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8 June: International Day of the Oceans
René Wadlow - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

World Citizens Call for Renewed Efforts to Resolve Asian Maritime Delimitations Dispute – This date can serve as the start of a strong mobilization of voices calling for good-faith negotiations and for a vision of cooperation among the States of the China Seas.

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Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

The purpose here is to note further possibilities in 3D, building on the models previously presented — and offering interactive access to them over the web. The various design metaphors explored here frame the question as to how global integration might be comprehended in dynamic terms in virtual reality — especially given other possibilities that such models might suggest.

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How American Cities Were Reduced to Esper’s “Battlespace”: from Fallujah to Minneapolis
Juan Cole | Informed Comment - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – Some 2.7 million Americans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, an astonishing number. The Bush administration began the practice of sending to civilian police departments military equipment no longer needed in Iraq– everything from Kevlar vests to armored vehicles. Community policing in some towns and cities gave way to the spectacle of militarized police, heavily armed and armored, and inevitably separated from the public they were supposed to serve and protect.

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Haiti: Father Gerard Jean-Juste Memorial Video
Long Memory Productions - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

Gérard Jean-Juste (7 Feb 1946 – 27 May 2009) was a Roman Catholic priest “often considered the Martin Luther King Jr. of Haiti” and rector of Saint Claire’s church for the poor in Port-au-Prince. He was also a liberation theologian and head of the Miami-based Haitian Refugee Center from 1977 to 1990. He was arrested twice for his political work, leading Amnesty International to designate him a prisoner of conscience.

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The US Ruling Class Have Destroyed Our Capitalist Democracy and Replaced It with a Mafia State
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – What the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a “public thing” or the “property of a people,” has been transformed into an instrument of naked pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy. We are serfs ruled by obscenely rich, omnipotent masters who loot the U.S. Treasury, pay little or no taxes and have perverted the judiciary, the media and the legislative branches of government to strip us of civil liberties and give them the freedom to commit financial fraud and theft.  

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Facts about Covid-19
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

May 2020 – Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.

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Toward a Theory of Peace: The Role of Moral Beliefs
G. John Ikenberry | Foreign Affairs - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

Forsberg, an antinuclear activist and defense policy expert who died in 2007, is most famous as a leader of the “nuclear freeze” campaign of the 1980s. As revealed by this remarkable book, the text of which comes from her 1997 doctoral dissertation, Forsberg was also a thoughtful theorist of peace studies and political change.

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When Profits and Politics Drive Science: The Hazards of Rushing a Vaccine at “Warp Speed”
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

4 Jun 2020 – More than 100 companies are competing to be first in the race to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market. It’s a race against time, not because the death rate is climbing but because it is falling – to the point where there could soon be too few subjects to prove the effectiveness of the drug.

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Who Should Try Rwandan Genocide Suspect Felicien Kabuga?
Nicola Palmer | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Many Rwandans would like to see the man accused of funding the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi put on trial in Rwanda. When French police entered Kabuga’s flat, they were acting on an indictment and arrest warrant by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, charging Kabuga with genocide.

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Weapons Don’t Fight Pandemics (series)
Matt Wuerker | Politico - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

Learned Helplessness…

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‘Make Noise and Don’t Panic’: India Tries to Ward off Locust Invasion
Amrit Dhillon | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

28 May 2020 – Delhi braces for swarm while farmers in badly-hit north play loud music and honk car horns to try to prevent decimation of fields.

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A Superpower in Chaos
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | JUST - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Minneapolis could not have happened at a worse time for the US elites. While violence perpetrated against African Americans by White police officers has happened a number of times before, its occurrence right in the midst of a huge health emergency that has already claimed more than a 100,000 lives and a related massive economic disaster that has robbed 30 million people of their jobs, is truly unprecedented.

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The Pillage of India
Christopher de Bellaigue | New York Review of Books - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

11 Jun 2020 issue – The company was transformed into an instrument of imperialism under Robert Clive, a terse, pugnacious delinquent from Shropshire. After arriving in Madras as a writer in 1744, Clive distinguished himself on the battlefield, making up in daring what he lacked in experience. In 1752 he and a fellow officer led a company force that took prisoner almost three thousand troops from the Compagnie des Indes, for which he was rewarded with a lucrative sinecure.

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Germany’s Merkel Rejects Trump Invite to Attend G7 Summit in Washington
Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

30 May 2020 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel has refused to accept U.S. President Donald Trump’s invitation to attend an envisaged summit of the Group of Seven (G7) in the US.

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Trump Bans Chinese Airlines from Flying to the United States
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – The U.S. Department of Transportation announced that all regular flights by Chinese civilian airlines to and from the United States will be suspended beginning June 16. This decision affects Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, and Xiamen Airlines.

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I Can’t Breathe
Khalil Bendib | Other Words – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – Call It Political Brutality

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Microsoft to Replace MSN News Production Workers with Artificial Intelligence
Mike Ingram | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – Microsoft is firing dozens of news contractors after June 30 and replacing them with artificial intelligence. Around 50 journalists and editors in the US will lose their jobs. These workers operate MSN news pages, curating content and in some cases rewriting headlines and editing content to fit the format.

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COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
John Bellamy Foster and Intan Suwandi | Monthly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2020 – Commodity Chains and Ecological-Epidemiological-Economic Crises – COVID-19 has accentuated as never before the interlinked ecological, epidemiological, and economic vulnerabilities imposed by capitalism. We are seeing the emergence of catastrophe capitalism as the structural crisis of the system takes on planetary dimensions.

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Trump and the USA Can Escape, but the Empire Cannot
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

5 Jun 2020 – The USA is trapped. It is ravaged by the coronavirus with inadequate medical preparedness. It is torn apart by racist violence. And it now has an unemployment rate that rivals that of the Great Depression. The military budget must be totally converted in order to save the country. Its military bases around the world must be dismantled and the soldiers brought home and put to useful work.

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17 Things We Don’t Know—and Shouldn’t Pretend to Know—about Covid-19
Lissa Rankin, MD - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

5 May 2020 – It’s clear that there are many things we don’t yet know about COVID-19 and the SARS CoV-2 virus, but I have yet to see any “expert” clearly admit what we don’t know, so I thought I’d take a stab at it. Unless we’re willing to be transparent about where we’re uncertain, attempts at false certainty will only mislead the public and potentially interfere with personal and collective wise decision-making.

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Bank of England Spends Billions Bailing out Europe’s Richest Families
Ollie Williams | Forbes - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

5 Jun 2020 – Emergency financial aid from the U.K. government totalling over £16 billion ($20.6 billion) has been claimed by companies controlled by U.K. and European billionaires.

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Vincent—Starry Starry Night (Music Video of the Week)
Don McLean – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

Slideshow of Van Gogh Paintings with Biographical Music by Don McLean – ENJOY the artistic jewel!

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Leading by Example: Cuba in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Helen Yaffe | Resumen - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

4 Jun 2020 – That a small island nation, subjected to hundreds of years of colonialism and imperialism and, since the Revolution of 1959, six decades of the criminal United States blockade, can play such an exemplary role is due to Cuba’s socialist system. The central plan directs national resources according to a development strategy which prioritises human welfare and community participation, not private profit.

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Online Learning Problems under COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Ever since this pandemic has struck the world and India, there have been serious problems related to health, economy, education, etc. On the education front, schools and colleges have been shut down and students have been asked to stay at home. This has happened for about two months now.

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(Norwegian-norsk) Elitens COVID-19 Kupp mot Menneskeheten
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

Ønsker jeg å dokumentere en prøve av den raskt økende bevis for hvordan dette kuppet er å ta form, og for å gjenta en strategi for å bekjempe det.

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Correa’s Trial Is an Attack on Ecuador’s Democracy
Steve Striffler | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – The court case against Ecuador’s former President Rafael Correa expands ‘lawfare’ to a dangerous level. Perverting the legal system in order to subvert the democratic process has become the defining strategy – indeed, the essence – of the Moreno government [similar to Brazil’s Bolsonaro government], which is faced with plummeting popularity and an opposition that would win in any fair election. This is not good news for democracy in Ecuador or Latin America.

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As US Protests Show, the Challenge Is How to Rise Above the Violence Inherent in State Power
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin would not have been charged with the murder of George Floyd had the US not been teetering on a open revolt. Had demonstrators not turned out in massive numbers on the streets and refused to be corralled back home by the threat of police violence, the US legal system would have simply turned a blind eye to Chauvin’s act of extreme brutality, as it has done before over countless similar acts.

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When Did World War II Actually Begin?
Dr. James Chen | Natylie's Place - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

6 Jun 2020 D-Day 76th anniversary – The author focuses on the sequence of events leading up to WWII and argues that the starting date of the war should be earlier than 1 Sep 1939.

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Julian Assange Unable to Attend Court Hearing Due to Illness as Legal Travesty Continues
Thomas Scripps | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – Yesterday morning at Westminster Magistrates Court, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange missed his third hearing in a row due to ill health. His lawyers told the court he was too ill to attend via videolink from Belmarsh prison and was suffering from a “respiratory problem”.

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Germany and EU Expand Military Deployment in Africa
Gregor Link | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Servivce, 8 Jun 2020

2 Jun 2020 – The Bundestag decided to extend or prolong two military operations. Besides Libya, Mali and Somalia, German forces operate in Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger in the future. The stationing of 1,100 soldiers in Mali under the umbrella of the UN MINUSMA mission was extended. At the same time, the training of African troops has been expanded.

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(Português) Para Djokovic, não se alimentar de animais está além da dieta
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

6 junho 2020 – “É um estilo de vida. Mais do que apenas uma dieta, porque você também tem razões éticas. É estar ciente do que está acontecendo no mundo animal e, você sabe, do abate de animais, da agropecuária e tudo o mais”, disse.

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Wonder and the Sacred Search for Truth: Ann Druyan on Why the Scientific Method Is like Love
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

An invitation “to feel more intensely the romance of science and the wonder of being alive right now, at these particular coordinates in spacetime, less alone, more at home, here in the cosmos.”

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Benefits of Equality
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – I would like to announce the publication of a book which presents evidence supporting the thesis that elimination of excessive economic inequality makes societies happier and better. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated.

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A Message from the Peasant Organizations in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee | Malaika H Kambon - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

31 May 2020, Port-au-Prince – Haiti Action Committee is honored to distribute this message of solidarity  from peasant organization in Haiti. It was translated from the original Kreyol version, illustrated below. As the signers to clearly state, “Hand in hand, let’s struggle together to eradicate racism and injustice.”

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Where Truth Lies–How the Tories Get Away with Incompetence and Worse with Unwitting Aid from BBC News
Prof. Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

When journalists uncover an important truth, they should report it – guided by the professional ethic boiled down in a famous quote from the war correspondent, Martha Gellhorn: “Limit yourself to what you see and hear. Do not invent and do not suppress”. Only the truth is “filtered”, to use the word of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky.

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(Português) Ética em Tempos de Pandemia
Frei Betto | Leonardo Boff - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

29 maio 2020 – O COVID-19 suscitou muitas indagações, de toda ordem,mas especialmente aquela sobre a ética. Aqui temos um texto claro, simples, essencial, por todos compreensível o que significa  viver eticamente no contexto da pandemia.

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(Italiano) Gli impatti ambientali del settore militare del Regno Unito
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

25 Maggio 2020 – Si tratta di un lavoro dell’associazione inglese, Scientists for Global Responsibility, di cui fanno parte centinaia di scienziati naturali, scienziati sociali, ingegneri e professionisti che a diverso titolo si occupano delle relazioni tra scienza, tecnologia ed etica.

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Questions from a Worker Who Reads
Bertolt Brecht - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Who built Thebes of the 7 gates ? 
In the books you will read the names of kings. 
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock ? 

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Charlie Chaplin’s Famous ‘The Great Dictator’ Speech
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Inspirational speech given by silent-movies comedian Charlie Chaplin in his celebrated film, The Great Dictator.

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(Français) Israel: Géopolitique de Gangsters et Projets Mafieux
Richard Falk | Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

28 Mai 2020 – Richard Falk été rapporteur spécial des Nations unies pour les droits de l’homme dans les territoires palestiniens. Il analyse le plan d’annexion de pans entiers de la Cisjordanie présenté par Benyamin Netanyahu et soutenu par les États-Unis. Un plan qui témoigne d’un mépris flagrant pour le droit international. Pas étonnant de la part de responsables politiques qui se comportent comme de véritables gangsters.

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Arms Control & Disarmament: A Failed Marriage
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

25 May 2020 – The linkage between contagious disease and climate change is too evident to ignore altogether: The falling price of oil, the declining carbon emissions, the global imperative of cooperation, uneven vulnerabilities, and the relevance of justice and empathy. With respect to nuclear weapons hazards and their possible use, there is a growing disconnect between risk and behavior, a combination of nuclearism prevailing among the political elites of the nuclear weapons states and public disregard.

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The Corona – An Opportunity to Replace Militarist Security with Common and Human Security (Part 4)
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Parts 1 and 2: introductory, diagnosis
Part 3: the fraudulent threat analysis that fuels militarism
Part 4: some theories and concepts about human security and how those concepts differ fundamentally from state-anchored dominant military policies

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Trump Breaks off Ties with the World Health Organization
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

29 May 2020 – After weeks of accusations about the way they performed during the COVID-19 outbreak, and also blaming China for the virus, Trump decided to terminate his country’s relationship with the WHO today. As the U.S. approaches the 2 000 000 positives cases, he decides to go solo in health issues.

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(Português) Ilustradora Expõe Violência no Prato a Partir da Infância
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

30 Maio 2020 – É comum não refletirmos sobre a violência que semeamos a partir das nossas relações de consumo. “As crianças não conseguem fazer a conexão entre a carne em seus pratos e o animal que esse pedaço de carne morta já foi”.

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Invasion of Venezuela: Is It Operation Just Cause, Bay of Pigs or Wag the Dog?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2020 – On April 1 (April Fools Day) President Trump announced that the US will send a military force to Venezuela. If Trump does order an invasion, it may resemble the Bay of Pigs more than Operation Just Cause. The Venezuelan military, aided by Russian equipment and advisors, and backed, at least verbally, by China, is a force more similar to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in 1961 than the Panamanian forces in 1989.

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Colombian Political Figures, Activists Reject US Troops’ Arrival
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

31 May 2020 – Political figures in Colombia along with activists continue to reject and condemn the arrival Monday [1 Jun] of U.S. Army in the South American nation for allegedly helping in the fight against drug trafficking. “We reject the use of the country for wars and invasions to other countries,” Avella also said as some think the troops are in fact being deployed as a message of threat to neighboring Venezuela.

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Descriptions of the Spiritual Dimension According to the Vedas of India
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

The spiritual universe is not a myth although it may certainly be a mystery. The Vedic texts have many descriptions of what it is like, more than you will find anywhere else. Some explain the Lord’s pastimes as well as the activities that He and His devotees display and enjoy in the spiritual dimension.

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Experts: Cuba Is Close to the Post-COVID Stage
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

27 May 2020 – Cuba is making the necessary adjustments to enter the post-pandemic phase, given that the country is a fortnight away from completing the contagion phase, the Director of Epidemiology reported today. It has to be in an orderly fashion, due to the danger of a possible second wave of COVID.

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In the West: Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 May 2020 – If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be laughable: the political brigands in US and Europe are fuming, spitting and rolling their eyes upwards. They are pointing fingers in all directions, shouting incoherently “China!”, “Russia!”, “Venezuela and Cuba!”, “Iran!”; “You, You, YOU!”. China and Russia are quietly building a new world, which includes brand new infrastructure, factories and entire neighborhoods for the people.

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Our Disaster
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2020 – The policies of the United States are deeply implicated in Yemen’s suffering, through the sale of billions of dollars in munitions to Saudi Arabia and other countries that have intervened in the civil war.

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The Darkening Sky over Palestine: Storm Clouds or New Dawn?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

28 May 2020 – If, de jure annexation will go forward, then the sky is likely to emit thunder and lightning. When the storm passes, nothing will seem changed. Annexation is being discussed as if a game changer yet ‘annexation’ has already taken place in the form of settlements, the separation wall, denial of building and residence permits to Palestinians living in Area C, and long-affirmed Israeli sentiments of biblical entitlement solidified by continued tradition of affirming the territory the British administered as ‘Palestine’ between the two world wars as ‘the promised land’ of the Jewish people.

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Blaming the COVID-19 Pandemic on Too Many Humans–A Critique of Overpopulation Ideology
Roger D. Harris – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

28 May 2020 – A world gripped by a deadly virus has precipitated a deluge of punditry claiming to have found the primal cause of the pandemic. Anthony Judge, writing in Transcend Media Service, claims to have tapped into “the collective subconscious” to blame what he calls overpopulation. How well does this claim hold up?

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Lives in Education
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

I would like to announce the publication of a book which presents the history of education, from early times until the present, and in many different civilizations. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated.

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Why Iran’s Fuel Tankers for Venezuela Are Sending Shudders Through Washington
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 May 2020 – Why the United States did not block the Iranian vessels does not have to do with Iran or Venezuela alone. It has to do with the presence of China behind both countries.

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Freedom vs. License
Ronald W. Pies, MD | Psychiatric Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

15 May 2020 – Freedom Does Not Mean Being on the Loose – Many years ago, I treated depression in a man in his 50s who regaled me with stories of his tumultuous teens and twenties. “Doc,” he said, “back then, I was drinking and drugging anytime I felt like it, sleeping with whoever I wanted to. I really thought I was free. But you know what? I was just on the loose!”

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Animal Rights Activists Uncover the Locations of Thousands of Factory Farms
Alleen Brown | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

31 May 2020 – Animal rights activists published an interactive map today revealing the locations of more than 27,500 farms and animal agriculture facilities, including 5,812 identified using satellite imagery, many of which do not appear in public records. Users will be able to pin new locations to the map and attach photos and videos documenting animal cruelty and health violations. The animal agriculture industry has spent decades fighting to avoid the disclosure of such information.

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The End of Coronavirus: An Anticipatory View
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

When will the corona virus end?
When W.H.O this statement will globally send
The virus is under control and
globally prevented

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Why Julian Assange Must Urgently Be Freed
Stella Moris | El País - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

The life of my partner, Julian Assange, is at severe risk. He is on remand at HMP Belmarsh, and Covid-19 is spreading within its walls. Julian and I have two little boys.

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Neither War nor Peace: The Shared Sacrificial Militancy of Fanon and Gandhi
Sayres Rudy | Academia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Frantz Fanon’s psychoanalytic endorsement of violence and Mohandas Gandhi’s religious non-violence are usually considered opposed theoretical expressions of resistance. Given this apparent polarity, most analysts contrast rather than align their broader commitments and methods. But Fanon and Gandhi held similar militant views in several non-trivial ways, that is, beyond their strategic “realism,” denunciations of imperial dehumanization, and anxieties over non-western postcolonial political orders.

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Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis
Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

24 May 2020 – The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of the corona crisis. The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to triggering a worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences. What is happening is unprecedented in World history.

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(Português) Pior Zoo da Grã-Bretanha Anuncia que Matará Seus Animais
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 maio 2020 – Os proprietários do Borth Wild Animal Kingdom, considerado o pior zoológico de toda a Grã-Bretanha, afirmaram que cogitam sacrificar os animais aprisionado no local devido à falta de recursos trazida pelo bloqueio imposto para impedir a propagação da Covid-19.

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Home (Music Video of the Week)
David Byrne | Talking Heads – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

From the movie This Must Be the Place (2011) starring Sean Penn

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Letters, Telegrams and Post Offices — Tradition and Technology
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 May 2020 – Before the advent of the modern means of communication–email, SMS, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc–people used to depend mainly on the Post Offices for sending letters and telegrams. On 15 July 2013, the service came to an end after about 160 years of service in India. It was a sad day for many persons, including me.

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Reducing Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
K. A. Prather, et al. | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Masks and testing are necessary to combat asymptomatic spread in aerosols and droplets. Airborne spread from undiagnosed infections will continuously undermine the effectiveness of even the most vigorous testing, tracing, and social distancing programs. From epidemiological data, countries that have been most effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 have implemented universal masking.

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100+ Free Education for Peace (and Justice) Resources Online
Taylor O'Connor | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

So to save you some time, and also to tap you into some really great resources you may not have found otherwise, I spent a little time organizing and posting it up here for you. Actually, it took me much longer than I expected, but hey, sharing is caring, right?

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Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything: Moving beyond Optimism and Pessimism to Find the Deepest Source of Meaning
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

“Everything depends on the individual human being, regardless of how small a number of like-minded people there is… each person, through action and not mere words, creatively making the meaning of life a reality in his or her own being.”

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Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Edward Snowden’s book is not a ‘coming-of-age’ saga. It is necessary to say that at the outset. One of the peculiarities of our times is the penchant for rendering everything in terms of so-called ‘human interest.’ The most profound events, the most penetrating analysis, the most stirring ideas – all are reduced to personality. Whether it is the personality of the author, a representation of the subject, or some background character.

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Weapons Don’t Fight Pandemics (series)
Tom Janssen - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Coronavirus vs Goliath

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Deforestation, Oil Spills, and Coronavirus: Crises Converge in the Amazon
Rachel Ramirez | Grist - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

29 May 2020 – Brazil recently became the country with the second highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, trailing only the United States. Its daily number of reported deaths was double that seen in the U.S. this week. The country has suffered roughly 400,000 confirmed cases and 25,000 deaths.

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The Hawaii Navy Base Fueling Trump’s Quest for ‘Super Duper’ Missiles
Jon Letman | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

31 May 2020 – Hawaii’s “garden island”, Kauai, is known for its breathtaking scenery and laid-back vibe, a place of plunging waterfalls and cliffs cloaked in green tropical forests. But beyond its beauty it is one of the Pentagon’s most valued testing and training sites in the Pacific. But some residents view the islands’ highly militarized state as misguided or even illegal.

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On the Dialectic between Social Processes and Health/Illness Processes
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

From TMS Editor: An editorial from Johan Galtung a bit longer and older but with contemporary relevance. From the context of the 1980’s HIV-AIDS pandemic, Galtung offers unique insights into the hurdles and challenges humanity faces today with COVID-19.

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Passing Behind Our Backs
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Like Bob Dylan, “I return once again to Homer who says, ‘Sing in me, oh Muse, and through me tell the story.’” Our stories often happen behind our backs where we can’t see them. Telling them is the trick. You need to turn around and see what’s behind you to pass them around.

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Venezuela: Gold Kept at Bank of England Needed to Fight COVID-19
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

27 May 2020 – The South American country and United Nations will seek to release the gold held in the British entity.

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Latest Update: Facts about COVID-19
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.

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Madam Jane Predicts: COVID Will Show Americans What It’s Like to Live in the Middle East
Jane Stillwater - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

20 May 2020 – “COVID-19 is America’s karmic payback for callously murdering all those babies in Iraq and Syria,” stated Madam Jane this morning.  “Karma’s a bitch.” “Stop, just stop it!” I screamed at her, horrified.  “This time you have gone too far.”

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Living Together in Peace
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

The UN has designated 16 May as Living Together in Peace day. It therefore seems appropriate to mark this day by discussing the reasons why war must be eliminated as a human institution. On our small but beautiful Earth, made small by technology, made beautiful by nature, there is room for one group only: the family of humankind.

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Ethics and Governance for Digital Disease Surveillance
Michelle M. Mello and C. Jason Wang | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

11 May 2020 – The Question Is Not Whether to Use New Data Sources but How – Digital epidemiology—the use of data generated outside the public health system for disease surveillance—has been in use for more than a quarter century. But several countries have taken digital epidemiology to the next level in responding to COVID-19.

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COVID: Collective Overpopulation Vitiating Individual Dreams?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Neglected Critical Factor Undermining Global Strategic Viability – The attention of the media and governments worldwide to “COVID” can be seen as unprecedented. It is now a primary preoccupation of international institutions, most obviously the UN and the WHO. The strategic response has been variously framed as a “war.”

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First Iranian Fuel Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Waters without US Interference
Reuters | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

24 May 2020 – The first of five tankers loaded with gasoline sent from Iran has reached Venezuelan waters, expected to temporarily ease the South American nation’s fuel crunch while defying Trump administration sanctions targeting the two US foes. Iran’s president had earlier warned the US not to try to stop the flotilla sent to ease Venezuela’s fuel shortage.

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Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

U.S. Memorial Day 2020:
Side pitted against other!
Human against human!

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Are We Having Fun Yet?
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Click on the link below and join/enjoy the Heavy Duty party…

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Ralph Waldo Emerson (25 May 1803 – 27 Apr 1882)
American Transcendentalism Web – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Emerson had become quite famous, a major figure in the American literary landscape, a celebrity which brought both adulation and satire. He had been a profound inspiration for many writers, especially Henry Thoreau and Walt Whitman.

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Another Bank Bailout under Cover of a Virus
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

18 May 2020 – Insolvent Wall Street banks have been quietly bailed out again. Banks made risk-free by the government should be public utilities.  

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World Bee Day: Poisons Mean Extinction for Bees and Humanity
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International– TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day. The choices before humanity are clear, a Poison Free Future to save Bees, Farmers, our Food and Humanity. Or continue to use poisons, threatening our common future by walking blindly to extinction through the arrogance that we can substitute bees with artificial intelligence and robots.

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Planetary Transformations: A Progressive Quest
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

20 May 2020 – Below are three texts: a paper by the widely respected writer and progressive scholar, Val Moghadam, which describes what it might mean to have a left transformative movement of planetary scope; followed by a short explanatory essay by Paul Raskin, who exercises intellectual leadership of the Great Transition Network. The third text is my comment on Moghadam’s paper.

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20 Peace and Solutions-oriented News Media Outlets You Never Knew Existed
Taylor O'Connor | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

There are alternatives to mainstream news media that can keep you well-informed and feeling inspired: the peace and solutions-oriented media outlets. The challenge is that mainstream news across the political spectrum tend to dominate what we are exposed to on TV and social media. To take control of your media consumption, you have to not only know viable alternatives, but you have to be intentional about the news you consume.

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Hotel California (Music Video of the Week)
Eagles - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Hotel California – Eagles 1976 (Lyrics)

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Hacking COVID-19
Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

23 May 2020 – Hacking is back in the headlines. The Chinese are accused of breaking into the computers of unnamed American labs – corporate &/or non-corporate – doing research on a coronavirus vaccine. The operative words are ‘China/Chinese’ and ‘hacking’. The two go together like gin & tonic.

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Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin (30 May 1814 – 1 Jul 1876)
Alan Ryan | Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Bakunin formulated no coherent body of doctrine, and his voluminous and vigorous writings were often left incomplete. Anarchist movements owing allegiance to Bakunin flourished in Italy and especially in Spain, where as late as 1936 the anarchists were the strongest revolutionary party. Bakunin died in Bern, Switzerland as chief propagator of 19th-century anarchism, a prominent Russian revolutionary agitator, and a prolific political writer.

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(Português) Veganos Incomodam Porque Não Vêem Animais como Produtos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Por que não mostrar a outras pessoas que é possível viver bem gerando menos violência? Como consequência, isso reduz a objetificação animal.

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Instant Feedback
Unknown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

One shop owner asks another,

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New Leadership for a New Normal
Andre Sheldon | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

The response to Covid-19 of countless people confirms that people everywhere see the value of solidarity and unity.  The opportunity is here for leaders to create a new global peace movement to promote kindness, compassion, trust, respect, and stopping war! 

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Another Pandemic: Sexual Violence during War
Roy Eidelson - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

19 May 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has brought renewed worldwide attention to gender-based and sexual violence. In particular, women with abusive partners face heightened danger during the mandatory lockdowns that bring unanticipated stresses while limiting freedom of movement and access to outside resources.

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What Kind of Country Do We Want?
Marilynne Robinson | New York Review of Books - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

A narrative has emerged over time that capitalism is the single defining trait of American civilization, the force that has propelled the country not only to unprecedented wealth but also to high levels of personal and political freedom… We are left with the certainty that a civilization can be wholly described by its economy, and that ours is exhaustively and triumphally capitalist.

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Venezuela Failed Raid: US Has a History of Using Mercenaries to Undermine Other Regimes
Andrew Thomson | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

18 May 2020 – US denies backing failed raid to remove Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro – but it has a long history of sponsoring private armies elsewhere.

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Yanghee Lee: Champion of Justice for Rohingyas
C R Abrar | The Daily Star [Bangladesh] - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

19 May 2020 – At a time when the world, including neighbouring Malaysia and Thailand, have shunned the Rohingya (acknowledged as the most persecuted minority in the world), at a time when the Burmese state audaciously tramples the whole corpus of international human rights instruments being aided and abetted by major powers; at a time when those who stand for reason, rule of law and justice feel betrayed by the high and mighty of the world, Yanghee Lee stood firm as a beacon of hope.

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(Italiano) Il problema oltre il COVID-19: fermare la militarizzazione del mondo
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

Sembra che non accenni a scemare il flusso, ripetitivo e ormai noioso, di aggiornamenti post-COVID 19. Il mondo dei media si è rappreso intorno ai numeri, alle polemiche, alle foto ripetute all’infinito di presidi medici, bare, interviste agli esperti, piazze deserte, cori incoraggianti… Intanto il mondo va avanti… ma in che direzione? Con i telegiornali e gli ‘speciali’ tutti concentrati sul coronavirus, non c’è più spazio per altro.

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American Hubris Robust in a Cataclysmic Global Pandemic
Askiah Adam | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

22 May 2020 – Few can deny that a perfect storm is brewing and the early foundations for war are being set up by the obvious protagonists. That China has cancelled the dollar peg in its stock exchange transactions opting for the Chinese Yuan is an ominous sign. Washington, meanwhile, is fast creating an anti-China sentiment among its population, blaming China for what President Trump calls the “Wuhan virus” aka Covid-19.

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Europe Should Brace for Second Wave, Says EU Coronavirus Chief
Daniel Boffey | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

20 May 2020 – The prospect of a second wave of coronavirus infection across Europe is no longer a distant theory, according to Dr Andrea Ammon, director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. “The question is when and how big, that is the question in my view.”

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Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network
Barton Gellman | Wired - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

24 May 2020 – In the summer of 2013, I spent my days sifting through the most extensive archive of top-secret files that had ever reached the hands of an American journalist. Edward Snowden had transmitted tens of thousands of classified documents to me, Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. He revealed the agency’s phone-record tracking program. But thanks to “precomputed contact chaining,” that database was much more powerful than anyone knew.

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