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2 Global Databases on Coronavirus: 40.3+ Million Infected; 1.1+ Million Dead
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Both Permanently Displayed Here for the Duration of the Pandemic
Global, Localized and Specific Data in Real Time

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(Français) Les gouvernements occidentaux ont financé un important réseau de propagande en Syrie
Ben Norton | Investig'action - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

29 septembre 2020 – Des coupures de renseignement financées par le gouvernement occidental ont formé des dirigeants de l’opposition syrienne, semé des articles dans les médias et dirigé un groupe de journalistes. Une mine de documents divulgués expose le réseau de propagande. Les documents mettent également en lumière le programme britannique de formation et d’armement des groupes rebelles, y compris des jihadistes extrémistes.

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An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment under Israeli Colonization
Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan | Science for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 – Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns, each with a small and manageable population living sustainably with nature. The land was owned or worked by the Palestinian people, who were 85 percent Muslim, 9.2 percent Christian, and 5.3 percent Jewish.1 This structure changed radically when mostly European Jews mobilized for massive migration to Palestine and began to assume colonial control over the land.

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The Nuclearization of American Diplomacy
Michael T. Klare | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

11 Oct 2020 – Talking Tough and Carrying a Radioactive Stick – We are finding ourselves in an ever more dangerous and insecure world, with the risk of Armageddon lurking just around the corner.

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Anticipation of Judicial Inquisition of Humans by Extraterrestrials
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Potential Consequence of Failure to Adhere to Universal Principles of Intelligent Life – The purpose of this exercise is to reframe the relation of humans to non-human species — as it may be perceived from an extraterrestrial perspective, now or in the future. Humans are naturally skilled in framing their treatment of animals — notably justified by particular interpretations of religious scriptures held to be beyond question, as with interpretations of the Bible regarding human dominion over all animals.

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(Français) Le cas d’extradition d’Assange est une attaque sans précédent contre la liberté de la presse – alors pourquoi les médias n’en parlent pratiquement pas ?
Patrick Cockburn | Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – Le silence des journalistes en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis sur la procédure d’extradition de Julian Assange les rend complices de la criminalisation par le gouvernement américain. Assange et WikiLeaks ont fait tout ce que les journalistes devraient faire en révélant des informations importantes sur les méfaits du gouvernement américain et en les communiquant au public.

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Yanis Varoufakis at the Belmarsh Tribunal: First they came for Assange…
DiEM25 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

13 Oct 2020 – In his speech at The Belmarsh Tribunal, Yanis Varoufakis makes the case that we must move beyond defending Julian Assange, to actively condemning those whose crimes he revealed. Convened by the Progressive International, The Belmarsh Tribunal investigated and evaluated US war crimes in the 21st century — and defended Julian Assange’s right to reveal them.

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Humanity, Compassion, Bravery
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

13 Oct 2020 – Many countries in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America are facing violence and brutality in one form or the other. However, on an optimistic and humane note, a few events are regularly taking place that dispel this negativity along with the abysmal social and psychological conditions we see around us.

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After the Fall… What?
EnvisionPeaceMuseum | Johan Galtung & Amy Goodman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Fascism or Blossoming after the Fall of the US Empire?
10 Jul 2012 – Prognosis/Prediction

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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Americans Are Dying in the Pandemic at Rates Far Higher Than in Other Countries
Jason Beaubien | NPR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

13 Oct 2020 – Overall deaths in the U.S. are more than 85% higher than in places such as Germany, Israel and Denmark adjusting for population size. Deaths in the U.S. are 29% higher than even in Sweden, “which ignored everything for so long,” refusing to order social restrictions and a lockdown. “We have 29% more mortality than we should have if we’d followed Sweden’s path and Sweden virtually did nothing.”

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Japan to Release 1M Tonnes of Fukushima’s Radioactive Water into Pacific Ocean
Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

16 Oct 2020 – Nearly a decade after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan’s government has decided to release over one million tonnes of contaminated water into the sea, media reports said today, with a formal announcement expected to be made later this month.

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Freeing “Hotel Rwanda” Hero Paul Rusesabagina
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 – The man portrayed by Don Cheadle in the movie about mass slaughter in Rwanda was kidnapped and jailed by the country’s dictator. Paul Rusesabagina, the real life hero whose story is the basis of the movie “Hotel Rwanda,” was kidnapped in Dubai and illegally rendered to Rwanda to stand trial on terrorism charges.

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Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of Empire
Lee Camp | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

12 Oct 2020 – Most Americans don’t know reality. They know their personal reality, which is detached from the real one. Shhhh, don’t tell them about the Blue Leaks and the Syria PR Leaks. The mainstream media’s virtual blackout must mean they aren’t supposed to know.

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Activism Is Our Rent for Living on the Earth
Chaitanya Charan das | The Spiritual Scientist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

The idea of activism – of being a part of some cause that helps makes things better in the world – is increasingly catching on. It has become much cooler than what it was a few decades ago, when greed ruled the roost… When we imbue our activism with the inspiration to harmonize with the whole, our activism makes an enduring difference – in our own lives, in our social circle and in the world at large.

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Rafael Campo | Academy of American Poets – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

I wrote this poem to come to terms with some of my own conflicted feelings of shame, complicity, and privilege as I care for people with COVID-19 among my many other patients who continue to live with HIV, and to remember those who did not survive, recognizing my paradoxical power and helplessness as I witness the disproportionate burden of these diseases on people of color.”

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Selectively Unwalking the Path of History
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

I would like to help you out. Which way did you come in? Unwalking the historical path that led us to where we are, we humans should seize the day, carpe diem. We should transition to the day when humans will spend their time doing intrinsically valuable activities (sports, music, science, philosophy, dance, religion, studies, gardening , yoga, etc.) while advanced technology produces more and better goods and services, and creates more surplus to share.

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This Is My Message to the Western World – Your Civilisation Is Killing Life on Earth
Nemonte Nenquimo | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

12 Oct 2020 – We Indigenous people are fighting to save the Amazon, but the whole planet is in trouble because you do not respect it.

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Unite against Washington’s ‘Old-Fashioned Cold War Mentality’, Beijing Urges Asian Nations
Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 – China’s top diplomat has urged neighboring states to guard against Washington’s geopolitical ambitions in Asia and called for regional cooperation to thwart foreign provocations in the South China Sea.

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Nietzsche on the Journey of Becoming and What It Means to Be a Free Spirit
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

“…become master over yourself, master of your own good qualities… acquire power over your aye and no and learn to hold and withhold them in accordance with your higher aims…” “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

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Vitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds
Patrick Holford | Orthomolecular Medicine News Service - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

13 Oct 2020 – Twice Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling proved the power of high dose vitamin C in the 1970’s. It is thanks to him we know about the benefits of high dose vitamin C. The cover of his landmark book “Vitamin C and the Common Cold” has a statement that reads, “It is especially important that everyone know that he can protect himself to a considerable extent against the disease, and its consequences, with this important nutrient, vitamin C.” It’s been 50 years since Pauling proved the anti-viral power of vitamin C. Isn’t it time we took this seriously?

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Home to Roost
Joe Kandra, Pat Daniel and Kathie Malley-Morrison | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020


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Why Children, As Well As Adults, Need Stories about Solutions
Jodie Jackson | Positive News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Jodie Jackson, author and expert on the psychological impact of the news, has now released a children’s book. She explains how, and why, it is grounded in the principles of positive psychology.

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Leaked Docs Expose Massive Syria Propaganda Operation Waged by Western Gov’t Contractors and Media
Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

29 Sep 2020 – Western government-funded intelligence cutouts trained Syrian opposition leaders, planted stories in the media and ran a cadre of journalists. A trove of leaked documents exposes the propaganda network. The documents also shine light on the British program to train and arm rebel groups, including extremist jihadists.

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Working to End Human Violence in the Time of Covid-19
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Can we craft and implement a strategy to end the violence, particularly in each and all of its extinction-threatening dimensions, to ensure that humanity has a chance to thrive on planet Earth indefinitely into the future? Few are asking that question.

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26 Sep: International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
The United Nations - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations. It was the subject of the General Assembly’s first resolution in 1946, which established the Atomic Energy Commission, with a mandate to make specific proposals for the control of nuclear energy and the elimination of atomic weapons and all other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction.

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(Português) Enquanto a Amazônia queima, o que acontece com a biodiversidade?
Liz Kimbroughem (Mongabay) | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

17 out 2020 – Mais de 40% dos incêndios na Amazônia brasileira neste ano estão ocorrendo em florestas, com mais de 4,6 milhões de acres já impactados este ano. Embora longe de serem totalmente estudados, esses incêndios florestais têm grandes repercussões para a flora e fauna.

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Forget About Jewish or Democratic. Is Israel Even an Actual Country?
Yuli Tamir | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

12 Oct 2020 – Based on the accepted definition, a country is a sovereign political organization that controls a defined territory. Its inhabitants are subject to a common authority and are governed by an independent government with the right to establish diplomatic relations or to declare war against other sovereign countries. Israel does not meet these basic conditions.

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Che Guevara Is Assassinated on 9 Oct 1967
History – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

53 year ago, socialist revolutionary and guerilla leader Che Guevara, age 39, was killed by the Bolivian army. The U.S.-military-backed Bolivian forces captured Guevara on October 8 and executed him the following day. His hands were cut off as proof of death and his body was buried in an unmarked grave.

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Is the Cuba Blockade a Myth?
Maité Rizo | Reader Supported News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

15 Oct 2020 – The Cuban people have lived for almost sixty years with restrictions imposed by the United States government. Many times we do not even notice how much this policy affects us, because in a certain way we get used to so many decades of economic war along with the problems of our country, and because no, it is not all the fault of the blockade. But it exists, and its impact is real.

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The Bolsonaro Thing
Jean Wyllys | Open Democracy - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

7 Oct 2020 – Historical facts do not repeat themselves, but they can rhyme, like a poem. The rise of the extreme right in Brazil in the wake of Operation Lava Jato rhymes quite nicely with the rise of the extreme right in Italy after Operation Mani Pulite, which under the “excuse” of eradicating corruption destroyed the political elite with the help of the media, paving the way for the corrupt, authoritarian, and immoral Silvio Berlusconi to become prime minister.

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Myanmar: ‘Shocking’ Killing of Children Allegedly Used as Human Shields
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 – UN agencies in Myanmar have expressed ‘sadness’ and ‘shock’ over the killing of two boys, allegedly used as human shields by security forces in Rakhine . They were killed in a crossfire between Myanmar’s military and the separatist Arakan Army.

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The Behemoth Strategy
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

In more than one occasion, democracies are taken by assault leveraging on the system’s defects. Their authors take advantage of democratic means to win power and, after conquering it, deny their adversaries all the means that were granted to them. Democracies can well die through democratic means better than by a coup d’état. An analysis of this challenge to the democratic coexistence in global terms, particularly focusing on the electoral process in United States.

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To Rebel against Necessity and More
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

“I am convinced that it would be a waste of time to show a people of intimidated slaves a different manner of speaking, a different manner of gesticulating; but perhaps it would be worthwhile to show them a different way of living. No word and no gesture can be more persuasive than the life, and if necessary, the death of a man who strives to be free, loyal, just, sincere, disinterested: a man who shows what a man can be.” Che Guevara did that. Now it’s up to us.

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(Português) Lenny Kravitz diz que é vegano e que cultiva a própria comida
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

5 out 2020 – Em entrevista publicada pela revista “Men’s Health”, o cantor e compositor estadunidense Lenny kravitz, de 56 anos, disse que se tornou vegano e que cultiva a maior parte da própria comida. Ele mostra o que colheu pela manhã – como fruta-do-conde, limão, abacate, cenoura e alecrim.

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Ye Are Many, They Are Few!
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

A New Freely Downloadable Book – I would like to announce the publication of a new book, which discusses the question of how oligarchs maintain their grasp on an excessive share of wealth and power when, as Shelley pointed out, the have-nots are many, while the power-holders are few.

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Prof. Johan Galtung (Born 24 Oct 1930)
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

The ‘Father of Peace Studies’ completes 90 years of age. At 24, he was jailed for 6 months as a Conscientious Objector in Norway. In jail he wrote, with Arne Næss, his first book: Gandhi’s Political Ethics. Today he has contributed more than 170 books; over 1500 papers, articles and book chapters; and over 500 Editorials for TRANSCEND Media Service on peace and conflict studies, mediation, and related issues.

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Bar-Stool Philosophy
Bored Panda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020


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Paul Brunton (21 Oct 1898 – 24 Jul 1981): The Spiritual Search
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

The world citizen Paul Brunton was concerned with building intellectual bridges between the West and the spiritual traditions of Asia, in particular India.

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Why the UN Can’t Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
Roger Kotila, PhD | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

15 Oct 2020 – Is the UN’s attempt to eliminate nukes a lesson in futility? It may be, unless we can identify nations that will work with us for the needed Charter Review with the Earth Constitution as a potential guide and model for a “new UN” (this strategy is known as the San Francisco Promise).

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Hymn for the Weekend (Music Video of the Week)
Coldplay – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

Kick back and simply enjoy…

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On the Coming Decline and Fall of the US Empire
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

[Paper written in 2015] -> Empires have different profiles. The US Empire has a complete configuration, articulated in a statement by a Pentagon planner: “The de facto role of the United States Armed Forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing”. In other words, direct violence to protect structural violence legitimized by cultural violence.

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The Belmarsh Tribunal Put the US on Trial for Crimes Revealed by Assange
DiEM25 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

15 Oct 2020 – As we await the verdict of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing, the struggle for his liberation continues. Too often we hear that protests do not succeed. That resistance does not achieve results. With press freedom on trial, the stakes are too high to subscribe to such pessimism.

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The Palestinian Struggle Betrayed
Askiah Adam | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 – The decline of the American Empire is too naked to refute. Millions are unemployed. The economy is in shambles. More than 200,000 Americans are dead and businesses are failing. The United States is in socio-political chaos and unrest is widespread. Are the Palestinians the attempted sacrifice at the altar of a Trump re-election trickery?

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Inspiration, Conspiration, Transpiration, Expiration
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Towards a Universal Model of Conspiracy Theories – Reference is widely made to the problematic existence of conspiracy theories, variously understood as deriving from fake news. In relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns are raised regarding the epidemic of misinformation. CTs are now held to be especially influential with respect to the US 2020 presidential election.

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2 Global Databases on Coronavirus: 37.7 Million+ Infected; Near 1.1 Million Dead
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Both Permanently Displayed Here for the Duration of the Pandemic
Global, Localized and Specific Data in Real Time

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70 Per Cent of COVID Cases Located in Just 10 Countries, WHO Reports
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

5 Oct 2020 – While COVID-19 has affected all countries, the pandemic is “uneven”, and it is estimated that 10 per cent of the global population may have been infected with the virus, senior officials with the World Health Organization (WHO) said today.

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Nagorno-Karabakh: A Phantom Republic Takes Center Stage
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

9 Oct 2020 – The Phantom Republics is the name given to the States demanding the status of independence after the breakup of the Soviet Union: Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, Transnistea in Moldova, and Nagorno-Karabakh between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The conflicts in Georgia and Moldova are now “frozen”, but they can “melt” at any time.

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Another Now – An Intimate Introduction
Yanis Varoufakis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present by Yanis Varoufakis, Bodley Head, Sep 2020, 240 pp. ~~ “Imagine a world with no banks. No stock market. No tech giants. No billionaires. Imagine if Occupy and Extinction Rebellion actually won. In Another Now world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis shows us what such a world would look like. Far from being a fantasy, he describes how it could have come about – and might yet… — Slavoj Zizek

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Why Biden Must Win: It Is Not about Democracy, It’s about Fascism
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – Interview with Iranian Journalist Javad Heiran-Nia on U.S. Elections: “What is the most important issue affecting the upcoming US presidential election? (Economy; Foreign Policy; Domestic Policy; etc.)”

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Friedrich Nietzsche (15 Oct 1844 – 25 Aug 1900)
Bernd Magnus | Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Friedrich Nietzsche’s attempts to unmask the motives that underlie traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy deeply affected generations of theologians, philosophers, psychologists, poets, novelists, and playwrights. He thought through the consequences of the triumph of the Enlightenment’s secularism, expressed in his observation that “God is dead.”

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(Português) Uma Mensagem do Futuro II: Os Anos de Reparação [Vídeo]
Naomi Klein | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

1 Out 2020 – Dá para imaginar um futuro melhor? Pararmos de falar sobre o que significa vencer a pandemia não é o mesmo que desistir?

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How We Can Fix This Pandemic in a Month
Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB | Orthomolecular Medicine News Service - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service has been publicizing the importance of vitamins D and C, and the minerals zinc and magnesium, in this pandemic since January. I have been writing about vitamin D and sunlight for over 30 years, and it has never been more relevant.

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‘Not Nobel’s Will’: World Food Programme’s Peace Prize Sparks Criticism
Jan van der Made | RFI - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

9 Oct 2020 – This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the World Food Programme. The UN institution beat famous and notorious competitors for the prestigious award, notably climate activist Greta Thunberg, US President Donald Trump and the World Health Organization. The award to the WFP has nonetheless generated criticism.

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Louise Glück Should Refuse the Nobel Prize for Literature. Here’s Why.
Peter Maass | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

7 Oct 2020 – I don’t know what poet Louise Glück said when the Swedish Academy informed her that she won this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature, but I know what she should have said: “Thanks, but no thanks.” The Swedish Academy is a corrupt institution that has tolerated genocide denial and sexual assault.

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Lessons on Productivity
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – How do we manage to be productive and efficient while engaged in many projects and constantly getting interruptions? Being asked this question frequently by students, staff, volunteers and others, let me give my humble personal reflections. First, I start by saying that Einstein was right about theory of relativity not just in physics but in life.

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Hemp Paper Benefits
Ministry of Hemp - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Hemp paper is a valuable alternative to conventional paper made from trees and could provide a more renewable source for the world’s needs. The first paper in the world was partly made from hemp. It is more suitable for paper as it has a higher cellulose and lower lignin content. Hemp paper is also more eco-friendly and sustainable, as hemp can be produced quicker than trees.

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How a Police State Starts
Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

On Saturday [3 Oct] a small, socially distanced vigil of 18 people for Julian Assange at Piccadilly Circus was broken up by twice that number of police and one elderly man arrested and taken into custody. The little group of activists have been holding the vigil every week. I had just arrived to thank them and was astonished to see eight police vans and this utterly unnecessary police action. There could not be a clearer example of “Covid legislation” being used to crack down on unrelated, entirely peaceful political dissent.

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Googling in Today’s World
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

28 Sep 2020 – “What is Google?” is a question that is often asked. Is it a library; is it a teacher, a search engine, an internet browser, a digital platform, or all of the above?

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How Trump Damaged Science — and Why It Could Take Decades to Recover
Jeff Tollefson | Nature - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

5 Oct 2020 – The US president’s actions have exacerbated the pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 people in the United States, rolled back environmental and public-health regulations and undermined science and scientific institutions. Some of the harm could be permanent.

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(Português) ONG Divulga Ranking da Crueldade Animal no Turismo
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

25 set 2020 – Relatório cita empresas que têm favorecido e incentivado shows com golfinhos, passeios com elefantes e selfies com filhotes de tigres, entre outros exemplos.

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Global Billionaire Wealth Tops $10 Trillion as COVID-19 Deaths Mount
Jacob Crosse | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – The collective wealth of the world’s billionaires has risen to $10.2 trillion, an increase of nearly $1.3 trillion. The unprecedented surge in wealth takes place amidst a global pandemic that has killed more than one million people worldwide. The report, “Riding the Storm,” is based on data from 43 markets, including interviews with 60 billionaires, accounting for 98 percent of global billionaire wealth.

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Selected Articles – To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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The Social Dilemma Documentary
Netflix | Relax & Entertainment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Premiered 16 Sep 2020 – We tweet, we like, and we share— but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s hiding on the other side of your screen.

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Trump Administration Imposes Crushing New Sanctions on Iran
Josh Marcus | The Independent - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

The Trump administration on 8 Oct 2020 imposed a new, crushing round of sanctions that blacklists Iran’s entire financial sector, which will cut off the country’s ability to import humanitarian goods like food and medicine. Foreign companies or individuals will have 45 days to unwind their relationships, and then will face “secondary sanctions.” A consequence of Trump’s tough re-election bout. 

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The Boy Who Cried No COVID!…
Joe Kandra, Kathie Malley-Morrison and Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

… and let the place burn down.

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Paper from Trees vs. Paper from Hemp: Which Is Best for Our Future?
Amaweed - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

To produce 1 ton of paper we need on average 17 trees, which take at least 20 to 25 years to grow before they can be used for paper production. This has put an enormous strain on the forests of the world. Each year we lose around 7.2% of IFL (Intact Forest Landscapes), with the highest cause being timber harvesting which represents about 37% of that. Timber harvesting of course is the beginning of the paper-making process.

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‘The Social Dilemma’ Sounds Alarm on Social Media’s Dark Side
Jeremy Loffredo | Children’s Health Defense - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – “The Social Dilemma,” a new documentary that explores the dark side of social media, gives a history of the industry through the eyes of former Facebook, Google and Twitter company executives and software engineers who all agree on this one point: The industry has lost its way. Social media was designed to do good, the former insiders say. But those goals have been subverted to the point where the industry has created “monsters,” rather than tools for the common good.

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The Plot Against Gretchen Whitmer Shows the Danger of Private Militias
Mary B. McCord | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – In the swirls of disinformation that now pollute our political discourse, one is particularly dangerous: that private militias are constitutionally protected. These groups have no constitutional right to exist.

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(Italiano) Azioni giudiziarie contro le vendite di armi
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Ottobre 2020 – La lotta nonviolenta contro il traffico di armi deve sempre più coinvolgere tutte le componenti della società civile, per avviare processi di riconversione economica, sociale, culturale.  Disinvestire, smilitarizzare e disarmare i nostri territori e le nostre menti. Una tappa importante di questo processo riguarda la sensibilizzazione e la formazione dei giovani.

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Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020


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The United Nations and Decolonization: Non-Self-Governing Territories
The United Nations - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Today, 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories, as listed below, remain on the agenda of the “Special Committee on Decolonization” or the “C-24”. Member States which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of such Territories are called administering Powers. Last updated: 22 Sep 2020

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President Maduro: ‘US Blockade on Venezuela Has Cost at Least 400,000 Deaths’
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

11 Oct 2020 – In the last five years, the blockade succeeded in cutting off financing to Venezuela, preventing it from accessing the required currency to acquire food, medicine, spare parts and essential raw materials for economic activity.

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Preventing Violent Extremism or Media Development Aid?
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

The War on Terrorism was built on foundations of intellectual dishonesty. At worst, it was a pretext for continued military spending and deployment, iterated with a ferocity that waxed in precisely inverse proportion to the rapidly emerging evidence of its inefficacy in preventing terrorism. Its lineal descendants – initiatives to “counter” or “prevent violent extremism” have, likewise tended to grind remorselessly on, including in the fields of information and communication, despite having no evidential basis for expectation of success, even on their own terms.

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The CIA: 70 Years of Organized Crime
Lars Schall - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Blessed with fake identities and bodyguards, CIA officers fly around in private planes, live in villas, and kill with state-of-the-art technology. They tell army generals what to do. They direct Congressional committees. They assassinate heads of state and murder innocent children with impunity and with indifference. Everyone to them, but their bosses, is expendable.

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Dead Epidemiologists: On the Origins of COVID-19
Rob Wallace | Monthly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

14 Oct 2020 Issue – Dead Epidemiologists is an eclectic collection of commentaries, articles, and interviews revealing the hidden-in-plain-sight truth behind the pandemic: Global capital drove the deforestation and development that exposed us to new pathogens. Rob Wallace and his colleagues—ecologists, geographers, activists, and, yes, epidemiologists—unpack the material and conceptual origins of COVID-19.

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My Sweet Lord “Live” (Music Video of the Week)
George Harrison | Federico Perlingieri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

A Tribute to George Harrison by “Family & Friends”

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Bill Gates on Track to Grow His Fortune through Foundation’s Ties to Vaccine Makers
Jeremy Loffredo | Children's Health Defense - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

8 Oct 2020 – A telling piece in The Nation this week reports some of the conflicts of interest the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation holds in the world’s quest for a COVID-19 vaccine.

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The Red Poppy (a Poem)
Louise Glück, Nobel Literature 2020 laureate | Academy of American Poets – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Louise Glück is the recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature.

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Asking for the Impossible, and Recognizing the Fact
Björn Lindgren – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

In the Indian struggle for independence, M. K. Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar and their colleagues demanded self-rule and a self-sufficient Indian village economy. Their greatness consisted in that ‘they asked for the impossible.’ Today, politicians, journalists, economists, and military don’t even ask for the possible. They now drive the world into the abyss.

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Proud Boys Hashtag Gets Hijacked by LGBT+ Community
Emma Powys Maurice | Pink News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

4 Oct 2020 – The Proud Boys hashtag has been reclaimed by the LGBT+ community to drown out the racism and flood the internet with images of beautiful, queer love.

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Myanmar’s Colonial Policies and Crimes Trigger Renewed Liberation Struggles
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

9 Oct 2020 – Lack of action from UN and world community encourages Myanmar to commit atrocities against ethnic communities. The decades of failures by the UN and external actors will force the oppressed minorities to resort to armed liberation struggles.

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Hannah Arendt (14 Oct 1906 – 4 Dec 1975)
Encyclopedia of World Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

A Jewish girl forced to flee Germany during World War II (1939–45), Hannah Arendt analyzed major issues of the twentieth century and produced an original and radical political philosophy.

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Revealed: Key Assange Prosecution Witness Is Part of Academic Cluster That Has Received Millions from UK and US Militaries
Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis | Declassified UK, Daily Maverick - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

2 Oct 2020 – One of the US prosecution’s key medical witnesses in the Julian Assange hearing, who claimed that Assange’s risk of suicide is ‘manageable’ if extradited to the US, works for an academic institute that is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence and linked to the US Department of Defence, it can be revealed.

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AFRICOM: Deadly Deception
Friends of the Congo - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

On October 1, 2007, the USA launched the Africa Command-AFRICOM based in Germany, a wholly external concoction to be imposed on Africans without their input or consent. When African leaders heard of AFRICOM, they overwhelmingly rejected its intent to expand U.S. military presence. AFRICOM’s real aim was never peace nor stability but rather strategic US interests.

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Our Friend
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Met a person after many a day
Seeing me he wished me Good Day

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Fires Raze Nearly Half of Indigenous Territories in Brazil’s Pantanal
Bianca Muniz, Bruno Fonseca and Raphaela Ribeiro | Agência Pública, Mongabay - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – In September, 164 fires were recorded across Indigenous territories in the Brazilian Pantanal, the world’s biggest wetland. In August, there were more than 200. Nearly half of the certified Indigenous areas in the region have already been subject to fires that cut off villages, destroyed homes and farms, and sent community members to hospital for respiratory problems.

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Brazil Is Up in Flames—Here’s Why
Diego Gonzaga | Greenpeace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – It is no accident that there are fires all across Brazil. The world is looking in horror for the second straight year as historic blazes ravage the world’s largest tropical forest. All the while, instead of fighting the fires, the Brazilian government fans the flames by emboldening those who are setting the fires to expand their agribusiness.

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India’s Hindu Right Are Willing to Bury Democracy
Arundhati Roy | Scroll - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Two Conspiracies and a Cremation: Let’s keep voting for the people who are leading us into penury and war, tearing us apart limb from limb. While India’s rulers downplay the brutal murder of a Dalit teenager by an upper-caste gang and acquit Hindu nationalists guilty of historic crimes, they are concocting another show trial of Muslims and progressive activists to intimidate dissenters.

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(Português) Mais de 200 Cães Sofrem Tortura em Leilão de Carne de Cães na Coreia do Sul
Bianca Sales | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

11 out 2020 – Imagens registradas por organização em defesa dos direitos animais, mostra 200 cães presos em caixas e gaiolas de metal, durante leilão em um período de calor torrencial no país.

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Richard Falk: Palestinians Are Winning the ‘Legitimacy War’
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

9 Oct 2020 – According to Professor Falk, history is clearly on the side of Palestinians, who are already “winning the legitimacy war”.

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‘None of It Reported’: How Corporate Media Buried the Assange Trial
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

7 Oct 2020 – One of the most imposing features of state-corporate propaganda is its incessant, repetitive nature. Over and over again, the ‘mainstream’ media have to convince the public that ‘our’ government prioritises the health, welfare and livelihoods of the general population, rather than the private interests of an elite stratum of society that owns and runs all the major institutions, banks, corporations and media.

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Susan Sontag on Moral Courage and the Power of Principled Resistance to Injustice
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

“Fear binds people together. And fear disperses them. Courage inspires communities: the courage of an example — for courage is as contagious as fear.”

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The Unprecedented and Illegal Campaign to Eliminate Julian Assange
Charles Glass | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – Over the 17 days of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing in London, courtroom evidence exposed illegality on an unprecedented scale by America’s and Britain’s intelligence, military, police, and judicial agencies to eliminate Assange. The governments had the edge, like the white man of whom Malcolm X wrote, “He’s a professional gambler; he has all the cards and the odds stacked on his side, and he has always dealt to our people from the bottom of the deck.” The deck was clearly stacked.

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Malaysia: A Clear Direction for the Present
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | JUST - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

11 Oct 2020 – If the five proposals made here and other similar ideas are implemented within the next 6 to 9 months, it is quite conceivable that the nation will be able to concentrate upon tackling the Covid challenge and the current economic woes.

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Our World Is Burning
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

4 Oct 2020 – In order to save human civilization and the biosphere from the most catastrophic effects of climate change we need to act immediately. Fossil fuels must be left below the ground. Forests must be left above the ground and saved from destruction for beef or palm oil production.

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2 Global Databases on Coronavirus: 35.4 Million+ Positive; 1 Million+ Dead
Worldometer and Avi Schiffmann - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

* Both Permanently Displayed Here for the Duration of the Pandemic
* Global, Localized and Specific Data in Real Time

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Donald Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
Justin Sink | Bloomberg - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

2 Oct 2020 – Donald Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis has dramatically altered the closing weeks of the U.S. presidential campaign, with the president now facing not only an unprecedented health challenge but also logistical and staffing chaos about a month before Election Day.

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Harold Pinter (10 Oct 1930 – 24 Dec 2008)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

Born in London in 1930, Harold Pinter is a renowned playwright and screenwriter. His plays are particularly famous for their use of understatement to convey characters’ thoughts and feelings. In 2005, Pinter was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

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Should Iran Be Concerned about the U.S. Elections?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

30 Sep 2020 – This interview was published by Mehr News Agency on 27 Sept 2020 in Tehran. It addresses questions that arise for foreign societies seeking to comprehend the spectacle of the 2020 US national elections. The outcome of the Trump/Biden struggle is, of course, of particular concern to Iran.

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