Posts tagged with ‘International Relations’

MI6’s “Man of Mystery” Is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 5th, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on MI6’s “Man of Mystery” Is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed)
(Italiano) L’ottagono: rango, squilibrio, discordanza e teoria bellica
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 28th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) L’ottagono: rango, squilibrio, discordanza e teoria bellica)
(Português) A Fábula da Águia e da Galinha
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) A Fábula da Águia e da Galinha)
Did the US War on Terror Displace 37 Million?
Juan Cole | Informed Comment - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Did the US War on Terror Displace 37 Million?)
How the West Lost
Anatol Lieven | Prospect Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 21st, 2020 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on How the West Lost)
Two Decades of US “War on Terror” Responsible for Displacing At Least 37 Million People and Killing Up To 12 Million
Jacob Crosse | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 14th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Two Decades of US “War on Terror” Responsible for Displacing At Least 37 Million People and Killing Up To 12 Million)
The Octagon: Rank, Disequilibrium, Discordance and War Theory
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 7th, 2020 (EDITORIAL | 1 Comment »)
US Punishes International Criminal Court for Investigating Potential War Crimes in Afghanistan
Susan M. Akram | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 7th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on US Punishes International Criminal Court for Investigating Potential War Crimes in Afghanistan)
The $12 Million Weapons Sale from US to the Haiti Police Raises “Troubling Questions”
Jake Johnston and Kira Paulemon | CEPR-Center for Economic and Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 7th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The $12 Million Weapons Sale from US to the Haiti Police Raises “Troubling Questions”)
United States to Quit World Health Organization: What Does It Mean for the World?
S Faizi | EPW - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 31st, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on United States to Quit World Health Organization: What Does It Mean for the World?)
How to Prevent the Looming Sovereign-Debt Crisis
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Laureate, and Hamid Rashid | Vox EU – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2020 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on How to Prevent the Looming Sovereign-Debt Crisis)
China and the Decline of US Power
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | JUST - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 24th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on China and the Decline of US Power)
U.S. Cold War China Policy Will Isolate the U.S, Not China
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies | CODEPINK – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 10th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on U.S. Cold War China Policy Will Isolate the U.S, Not China)
The Heart of the Matter in the South China Sea
Pepe Escobar | Asia Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 3rd, 2020 (ASIA--PACIFIC | 1 Comment »)
13th Anniversary: Collateral Murder Video & US Military Cover Up
Chris Hedges | On Contact, RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 13th, 2020 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on 13th Anniversary: Collateral Murder Video & US Military Cover Up)
(Français) Haïti étouffe sous le poids de son oligarchie et des États-Unis
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 29th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Haïti étouffe sous le poids de son oligarchie et des États-Unis)
Trump Having 2nd Thoughts on Guaidó, Would Meet Maduro: Axios
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 22nd, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Trump Having 2nd Thoughts on Guaidó, Would Meet Maduro: Axios)
Colombian Political Figures, Activists Reject US Troops’ Arrival
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Colombian Political Figures, Activists Reject US Troops’ Arrival)
Invasion of Venezuela: Is It Operation Just Cause, Bay of Pigs or Wag the Dog?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Invasion of Venezuela: Is It Operation Just Cause, Bay of Pigs or Wag the Dog?)
In the West: Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on In the West: Propaganda, Hysteria and Truly Foul Breath!)
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (POETRY FORMAT | 1 Comment »)
Despite the Danger of COVID-19, the US Military Continues War Practice in Europe and Pacific and Plans for More in 2021
Ann Wright | OpEd News - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Despite the Danger of COVID-19, the US Military Continues War Practice in Europe and Pacific and Plans for More in 2021)
Trump Administration Quietly Adds Foreign Arms Sale to List of “Essential Work”
Taylor Barnes | In These Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Trump Administration Quietly Adds Foreign Arms Sale to List of “Essential Work”)
Why on Earth Is the U.S. Bombing Somalia?
Danny Sjursen | Independent Media Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Why on Earth Is the U.S. Bombing Somalia?)
What Pandemic? US & Royal Navy Launch Cold War-Style Provocation in Russia’s Arctic Backyard
Nebojsa Malic | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on What Pandemic? US & Royal Navy Launch Cold War-Style Provocation in Russia’s Arctic Backyard)
Oil Plunges below Zero for First Time in Unprecedented Wipeout
Catherine Ngai, Olivia Raimonde and Alex Longley | Bloomberg - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Oil Plunges below Zero for First Time in Unprecedented Wipeout)
Self-Extinction of Neoliberalism? Don’t Bet on It
Gilbert Achcar | New Politics – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Self-Extinction of Neoliberalism? Don’t Bet on It)
From Emergency to Emergence
David Korten | YES! Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on From Emergency to Emergence)
Prophets of Instability
Rick Perlstein | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Prophets of Instability)
US and Russia Blocking UN Plans for a Global Ceasefire amid Crisis
Simon Tisdall | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (NEWS | Comments Off on US and Russia Blocking UN Plans for a Global Ceasefire amid Crisis)
A Call for Review of the Historical Facts Surrounding the UNGA Resolution of 1959 That Recognized Attainment of Self-Government for Hawaii
Pōkā Laenui, Kioni Dudley, Leon Kaulahao Siu and Alfred de Zayas – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (INDIGENOUS RIGHTS | Comments Off on A Call for Review of the Historical Facts Surrounding the UNGA Resolution of 1959 That Recognized Attainment of Self-Government for Hawaii)
NATO’s Destruction of Serbia: And Where Is Serbia, China and the West Today?
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 3 Comments »)
Trump Sends Gun Boats to Venezuela While the World Partners to Fight a Deadly Pandemic
Vijay Prashad, Paola Estrada, Ana Maldonado, and Zoe PC | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
Why the U.S. Is the World’s Leading Perpetrator of Global Terrorism
Ghali Hassan | Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Why the U.S. Is the World’s Leading Perpetrator of Global Terrorism)
Bob Avakian Responds to Mark Rudd on the Lessons of the 1960s and the Need for an Actual Revolution
The Bob Avakian Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Bob Avakian Responds to Mark Rudd on the Lessons of the 1960s and the Need for an Actual Revolution)
Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions
Bill Van Auken | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions)
The World Rediscovers Cuban Medical Internationalism
Helen Yaffe | Le Monde Diplomatique - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The World Rediscovers Cuban Medical Internationalism)
Trump: US to Deploy Anti-Drug Navy Ships near Venezuela
Joshua Goodman | AP – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Trump: US to Deploy Anti-Drug Navy Ships near Venezuela)
Not Letting Covid-19 Crisis Go to Waste? US Ramps up War on Drugs… Focusing on Venezuela’s Maduro
RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Not Letting Covid-19 Crisis Go to Waste? US Ramps up War on Drugs… Focusing on Venezuela’s Maduro)
A Difficult Peace
Sean Reynolds | Voices for Creative Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on A Difficult Peace)
An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action
John Perkins | TED Talks – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action)
Munich Conference Reveals East-West Divide
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
February 24th, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Munich Conference Reveals East-West Divide)
Can Dems Be Part of the Solution at AIPAC?
Diane Perlman | Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Can Dems Be Part of the Solution at AIPAC?)
The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court)
Haiti Ten Years after the Earthquake
Resumen | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | 1 Comment »)
Libya Is Being Torn Apart by Outsiders
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2020 (AFRICA | Comments Off on Libya Is Being Torn Apart by Outsiders)
Ukraine: Welcome to Latin America! European Geopolitics and Revolution
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 3rd, 2020 (BALKANS AND EASTERN EUROPE | Comments Off on Ukraine: Welcome to Latin America! European Geopolitics and Revolution)
(Italiano) L’arrivo dell’Apocalisse: tra una manciata di secondi…
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) L’arrivo dell’Apocalisse: tra una manciata di secondi…)
Secret Wars, Forgotten Betrayals, Global Tyranny, Runway Budget. Who Is Really in Charge of the U.S. Military?
Cynthia Chung | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Secret Wars, Forgotten Betrayals, Global Tyranny, Runway Budget. Who Is Really in Charge of the U.S. Military?)
The US’s Inalienable Right to Violence
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MEDIA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on The US’s Inalienable Right to Violence)
Closer than Ever: It Is 100 Seconds to Midnight
John Mecklin | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – TRANSCEND Media Service
‘We Apologize’ for Trump’s Reckless Aggression, US Peace Advocates Say in Open Letter to Iranian People
Eoin Higgins | Common Dreams – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ACTIVISM, ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on ‘We Apologize’ for Trump’s Reckless Aggression, US Peace Advocates Say in Open Letter to Iranian People)
America, an Empire on Its Last Leg: To Be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research
January 20th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on America, an Empire on Its Last Leg: To Be Kicked Out from the Middle East?)
Iran: What Next?
Jeremy Scahill | Intercepted – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Iran: What Next?)
Iran Jet Disaster Setup
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich and Finian Cunningham | Sputnik – TRANSCEND Media Service
10 Years Ago, We Pledged to Help Haiti Rebuild. Then What Happened?
Isabel Macdonald – In These Times
January 20th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on 10 Years Ago, We Pledged to Help Haiti Rebuild. Then What Happened?)
On The Brink of War?
Chandra Muzaffar | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on On The Brink of War?)
(Français) Comment Haïti est devenu la « république des ONG »
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Comment Haïti est devenu la « république des ONG »)
TV Pundits Praising Suleimani Assassination Neglect to Disclose Ties to Arms Industry
Lee Fang – The Intercept
January 13th, 2020 (MEDIA | Comments Off on TV Pundits Praising Suleimani Assassination Neglect to Disclose Ties to Arms Industry)
A Call to US Catholics: Let Us End Our Complicity in War
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on A Call to US Catholics: Let Us End Our Complicity in War)
Fragmentation in the Axis of Resistance Led to Soleimani’s Death
Elijah J Magnier – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Fragmentation in the Axis of Resistance Led to Soleimani’s Death)
Iran Ends Nuclear Deal Commitments as Fallout from Suleimani Killing Spreads
Martin Chulov and Ghaith Abdul-Ahad – The Guardian
January 13th, 2020 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Iran Ends Nuclear Deal Commitments as Fallout from Suleimani Killing Spreads)
The Context That Goes Unmentioned in Coverage of the Soleimani Assassination
Rob Lipton | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Context That Goes Unmentioned in Coverage of the Soleimani Assassination)
Attacks on Iran–Past and Present
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
Militarism: Social Cancer–Cold, Sobering Reality of Undeniable Facts
Fred Dubee – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Militarism: Social Cancer–Cold, Sobering Reality of Undeniable Facts)
Trump, Troll-In-Chief, Wags the Impeachment Dog by Going to War with Iran
Juan Cole | Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Trump, Troll-In-Chief, Wags the Impeachment Dog by Going to War with Iran)
War with Iran
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, ANALYSIS | Comments Off on War with Iran)
2020 Vision: A New Year’s Regeneration
Ronnie Cummins | Common Dreams – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (ACTIVISM | Comments Off on 2020 Vision: A New Year’s Regeneration)
We Must Do More to Prevent Nuclear War
John Polanyi, Nobel Chemistry Laureate | THE – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (NOBEL LAUREATES, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MILITARISM | Comments Off on We Must Do More to Prevent Nuclear War)
A World Dividing: The International Implications of the Sino-American Rift
Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr. | Quincy Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 6th, 2020 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS | Comments Off on A World Dividing: The International Implications of the Sino-American Rift)
The Trump Administration Just Killed Iran’s Most Famous Military Commander. We’re Not Ready for What’s Next.
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept
January 6th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, ANALYSIS | Comments Off on The Trump Administration Just Killed Iran’s Most Famous Military Commander. We’re Not Ready for What’s Next.)
Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century
Ron Paul | Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century)
Dear NATO Member
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | 2 Comments »)
WaPo’s Afghan Papers Propagate Colonial Narrative of Noble Intentions Gone Awry
Joshua Cho | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (MEDIA | Comments Off on WaPo’s Afghan Papers Propagate Colonial Narrative of Noble Intentions Gone Awry)
2019 Latin America in Review: Year of the Revolt of the Dispossessed
Roger Harris | COHA – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on 2019 Latin America in Review: Year of the Revolt of the Dispossessed)
265 Stories of Haitian Children Abandoned by UN “Peacekeeping” Fathers: ‘They Put a few Coins in Your Hands to Drop a Baby in You.’
Sabine Lee and Susan Bartels – The Conversation
December 23rd, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on 265 Stories of Haitian Children Abandoned by UN “Peacekeeping” Fathers: ‘They Put a few Coins in Your Hands to Drop a Baby in You.’)
Christianity, Imperialism, Capitalism: Christian Dogma Should Be Questioned
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, RELIGION | Comments Off on Christianity, Imperialism, Capitalism: Christian Dogma Should Be Questioned)
DRC: I Saw the Unbearable Grief Inflicted on Families by Cobalt Mining–I Pray for Change
Siddharth Kara – The Guardian
December 23rd, 2019 (AFRICA | Comments Off on DRC: I Saw the Unbearable Grief Inflicted on Families by Cobalt Mining–I Pray for Change)
The Real Interest of the United States and Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean
Enrique Moreno Gimeranez | Granma – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The Real Interest of the United States and Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean)
Hope Lies in the Streets
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Hope Lies in the Streets)
India’s Government Is Going to War against Its Own People
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (BRICS | 1 Comment »)
The “Afghanistan Papers”: The Criminality and Disaster of a War Based upon Lies
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ASIA--PACIFIC, CENTRAL ASIA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on The “Afghanistan Papers”: The Criminality and Disaster of a War Based upon Lies)
Kashmir Is Heading to a Point of No Return
Naveed Mehmood Ahmad | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Kashmir Is Heading to a Point of No Return)
Reconciling Ecological Imperatives and the Right to Food at a Time of Bio-Ethical Crisis
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Reconciling Ecological Imperatives and the Right to Food at a Time of Bio-Ethical Crisis)
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses” – A Summary of the PNAC
Bette Stockbauer | PNAC Library & Resources – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” – A Summary of the PNAC)
(Français) Haïti : « Ce n’est pas une lutte contre le pouvoir ; c’est une lutte contre le système »
Frédéric Thomas interviewe Gilbert Mirambeau Jr. et Pascale Solages | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Haïti : « Ce n’est pas une lutte contre le pouvoir ; c’est une lutte contre le système »)
Trump Was Right before He Did a 180: NATO Is Obsolete
Medea Benjamin | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Trump Was Right before He Did a 180: NATO Is Obsolete)
Don’t Repeat US Military Occupation of Haiti
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Don’t Repeat US Military Occupation of Haiti)
Europe Agonistes
Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Europe Agonistes)
NATO Splits Reveal Alliance Is Redundant
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on NATO Splits Reveal Alliance Is Redundant)
Millions Die in Congo while the UN ‘Keeps the Peace’
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
150 Years after Gandhi’s Birth, Authoritarianism in India Must Be Met with Resistance
Matt Meyer and Binalakshmi Nepram | Resistance Studies – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on 150 Years after Gandhi’s Birth, Authoritarianism in India Must Be Met with Resistance)
Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow)
US Carries out Fresh Massacre in Afghanistan, Killing Entire Family with Drone Strike on 29 Nov
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on US Carries out Fresh Massacre in Afghanistan, Killing Entire Family with Drone Strike on 29 Nov)
Trump Signs Hong Kong “Democracy” Bill
Nick Beams | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS | Comments Off on Trump Signs Hong Kong “Democracy” Bill)
Asia-Pacific: Some Serious Security Challenges
José Ramos-Horta | Nobel Peace Laureate, Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES, ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on Asia-Pacific: Some Serious Security Challenges)
Hong Kong Is Scared – of the Rioters
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Hong Kong Is Scared – of the Rioters)
Evil Hour in Honduras: A Banana Republic Lives On
Joseph Grosso | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Evil Hour in Honduras: A Banana Republic Lives On)
China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium
F. William Engdahl | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium)
At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone)
Peoples’ BRICS Summit Closing Statement: “We Demand Changes so We Can Have a Future”
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Peoples’ BRICS Summit Closing Statement: “We Demand Changes so We Can Have a Future”)
10 Years of BRICS: What Keeps 5 Headstrong Powers Together in Times of Global Disunion
Fyodor Lukyanov - RT
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on 10 Years of BRICS: What Keeps 5 Headstrong Powers Together in Times of Global Disunion)
Deathly Silence: An Inside Look at Kashmir
Laura Höflinger and Sunaina Kumar – Der Spiegel
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Deathly Silence: An Inside Look at Kashmir)
(Français) Ce que vous devez savoir sur les bombardements à Gaza
Mike Merryman-Lotze | Agence Média Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | 1 Comment »)
Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing
George Galloway - RT
November 18th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ASIA--PACIFIC, BRICS | Comments Off on Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing)
Stay or Go? Hong Kong’s International Students Pack Their Bags amid Protest Chaos
John Power and Meaghan Tobin – South China Morning Post
November 18th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on Stay or Go? Hong Kong’s International Students Pack Their Bags amid Protest Chaos)
The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion
Prof. Neta C. Crawford - Global Research
November 18th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion)
Former Israel Commander Says Israel’s ‘Unjust’ War in Palestine Fuels ‘Anti-Semitism around the World’
Philip Weiss | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Former Israel Commander Says Israel’s ‘Unjust’ War in Palestine Fuels ‘Anti-Semitism around the World’)
Dangers and Questions of the Zuckerberg Era
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TECHNOLOGY | Comments Off on Dangers and Questions of the Zuckerberg Era)
Change of Players, Change of Game: How States Got Left Behind on Climate Change
Charlotte Hulme | E-IR – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (FEATURED RESEARCH PAPER, ENVIRONMENT, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Change of Players, Change of Game: How States Got Left Behind on Climate Change)
Breaking! Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Story Is Highly Unprofessional!
Susie Day – CounterPunch
November 18th, 2019 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, JUSTICE, ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MEDIA | Comments Off on Breaking! Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Story Is Highly Unprofessional!)
How the Hand of Israeli Spy Tech Reaches Deep into Our Lives
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE, TECHNOLOGY | Comments Off on How the Hand of Israeli Spy Tech Reaches Deep into Our Lives)
The War in Syria
Prof. Richard Falk | TRT – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | 1 Comment »)
What You Need to Know about the Bombings in Gaza
Mike Merryman-Lotze | American Friends Service Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on What You Need to Know about the Bombings in Gaza)
Israel Killed 222 Gaza Protestors Since 2018. Only One Soldier Has Been Indicted
Eyal Sagiv | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Killed 222 Gaza Protestors Since 2018. Only One Soldier Has Been Indicted)
U.S., UK, & France Certainly Committed an International War Crime against Syria on 14 April 2018
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, MILITARISM | Comments Off on U.S., UK, & France Certainly Committed an International War Crime against Syria on 14 April 2018)
“Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on “Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November)
Did the West Win the Cold War?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
(Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro)
UN Member States Overwhelmingly Support End of US Embargo against Cuba
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on UN Member States Overwhelmingly Support End of US Embargo against Cuba)
US Seizure of Oil Fields Escalates Tensions in Syria
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, MILITARISM | Comments Off on US Seizure of Oil Fields Escalates Tensions in Syria)
On Moving to Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on On Moving to Palestine)
The RCEP Train Left the ASEAN Station Leaving India Behind
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
November 11th, 2019 (ASIA--PACIFIC | Comments Off on The RCEP Train Left the ASEAN Station Leaving India Behind)
WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!
Federico Pieraccini | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!)
Ah … The Best People: Ignoring the Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years
Marc A. Cirigliano| The Eastern Woodlands Fusion – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Ah … The Best People: Ignoring the Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years)
US and Israel Were Lone Votes against UN Resolutions Opposing Space Arms Race and Nuclear Middle East
Ben Norton | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on US and Israel Were Lone Votes against UN Resolutions Opposing Space Arms Race and Nuclear Middle East)
Israel Is Silencing the Last Voices Trying to Prevent Abuse of Palestinians
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Is Silencing the Last Voices Trying to Prevent Abuse of Palestinians)
Popular Resistance in Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, HISTORY, PALESTINE - ISRAEL, LITERATURE, REVIEWS | Comments Off on Popular Resistance in Palestine)
Ending Violence, Exploitation, Ecological Destruction and War: Creating a Culture of Peace
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (EDITORIAL | 6 Comments »)
The School of the Americas
Larry Romanoff - Global Research
November 11th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, MILITARISM | Comments Off on The School of the Americas)
(Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Em paralelo à Cúpula dos BRICS, Brasil receberá o “BRICS dos Povos” em novembro)
Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq)
“Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November
Brasil de Fato – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on “Peoples’ BRICS” to Be Held Concurrently with BRICS Summit in November)
Casting Doubt: Trusting Whistleblowers More Than International Institutions–Syrian Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack on Douma
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
The Meaning of Chile’s Explosion
Camila Vergara – Jacobin Magazine
November 4th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on The Meaning of Chile’s Explosion)
By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS
Dan Cohen | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, HISTORY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, MILITARISM | Comments Off on By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, the US Created a Safe Haven for Baghdadi and ISIS)
Johan Galtung—TRANSCEND: Methods and Solutions
AlternateFocus – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on Johan Galtung—TRANSCEND: Methods and Solutions)
(Français) Haïti: entre complicité et ingérence
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Haïti: entre complicité et ingérence)
How the US Regime ‘Justifies’ the Theft of Syria’s Oil
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, CAPITALISM, MILITARISM | Comments Off on How the US Regime ‘Justifies’ the Theft of Syria’s Oil)
Decisive International Action Needed to End Israeli Occupation: UN Rights Expert
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Decisive International Action Needed to End Israeli Occupation: UN Rights Expert)
Israeli Occupation of Palestine: Disinformation, Denials, Distortions, Distractions, and Destruction of Human Rights
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Israeli Occupation of Palestine: Disinformation, Denials, Distortions, Distractions, and Destruction of Human Rights)
Russia Isn’t Getting the Recognition It Deserves on Syria
Scott Ritter – Truthdig
November 4th, 2019 (CONFLICT RESOLUTION - MEDIATION, BRICS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Russia Isn’t Getting the Recognition It Deserves on Syria)
UN Expert’s Call to Stop Israeli Settlement of Palestinian Territories Falls on Deaf Ears
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN Expert’s Call to Stop Israeli Settlement of Palestinian Territories Falls on Deaf Ears)
(Português) 70 Anos da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos 1948-2018
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS, POETRY FORMAT, ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) 70 Anos da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos 1948-2018)
CIA Death Squads Responsible for Spike in Afghan Civilian Casualties
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on CIA Death Squads Responsible for Spike in Afghan Civilian Casualties)
Caliph Closure: ‘He Died Like a Dog’
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
November 4th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Caliph Closure: ‘He Died Like a Dog’)
A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!
November 4th, 2019 (ACTIVISM | Comments Off on A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway)
The Olive Tree–Not Just an Ordinary Tree
Mazin Qumsiyeh | DesertPeace – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Olive Tree–Not Just an Ordinary Tree)
Kashmir: Self-Determination Is the Solution
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Kashmir: Self-Determination Is the Solution)
Interpreting Turkey’s Military Operation in Syria
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Interpreting Turkey’s Military Operation in Syria)
Anti-Nuke Activists, Kings-Bay-Plowshares-7 Found Guilty on All Counts
Bill Ofenloch | Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, JUSTICE, ANGLO AMERICA, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Anti-Nuke Activists, Kings-Bay-Plowshares-7 Found Guilty on All Counts)
(Français) Nestlé et la privatisation de l’eau : le cas Suisse
Franklin Frederick | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) Nestlé et la privatisation de l’eau : le cas Suisse)
Record Number of Palestinian Homes Demolished: Rights Group
Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Record Number of Palestinian Homes Demolished: Rights Group)
Trident Is the Crime
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Israel Prevents UN Special Rapporteur from Traveling to Palestine
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Israel Prevents UN Special Rapporteur from Traveling to Palestine)
Investment Key Variable, though Not Any Type of Investment
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Investment Key Variable, though Not Any Type of Investment)
Why Are the American People so Passive and Accepting of War?
Dave Alpert | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Why Are the American People so Passive and Accepting of War?)
Returning to Obama’s Plan
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Returning to Obama’s Plan)
Turkey’s Operation in Syria Exposed Europe’s Double Standards
Ali Bakeer – Al Jazeera
October 28th, 2019 (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Turkey’s Operation in Syria Exposed Europe’s Double Standards)
Syria: The Human Cost of War
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, LITERATURE, REVIEWS | Comments Off on Syria: The Human Cost of War)
Narrative: Whistleblower Denounces Lies, Deceit and Cover-up by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Report on Syria
Courage Foundation & Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES, TRANSCEND MEMBERS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, UNITED NATIONS, EXPOSURES - EXPOSÉS | Comments Off on Narrative: Whistleblower Denounces Lies, Deceit and Cover-up by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Report on Syria)
(Français) En Israël, les cueilleurs de plantes aromatiques ne veulent plus être criminalisés
Claire Bastier – Le Monde
October 28th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) En Israël, les cueilleurs de plantes aromatiques ne veulent plus être criminalisés)
Securing US Interests through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Securing US Interests through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia)
African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration)
Why Withdrawing US Troops from Northern Syria Is GOOD
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Why Withdrawing US Troops from Northern Syria Is GOOD)
The Climate Crisis (and Other Crises) Require the Transformation of the Basic Cultural Structure of the Modern World (Part 2)
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Climate Crisis (and Other Crises) Require the Transformation of the Basic Cultural Structure of the Modern World (Part 2))
Death, Misery and Bloodshed in Yemen
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Death, Misery and Bloodshed in Yemen)
Tulsi Nails It on National TV… US Regime-Change Wars
Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Tulsi Nails It on National TV… US Regime-Change Wars)
Kashmir–The Curious Case of Indian Collective Conscience
Dr Mudasir Firdosi | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (BRICS, CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Kashmir–The Curious Case of Indian Collective Conscience)
The Eurozone in Crisis? New President of the European Central Bank has a Criminal Record. Christine Lagarde
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research
October 21st, 2019 (JUSTICE, EUROPE, CAPITALISM, ECONOMICS | Comments Off on The Eurozone in Crisis? New President of the European Central Bank has a Criminal Record. Christine Lagarde)
China & India Aren’t Best Friends – but Agreed Strategic Adjustment Might Prevent WAR between Asian Superpowers
Sreeram Chaulia - RT
October 21st, 2019 (BRICS | Comments Off on China & India Aren’t Best Friends – but Agreed Strategic Adjustment Might Prevent WAR between Asian Superpowers)
US Democrats Cultivated the Barbarism of ISIS
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on US Democrats Cultivated the Barbarism of ISIS)
Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #15 (Oct 2019)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (NONVIOLENCE, ACTIVISM, TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #15 (Oct 2019))
Kurds Face Stark Options after US Pullback
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
October 21st, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Kurds Face Stark Options after US Pullback)
The History of Hong Kong, Britain’s Colonial Legacy. Fast Forward to 2019
Larry Romanoff - Global Research
October 21st, 2019 (BRICS, EUROPE | Comments Off on The History of Hong Kong, Britain’s Colonial Legacy. Fast Forward to 2019)
Turkey-Syria-Kurds Violent Conflict: Action Needed
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Turkey-Syria-Kurds Violent Conflict: Action Needed)
Iran’s Gulf Peace Proposal: HOPE
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Iran’s Gulf Peace Proposal: HOPE)
Norway Drops Missile Defense Program
News in English – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, EUROPE, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Norway Drops Missile Defense Program)
Farewell to the World Social Forum?
Roberto Savio | Other News - Human Wrongs Watch
October 14th, 2019 (ANALYSIS | Comments Off on Farewell to the World Social Forum?)
On Racism and ‘Wild Beasts’: Why Israel Besieges Palestinians
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on On Racism and ‘Wild Beasts’: Why Israel Besieges Palestinians)
Uninhabitable: Gaza Faces the Moment of Truth
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Uninhabitable: Gaza Faces the Moment of Truth)
How Israeli Doctors Enable the Shin Bet’s Torture Industry
Ruchama Marton - +972 Magazine
October 14th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on How Israeli Doctors Enable the Shin Bet’s Torture Industry)
“The Destruction of a Society”: First the U.S. Invaded Iraq — Then We Left It Poisoned
David Masciotra | Salon – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on “The Destruction of a Society”: First the U.S. Invaded Iraq — Then We Left It Poisoned)
The Kurdish-Turkish Crisis
Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, ANALYSIS, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, MILITARISM | Comments Off on The Kurdish-Turkish Crisis)
Afghanistan Probe: ‘At Least 60 Civilians’ Killed after US Military Airstrikes on Alleged Drug Labs
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, UNITED NATIONS, MILITARISM | Comments Off on Afghanistan Probe: ‘At Least 60 Civilians’ Killed after US Military Airstrikes on Alleged Drug Labs)
Israelis Were ‘Saddened’ to Have to Kill Gaza Protesters, to Avert ‘Bloodbath’
Philip Weiss | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israelis Were ‘Saddened’ to Have to Kill Gaza Protesters, to Avert ‘Bloodbath’)
In Media Newspeak, a ‘Peace Plan’ for Palestine/Israel Is Anything US Proposes
Joshua Cho | FAIR Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL, MEDIA | Comments Off on In Media Newspeak, a ‘Peace Plan’ for Palestine/Israel Is Anything US Proposes)
Cuba’s Venceremos Brigade at 50: Challenging Empire, Uplifting Solidarity since 1969
Diana Block | Portside – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Cuba’s Venceremos Brigade at 50: Challenging Empire, Uplifting Solidarity since 1969)
The Wounds of War in Afghanistan
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on The Wounds of War in Afghanistan)
Will Confronting Iran Lead to War or Peace?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Will Confronting Iran Lead to War or Peace?)
Inside America’s Most Toxic Nuclear Waste Dump, Where 56 Million Gallons of Buried Radioactive Sludge Are Leaking into the Earth
James Pasley | Yahoo! News – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on Inside America’s Most Toxic Nuclear Waste Dump, Where 56 Million Gallons of Buried Radioactive Sludge Are Leaking into the Earth)