Posts tagged with ‘OPCW’

Chain of Corruption: How the White Helmets Compromised OPCW Investigations in Syria
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 12th, 2022 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Chain of Corruption: How the White Helmets Compromised OPCW Investigations in Syria)
More Damning Evidence of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Cover-up in Syria
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT, UNITED NATIONS, MEDIA | Comments Off on More Damning Evidence of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Cover-up in Syria)
(Français) De nouveaux documents de WikiLeaks démentent les mensonges sur une attaque chimique en Syrie en 2018
Niles Niemuth | WSWS, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) De nouveaux documents de WikiLeaks démentent les mensonges sur une attaque chimique en Syrie en 2018)
WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!
Federico Pieraccini | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on WikiLeaks Reveals OPCW Falsified Reports to Blame Syrian Government Instead of Western Backed-Jihadis!)
Casting Doubt: Trusting Whistleblowers More Than International Institutions–Syrian Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack on Douma
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Narrative: Whistleblower Denounces Lies, Deceit and Cover-up by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Report on Syria
Courage Foundation & Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 28th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES, TRANSCEND MEMBERS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, SYRIA IN CONTEXT, UNITED NATIONS, EXPOSURES - EXPOSÉS | Comments Off on Narrative: Whistleblower Denounces Lies, Deceit and Cover-up by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Report on Syria)