Posts tagged with ‘Extraterrestrial Life’

Stepping over the Border, onto Planet Earth
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 22nd, 2023 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Stepping over the Border, onto Planet Earth)
Quest for Intelligent Life on Earth — from a Future Perspective

January 16th, 2023 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Quest for Intelligent Life on Earth — from a Future Perspective)
Let’s Face It: The Human Race Is Stark Raving Nuts
Michael J. Talmo - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 14th, 2022 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Let’s Face It: The Human Race Is Stark Raving Nuts)
An Alien’s View of Life on Earth
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (SPIRITUALITY | Comments Off on An Alien’s View of Life on Earth)
Probable Impossibilities: Physicist Alan Lightman on Beginnings, Endings, and What Makes Life Worth Living
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 19th, 2021 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Probable Impossibilities: Physicist Alan Lightman on Beginnings, Endings, and What Makes Life Worth Living)
NASA’s Mars Rover Successfully Touches Down on the Red Planet
Denise Chow | NBC News - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2021 (SCIENCE | Comments Off on NASA’s Mars Rover Successfully Touches Down on the Red Planet)
What If Oumuamua Is the Real Deal?
Robert Hunziker | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 15th, 2021 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on What If Oumuamua Is the Real Deal?)
Living within a Self-engendered Simulation
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 4th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Living within a Self-engendered Simulation)
Anticipation of Judicial Inquisition of Humans by Extraterrestrials
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 19th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Anticipation of Judicial Inquisition of Humans by Extraterrestrials)
The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?
Keith Kloor – The Intercept
June 3rd, 2019 (MEDIA, MILITARISM, CURRENT AFFAIRS, SCIENCE | Comments Off on The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?)
(Português) Espiritualidade e Virtude como Corolários para a Paz
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2015 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Espiritualidade e Virtude como Corolários para a Paz)
Spirituality and Virtue as Corollaries to Peace
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service