Posts tagged with ‘Brazil’

We Aren’t Terrified Enough about Losing the Amazon
James Temple | MIT Technology Review – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 2nd, 2019 (BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE | Comments Off on We Aren’t Terrified Enough about Losing the Amazon)
GOP Lobbyists Help Brazil Recruit U.S. Companies to Exploit the Amazon
Lee Fang – The Intercept
September 2nd, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT, CAPITALISM, ECONOMICS | Comments Off on GOP Lobbyists Help Brazil Recruit U.S. Companies to Exploit the Amazon)
Leonardo Dicaprio’s Foundation Pledges $5 Million in Aid for Amazon Rainforest Fires
Christopher Brito – CBS News
September 2nd, 2019 (CONFLICT RESOLUTION - MEDIATION, ACTIVISM, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Leonardo Dicaprio’s Foundation Pledges $5 Million in Aid for Amazon Rainforest Fires)
Amazon Fires: Jair Bolsonaro Faces Mounting Political Backlash in Brazil – Even from His Allies
Anthony Pereira – The Conversation
September 2nd, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Amazon Fires: Jair Bolsonaro Faces Mounting Political Backlash in Brazil – Even from His Allies)
Amazon’s Indigenous Warriors Take on Invading Loggers and Ranchers
Fabiano Maisonnave – The Guardian
September 2nd, 2019 (INDIGENOUS RIGHTS, ACTIVISM, HUMAN RIGHTS, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Amazon’s Indigenous Warriors Take on Invading Loggers and Ranchers)
Wildfires Rage throughout the Amazon Rainforest
Bryan Dyne | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 (BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Wildfires Rage throughout the Amazon Rainforest)
(Português) Amazônia em Chamas
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Amazônia em Chamas)
July Was the Hottest Month Ever on Earth – Now Massive Wildfires Are Burning Across the Globe
Trevor Hughes - USA TODAY
August 26th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on July Was the Hottest Month Ever on Earth – Now Massive Wildfires Are Burning Across the Globe)
The Amazon Rainforests Are on Fire – Brazil’s Trump-Like President, Jair Bolsonaro, Is to Blame
Bill McKibben – NBC News
August 26th, 2019 (BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on The Amazon Rainforests Are on Fire – Brazil’s Trump-Like President, Jair Bolsonaro, Is to Blame)
(Français) Notre monde en voie de disparition: Forêts Tropicales
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 19th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Notre monde en voie de disparition: Forêts Tropicales)
Our Vanishing World (Part 1): Rainforests
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Our Vanishing World (Part 1): Rainforests)
(Português) Desflorestação da Amazónia brasileira cresce 278% num ano
MadreMedia | Lusa – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Desflorestação da Amazónia brasileira cresce 278% num ano)
The Right Has Power in Latin America, but No Plan
Alexander Main – Jacobin Magazine
August 12th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The Right Has Power in Latin America, but No Plan)
Eat Less Meat: UN Climate Change Report Calls for Change to Human Diet
Quirin Schiermeier | Nature – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Eat Less Meat: UN Climate Change Report Calls for Change to Human Diet)
IPCC Special Report: Climate Change and Land
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on IPCC Special Report: Climate Change and Land)
Brazil Supreme Court Minister Rules to Protect Press Freedom for Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept
Trevor Timm – The Intercept
August 12th, 2019 (JUSTICE, BRICS, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Brazil Supreme Court Minister Rules to Protect Press Freedom for Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept)
Murder of Brazilian Indigenous Leader a ‘Worrying Symptom’ of Land Invasion
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (INDIGENOUS RIGHTS, HUMAN RIGHTS, BRICS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Murder of Brazilian Indigenous Leader a ‘Worrying Symptom’ of Land Invasion)
Amazon Deforestation: Bolsonaro Government Accused of Seeking to Sow Doubt over Data
Jonathan Watts – The Guardian
August 5th, 2019 (BRICS, ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE | Comments Off on Amazon Deforestation: Bolsonaro Government Accused of Seeking to Sow Doubt over Data)
Brazil’s Massive Crime against Humanity in the Amazon Forest
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (BRICS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Brazil’s Massive Crime against Humanity in the Amazon Forest)
What Now, Brazil?
Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on What Now, Brazil?)
Under Brazil’s Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall
Letícia Casado and Ernesto Londoño – The New York Times
July 29th, 2019 (BRICS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Under Brazil’s Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall)
(Português) Cidadania, Florestania: A Amazônia, Titular de Direitos
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 29th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Cidadania, Florestania: A Amazônia, Titular de Direitos)
Jair Bolsonaro Wants to Deforest the Amazon – What Powers Does the UN Have to Stop Him?
Ash Murphy – The Conversation
July 22nd, 2019 (BRICS, UNITED NATIONS, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Jair Bolsonaro Wants to Deforest the Amazon – What Powers Does the UN Have to Stop Him?)
Land Thieves Ramp up Deforestation in Brazil’s Jamanxim National Forest
Sue Branford and Thais Borges | Mongabay – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Land Thieves Ramp up Deforestation in Brazil’s Jamanxim National Forest)
Restorative Justice in Brazil: Culture of Peace instead of Punishment
CPNN | Justica Restaurativa em Debate – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2019 (JUSTICE, BRICS | Comments Off on Restorative Justice in Brazil: Culture of Peace instead of Punishment)
Amazon Rainforest on Fire in Brazil
Alexander Zaitchik – The Intercept
July 8th, 2019 (INDIGENOUS RIGHTS, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Amazon Rainforest on Fire in Brazil)
(Português) A Lava Jato usou o Judiciário brasileiro para fins políticos
João Filho – The Intercept Brasil
June 24th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) A Lava Jato usou o Judiciário brasileiro para fins políticos)
Reports Confirm Political Bias behind Legal Persecution of Brazil’s Ex-President Lula
Peoples Dispatch – Brasil de Fato
June 24th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Reports Confirm Political Bias behind Legal Persecution of Brazil’s Ex-President Lula)
“Their Little Show”: Brazilian Judge in Corruption Case Mocked Lula’s Defense and Secretly Directed Prosecutors’ Media Strategy During Trial
Andrew Fishman, Rafael Moro Martins, Leandro Demori, Glenn Greenwald and Amanda Audi – the Intercept
June 24th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on “Their Little Show”: Brazilian Judge in Corruption Case Mocked Lula’s Defense and Secretly Directed Prosecutors’ Media Strategy During Trial)
Glenn Greenwald on the Leaked Brazil Archive Exposing Operation Car Wash
The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2019 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Glenn Greenwald on the Leaked Brazil Archive Exposing Operation Car Wash)
How and Why the Intercept Is Reporting on a Vast Trove of Materials about Brazil’s Operation Car Wash and Justice Minister Sergio Moro (Parts 1 to 3)
Glenn Greenwald, Leandro Demori and Betsy Reed – The Intercept
June 17th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on How and Why the Intercept Is Reporting on a Vast Trove of Materials about Brazil’s Operation Car Wash and Justice Minister Sergio Moro (Parts 1 to 3))
Brazil: Lula Is Innocent. Free Him Now.
Tony Burke – Jacobin Magazine
June 17th, 2019 (JUSTICE, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Brazil: Lula Is Innocent. Free Him Now.)
‘We Are Literally Sawing Off the Branch We All Live On’: Amazon Deforestation Increasing Under Bolsonaro
Eoin Higgins – Common Dreams
June 10th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on ‘We Are Literally Sawing Off the Branch We All Live On’: Amazon Deforestation Increasing Under Bolsonaro)
(Português) Governo permite que caçadores brasileiros comprem até 15 armas
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 3rd, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Governo permite que caçadores brasileiros comprem até 15 armas)
Watch: Interview with Brazil’s Ex-President Lula from Prison, Discussing Global Threats, Neoliberalism, Bolsonaro, and More
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept
May 27th, 2019 (BRICS, IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Watch: Interview with Brazil’s Ex-President Lula from Prison, Discussing Global Threats, Neoliberalism, Bolsonaro, and More)
(Português) Video: Glenn Greenwald Entrevista Lula – ‘Bolsonaro é a velha política, eu sou a nova’
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept
May 27th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES, IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on (Português) Video: Glenn Greenwald Entrevista Lula – ‘Bolsonaro é a velha política, eu sou a nova’)
The 2016 Coup in Brazil: The Door to Disaster
Dilma Rousseff | Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2019 (BRICS | 1 Comment »)
(Français) Marielle Castro : “Être une femme noire, c’est résister et se battre tout le temps pour survivre”
Mariana Pitasse | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 26th, 2018 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Marielle Castro : “Être une femme noire, c’est résister et se battre tout le temps pour survivre”)
(Castellano) Brasil: un barco a la deriva
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 4th, 2017 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Brasil: un barco a la deriva)