Archive for the category ‘PALESTINE – ISRAEL’

List of Palestinians [and Israelis] Killed between Oct. 1 and Dec. 18, 2015
Celine Hagbard – International Middle East Media Center
December 28th, 2015 ( Comments Off on List of Palestinians [and Israelis] Killed between Oct. 1 and Dec. 18, 2015)
As the World Debates Syria, Palestine’s Ignominy Continues in Silence
Ben Morris – CounterPunch
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on As the World Debates Syria, Palestine’s Ignominy Continues in Silence)
Kerry Questions What Israel’s Policy Really Is
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Kerry Questions What Israel’s Policy Really Is)
University of Barcelona Announces Official Boycott of Israeli Occupation
The Palestinian Information Center – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on University of Barcelona Announces Official Boycott of Israeli Occupation)
Israeli Army Launches Limited Incursion into Blockaded Gaza
The Palestinian Information Center – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israeli Army Launches Limited Incursion into Blockaded Gaza)
Finally, the EU Stages an Israel Intervention
Rachel Shabi – Al Jazeera
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Finally, the EU Stages an Israel Intervention)
Back to Basics: Clearing the Fog of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Sami Al-Arian – CounterPunch
December 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Back to Basics: Clearing the Fog of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict)
American Anthropologists Vote to Boycott Israel
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on American Anthropologists Vote to Boycott Israel)
Like the Germans, Israeli Jews Don’t Want to Know about Persecuted People
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Like the Germans, Israeli Jews Don’t Want to Know about Persecuted People)
Academics and Israel
The Irish Times – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Academics and Israel)
U.S. Union Support for Palestinian Rights Could Be a Game Changer
Stanley Heller - Truthdig
November 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on U.S. Union Support for Palestinian Rights Could Be a Game Changer)
5 Reasons That I’m a Christian Who Stopped Supporting Israel
Benjamin L. Corey, Patheos – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on 5 Reasons That I’m a Christian Who Stopped Supporting Israel)
Sorry, JK Rowling, You’re Wrong over the Israel Boycott
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Sorry, JK Rowling, You’re Wrong over the Israel Boycott)
Israel Will Imprison Stone-Throwers for 3 Years, Strip Them or Their Parents of Social Security
Justin Salhani – ThinkProgress
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Will Imprison Stone-Throwers for 3 Years, Strip Them or Their Parents of Social Security)
Netanyahu, War Crimes and the Future of Palestinian State
Iqbal Alimohamed – Oriental Review
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Netanyahu, War Crimes and the Future of Palestinian State)
Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village of Al Araqib — For the 90th Time!
Avi Blecherman - +972 Magazine
November 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village of Al Araqib — For the 90th Time!)
The Tide Is Turning against Zionist Extremism
Mark LeVine – Al Jazeera
October 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Tide Is Turning against Zionist Extremism)
See Jerusalem through Palestinian Eyes
Yousef Munayyer – Al Jazeera
October 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on See Jerusalem through Palestinian Eyes)
IDF Punish Families of Attackers by Destroying Their Homes
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on IDF Punish Families of Attackers by Destroying Their Homes)
Palestinians Must Not Fall into This Trap, Again!
Sam Bahour – Open Democracy
October 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Palestinians Must Not Fall into This Trap, Again!)
Missing the Target, Forgetting the Point, Forgetting the Profession
Dr Paola Manduca – Middle East Monitor
October 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Missing the Target, Forgetting the Point, Forgetting the Profession)
Netanyahu’s Real Message Was to Israel’s Jews: “Talk Peace but Prepare for Doomsday”
Alan Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Netanyahu’s Real Message Was to Israel’s Jews: “Talk Peace but Prepare for Doomsday”)
How US Colleges Have Become Ground Zero for Suppression of Palestine Solidarity
Sarah Lazare – Common Dreams
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on How US Colleges Have Become Ground Zero for Suppression of Palestine Solidarity)
In Gaza, No Figures Can Express the Sorrow
International Solidarity Movement - Global Research
October 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on In Gaza, No Figures Can Express the Sorrow)
The ‘New Antisemitism’
Antony Lerman – Open Democracy
October 5th, 2015 ( 1 Comment »)
Israel Shows the Way in the Global Pacification Industry
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Shows the Way in the Global Pacification Industry)
Iceland’s Capital Bans All Israeli Products
Itamar Eichner – Ynet News
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Iceland’s Capital Bans All Israeli Products)
33 Years After the Sabra-Shatila Massacre Takfiri Calls for “Intifada!” Waft from Lebanon’s Camps
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on 33 Years After the Sabra-Shatila Massacre Takfiri Calls for “Intifada!” Waft from Lebanon’s Camps)
Mordechai Vanunu: What the World Needs to Know about Israel’s Nuclear Whistle-blower
Eileen Fleming – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2015 ( 2 Comments »)
Israel’s Likud Troika: Burying the Oslo ‘Peace Process’
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 14th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel’s Likud Troika: Burying the Oslo ‘Peace Process’)
Gaza Could Become Uninhabitable in Less Than Five Years Due to Ongoing ‘De-Development’– UN Report
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gaza Could Become Uninhabitable in Less Than Five Years Due to Ongoing ‘De-Development’– UN Report)
Children of the Occupation
Gideon Levy – Middle East Eye
September 7th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Children of the Occupation)
World Health Organization Verdict on Health Care in Gaza
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2015 ( Comments Off on World Health Organization Verdict on Health Care in Gaza)
To Go Wide or Deep – Women’s Peace Work
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2015 ( Comments Off on To Go Wide or Deep – Women’s Peace Work)
Anonymous Hacks Israeli Government, Officials Blame Hamas, So They Hack Again to Prove It Was Them
Zeidy David – Counter Current News
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Anonymous Hacks Israeli Government, Officials Blame Hamas, So They Hack Again to Prove It Was Them)
Leading Israeli Journalist Says Israel Is an Apartheid State
Ben Norton, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Leading Israeli Journalist Says Israel Is an Apartheid State)
The Doctor Who Dared to Come Out Against a Torturous Law
Gideon Levy, Ha’aretz – Jews For Justice For Palestinians
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Doctor Who Dared to Come Out Against a Torturous Law)
Outrage at Israeli Plan to Build on Historic Muslim Cemetery
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Outrage at Israeli Plan to Build on Historic Muslim Cemetery)
Why Israel Is Suddenly Owning Up to Its Terrorism
Daoud Kuttab – Al Jazeera
August 10th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why Israel Is Suddenly Owning Up to Its Terrorism)
Advice to EU: Differentiate Israel from Settlements
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Advice to EU: Differentiate Israel from Settlements)
The Logic of Illogic: Narrow Self-Interest Keeps Israel’s “Existential Threats” Alive
Andrew Levine – CounterPunch
August 3rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Logic of Illogic: Narrow Self-Interest Keeps Israel’s “Existential Threats” Alive)
Israel Sees Nazism in Mirror it Mistakes for Window
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 27th, 2015 ( 1 Comment »)
If the ‘Product’ Is Wrong, a Rebrand Won’t Help Israel
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 13th, 2015 ( Comments Off on If the ‘Product’ Is Wrong, a Rebrand Won’t Help Israel)
UN Gaza Report Part I: War Crimes during Israel’s 51-Day Assault on Gaza
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 6th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UN Gaza Report Part I: War Crimes during Israel’s 51-Day Assault on Gaza)
UN Gaza Report Part II: Israel’s Counterinsuurgency Apologist, Colonel Richard Kemp
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 6th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UN Gaza Report Part II: Israel’s Counterinsuurgency Apologist, Colonel Richard Kemp)
United Church of Christ Votes [80%] to Boycott & Divest from Companies Profiting from Israel’s Occupation
United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 6th, 2015 ( Comments Off on United Church of Christ Votes [80%] to Boycott & Divest from Companies Profiting from Israel’s Occupation)
Gaza-Bound Flotilla Vessel Seized by Israeli Navy
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gaza-Bound Flotilla Vessel Seized by Israeli Navy)
Foreign Investment in Israel Drops by 50%
Jack Moore – Newsweek
June 29th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Foreign Investment in Israel Drops by 50%)
UN Human Rights Council—Report of Independent Commission: Israel’s Ravagement of Gaza
Norman Pollack - CounterPunch
June 29th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UN Human Rights Council—Report of Independent Commission: Israel’s Ravagement of Gaza)
Freedom Flotilla III Leaves Greece for Gaza
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Freedom Flotilla III Leaves Greece for Gaza)
Security Council Action on Gaza War Crimes a Non-Starter
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Security Council Action on Gaza War Crimes a Non-Starter)
Freedom Flotilla Set to Sail to Gaza amid Safety Concerns
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 22nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Freedom Flotilla Set to Sail to Gaza amid Safety Concerns)
BDS Could Cost Israel $4.7 Billion a Year
James North, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 22nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on BDS Could Cost Israel $4.7 Billion a Year)
Israel Govt. Report: BDS Can Devastate Economy
Alternative Information Center – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 22nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Govt. Report: BDS Can Devastate Economy)
White Phosphorous War Crimes Connect Israel to Monsanto
Kit O'Connell – MintPress News
June 22nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on White Phosphorous War Crimes Connect Israel to Monsanto)
The Occupation Is Starting to Become Costly for Israel
Daoud Kuttab – Al Jazeera
June 15th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Occupation Is Starting to Become Costly for Israel)
Fishing and Farming in Gaza Is a Deadly Business
Mel Frykberg, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 15th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Fishing and Farming in Gaza Is a Deadly Business)
“Combat Proven”: The Booming Business of War in Israel
Alex Kane – The Intercept
June 8th, 2015 ( Comments Off on “Combat Proven”: The Booming Business of War in Israel)
Israel’s New Deputy Foreign Minister: ‘This Land Is Ours. All of It Is Ours’
Associated Press – The Guardian
May 25th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel’s New Deputy Foreign Minister: ‘This Land Is Ours. All of It Is Ours’)
‘Any Person You See – Shoot to Kill’: The IDF Doctrine Which Causes the Death of Innocent Palestinians
Ron Zaidel – The Independent
May 25th, 2015 ( Comments Off on ‘Any Person You See – Shoot to Kill’: The IDF Doctrine Which Causes the Death of Innocent Palestinians)
Israel to Force Bedouin Village to Pay for Its Own Demolition
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel to Force Bedouin Village to Pay for Its Own Demolition)
Vatican Recognizes State of Palestine in New Treaty
Nicole Winfield, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Vatican Recognizes State of Palestine in New Treaty)
The Nakba: A Crime Watched, Ignored and Remembered
Ilan Pappe – Middle East Eye
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Nakba: A Crime Watched, Ignored and Remembered)
Israeli Court Says Arab Village Must Make Way for Jewish Town
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israeli Court Says Arab Village Must Make Way for Jewish Town)
Israeli Soldiers Cast Doubt on Legality of Gaza Military Tactics
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian
May 18th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israeli Soldiers Cast Doubt on Legality of Gaza Military Tactics)
New Report Details How Israeli Soldiers Killed Civilians in Gaza: “There Were No Rules”
William Booth – The Washington Post
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on New Report Details How Israeli Soldiers Killed Civilians in Gaza: “There Were No Rules”)
U.S. Reveals It Has Known About Israel’s Nuclear Program for Over 50 Years
The National Security Archive, George Washington University – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2015 ( 2 Comments »)
Ex-U.N. Official John Dugard: Israel’s Crimes Are “Infinitely Worse” Than in Apartheid South Africa
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Ex-U.N. Official John Dugard: Israel’s Crimes Are “Infinitely Worse” Than in Apartheid South Africa)
Protective Edge Assault: IDF Soldiers’ Testimony from Gaza
Breaking the Silence – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Protective Edge Assault: IDF Soldiers’ Testimony from Gaza)
The Day After: The Israeli Defense Forces’ New Tactics
Neve Gordon – London Review of Books
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Day After: The Israeli Defense Forces’ New Tactics)
Criminalizing Palestinian Resistance – Amnesty International: Whitewashing another Massacre
Paul de Rooij - CounterPunch
May 11th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Criminalizing Palestinian Resistance – Amnesty International: Whitewashing another Massacre)
We Cannot Liberate Palestine with Colonized Minds
Haidar Eid - The Electronic Intifada
May 11th, 2015 ( 1 Comment »)
Apartheid and the Palestinian National Struggle
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Apartheid and the Palestinian National Struggle)
Robbie Williams Rocks Tel Aviv and the Boycott
Ewa Jasiewicz – Al Jazeera
April 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Robbie Williams Rocks Tel Aviv and the Boycott)
Church Pushed to Place Itself within BDS Movement
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Church Pushed to Place Itself within BDS Movement)
Weakening and Discrediting the UN: The Mission of Israeli QGOs [Quasi-Government Organizations]
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Weakening and Discrediting the UN: The Mission of Israeli QGOs [Quasi-Government Organizations])
UN Report: 2014 Saw the Most Palestinians Killed by Israel’s Military Since ‘67
Amira Hass – Haaretz
April 13th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UN Report: 2014 Saw the Most Palestinians Killed by Israel’s Military Since ‘67)
The Spiritual Precondition of Peace in Israel-Palestine
Zeki Ergas – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Spiritual Precondition of Peace in Israel-Palestine)
Diary: Israel
Yonatan Mendel – London Review of Books
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Diary: Israel)
Israel’s Threat from Within
Fareed Zakaria – The Washington Post
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel’s Threat from Within)
Why Is Israel So Vulnerable?
Deepak Tripathi – Middle East Eye
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why Is Israel So Vulnerable?)
Statement from the Family of Rachel Corrie on the Twelfth Anniversary of Her Murder by Israelis in Gaza
Rachel Corrie Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Statement from the Family of Rachel Corrie on the Twelfth Anniversary of Her Murder by Israelis in Gaza)
Why I’m Relieved Netanyahu Won
Ali Abunimah – Electronic Intifada
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Why I’m Relieved Netanyahu Won)
Stalking Netanyahu’s Victory: Palestine and Iran
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Stalking Netanyahu’s Victory: Palestine and Iran)
Arab Village Fears Being Wiped Off Israel’s Map
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Arab Village Fears Being Wiped Off Israel’s Map)
Parks and Occupation: Archaeology Is the New Security for East Jerusalem Settlers
Natasha Roth - +972 Magazine
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Parks and Occupation: Archaeology Is the New Security for East Jerusalem Settlers)
Slavoj Žižek: Whither Zionism?
Slavoj Žižek – In These Times
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Slavoj Žižek: Whither Zionism?)
“It’s Ugly, It’s Vicious, It’s Brutal”: Cornel West on Israel in Palestine — And Why Gaza Is “The Hood on Steroids”
David Palumbo-Liu – Salon
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on “It’s Ugly, It’s Vicious, It’s Brutal”: Cornel West on Israel in Palestine — And Why Gaza Is “The Hood on Steroids”)
‘A Consciousness Free of Occupation’: Bil’in Marks 10 Years of Popular Nonviolent Struggle
Haggai Matar - +972 Magazine
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on ‘A Consciousness Free of Occupation’: Bil’in Marks 10 Years of Popular Nonviolent Struggle)
Ohio Students Approve Israel Divestment Vote by Landslide
Nora Barrows-Friedman, Electronic Intifada – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Ohio Students Approve Israel Divestment Vote by Landslide)
The Tax Deductible Occupation
Alex Doherty - TeleSur
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Tax Deductible Occupation)
Children of South Africa’s Liberation Icons Condemn Israeli Apartheid
Pambazuka News – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Children of South Africa’s Liberation Icons Condemn Israeli Apartheid)
How Gazan Natural Gas Became the Epicenter of an International Power Struggle
Michael Schwartz – CounterPunch
March 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on How Gazan Natural Gas Became the Epicenter of an International Power Struggle)
Gaza in Ruins after Receiving Only 5% of Pledged Reconstruction Funds
Ken Klippenstein - Reader Supported News
March 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gaza in Ruins after Receiving Only 5% of Pledged Reconstruction Funds)
Israel Is Galloping to the Next War in Gaza
Gideon Levy – Haaretz
March 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Is Galloping to the Next War in Gaza)
‘100yrs to Repair Gaza’: Oxfam Says Blockade Remains, Aid Almost Non-Existent
Russia Today - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on ‘100yrs to Repair Gaza’: Oxfam Says Blockade Remains, Aid Almost Non-Existent)
Banksy In Gaza: Haunting Images among Ruins of War
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Banksy In Gaza: Haunting Images among Ruins of War)
Gaza Homes Flooded after Israel Unbolts Dam Gates
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Gaza Homes Flooded after Israel Unbolts Dam Gates)
Israel Killed 108 Preschoolers and 19 Babies Last Year According to New Report
Joe Fletcher – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israel Killed 108 Preschoolers and 19 Babies Last Year According to New Report)
Interview with William Schabas, Former Chair, UN Commission of Inquiry for 2014 Israeli Attack on Gaza
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 23rd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Interview with William Schabas, Former Chair, UN Commission of Inquiry for 2014 Israeli Attack on Gaza)
The Truth about West Bank Demolitions
Ben White – Al Jazeera
February 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on The Truth about West Bank Demolitions)
500 Rabbis Urge Israel to Stop Demolition of Palestinian Homes
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on 500 Rabbis Urge Israel to Stop Demolition of Palestinian Homes)
700 British Artists Pledge to Boycott Israel
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 16th, 2015 ( Comments Off on 700 British Artists Pledge to Boycott Israel)
Fighting for Palestine
Hatem Bazian – Al Jazeera
February 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Fighting for Palestine)
University of California Approves Boycotting Israel
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on University of California Approves Boycotting Israel)
UNRWA: The Situation in Gaza Is Worse Than Ever Before
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UNRWA: The Situation in Gaza Is Worse Than Ever Before)
God Promised Antisemitism to the Zionists
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on God Promised Antisemitism to the Zionists)
How Netanyahu’s Policies Are Fueling Anti-Semitism
Alon Ben-Meir – The Huffington Post
January 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on How Netanyahu’s Policies Are Fueling Anti-Semitism)
To Strike or Not to Strike: Israel’s Electoral Calculus
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on To Strike or Not to Strike: Israel’s Electoral Calculus)
Syria Strike Caps Israel’s Provocations in Middle East
Chris Marsden, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Syria Strike Caps Israel’s Provocations in Middle East)
Israeli Think-Tank Holds Anti-BDS ‘Hackathon’
Ben White – Middle East Monitor
January 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Israeli Think-Tank Holds Anti-BDS ‘Hackathon’)
ICC Opens Initial Probe into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories
Jonathan Lis and The Associated Press - Haaretz
January 19th, 2015 ( Comments Off on ICC Opens Initial Probe into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories)
Palestine Recognizes ICC Jurisdiction for Period Covering Gaza War
Ma’an News Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Palestine Recognizes ICC Jurisdiction for Period Covering Gaza War)
Palestine Joins the International Criminal Court
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 12th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Palestine Joins the International Criminal Court)
When Will Palestinians Learn? Turning to International Law Isn’t the Answer — Just Ask America and Israel
Robert Fisk – The Independent
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on When Will Palestinians Learn? Turning to International Law Isn’t the Answer — Just Ask America and Israel)
U.S. Twists Arms to Help Defeat Resolution on Palestine
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on U.S. Twists Arms to Help Defeat Resolution on Palestine)
For the Occupied and Oppressed Palestinians UN Means Useless Nations
Alan Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on For the Occupied and Oppressed Palestinians UN Means Useless Nations)
A Gazan’s Wishes for 2015
Alaa Radwan, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Medi a Service
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on A Gazan’s Wishes for 2015)
UN Security Council Rejects Resolution on Palestinian State
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on UN Security Council Rejects Resolution on Palestinian State)
Palestinians Granted Observer Status at International Criminal Court
JNS-Jewish and Israel News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Palestinians Granted Observer Status at International Criminal Court)
Disdain and Belligerence Define IDF Leaders’ View of Palestinians
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Disdain and Belligerence Define IDF Leaders’ View of Palestinians)
Israel Approves 380 New East Jerusalem Settler Homes
Agence France-Presse – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Approves 380 New East Jerusalem Settler Homes)
More Than 220 Ukrainian Jewish Immigrants Land in Occupied Palestine
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on More Than 220 Ukrainian Jewish Immigrants Land in Occupied Palestine)
Gaza: One War, One Family. Five Children, Four Dead
Sarah Helm - Newsweek
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Gaza: One War, One Family. Five Children, Four Dead)
Hamas Calls for EU Talks after Court Ruling
Andrew Rettman, EUObserver – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Hamas Calls for EU Talks after Court Ruling)
Netanyahu: Weak against Hamas, Strong against Europe
Barak Ravid - Haaretz
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Netanyahu: Weak against Hamas, Strong against Europe)
The US Feels the Heat on Palestine Vote at UN
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on The US Feels the Heat on Palestine Vote at UN)
Alkarama Human Rights Award to Shireen Issawi
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Alkarama Human Rights Award to Shireen Issawi)
Antisemitism and Criticism of Israel Not the Same Thing
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Antisemitism and Criticism of Israel Not the Same Thing)
Despite Pressure from U.S. and Israel, Switzerland to Hold Summit on Palestinians
Barak Ravid - Haaretz
December 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Despite Pressure from U.S. and Israel, Switzerland to Hold Summit on Palestinians)
Major BDS Win: Elbit Loses Brazil Deal
The Alternative Information Center – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Major BDS Win: Elbit Loses Brazil Deal)
Norwegian Doctor: Israel Used New Type of Weapon in Gaza
Medics Charity – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Norwegian Doctor: Israel Used New Type of Weapon in Gaza)
Jim Crow Laws That Govern Palestinian Life
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Jim Crow Laws That Govern Palestinian Life)
Thinking Outside the Oslo Box
Mark LeVine & Mathias Mossberg – Al Jazeera America
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Thinking Outside the Oslo Box)
No Exit in Gaza – Broken Homes and Broken Lives
Jen Marlowe - TomDispatch
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on No Exit in Gaza – Broken Homes and Broken Lives)
Boycott Coca-Cola
US Palestinian Community Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Boycott Coca-Cola)
Zionists Throw Themselves onto the Messianic Wagon
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Zionists Throw Themselves onto the Messianic Wagon)
“Judeo-Nazism” and the Prospects for a Comprehensive Agreement with Iran
Alan Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on “Judeo-Nazism” and the Prospects for a Comprehensive Agreement with Iran)
Israel’s Worst Fear: A Political Settlement
Matt Peppe - CounterPunch
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel’s Worst Fear: A Political Settlement)
“Eternal, Undivided Jewish Capital”? – A Brief History of Jerusalem
Gary Leupp - CounterPunch
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on “Eternal, Undivided Jewish Capital”? – A Brief History of Jerusalem)
I Support Israel’s National Bill
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on I Support Israel’s National Bill)
Gaza 2014 Compilation
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Gaza 2014 Compilation)
The ‘Nation-State’ Bill: Jews Should Know Exactly Where It Leads
Daniel Blatman – Information Clearing House
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on The ‘Nation-State’ Bill: Jews Should Know Exactly Where It Leads)
The Battle for Jerusalem
David Hearst – Huffington Post
December 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Battle for Jerusalem)
Israeli Cabinet Approves Legislation Defining Nation-State of Jewish People
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israeli Cabinet Approves Legislation Defining Nation-State of Jewish People)
In Israel, Only Jewish Blood Shocks Anyone
Gideon Levy, Haaretz – Reader Supported News
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on In Israel, Only Jewish Blood Shocks Anyone)
John Kerry Conducted a Theatre of the Absurd in Amman
Mazin Qumsiyeh – Middle East Eye
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on John Kerry Conducted a Theatre of the Absurd in Amman)
Israel Refuses to Cooperate with UN Gaza Probe
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Refuses to Cooperate with UN Gaza Probe)
Map: The Countries That Recognize Palestine as a State
Ishaan Tharoor – The Washington Post
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Map: The Countries That Recognize Palestine as a State)
SodaStream to Close Illegal Settlement Factory in Response to Growing Boycott Campaign
Palestinian BDS National Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on SodaStream to Close Illegal Settlement Factory in Response to Growing Boycott Campaign)
Two Interviews [of mine] on Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Two Interviews [of mine] on Palestine)
Israel Bans Norwegian Doctor Mads Gilbert from Gaza
BBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 17th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Bans Norwegian Doctor Mads Gilbert from Gaza)
The Day LBJ Ordered Cover-Up of Israeli Attack on US Ship
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 10th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Day LBJ Ordered Cover-Up of Israeli Attack on US Ship)
Israeli Ministers Pass Bill Jailing Stone Throwers for 20 Years
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israeli Ministers Pass Bill Jailing Stone Throwers for 20 Years)
Segregating the Evening Commute to the West Bank
Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man - +972 Magazine
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Segregating the Evening Commute to the West Bank)
The Fizz Is Going Out of SodaStream as Boycott Shakes It Up
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Fizz Is Going Out of SodaStream as Boycott Shakes It Up)
Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses
Ben Norton – CounterPunch
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses)
A Small Band of Activists Is Humiliating an Israeli Shipping Giant
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept
November 3rd, 2014 ( Comments Off on A Small Band of Activists Is Humiliating an Israeli Shipping Giant)
Anti-Assad Warmongers Drag in the Holocaust
Maidhc Ó Cathail, The Passionate Attachment – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 27th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Anti-Assad Warmongers Drag in the Holocaust)
Under Cover of Reconstruction, UN and PA Become Enforcers of Israel’s Gaza Siege
Ali Abunimah – The Electronic Intifada
October 20th, 2014 ( 2 Comments »)
Amira Hass Banned from Bir Zeit University
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Servicce
October 20th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
How Western Governments Have Failed Palestinian Children
Roger Waters – The Huffington Post
October 20th, 2014 ( Comments Off on How Western Governments Have Failed Palestinian Children)
Cycle of Death, Destruction and Rebuilding Continues in Gaza
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 20th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Cycle of Death, Destruction and Rebuilding Continues in Gaza)
EU Bans Import of Israeli Dairy Products Made in Palestine
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 13th, 2014 ( Comments Off on EU Bans Import of Israeli Dairy Products Made in Palestine)
Did Israel Commit Genocide in Gaza?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 13th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Did Israel Commit Genocide in Gaza?)
Israel Starts Building 600 New Settlement Houses
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 13th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Starts Building 600 New Settlement Houses)
Israel’s Occupation Is More Complex Than a Genocide
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 13th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel’s Occupation Is More Complex Than a Genocide)
Israeli Occupation’s Dark Underbelly Exposed
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israeli Occupation’s Dark Underbelly Exposed)
Gaza and the ‘Crime of Crimes’
Ronnie Kasrils – Al Jazeera
September 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Gaza and the ‘Crime of Crimes’)
Palestine: Israel’s Arms Testing Lab
Dr. Elias Akleh - CounterCurrents
September 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Palestine: Israel’s Arms Testing Lab)
Fatah and Hamas Agree Deal for Unity Government to Take Control of Gaza
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian
September 29th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
Hannibal ad Portas
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Hannibal ad Portas)
Israelis: Stop Swimming in Our Shit! – Destroying Gaza’s Water System
Sam Bahour - CounterPunch
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israelis: Stop Swimming in Our Shit! – Destroying Gaza’s Water System)
What I Saw and Experienced In Gaza
Mustafa Barghouti – Palestine Solidarity Campaign
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on What I Saw and Experienced In Gaza)
Breaking the Last Taboo – Gaza and the Threat of World War
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Breaking the Last Taboo – Gaza and the Threat of World War)
Denying Palestinians Their Humanity – A Response to Elie Wiesel
Sara Roy - CounterPunch
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Denying Palestinians Their Humanity – A Response to Elie Wiesel)
Academics and Israel
Johnny E. Williams – CounterPunch
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Academics and Israel)
The Disturbing Story from Within: 43 Israeli Elite Veterans Testify for Palestinians
Meron Rapoport – Middle East Eye
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Disturbing Story from Within: 43 Israeli Elite Veterans Testify for Palestinians)
Israel’s Very Own Tunnels of Dread in Jerusalem
Orly Noy - +972 Magazine
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel’s Very Own Tunnels of Dread in Jerusalem)
Israel Appropriated 1,000 Acres of the West Bank. Why Now?
Dimi Reider, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Ser ice
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Appropriated 1,000 Acres of the West Bank. Why Now?)
How to Boycott Israel: Updated Guidelines for Academics
Ali Abunimah – Electronic Intifada
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on How to Boycott Israel: Updated Guidelines for Academics)
Is Israel Bad for the Jews?
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Is Israel Bad for the Jews?)
Israel to Build 283 Homes on West Bank
Agence France-Presse – The Guardian
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel to Build 283 Homes on West Bank)
Russell Tribunal Session on Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 8th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
Israel Plans Largest West-Bank Settlement Expansion in ’30 Years’
Jeffrey Heller, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israel Plans Largest West-Bank Settlement Expansion in ’30 Years’)
There Can’t Be Peace until Israelis and Palestinians Start Seeing Each Other as Humans
Lucas Bento – Huffington Post
September 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on There Can’t Be Peace until Israelis and Palestinians Start Seeing Each Other as Humans)
The Difference between Children
Gideon Levy – Information Clearing House
September 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Difference between Children)
The Outlaw State of Israel (Part I)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Outlaw State of Israel (Part I))
The Outlaw State of Israel (Part II)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Outlaw State of Israel (Part II))
The Historical Perspective of the 2014 Gaza Massacre
Ilan Pappé – The Plymouth Institute for Peace Research
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Historical Perspective of the 2014 Gaza Massacre)
The Rise of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
Ahmed Moor – Al Jazeera
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Rise of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)
Stalinist Zionism Is No Way to Treat a Friend
Michael Brull – New Matilda
August 25th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Stalinist Zionism Is No Way to Treat a Friend)
SOS! – Hospital Ships Needed to Save Gaza’s Children
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on SOS! – Hospital Ships Needed to Save Gaza’s Children)
225 Jewish Survivors and Descendents of Survivors of Nazi Genocide Condemn the Massacre of Palestinians
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on 225 Jewish Survivors and Descendents of Survivors of Nazi Genocide Condemn the Massacre of Palestinians)
Strange Regional Alignments in the Gaza Massacre
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Strange Regional Alignments in the Gaza Massacre)
Israeli Genocide and its Willing Accomplices
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Israeli Genocide and its Willing Accomplices)
Gaza Homes ‘Uninhabitable’ as Tens of Thousands Come Back to Rubble
Jason Burke in Beit Lahia – The Guardian
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Gaza Homes ‘Uninhabitable’ as Tens of Thousands Come Back to Rubble)
A Repugnant New Form of Fascism: The Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza
Fidel Castro Ruz – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on A Repugnant New Form of Fascism: The Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza)
Hashtag Genocide: Why Gaza Fought Back
Ramzy Baroud – Toward Freedom
August 18th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Hashtag Genocide: Why Gaza Fought Back)