Archive for the category ‘EUROPE’

Lessons of Argentina Crisis Ignored In Handling of Greece
Jeremy Warner – The Telegraph
July 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Lessons of Argentina Crisis Ignored In Handling of Greece)
Portugal Drug Law Show Results Ten Years On, Experts Say
Agence France Press-AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Portugal Drug Law Show Results Ten Years On, Experts Say)
European Leaders Rail against ‘Oligopoly’ of Rating Agencies
Stephen Foley in New York – The Independent
July 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on European Leaders Rail against ‘Oligopoly’ of Rating Agencies)
Russia, Iceland & Afghanistan Stand Alone as the Only Nations with International Arrest Warrants out for Bankers Who Committed Fraud
stacyherbert, – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Russia, Iceland & Afghanistan Stand Alone as the Only Nations with International Arrest Warrants out for Bankers Who Committed Fraud)
Greek Tragedy
Guillaume Duval – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 4th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Greek Tragedy)
What’s at Stake in Greece?
Antonis Davanellos – Socialist Worker
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on What’s at Stake in Greece?)
Iceland Declares Independence from International Banksters – NWO Punishment Soon?
Jack Blood - Activist Post
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Iceland Declares Independence from International Banksters – NWO Punishment Soon?)
Greece Prepares to Sell Off State Assets to Get Loans
CNN Wire Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Greece Prepares to Sell Off State Assets to Get Loans)
Does Portugal Have the Solution to Our Drug Epidemic?
The Independent, Ireland – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Does Portugal Have the Solution to Our Drug Epidemic?)
Spain’s “Indignant Ones”
Pablo Ouziel - Political Thoughts
June 20th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Spain’s “Indignant Ones”)
A Fatally Flawed Recovery Plan: Greece Back on the Brink
Manfred Ertel, Christian Reiermann and Anne Seith – Der Spiegel
June 13th, 2011 ( Comments Off on A Fatally Flawed Recovery Plan: Greece Back on the Brink)
Bit of [belated] Friendly Advice, Portugal
The Independent – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 13th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Bit of [belated] Friendly Advice, Portugal)
The Rage of the ‘Indignants’: A European Generation Takes to the Streets
Mathieu von Rohr and Helene Zuber - Der Spiegel
June 13th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Rage of the ‘Indignants’: A European Generation Takes to the Streets)
Elections-Portugal: Rubberstamping IMF Prescriptions
Mario Queiroz – TerraViva Europe
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Elections-Portugal: Rubberstamping IMF Prescriptions)
Environment: Business Lobby Resists Ban on ‘Perverse’ Emissions
Daan Bauwens – TerraViva Europe
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Environment: Business Lobby Resists Ban on ‘Perverse’ Emissions)
Camp Sol: Spain’s “Indignant” Give Lessons in True Democracy
María Carrión – Common Dreams
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Camp Sol: Spain’s “Indignant” Give Lessons in True Democracy)
‘Europe Worsening Hunger Worldwide’
Timothy Spence – TerraViva Europe
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on ‘Europe Worsening Hunger Worldwide’)
Welcome To the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Welcome To the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey)
Europe: The Epidemic of Xenophobia
Emma Bonino – TerraViva Europe
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Europe: The Epidemic of Xenophobia)
Worlds Collide in a Luxury Suite
Rebecca Solnit – TomDispatch
May 23rd, 2011 ( 2 Comments »)
Defiant Spaniards Continue Protests
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Defiant Spaniards Continue Protests)
EU Trade Deal with India Stalemated by Threat to Affordable Drugs
Julio Godoy – TerraViva Europe
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on EU Trade Deal with India Stalemated by Threat to Affordable Drugs)
Pre-Judging an Institution’s Implicit Strategy by the Director’s Private Behaviour
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Pre-Judging an Institution’s Implicit Strategy by the Director’s Private Behaviour)
What about the Woman Strauss-Kahn Allegedly Raped?
Tiffany Williams – Institute for Policy Studies
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on What about the Woman Strauss-Kahn Allegedly Raped?)
Schengen Zone Dispute: EU Slams Denmark over Plans to Reintroduce Border Checks
Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 16th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Schengen Zone Dispute: EU Slams Denmark over Plans to Reintroduce Border Checks)
What Are They Afraid of?
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2011 ( Comments Off on What Are They Afraid of?)
Hungary’s Rising Right
Keno Verseck – Der Spiegel
May 2nd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Hungary’s Rising Right)
‘Hungary Is a Disgrace for Europe’
David Crossland – Der Spiegel
April 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on ‘Hungary Is a Disgrace for Europe’)
UK: The Endgames of Our Empire Never Quite Finished – Just Look At Bahrain
Madeleine Bunting – The Guardian
April 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on UK: The Endgames of Our Empire Never Quite Finished – Just Look At Bahrain)
Portugal Negotiates Draconian Bailout Plan
Mario Queiroz – TerraViva Europe
April 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Portugal Negotiates Draconian Bailout Plan)
Triumph of Right-Wing Populists: How Dangerous Is Finland to the Euro?
Sven Böll and Maria Marquart – Der Spiegel
April 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Triumph of Right-Wing Populists: How Dangerous Is Finland to the Euro?)
EU Grants Palestinian Produce Duty-Free Access
Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2011 ( Comments Off on EU Grants Palestinian Produce Duty-Free Access)
Why Elections in Finland Could Doom Portugal’s Bailout
Der Spiegel Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Why Elections in Finland Could Doom Portugal’s Bailout)
Portugal – Crisis, what crisis?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - Pravda
April 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Portugal – Crisis, what crisis?)
‘I Cried When I Saw Them Marching’
Phil Cain – Al Jazeera
April 4th, 2011 ( Comments Off on ‘I Cried When I Saw Them Marching’)
Of Libya, France and Western Hypocrisy
Julio Godoy – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency
March 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Of Libya, France and Western Hypocrisy)
Europe Has an Obligation to These Desperate African Refugees
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Europe Has an Obligation to These Desperate African Refugees)
‘You Are No Longer My Son’: French ‘Refuge’ Helps Muslim Gays
Annika Sartor – Der Spiegel
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on ‘You Are No Longer My Son’: French ‘Refuge’ Helps Muslim Gays)
Subtle Racism and Unemployment “Push Gypsies into Marginalisation”
TerraViva Europe – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Subtle Racism and Unemployment “Push Gypsies into Marginalisation”)
How Lukashenko’s Soviet-Style Regime Maintains Its Iron Grip
Jerome Taylor – The Independent
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on How Lukashenko’s Soviet-Style Regime Maintains Its Iron Grip)
[UK] Cameron Defends Arms Sales in Push for Growth
Andrew Grice, Political Editor – The Independent
March 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on [UK] Cameron Defends Arms Sales in Push for Growth)
Belgium: It’s the French Fries Revolution
Timofei Belov – Pravda
February 21st, 2011 ( 2 Comments »)
Global Crisis Strengthens WSF’s Legitimacy
Julio Godoy – TerraViva Europe
February 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Global Crisis Strengthens WSF’s Legitimacy)
The Most Feminist Place in the World
Janet Elise Johnson – The Nation
February 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Most Feminist Place in the World)
Iceland Shows Ireland Did ‘Wrong Things’ Saving Banks
Yalman Onaran - Bloomberg
February 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Iceland Shows Ireland Did ‘Wrong Things’ Saving Banks)
The Carbon Market – Gone in a Puff of Smoke?
Sabina Manea – The Guardian
February 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Carbon Market – Gone in a Puff of Smoke?)
Pesticide Linked to Bee Deaths Should Be Suspended, MPs Told
Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor and Josephine Forster – The Independent
January 31st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Pesticide Linked to Bee Deaths Should Be Suspended, MPs Told)
Portugal’s Experiment With Drugs
Kevin Drum – Mother Jones
January 24th, 2011 ( 2 Comments »)
The Spectre Haunting Europe: Debt Defaults, Austerity, and Death of the “Social Europe” Model
Prof Michael Hudson and Prof. Jeffrey Sommers – Global Research
January 24th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Spectre Haunting Europe: Debt Defaults, Austerity, and Death of the “Social Europe” Model)
Portugal: The Prospect of a Full Bailout and More Austerity Looms in 2011
Socialist Worker, LeftBanker – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Portugal: The Prospect of a Full Bailout and More Austerity Looms in 2011)
Lisbon in Limbo
Hendrik Ternieden – Der Spiegel
January 17th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Lisbon in Limbo)
Portugal: Economic Crisis Looms, But Clean Energy Shines On
Mario de Queiroz – Inter Press Service
December 27th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Portugal: Economic Crisis Looms, But Clean Energy Shines On)
Liberated by Porn
Jan Puhl – Der Spiegel
December 20th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Liberated by Porn)
Germany Admits Enslaving and Abusing a Generation of Children
Tony Paterson in Berlin – The Independent
December 20th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Germany Admits Enslaving and Abusing a Generation of Children)
Norway Accused of Funding Abuse in Burma
Andrew Buncombe, Asia Correspondent – The Independent
December 20th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Norway Accused of Funding Abuse in Burma)
Farewell to Greece
Barnaby Phillips – Al Jazeera
December 6th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Farewell to Greece)
Ireland’s Debt Servitude
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – The Telegraph
December 6th, 2010 ( 1 Comment »)
UK: Labour Put Limits on Iraq Inquiry to Keep the US Happy
Nigel Morris – The Independent
December 6th, 2010 ( Comments Off on UK: Labour Put Limits on Iraq Inquiry to Keep the US Happy)
Bailout Talks: Four Truths Ireland Can’t Ignore
Richard Douthwaite - ConstructIreland
November 29th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Bailout Talks: Four Truths Ireland Can’t Ignore)
Eating the Irish
Paul Krugman, Economics Nobel Laureate – The New York Times
November 29th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Eating the Irish)
Memo to Ireland: “Tell the EU and the IMF to ‘Shove It'”
Mike Whitney – Information Clearing House
November 29th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Memo to Ireland: “Tell the EU and the IMF to ‘Shove It'”)
East Timor Extends a Hand to Troubled Portugal
Mario de Queiroz – Inter Press Service
November 22nd, 2010 ( Comments Off on East Timor Extends a Hand to Troubled Portugal)
Major Spy Scandal As Five Scandinavian Governments Catch the U.S. Watching Their Citizens
Daily Mail – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 22nd, 2010 ( Comments Off on Major Spy Scandal As Five Scandinavian Governments Catch the U.S. Watching Their Citizens)
Anti-Nuclear Protesters to Merkel: ‘Enough Is Enough’
Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 15th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Anti-Nuclear Protesters to Merkel: ‘Enough Is Enough’)
A Green Light for Atomic Power: German Parliament Extends Nuclear Plant Lifespans
Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2010 ( Comments Off on A Green Light for Atomic Power: German Parliament Extends Nuclear Plant Lifespans)
New Law Bans Illegal Wood from EU Markets
WWF – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 25th, 2010 ( Comments Off on New Law Bans Illegal Wood from EU Markets)
€34bn Question: Will Banks Sink Republic or Just Its Government?
Eamonn McCann – Belfast Telegraph
October 18th, 2010 ( Comments Off on €34bn Question: Will Banks Sink Republic or Just Its Government?)
Ireland Reveals Full Horror of Banking Crisis
Andrew Bushe and Roland Jackson – The Age
October 4th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Ireland Reveals Full Horror of Banking Crisis)
On Jewish Loyalty
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2010 ( Comments Off on On Jewish Loyalty)
‘The Roma Are EU Citizens — Everywhere in the European Union’
David Crossland - Spiegel
September 13th, 2010 ( Comments Off on ‘The Roma Are EU Citizens — Everywhere in the European Union’)
Europe: New Expulsions Hit People Without a Place
David Cronin – TerraViva Europe
September 13th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Europe: New Expulsions Hit People Without a Place)
Rebel Soldiers: Dissent Grows in the British Military
Dan Read – Toward Freedom
September 6th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Rebel Soldiers: Dissent Grows in the British Military)
The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair (Part I)
Lesley Docksey – Global Research
August 30th, 2010 ( Comments Off on The Long Road to The Hague: Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair (Part I))
European Union: Most Anti-Democratic and Neoliberal in History
Susan George – Transnational Institute
August 30th, 2010 ( Comments Off on European Union: Most Anti-Democratic and Neoliberal in History)
France’s Debt of Dishonour to Haiti
Isabel Macdonald – The Guardian
August 23rd, 2010 ( Comments Off on France’s Debt of Dishonour to Haiti)
Europe: Citizen Rights Don’t Apply to Roma
Claudia Ciobanu – Inter Press Service-IPS
August 16th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Europe: Citizen Rights Don’t Apply to Roma)
Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing
Robert Fisk – The Independent
August 9th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Israel Has Crept Into the EU Without Anyone Noticing)
No More Troubles in Belfast…?
Sean Kay – The Washington Note
July 26th, 2010 ( Comments Off on No More Troubles in Belfast…?)
France (Not) to Repay Debt to Haiti
Brooke Jarvis – YES! Magazine
July 19th, 2010 ( Comments Off on France (Not) to Repay Debt to Haiti)
Europe-Latin America: Close in Trade, Worlds Apart in News Coverage
Mario Lubetkin - IPS
July 5th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Europe-Latin America: Close in Trade, Worlds Apart in News Coverage)
Children in Prison
Mary McAuley – Open Democracy
June 7th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Children in Prison)
Armadillo: The Afghanistan War Documentary that Shocked Denmark
Geoffrey Macnab – The Guardian
June 7th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Armadillo: The Afghanistan War Documentary that Shocked Denmark)
Corporate Greenwash at EU Environment Meet?
David Cronin - IPS
June 7th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Corporate Greenwash at EU Environment Meet?)
The Heresy of the Greeks Offers Hope
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 ( Comments Off on The Heresy of the Greeks Offers Hope)
Former Central Bank Head Karl Otto Pöhl: Bailout Plan Is All About ‘Rescuing Banks and Rich Greeks’
Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Former Central Bank Head Karl Otto Pöhl: Bailout Plan Is All About ‘Rescuing Banks and Rich Greeks’)
Rescuing Greece or the Banks?
Lee Sustar – Socialist Worker
May 17th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Rescuing Greece or the Banks?)
Voting for War. Take Your Pick
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 10th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Voting for War. Take Your Pick)
‘Consumers Aren’t Ready for GM Crops’: Food Companies Say No to Genetically Modified Potatoes
May 3rd, 2010 ( Comments Off on ‘Consumers Aren’t Ready for GM Crops’: Food Companies Say No to Genetically Modified Potatoes)
European Activists against Economic Growth
Julio Godoy – TerraViva Europe
April 26th, 2010 ( Comments Off on European Activists against Economic Growth)
Europe Imports Torture from US
David Cronin – TerraViva Europe
April 19th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Europe Imports Torture from US)
David Cronin – TerraViva Europe
April 12th, 2010 ( Comments Off on EU BOOSTS ARMS MANUFACTURERS)
Pavol Stracansky – TerraViva Europe
April 5th, 2010 ( Comments Off on EAST EUROPE: ORGANIC FARMING BLOSSOMS)
Daan de Wit - DeepJournal
Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research
December 20th, 2009 ( Comments Off on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: AMERICA AND NATO DECLARE WAR ON AFGHANISTAN)
Håkan Wiberg – Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
Susanne Koelbl
October 20th, 2008 ( Comments Off on THE WEST IS AT A LOSS IN AFGHANISTAN)