mondo hanno ampi motivi di riconoscenza e molto da imparare da questo maestro di politica in condizioni di gran tensione e polarizzazione. Che cos’era la sua formula di Ostpolitik – una nuova politica verso l’Est? Brandt rese più facile alla Germania dell’Est la resa a quella Ovest quando i tempi furono maturi, l’accettazione dell’articolo 23 della Germania Federale che concepiva l’Est come parte dell’Ovest.

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Breivik: A Part of Norwegian Reality (Part III)
Johan Galtung, 16 Jul 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2012

The court gave him a podium to broadcast his views, nationally and internationally. Of course he had his right to tell his version, the ‘what’ and ‘why’. But he had confessed and horrible details added little to the worst misdeed in Norwegian history. The open court process could have been limited to one week. And the incapability of both sides of the psychiatric divide to reflect what political conflict polarization does to people is not a court issue. And Norway has to come to grips with what happened.

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(Italian) Dalla Westphalia alla Weltinnenpolitik
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2012

Il mondo come sistema di stati, il sistema Vestfalia del 24 ottobre 1684, sta giungendo al termine. Un holon pieno di contraddizioni. Per cui la guerra era un diritto (se dichiarata) e il perseguimento degli interessi della nazione dominante in ciascuno stato era la regola. Con le colonie gli europei conquistarono terre e persone; e come imperi comandarono attraverso le elite locali.

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Willy Brandt Twenty Years Later
Johan Galtung, 9 Jul 2012

He died twenty years ago, the great German statesman. Germany, Europe and the world have much to be grateful about, and much to learn from this master of politics under great tension and polarization. What was his Ostpolitik–new politics toward the East–formula? Brandt made it easier for East Germany when time was ripe to capitulate to the West, to accept the West’s Article 23 that conceived of East as a part of West. He made the DDR-Deutsche Demokratische Republik reasonable by being reasonable himself. Brandt made Kohl 1989 possible.

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From Westphalia to Weltinnenpolitik
Johan Galtung, 2 Jul 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2012

The world as a state-system, the Westphalia system of 24 October 1648, is coming to an end. A holon filled with contradictions. Thus, war was a right–if declared–and the pursuit of the interests of the dominant nation in each state the rule. European conquered others, as colonies, land and people; and as empires ruling through local elites. A major contradiction with many collapsing after WWII, the Soviet empire in 1990-1, and now there is only the declining US empire left.

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Italy: A Portrait
Erika Degortes and Johan Galtung, 25 Jun 2012

For quite some time now reading Italian newspapers or listening to news and radio broadcasts turned into an insult not only to information itself but to all Italians. National television channels are literally monopolized by football and all kinds of weather apocalyptic scenarios. In Italy the system of censorship is very sophisticated: they just talk about anything else, the discourse goes astray.

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Breivik: Living In the Historical Present (Part II)
Johan Galtung, 18 Jun 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jun 2012

The police explores concrete logistic collaborators and-or ideological support; like Peter Mangs in Sweden, the “laser man” who killed what looked like immigrants, wrote a rightwing manifesto and an autobiography; or “Fjordman” with 111 mentions. Breivik was a member of a Norwegian rightwing anti-immigration party, Fremskrittspartiet–a legal stand in a democracy–but left. He also left the Free Masons, with the following Compendium comment:

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Rational Conflict Resolution: What Stands in the Way? (Video of the Week)
Johan Galtung | World Peace Academy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jun 2012

Lecture by Prof. Johan Galtung at the World Peace Academy – Basel, Switzerland, 7 Jun 2012

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The Arab Spring and the Image of Islam
Johan Galtung, 11 Jun 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jun 2012

Europe has a right to limit its immigration. But once there, as citizens, there is only one way: the rule of law, human rights and democracy. And democracy is more than elections: no discrimination, tolerance, transparency, dialogue of civilizations, based on respect and a minimum of knowledge, engaging in mutual learning.

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Breivik: A Victim of Collective Psychosis (Part I)
Johan Galtung, 4 Jun 2012

Polarization-escalation is part of conflict dynamics; structuring the attitudinal and behavioral space within and around the victim in an “us vs them” dichotomy. This gives identity and meaning to “us”, and monolithic, evil, unity to “them”. Within the poles all relations are positive, between all are negative; essentializing both. Not only is “us” cohesive, everything mutually supportive, but so is “them”; not only are the poles irreconcilably contradictory, but so are all elements in “us” to all in “them”. Black-white is the world.

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Neither Capitalism nor Socialism: Eclecticism
Johan Galtung, 28 May 2012

The following are notes for an epilogue to a forthcoming book, Peace Economics, about how to overcome the flagrant structural violence in the misery crisis, and the threat of direct violence, not only terrorism and state terrorism, but a major world war to get the West out of the system–like the Second World War lifted them out of the Great Depression.

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Dire la Guerre, Penser la Paix
Johan Galtung, 21 May 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2012

Important is not only to think peace, but to speak, write and contribute to making, building and keeping it. War is a social evil, causing untold suffering like slavery, colonialism, patriarchy, preventable-curable diseases; soon to join the others in the cemetery for social evils. And talk about “just war” is like talking about just slavery, just colonialism, just patriarchy, and disease as God’s or Nature’s cleansing humanity of those unfit for salvation-survival.

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Rational Conflict Resolution: What Stands In the Way? (*)
Johan Galtung, 14 May 2012

Six conflicts, four current, one past and one future are shaping our present reality. Conflict is a relation of incompatibility between parties; not an attribute of one party. It spells danger of violence and opportunity to create new realities. Humanity has vast positive and negative experiences. We should all join building on them, wherever they can be found.

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The Politics of Equality
Johan Galtung, 7 May 2012

The less inequality, the easier to sit down and talk it over, or accept a mediator. The less inequality, the easier to clear past traumas, to reconcile. The less inequality, the easier to solve conflicts by trading or compromise, or transcending the issues, finding something new. The less inequality, the easier some cooperation for mutual and equal benefit can come about. The less inequality, the easier for empathy to grow, making parties suffer the other’s suffering, and enjoy the other’s joy. These four–reconciliation, resolution, equity, harmony–are not conditions for peace. They ARE peace.

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Memories Conscious and Subconscious
Johan Galtung, 30 Apr 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2012

Two kinds of memories serve politics: glories and traumas. The glories–victory, liberation, constitution–are celebrated as the birth of a nation. The traumas–defeat, invasion-occupation, decline and fall–are surrounded with the oath NEVER AGAIN! We are guided not only by future goals, but also by past memories. They set the discourse, the frame for what happens. Anybody attacking the USA on US territory invokes Pearl Harbor; 9/11 is then sedimented on top of that, tripling the response should there ever be one more. Better know the wounds imprinted on the collective soul

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USA-Pakistan-Afghanistan: A Global Perspective
Johan Galtung, 24 Apr 2012

Pakistan can probably only survive as a federation with very much autonomy for the parts, and as part of a Central Asian community with eight Muslim neighbors. The more open the border the more will the Durand wound heal, not by Pakistan or Afghanistan yielding territory to the other, or a new Pashtunistan, but more creatively. And that region will be more interested in good relations with China–already owner of enormous resources in Afghanistan–than with the USA.

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Continuities in US History
Johan Galtung, 16 Apr 2012

We sense a theme: no recognition of collective actors with a cause. Conflict is seen as rebellion-insurgency-treason of individuals, perhaps with leaders (get them!). A theme inherited from the English: wherever they invaded and occupied, they were law and order and legitimacy; any resistance was insurgency. Up till today, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia. When resistance is equated with rebellion, insurgency and treason, then peacemaking becomes very difficult. There is nobody to sit down with to talk it over, to search for solutions; only rebellious individuals.

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What Do You Want USA, Up or Down?
Johan Galtung, 9 Apr 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2012

One wonders what the US political leaders want. The incumbent lives in this world, playing an ultra-realist game: extra-judicial executions in maybe 70 countries, drone attacks; minimizing US losses, maximizing direct hits at what he sees as the problem, concrete identified individuals, not concrete unidentified conflicts. He has neither the moral nor the intellectual courage to do that.

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The Face of the Crisis – And Alternatives
Johan Galtung, 26 Mar 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2012

The trade in derivatives is now at $1 quadrillion a year (15 zeros), ten times the industrial economy of the whole 20th century. Many got rich, but the system collapsed. Maybe prison would have been more adequate for intellectual sloppiness? That equation is a part of the closed paradigm of economism. Does it offer a solution, not only for banks and bankers, but for the bottom 99.9%? The 0.1%/99.9% income ratio USA 2007 was 140; an unbelievable inequality, both cause and effect of the crisis.

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Johan Galtung, 19 Mar 2012

The search could be for solutions, not for the solution. UN-supported facilitators, with knowledge of mediation, rather than with guns and binoculars. To do this, let the parties, outside and inside Syria, talk. Let them state their goals, the Syria they would like to see. What comes to mind is a Swiss solution. One Syria, federal, with local autonomy, even down to the village level, with Sunnis, Shias and Kurds having relations to their own across the borders. And non-aligned, which rules out foreign bases and flows of arms.

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Peace Mathematics – Does It Exist?
Johan Galtung, 12 Mar 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2012

It does, even in print; pardon some publicity! You may start at the end with the table of contents, then, here, the book epilogue:

Enthusiast E and Skeptic S: Dialogue at a Higher Level:
S: I worried that you would put something belonging to all of us, peace, into a big machine with parameters and then the machine would produce outputs about what to do. Like economists do with something belonging to us, our own livelihood. I liked your distinction between equations and formulas, between mathematics and mathematese…

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From Empire to Global Fascism
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Mar 2012

A disconnect between speech and action is Obama’s trade mark. A key to his global fascism: instead of acknowledging wrongs of US foreign policy, he hides his extra-judicial killings with drones and JSOC’s (Joint Special Operations Command) in, maybe, 120 countries. Covert, CIA, less overt, Pentagon; with little Congress control. JSOC has been operating an extra-legal “kill-capture” campaign that a former counterinsurgency adviser calls “an almost industrial scale counterterrorism killing machine”.

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Japan’s Spiritual Crisis
Johan Galtung, 27 Feb 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2012

This author published with Ikuro Anzai, ‘Nippon wa Kikikan’, Is Japan in a Crisis? And the answer was yes, a spiritual crisis. Japan sold its soul to Washington, and is left in a spiritual vacuum; neither US nor Japan. Walking through the marvelous bullet train, Shinkansen, only sad, grey, tired faces; no laughter, no enhancing conversation seen or heard.

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Ten Questions for Coming Leaders China-USA
Johan Galtung, 21 Feb 2012

Well, Japan fears something, probably what Western aggressors fear too: Of course, we never did anything wrong, but one day they may come and treat us the way we treated them. China has as a principle not to confront the USA, and has attacked neither Japan nor the US; the latter are the ones that attacked China. Hence, a little et tu Brute, watch yourself, may be useful in identifying key world problems.

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Israel-USA vs Iran: Talk Peace!
Johan Galtung, 13 Feb 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2012

When Israelis were asked “what would be better: for both Israel and Iran to have the bomb, or for neither to have it, 65 percent of Israeli Jews said neither. And a remarkable 64 percent favored the idea of a nuclear-free zone, even when it was explained that this would mean Israel giving up its nuclear weapons.” (IHT, 16 Jan 2012). Vox populi vox Dei.

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A Light in Algerian Darkness: Mourad Dhina 6 Feb 2007
Johan Galtung, 6 Feb 2012

On Sunday, 15 January 2012, French minister of foreign affairs, Alain Juppé, met Aung San Suu Kyi at her residence in Rangoon and decorated her with the insignia of Commander of the National Order of the Legion of Honor. The day after, January 16th, the men of the French minister of interior, Claud Guéant, arrested in Paris the Algerian political figure and human rights defender Mourad Dhina. So similar conflicts, so similar resistants but very different French treatment.

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Arne Næss: The Next Hundred Years
Johan Galtung, 31 Jan 2012

Oslo, 27 January 2012 – Norway’s by no comparison greatest philosopher was born one hundred years ago today, and died close to the age of 97. A world philosopher, a human being with an incredible radiation. Nobody who came close remained the same. What was his basic theme? In one word: nonviolence, but in a broader and deeper sense than most approaching demanding idea.

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Those Poor, Moody Standards
Johan Galtung, 23 Jan 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2012

What are the three credit rating agencies, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch–95 percent of the rating “industry”–about? Not very transparent, yet “Standard & Poor’s: silent but deadly” (El País, 16 Jan 2012), stimulates some reflections.

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Davos: The 1% World
Johan Galtung, 16 Jan 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2012

How are the 1%’ers going to handle the country that has attacked more other countries and peoples than any other, and mainly in defense of a special type of hyper-connection: hyper-capitalism? It still has a monopoly on the world reserve currency exercised by a club of private banks, among them the worst culprits in the finance economy coup, the Federal Reserve. How are they going to handle the US hold on the rating agencies? And the growing inequality, from comfortable seats at the top? Answer: the same way as feudal aristocracy in France in the 18th century; by not handling it.

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(Italian) Chi Era Gesù?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2012

La chiesa non era strapiena come soleva esserlo per la messa di mezzanotte alla vigilia di Natale. Ma il rituale si svolse come era stato fatto per secoli, attorno alla “piccola bibbia” di Giovanni 3:16, “Perché Dio amava il mondo tanto da dare il suo unico Figlio cosicché ognuno che creda in lui non perirà ma avrà vita eterna”.

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Where Are We Heading?
Johan Galtung, 9 Jan 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2012

The clouds are dark. And we sense one on the horizon, black; a point so far. The name of the cloud: using a major war, even with Russia-China, to revive an economy in depression; destroying capital, rebuilding.

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2012: The Davids and the Goliaths
Johan Galtung, 2 Jan 2012 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2012

So, what is the message? Davids all over the world unite, you have only your goliaths to lose? Something like that, but with a major proviso: use david’s nonviolent slingshots. David knew what he wanted, so did Goliath: to slay each other. We have had enough of that. Smartness yes, but nonviolent, and of the positive variety, taking in, not only on, the adversary. Let the Icelands and Argentines teach them how to get their economies in order. Reduce the armor; save! Get down from nine feet to normal.

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Ten Social Justice Trends Changing the World
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2012

Global Trends:
[1] The Decline and Fall of the US Empire; [2] The Decline of the West; [3] The Decline of States and Rise of Regions; [4] The Rise of the Rest; [5] The Rise of China.
Social Trends:
[6] The Rise of Nations; [7] The Rise of Civil Society; [8] The Rise of Youth; [9] The Rise of Women; [10] The Rise of Inequality and Revolts.

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Who Was Jesus?
Johan Galtung, 26 Dec 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2011

Jesus rejected the finance system in the Jerusalem temple, encouraged tax boycott, and had disciples-apostles from a caste known for violence. He enters with the disciples the enormous 262mx262m temple, carefully divided into sections also for non-Jews, only for Jews, also for women, only for men, only for priests and the Most Holy. He overthrew the tables of the money exchangers and seems to have propagated a very concrete political message about the Jewish people in a federally structured country, independent of Rome, with apostles as political leaders. When asked by Pontius “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “Yes, it is as you say” (Mark 15,2). INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum), Jesus from Nazareth, the King of Jews they wrote ironically, but that may have been exactly how he saw himself. This is politics.

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Right Wing Extremism? Or Fascism?
Johan Galtung, 19 Dec 2011

That is what the “peace” of Westphalia was about in 1648: the right to kill, provided the war was declared. Like Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan, with a mandate from a democratic country and from NATO. There are disturbing reports from them, “combat is better than sex”, fascinated with that mandate to kill, comparisons with the Vikings. Making psychiatry a state servant turns it as useless as the security police.

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Poor USA: What a Choice!
Johan Galtung, 12 Dec 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2011

The Occupy Movement is a sign of US sanity. Leaderless makes it less vulnerable, immensely consciousness-raising, not insisting on any one single analysis or remedy–for the time being. People so concerned that they sacrifice some personal comfort–gaining togetherness and a sense of meaning, a gift for a democracy. The Occupy Movement becomes a movement to revive a dying economy, creating thousands of small enterprises, banks for savings, not speculation. They start a parallel society.

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Three Crises – Three Ideas
Johan Galtung, 5 Dec 2011

The formula is to raise the bottom, and that can only be done by their own work, it has never been in the interest of the top 1 percent. The root cause is rampant capitalism pumping liquidity upward, sinking the masses into poverty, even misery, and turning the upper 1 permil into speculators. The real economy does not work for lack of acquisitive power, and the finance economy works so well that the gap between money value and created value leads to one crash after the other. Speculation, as opposed to investment with commitment, should be treated as a crime, with names revealed. Moreover, the vast suffering should trigger action, not finance ratings.

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The Arab Revolt – What Next?
Johan Galtung, 28 Nov 2011

It changes character, like in quantum mechanics, just by watching. The French revolution did that in the late 1780s-early 1790s. However, spring is gone, revolt is in, but so far not revolution. There are layers of rulers and layers of opposition. Unveiling has started.

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Kashmir-Afghanistan-Central Asia
Johan Galtung, 21 Nov 2011

Your Excellencies: I am deeply honored and grateful for the Abdul Ghaffar Khan International Peace-Builder Award; named after the Frontier Gandhi, the Muslim Gandhi, Badshah Khan, a hero of the anti-colonial struggle from 1930. He saw nonviolence as “a weapon from the Prophet”, rooted in the Qur’an. I met him once–a giant in more than one sense–viewing with sharp eyes an inconsequential peace conference unfolding in New Delhi, in 1970. A model for us all, like Gandhi.

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The Bad in the Good and the Good in the Bad
Johan Galtung, 14 Nov 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2011

(Same as last week. -TMS editor) The world is ambiguous, with forces and counter-forces, for good and for bad. Contradiction is the rule, with bad in the good and good in the bad, etc. And there are verbal contradictions; there is the opinion, and the other opinion, as Al Jazeera says, valid and invalid, whether such verbal debates reflect non-verbal contradictions or not. Thus, this column and author reap counter-arguments, and any author should be grateful to opponents. What can I learn? Factual mistakes? Logical? How to be so clear as to avoid misunderstandings? Or state assumptions, like ambiguity?

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The Bad in the Good and the Good in the Bad
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2011

The world is ambiguous, with forces and counter-forces, for good and for bad. Contradiction is the rule, with bad in the good and good in the bad, etc. And there are verbal contradictions; there is the opinion, and the other opinion, as Al Jazeera says, valid and invalid, whether such verbal debates reflect non-verbal contradictions or not. Thus, this column and author reap counter-arguments, and any author should be grateful to opponents. What can I learn? Factual mistakes? Logical? How to be so clear as to avoid misunderstandings? Or state assumptions, like ambiguity?

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Mexico, te quiero!
Johan Galtung, 31 Oct 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2011

What a blessed geography; the major bi-oceanic country in Latin America! The winds are blowing from Asia: winds of hope, with a Japanese-Chinese model of how to overcome misery. The winds of the Arab Spring are blowing from the Middle East carrying whispers of an African Spring in a year or two. The winds are blowing from the South, from Latin American brothers and sisters, new winds, with the voices of the indigenous, of Mother Nature, of lifting the poor, of patient work for integration. The “Rest” is coming.

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Colombia Revisited: Ultra-Stability!
Johan Galtung, 24 Oct 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2011

Ultra-stability: institutionalized structural violence, and ritualized warfare; legitimized by multi-party democracy licensed to exploit and kill if only the parliament agrees. The narco-traffic finances poor and rich. The violence follows the flow of US arms and money, with a counter-flow of drugs, paying good commissions when the drugs change hands. End consumption mainly in the USA. Or destruction, being selling-buying drugs, like derivatives?

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The Economic Crisis: Seven Proposals
Johan Galtung, 17 Oct 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2011

Lift the bottom up through stimuli, bail-out the worst hit, let incompetent institutions sink. What we are doing is the opposite: not only bailing out but stimulating, rewarding incompetence and greed, letting the bottom sink further. Massive revolts are the optimistic reading. Massive suffering is realistic, and already here. And the most pessimistic reading: the continuation of the same doomed politics.

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The World Moves South and East
Johan Galtung, 17 Oct 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2011

Please join me in a spiritual West-South-East move. We know the landscapes: the abrahamic religions (judaism-christianity-islam) in the Occident, the hindu conglomerate in the middle, and the buddhist space spanning the Orient, as buddhism alone or with daoism and confucianism in East Asia. What are some key messages?

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Afghan and German Deep Cultures at War
Johan Galtung, 10 Oct 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2011

Let Afghans be Afghans. Hold the Swiss model high. Let muslims help muslims. Stop the nonsense about running the world from Central Asia; let central Asians find their own form. Germany has a message, and it is Article 23, unification; by Schengen borders. And Martin Luther’s preface to the first printed Qur’an, in Latin, Basel 1541.

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And Then the Decline and Fall of China?
Johan Galtung, 3 Oct 2011

Talk given in Beijing at the Party School of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, 27 Sep 2011 – Yet a rule is written in the stars: nothing human is forever. There is an organic curve: birth-rise-peak-decline-fall. China is human if at a higher level: the comparative advantage of China is not cheap labor or such economisms but the culture, drawing on the san fa, the three teachings of daoism-confucianism-buddhism. The Occident would have been much better off drawing on judaism-christianity-islam and secularism instead of wasting time fighting each other to death.

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(Italian) Libia Scontata
Johan Galtung – Il Manifesto, 3 Oct 2011

La rivolta scatenata dai ribelli di Bengasi contro Gheddafi è parte di un disegno neo-imperiale condotto in prima fila dalla Nato e dall’Europa per assumere il controllo delle risorse del Nordafrica.

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(Portuguese) Dez Teses Sobre Dez Anos Perdidos
Johan Galtung, 12 Set 11 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2011

Tese 9: A República dos EUA, pela sua reação ao 11/9, acelerou muito seu processo de auto destruição. Os Patriot Acts I e II, a vigilância implacavel da população americana e outras, torturas e rendições extraordinárias, tudo isto destrói o espírito democrático de dentro para fora, além da destruição da economia por três guerras extremamente caras. (teses 2-4).

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A (North) East Asian Community
Johan Galtung, 26 Sep 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2011

Northeast Asia Peace and Development Forum. Dalian, China, 24 Sep 11 – There is the negative peace of reconciliation after the traumas of the past and mediating ongoing conflicts; and the positive peace of cooperation for mutual and equal benefit, harmony, and integration-fusion. Across this diverse geographical-historical-cultural space there is an East Asian similarity: social-economic human rights first, civil-political later–the Chinese “opening up”. Any (N)EAC would search for cooperation with the USA on equal terms, including observer status; but by no stretch of imagination is it a (North)East Asian country. The times when the USA could also claim membership in Latin America, Europe and Asia are gone.

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Japan, Article 9 and the Self-Defense Forces
Johan Galtung, 19 Sep 2011

How about a fourth possible use of Self-Defense Forces, as a nonviolent peace force? Without arms, of course, protecting civilians, accompanying them, based on solid training, exercises, courage? They might even be superior to nonmilitary often short on those three. Disaster relief, development, defensive defense, nonviolent peace force–all preferably reciprocal–could transform the military on the way to its abolition, like in the 30 states without armies. Add training in reconciliation, mediation and peace-building and Japan would have a formidable peace force.

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9/11: Ten Theses on Ten Lost Years
Johan Galtung, 12 Sep 2011

9/11 itself set the tone for the decade: violence as a tool of politics backfires. The media reported war-violence with no analysis, no proposals. The economic contradictions accumulated, as did military non-victories, increasing non-attention, and increasing lack of faith in the USA as “exceptional”. The magic was gone.

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We Have Been Here Before
Johan Galtung, 29 Aug 2011

At the time of writing what BBC and NATO call the Final Chapter is being written in the Libya-Gaddafi tragedy. Like the final chapter for Yugoslavia-Milosevic, for Afghanistan-Omar, for Iraq-Saddam, for War on Terror-bin Laden; get The Bad One. There will come more final chapters in this neo-crusade. Like in the 1090s crusade, orthodox christians were also target of their “mission”.

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The Decline of the West?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2011

The basic G8-G20 mistake: obsessed with saving the banks through bailouts, they did not save people through stimulus. Learn from China: enter communities with the public-private-civil-technical sectors, jointly making mini-companies for basic needs–food and water, clothes and housing, clinics and schools–employing the most needy. A communist uplift from misery, and an increase in their buying power in the capitalist economy. Capi-communism. Rather decline than learning from China? Then, so be it.

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7/22: From Violence to Peace Culture (1)
Johan Galtung, 15 Aug 2011

Dear World Humanist Congress Participants, Fellow Humanists: We believe in the primacy of human life and we believe in rationality. Violence is contempt for life as our poet Nordahl Geieg puts it. You have chosen as the theme of this conference “Humanism and Peace”, and chosen me–rightly or wrongly considered by many the father of peace studies–to deliver this address “From Lack of Realism to Conflict Resolution”.

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Norway 7/22 – And What Now?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2011

After more than 50 interviews on the 7/22 events in Norway, here is one as editorial-with Swedish free lance journalist Ditte Lundberg.

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(Italian) OIC: Organizzazione Islamica C = Conferenza-Cooperazione-Comunità?
Abbas Aroua e Johan Galtung, 18 luglio 2011 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Aug 2011

L’idea di collettività di stati è inclusa nella Carta delle Nazioni Unite per promuovere una transizione dal mondo del 1945 a quello odierno. Ma ancor meglio sarebbe una democrazia di stati membri “Uniti per la Pace”, con nessun sabotaggio dalle potenze che vivono nel passato.

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Norway the Victim. Norway the Perpetrator.
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Aug 2011

Dialogos, theologos. We are mourning, in churches, some in mosques–how about mourning together? The mezquita in Córdoba, with muslim service on Fridays, christian on Sundays, joint services on Saturdays? And in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, building on Erdögan-Zapatero Alliance of Civilizations? Whites and blacks worked together in Southern USA at great risks; moving the USA forward. Show islamophobes, like Breivik, in Oslo, in Washington, and islamists, that dialogue and cooperation are possible. Invite them to join. Moving the world forward.

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Norway 7/22. What? And Then What?
Johan Galtung, 25 Jul 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jul 2011

Why did he not hit an immigration agency, mosques, muslim meetings? His thinking neither reflects nor is reflected by Norway’s political landscape. In Norway a loner, a nazi. But, let us not narrow the interpretation horizon to one point. On one end is the islamophobic loner with links to some groups. If he could be defined as crazy, the political brunt is removed. He becomes a causa sui, his own cause. On the other end is the islamist Helper of the Global Jihad a bankrupt Washington could use to get money for “war against terror”. And in-between is Breivik, at some stage using Libya as a cover, and they at some stage him as a bomber? A tacit cooperation?

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OIC: Organization of Islamic Conference-Cooperation-Community?
Abbas Aroua & Johan Galtung, 18 Jul 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2011

The new OIC of cooperation will pose a major challenge to the UN. Of the five present Security Council veto powers, four are christian (one evangelical, one anglican, one catholic-secular, one orthodox), and one daoist-confucian-buddhist. OIC outsizes them all, even China. This is not only totally unfair, taking into account that the borders fragmenting the islamic community were mainly drawn by those Western powers, but also makes UNSC resolutions against muslim countries illegitimate. Muslim veto power could have saved many human lives, and the USA-West against unwise policies, and opened for a more balanced UN and more regional action.

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The West Has a Peace Theory – And a Bad One
Johan Galtung, 11 Jul 2011

Western peace theory is based on three state attributes: the Rule of Law, Human Rights, and Democracy. The logical flaw is clear: these are attributes of states, not of the relations between them–like equitable-horizontal vs. inequitable-vertical. One relation is in multilateral organizations like the UN. Does that relation include control of Big Powers? Answer: No. Does it guarantee qualified majority General Assembly votes Uniting for Peace? Answer: No. Does it guarantee that nationals of any country accused of crimes against peace, humanity and–new–nature, can be prosecuted? Answer: No.

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(Castellano) La No-violencia: Negativa vs. Positiva
Johan Galtung, 27 de Junio de 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2011

La no-violencia negativa incluye todas las formas de acción en contra, menos la violencia física, como la no-cooperación, la desobediencia civil, la infracción de las leyes, la declaración y la práctica de la autonomía. Y la no-violencia positiva incluye el esclarecimiento del pasado a través de la conciliación, del presente a través de la mediación de conflictos peligrosos, y la construcción de un futuro a través de la participación equitativa en proyectos positivos. Las dos formas no son exclusivas, un Gandhi, un Martin Luther King hicieron ambas cosas.

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Rule of Law vs. Rule of Mediation
Johan Galtung, 4 Jul 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2011

A fresh wind of a culture of mediation is blowing all over Latin America, more than in any other continent. All over there are huge conferences, workshops and training in family mediation, between neighbors, communal mediation, in work relations; less so at the inter-nation and inter-state levels. Judicial mediation is on everybody’s lips. This is great! A culture of mediation is a key part of a culture of conflict transformation–transforming conflicts so that they become manageable without violence–in turn a key part of the general culture of peace called for by UNESCO. Why so important?

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(Castellano) El Envejecimiento, no la Superpoblación…
Johan Galtung, 13 Junio 2011 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2011

… será la tendencia dominante de la demografía del siglo XXI, escribe Gérard François Dumont en Le Monde Diplomatique, de junio de 2011.

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Nonviolence: Negative vs. Positive
Johan Galtung, 27 Jun 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2011

Both are forms of power. Negative nonviolence tries to stop the other side’s direct or structural violence whereas positive nonviolence tries to make the antagonist start being peaceful. Negative nonviolence includes all forms of action against, short of physical violence, like non-cooperation, civil obedience, breaking laws, declaring and practicing autonomy. And positive nonviolence includes clearing the past through conciliation, the present through mediation of dangerous conflicts, and building a future through equitable participation in positive projects. They are not exclusive; a Gandhi, a Martin Luther King did both.

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What a Book!
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2011

Peace Processes: A Sociological Approach by John D. Brewer – From Anglo-America the world is used to books about how what they see as Western attributes–rule of law, human rights, democracy–are not only sufficient to bring about peace, but necessary, indispensable. That the USA, the UK, and Israel have much of that and yet are among the most belligerent countries in the world is handled not by reexamining the thesis, but by claiming self-defense, against the envy of those with deficits.

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Libya: Deep Structure and the Surface
Johan Galtung, 20 Jun 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2011

Killing civilians to save civilian lives, and demolishing the parliament building to promote democracy, do not communicate well the pretended purpose. When only monarchs, emirs, and other dictators favor US-Israel policy, and even Morocco moves to constitutional monarchy? When Tunisia-Egypt-Yemen-Bahrain-Saudi-Syria-Iraq defy the USA? Option: extrajudicial execution of demonized leaders – a sure vote-getter.

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(Castellano) Fukushima 11-M – ¿Un punto de inflexión?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2011

La Zona Cero fue un océano cero, y el país que dio al mundo la palabra “tsunami” fue golpeado por uno de hasta 41 metros de altura. Y Fukushima Dai-ichi, una de las 54 centrales nucleares de Japón, con seis unidades, 1-6; estaba en la playa, ofreciéndose a la furia primordial del tsunami.

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Johan Galtung, 30 de Mayo de 2011 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2011

El problema está en el término “intervención humanitaria”. “Humanitaria” está bien: proteger a las víctimas de la matanza y de la represión autocrática. Luego viene la parte “intervención”.

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Aging, Not Overpopulation…
Johan Galtung, 13 Jun 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2011

…will be the dominant tendency of the 21st century demography. By depriving people of work, forcing them into jobs and retirement, we produce health problems that tax strained economies further. Work is a fine mode of living; jobs may be necessary burdens. Money is used to bribe us into jobs for our livelihood. A rational society would have a living income for all, for food, clothing and housing, free health services, free education from Kindergarten to PhD; making us free to work.

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(Castellano) America la Bella
Johan Galtung, 23 de mayo de 2011 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2011

¿Qué es lo que caracteriza, de modo específico, único, a los EE.UU.? Es la gente, ¡estúpido! Los americanos – disculpas a América Latina – América, la bella. ¿Cómo? ¿Qué? ¿Por qué? Vamos a intentarlo. Empezando con un hecho fundamental: con nadie en el mundo es tan fácil, no aburrido, hablar como con un americano. Abiertos, con nombres propios, sin barreras, lenguaje corporal y lenguaje verbal con encanto, contacto visual directo.

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Fukushima 3/11 – A Turning Point?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2011

We had 9/11; now we also have 3/11, March 11 2011 (AT 1446), the triple seaquake-tsunami-radiation disaster. Ground zero was an ocean zero, and the country that gave the world the word “tsunami” was hit by one up to 41 meters high. And there was Fukushima Dai-ichi, one of Japan’s 54 nuclear power plants, with six units, 1-6; on the beach, offering itself to the primordial rage of the tsunami.

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Humanitarian, or Intervention?
Johan Galtung, 30 May 2011

We are now more than two months into what may last two decades. Surgical cruise missiles fired from aircraft carriers on identified Libyan aircraft might have made some sense, but the Western construct demands regime change “by all necessary means”; not all humanitarian. The price is occupation, deep intervention. By the wayside of history are all the offers of ceasefires and negotiations, lost opportunities. And any deeper understanding that might lead to more positive pursuits.

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(Castellano) ¿Qué pasó con la izquierda occidental?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2011

La izquierda occidental ha de abrirse, no sólo limitarse a recitar “¡Globalización NO!” Un No no lleva a ningún lado. Se necesitan algunos Sí. Y creatividad.

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America the Beautiful
Johan Galtung, 23 May 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2011

What is the US-specific pattern, what is unique, what is that IT? It is the people, stupid! The Americans–apologizing to Latin America–Americans, the beautiful. How? What? Why? Let us try. Starting with a basic: nobody in the world is so easy, not stuffy to talk with as an American. Open, first name basis, fences down, body language and verbal language charming, direct eye contact.

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(Castellano) Osama y Obama
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2011

El jeque Osama permanecerá en la mente de la gente mucho tiempo después de que el presidente Obama sea olvidado. Ambos sumamente violentos, matando a civiles en masse, retóricamente dotados, inteligentes, atractivos, guapos. Pero uno está del lado de la historia, luchando, aunque equivocadamente, por los injustamente reprimidos, y el otro por los ilícitos represores, por un imperio moribundo, en contra de la historia. Sic transit.

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What Happened to the Western Left?
Johan Galtung, 16 May 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2011

The Western right wing is today not challenged by the Western left, but by the subtlety of Chinese capi-communism and yin-yang, far beyond Western thought, right or left. And by islamist terrorism, countered by right wing hard christianist and judeaist state terrorism. The Left fails to understand the former, rejects the latter and is unable to be enriched by the best in the buddhist, muslim, Japanese and Chinese models.

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Osama and Obama
Johan Galtung, 9 May 2011

An educated guess: Sheikh Osama will live on in the minds of people long after President Obama has been forgotten. Both extremely violent, killing civilians en masse, rhetorically gifted, intelligent, attractive, handsome. But one is on the side of history, fighting, however wrongly, for the wrongfully suppressed, and the other for the wrongful suppressors, for a dying empire, against history. Sic transit.

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Emerging Powers – And Retiring Powers
Johan Galtung, 2 May 2011

States and nations come and go, like we all do. Childhood countries are fumbling to define their role (Africa?); puberty countries have uprisings against ruling and aging countries (Arabs? Muslims?); then there are adult, emerging countries, and tired, retiring countries. Such is life. In that home for the elderly there is even a psychiatric ward for the mentally disordered who think they are exceptional, anointed by God as chosen.

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Islamism, Christianism, Judeaism
Johan Galtung, 25 Apr 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2011

Right now the ultimate christian mega-empire fights muslim communities with mega-weapons, drones, cruise and other missiles, fighter-bombers, high on cowardice–protected, few casualties–low on accuracy; the muslims with IEDs at $10 a piece, high on courage and devotion up to suicide, high on accuracy. US empire christianism is fighting not only for the economic-political-military-cultural empire, but also for God’s rule on earth via USA, a country under God, invoking his support. And at the root of it all is Cana’an, Zion, Israel; one land for all the chosen ones, bent on defending itself by all means, nuclear included.

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