Posts tagged with ‘Extractivism’

(Português) Se Lula Rifar o Meio Ambiente Seu Governo Acaba
Eliane Brum/Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 29th, 2023 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Se Lula Rifar o Meio Ambiente Seu Governo Acaba)
Raw Materials or Sacred Beings? Lithium Extraction in Bolivia Puts Two Worldviews into Tension
Mario Orospe Hernández | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 8th, 2023 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Raw Materials or Sacred Beings? Lithium Extraction in Bolivia Puts Two Worldviews into Tension)
Chilean President Plans to Nationalize Lithium Industry
Gabriel Boric | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 8th, 2023 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Chilean President Plans to Nationalize Lithium Industry)
How a Rising Anti-Mining Movement Is Challenging Portugal’s ‘White Gold’ Rush
Marina Martinez | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (ENERGY, EUROPE, ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY | Comments Off on How a Rising Anti-Mining Movement Is Challenging Portugal’s ‘White Gold’ Rush)
The Pompeo Doctrine
Michael T. Klare - TomDispatch
September 16th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Pompeo Doctrine)
(Italiano) Ai confini dell’estrattivismo: il saccheggio del patrimonio spirituale
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 12th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Ai confini dell’estrattivismo: il saccheggio del patrimonio spirituale)