Archive for the category ‘ANGLO AMERICA’

This Is What American Fascism Is Going to Look Like
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 12th, 2016 ( 6 Comments »)
And Now We Sit and Watch in Disbelief
Garrison Keillor – The Salt Lake Tribune
December 12th, 2016 ( Comments Off on And Now We Sit and Watch in Disbelief)
The Dangerous Deception Called the Trump Presidency
F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook Journal
December 5th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
The Misinformation Machine
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Misinformation Machine)
A World of Difference
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A World of Difference)
The Coming War on China
John Pilger – New Internationalist Magazine
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Coming War on China)
Trump: Peacemaking Revolution of the US Aggressive Geopolitics
20 coauthors (*) – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2016 ( 2 Comments »)
Edward Bernays, the Father of American Propaganda
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Edward Bernays, the Father of American Propaganda)
What Can Go Wrong?
William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #147 – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on What Can Go Wrong?)
Black America and the Passing of Fidel Castro
Bill Fletcher, Jr. – teleSUR
December 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Black America and the Passing of Fidel Castro)
A Collection of Thoughts about American Foreign Policy
William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #146 – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 28th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A Collection of Thoughts about American Foreign Policy)
Goodbye, American Neoliberalism. A New Era Is Here
Prof. Cornel West – The Guardian
November 21st, 2016 ( Comments Off on Goodbye, American Neoliberalism. A New Era Is Here)
Filtering the Election
Media Lens | Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 21st, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Project for the New American Century
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 21st, 2016 ( Comments Off on Project for the New American Century)
The ‘Victorious’ Legacy of the Vietnam War
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The ‘Victorious’ Legacy of the Vietnam War)
Obama Is Pathetic on Human Rights in North Dakota
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
November 7th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Obama Is Pathetic on Human Rights in North Dakota)
Private Prisons’ New Plan to Cover Losses Involves More Immigrants in Detention Centers
Casey Tolan | Fusion – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 7th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Private Prisons’ New Plan to Cover Losses Involves More Immigrants in Detention Centers)
The Fatal Expense of American Imperialism
Jeffrey D. Sachs – The Boston Globe
November 7th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Fatal Expense of American Imperialism)
Cliton Suggested Rigging Palestine Election
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 31st, 2016 ( Comments Off on Cliton Suggested Rigging Palestine Election)
Vote All You Want – The Secret Government Won’t Change
Jordan Michael Smith – Boston Globe
October 24th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
The Greater Evil of ‘Lesser Evilism’
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
The Middle East and the Next Administration
Chas W. Freeman, Jr. | LobeLog – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
War or Peace?
Dennis Kucinich – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2016 ( Comments Off on War or Peace?)
Washington’s Global Economic Wars
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Washington’s Global Economic Wars)
A Milestone for America’s Culture
James A. Haught | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 17th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Delusions of Worthy Wars
Nicolas J S Davies | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 17th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Delusions of Worthy Wars)
The US Just Bombed Yemen, and No One’s Talking About It
Moustafa Bayoumi – The Guardian
October 17th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The US Just Bombed Yemen, and No One’s Talking About It)
US Foreign Policy: Killing People to Save Them
Dr. Arshad M Khan – teleSUR
October 17th, 2016 ( Comments Off on US Foreign Policy: Killing People to Save Them)
The Great Diversion: Democrats Focus on Sex Scandal as Conflict with Russia Escalates
Andre Damon | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 17th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Great Diversion: Democrats Focus on Sex Scandal as Conflict with Russia Escalates)
Propaganda Techniques of Empire
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Propaganda Techniques of Empire)
US Court Protects ‘School of the Assassins’ Graduates
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 3rd, 2016 ( Comments Off on US Court Protects ‘School of the Assassins’ Graduates)
Why and How I Talk about 9/11
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 26th, 2016 ( 10 Comments »)
Duty to Warn | Chris Hedges Tells Us Why We Keep Being Fooled by the Powers That Be
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 26th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn | Chris Hedges Tells Us Why We Keep Being Fooled by the Powers That Be)
The Native American, the Palestinian: A Spirited Fight for Justice
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 19th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Law Is to Justice as Treaties Are to Native Americans
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
September 19th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Law Is to Justice as Treaties Are to Native Americans)
Containing the United States
Edward S. Herman | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 19th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Containing the United States)
US Proxies and Regional Rivalries
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 19th, 2016 ( Comments Off on US Proxies and Regional Rivalries)
Empire in Decline: When the Oligarchy Inherits the Wind
John Atcheson – Common Dreams
September 12th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Empire in Decline: When the Oligarchy Inherits the Wind)
USA: The Long-Lasting Legacy of the African-American Great Migration
Isabel Wilkerson - Smithsonian Magazine
September 12th, 2016 ( Comments Off on USA: The Long-Lasting Legacy of the African-American Great Migration)
Duty to Warn | The 15th Anniversary of the Crime and Cover-up of the Century (9/11/01)
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 12th, 2016 ( 10 Comments »)
The Broken Chessboard: Zbigniew Brzezinski Gives Up on Empire
Mike Whitney – CounterPunch
September 5th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Broken Chessboard: Zbigniew Brzezinski Gives Up on Empire)
Toward a Global Realignment
Zbigniew Brzezinski | The American Interest – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 29th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Toward a Global Realignment)
As Homeless Find Refuge in Forests, ‘Anger Is Palpable’ in Nearby Towns
Jack Healy – The New York Times
August 29th, 2016 ( Comments Off on As Homeless Find Refuge in Forests, ‘Anger Is Palpable’ in Nearby Towns)
Why Americans Love Drones
Julia M. Macdonald and Jacquelyn G. Schneider | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 29th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Why Americans Love Drones)
The ‘American Century’ Has Plunged the World into Crisis – What Happens Now?
Conn Hallinan and Leon Wofsy – Foreign Policy In Focus
August 22nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on The ‘American Century’ Has Plunged the World into Crisis – What Happens Now?)
Game Changer
Tom H. Hastings | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 22nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on Game Changer)
CIA Breaks Its Silence on “New Silk Road”: Says Challenging the BRICS and AIIB Was a “Mistake”
Rusticus | Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on CIA Breaks Its Silence on “New Silk Road”: Says Challenging the BRICS and AIIB Was a “Mistake”)
Uncle “Sham” Says “Dance!”… And the Band Plays On…
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Uncle “Sham” Says “Dance!”… And the Band Plays On…)
Trump Apologizes, Wins over Critics
Timothy Braatz - CounterPunch
August 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Trump Apologizes, Wins over Critics)
Duty to Warn | August 1, 2016: The 50th Anniversary of the Start of America’s Mass School Shooting Epidemic
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 8th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn | August 1, 2016: The 50th Anniversary of the Start of America’s Mass School Shooting Epidemic)
Real Cooperation with Nations Is the Best Survival Tactic [for the USA]
John M Repp | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 1st, 2016 ( Comments Off on Real Cooperation with Nations Is the Best Survival Tactic [for the USA])
The “Versus” Mentality of Our Times: Twenty-Five Conflicts
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 1st, 2016 ( Comments Off on The “Versus” Mentality of Our Times: Twenty-Five Conflicts)
Kinetics of Empire
Paul Edwards – Information Clearing House
July 25th, 2016 ( 5 Comments »)
Five Conspirators in the Eradication of the Middle Class
Paul Buchheit – Common Dreams
July 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Five Conspirators in the Eradication of the Middle Class)
Duty to Warn | Quotes from Assorted “Law and Order” Mis-Leaders – and Plagiarizers – Throughout History
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn | Quotes from Assorted “Law and Order” Mis-Leaders – and Plagiarizers – Throughout History)
Micah Johnson and a Culture of Violent Solutions
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Micah Johnson and a Culture of Violent Solutions)
Can the United States Transcend White Supremacy?
Robert Jensen | Dissident Voice - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Can the United States Transcend White Supremacy?)
How a Modest Contract for ‘Applied Research’ Morphed into the CIA’s Brutal Interrogation Program
Greg Miller – The Washington Post
July 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on How a Modest Contract for ‘Applied Research’ Morphed into the CIA’s Brutal Interrogation Program)
Death in Black and White
Michael Eric Dyson – The New York Times
July 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Death in Black and White)
If Afghan Lives Mattered, Dallas Lives Would Matter
David Swanson | Let’s Try Democracy – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
A New Declaration of Independence
Tom H. Hastings | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A New Declaration of Independence)
Obama Administration Finally Releases Its Dubious Drone Death Toll
Ryan Devereaux – The Intercept
July 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Obama Administration Finally Releases Its Dubious Drone Death Toll)
Put Restorative Justice on the Democratic Platform
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Put Restorative Justice on the Democratic Platform)
Fifty-One Foreign Service Officers Can’t Be Wrong–Or Can They? More Bombs and Less Talk on Syria
Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review
June 27th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Fifty-One Foreign Service Officers Can’t Be Wrong–Or Can They? More Bombs and Less Talk on Syria)
Bridges, Not Walls, Foster Peace and Security as Refugees Arrive
Jeff Pugh | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Bridges, Not Walls, Foster Peace and Security as Refugees Arrive)
Counting the Crimes of the War on Terror
Rebecca Gordon – TomDispatch
June 20th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Counting the Crimes of the War on Terror)
Newly Released CIA Files Expose Grim Details of Agency Interrogation Program
Greg Miller, Karen DeYoung and Julie Tate – The Washington Post
June 20th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Newly Released CIA Files Expose Grim Details of Agency Interrogation Program)
The Confessions of Brock Turner and a Culture of Punishment
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
State Department Draft Dissent Memo on Syria
The New York Times – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Muhammad Ali Was a Hero, but His Enemies Have a Legacy Too
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
June 13th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Muhammad Ali Was a Hero, but His Enemies Have a Legacy Too)
Do No Harm: Psychologists [in the USA] Should Reject Their Growing Role in Death-Penalty Sentencing
Sana Sheikh – Jacobin Magazine
June 13th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Do No Harm: Psychologists [in the USA] Should Reject Their Growing Role in Death-Penalty Sentencing)
A Russian Warning
Dmitry Orlov – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A Russian Warning)
Who Says Nothing Is Made in the USA Anymore? America Excels in Business of Death
JP Sottile | theAntiMedia – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Who Says Nothing Is Made in the USA Anymore? America Excels in Business of Death)
Obama Says “Big Nations Should Not Bully Small Ones” as U.S. Bullies Small Nations across the World
Brandon Turbeville – Activist Post
June 6th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Obama Says “Big Nations Should Not Bully Small Ones” as U.S. Bullies Small Nations across the World)
Duty to Warn – How Corporatist, Militarist and Fascist-Leaning Are Today’s Candidates?
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – How Corporatist, Militarist and Fascist-Leaning Are Today’s Candidates?)
Make Serving in War an Option Not an Order
Kristin Y. Christman – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Make Serving in War an Option Not an Order)
Duty to Warn – Blood on the Tracks: Vietnam Veteran Brian Willson Discusses Memorial Day [30 May] and the American Way Of Life (AWOL)
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – Blood on the Tracks: Vietnam Veteran Brian Willson Discusses Memorial Day [30 May] and the American Way Of Life (AWOL))
Silencing America as It Prepares for War
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Silencing America as It Prepares for War)
Economic Costs of US Wars
Brown University Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Economic Costs of US Wars)
It’s Not Just Hiroshima: The Many Other Things America Hasn’t Apologized For
Adam Taylor – The Washington Post
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on It’s Not Just Hiroshima: The Many Other Things America Hasn’t Apologized For)
Conspiracy Theories, Disinformation Agents, and the CIA
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 16th, 2016 ( 5 Comments »)
Pfizer Cuts States Off from Execution Drugs
Bryce Covert – Think Progress
May 16th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Pfizer Cuts States Off from Execution Drugs)
Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill
Robert Parry – Consortium News
May 16th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill)
A Perfect Storm
Andrew P. Napolitano | LewRockwell – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 16th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A Perfect Storm)
Support for Palestinians Triples among US Youth, Survey Finds
Ali Abunimah | Electronic Intifada – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 16th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Support for Palestinians Triples among US Youth, Survey Finds)
America’s Legacy Will Be Its Downfall: Empire Always Comes Home
Brandon Turbeville – Activist Post
May 9th, 2016 ( Comments Off on America’s Legacy Will Be Its Downfall: Empire Always Comes Home)
Why the US Will Not Sign the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Ken Meyercord – Dissident Voice
May 9th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Why the US Will Not Sign the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea)
Onshore Tax Havens: American Elites Don’t Have to Go to Panama to Hide Their Money — They Can Go to Delaware
Josh Hoxie | Other Words – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 9th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Onshore Tax Havens: American Elites Don’t Have to Go to Panama to Hide Their Money — They Can Go to Delaware)
Andrew Bacevich and America’s Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East
Charles Glass – The Intercept
May 2nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on Andrew Bacevich and America’s Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East)
Duty to Warn – Bad Science? Or Willful Ignorance at the CDC?
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – Bad Science? Or Willful Ignorance at the CDC?)
The Unbearable Lightness of [Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs] Stéphane Dion
Matthew Behrens, Rabble – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Unbearable Lightness of [Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs] Stéphane Dion)
The Joke of U.S. Justice and “Accountability” When They Bomb a Hospital
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept
May 2nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Joke of U.S. Justice and “Accountability” When They Bomb a Hospital)
The Unrepentant Torturers
John Kiriakou - Reader Supported News
May 2nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Unrepentant Torturers)
On the Coming Decline and Fall of the US Empire
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2016 ( 8 Comments »)
The New Gilded Age: Close to Half of All Super-PAC Money Comes from 50 Donors
Matea Gold and Anu Narayanswamy – The Washington Post
April 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The New Gilded Age: Close to Half of All Super-PAC Money Comes from 50 Donors)
Duty to Warn – A Glossary of Terms to Help De-Mystify This and Future Political Campaigns
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – A Glossary of Terms to Help De-Mystify This and Future Political Campaigns)
“Anti Semitism”: The Most Abused Word in Canada
Yves Engler – Dissident Voice
April 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on “Anti Semitism”: The Most Abused Word in Canada)
The Corruption Revealed in the Panama Papers Opened the Door to Isis
Patrick Cockburn – CounterPunch
April 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Corruption Revealed in the Panama Papers Opened the Door to Isis)
Krugman Attacks: The Establishment Snarls a Warning to Sanders
Rick Sterling - CounterPunch
April 18th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Krugman Attacks: The Establishment Snarls a Warning to Sanders)
CIA Photographed Detainees Naked and Bound Before Extraditing Them for Torture
Nika Knight – Common Dreams
April 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on CIA Photographed Detainees Naked and Bound Before Extraditing Them for Torture)
USA: Prisoners in Multiple States Call for Strikes to Protest Forced Labor
Alice Speri – The Intercept
April 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on USA: Prisoners in Multiple States Call for Strikes to Protest Forced Labor)
The US Just Declared Russia a Greater Threat than ISIS — Paving the Way for Deadly Perpetual War
Matt Agorist, Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The US Just Declared Russia a Greater Threat than ISIS — Paving the Way for Deadly Perpetual War)
Recovering from Militarism
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Recovering from Militarism)
Duty to Warn – How a Kindly Senator from Vermont Helped Save America from Fascism
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – How a Kindly Senator from Vermont Helped Save America from Fascism)
Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination
Gary Brumback – Dissident Voice
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination)
CIA Photographed Detainees Naked Before Sending Them to Be Tortured
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian
April 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on CIA Photographed Detainees Naked Before Sending Them to Be Tortured)
A Force unto Itself: A Military Leviathan Has Emerged as the U.S. 51st and Most Powerful State
William J. Astore - TomDispatch
March 28th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A Force unto Itself: A Military Leviathan Has Emerged as the U.S. 51st and Most Powerful State)
USA’s Persian and Arabian Wars
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 28th, 2016 ( 2 Comments »)
Fascism: Can It Happen Here [in the USA]?
Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!
March 21st, 2016 ( Comments Off on Fascism: Can It Happen Here [in the USA]?)
DOD Woe: Pentagon’s War on the Earth
Tom H. Hastings, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 14th, 2016 ( Comments Off on DOD Woe: Pentagon’s War on the Earth)
Why Democratic Party Foreign Policy Fails and Will Continue to Fail
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 7th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Why Democratic Party Foreign Policy Fails and Will Continue to Fail)
Afghanistan War: Just What Was the Point?
Nick Paton Walsh - CNN
March 7th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Afghanistan War: Just What Was the Point?)
Sanders, American Socialism and the Legacy of the Occupy Movement
Vijay Prashad - Frontline (India)
February 22nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on Sanders, American Socialism and the Legacy of the Occupy Movement)
Beached America
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on Beached America)
The Enduring Solidarity of Whiteness
Ta-Nehisi Coates – The Atlantic
February 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on The Enduring Solidarity of Whiteness)
ABC’s of the US Empire
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2016 ( Comments Off on ABC’s of the US Empire)
WAAAHHHH…but we don’t wanna get arrested!!
Mike Ferner, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
For the Love of Money: Wall Street’s Money Addiction
Sam Polk – International New York Times
February 8th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Letter to the Canadian Government
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 8th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Letter to the Canadian Government)
Can the US Turn Fascist?
Şahin Alpay, Today’s Zaman – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 1st, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
Parallel Standards Offer Way Out of Violence
Kristin Christman – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Parallel Standards Offer Way Out of Violence)
Attacks on Hoffman Report from Military Psychologists Obfuscate Detainee Abuse
Stephen Soldz and Steven Reisner - CounterPunch
January 11th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Attacks on Hoffman Report from Military Psychologists Obfuscate Detainee Abuse)
The American Empire: Murder Inc.
Chris Hedges - Truthdig
January 11th, 2016 ( 1 Comment »)
You Say ISIL, I Say ISIS, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
Tom H. Hastings, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on You Say ISIL, I Say ISIS, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off)
Pentagon Curbs Use of Psychologists with Guantánamo Detainees
James Risen – International New York Times
January 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Pentagon Curbs Use of Psychologists with Guantánamo Detainees)
A Most Unhappy New Year at Guantanamo
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!
January 4th, 2016 ( Comments Off on A Most Unhappy New Year at Guantanamo)
Private Prison Exec Waves Off Criminal Justice Reform, Predicts More Profits
Lee Fang – The Intercept
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Private Prison Exec Waves Off Criminal Justice Reform, Predicts More Profits)
The NRA Is Actually Half Right: Guns Don’t Kill People — Americans Kill People
Michael Moore – The Hollywood Reporter
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The NRA Is Actually Half Right: Guns Don’t Kill People — Americans Kill People)
Why Did Brookings Institution Hold a Secret Panel Countering BDS?
Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why Did Brookings Institution Hold a Secret Panel Countering BDS?)
Duty to Warn – Nativity: Rev Kevin Annett and the “Little Matter of Aboriginal Genocide”
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – Nativity: Rev Kevin Annett and the “Little Matter of Aboriginal Genocide”)
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
Francis A. Boyle – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Oh Little Town of Bethlehem)
I Helped Create ISIS
Vincent Emanuele - TeleSur
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on I Helped Create ISIS)
America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776
Washington’s Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 21st, 2015 ( 1 Comment »)
A Special Relationship: The United States Is Teaming Up with Al Qaeda. Again
Andrew Cockburn – Harper’s Magazine
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on A Special Relationship: The United States Is Teaming Up with Al Qaeda. Again)
Sanctuary for Refugees: André Trocmé and Le Chambon-sur-Lignon
Rivera Sun, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Sanctuary for Refugees: André Trocmé and Le Chambon-sur-Lignon)
The U.S. and the Rise of ISIS
Stephen Zunes – National Catholic Reporter
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on The U.S. and the Rise of ISIS)
Destroying Syria to Create Sunnistan
Mike Whitney - CounterPunch
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Destroying Syria to Create Sunnistan)
Obama, like Bush, Just Makes It All Worse
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Obama, like Bush, Just Makes It All Worse)
Duty to Warn – Radicalizing the Oppressed, Humiliated and Marginalized: There Must Be 50 Ways
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – Radicalizing the Oppressed, Humiliated and Marginalized: There Must Be 50 Ways)
Gun Industry Executives Say Mass Shootings Are Good for Business
Lee Fang – The Intercept
December 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gun Industry Executives Say Mass Shootings Are Good for Business)
Andrew Moss, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Montgomery)
Canada’s Deluded Wars of November
Matthew Behrens, Rabble – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Canada’s Deluded Wars of November)
Wars: US Militarist Factions in Command
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Wars: US Militarist Factions in Command)
Escalation Is Escalation Is Escalation: Lesson of Viet-Nam War
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Escalation Is Escalation Is Escalation: Lesson of Viet-Nam War)
Duty to Warn – People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Duty to Warn – People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones)
Arming Dictators: An American Tradition
Mel Gurtov, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Arming Dictators: An American Tradition)
The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
Maidhc Ó Cathail – Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians)
‘Iron-Ass’ Cheney and ‘Arrogant’ Rumsfeld Damaged America, Says George Bush Sr
Claire Phipps – The Guardian
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on ‘Iron-Ass’ Cheney and ‘Arrogant’ Rumsfeld Damaged America, Says George Bush Sr)
The Punishment Society
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Punishment Society)
America’s Myanmar Mistake
Rachel Wagley, The Fletcher Forum - Tufts University
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on America’s Myanmar Mistake)
The “War on Terror” Is the Hoax Foundation of the Police/Spy State
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The “War on Terror” Is the Hoax Foundation of the Police/Spy State)
We Won’t Torture Anymore: American Psychological Association Tells U.S. to Withdraw Psychologists from Nat. Sec. Interrogations
Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on We Won’t Torture Anymore: American Psychological Association Tells U.S. to Withdraw Psychologists from Nat. Sec. Interrogations)
Making a Choice – American Psychological Association: Reform or Business as Usual?
Roy Eidelson, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Making a Choice – American Psychological Association: Reform or Business as Usual?)
Files in Lawsuit against CIA Stolen in ‘Disturbing’ University Break-In
Nadia Prupis – Common Dreams
October 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Files in Lawsuit against CIA Stolen in ‘Disturbing’ University Break-In)
The Boom and Bust of CIA’s Secret Torture Sites
Crofton Black and Sam Raphael – The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Boom and Bust of CIA’s Secret Torture Sites)
Lawsuit Charges US Psychologists Involved in CIA Torture Program with War Crimes
Nick Barrickman, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Lawsuit Charges US Psychologists Involved in CIA Torture Program with War Crimes)
The ‘US Way of War’ from Columbus to Kunduz
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The ‘US Way of War’ from Columbus to Kunduz)
Notable Issue for Canadian Voters of 2015 Is Peace and Security
Stephen Gill – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Notable Issue for Canadian Voters of 2015 Is Peace and Security)
How Can We Win America’s Peace?
Robert Hinds, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on How Can We Win America’s Peace?)
The Making of a Sociopathic Killer: A List of Risk Factors for School Shooters
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Making of a Sociopathic Killer: A List of Risk Factors for School Shooters)
It Took Me Two Hours to Get My Hands on an AK-47. Welcome to America
Eric Rodriguez – The Guardian
October 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on It Took Me Two Hours to Get My Hands on an AK-47. Welcome to America)
One Day after Warning Russia of Civilian Casualties, the U.S. Bombs a Hospital in Afghanistan
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on One Day after Warning Russia of Civilian Casualties, the U.S. Bombs a Hospital in Afghanistan)
Why Doesn’t the Foreign Policy Establishment Take World Peace Seriously?
Didier Jacobs – Foreign Policy In Focus
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why Doesn’t the Foreign Policy Establishment Take World Peace Seriously?)
The 10 Most Egregious U.S. Abuses of Psychology and Psychiatry
Bruce E. Levine, Alternet - Salon
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The 10 Most Egregious U.S. Abuses of Psychology and Psychiatry)
Why Dorothy Day Matters Today
Eileen Fleming – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why Dorothy Day Matters Today)
Debunking the Myth of American Exceptionalism
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Debunking the Myth of American Exceptionalism)
Put a Little Love in the Next US Election
Kristin Christman – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Put a Little Love in the Next US Election)
Drowned Syrian Toddlers: Collateral Damage from America’s De-Stabilizing, Endless, Post-911 “Wars on Terror”
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Drowned Syrian Toddlers: Collateral Damage from America’s De-Stabilizing, Endless, Post-911 “Wars on Terror”)
ISIS Is US: The Empire and the Evil Genie It Released
Paul Street - CounterPunch
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on ISIS Is US: The Empire and the Evil Genie It Released)
Our High-Priced Mercenaries in Syria
Robin Wright – The New Yorker
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Our High-Priced Mercenaries in Syria)
9/11 Fourteen Years Later
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on 9/11 Fourteen Years Later)
Reflections on a Summer
Oliver Stone – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Reflections on a Summer)
Equality in the USA: More Work to Be Done
Wim Laven, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Equality in the USA: More Work to Be Done)
Nuclear War Theme Parks: Mass Destruction for the Whole Family
John LaForge, Peace Voice – Transcend Media Service
September 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Nuclear War Theme Parks: Mass Destruction for the Whole Family)
‘I Have Become a Body without a Soul’: 13 Years Detained in Guantánamo
Pardiss Kebriaei – The Guardian
August 31st, 2015 ( Comments Off on ‘I Have Become a Body without a Soul’: 13 Years Detained in Guantánamo)
Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks, There Are 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks, There Are 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline)
How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election
Robert Epstein – Politico Magazine
August 31st, 2015 ( Comments Off on How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election)
Most Disgusting Game Ever
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Most Disgusting Game Ever)
Corporate Sociopaths Out of Minnesota!
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Corporate Sociopaths Out of Minnesota!)
US Torturers Lose Psychologists’ Corrupt Cooperation
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
August 17th, 2015 ( Comments Off on US Torturers Lose Psychologists’ Corrupt Cooperation)
US Psychologists’ Convention Bans Participation in Torture
Tom Carter, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 17th, 2015 ( Comments Off on US Psychologists’ Convention Bans Participation in Torture)
Afghanistan: The Forever War
Rachelle Marshall – Foreign Policy In Focus
August 10th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Afghanistan: The Forever War)
Citigroup’s Unchecked Crime Wave Proves that America Is Headed in the Wrong Direction
Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 10th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Citigroup’s Unchecked Crime Wave Proves that America Is Headed in the Wrong Direction)
The American Psychological Association’s ‘Independent Review’ on Ethics, National Security and Torture—In Historical Context
Marcie Holmes, Hidden Persuaders – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on The American Psychological Association’s ‘Independent Review’ on Ethics, National Security and Torture—In Historical Context)
Dylann Roof Is Not a “Terrorist” — But Animal Rights Activists Who Free Minks From Slaughter Are
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Dylann Roof Is Not a “Terrorist” — But Animal Rights Activists Who Free Minks From Slaughter Are)
Corporate Tribunals Pose Biggest Hurdle to Europe’s Vote on Transatlantic Trade Pact
Tom Lawson, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Corporate Tribunals Pose Biggest Hurdle to Europe’s Vote on Transatlantic Trade Pact)
What Does Gun Violence in the USA Really Cost? By the Numbers
Jaeah Lee and Julia Lurie – Mother Jones
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on What Does Gun Violence in the USA Really Cost? By the Numbers)
U.S. Institute of Peace’s Hawkish Chairman Wants Ukraine to Send Russians Back in Body Bags
Lee Fang – The Intercept
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on U.S. Institute of Peace’s Hawkish Chairman Wants Ukraine to Send Russians Back in Body Bags)
Anti-Torture Reforms Opposed within Psychology Group after Damning Report
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Anti-Torture Reforms Opposed within Psychology Group after Damning Report)
Obama Walks Fine Line in Kenya on LGBTI Rights
Aruna Dutt, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Obama Walks Fine Line in Kenya on LGBTI Rights)
(Português) A assombrosa previsão de Fidel Castro em 1973
Revista Forum – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on (Português) A assombrosa previsão de Fidel Castro em 1973)
Torture, Psychology, and Daniel Inouye: The True Story behind Psychology’s Role in Torture
Bryant Welch – The Huffington Post
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Torture, Psychology, and Daniel Inouye: The True Story behind Psychology’s Role in Torture)
Meet the Apache Activists Opening for Neil Young
Joseph Huff-Hannon – Rolling Stone
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Meet the Apache Activists Opening for Neil Young)
Elephant in the Room: The Pentagon’s Massive Carbon Footprint
Lisa Savage - CounterPunch
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Elephant in the Room: The Pentagon’s Massive Carbon Footprint)
Noam Chomsky Says US Turned to Cuba Due to Increasing Isolation
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Noam Chomsky Says US Turned to Cuba Due to Increasing Isolation)