Posts tagged with ‘Shell’

Is Shell’s Exit from Nigeria a Front to Dodge Legal Responsibilities?
Andy Rowell and James Marriott | openDemocracy - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 24th, 2024 (AFRICA | No Comments »)
1st Trimester 2023: Shell Profited US$ 9.6 BILLION or US$ 106 MILLION/day
Lisa Göldner | Greenpeace Germany – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 29th, 2023 (APPEALS | Comments Off on 1st Trimester 2023: Shell Profited US$ 9.6 BILLION or US$ 106 MILLION/day)
Shell Makes ‘Obscene’ $40bn Profit—Highest Ever
Alex Lawson | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Shell Makes ‘Obscene’ $40bn Profit—Highest Ever)