Posts tagged with ‘UN’

Julian Assange Arrives in Australia Back from UK Prison
9 News Australia – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2024 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | No Comments »)
The End of the Biggest Press Freedom Case of the Century
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
Assange Wins Right to Appeal on 1st Amendment Issue
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
Five Years at Belmarsh: A Chronicle of Julian Assange’s Imprisonment
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 15th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
Assange Extradition Delayed: UK High Court Asks US to Offer ‘Assurances’ or Face Limited Appeal
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2024 (EUROPE | No Comments »)
The Crucifixion of Julian Assange
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2024 (EUROPE | No Comments »)
The Show Trial against Julian Assange
Fabian Scheidler - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 26th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
There’s No Free Press without a Free Assange
David S. D’Amato | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 22nd, 2024 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on There’s No Free Press without a Free Assange)
John Pilger, on the Betrayers of Julian Assange
John Pilger | New Matilda – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 1st, 2024 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on John Pilger, on the Betrayers of Julian Assange)
Australian Parliamentarians Speak Outside DOJ after Assange Talks
Consortium News | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 25th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Australian Parliamentarians Speak Outside DOJ after Assange Talks)
The War on Julian Assange
Lowkey interviews Stella Assange | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 31st, 2023 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on The War on Julian Assange)
Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Ignores Assange Rotting in Jail
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Ignores Assange Rotting in Jail)
Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed
Matt Taibbi | Racket News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed)
Biden Would Need His Pound of Flesh from Assange
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Biden Would Need His Pound of Flesh from Assange)
Assange: An Unholy Masquerade of Tyranny Disguised as Justice
Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 19th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Assange: An Unholy Masquerade of Tyranny Disguised as Justice)
The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 19th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism)
UK: Julian Assange Dangerously Close to Extradition Following High Court Rejection of Appeal
RSF/Reporters Without Borders - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 12th, 2023 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK: Julian Assange Dangerously Close to Extradition Following High Court Rejection of Appeal)
Mr. Fish – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 15th, 2023 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Martyred…)
Calling for the Immediate Release of Julian Assange on World Press Freedom Day
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 8th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Calling for the Immediate Release of Julian Assange on World Press Freedom Day)
Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange from Meeting with Reporters Sans Frontières
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 10th, 2023 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange from Meeting with Reporters Sans Frontières)
Anything to Say? Assange, Snowden & Manning in Sydney
Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 20th, 2023 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Anything to Say? Assange, Snowden & Manning in Sydney)
John Pilger Speaks about Julian Assange in Sydney 10 Mar 2023
John Pilger - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 13th, 2023 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on John Pilger Speaks about Julian Assange in Sydney 10 Mar 2023)
Kevin Gosztola, Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange: ‘Guilty of Journalism’
Shadowproof – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 13th, 2023 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Kevin Gosztola, Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange: ‘Guilty of Journalism’)
WATCH: Swedish Prosecutors Destroyed Assange Documents
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on WATCH: Swedish Prosecutors Destroyed Assange Documents)
Revealed: Sweden Destroyed a Substantial Part of Its Documents on Julian Assange
Stefania Maurizi | Il Fato Quotidiano - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Revealed: Sweden Destroyed a Substantial Part of Its Documents on Julian Assange)
Why the Western Media Is Afraid of Julian Assange
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Why the Western Media Is Afraid of Julian Assange)
The Belmarsh Tribunals Demand Justice for Julian Assange
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 30th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Belmarsh Tribunals Demand Justice for Julian Assange)
Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers
Chris Garaffa | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 30th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers)
Free Julian Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal at the National Press Club Washington DC
Pressenza Int'l Press Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 23rd, 2023 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Free Julian Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal at the National Press Club Washington DC)
‘Nearly Every War Has Been the Result of Media Lies’: Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 2nd, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on ‘Nearly Every War Has Been the Result of Media Lies’: Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine)
Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too
Joe Lauria | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 19th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too)
Australian PM Tells USA to Drop Charges against Julian Assange
Dave DeCamp | Antiwar - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Australian PM Tells USA to Drop Charges against Julian Assange)
International Media Groups Urge US to Drop Julian Assange Charges in Letter
ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on International Media Groups Urge US to Drop Julian Assange Charges in Letter)
The Guardian Could Help Assange by Retracting All the Lies It Published about Him
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Guardian Could Help Assange by Retracting All the Lies It Published about Him)
Cryptome Founder Asks to Be Indicted with Assange
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Cryptome Founder Asks to Be Indicted with Assange)
Letter from Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, to the British PM about Julian Assange
Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2022 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Letter from Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, to the British PM about Julian Assange)
Chelsea Manning’s Book Further Complicates US Government’s Case against Julian Assange
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Chelsea Manning’s Book Further Complicates US Government’s Case against Julian Assange)
The Parts of Chelsea Manning’s Book Censored by the US Government
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Parts of Chelsea Manning’s Book Censored by the US Government)
‘End the War on Journalism and Free Assange’: Thousands Demand Release of WikiLeaks Founder
Kenny Stancil | Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on ‘End the War on Journalism and Free Assange’: Thousands Demand Release of WikiLeaks Founder)
The Puppets and the Puppet Masters
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Puppets and the Puppet Masters)
CIA Sued over Alleged Spying on Lawyers, Journalists Who Met Assange
Kanishka Singh | Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on CIA Sued over Alleged Spying on Lawyers, Journalists Who Met Assange)
How Can North Americans Tolerate U.S. Government’s Crucifixion of Julian Assange?
Eric Zuesse - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on How Can North Americans Tolerate U.S. Government’s Crucifixion of Julian Assange?)
Julian Assange Files His Perfected Grounds of Appeal
Assange Defense | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 29th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Julian Assange Files His Perfected Grounds of Appeal)
Assange Attorneys and Journalists Sue the CIA over Spying
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 22nd, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Attorneys and Journalists Sue the CIA over Spying)
The US Is ‘Close to Getting Its Hands on Julian Assange’
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 1st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The US Is ‘Close to Getting Its Hands on Julian Assange’)
German Parliament Condemns Psychological Torture of Julian Assange
Peoples Dispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2022 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on German Parliament Condemns Psychological Torture of Julian Assange)
Assange Put on Suicide Watch after Patel Decision, Father Says
Joe Lauria | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Put on Suicide Watch after Patel Decision, Father Says)
Don’t Extradite Assange
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Don’t Extradite Assange)
‘Another Dark Day’: UK Government Approves Assange’s Extradition to United States
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on ‘Another Dark Day’: UK Government Approves Assange’s Extradition to United States)
Doctor’s Orders: ‘Do Not Extradite Assange’
Doctors for Assange | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Doctor’s Orders: ‘Do Not Extradite Assange’)
Journalists for Assange
JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Journalists for Assange)
Amnesty International Resists Calls to Designate Assange a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ as Extradition Looms
Mohamed Elmaazi | The Dissenter - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Amnesty International Resists Calls to Designate Assange a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ as Extradition Looms)
The Persecution of Julian Assange
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 9th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Persecution of Julian Assange)
(Italiano) Negazionismi duplici
Jake Lynch | Centro Studi Sereno Regis ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­–TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Negazionismi duplici)
The Tragedy of Julian Assange
Emanuel Pastreich | US Provisional Government – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on The Tragedy of Julian Assange)
Al-Aqsa Violence during Ramadan
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Al-Aqsa Violence during Ramadan)
Dual Denialisms
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on Dual Denialisms)
The Cause, and the Goal, of Israeli Violence
Mark Muhannad Ayyash | Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Cause, and the Goal, of Israeli Violence)
The US Cries about War Crimes while Imprisoning a Journalist for Exposing Its War Crimes
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The US Cries about War Crimes while Imprisoning a Journalist for Exposing Its War Crimes)
Dark Day for Press Freedom: British Court Orders Assange Extradition
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (SPECIAL FEATURE | Comments Off on Dark Day for Press Freedom: British Court Orders Assange Extradition)
Palestine’s Widening Geography of Resistance: Why Israel Cannot Defeat the Palestinians
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine’s Widening Geography of Resistance: Why Israel Cannot Defeat the Palestinians)
The Marriage of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 28th, 2022 (NEWS | Comments Off on The Marriage of Julian Assange)
The UK Supreme Court Won’t Listen to Assange, but the Legal Battle Is Still On
Sara Chessa | Bella Caledonia - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The UK Supreme Court Won’t Listen to Assange, but the Legal Battle Is Still On)
UK Supreme Court Slams Door on Assange Appeal, Extradition May Be Authorized
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK Supreme Court Slams Door on Assange Appeal, Extradition May Be Authorized)
West Backs Ukraine but Ignores Palestinians
Gideon Polya – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on West Backs Ukraine but Ignores Palestinians)
Assange Affirms the Existence of another Kind of Human Nature
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Affirms the Existence of another Kind of Human Nature)
Nils Melzer: The Political Persecution of Julian Assange
Saturday Morning | RNZ – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Nils Melzer: The Political Persecution of Julian Assange)
The Belmarsh Tribunal
The People's Forum NYC – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on The Belmarsh Tribunal)
On Israel as an Apartheid State: An Interview with Richard Falk
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on On Israel as an Apartheid State: An Interview with Richard Falk)
Is the Amnesty International Report an Israeli ‘Sharpeville Moment?’
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 14th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Is the Amnesty International Report an Israeli ‘Sharpeville Moment?’)
Can Israel Stop the World from Saying ‘Apartheid’? Concealing the Suffering in Palestine
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 14th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Can Israel Stop the World from Saying ‘Apartheid’? Concealing the Suffering in Palestine)
Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity
Amnesty International – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity)
The Problematics of Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Case of Iran
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Problematics of Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Case of Iran)
Why Amnesty Is Taking Aim at the ‘Root Causes’ of Israeli Apartheid
Edo Konrad | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Why Amnesty Is Taking Aim at the ‘Root Causes’ of Israeli Apartheid)
Amnesty Apartheid Report: The Walls Protecting Israel Are Finally Crumbling
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Amnesty Apartheid Report: The Walls Protecting Israel Are Finally Crumbling)
The News Is Not That Israel Has Apartheid, but That Amnesty Dares Say So
Ari Paul | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The News Is Not That Israel Has Apartheid, but That Amnesty Dares Say So)
Palestine/Israel: The Smearing of Emma Watson
Sut Jhally and Roger Waters | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 24th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine/Israel: The Smearing of Emma Watson)
Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You about Ukraine
Ted Snider | Antiwar - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 24th, 2022 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You about Ukraine)
Peace and Justice Organizations Call for Freedom for Julian Assange
UNAC - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (APPEALS | Comments Off on Peace and Justice Organizations Call for Freedom for Julian Assange)
The Danger of False Accusations of Antisemitism
Natasha Roth-Rowland | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 10th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Danger of False Accusations of Antisemitism)
Stop Prosecuting the Press: Biden’s Persecution of Julian Assange
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 10th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Stop Prosecuting the Press: Biden’s Persecution of Julian Assange)
PEN America and the Betrayal of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on PEN America and the Betrayal of Julian Assange)
What’s Ahead for Palestine in 2022
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on What’s Ahead for Palestine in 2022)
For Third Year, Committee to Protect Journalists Excludes Assange from Jailed Journalist Index
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 27th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on For Third Year, Committee to Protect Journalists Excludes Assange from Jailed Journalist Index)
Julian Assange Files Appeal to UK Supreme Court
Stella Moris | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 27th, 2021 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Julian Assange Files Appeal to UK Supreme Court)
The Assange Case Explained Simply
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Assange Case Explained Simply)
Israel Killed Up to 192 Palestinian Civilians in May 2021 Attacks on Gaza
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Killed Up to 192 Palestinian Civilians in May 2021 Attacks on Gaza)
The Execution of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Execution of Julian Assange)
UK High Court Overturns Assange Win
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK High Court Overturns Assange Win)
The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange)
Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice)
How Google Advances the Zionist Colonization of Palestine
Yarden Katz | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on How Google Advances the Zionist Colonization of Palestine)
‘Hate Crime’ Attacks by Israeli Settlers on Palestinians Spike in the West Bank
Steve Hendrix | The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on ‘Hate Crime’ Attacks by Israeli Settlers on Palestinians Spike in the West Bank)
Criminalization of the Bedouin Victim
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Criminalization of the Bedouin Victim)
From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global)
“The Trial of Julian Assange” – A Book by Nils Melzer
Penguin Random House – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on “The Trial of Julian Assange” – A Book by Nils Melzer)
Ultimate Dog Whistle: World Misses Israel’s Hebrew-Language Incitement against Palestinians
Miko Peled | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Ultimate Dog Whistle: World Misses Israel’s Hebrew-Language Incitement against Palestinians)
Revealed, the Shocking Conditions at Belmarsh Prison That Julian Assange Is Exposed to
Kit Klarenberg | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 22nd, 2021 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Revealed, the Shocking Conditions at Belmarsh Prison That Julian Assange Is Exposed to)
Why Israel Calls Human Rights ‘Terrorism’
Raja Shehadeh | The New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 15th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Why Israel Calls Human Rights ‘Terrorism’)
Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion)
European MPs Say ‘No’ to Assange Extradition
Sara Chessa | Independent Australia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on European MPs Say ‘No’ to Assange Extradition)
Justice for Julian Assange Is Justice for All
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Justice for Julian Assange Is Justice for All)
The Most Important Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on The Most Important Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time)
Appeal Hearing: CIA’s War on Assange, Their ‘Most Prominent Critic,’ Takes Center Stage
Kevin Gosztola and Mohamed Elmaazi | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Appeal Hearing: CIA’s War on Assange, Their ‘Most Prominent Critic,’ Takes Center Stage)
By Calling the Fight for Palestinian Rights ‘Terror’, Israel Turns Reality on Its Head
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on By Calling the Fight for Palestinian Rights ‘Terror’, Israel Turns Reality on Its Head)
Julian Assange’s Health Is Central to Upcoming Ruling on Extradition to the U.S.
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Julian Assange’s Health Is Central to Upcoming Ruling on Extradition to the U.S.)
Snowden Calls Assange ‘Political Criminal’ Ahead of Extradition Hearing, Where the Pressure Might Now Be on Biden’s Legal Team
Damian Wilson | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Snowden Calls Assange ‘Political Criminal’ Ahead of Extradition Hearing, Where the Pressure Might Now Be on Biden’s Legal Team)
The Julian Assange Case
Chris Hedges | On Contact/RT America - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on The Julian Assange Case)
Netflix to Launch WikiLeaks Smear Job Three Days Before Assange Court Date
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 18th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Netflix to Launch WikiLeaks Smear Job Three Days Before Assange Court Date)
CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed–the US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed–the US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him)
CIA Officials under Trump Discussed Assassinating Julian Assange – Report
Julian Borger | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 4th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on CIA Officials under Trump Discussed Assassinating Julian Assange – Report)
Free Julian Assange!
Jim Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 4th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Free Julian Assange!)
Why Is Biden Prosecuting Assange for Telling the Truth about Afghanistan?
Daniel Ellsberg, Alice Walker and Noam Chomsky | Newsweek - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Why Is Biden Prosecuting Assange for Telling the Truth about Afghanistan?)
Palestine: An Open-Air Museum of Colonialism
Omar Khalifah | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 13th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine: An Open-Air Museum of Colonialism)
Smiling as an Act of Resistance in Occupied Palestine
Mahmoud Soliman | Roar Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 30th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Smiling as an Act of Resistance in Occupied Palestine)
The Media Yawns at the Israeli Army’s Death Squads
Gideon Levy | Jews for Justice for Palestinians - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 23rd, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Media Yawns at the Israeli Army’s Death Squads)
John Pilger: A Day in the Death of British Justice
John Pilger | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (EUROPE | 1 Comment »)
(Italiano) ONU: Due imperi in crollo – e poi?
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) ONU: Due imperi in crollo – e poi?)
Assange: The End Game
Scott Ludlam | The Monthly - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Assange: The End Game)
Laying the Foundations for Our Jewish Liberation
Mira Stern | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Laying the Foundations for Our Jewish Liberation)
Where Are We?
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Where Are We?)
Demonizing Durban
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 16th, 2021 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on Demonizing Durban)
Lessons Learned
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Lessons Learned)
Neither Judges nor Diplomats Are Coming to Save Sheikh Jarrah
Amjad Iraqi | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Neither Judges nor Diplomats Are Coming to Save Sheikh Jarrah)
Preliminary Assange Appeal Hearing Scheduled for 11 Aug 2021
Defend WikiLeaks - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Preliminary Assange Appeal Hearing Scheduled for 11 Aug 2021)
Whistleblowers Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden Talk with Amy Goodman
UMassHistory – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Whistleblowers Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden Talk with Amy Goodman)
A Shocking List of 52 Zionist Israel-Nazi Germany Comparisons
Gideon Polya | Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 9th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on A Shocking List of 52 Zionist Israel-Nazi Germany Comparisons)
Court Withdraws Assange’s Ecuadorean Nationality
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Court Withdraws Assange’s Ecuadorean Nationality)
2021, the Year of Israeli Apartheid
Ahmed Abbes and Jonathan Rosenhead | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on 2021, the Year of Israeli Apartheid)
Team Hawaiian Kingdom? Activists Want Some U.S. Olympians to Surf for a Different Homeland
Claire Wang | NBC News - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 (SPORTS | Comments Off on Team Hawaiian Kingdom? Activists Want Some U.S. Olympians to Surf for a Different Homeland)
How Haunani-Kay Trask Shaped Her Hawai’ian People’s Struggle for Independence
Anne Keala Kelly (Kānaka Maoli) | YES! Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 (OBITUARIES | Comments Off on How Haunani-Kay Trask Shaped Her Hawai’ian People’s Struggle for Independence)
UN: Two Empires Crumbling–and Then What?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 2nd, 2021 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on UN: Two Empires Crumbling–and Then What?)
The Controversial Prosecutor at the Heart of the Julian Assange Case
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 19th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Controversial Prosecutor at the Heart of the Julian Assange Case)
Key Witness Admits Lying about Julian Assange–a Major Blow to U.S. Extradition Case–yet Western Media Ignores This Development
Ron Ridenour | Strategic Culture Foundation - TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE
July 12th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Key Witness Admits Lying about Julian Assange–a Major Blow to U.S. Extradition Case–yet Western Media Ignores This Development)
(Français) L’acte d’accusation contre Assange repose sur le faux témoignage d’un sociopathe avéré
Caitlin Johnstone | Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 12th, 2021 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) L’acte d’accusation contre Assange repose sur le faux témoignage d’un sociopathe avéré)
Declaration of the Crime of Apartheid: Israel
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 12th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Declaration of the Crime of Apartheid: Israel)
Assange Turns 50 in Jail–A Reminder of a Western Democracy Paradox He Exposed: Non-Freedom Gives a Sense of Freedom
Slavoj Žižek | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 5th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Assange Turns 50 in Jail–A Reminder of a Western Democracy Paradox He Exposed: Non-Freedom Gives a Sense of Freedom)
A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout after Key Witness against Assange Admits Lying
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 5th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout after Key Witness against Assange Admits Lying)
Scientific American Retracted Pro-Palestine Article without Any Factual Errors
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 5th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Scientific American Retracted Pro-Palestine Article without Any Factual Errors)
NYTimes Op-Ed Denounces Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden on 50th Anniversary of Publishing the Pentagon Papers
Barbara Koeppel | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 5th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on NYTimes Op-Ed Denounces Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden on 50th Anniversary of Publishing the Pentagon Papers)
Have We Learned Nothing? Biden Backs Mass Murder in the Middle East
Connor Freeman | The Libertarian Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Have We Learned Nothing? Biden Backs Mass Murder in the Middle East)
It’s Apartheid, Say Israeli Ambassadors to South Africa
Ilan Baruch and Alon Liel | GroundUp - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on It’s Apartheid, Say Israeli Ambassadors to South Africa)
US Jews Are Turning against Zionism in a ‘Surge’ — Pro-Israel Voices Lament
Philip Weiss | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on US Jews Are Turning against Zionism in a ‘Surge’ — Pro-Israel Voices Lament)
20 Factories Destroyed, 5,000 Jobs Lost Due to Israel’s Offensive on Gaza
Middle East Monitor - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on 20 Factories Destroyed, 5,000 Jobs Lost Due to Israel’s Offensive on Gaza)
Apartheid by Stealth
Andrew Mitrovica | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Apartheid by Stealth)
Key Witness in Assange Case Admits to Lies in Indictment
Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson and Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson | Stundin - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Key Witness in Assange Case Admits to Lies in Indictment)
The Real B3W-NATO Agenda
Pepe Escobar | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on The Real B3W-NATO Agenda)
Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World
Jon Schwarz | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World)
The Pentagon Papers at 50: Press Freedom and Whistleblowers Still at Risk
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Pentagon Papers at 50: Press Freedom and Whistleblowers Still at Risk)
Power at Any Cost: How Opportunistic Mansour Abbas Joined Hands with Avowed ‘Arab Killers’
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Power at Any Cost: How Opportunistic Mansour Abbas Joined Hands with Avowed ‘Arab Killers’)
Julian Assange and the Collapse of the Rule of Law
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Julian Assange and the Collapse of the Rule of Law)
IDF Operation ‘Guardian of the Walls’: Prelude, Aftermath, Prospects
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on IDF Operation ‘Guardian of the Walls’: Prelude, Aftermath, Prospects)
The American Working Class Must Come to Assange’s Defense!
Thomas Scripps | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The American Working Class Must Come to Assange’s Defense!)
Whither Palestine? Whither Israel? After the Violence Spike, after the Abraham Accords, after Netanyahu
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 14th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Whither Palestine? Whither Israel? After the Violence Spike, after the Abraham Accords, after Netanyahu)
We Charge Apartheid? Palestine and the International Criminal Court
Noura Erakat & John Reynolds | Third World Approaches to International Law Review – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on We Charge Apartheid? Palestine and the International Criminal Court)
Israel’s New Government Will Deepen Rifts, Not Heal Them
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel’s New Government Will Deepen Rifts, Not Heal Them)
Norman Finkelstein: Truth and Justice Are the Ultimate Test, Not International NGOs
Ann Garrison interviews Norman Finkelstein | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 7th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Norman Finkelstein: Truth and Justice Are the Ultimate Test, Not International NGOs)
“Today We Are Nazis,” Says Member of Israeli Jewish Extremist Group
Ali Abunimah and Tamara Nassar | The Electronic Intifada - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on “Today We Are Nazis,” Says Member of Israeli Jewish Extremist Group)
Israeli Provocations Continue as Scale of Gaza Damage Emerges
Mike Head | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israeli Provocations Continue as Scale of Gaza Damage Emerges)
Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History)
Israel Kills Children, Doctors in Horrific Nighttime Massacre
Tamara Nassar | The Electronic Intifada - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Kills Children, Doctors in Horrific Nighttime Massacre)
Israel: Profile of a Terror State
Donald Monaco | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel: Profile of a Terror State)
Gaza Lives Erased: Israel Is Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families on Purpose
Jews for Justice for Palestinians - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 31st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Gaza Lives Erased: Israel Is Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families on Purpose)
Palestine Is Winning the Legitimacy War
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Palestine Is Winning the Legitimacy War)
Unity at Last: The Palestinian People Have Risen
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Unity at Last: The Palestinian People Have Risen)
China’s Humanitarian Intervention in Gaza May Be Motivated by Its PR War with the US–But That Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Welcome
Tom Fowdy | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on China’s Humanitarian Intervention in Gaza May Be Motivated by Its PR War with the US–But That Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Welcome)
Egypt Opens Rafah Crossing with Gaza Strip to Receive Palestinians Injured in Israeli Aggression
Ahmed Morsy | Ahram online - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Egypt Opens Rafah Crossing with Gaza Strip to Receive Palestinians Injured in Israeli Aggression)
Israel Destroyed Offices of More Than 20 Palestinian Media Outlets in Gaza
Shrouq Aila and Anna Therese Day | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Destroyed Offices of More Than 20 Palestinian Media Outlets in Gaza)
‘Criminal Complicity’: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel amid Gaza Slaughter
Jake Johnson | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on ‘Criminal Complicity’: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel amid Gaza Slaughter)
How the United States Helps to Kill Palestinians
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on How the United States Helps to Kill Palestinians)
Talking Points
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Talking Points)
Hamas’s Negotiating Demands Seem Reasonable
Marc Ash | Reader Supported News - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 24th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Hamas’s Negotiating Demands Seem Reasonable)
Clashes, Scuffles, Conflict – Western Media’s Euphemisms for Israel’s Brutal Violence in Sheikh Jarrah
Belen Fernandez | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Clashes, Scuffles, Conflict – Western Media’s Euphemisms for Israel’s Brutal Violence in Sheikh Jarrah)
Israel, the Big Lie
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel, the Big Lie)
(Português) Mazin Qumsiyeh: “Se a Palestina fosse livre, eu estaria a caçar borboletas, não perderia tempo com política”
Ana B. Carvalho | Contacto - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Mazin Qumsiyeh: “Se a Palestina fosse livre, eu estaria a caçar borboletas, não perderia tempo com política”)
News from Palestine: The Messenger Refuses to Be Killed
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on News from Palestine: The Messenger Refuses to Be Killed)
Gaza: IDF Kills Palestinians, Countless Children, by Air Bombardments
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (NOBEL LAUREATES | 1 Comment »)
Palestinian Refugees Deserve to Return Home. Jews Should Understand.
Peter Beinart | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestinian Refugees Deserve to Return Home. Jews Should Understand.)
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
(Italiano) Attacchi giuridici israeliani e diritti palestinesi
Jake Lynch | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 17th, 2021 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Attacchi giuridici israeliani e diritti palestinesi)
Israeli Man Trying to Take Over Palestinian Home Says ‘If I Don’t Steal It, Someone Else’ Will
Brett Wilkins | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 10th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israeli Man Trying to Take Over Palestinian Home Says ‘If I Don’t Steal It, Someone Else’ Will)
Israeli Apartheid and Palestine Grievances
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 10th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israeli Apartheid and Palestine Grievances)
Israel Is Trying Hard to Erase Jerusalem’s Palestinians
Jalal Abukhater | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 10th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
From Palestine: Open Letter to the US Government and Those That Toe Its Line
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 3rd, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on From Palestine: Open Letter to the US Government and Those That Toe Its Line)
Why Is the EU Helping to Label Israel Criticism as Antisemitism?
Amb. Ilan Baruch | +972 Mag - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 26th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Why Is the EU Helping to Label Israel Criticism as Antisemitism?)
The ICC’s Attempt to Place Israel on Par with Terror Armies
Yaakov Lappin | Jewish News Syndicate - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 12th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
From His Solitary Confinement, Marwan Barghouti Holds the Key to Fatah’s Future
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 12th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on From His Solitary Confinement, Marwan Barghouti Holds the Key to Fatah’s Future)
Two Years after Assange’s Arrest, Biden Can End Trump’s Assault on Press Freedom
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 12th, 2021 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Two Years after Assange’s Arrest, Biden Can End Trump’s Assault on Press Freedom)
The Nakba of Sheikh Jarrah: How Israel Uses ‘the Law’ to Ethnically Cleanse East Jerusalem
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 29th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Nakba of Sheikh Jarrah: How Israel Uses ‘the Law’ to Ethnically Cleanse East Jerusalem)
Demolitions of Palestinian Houses Continue
Peoples Dispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 29th, 2021 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Demolitions of Palestinian Houses Continue)
Palestinian Balance Sheet: Normative Victories, Geopolitical Disappointments
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 22nd, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Palestinian Balance Sheet: Normative Victories, Geopolitical Disappointments)
Tens of Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Police Violence and Inaction
Mustafa Abu Sneinehj and Lubna Masarwa | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 22nd, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Tens of Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Police Violence and Inaction)
The Geopolitics of the Normalization Agreements
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 15th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Geopolitics of the Normalization Agreements)
For the Sixth Time, Israel Razes a Disabled Palestinian’s Home
Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 8th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on For the Sixth Time, Israel Razes a Disabled Palestinian’s Home)
An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment under Israeli Colonization
Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan | Science for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 8th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment under Israeli Colonization)
Picnic Video Exposes Both Faces of Israeli Apartheid
Jonathan Cook | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 8th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Picnic Video Exposes Both Faces of Israeli Apartheid)