Archive for the category ‘IN FOCUS’

The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State)
Global Leaders Waging Wars against Humanity Claim Peace and Success
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Global Leaders Waging Wars against Humanity Claim Peace and Success)
Swastika, the Ancient Symbol That Was Hijacked by Evil
Bhakta dasa | ISKCON News – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Swastika, the Ancient Symbol That Was Hijacked by Evil)
How Many Satellites Are Orbiting Earth?
Supriya Chakrabarti | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 ( Comments Off on How Many Satellites Are Orbiting Earth?)
Noam Chomsky: Average People Still Have the Power to Stop Wars
Noam Chomsky Interviewed by J. C. Pan and Ariella Thornhill | Jacobin - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Noam Chomsky: Average People Still Have the Power to Stop Wars)
The Medical-Industrial Complex, like the Military-Industrial Complex, Is a Threat to Democracy
Rachel Marsden | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 13th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Medical-Industrial Complex, like the Military-Industrial Complex, Is a Threat to Democracy)
Is Billionaire Philanthropy a Sham?
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 13th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Is Billionaire Philanthropy a Sham?)
Patents: Controlling Knowledge to Extract Wealth
Rod Driver | ElephantsInTheRoom - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Patents: Controlling Knowledge to Extract Wealth)
Afghanistan Shows White Privilege in Action on the Geopolitical Stage
Chandran Nair | The Diplomat - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Afghanistan Shows White Privilege in Action on the Geopolitical Stage)
His Master’s Voice, His Master’s Eyes, and His Master’s Ears
Prof. Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 6th, 2021 ( Comments Off on His Master’s Voice, His Master’s Eyes, and His Master’s Ears)
The US Needs to Break China’s Siege Mentality
Daniel Larison | Responsible Statecraft - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The US Needs to Break China’s Siege Mentality)
Pegasus and the Threat of Cyberweapons in the Age of Smartphones
Prabir Purkayastha | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on Pegasus and the Threat of Cyberweapons in the Age of Smartphones)
How to Defend Yourself against the Powerful New NSO Spyware Attacks Discovered Around the World
Intercept Security Team - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on How to Defend Yourself against the Powerful New NSO Spyware Attacks Discovered Around the World)
Data, Not Arms, the Key Driver in Emerging US-China Cold War
Robert Reich | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 12th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Data, Not Arms, the Key Driver in Emerging US-China Cold War)
The Most Dangerous Censorship
Edward Snowden | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Most Dangerous Censorship)
G-7 Aftermath: Western Leaders in Search of New Animosities
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 ( Comments Off on G-7 Aftermath: Western Leaders in Search of New Animosities)
Geneva Summit: Low Expectations, Modest Results, Glimmers of Hope
Edward Lozansky | The Washington Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Geneva Summit: Low Expectations, Modest Results, Glimmers of Hope)
Endogenous Racism against People of African Origins–Tulsa and Sharpeville: Parallels in History (Part 2)
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 ( Comments Off on Endogenous Racism against People of African Origins–Tulsa and Sharpeville: Parallels in History (Part 2))
How Mobsters Control U.S., UK, and the Netherlands
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 ( Comments Off on How Mobsters Control U.S., UK, and the Netherlands)
The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media
Joseph Mercola, M.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media)
The Difference between ‘Woke’ and a True Awakening
Slavoj Žižek | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Difference between ‘Woke’ and a True Awakening)
‘Sponsor a Child’ Schemes Attacked for Perpetuating Racist Attitudes
Karen McVeigh | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2021 ( Comments Off on ‘Sponsor a Child’ Schemes Attacked for Perpetuating Racist Attitudes)
29 May 2021: First Meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples
Multiconvergence of Global Networks | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 ( Comments Off on 29 May 2021: First Meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples)
Fairness, Justice, Solidarity, Not Even Mercy or Compassion?
Editorial | Opinion Sur - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 ( Comments Off on Fairness, Justice, Solidarity, Not Even Mercy or Compassion?)
Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for Agrifood Must Not Succeed
Colin Todhunter | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 26th, 2021 ( 4 Comments »)
The Tiredness Virus
Byung-Chul Han | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 26th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Tiredness Virus)
In Our Hurry to Conquer Nature and Death, We Have Made a New Religion of Science
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 26th, 2021 ( Comments Off on In Our Hurry to Conquer Nature and Death, We Have Made a New Religion of Science)
How Law Made Neoliberalism
Jedediah Britton-Purdy, Amy Kapczynski and David Singh Grewal | Boston Review - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 19th, 2021 ( Comments Off on How Law Made Neoliberalism)
Cold War on Trial: Truth Commission Details Horrible Crimes Akin to Native American Genocide and Slavery
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 12th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Cold War on Trial: Truth Commission Details Horrible Crimes Akin to Native American Genocide and Slavery)
We, the People, the Humanity and Our Entangled Future in Global COVID-19 Pandemic
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 12th, 2021 ( Comments Off on We, the People, the Humanity and Our Entangled Future in Global COVID-19 Pandemic)
The Disarticulation of Pandemic War Propaganda
Raul Diego | MintPress News - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 5th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Disarticulation of Pandemic War Propaganda)
Google and the CI@: How Independent Are Multinational Giants?
Insight History - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 5th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Google and the CI@: How Independent Are Multinational Giants?)
Iran and China Sign 25-Year $400 Billion Cooperation Agreement
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 29th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Iran and China Sign 25-Year $400 Billion Cooperation Agreement)
Plummeting Sperm Counts, Shrinking Penises: Toxic Chemicals Threaten Humanity
Erin Brockovich | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 22nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on Plummeting Sperm Counts, Shrinking Penises: Toxic Chemicals Threaten Humanity)
Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic, Global Peace and Imperatives of our Future
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 22nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic, Global Peace and Imperatives of our Future)
The Attack on the Italian Ambassador in Congo
Daniel Ruiz, PhD | Scienza & Pace Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 15th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Attack on the Italian Ambassador in Congo)
By Putting Big Pharma’s Patents before Patients, Doctors Will Further Erode Trust in Experts
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 8th, 2021 ( Comments Off on By Putting Big Pharma’s Patents before Patients, Doctors Will Further Erode Trust in Experts)
The Age of Social Murder
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 8th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Age of Social Murder)
Cancel Culture, Where Liberalism Goes to Die
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on Cancel Culture, Where Liberalism Goes to Die)
Ending Corporate Tyranny: Solutions to the Plague That Afflicts Us All
Michael Diamond | Covert Action Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on Ending Corporate Tyranny: Solutions to the Plague That Afflicts Us All)
In Furor over Poet with Child Porn Conviction, Prison Abolitionists Debate the Limits of Mercy
Judith Levine | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2021 ( Comments Off on In Furor over Poet with Child Porn Conviction, Prison Abolitionists Debate the Limits of Mercy)
The Great Divorce of the Century
David Andersson | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2021 ( Comments Off on The Great Divorce of the Century)
Brazilian Butt Lift: Behind the World’s Most Dangerous Cosmetic Surgery
Sophie Elmirst | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Brazilian Butt Lift: Behind the World’s Most Dangerous Cosmetic Surgery)
What If Oumuamua Is the Real Deal?
Robert Hunziker | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2021 ( Comments Off on What If Oumuamua Is the Real Deal?)
‘A Ghastly Future’? Israeli Apartheid, Biden, Starmer, Assange and Mass Extinction
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 25th, 2021 ( Comments Off on ‘A Ghastly Future’? Israeli Apartheid, Biden, Starmer, Assange and Mass Extinction)
Why Neoliberal Leaders Who Failed to Protect Their Countries from COVID-19 Must Be Investigated
Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 25th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Why Neoliberal Leaders Who Failed to Protect Their Countries from COVID-19 Must Be Investigated)
Porn Addiction Coach Reveals the Problem Has ‘Nothing to Do with Sex’ as He Helps Struggling Men Navigate Dependency in Lockdown
Chris Sweeney | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Porn Addiction Coach Reveals the Problem Has ‘Nothing to Do with Sex’ as He Helps Struggling Men Navigate Dependency in Lockdown)
Big Tech and Big Pharma Merge: Oracle Takes Over Vaccine Data World
Jay Hawker | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Big Tech and Big Pharma Merge: Oracle Takes Over Vaccine Data World)
Big Pharma’s Finest Hour?
Nick Dearden | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Big Pharma’s Finest Hour?)
Chomsky and Prashad: Three Major Threats to Life on Earth That We Must Address in 2021
Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Chomsky and Prashad: Three Major Threats to Life on Earth That We Must Address in 2021)
Wednesday’s Other Story
Matt Taibbi | TK News - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 11th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Wednesday’s Other Story)
We Need to Rethink the Concept of Genocide
Philippe Sands | Aljazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on We Need to Rethink the Concept of Genocide)
The New Elite: Dark Nights Rising
Thomas Klikauer & Nadine Campbell | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on The New Elite: Dark Nights Rising)
How the Wealthy World Has Failed Poor Countries during the Pandemic
Peter S. Goodman | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2020 ( Comments Off on How the Wealthy World Has Failed Poor Countries during the Pandemic)
New Documents Show Mueller Investigation Unable to Concoct Charges against Assange and WikiLeaks
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2020 ( Comments Off on New Documents Show Mueller Investigation Unable to Concoct Charges against Assange and WikiLeaks)
Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored by The Intercept
Glenn Greenwald | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
“Nineteen Eighty-Four” or “Brave New World”?
Prof. Ruel F. Pepa | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 2nd, 2020 ( Comments Off on “Nineteen Eighty-Four” or “Brave New World”?)
The Global Takeover Is Underway
Joseph Mercola, MD - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 2nd, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Global Takeover Is Underway)
Dystopian Plagues and Fascist Politics in the Age of Trump: Finding Hope in the Darkness
Henry A. Giroux | Salon - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 26th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Dystopian Plagues and Fascist Politics in the Age of Trump: Finding Hope in the Darkness)
The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
Gabriel Rockhill | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 26th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
Asking for the Impossible, and Recognizing the Fact
Björn Lindgren – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 12th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Asking for the Impossible, and Recognizing the Fact)
A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair
Naomi Klein | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 5th, 2020 ( Comments Off on A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair)
MI6’s “Man of Mystery” Is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 5th, 2020 ( Comments Off on MI6’s “Man of Mystery” Is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed)
Iran’s Increasing Reliance on China
Niranjan Jose | Middle East Monitor - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 7th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Iran’s Increasing Reliance on China)
Conspiracy Theories about Covid-19 Vaccines May Prevent Herd Immunity
The Economist - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2020 ( Comments Off on Conspiracy Theories about Covid-19 Vaccines May Prevent Herd Immunity)
In Defence of Conspiracy Theories (and Why the Term Is a Misnomer)
David Coady | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2020 ( Comments Off on In Defence of Conspiracy Theories (and Why the Term Is a Misnomer))
There’s a Conspiracy Theory That the CIA Invented the Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Here’s why
Michael Butter | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2020 ( Comments Off on There’s a Conspiracy Theory That the CIA Invented the Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Here’s why)
In Act of High Seas Piracy, US Hijacks Iranian Oil Bound for Venezuela
Bill Van Auken | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2020 ( Comments Off on In Act of High Seas Piracy, US Hijacks Iranian Oil Bound for Venezuela)
A Buddhist Socialist Peaceable Kingdom
Stefan Schindler – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on A Buddhist Socialist Peaceable Kingdom)
Brief against FCC on 5G and Wireless Harms: Submitted!
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr | Children’s Health Defense – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on Brief against FCC on 5G and Wireless Harms: Submitted!)
Trump’s Harsh Sanctions Lead to Iran-China Partnership
Marjorie Cohn | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
U.S. Approves $620 Million Missile Upgrade Package for Taiwan
Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
Sabotage, Sanctions and the Bullying of Iran Is Bound to Backfire on the West
Simon Tisdall | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Sabotage, Sanctions and the Bullying of Iran Is Bound to Backfire on the West)
Key US Allies, Kosovars Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme
Nicolas J S Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Key US Allies, Kosovars Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme)
Bill Gates — Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?
Dr. Joseph Mercola - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Bill Gates — Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?)
Heart-Centered Rationality and the Peaceable Kingdom
Stefan Schindler – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Heart-Centered Rationality and the Peaceable Kingdom)
Development Banks Funding Industrial Farms around the World
Andrew Wasley and Alexandra Heal | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 6th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Development Banks Funding Industrial Farms around the World)
Perpetuated Insanity against Besieged Humanity: Racial Injustice, Kashmir and Palestine – Dark Days Ahead
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 6th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Perpetuated Insanity against Besieged Humanity: Racial Injustice, Kashmir and Palestine – Dark Days Ahead)
Must the United States Demonise China?
Alex Lo | South China Morning Post – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Must the United States Demonise China?)
Affluence Is Killing the Planet
Thomas Wiedmann, Julia K. Steinberger and Manfred Lenzen | The Ecologist - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Affluence Is Killing the Planet)
Intimidation and Suppression of Inconvenient Knowledge
John Stone | Children's Health Defense - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Intimidation and Suppression of Inconvenient Knowledge)
‘Unacceptable Threat’ and ‘Provocation’: European Nations Fume after US Pulls Out of Talks on Global Digital Tax
RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 22nd, 2020 ( Comments Off on ‘Unacceptable Threat’ and ‘Provocation’: European Nations Fume after US Pulls Out of Talks on Global Digital Tax)
Child Labor – Facts and Figures
ILO-International Labour Organization | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 15th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Child Labor – Facts and Figures)
As US Protests Show, the Challenge Is How to Rise Above the Violence Inherent in State Power
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 8th, 2020 ( Comments Off on As US Protests Show, the Challenge Is How to Rise Above the Violence Inherent in State Power)
Julian Assange Unable to Attend Court Hearing Due to Illness as Legal Travesty Continues
Thomas Scripps | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 8th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Julian Assange Unable to Attend Court Hearing Due to Illness as Legal Travesty Continues)
In the West: Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 ( Comments Off on In the West: Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!)
Why Iran’s Fuel Tankers for Venezuela Are Sending Shudders Through Washington
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 ( 2 Comments »)
Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis
Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
Ethics and Governance for Digital Disease Surveillance
Michelle M. Mello and C. Jason Wang | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Ethics and Governance for Digital Disease Surveillance)
First Iranian Fuel Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Waters without US Interference
Reuters | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 ( Comments Off on First Iranian Fuel Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Waters without US Interference)
New Leadership for a New Normal
Andre Sheldon | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 ( Comments Off on New Leadership for a New Normal)
Prostitution, the Sex Trade, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Melissa Farley | Logos Journal - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Prostitution, the Sex Trade, and the COVID-19 Pandemic)
COVID-19 Has Blown Away the Myth about ‘First’ and ‘Third’ World Competence
Steven Friedman | The Conversation – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 ( Comments Off on COVID-19 Has Blown Away the Myth about ‘First’ and ‘Third’ World Competence)
The Race to Replace a Dying Neoliberalism
Walden Bello | Foreign Policy In Focus - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
From Plague to Plaque?
Peter Nias – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 ( Comments Off on From Plague to Plaque?)
The Lessons We Learned from the Tiny Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2
Prof. Piero P. Giorgi - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Lessons We Learned from the Tiny Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2)
Naomi Klein: How Big Tech Plans to Profit from the Pandemic
Naomi Klein | The Intercept/The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
Bobby Sands Died in Prison 39 Years Ago–Julian Assange Is His Modern Equivalent and One Day Will also Be Hailed as a Martyr
Chris Sweeney | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Bobby Sands Died in Prison 39 Years Ago–Julian Assange Is His Modern Equivalent and One Day Will also Be Hailed as a Martyr)
Read the Services Agreement between the Venezuelan Opposition and Silvercorp against Maduro
The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Read the Services Agreement between the Venezuelan Opposition and Silvercorp against Maduro)
The Decapitation Effect
Martin Sieff | Strategic Culture Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Decapitation Effect)
Arundhati Roy: ‘The Pandemic Is a Portal’
Arundhati Roy | Financial Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Arundhati Roy: ‘The Pandemic Is a Portal’)
COVID-19 Crisis: Crime, Poverty and the Need to Evolve Social Security
Hassanal Noor Rashid | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on COVID-19 Crisis: Crime, Poverty and the Need to Evolve Social Security)
Of Beards and Bubonic Plague: German Village Prays for a (2nd) Miracle
Katrin Bennhold | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Humanity
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 ( Comments Off on COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Humanity)
COVID-19: How Much Is It Worth to Save the Elderly?
Sarah Edmonds | News Decoder - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
Last Night Julian Assange Called Me. Here Is What We Talked About
Yanis Varoufakis - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
When Economists Try to Solve Health Crises, the Results Can Often Be Disastrous
Justin Podur | Independent Media Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 ( Comments Off on When Economists Try to Solve Health Crises, the Results Can Often Be Disastrous)
War and Warming
Nathan Albright | Voices for Creative Nonviolence - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 ( Comments Off on War and Warming)
China Locked in Hybrid War with US
Pepe Escobar - Global Researcj
March 23rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on China Locked in Hybrid War with US)
The Graveyard Talks Back: Arundhati Roy on Fiction in the Time of Fake News
Arundhati Roy | Literary Hub – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 16th, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Graveyard Talks Back: Arundhati Roy on Fiction in the Time of Fake News)
Were He Alive Today, Socrates Would Die of Sadness
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 ( Comments Off on Were He Alive Today, Socrates Would Die of Sadness)
Conspiracy Theories, Fake News & Information Warfare
Uriel Araujo | OneWorld – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 ( Comments Off on Conspiracy Theories, Fake News & Information Warfare)
Munich Conference Reveals East-West Divide
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
February 24th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Munich Conference Reveals East-West Divide)
The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 ( Comments Off on The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court)
‘Try to Stop Me’ – The Mantra of Our Leaders Who Are Now Ruling with Impunity
George Monbiot – The Guardian
February 10th, 2020 ( Comments Off on ‘Try to Stop Me’ – The Mantra of Our Leaders Who Are Now Ruling with Impunity)
Can the U.S. and Iran Avoid a Disastrous Collision?
Prabir Purkayastha | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Can the U.S. and Iran Avoid a Disastrous Collision?)
The Disaster of Utopian Engineering
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 3rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Disaster of Utopian Engineering)
2020: Deepening the Clarification
Editorial | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 3rd, 2020 ( Comments Off on 2020: Deepening the Clarification)
One World Digital Dictatorship
Soren Korsgaard | Crime and Power – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 ( Comments Off on One World Digital Dictatorship)
2020 Edelman Trust Barometer
Edelman Intelligence – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 ( Comments Off on 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer)
Cambridge Analytica and the End of Elections
Nanjala Nyabola – Al Jazeera
January 27th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Cambridge Analytica and the End of Elections)
Reconciling Dr. King’s 1968 Dream and Our 2020 Nightmare
Bob Hennelly | Salon – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Reconciling Dr. King’s 1968 Dream and Our 2020 Nightmare)
Iran Jet Disaster Setup
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich and Finian Cunningham | Sputnik – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 ( 1 Comment »)
The Prosecution of Julian Assange, the Destruction of Legality and the Rise of the National Security State
Richard Hoffman | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on The Prosecution of Julian Assange, the Destruction of Legality and the Rise of the National Security State)
A World Dividing: The International Implications of the Sino-American Rift
Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. | Quincy Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 ( Comments Off on A World Dividing: The International Implications of the Sino-American Rift)
The Lies That Are Used for Denying the Legitimacy of Crimea’s Breakaway Vote
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Lies That Are Used for Denying the Legitimacy of Crimea’s Breakaway Vote)
Why Climate Change Is an Irrelevance, Economic Growth Is a Myth and Sustainability Is Forty Years Too Late
Kevin Casey | Global Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Christianity, Imperialism, Capitalism: Christian Dogma Should Be Questioned
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on Christianity, Imperialism, Capitalism: Christian Dogma Should Be Questioned)
We’ve Been Epsteined! The Death of the “Conspiracy Theorist” Label
James Grundvig | Vaxxter – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on We’ve Been Epsteined! The Death of the “Conspiracy Theorist” Label)
Hope Lies in the Streets
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on Hope Lies in the Streets)
Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow)
Julian Assange: An Appeal from International Lawyers
Fredrik S. Heffermehl – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 ( 3 Comments »)
An Open Letter from Doctors: Julian Assange “Could Die in Prison”
WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on An Open Letter from Doctors: Julian Assange “Could Die in Prison”)
The Lies about Assange Must Stop Now
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Groundswell of Support for WikiLeaks Publisher Julian Assange
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on Groundswell of Support for WikiLeaks Publisher Julian Assange)
China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium
F. William Engdahl | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium)
Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing
George Galloway - RT
November 18th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing)
Death by Oligarchy
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Death by Oligarchy)
Hollow Promises of a Better Life: Modern-Day Slavery
Kyodo News | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Hollow Promises of a Better Life: Modern-Day Slavery)
By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS
Dan Cohen | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS)
Caliph Closure: ‘He Died Like a Dog’
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
November 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Caliph Closure: ‘He Died Like a Dog’)
The Pathocracy of the Deep State: Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government
John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Pathocracy of the Deep State: Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government)
Securing US Interests through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Securing US Interests through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia)
The Age of Radical Evil
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Age of Radical Evil)
The Neo-Liberal Project in the World and in Brazil Is Anti-Life and the Enemy of Nature
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Neo-Liberal Project in the World and in Brazil Is Anti-Life and the Enemy of Nature)
The Balkanization of the World
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Balkanization of the World)
Saving the Planet Means Overthrowing the Ruling Elites
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
China Defies Trump on Iran Big Time with $400 bn Belt-and-Road Investment and 5000 Red Army Troops
Juan Cole | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 ( Comments Off on China Defies Trump on Iran Big Time with $400 bn Belt-and-Road Investment and 5000 Red Army Troops)
Burning Down the House
John Feffer | Foreign Policy In Focus – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 9th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Burning Down the House)
When Pyromaniacs Lead, the World Burns
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera
September 2nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on When Pyromaniacs Lead, the World Burns)
G7: An Obsolete, Useless Talking Shop
Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 ( Comments Off on G7: An Obsolete, Useless Talking Shop)
Here Are Five Lies about Iran That We Need to Refute to Stop another Illegal War
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept
August 19th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Here Are Five Lies about Iran That We Need to Refute to Stop another Illegal War)
Cuban Compassion: Training Doctors for a Pacific Island Nation Running Out of Time
Robert Huish and Sharon McLennan – The Conversation
August 5th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Killer Clowns
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Killer Clowns)
In Joyful Act of Resistance, Pink Seesaws Installed at US-Mexico Border Fence
Jenna McGuire – Common Dreams
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on In Joyful Act of Resistance, Pink Seesaws Installed at US-Mexico Border Fence)
March of the Uyghurs
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on March of the Uyghurs)
America and Pakistan in Search of Peace and Conflict Resolution
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 29th, 2019 ( Comments Off on America and Pakistan in Search of Peace and Conflict Resolution)
NSA Whistleblower Speaks about Julian Assange & the ‘Shadow Government’
Arjun Walia | Collective Evolution – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 29th, 2019 ( Comments Off on NSA Whistleblower Speaks about Julian Assange & the ‘Shadow Government’)
Privatization Increases Corruption
Jomo Kwame Sundaram | IPS/Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 29th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Privatization Increases Corruption)
The Rise of Corporate Nations
Lorenzo Marsili – Al Jazeera
July 22nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Rise of Corporate Nations)
Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth
Pepe Escobar | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth)
And Ye Shall Inherit the Whirlwind or Learn to Live in Gratitude and Grace (Parts 1 to 3)
Stefan Schindler | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2019 ( Comments Off on And Ye Shall Inherit the Whirlwind or Learn to Live in Gratitude and Grace (Parts 1 to 3))
Monsters Walk the Earth. Why These Three Countries Are the Real Troika of Evil
Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Monsters Walk the Earth. Why These Three Countries Are the Real Troika of Evil)
Global Peace and Security: World Leaders Betray the Canons of Truth, Wisdom and Humanity
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Tom Paine, Christianity, and Modern Psychiatry
Bruce E. Levine - CounterPunch
June 17th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Tom Paine, Christianity, and Modern Psychiatry)
UN Expert Criticizes States for ‘Ganging Up’ on WikiLeaks’ Assange; Warns against Extradition, Fearing ‘Serious’ Rights Violations
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 3rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on UN Expert Criticizes States for ‘Ganging Up’ on WikiLeaks’ Assange; Warns against Extradition, Fearing ‘Serious’ Rights Violations)
Findings of Torture: The UN Rapporteur and Julian Assange
Dr. Binoy Kampmark – Global Research
June 3rd, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 3rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law)
John Pilger Speaks Out: “Today It’s Julian Assange, Tomorrow It Could Be You”
World Socialist Website – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 3rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on John Pilger Speaks Out: “Today It’s Julian Assange, Tomorrow It Could Be You”)
Assange: The Missing Step
Amb. Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Assange: The Missing Step)
How the West’s War in Libya Has Spurred Terrorism in 14 Countries
Mark Curtis – Middle East Eye
May 13th, 2019 ( Comments Off on How the West’s War in Libya Has Spurred Terrorism in 14 Countries)
Kim-Putin Summit Reaffirms Onset of Multipolar Future
John Wight - RT
April 29th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Kim-Putin Summit Reaffirms Onset of Multipolar Future)
A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – Global Research
April 22nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future)
Don’t Blame Sharia for Islamic Extremism – Blame Colonialism
Mark Fathi Massoud – The Conversation
April 15th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Don’t Blame Sharia for Islamic Extremism – Blame Colonialism)
Global Peace and Security: Why Wars on Humanity?
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 15th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Global Peace and Security: Why Wars on Humanity?)
Trump Ally Erik Prince’s Company Expands to another Country Allegedly Committing Human Rights Violations: Myanmar
Cristina Maza - Newsweek
March 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Trump Ally Erik Prince’s Company Expands to another Country Allegedly Committing Human Rights Violations: Myanmar)
Multilateralism: A Testimony
Ambassador Idriss Jazairy and Roberto Savio| Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 18th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Multilateralism: A Testimony)
Trump Has Turned Foreign Aid into Shabby Political Theatre
Peter Beaumont - The Guardian
March 4th, 2019 ( 2 Comments »)
Migrant Crisis in Europe? Look at Yemen
Helen Lackner | Open Democracy – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Migrant Crisis in Europe? Look at Yemen)
Laughing All the Way to Autocracy
Rudolph Herzog – Foreign Policy
February 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Laughing All the Way to Autocracy)
A World Party
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on A World Party)
Hate-Fest in Warsaw
Eric Margolis – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Hate-Fest in Warsaw)
How Come the World Is Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 25th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Worshipping the Electronic Image
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Worshipping the Electronic Image)
When the Vessel Is Sinking
Federico Mayor Zaragoza | Other News – Human Wrongs Watch
February 11th, 2019 ( Comments Off on When the Vessel Is Sinking)
Geopolitical Provocations for 2019
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 11th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Geopolitical Provocations for 2019)
Leaked WikiLeaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons
Whitney Webb – MintPress News
February 11th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Leaked WikiLeaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons)
US Sanctions as a Tool to Perpetuate Neocolonialism
Nauman Sadiq – Global Research
February 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on US Sanctions as a Tool to Perpetuate Neocolonialism)
Corruption Perceptions Index 2018 Shows Anti-Corruption Efforts Stalled in Most Countries
Transparency International – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Corruption Perceptions Index 2018 Shows Anti-Corruption Efforts Stalled in Most Countries)
The Private Wealth within Nations, Now and in the Future
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Private Wealth within Nations, Now and in the Future)
Privatization Is at Core of Fascism
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 28th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Privatization Is at Core of Fascism)
Confronting the Culture of Death
Chris Hedges – Truthdig
January 28th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Confronting the Culture of Death)
How Bill Browder Became Russia’s Most Wanted Man
Joshua Yaffa – The New Yorker
January 28th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Is U.S. Hubris Taking the World to the Edge?
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 21st, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Global Wars and Peace: Insanity against Humanity – What Next?
Mahboob A Khawaja, PhD. – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 14th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Global Wars and Peace: Insanity against Humanity – What Next?)
UNESCO Should Cry No Tears over Israel’s Departure
Dr Daud Abdullah – Middle East Monitor
January 7th, 2019 ( Comments Off on UNESCO Should Cry No Tears over Israel’s Departure)
Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted
Joe Lauria – Consortium News
January 7th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted)