Archive for the category ‘AFRICA’

Nigeria: A Year On, No Word on 300 Abducted Children
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Nigeria: A Year On, No Word on 300 Abducted Children)
How an Underground Hip Hop Artist and His Book Club Threaten Angola’s Regime
Phil Wilmot – Waging Nonviolence
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on How an Underground Hip Hop Artist and His Book Club Threaten Angola’s Regime)
Africa Launches Largest Trading Block with 620 Million Consumers
Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch
February 29th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Thirty States Ratify Establishment of African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
African Union – Human Wrongs Watch
February 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Thirty States Ratify Establishment of African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights)
Women’s Rights First — African Summit
Baher Kamal - Human Wrongs Watch
February 8th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Women’s Rights First — African Summit)
Africa, Only If It Bleeds It Leads?
Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch
January 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Africa, Only If It Bleeds It Leads?)
Seven Top Challenges Facing African Women
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service
January 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Seven Top Challenges Facing African Women)
Africa’s Success Story
John Feffer – Foreign Policy In Focus
January 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Africa’s Success Story)
Does Eleven Plus One Equal Sixty?
Nick Turse - TomDispatch
December 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Does Eleven Plus One Equal Sixty?)
Smoking Out a Boko Haram Closet Supporter
Rev. Olufemi Oluniyi – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Smoking Out a Boko Haram Closet Supporter)
South Sudan: ‘A Level of Human Suffering I Have Never Seen Anywhere Else’
Sam Jones – The Guardian
November 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on South Sudan: ‘A Level of Human Suffering I Have Never Seen Anywhere Else’)
Explaining the Appeal of the Song ‘Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika’ Across Africa and Beyond
Lova Rakotomalala – Global Voices
September 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Explaining the Appeal of the Song ‘Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika’ Across Africa and Beyond)
“We Come As Friends” Explores the Beautiful Nightmare of South Sudan
Nick Turse – The Intercept
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on “We Come As Friends” Explores the Beautiful Nightmare of South Sudan)
Obama Walks Fine Line in Kenya on LGBTI Rights
Aruna Dutt, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Obama Walks Fine Line in Kenya on LGBTI Rights)
George Clooney Opposes War Profiteering—But only in Africa
David Swanson, World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on George Clooney Opposes War Profiteering—But only in Africa)
The Kids Aren’t All Right – Presidential Waivers, Child Soldiers, and an American-Made Army in Africa
Nick Turse – TomDispatch
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Kids Aren’t All Right – Presidential Waivers, Child Soldiers, and an American-Made Army in Africa)
Burundi: Denying or Hoping Won’t Do
Jan Oberg - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Burundi: Denying or Hoping Won’t Do)
Burundi: Early Warning and Violence Prevention
Jan Oberg - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research
May 4th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Burundi: Early Warning and Violence Prevention)
Sex, Drugs, and Dead Soldiers: What U.S. Africa Command Doesn’t Want You to Know
Nick Turse – TomDispatch
April 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Sex, Drugs, and Dead Soldiers: What U.S. Africa Command Doesn’t Want You to Know)
The US Carried Out 674 Military Operations in Africa Last Year. Did You Hear About Any of Them?
Nick Turse – The Nation
April 20th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The US Carried Out 674 Military Operations in Africa Last Year. Did You Hear About Any of Them?)
Empire and Colonialism: Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future
Colin Todhunter – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Empire and Colonialism: Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future)
Gates Foundation Slammed for Plan to Privatise African Seed Markets
Josh Butler, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gates Foundation Slammed for Plan to Privatise African Seed Markets)
US-NATO War Games Prepare Massive Military Escalation in West Africa
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on US-NATO War Games Prepare Massive Military Escalation in West Africa)
Hybrid Political Orders: In the case of Somaliland
Nubar Piriyeva – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Hybrid Political Orders: In the case of Somaliland)
US AFRICOM Commander Calls for “Huge” Military Campaign in West Africa
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 2nd, 2015 ( 1 Comment »)
Calling All Whistleblowers: afriLeaks Offers a Secure Platform
Mail & Guardian Africa – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Calling All Whistleblowers: afriLeaks Offers a Secure Platform)
Hell on Earth: Massacre in Nigeria
Charles P. Pierce, Esquire – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Hell on Earth: Massacre in Nigeria)
2000 Estimated Dead in Nigeria from Boko Haram Massacre. But Who Is Arming Them?
Cassius Methyl, The Anti Media – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on 2000 Estimated Dead in Nigeria from Boko Haram Massacre. But Who Is Arming Them?)
Tribute to Patrice Lumumba on the 54th Anniversary of His Assassination [17 Jan 1961]
Carlos Martinez – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Tribute to Patrice Lumumba on the 54th Anniversary of His Assassination [17 Jan 1961])
Saving the ICC from African Thugtators
Alemayehu G. Mariam – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Saving the ICC from African Thugtators)
Thinking Frantz Fanon
Nigel C. Gibson – Pambazuka News
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Thinking Frantz Fanon)
Ebola Epidemic Continues to Ravage West Africa
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Ebola Epidemic Continues to Ravage West Africa)
‘Concerning Violence’: Fanon Lives On
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on ‘Concerning Violence’: Fanon Lives On)
Tanzania Evicting 40,000 People from Homeland to Make Room for Dubai Royal Family
Joanna Rothkopf - Salon
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Tanzania Evicting 40,000 People from Homeland to Make Room for Dubai Royal Family)
The Outpost That Doesn’t Exist in the Country You Can’t Locate – Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad?
Nick Turse – TomDispatch
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Outpost That Doesn’t Exist in the Country You Can’t Locate – Why Is the US Military So Interested in Chad?)
Tanzania Accused of Backtracking over Sale of Masai’s Ancestral Land
David Smith, Africa correspondent – The Guardian
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Tanzania Accused of Backtracking over Sale of Masai’s Ancestral Land)
Burkina Faso: The (In)Significant Coup
Ian Ralby – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Burkina Faso: The (In)Significant Coup)
Stoning in Somalia: Recent Incidents Highlight Continued Brutality
Pambazuka News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Stoning in Somalia: Recent Incidents Highlight Continued Brutality)
What West Africa Can Teach the U.S. about Ebola
Kwei Quartey – Foreign Policy in Focus
October 27th, 2014 ( Comments Off on What West Africa Can Teach the U.S. about Ebola)
Libya: From Africa’s Richest State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO Intervention
Garikai Chengu – CounterCurrents
October 20th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Libya: From Africa’s Richest State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO Intervention)
The Criminal Side of Ebola
Ian Ralby – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 20th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Criminal Side of Ebola)
We Need Medical Boots on the Ground Now
Amy Goodman - Truthdig
October 20th, 2014 ( Comments Off on We Need Medical Boots on the Ground Now)
US to Deploy 3000 Troops to Ebola Crisis Areas
Jeff Mason and James Harding Giahyue, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 13th, 2014 ( Comments Off on US to Deploy 3000 Troops to Ebola Crisis Areas)
Cuba to Send Doctors to Ebola Areas
Smitha Mundasad - BBC News
October 13th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
US Exploiting West Africa Ebola Outbreak to Establish Military Foothold
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 6th, 2014 ( Comments Off on US Exploiting West Africa Ebola Outbreak to Establish Military Foothold)
Militarizing the Ebola Crisis
Joeva Rock – Foreign Policy In Focus
October 6th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Militarizing the Ebola Crisis)
‘Africa’s Arms Dump’: Following the Trail of Bullets in the Sudans
Charlton Doki in Juba and Adam Mohamed Ahmad in Khartoum - The Niles, The Guardian Africa network
October 6th, 2014 ( Comments Off on ‘Africa’s Arms Dump’: Following the Trail of Bullets in the Sudans)
Mali: The Forgotten War
Pape Samba Kane – Al Jazeera
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Mali: The Forgotten War)
No Hope for AIDS-Free Generation in Uganda as Controversial HIV Bill Is Signed into Law
Amy Fallon, IPS – TRANCEND Media Service
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on No Hope for AIDS-Free Generation in Uganda as Controversial HIV Bill Is Signed into Law)
How US Evangelicals Are Shaping Development in Uganda
James Kassaga Arinaitwe – Al Jazeera
July 28th, 2014 ( Comments Off on How US Evangelicals Are Shaping Development in Uganda)
Child and Forced Marriage – Manifestation of Gender Discrimination
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 14th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Child and Forced Marriage – Manifestation of Gender Discrimination)
African Leaders Vote to Give Themselves Immunity from War Crimes
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera
July 7th, 2014 ( Comments Off on African Leaders Vote to Give Themselves Immunity from War Crimes)
Was Clinton’s “No Genocide” Dictate on Rwanda Meant to Ensure Kagame’s Military Victory in 1994?
Milton Allimadi - Black Star News
June 2nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Was Clinton’s “No Genocide” Dictate on Rwanda Meant to Ensure Kagame’s Military Victory in 1994?)
US Deploys Special Forces to Train Military Units in North and West Africa
Eric London, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 2nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on US Deploys Special Forces to Train Military Units in North and West Africa)
TRANSCEND Peace University: Africa 2064 – A ‘Reciprocal Development & Basic Human Needs’ Approach
Mark Abdelsayed, et al – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 2nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on TRANSCEND Peace University: Africa 2064 – A ‘Reciprocal Development & Basic Human Needs’ Approach)
The Paul Kagame Doctrine after 20 Years
Theogene Rudasingwa – Pambazuka News
May 26th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Paul Kagame Doctrine after 20 Years)
Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa
Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 26th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa)
MAP: The U.S. Military Currently Has Troops in These African Countries
Adam Taylor – The Washington Post
May 26th, 2014 ( Comments Off on MAP: The U.S. Military Currently Has Troops in These African Countries)
The U.S. Military’s New Normal in Africa
Nick Turse – TomDisptach
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The U.S. Military’s New Normal in Africa)
China Signs Mega East Africa Rail Deal
Agence France-Presse – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on China Signs Mega East Africa Rail Deal)
Militarized Humanitarianism in Africa
Joeva Rock – Foreign Policy In Focus
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Militarized Humanitarianism in Africa)
What Is Boko Haram and Whence Did It Arise?
Gary K. Busch – Pambazuka News
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on What Is Boko Haram and Whence Did It Arise?)
Uganda Passes another Repressive Law — This Time Criminalising HIV Transmission
Amy Fallon, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Uganda Passes another Repressive Law — This Time Criminalising HIV Transmission)
Rwanda’s Proxy Wars for Imperialist Interests
Samir Amin – Pambazuka News
May 19th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Rwanda’s Proxy Wars for Imperialist Interests)
Boko Haram vs. Nigeria’s Crooks
Eric Margolis – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 12th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Boko Haram vs. Nigeria’s Crooks)
Kagame: Murderer of Millions in Congo and Rwanda
Glen Ford – Black Agenda Report
May 12th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Kagame: Murderer of Millions in Congo and Rwanda)
Rwanda: 20 Years of Trying to Cover Up the Truth In Vain
Antoine Roger Lokongo – Pambazuka News
May 5th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Rwanda: 20 Years of Trying to Cover Up the Truth In Vain)
AFRICOM Goes to War on the Sly
Nick Turse - TomDispatch
April 28th, 2014 ( Comments Off on AFRICOM Goes to War on the Sly)
Real Rwandan Genocide & Brainwashing of the Western Mind
Keith Harmon Snow – Russia Today
April 21st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Real Rwandan Genocide & Brainwashing of the Western Mind)
What to Celebrate in Rwanda’s Genocide Anniversary
Editorial Board – The Christian Science Monitor
April 7th, 2014 ( Comments Off on What to Celebrate in Rwanda’s Genocide Anniversary)
Prison of the Past: A Reporter Revisits His ‘Shameful’ Coverage of Rwanda
Bartholomäus Grill – Der Spiegel
April 7th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Prison of the Past: A Reporter Revisits His ‘Shameful’ Coverage of Rwanda)
Kenya Legalizes Polygamy without Wife’s Consent
Peter Martell, AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Kenya Legalizes Polygamy without Wife’s Consent)
Uganda and the Reconstruction of a Homophobic Colonial Legacy in Africa: Which Way Progressives?
Horace Campbell – Pambazuka News
March 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Uganda and the Reconstruction of a Homophobic Colonial Legacy in Africa: Which Way Progressives?)
Washington’s Back-to-the-Future Military Policies in Africa: America’s New Model for Expeditionary Warfare
Nick Turse - TomDispatch
March 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Washington’s Back-to-the-Future Military Policies in Africa: America’s New Model for Expeditionary Warfare)
G8 New Alliance Condemned as New Wave of Colonialism in Africa
Claire Provost, Liz Ford and Mark Tran – The Guardian
February 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on G8 New Alliance Condemned as New Wave of Colonialism in Africa)
US Military Intervention in Africa: The East African Response Force, a Creation of the Pentagon
Abayomi Azikiwe - Global Research
February 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on US Military Intervention in Africa: The East African Response Force, a Creation of the Pentagon)
The Role of Africa in Halting Supply of Illegal Ivory
Henry Oryem Okello – The Independent
February 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Role of Africa in Halting Supply of Illegal Ivory)
No to the Recolonization of the Central African Republic
Colonialism Reparation – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on No to the Recolonization of the Central African Republic)
14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax for the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization
Mawuna Remarque Koutonin, Silicon Africa – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2014 ( Comments Off on 14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax for the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization)
Happy 50th Birthday! Kenya is Chronically Sick
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Happy 50th Birthday! Kenya is Chronically Sick)
South Sudan: Colonialism’s Dead Hand
Conn Hallinan – Foreign Policy In Focus
February 10th, 2014 ( Comments Off on South Sudan: Colonialism’s Dead Hand)
The Way Forward for South Sudan
Mahmood Mamdani – Al Jazeera
January 6th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Way Forward for South Sudan)
South Sudan: Uprising in a State That Cannot Afford Independence
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2014 ( Comments Off on South Sudan: Uprising in a State That Cannot Afford Independence)
Who Can Halt the Crisis in South Sudan?
Alex Vines – The Guardian
December 30th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Who Can Halt the Crisis in South Sudan?)
It’s the Government, Stupid: Appraising Ethiopia’s Saudi Arabia Policy
Alemayehu F. Weldemariam and Hassen Mohammed - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2013 ( Comments Off on It’s the Government, Stupid: Appraising Ethiopia’s Saudi Arabia Policy)
France Fuels Sectarian Killing in the Central African Republic
Finian Cunningham - PressTV
December 16th, 2013 ( Comments Off on France Fuels Sectarian Killing in the Central African Republic)
Global Poverty and Post-colonial “Development Agendas”: Ethiopia and the West
Paul O’Keeffe - Global Research
December 16th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Poverty and Post-colonial “Development Agendas”: Ethiopia and the West)
UN, EU Subsidize French Crimes in Africa
Finian Cunningham – PressTV
December 9th, 2013 ( Comments Off on UN, EU Subsidize French Crimes in Africa)
African Continent: Contrasts and Paradoxes
Pierre Celestin Bakunda – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on African Continent: Contrasts and Paradoxes)
The M23 Surrenders: A Pyrrhic Victory in Eastern Congo
David Zarembka – Foreign Policy In Focus
November 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The M23 Surrenders: A Pyrrhic Victory in Eastern Congo)
The Plight of Benin’s Vidomègon Children
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - Pravda
November 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Plight of Benin’s Vidomègon Children)
Increased American Military Presence May Undermine Good Governance Efforts in Africa
Hilary Matfess - Foreign Policy in Focus
November 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Increased American Military Presence May Undermine Good Governance Efforts in Africa)
US Increases Military Operations in Africa for ‘Strategic Interests’
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on US Increases Military Operations in Africa for ‘Strategic Interests’)
Imperialism Destabilizing Africa
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Imperialism Destabilizing Africa)
Was it a Psyop? Nairobi Mall Deceit Abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to Oust Asian Rivals
Yoichi Shimatsu - Global Research
October 7th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Was it a Psyop? Nairobi Mall Deceit Abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to Oust Asian Rivals)
Dispatch from Djibouti: Total Militarized Lunacy
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
How the West Helped Create Somali Terror
Tony Iltis, Centre Tricontinental – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2013 ( Comments Off on How the West Helped Create Somali Terror)
Al-Shabab Defends Nairobi Attack
Hamza Mohamed – Al Jazeera
September 30th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Al-Shabab Defends Nairobi Attack)
The Westgate Mall Massacre: Reflections
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Westgate Mall Massacre: Reflections)
Nairobi Tragedy – Carnage Foretold
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Nairobi Tragedy – Carnage Foretold)
A Crash Course in Somalization, from Syria to Kenya
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today
September 30th, 2013 ( Comments Off on A Crash Course in Somalization, from Syria to Kenya)
Toward An Inclusive Inter-Rwandan Dialogue: Lessons from Other Conflicts
Pierre Bakunda – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 2nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Toward An Inclusive Inter-Rwandan Dialogue: Lessons from Other Conflicts)
Ethiopia: Rapid Development Destroys Lives
Graham Peebles – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Ethiopia: Rapid Development Destroys Lives)
Ethiopia: Where is Religious Freedom Headed?
Alemayehu Fentaw Weldemariam – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
The Unreported War in the Congo Killing Millions with the Aid of the United States
Kambale Musavuli, Stop the War Coalition – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Unreported War in the Congo Killing Millions with the Aid of the United States)
Africa’s Worst Drought Tied to West’s Pollution
Becky Oskin, LiveScience – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Africa’s Worst Drought Tied to West’s Pollution)
The International Criminal Court’s Africa Problem
Solomon Dersso – Al Jazeera
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The International Criminal Court’s Africa Problem)
Swaziland: Witches Banned From Flying Over 150 Meters
Cora Van Olson, Trutv – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Swaziland: Witches Banned From Flying Over 150 Meters)
Humanity Imperiled – The Path to Disaster
Noam Chomsky - TomDispatch
June 10th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Brazil to Write Off $900m of African Debt`
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Brazil to Write Off $900m of African Debt`)
Mali under Indefinite Occupation
Roger Annis, The Bullet – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Mali under Indefinite Occupation)
Elephant Poaching On Rise in Chaos-Hit Central African Republic
Bate Felix, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Elephant Poaching On Rise in Chaos-Hit Central African Republic)
An Octagonal World
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2013 ( 3 Comments »)
U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Shell in Nigeria
Pratap Chatterjee – CorpWatch
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Shell in Nigeria)
Chinua Achebe: A Reflection of When Things Fall Apart
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Chinua Achebe: A Reflection of When Things Fall Apart)
Cameroon: Rights Abuses in ‘Homosexuality’ Prosecutions
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Cameroon: Rights Abuses in ‘Homosexuality’ Prosecutions)
The BRICS Come to Durban
Maite Nkoana-Mashabane – Pambazuka News
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The BRICS Come to Durban)
(Français) Cameroun: Violations de Droits Humains Commises dans le Cadre des Poursuites Judiciaires pour «Homosexualité»
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Français) Cameroun: Violations de Droits Humains Commises dans le Cadre des Poursuites Judiciaires pour «Homosexualité»)
Introducing BRICS from above and BRICS-from-below
Patrick Bond – Pambazuka News
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Introducing BRICS from above and BRICS-from-below)
Washington Steps Up Africa Intervention
Bill Van Auken – World Socialist Web Site
March 11th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Washington Steps Up Africa Intervention)
What France Wants in Mali
Roger Annis – Socialist Worker
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on What France Wants in Mali)
African Campaign for Education on Nonviolence
Humanist Movement Africa – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on African Campaign for Education on Nonviolence)
Africa and AFRICOM: Neo-Imperialism and the Arrogance of Ignorance
Franklin C. Spinney - CounterPunch
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Africa and AFRICOM: Neo-Imperialism and the Arrogance of Ignorance)
War on Terror Is the West’s New Religion
Robert Fisk – The Independent
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on War on Terror Is the West’s New Religion)
Obama’s Wars in Africa: 100 Military Personnel in Niger
Ed Krayewski – Reason Magazine
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Obama’s Wars in Africa: 100 Military Personnel in Niger)
(Italiano) La Nostra Terra, le Nostre Vite
Peter Singer - Project Syndicate
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Italiano) La Nostra Terra, le Nostre Vite)
French Imperialism Moves Deeper Into Mali
Abayomi Azikiwe – Pambazuka News
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on French Imperialism Moves Deeper Into Mali)
(Castellano) Vientos Africanos
Rais Neza Boneza – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Castellano) Vientos Africanos)
The African Union, Algeria and Mali: The West’s War against African Development Continues
Dan Glazebrook - CounterPunch
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The African Union, Algeria and Mali: The West’s War against African Development Continues)
A Key Question: How Do We Make the Economy Work for the Poor?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on A Key Question: How Do We Make the Economy Work for the Poor?)
(Português) Os BRICS de Olho na África
Antonio Martins, Outras Palavras – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) Os BRICS de Olho na África)
Disaster Capitalism in the Maghreb: War, Refugees and Profit in West Africa
Ramzy Baroud – Toward Freedom
February 11th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Disaster Capitalism in the Maghreb: War, Refugees and Profit in West Africa)
U.S. Plans to Add Drone Base in West Africa
Craig Whitlock – The Washington Post
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on U.S. Plans to Add Drone Base in West Africa)
Mali: Neo-Colonialism Meets Islamic Fundamentalism… And the People Suffer
Bill Fletcher, Jr., Black Commentator – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Niger Gives Green Light to U.S. Drone Deployment
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Niger Gives Green Light to U.S. Drone Deployment)
The Real Invasion of Africa Is Not News And a Licence to Lie Is Hollywood’s Gift
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Habits of French Colonialism
Vijay Prashad – Newsclick
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Habits of French Colonialism)
Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist
Chandra Muzaffar, Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Belgian MP Laurent Louis Talks against War in Mali and Exposes International Neo-Colonial Plot
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Belgian MP Laurent Louis Talks against War in Mali and Exposes International Neo-Colonial Plot)
Storm over the Sahara: US, France Creating another Osama?
Eric Margolis – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 28th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Biking to Success in Mozambique
Peace is Profitable – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 28th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Biking to Success in Mozambique)
Eritrea: Hear No Evil
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on Eritrea: Hear No Evil)
Burn, burn – Africa’s Afghanistan
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
January 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on Burn, burn – Africa’s Afghanistan)
Algeria, Mali, and Why This Week Has Looked Like an Obscene Remake of Earlier Western Interventions
Robert Fisk – The Independent
January 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on Algeria, Mali, and Why This Week Has Looked Like an Obscene Remake of Earlier Western Interventions)
By Design: French Mali Invasion Spills into Algeria
Tony Cartalucci – Global Research
January 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on By Design: French Mali Invasion Spills into Algeria)
US ‘Inadvertently’ Creates a Terrorist Haven in Mali
Stephen Kinzer – The Boston Globe
January 14th, 2013 ( Comments Off on US ‘Inadvertently’ Creates a Terrorist Haven in Mali)
The Master as “Guest”: The U.S. Military Swarms over Africa
Glen Ford – Black Agenda Report
January 14th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Master as “Guest”: The U.S. Military Swarms over Africa)
Mali: Hijacked Autonomy, Outsized Ambitions, French Intervention
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 14th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
AFRICOM’s Imperialist Quest
Burkely Hermann – Nation of Change
January 14th, 2013 ( Comments Off on AFRICOM’s Imperialist Quest)
What’s at Stake in the Central African Republic?
Abayomi Azikiwe, editor - Pan-African News Wire
January 7th, 2013 ( Comments Off on What’s at Stake in the Central African Republic?)
US Deploying Troops to 35 African Countries
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 31st, 2012 ( Comments Off on US Deploying Troops to 35 African Countries)
Mali: The ‘Gentle’ Face of Al-Qaeda
May Ying Welsh – Al Jazeera
December 31st, 2012 ( Comments Off on Mali: The ‘Gentle’ Face of Al-Qaeda)
Africa Lost 1.6 Trillion in Capital Flight and Odious Debt Over Forty Years
Paul Jay – The Real News Network
December 3rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Africa Lost 1.6 Trillion in Capital Flight and Odious Debt Over Forty Years)
Kenya Bans Importation of GMO Foods
Occupy Monsanto – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 3rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Kenya Bans Importation of GMO Foods)
Congo: What the International Community and Media Should Do
Hansueli Homberger – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 3rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Congo: What the International Community and Media Should Do)
UNHCR Welcomes Brazilian Residency for Angolan and Liberian Refugees
UN High Commission for Refugees – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 26th, 2012 ( Comments Off on UNHCR Welcomes Brazilian Residency for Angolan and Liberian Refugees)
Debating Homosexuality and Human Rights in Malawi
Steve Sharra – Waging Nonviolence
November 26th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Debating Homosexuality and Human Rights in Malawi)
Nigerian Lawmakers Move Ahead on Anti-Gay Bill
Agence France Press – Daily Nation
November 19th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Nigerian Lawmakers Move Ahead on Anti-Gay Bill)
Malawi Activists Say Scrapping Sodomy Laws an ‘Uphill Battle’
Agence France-Presse – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 19th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Bad News for Africa: 3,000 More U.S. Soldiers Are on the Way
Mark P. Fancher, World Mathaba – TRANSCEND Media Servivce
November 12th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Bad News for Africa: 3,000 More U.S. Soldiers Are on the Way)
Africa: Cooperatives Crucial Allies in Fight against Hunger
Nigeria Daily News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 12th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Africa: Cooperatives Crucial Allies in Fight against Hunger)
Obama’s War in Africa
Lee Wengraf – Socialist Worker
November 12th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Obama’s War in Africa)
AFRICOM Preparing For another ‘Humanitarian’ Military Intervention?
Abdi Ali Diriye – Pambazuka News
November 5th, 2012 ( Comments Off on AFRICOM Preparing For another ‘Humanitarian’ Military Intervention?)
Land Deals in Africa Have Led To a Wild West – Bring On the Sheriff, Says FAO
Mark Tran – The Guardian
November 5th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Land Deals in Africa Have Led To a Wild West – Bring On the Sheriff, Says FAO)
White House Widening Covert War in North Africa
Associated Press, Military News – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 15th, 2012 ( Comments Off on White House Widening Covert War in North Africa)
Rhetoric and Reality of AFRICOM: Lessons from Mali
Abena Ampofoa Asare – Pambazuka News
October 1st, 2012 ( Comments Off on Rhetoric and Reality of AFRICOM: Lessons from Mali)
France’s Hollande Calls for Mali Intervention, Clinton Says Nation Can’t Fight Islamists Alone
Associated Press – The Washington Post
October 1st, 2012 ( Comments Off on France’s Hollande Calls for Mali Intervention, Clinton Says Nation Can’t Fight Islamists Alone)
Ivorians Deal with European Stink
Robbie Corey-Boulet – TerraViva Europe
October 1st, 2012 ( Comments Off on Ivorians Deal with European Stink)
Elephants Dying in Epic Frenzy as Ivory Fuels Wars and Profits
Jeffrey Gettleman – The New York Times
September 10th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Elephants Dying in Epic Frenzy as Ivory Fuels Wars and Profits)
At Stake in Mali: Refugees at Every Border
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 6th, 2012 ( Comments Off on At Stake in Mali: Refugees at Every Border)
Obama’s Scramble for Africa: Secret Wars, Secret Bases, and the Pentagon’s “New Spice Route” in Africa
Nick Turse - TomDispatch
July 23rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Obama’s Scramble for Africa: Secret Wars, Secret Bases, and the Pentagon’s “New Spice Route” in Africa)
Ethiopia: Are the Islamists Coming?
Alemayehu Fentaw – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 28th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
DR Congo: Victim to the Western Quest for Justice
Jessica Hatcher – Al Jazeera
May 21st, 2012 ( Comments Off on DR Congo: Victim to the Western Quest for Justice)
Action Plan to End Banishing of “Witches” in Burkina Faso
Brahima Ouédraogo – Inter Press Service-IPS
May 14th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Action Plan to End Banishing of “Witches” in Burkina Faso)
AFRICOM Overheard by Lacville
Robert Lacville – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 16th, 2012 ( 2 Comments »)
Kenya: Restoring Hope in Kawangware
Xchange Perspectives – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 16th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Kenya: Restoring Hope in Kawangware)
Liberia’s Government Finding a Way to End FGM
Travis Lupick – Inter Press Service-IPS
April 16th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Liberia’s Government Finding a Way to End FGM)
An Odious Affair: The UN in Somalia
Abdi Ismail Samatar – Al Jazeera
April 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on An Odious Affair: The UN in Somalia)
Nigeria Oil Corruption Highlighted by Audits
Joe Brock and Tim Cocks, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 12th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Nigeria Oil Corruption Highlighted by Audits)
Somalia’s Rich Maritime Resources Being Plundered, Report Says
Thalif Deen – Inter Press Service-IPS
February 27th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Chevron Rig Burns Off Nigeria as Damage Hits Shore
Sapa-AP – Times Live, South Africa
February 20th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Chevron Rig Burns Off Nigeria as Damage Hits Shore)
How Did Rwanda Cut Poverty So Much?
Emily Alpert – Los Angeles Times
February 20th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Mali’s Plan to Probe Child Labour in Gold Mines
Africa News – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 20th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Mali’s Plan to Probe Child Labour in Gold Mines)
The Division of Nigeria – Who Gains?
Chika Onyenezi – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 13th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Nokia Publishes Policy on African Conflict Minerals
Curt Hopkins – The Christian Science Monitor
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Nokia Publishes Policy on African Conflict Minerals)
Coca-Cola Accused of Propping Up Notorious Swaziland Dictator
David Smith in Johannesburg – The Guardian
January 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Coca-Cola Accused of Propping Up Notorious Swaziland Dictator)
In Nigeria, Boko Haram Is Not the Problem
Jean Herskovits – The New York Times
January 9th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Violence and Conflict Theories & Obstacles to Peace in Africa’s Great Lakes Region
Dr. Pierre Celestin Bakunda – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 2nd, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Fanon, Coloniality and Emancipation
Eunice N. Sahle – Pambazuka News
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Fanon, Coloniality and Emancipation)
Listen to the People, Not the Polluters
Amy Goodman – Truthdig
December 12th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
Frantz Fanon in Africa and Asia
Samir Amin – Pambazuka News
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Frantz Fanon in Africa and Asia)
Durban Climate Deal Struck After Tense All-Night Session
John Vidal and Fiona Harvey in Durban – The Guardian
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Durban Climate Deal Struck After Tense All-Night Session)
La Via Campesina Durban Declaration
La Via Campesina – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on La Via Campesina Durban Declaration)
Draft Climate Deal Dubbed a “Death Sentence for Africa”
Stephen Leahy – Inter Press Service-IPS
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Draft Climate Deal Dubbed a “Death Sentence for Africa”)
Unreported Horrors – Male Rape in DR Congo
Moses Seruwagi – Inter Press Service-IPS
November 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Unreported Horrors – Male Rape in DR Congo)
Remilitarisation of Africa Set to Fail
Horace Campbell - InDepth News
November 21st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Remilitarisation of Africa Set to Fail)
US Africa Command a Tool to Recolonise Continent
Motsoko Pheko – Pambazuka News
November 21st, 2011 ( 2 Comments »)
Landgrabbing in Ethiopia: Legal Lease or Stolen Soil?
Philipp Hedemann – Inter Press Service-IPS
November 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Landgrabbing in Ethiopia: Legal Lease or Stolen Soil?)