Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26449 results.

Democratic Republic of Congo: Need for Reconciliation, Bridge-Builders
René Wadlow - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021 – The people in eastern Congo have lived together for many centuries and developed techniques of conflict resolution. However, the influx of a large number of Hutu, local political considerations, a desire to control the wealth of the area — rich in gold, tin and tropical timber — all these factors have overburdened the local techniques of conflict resolution and have opened the door to new, negative forces interested only in making money and gaining political power.

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“America Is Back” – Joe Biden’s US Foreign Policy
Roger D. Harris – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

26 Feb 2021 – The fact that the US can with impunity punish a third of humanity (39 nations) with illegal sanctions – what the UN calls unilateral coercive measures – is a measure of its hegemonic standing. These sanctions are a form of “hybrid warfare,” which can be just as deadly as outright war. Although Biden is reviewing the sanctions policy, considering the COVID-19 pandemic, he is expected to “keep using [the] US sanctions weapon but with sharper aim,” as reported by Reuters.

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No to the Privatization of the Brazilian Central Bank
Marcos Arruda | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021 – Central banks are by nature public because they formulate and administer the country’s Monetary Policy and invest in the “real economy”, i.e. the part of the economy concerned with socioeconomic development and the production of goods and services. The CB does not have itself as an end but is a means to guarantee the adequate quantity of money and its circulation for the good of all.

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The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021 – We are now living in a world where freedom has been replaced by dim grim grimaces of widespread depression and resignation as the shroud of solicitous neofascism descends upon us. Human freedom is under widespread assault. Free speech is being attacked. Censorship is widespread and growing. Flesh and blood life is being sucked into a whirlpool of “a universe of disembodied data.”

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You Be the Judge
johnny gas for labor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

No kidding…

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WTO COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver Proposal
MSF Access Campaign | Médecins Sans Frontières – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

The COVID-19 TRIPS waiver as proposed appropriately addresses the legal barriers to maximizing production and supply of medical products needed for COVID-19 treatment and prevention. It is limited in time and the scope of application to cover COVID-19-related technologies during the pandemic. Countries that consider the waiver unnecessary for their national context can choose not to use it once granted without blocking the consensus process at WTO.

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Getting the Social Cost of Carbon Right
Nicholas Stern and Joseph E. Stiglitz | Project Syndicate - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

15 Fev 2021 – US President Joe Biden’s administration must put a high enough price on carbon pollution to encourage the scale and urgency of action needed to meet the commitments that it has made to Americans and the rest of the world. The future of the planet depends on it.

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Michelangelo (6 Mar 1475 – 18 Feb 1564)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

In his youth, Michelangelo Buonarroti had taunted a fellow student, and received a blow on the nose that disfigured him for life. Over the years, he suffered increasing infirmities from the rigors of his work; in one of his poems, he documented the tremendous physical strain that he endured by painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Political strife in his beloved Florence also gnawed at him, but his most notable enmity was with fellow Florentine artist Leonardo da Vinci, who was more than 20 years his senior.

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‘Held to Ransom’: Pfizer Demands Governments Gamble with State Assets to Secure Vaccine Deal
Madlen Davies , et al. | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

23 Feb 2021 – Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments in Covid vaccine negotiations and has asked some countries to put up sovereign assets, such as embassy buildings and military bases, as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.

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(Italiano) Le mani di Pechino su Israele: i miliardi investiti nel porto di Haifa e l’ispezione negata agli Usa. Il nuovo fronte di rivalità con Washington
Lorenzo Forlani | Il Fatto Quotidiano - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

27 febbraio 2021 – La Shanghai International Port Group, nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative, sta costruendo un nuovo terminal per container su un’area di 830mila metri quadrati, nel quale avrà diritto ad operare per 25 anni. Un’operazione che preoccupa gli Stati Uniti e che darà vita al “porto più avanzato del Mediterraneo”. Ma da Washington suona il campanello d’allarme.

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“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
Martin Luther King, Jr | Nobel Peace Prize acceptance - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for Civil Rights and Social Justice. King adhered to Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence. In 1955 he began his struggle to persuade the US Government to declare the policy of racial discrimination in the southern states unlawful. The racists responded with violence to the black people’s nonviolent initiatives. (The Norwegian Nobel Institute)

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US Bombs Syria & Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
Caitlin Johnstone | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

26 Feb 2021 – So we are being told that the United States launched an airstrike on Syria, a nation it invaded and is illegally occupying, because of attacks on “U.S. locations” in Iraq, another nation the U.S. invaded and is illegally occupying. It is impossible for its actions in either of those countries to be defensive. The U.S. is always necessarily the aggressor.

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What Went Right This Week: Women Rise at FTSE Firms, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

25 Feb 2021 -The number of FTSE female directors was found to have doubled in five years, a bird missing for nearly two centuries reappeared and plans for a major UK gas power plant were shelved, plus the week’s other positive news.

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Malaysia Deports 1,086 Myanmar Nationals Despite Court Order
Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

23 Feb 2021 – Malaysia has deported 1,086 Myanmar nationals, despite a court order temporarily halting the repatriation amid concerns the group could be at risk if they are returned to military-ruled Myanmar.

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Rusesabagina’s Show Trial and Shooting Deaths of a Rwandan Dissident and an Italian Ambassador
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021 – Is there any limit to how far the West will go to cover for Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s Crimes? “With every war, kidnapping, and murder on foreign soil, Kagame’s critics ask if he’s finally gone too far, while the US is still Rwanda’s top bilateral donor.”

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Revealed: 6,500 Migrant Workers Have Died in Qatar as It Gears Up for Soccer World Cup
Pete Pattisson, Niamh McIntyre, et al. | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

23 Feb 2021 – More than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago. Hocking figure likely to be an underestimate, as preparations for 2022 tournament continue.

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Capital and Imperialism: Theory, History, and the Present
Utsa Patnaik and Prabhat Patnaik | Montly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

February 2021 – Those who control the world’s commanding economic heights, buttressed by the theories of mainstream economists, presume that capitalism is a self-contained and self-generating system. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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President Biden, Our Commander in Grief
Diane Perlman, PhD | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24  Feb 2021 – I may not love everything Joe Biden does, but I love that he held two public ceremonies to remember and mourn US Covid deaths on January 19 and February 22, marking 500,000 deaths. I doubt whether Biden was adequately appreciated for the emotional brilliance, depth of meaning and healing power of these rituals.

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US Congress Escalates Pressure on Media Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment
Glenn Greenwald | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

20 Feb 2021 – For the third time in less than five months, the U.S. Congress has summoned the CEOs of social media companies to appear before them, with the explicit intent to pressure and coerce them to censor more content from their platforms. In their zeal for control over online speech, House Democrats are getting closer and closer to the constitutional line, if they have not already crossed it.

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Fossil Fuel Apologists Crafted Lies Now Heard on Fox, Blaming Wind Power for Texas Blackouts
Robert Mackey | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Feb 2021 – Republicans failed to ensure that the Texas power grid could withstand a cold snap, so the party’s broadcast arm recycled lies about wind energy to deflect blame on to Democrats.

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The Mars Rover and the Texas Catastrophe: Scientific Possibility vs. Capitalist Reality
Bryan Dyne | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

20 Feb 2021 – If society operated on the principle of rationality and human need, not the insatiable greed of the rich, the scientific advancements that made possible the Mars rover would be used to end the many ills that plague humanity.

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Can Covid Vaccinations Drive Covid Deaths?
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – A British author has noted that while covid infections and deaths have declined sharply in most countries since the beginning of the year, countries with some of the highest vaccination rates have seen much slower declines or, in some cases, even increases in infections and deaths. Examples include Israel, Gibraltar, the Seychelles, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Bahrein, Serbia, Chile, Malta, and Monaco.

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Covid Quick Update
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – Some quick covid updates on early treatment, face masks, vaccines, and more.

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Cognitive Encryption Enabling Collapse of Civilization
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

What level of encryption is used in the process of description? The art of encryption recognizes levels of ever greater complexity in order to ensure ever greater levels of secrecy and security — but for whom? What degree of encryption is associated with reference to “forest” or to “whale” in conventional strategic discourse? The question could be asked of problems such as “inequality” or of values such as “justice” or “peace”?

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‘We Have to Live till We Die’ Is the Covid-Era Inspiration We All Need
Slavoj Žižek feat. Rammstein | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

14 Feb 2021 – Is there a more sobering lesson than being humiliated and reduced to near-impotence by a virus, a primitive self-reproductive mechanism which some biologists don’t even count as a form of life? No wonder that calls for a new ethic of modesty and global solidarity abound. But is this the true lesson to be learned here? What if the problem with living in the shadow of a pandemic is exactly the opposite: not death but life, a strange life that drags on, allowing us neither to live in peace nor to quickly die?

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Prime Minister’s Constitutional Coup: Nepal Heading to People’s Movement III
Prof Bishnu Pathak – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

21 Feb 2021 – This state-of-the-art paper is prepared based on personal experiences, participant observation, literature review, and exchanging and sharing approaches rather than on theoretical conceptions.

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George Harrison (25 Feb 1943 – 29 Nov 2001)
Biography Online - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

George Harrison was a British guitarist, singer, songwriter and film producer. As a member of the Beatles, he achieved international fame and renown. In addition to music, Harrison was interested i n Hindu spirituality. After meeting A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, of which he became an active participant, Harrison turned his devotion to Lord Krishna and became a devotee of the Hare Krishna Movement in 1969.

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Who Bought the $4.5 Trillion Added in One Year to the Incredibly Spiking US National Debt, Now at $27.9 Trillion?
Wolf Richter | Wolf Street - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Feb 2021 – The US National Debt has skyrocketed by $4.55 trillion in 12 months, to $27.86 trillion, after having spiked by $1.4 trillion in the prior 12 months. These trillions are all Treasury Securities that form the US national debt, and someone had to buy every single one of these securities. Here’s Who. China continues to unwind its holdings.

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Experts Use This Trick to Transform Conflicts
Matthew Legge | Psychology Today - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Feb 2021 – Too much of the coverage of conflicts avoids key questions like “How this conflict might be transformed?” or “What efforts to constructively address this conflict are already happening?” Journalists don’t need to have the answers; they just need to ask a range of people with relevant perspectives and expertise. When we see the other side as the problem, it limits our thinking.

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2 Partisan 2 Convict
Tom Tomorrow | Daily Kos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

This Modern World

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Cancel Culture, Where Liberalism Goes to Die
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – Elites and their courtiers who trumpet their moral superiority by damning and silencing those who do not linguistically conform to politically correct speech are the new Jacobins.

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World Coronavirus Map
World Life Expectancy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Country Health Profile: How does Coronavirus/Covid19 rank among other illnesses? Is it the most lethal? Welcome to World Life Expectancy. Find info, insights, numbers, statistics on health and causes of death. Updated daily.

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Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (22 Feb or 1 Mar 1810 – 17 Oct 1849)
Barbara Smolenska-Zielinska | Our Chopin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

The musical talent of Fryderyk became apparent extremely early on, and it was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart. Already at the age of 7, he was the author of two polonaises…. In the summer of 1849, Ludwika Jedrzejewiczowa, the eldest sister of the composer, came from Warsaw to take care of her ill brother. On 17 October 1849, Chopin died of pulmonary tuberculosis in his Parisian flat in the Place Vendôme. He was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

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WHO Approves AstraZeneca Vaccine for Emergency Use, but Some Nations Say ‘No Thanks’
Megan Redshaw | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

18 Feb 2021 – The controversial vaccine, which Bill Gates has heavily invested in, is being rejected by some countries over widespread concerns about side effects and efficacy.

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Let Go of the Burden of Hate
Chaitanya Charan das | The Spiritual Scientist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Suppose a person is carrying a huge boulder on their back. When asked why they are carrying it, they reply, “I want to throw it on my enemy’s head.” If their enemy lives far away and carrying that boulder that far is likely to break their own back, then they will end up hurting themselves far more than their enemy. We wouldn’t usually burden our back thus, yet we frequently burden our heart thus.

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Nuclear Violence Is Why We Are Living in the Anthropocene Age
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – Violence: Another Existential Crisis – As I grasp the essence of the consensus emerging from this discussion of Paul Raskin’s eloquent essay, it is an acceptance of the Anthropocene as a dire warning that the human species is headed for disaster, if not extinction, if its ecological footprint is not greatly reduced in the relatively near future.

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The Once-Proud New Yorker Soils Itself in Radioactive Offal
Harvey Wasserman | Reader Supported News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

21 Feb 2021 – Graced by its signature brand of droll, sophisticated cartooning, the magazine’s exquisitely edited screeds have reliably delivered profound analyses of the world’s most pressing issues. But in a breathless, amateurish pursuit of atomic energy, the editorial staff has leapt into a sad sinkhole of radioactive mediocracy.

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Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

13 Feb 2021 – To denounce censorship, as they have done, is admirable. But now Greenwald, Taibbi, and Hedges need go up to the forbidden gate with the sign that says – “This far and no further” – and jump over it.  That’s where the true stories lie.  That’s when they’ll see the worms squirm.

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The Greater Danger of Israeli Provocations in Syria
Brian Berletic | Activist Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

18 Feb 2021 – Continued airstrikes carried out by Israeli warplanes in Syria presents an obvious threat to Syria. Israel has been a participant in the US-led proxy war on Syria and has provided safe-haven and support for Western-backed militants along and within its borders. It has also at various junctures carried out airstrikes in Syria in a bid to impede Damascus’ ability to reestablish peace and stability within Syria’s borders.

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Ending Corporate Tyranny: Solutions to the Plague That Afflicts Us All
Michael Diamond | Covert Action Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

18 Feb 2021 – We are succumbing to an array of physical illnesses and mental declines on a planet that will soon be uninhabitable. This reign of destruction has been brought about by individuals and corporations that seek gain at the expense of our health. This must be stopped.

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Is Transcendence Emerging from Trump’s Impeachment?
Diane Perlman, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

The storming of the US Capitol on Jan 6 was a wake-up call. Several Republicans changed their votes and certified Biden. This bubble-bursting moment separated “the men from the boys.” Johan Galtung always said he hates the US empire but loves the US republic. May we in the US emerge from this averted coup as the republic that he envisioned.

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Marcuse-Anon: Cult of the Pseudo-Intellectual
TK News by Matt Taibbi - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – Reviewing “Repressive Tolerance” and other works by Herbert Marcuse, the quack who became America’s most influential thinker.

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Assange Prosecution Launched by Trump Justice Department Will Continue under Biden
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

9 Feb 2021 – A Justice Department spokesperson indicated officials have no plans to abandon a case widely viewed as a threat to global press freedom. “We continue to seek his extradition,” Justice Department spokesperson Marc Raimondi told Reuters.

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The Largest Strike in Human History
The Grayzone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

11 Feb 2021 – Radhakrishnan explains why farmers are rising up, how they are organized, and how the neoliberal government of Narendra Modi has responded to the movement. Just one day after this interview, the Modi government raided the offices of and detained its editors in what has been denounced as an act of intimidation against critical media.

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Coronavirus Global Data: 112M Infected; 2,5M Deceased; 87,3M+ Recovered
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

On 22 Feb 2021 12pm GMT:
Total Vaccines in Development: 195
Total Cases: 111,991,957
Deaths: 2,478,837
Recovered: 87,360,518
Cases Closed: 89,839,355
Active: 22,152,602

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Cry of the Himalaya: 4 Decades of Disasters, 4 Decades of Warning
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Jivad – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

8 Feb 2021 – The Himalayan disasters do not have local causes or local consequences. The melting of glaciers is a direct impact of fossil fuel industrialism , leading to Green House gas emissions and Climate Change. Every year Himalaya Glaciers are losing one and a half feet of snow.

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This Database Is Exposing Decades of Israel’s Shady Arms Deals
Sahar Vardi | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

10 Feb 2021 – Israel has been exporting arms to the world’s most repressive governments. A new project aims to hold it accountable by tracking these confidential sales. There are good reasons Israel wants to hide these sales, since its clientele has involved some of the world’s most tyrannical dictatorships and human rights abusers.

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The Fish
Elizabeth Bishop | Poets – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

I caught a tremendous fish
and held him beside the boat
half out of water, with my hook
fast in a corner of his mouth.

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(Italiano) L’India si Allontana dalla Democrazia?
Daniela Bezzi ed Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Febbraio 2021 – L’India–la più grande ‘democrazia’ del mondo–da alcuni decenni è avviata verso pratiche di crescente controllo politico della popolazione. In più ha abbracciato gli orientamenti neoliberisti proposti dalle élites finanziarie dell’economia globale. Da anni si segnala la repressione delle voci libere. Incarcerazione di molti dissidenti – donne e uomini di cultura, ricercatori e ricercatrici, difensori dei diritti umani e ambientali – la mancanza di tutela delle minoranze indigene, la legalizzazione di pratiche distruttive in campo ambientale. L’India si allontana dalla democrazia?

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Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting from Pandemic
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr | Children’s Health Defense – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity. The lockdown has netted Bezos $70 billion since its start. Bill Gates, meanwhile, has made $20 billion.

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“To me, peace is something we create and often in new ways, not to be frozen into a handbook of law–although the law could also be useful as one guide among many.”
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Johan Galtung, a professor of peace studies, dr hc mult, is founder of TRANSCEND International and rector of TRANSCEND Peace University. He was awarded among others the 1987 Right Livelihood Award, known as the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize. Galtung has mediated in over 150 conflicts in more than 150 countries, and written more than 170 books on peace and related issues, 96 as the sole author. More than 40 have been translated to other languages, including 50 Years-100 Peace and Conflict Perspectives published by TRANSCEND University Press. His book, Transcend and Transform, was translated to 25 languages. He has published more than 1,700 articles and book chapters and over 500 Editorials for TRANSCEND Media Service.

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How to Understand the [Postjournalism] Rage Economy
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

13 Feb 2021 – In “Postjournalism,” media ecologist Andrey Mir analyzes the way the ‘News Economy’ shapes our perceptions of reality.

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5 Questions to Ask Your Friends Who Plan to Get the Covid Vaccine
Kit Knightly | OffGuardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – Ask your friends these questions. It is a rushed and untested vaccine, made using unprecedented technology, with no legal recourse should it do you harm, TO TREAT A VIRUS 99.8% OF PEOPLE WILL SURVIVE. So the question that really matters is: Do you really want, or need, to take that risk?

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The Evolution of Earth’s Tectonic Plates over the Past Billion Years
SciNews - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

8 Feb 2021 – Researchers released a new model of Earth’s tectonic plates evolution over the last billion years.

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How Do You Say Ku Klux Klan in Hebrew?
Michael Sfard | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

1 Feb 2021 – Those subjected to Israel’s occupation have been abandoned to the occupiers’ cruelty, as a result of the weakness of the country’s army, law enforcement and security establishment, which do not provide effective protection. Israeli TV stations barely report it and most Israelis are simply apathetic.

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NASA’s Mars Rover Successfully Touches Down on the Red Planet
Denise Chow | NBC News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

18 Feb 2021 – NASA kicked off a new era of Mars exploration today with the successful landing of Perseverance, a car-size robotic explorer that will search for traces of ancient life on the planet and collect what could be the first rocky samples from Mars that are sent back to Earth.

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Tying up with a Tie and Coat
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – Cultures, cuisines, modes of dress, religions and languages followed colonialism in the last several centuries. The principal colonial powers were Portugal, Spain, France and England. Styles of dress, languages and religion–mainly Christianity–spread to the regions colonised by European powers. A witty remark had been made about this facet of colonialism. The British came and offered the Bible to local peoples in exchange for their lands and revenues.

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Alain de Botton on Existential Maturity and What Emotional Intelligence Really Means
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

“The emotionally intelligent person knows that they will only ever be mentally healthy in a few areas and at certain moments, but is committed to fathoming their inadequacies and warning others of them in good time, with apology and charm.”

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I Am a Jew and I Want Palestinians Heard in Court
Jews for Justice for Palestinians | The Palestine Chronicle - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

8 Feb 2021 – Why is a court of law important? Because the menace that underpinned the assault of 2014 is still present: the dehumanization of Palestinians. Walled off and vilified, anything can be done to the people of Gaza. A trial will amplify their story of being under intensive attack behind a wall. Let Gazans tell their story.

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Mozart – Piano Concerto #21 (Music Video of the Week)
Yeol Eum Son – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

2011 Tchaikovsky Competition *
Mozart – Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 21 *
Yeol Eum Son (South Korea) – An amazingly beautiful performance! *

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(Português) Brasil sob Bolsonaro: A Democracia como Farsa e as Instituições como Disfarce
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 fev 2021 – É fato confessado pelo ex-chefe supremo das FFAA, Gen.Villas Boâs, que o Alto Comando em 2018 deu um golpe na democracia brasileira, ferindo a Constituição. O sentido era utilizar o juiz Sérgio Moro (exímio na aplicação do law fare) para alijar Lula do pleito presidencial, condenando-o por qualquer crime que fosse, no caso, “por crime indeterminado” e pô-lo na prisão onde ficou por mais de 500 dias. Desta forma abrir-se-ia o caminho para eleição do ex-capitão compulsoriamente reformado por mau comportamento, Jair Bolsonaro. O que de fato ocorreu.

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Designate Myanmar Coup Group as Terrorists
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

21 Feb 2021 – Concerned about another wave bloodbath by Myanmar Tatmadaw or military. They issued a chilling warning to the public, that the coup leaders are going to use lethal force should the protesters take to the streets tomorrow (22 Feb in Myanmar), along with “shoot to kill”, needless to say. Protesters have an overwhelming support of the anti-coup Civil Disobedience Movement. It is all Déjà vu:1962, 1975, 1988, 2007, and now 2021.

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To Farm or Not to Farm in Developing Countries
Prof. Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

19 Feb 2021 – The week has been an interesting one full of global challenges. Recent developments in India, Brazil, Ivory Coast and South Africa with reference to farming trends are becoming a major threat to international food security, empire building of various corporations, as well as the stability of governments, impacting on climate change.

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The Reshaping of Global Agriculture: The WEF Agenda behind India’s Modi Government’s “Farm Reform”
F. William Engdahl | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – In Modi’s India, farmers have been in massive protest since three new farm laws were rushed through Parliament last September. These reforms were motivated by an effort of the World Economic Forum and its New Vision for Agriculture, part of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, the corporate side of the UN Agenda 2030.

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How One Tiny Country Is Beating the Pandemic and Climate Change
Kate Yoder | Grist - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

12 Feb 2021 – The small Himalayan country of Bhutan, mainly known for measuring national happiness instead of GDP, is the only carbon-negative country on the planet. Believe it or not, it has only had one single death from COVID-19. Is that a coincidence?

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The Importance of The Hague Court
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – The International Criminal Court in The Hague has approved its jurisdiction to investigate Israelis and Hamas members on the suspicion of war crimes! Let’s hope that this decision will begin to provide protection to the defenseless populations living under the Israeli occupation, and that the Israeli army will cease from actions which undermine its status as a legitimate army.

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46 Nursing Home Residents in Spain Die within 1 Month of Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine
Celeste McGovern | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – Forty-six nursing home residents who had received their first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccination at the beginning of January had died by the end of the month. Health officials halted administration of the second shot of the vaccine at the nursing home.

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After Pork Giant Was Exposed for Cruel Killings, the FBI Pursued Its Critics
Lee Fang | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Feb 2021 – The agency, seeking information on an animal rights group, attempted to recruit a former truck driver as an informant, the truck driver says. The FBI asked a series of questions about DxE: How are they funded? Do they run drugs or sell guns to finance their animal welfare activism?

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(Italiano) Un Bilancio Palestinese: Vittorie Normative, Delusioni Geopolitiche
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Nei decenni a venire la decisione ICC può risultare il punto di svolta, non così diverso dal Massacro di Sharpeville. Prima dell’alba la notte è più buia. La maggioranza Africana attese allora oltre 30 anni per la propria emancipazione dall’apartheid. I palestinesi hanno già sopportato gli stenti e le umiliazioni della soggiogazione razzista e della supremazia ebraica per più di 70 anni. Quando finirà, e come?

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New Start for Stability in Libya
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

The Libya Political Dialogue Forum on 5 Feb 2021 announced the creation of a new executive authority for all of Libya. To what extent the new interim authority will be able to create public services, limit outside influences and create appropriate forms of government will have to be seen. Libya merits close attention.

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In Furor over Poet with Child Porn Conviction, Prison Abolitionists Debate the Limits of Mercy
Judith Levine | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

14 Feb 2021 – Is Poetry magazine “platforming toxicity” or promoting the “practice of freedom”? A bedrock principle of the prison abolitionist movement is that you don’t ask an incarcerated person what they’re in for. It’s more than etiquette.

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Israel Violates International Law Anew, Again Bombing Syria…To Further Indifference of Western Media
Eva Bartlett | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – Israeli missiles targeted Syria again yesterday. Usually under the pretense of “targeting Iranian/Iranian-backed militias,” Israel’s strikes violate Syria’s sovereignty and international law. Israel’s military chief of staff boasted about hitting over 500 targets in just 2020 alone. If Israel’s routine bombings of Syria are reported in Western media at all, it is with the usual downplaying of (and normalizing of) Israel’s violations of international law.

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What Is Anarchism?
Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Anarchism is a longstanding political, economic, and social tradition based in struggle against top-down systems and institutions, such as states, capitalism, and racial and gender domination.

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Military Coup: The Myanmar-China Nexus
Askiah Adam | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Vietnam, where the US is being welcomed back, is already an illogical development for China. Granted, a thousand years of Chinese colonialism is not easily forgiven by the Vietnamese. But the US damage caused by intensive bombing and harrowing Agent Orange deformities–still persisting many decades after the war–is even more horrifying. Hence, China’s wariness of its borders.

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Is Biden Committing Diplomatic Suicide over the Iran Nuclear Agreement?
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

How President Biden is backtracking on his commitment to rejoin the international nuclear agreement with Iran, and how this risks killing the agreement and undermining his broader commitment to diplomacy.

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Principles of Nonviolence
Gandhi & Luther King – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

Principles Are Guidelines, Not Laws

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Richard Falk’s Autobiography, Memoirs
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

“Public Intellectual is officially published on February 15th. The book (Clarity Press) is 465 pages in length, available in either paperback or Kindle formats, and can be obtained from leading booksellers, including Amazon. It attempts to blend my personal and political engagements in an overall search for why I departed from the worldview and commitments of those with whom I shared a class, ethnic, and educational background in urban USA.” — Prof. Richard Falk

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Why the Flu Has ‘Disappeared’
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

7 Feb 2020 – In 2020, after the global coronavirus pandemic began, influenza viruses mysteriously disappeared from global circulation. Some skeptics suspected that influenza was simply reclassified as covid, while many journalists and ‘fact checkers’ claimed influenza was suppressed by supereffective face masks and lockdowns.

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Dynamics of N-fold Integration of Disparate Cognitive Modalities
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – Faced with multiple crises and conflicts of every kind, the world is witness to appeals for unity on the part of leaders variously embroiled in such crises. Despite the gravitas with which these appeals are framed, they can be increasingly recognized as naive — in the light of past responses to such initiatives. The naivety with regard to simplistic understandings of unity is currently evident in the commentaries evoked.

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The Great Divorce of the Century
David Andersson | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

13 Feb 2021 – Millions lost their jobs and their money, some kept their jobs and their money, and others got even more money without doing much. This situation didn’t start with the pandemic, but it became more ‘in your face.’ COVID has pushed the close-knit relationship between work and money towards a bitter divorce.

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653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show
Children's Health Defense Team - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

12 Feb 2021 – The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 4 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. Of the 653 reported deaths, 602 were from the U.S. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23.

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Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

15 Feb 2021 – It is probably not a good idea to write while in the grip of anger. But I am struggling to suppress my emotions about a wasted year, during which politicians and many doctors have ignored a growing body of evidence suggesting that Vitamin D can play a critically important role in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

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Lives in Mathematics
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

9 Feb 2021 – I would like to announce the publication of a book which presents the lives and work of some of the great mathematicians of history. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated.

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The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows
Glenn Greenwald | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

7 Feb 2021 – A new and rapidly growing journalistic “beat” has arisen over the last several years that can best be described as an unholy mix of junior high hall-monitor tattling and Stasi-like citizen surveillance. It is half adolescent and half malevolent. Its primary objectives are control, censorship, and the destruction of reputations for fun and power.

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In India, Farmers Are Resisting Narendra Modi’s Propaganda Machine
Ullekh N.P. | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

4 Feb 2021 – Hundreds of thousands of India’s farmers have been camping on the roads leading to New Delhi in an unprecedented protest that has lasted more than two months but has not been given attention from the media or Narendra Modi.

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Urgent Solidarity with Haiti Is Needed
Margaret Flowers | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

14 Feb 2021 – A long-brewing crisis in Haiti, created through intervention by the United States, United Nations and allied western imperialist countries, has now come to a head. The Biden administration is openly backing a violent, corrupt and fraudulent leader, Jovenel Moïse, and maintaining the policies of previous presidents, including Donald Trump, in Haiti.

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Trump Acquitted in Senate Impeachment Trial for Second Time
NBC News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

14 Feb 2021 – The Senate yesterday acquitted former President Donald Trump in a 57-43 vote in his second impeachment trial. The House impeached Trump last month on a charge of incitement of insurrection in the deadly attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6. Seven Republican senators voted in favor of conviction, short of the 67 total votes needed to bar Trump from running for public office again.

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“God does not play dice.”
Albert Einstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

“I, in any case, am convinced He does not play dice with the universe.” It was addressed by Einstein to Max Born (one of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics) in a letter that he wrote to Born in 1926. The reason for the quote is to express how bizarre quantum mechanics is as a theory.

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(Italiano) Estratto del Rapporto OXFAM sul 2020
Miki Lanza | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

8 Febbraio 2021 – Il seguente è un mio compendio arbitrario del recentissimo Rapporto OXFAM 2020 sull’andamento essenzialmente economico del mondo, dominato dallo sconvolgimento indotto dalla pandemia Covid-19. Ho tentato di trattenere e trasmettere il nucleo presunto del denso messaggio: ricco di indicazioni, necessariamente eterogenee ed esplicitamente ordinate secondo la mission dell’ente, teso alla sensibilizzazione di dinamiche distorte, ritenute evitabili, innaturali e correggibili con comportamenti basati sull’accorato convincimento di ragionevolezza delle soluzioni immaginate/proposte/attuate sperimentalmente, e quindi di possibile e doverosa estensione.

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The Gamers’ Uprising against Wall Street Has Deep Populist Roots
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

11 Feb 2021 – A short squeeze frenzy driven by a new generation of gamers captured financial headlines in recent weeks, centered on a struggling strip mall video game store called GameStop. Wall Street may own the country, but a new generation of “retail” stock market traders is fighting back.

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What Went Right This Week: The Plan to Turn Hills into ‘Batteries’, Plus More Positive News
Gavin Haines | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

11 Feb 2021 – Engineers hatched a plan to turn UK hills into ‘batteries’, a new drug offered hope in tackling obesity and the welcome side effects of climate action were revealed, plus the week’s other positive news.

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Ending the Other War in Yemen
Brian Terrell | Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

On 4 Feb President Joe Biden announced “we are ending all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.” Stating an intention is not fulfilling it and considering Biden’s further pledge, “to continue to support and help Saudi Arabia defend its sovereignty and its territorial integrity and its people,” his use of the word “relevant” to modify “arms sales” could indicate a convenient loophole.

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States Have No Inherent ‘Right to Exist’—but It’s a Media Fixation on Israel/Palestine
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

12 Feb 2021 – No state has an intrinsic “right to exist.” As international relations scholar Scott Burchill points out, there is no abstract “right to exist” in international law, or in “any serious theory of international relations.” Nor is it customary, Burchill explains, for states or sub-state groups to recognize a state’s “right to exist.” 

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Iran’s Islamic Republic Celebrates Its 42nd Anniversary
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

9 Feb 2021 – Iran is in the process of celebrating the 42nd Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that led to the downfall of the Shah of Iran’s dynastic rule and its replacement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has defied the odds by resisting successfully a variety of attempts to restore the old established order either by an Iraqi encouraged war in the 1980s, destabilization efforts all along pushed by the U.S. and Israel, and an undisguised goal of regime change.

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Dam Disaster in India: Over 200 Construction Workers and Villagers Trapped or Dead
Saman Gunadasa | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

On Sunday [7 Feb 2021] morning, part of the glacier at India’s second highest peak, burst. Massive floodwaters and silt gushed downstream virtually wiping out power plants, bridges and tunnels, and cutting off villages. The disaster trapped and killed more than 200 power plant workers and villagers near the Chinese and Tibetan borders in India’s Himalayan region.

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(Português) Uma Dissertação Histórico-Filosófica sobre Nossa Barbárie
Leonardo Boff | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

10 fev 2021 – Existem inúmeras análises excelentes do antifenômeno Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sociológicas, históricas e econômicas. Acho que devemos cavar mais fundo para capturar o surgimento desse Negativo em nossa história.

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These Six Global Struggles Show the Power of Nonviolence in Action
Rivera Sun | Waging Nonviolence - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

3 Feb 2021 – From India and Palestine to Canada, these ongoing campaigns demonstrate how ordinary people are mobilizing for worker’s rights and an end to war.

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The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

2 Feb 2021 – Facts corroborated by official statements reveal that the Covid pandemic which served to justify the Lockdown is deceptive to say the least. This article will focus on the Corona Timeline starting in January 2020. These are some of the highlights:

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Switzerland Refuses to Approve AstraZeneca Jab and Says ‘New Studies’ Are Needed after France, Germany and Sweden Rejected It for Over-65s
Rachael Bunyan | Mailonline - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

3 Feb 2021 – Switzerland has refused to approve the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine with regulators raising concerns over insufficient test data and arguing ‘new studies’ are needed. It comes after France, Sweden and Germany advised against administering the jab to those over 65 and Emmanuel Macron claimed it was ‘almost ineffective’ for the age bracket.

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RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’
Children's Health Defense Team - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

8 Feb 2021 – In an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Vandana Shiva warns listeners that if we don’t fight back against Gates and his empire, “They will own everything. You will own nothing … no commons, no public good, no shared values.”

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