Posts tagged with ‘United Nations’

Reducing Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
K. A. Prather, et al. | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
Latest Update: Facts about COVID-19
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 1st, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Latest Update: Facts about COVID-19)
Living Together in Peace
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Yanghee Lee: Champion of Justice for Rohingyas
C R Abrar | The Daily Star [Bangladesh] - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Yanghee Lee: Champion of Justice for Rohingyas)
Europe Should Brace for Second Wave, Says EU Coronavirus Chief
Daniel Boffey | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Europe Should Brace for Second Wave, Says EU Coronavirus Chief)
Studies on COVID-19 Lethality
Swiss Policy Research - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Studies on COVID-19 Lethality)
Better World Info: Extensive COVID-19 Resource
Dr Stute, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 25th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Better World Info: Extensive COVID-19 Resource)
Why East Beat West on COVID-19
Andrew Salmon | Asia Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 2 Comments »)
In South Korea and China, Loosening Restrictions Brings Coronavirus Resurgence
NPR - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on In South Korea and China, Loosening Restrictions Brings Coronavirus Resurgence)
Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality
Katie Weisman | Children’s Health Defense - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality)
Comprehensive World Food Policy
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 18th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
US Blocks UN Global Ceasefire Resolution Objecting Reference to World Health Organization
Julia Conley | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on US Blocks UN Global Ceasefire Resolution Objecting Reference to World Health Organization)
Weapons Don’t Fight Pandemics
Miodrag Soric | DW - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Weapons Don’t Fight Pandemics)
Update 6 May 2020: Facts about COVID-19
Swiss Propaganda Research – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Update 6 May 2020: Facts about COVID-19)
While the World Focuses on COVID-19, Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar Are Being Killed
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on While the World Focuses on COVID-19, Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar Are Being Killed)
COVID-19: Cuba’s People-before-Profit Approach Pays Off as Capitalism Proves a Bitter Pill for the US
Pablo Vivanco | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on COVID-19: Cuba’s People-before-Profit Approach Pays Off as Capitalism Proves a Bitter Pill for the US)
Letter from Myanmar: What Comes after Militant Buddhism?
Krithika Varagur | New Statesman - TRANSCEND Media Service
Military Spending on the Rise while Health Budgets Remain Insufficient in Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic
International Peace Bureau - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Military Spending on the Rise while Health Budgets Remain Insufficient in Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Coronavirus Found In Semen of Young Men with COVID-19
Peter Ellis, Mark Wass and Martin Michaelis | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Coronavirus Found In Semen of Young Men with COVID-19)
The Problem with Stories about Dangerous Coronavirus Mutations
Ed Yong | The Atlantic - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 11th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on The Problem with Stories about Dangerous Coronavirus Mutations)
Myanmar: “Possible War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity Ongoing in Rakhine and Chin States”
UN Human Rights Council – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar: “Possible War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity Ongoing in Rakhine and Chin States”)
Cuba’s COVID-19 Medical Brigades Are Not Medical Diplomacy but International Solidarity at Its Finest
Bill Hackwell | Resumen - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Cuba’s COVID-19 Medical Brigades Are Not Medical Diplomacy but International Solidarity at Its Finest)
Time to Repatriate Humanity
Wael Qarssifi | Malay Mail – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Time to Repatriate Humanity)
Portugal Leads the Way: How European Countries Fared in Their Treatment of Refugees
Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Portugal Leads the Way: How European Countries Fared in Their Treatment of Refugees)
The Coronavirus Pandemic as Opportunity in the Midst of Suffering: For a Future of Global Solidarity
Dr. Evelin Lindner | Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (FEATURED RESEARCH PAPER, GREAT RESET | 2 Comments »)
Malaysia Cites Covid-19 for Rounding Up Hundreds of Rohingya Migrants
Kaamil Ahmed | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 4th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Malaysia Cites Covid-19 for Rounding Up Hundreds of Rohingya Migrants)
Facts about COVID-19: Apr 25, 2020 Update
Swiss Propaganda Research – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
Singapore’s Spike in Coronavirus Cases Shows the Road to Recovery Will Be a Bumpy Ride
Pushan Dutt | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Singapore’s Spike in Coronavirus Cases Shows the Road to Recovery Will Be a Bumpy Ride)
‘No Evidence’ That Recovered COVID-19 Patients Cannot Be Reinfected, Says WHO
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on ‘No Evidence’ That Recovered COVID-19 Patients Cannot Be Reinfected, Says WHO)
(Português) O Golpe COVID-19 das Elites Contra uma Humanidade Aterrorizada: Resistindo Poderosamente
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) O Golpe COVID-19 das Elites Contra uma Humanidade Aterrorizada: Resistindo Poderosamente)
From Trump to Erdoğan, Men Who Behave Badly Make the Worst Leaders in a Pandemic
Simon Tisdall | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
The Psychology of the COVID-19 Coup: The Elite, Their Victims and Those Who Resist
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 27th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 7 Comments »)
Trump Halts US Funding for World Health Organization as COVID-19 Pandemic Spreads throughout USA
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. and Noah Higgins-Dunn | CNBC – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Trump Halts US Funding for World Health Organization as COVID-19 Pandemic Spreads throughout USA)
Why the Stock Market Is Healthy as Americans Die from Coronavirus
Jon Schwarz | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Why the Stock Market Is Healthy as Americans Die from Coronavirus)
Recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis Must Lead to a Better World: António Guterres
António Guterres, UN Secretary General – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
Easy to Replace: The US Contribution to the WHO
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 3 Comments »)
The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 6 Comments »)
Rohingyas at Sea for 2 Months, 32 Die
Abdul Kuddus and Gias Uddin | Prothom Alo - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Rohingyas at Sea for 2 Months, 32 Die)
(Français) « La crise corona doit conduire à un monde meilleur » selon António Guterres, Secrétaire général de l’ONU
Marc Vandepitte - Investig'Action - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) « La crise corona doit conduire à un monde meilleur » selon António Guterres, Secrétaire général de l’ONU)
US and Russia Blocking UN Plans for a Global Ceasefire amid Crisis
Simon Tisdall | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (NEWS | Comments Off on US and Russia Blocking UN Plans for a Global Ceasefire amid Crisis)
Myanmar’s Double Contagion: The COVID-19 and the Viral Discourse of Islamophobia
Maung Zarni | FORSEA - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 20th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar’s Double Contagion: The COVID-19 and the Viral Discourse of Islamophobia)
Coronavirus Capitalism and How to Beat It
Naomi Klein | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Coronavirus Capitalism and How to Beat It)
Insights into China’s Victory over the Coronavirus
Liu Jian | The Transnational - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (BRICS, COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
UN Chief Calls on Religious Leaders to Unite in the Fight against COVID-19
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS, RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY | Comments Off on UN Chief Calls on Religious Leaders to Unite in the Fight against COVID-19)
Justice for the Rohingya: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Sandra Smits | Chatham House - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Justice for the Rohingya: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal)
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
OffGuardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (DEBATES ON COVID - VACCINES | Comments Off on 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic)
Here’s How Your Body Gains Immunity to Coronavirus
Zania Stamataki | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 13th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
In Time of Pandemic Praise for the UN
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on In Time of Pandemic Praise for the UN)
Anti-Parasitic Drug Kills COVID-19 in Lab
Christine McGinn | MSN - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Anti-Parasitic Drug Kills COVID-19 in Lab)
(Português) Identificado Medicamento Antiparasitário que ‘Mata’ Covid-19 em 48 Horas
Notícias ao Minuto - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Identificado Medicamento Antiparasitário que ‘Mata’ Covid-19 em 48 Horas)
Portugal to Treat Migrants as Residents during Coronavirus Crisis
Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Portugal to Treat Migrants as Residents during Coronavirus Crisis)
Coronavirus: Once You Have Antibodies, Are You Safe?
Connor Bamford | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Coronavirus: Once You Have Antibodies, Are You Safe?)
How Deadly Is the Coronavirus? It’s Still far from Clear
Dr John Lee | The Spectator - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on How Deadly Is the Coronavirus? It’s Still far from Clear)
The Coronavirus Did Not Escape from a Lab–Here’s How We Know
Jeanna Bryner | Live Science - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
The Coronavirus Outbreak Is Part of the Climate Change Crisis
Vijay Kolinjivadi | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on The Coronavirus Outbreak Is Part of the Climate Change Crisis)
Europe Sends Medical Aid to Iran Bypassing U.S. Sanctions
Al-Monitor - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Europe Sends Medical Aid to Iran Bypassing U.S. Sanctions)
U.N. Security Council ‘Missing In Action’ in Coronavirus Fight
Rick Gladstone | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on U.N. Security Council ‘Missing In Action’ in Coronavirus Fight)
Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions
Bill Van Auken | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions)
The Race Between Economics and COVID-19
Mohamed A. El-Erian | Project Syndicate - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ECONOMICS | Comments Off on The Race Between Economics and COVID-19)
‘Can I Keep You Safe? Your Future Is Uncertain’: Climate and the Fate of Humanity
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ENVIRONMENT | Comments Off on ‘Can I Keep You Safe? Your Future Is Uncertain’: Climate and the Fate of Humanity)
Visiting Auschwitz the Day Poland Locked Itself Down
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Visiting Auschwitz the Day Poland Locked Itself Down)
Don’t Just Avoid the Virus — Defeat It by Strengthening Your Immunity
Amory B. Lovins and Eric Rasmussen, MD | Medium - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 6th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 3 Comments »)
Cuba’s Coronavirus Response Is Putting Other Countries to Shame
Ben Burgis | Jacobin Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Cuba’s Coronavirus Response Is Putting Other Countries to Shame)
Conscience: The Inner Voice of the Higher Self
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Conscience: The Inner Voice of the Higher Self)
Nutritional Advice in These Corona Times
Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Nutritional Advice in These Corona Times)
When Economists Try to Solve Health Crises, the Results Can Often Be Disastrous
Justin Podur | Independent Media Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on When Economists Try to Solve Health Crises, the Results Can Often Be Disastrous)
(Português) O Coronavírus: Auto-Defesa da Própria Terra
Leonardo Boff - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) O Coronavírus: Auto-Defesa da Própria Terra)
Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance
Tomas Pueyo | Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance)
Creative Empathy in a Pandemic
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Creative Empathy in a Pandemic)
(Italiano) COVID19: catastrofe o opportunità di cambiamento?
Angela Dogliotti Marasso | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) COVID19: catastrofe o opportunità di cambiamento?)
Seven Important Things to Know about Coronaviruses
Dan Werb - The New York Times
March 30th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Seven Important Things to Know about Coronaviruses)
[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News
Roylab Stats – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | 1 Comment »)
Coronavirus: Less Humanitarianism, More Politics!
Julie Billaud | Allegra Lab - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | 1 Comment »)
COVID-19: UN Health Agency Advice Informs Decision to Delay Olympic Games for First Time Since 1944
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2020 (SPORTS | Comments Off on COVID-19: UN Health Agency Advice Informs Decision to Delay Olympic Games for First Time Since 1944)
(Português) Campanha pede que as pessoas divulguem que os animais domésticos não transmitem Covid-19
Fátima ChuEcco - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais
March 30th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Campanha pede que as pessoas divulguem que os animais domésticos não transmitem Covid-19)
China Shows Way to Ease Lockdowns before Vaccine, Says Report
Sarah Boseley - The Guardian
March 30th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on China Shows Way to Ease Lockdowns before Vaccine, Says Report)
A COVID-19 Vaccine Quickly and Cheaply
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on A COVID-19 Vaccine Quickly and Cheaply)
Coronavirus and the World Order
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Coronavirus and the World Order)
Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Bolsonaro’s Brazil Begs for Cuban Doctors–After Expelling Them
Ben Norton | Grayzone - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Bolsonaro’s Brazil Begs for Cuban Doctors–After Expelling Them)
Stop Tightening the Thumb Screws–A Humanitarian Message
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Stop Tightening the Thumb Screws–A Humanitarian Message)
China Locked in Hybrid War with US
Pepe Escobar - Global Researcj
March 23rd, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on China Locked in Hybrid War with US)
The Coronavirus Reader
The Conversation – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on The Coronavirus Reader)
Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It
Naomi Klein - The Intercept
March 23rd, 2020 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Coronavirus Capitalism — and How to Beat It)
Coronavirus: Global Response Urgently Needed
Jim O'Neill, Robin Niblett and Creon Butler | Chatham House – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Coronavirus: Global Response Urgently Needed)
Pompeo’s Remarks to the Press about the ICC
Michael R. Pompeo, US Secretary of State – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Pompeo’s Remarks to the Press about the ICC)
Cuba Gives Permission for Cruise Ship Carrying COVID-19 Patients to Dock
Cuba Solidarity Campaign - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 23rd, 2020 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Cuba Gives Permission for Cruise Ship Carrying COVID-19 Patients to Dock)
Meet the 17-Year-Old Behind a Website Tracking Coronavirus Cases That Is Now a Vital Global Resource
Amy Goodman - Democracy NOW!
March 23rd, 2020 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on Meet the 17-Year-Old Behind a Website Tracking Coronavirus Cases That Is Now a Vital Global Resource)
(Italiano) Dal mare altre brutte notizie per Cina, Usa, Germania e Italia
Jack Cambiaso | IlSussidiario - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 16th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Dal mare altre brutte notizie per Cina, Usa, Germania e Italia)
Tokyo Olympics: How Coronavirus Is Hitting Preparations
Kari Brossard Stoos and Heather Dichter - The Conversation
March 16th, 2020 (SPORTS, ASIA--PACIFIC, COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Tokyo Olympics: How Coronavirus Is Hitting Preparations)
Reimagining Coronavirus in 3D as a Metaphor of Global Society in Distress
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 16th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 2 Comments »)
War, Profit and the Coronavirus
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 16th, 2020 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on War, Profit and the Coronavirus)
Towards a Mayors’ Security Council
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Myanmar Court Jails 15 Rohingya for Two Years for Trying to Flee Country
Radio Free Asia - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar Court Jails 15 Rohingya for Two Years for Trying to Flee Country)
USA Announces New Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Rohingya
Morgan Ortagus | US State Department - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on USA Announces New Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Rohingya)
WHO Expert Explains Why China’s Cases of COVID-19 Are Declining
Julia Belluz | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on WHO Expert Explains Why China’s Cases of COVID-19 Are Declining)
Coronavirus Update: WHO Chief Calls for Private Sector to Step Up, and, Should You Take That Flight?
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Coronavirus Update: WHO Chief Calls for Private Sector to Step Up, and, Should You Take That Flight?)
COVID-19: More New Virus Cases outside Than inside China–‘No Time for Complacency’, Says UN Health Agency
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on COVID-19: More New Virus Cases outside Than inside China–‘No Time for Complacency’, Says UN Health Agency)
The Digestive System Is A Potential Route of 2019-Ncov Infection: A Bioinformatics Analysis Based on Single-Cell Transcriptomes
Hao Zhang, et al. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on The Digestive System Is A Potential Route of 2019-Ncov Infection: A Bioinformatics Analysis Based on Single-Cell Transcriptomes)
Here’s How Long Coronaviruses May Linger on Contaminated Surfaces, According to Science
Jacqueline Howard - CNN
March 2nd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Here’s How Long Coronaviruses May Linger on Contaminated Surfaces, According to Science)
Myanmar: ‘Multidimensional and Long-Standing’ Root Causes behind Rights Minority Abuses, Says Bachelet
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar: ‘Multidimensional and Long-Standing’ Root Causes behind Rights Minority Abuses, Says Bachelet)
Turkey Now Claims Syria’s Idlib Province as Turkish Territory
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Turkey Now Claims Syria’s Idlib Province as Turkish Territory)
NATO: From Covert Sponsor to Artillery Provider for Terrorists in Syria
Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on NATO: From Covert Sponsor to Artillery Provider for Terrorists in Syria)
Persistence of Coronaviruses on Inanimate Surfaces and Their Inactivation with Biocidal Agents
G. Kampf, et al. | Journal of Hospital Infection – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 2nd, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Persistence of Coronaviruses on Inanimate Surfaces and Their Inactivation with Biocidal Agents)
Large Parts of China Relax Coronavirus Curbs, Many Places Report Zero New Cases
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on Large Parts of China Relax Coronavirus Curbs, Many Places Report Zero New Cases)
(中文 – Chinese) 世卫组织总干事在慕尼黑安全会议上的讲话
世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士 – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (中文 – Chinese) 世卫组织总干事在慕尼黑安全会议上的讲话)
How COVID-19 Spreads
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on How COVID-19 Spreads)
COVID-19 at Munich Security Conference
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus | WHO Director-General – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on COVID-19 at Munich Security Conference)
The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The United States Is Formally Accused of Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court)
As Usual, Western Media Grossly Distort Syria’s Conflict
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | 1 Comment »)
COVID-19 Contagion: Reality and Myth
Catherine Offord | The Scientist – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on COVID-19 Contagion: Reality and Myth)
COVID-19: Fighting Panic with Information
Editorial | The Lancet – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 24th, 2020 (COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS | Comments Off on COVID-19: Fighting Panic with Information)
A Hard Look into the Genesis of Myanmar’s Genocide
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on A Hard Look into the Genesis of Myanmar’s Genocide)
Can Masks Protect against the New Coronavirus Infection?
World Health Organization (WHO) – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (BRICS, HEALTH, PUBLIC SERVICE, SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Can Masks Protect against the New Coronavirus Infection?)
Deaths of 16 Rohingya at Sea Raises Fears Trafficking Ring Has Been Revived
Kaamil Ahmed – The Guardian
February 17th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Deaths of 16 Rohingya at Sea Raises Fears Trafficking Ring Has Been Revived)
What Does the Myanmar Provisional Measures Order by the International Court of Justice Mean for ASEAN?
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on What Does the Myanmar Provisional Measures Order by the International Court of Justice Mean for ASEAN?)
More Damning Evidence of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Cover-up in Syria
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT, UNITED NATIONS, MEDIA | Comments Off on More Damning Evidence of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Cover-up in Syria)
Look to the United Nations to Find Solace in Trump’s Wind of Madness
Douglas Roche | The Hill Times – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (ANGLO AMERICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Look to the United Nations to Find Solace in Trump’s Wind of Madness)
Outside China, Coronavirus Transmission ‘Iceberg’ May Not Be as Big as Feared
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 17th, 2020 (BRICS, HEALTH, COVID19 - CORONAVIRUS, SCIENCE | Comments Off on Outside China, Coronavirus Transmission ‘Iceberg’ May Not Be as Big as Feared)
Coronavirus Emergency: Here’s What We Know So Far
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2020 (SPOTLIGHT, ASIA--PACIFIC, BRICS, UNITED NATIONS, HEALTH, PUBLIC SERVICE, SCIENCE | Comments Off on Coronavirus Emergency: Here’s What We Know So Far)
Coronavirus: UN Health Agency Moves Fast to Tackle ‘Infodemic’; Guterres Warns against Stigmatization
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Servie
February 10th, 2020 (SPOTLIGHT, ASIA--PACIFIC, BRICS, UNITED NATIONS, HEALTH, PUBLIC SERVICE, SCIENCE | Comments Off on Coronavirus: UN Health Agency Moves Fast to Tackle ‘Infodemic’; Guterres Warns against Stigmatization)
UN Rapporteur Nils Melzer Exposes British Government Attempts to Obstruct His Defence of Assange
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2020 (JUSTICE, EUROPE, UNITED NATIONS, MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on UN Rapporteur Nils Melzer Exposes British Government Attempts to Obstruct His Defence of Assange)
One World Digital Dictatorship
Soren Korsgaard | Crime and Power – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (IN FOCUS, ENVIRONMENT, ANALYSIS, MEDIA, MILITARISM, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on One World Digital Dictatorship)
Top UN Court Orders Myanmar to Protect Rohingya from Genocide
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Top UN Court Orders Myanmar to Protect Rohingya from Genocide)
Landmark UN Ruling: Countries Banned from Returning Refugees to Countries Threatened by Climate Crisis
Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (HUMAN RIGHTS, ENVIRONMENT, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Landmark UN Ruling: Countries Banned from Returning Refugees to Countries Threatened by Climate Crisis)
ICJ Interim Genocide Ruling on Myanmar Vindicates Rohingya
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA--PACIFIC, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on ICJ Interim Genocide Ruling on Myanmar Vindicates Rohingya)
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Rohingyas
Chandra Muzaffar | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Rohingyas)
(Português) ONU: Mudanças climáticas podem ser ainda piores para o mundo
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 27th, 2020 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) ONU: Mudanças climáticas podem ser ainda piores para o mundo)
Myanmar Continues to Make Mistakes of the Past
Maung Zarni | Free Rohingya Coalition – Asia Times
January 20th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar Continues to Make Mistakes of the Past)
Why Myanmar’s Genocide Denial Will Come Back to Haunt It
Maung Zarni | Free Rohingya Coalition/The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Why Myanmar’s Genocide Denial Will Come Back to Haunt It)
UN – Iran – USA
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
Myanmar’s For-Profit Genocide
Wendy Bone | The Investigative Journal – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 13th, 2020 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar’s For-Profit Genocide)
Rohingya Campaigners Say Won’t Be ‘Silenced’ by Online Threats
Usaid Siddiqui – Al Jazeera
December 30th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Rohingya Campaigners Say Won’t Be ‘Silenced’ by Online Threats)
A Nobel Laureate Justifies Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing
William Felice – Tampa Bay Times
December 30th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on A Nobel Laureate Justifies Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing)
Myanmar: UN Expert Calls for Tolerance and Safety from Reprisals after Online Threats to Activists
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar: UN Expert Calls for Tolerance and Safety from Reprisals after Online Threats to Activists)
We the People, We the Humanity are Victims of Political Insanity
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | 1 Comment »)
(Français) De nouveaux documents de WikiLeaks démentent les mensonges sur une attaque chimique en Syrie en 2018
Niles Niemuth | WSWS, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 30th, 2019 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Français) De nouveaux documents de WikiLeaks démentent les mensonges sur une attaque chimique en Syrie en 2018)
Canada, Netherlands Join Gambia’s Fight for Rohingyas
The Standard [Gambia] – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Canada, Netherlands Join Gambia’s Fight for Rohingyas)
265 Stories of Haitian Children Abandoned by UN “Peacekeeping” Fathers: ‘They Put a few Coins in Your Hands to Drop a Baby in You.’
Sabine Lee and Susan Bartels – The Conversation
December 23rd, 2019 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on 265 Stories of Haitian Children Abandoned by UN “Peacekeeping” Fathers: ‘They Put a few Coins in Your Hands to Drop a Baby in You.’)
Aung San Suu Kyi Appears at ICJ as UN Rights Expert Urges Greater Protection for Myanmar Activists
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Aung San Suu Kyi Appears at ICJ as UN Rights Expert Urges Greater Protection for Myanmar Activists)
Photo Essay: 2009 UN Climate Conference through the Lens of Mediators Beyond Borders
Diane Perlman | Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Photo Essay: 2009 UN Climate Conference through the Lens of Mediators Beyond Borders)
Should UN Peacekeepers Leave the Democratic Republic of Congo?
Ann Garrison | S. F. Bay Area – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Should UN Peacekeepers Leave the Democratic Republic of Congo?)
One Third of Poorer Countries Face both Undernutrition and Obesity: WHO Report
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on One Third of Poorer Countries Face both Undernutrition and Obesity: WHO Report)
Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Myanmar from Accusations of Genocide, at Top UN Court
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Myanmar from Accusations of Genocide, at Top UN Court)
The Ignoble Fall of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner: Aung San Suu Kyi
Thalif Deen | IPS - Human Wrongs Watch
December 16th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES | Comments Off on The Ignoble Fall of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner: Aung San Suu Kyi)
Why Aung San Suu Kyi Is in The Hague Defending Myanmar against Allegations of Genocide
Mauro Barelli – The Conversation
December 16th, 2019 (NOBEL LAUREATES, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Why Aung San Suu Kyi Is in The Hague Defending Myanmar against Allegations of Genocide)
UN To Resolve the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis
Askiah Adam | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN To Resolve the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis)
Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 9th, 2019 (IN FOCUS, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA | Comments Off on Iran Nuclear Deal Stays Alive after Talks, Avoids Sanctions Blow)
‘Boycott Myanmar’ – Rohingyas Plan Global Campaign as ICJ Set to Start Hearing on Genocide Case
Porimol Palma – The Daily Star [Bangladesh]
December 2nd, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on ‘Boycott Myanmar’ – Rohingyas Plan Global Campaign as ICJ Set to Start Hearing on Genocide Case)
The Genocide Convention: The World Court Case Relevant to Myanmar
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 2nd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on The Genocide Convention: The World Court Case Relevant to Myanmar)
Upholding Freedom of Conscience and Belief at the UN
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Upholding Freedom of Conscience and Belief at the UN)
At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2019 (WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on At UN, Middle East Countries Discuss Steps towards Regional Nuclear-Free Zone)
ICC Gives Green Light for Probe into Violent Crimes against Rohingya
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on ICC Gives Green Light for Probe into Violent Crimes against Rohingya)
Muslim Nations Bring Genocide Suit against Myanmar over 2017 Expulsion of Rohingya
Radio Free Asia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (HUMAN RIGHTS, AFRICA, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Muslim Nations Bring Genocide Suit against Myanmar over 2017 Expulsion of Rohingya)
The Importance of Gambia Invoking Genocide Convention against Myanmar
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 18th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, AFRICA, ASIA--PACIFIC, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on The Importance of Gambia Invoking Genocide Convention against Myanmar)
‘Our only Aim Is to Go Home’: Rohingya Refugees Face Stark Choice
Sarah Marsh and Redwan Ahmed – The Guardian
November 11th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on ‘Our only Aim Is to Go Home’: Rohingya Refugees Face Stark Choice)
African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration)
24 Oct » U.N. Day: Strengthening and Reforming
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on 24 Oct » U.N. Day: Strengthening and Reforming)
UN’s 75th Anniversary Shadowed by Right-Wing Nationalism, Widespread Authoritarianism and Budgetary Cuts
Thalif Deen | IPS - Human Wrongs Watch
October 21st, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN’s 75th Anniversary Shadowed by Right-Wing Nationalism, Widespread Authoritarianism and Budgetary Cuts)
Rohingya Refugees Agree Move to Bangladesh Island: Official
Yahoo! News | AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Rohingya Refugees Agree Move to Bangladesh Island: Official)
What Is ‘the UN We Need’ and Who Gets to Choose?
Ben Donaldson and Florencia Gor | UN2020 – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | 1 Comment »)
Myanmar Might Finally Be Held Accountable for Genocide, but the Court Case Must Recognise Sexual Violence
Susan Hutchinson – The Conversation
October 21st, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Myanmar Might Finally Be Held Accountable for Genocide, but the Court Case Must Recognise Sexual Violence)
Dr. Maung Zarni Talks about Slow Burning Genocide of the Myanmar Rohingya
Rohingya Human Rights Initiative – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Dr. Maung Zarni Talks about Slow Burning Genocide of the Myanmar Rohingya)
United Nations 75th Anniversary Resolution
Florencia Gor, Jeffery Huffines and Fergus Watt | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | 1 Comment »)
They Call It Multistakeholderism. Where Does That Leave the UN?
Harris Gleckman | PassBlue – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on They Call It Multistakeholderism. Where Does That Leave the UN?)
An Open Letter to “Science and Global Security”
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 7th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on An Open Letter to “Science and Global Security”)
Nepal Maoist Leaders: The Hague Journey!
Prof. Bishnu Pathak – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 3 Comments »)
U.N. General Assembly: Can It Provide the Needed Global Leadership?
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on U.N. General Assembly: Can It Provide the Needed Global Leadership?)
Trump Regime Denies Visas to Members of Russian and Iranian UN Delegations
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 (ANGLO AMERICA, BRICS, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on Trump Regime Denies Visas to Members of Russian and Iranian UN Delegations)
Genocide Threat for Myanmar’s Rohingya Greater than Ever, Investigators Warn Human Rights Council
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 23rd, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Genocide Threat for Myanmar’s Rohingya Greater than Ever, Investigators Warn Human Rights Council)
“The ‘Enemy of the State’ Speaks–Irreverent Essays and Interviews:” Maung Zarni on Burma/Myanmar
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 9th, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, LITERATURE, REVIEWS | Comments Off on “The ‘Enemy of the State’ Speaks–Irreverent Essays and Interviews:” Maung Zarni on Burma/Myanmar)
UN Experts Decry Torture of Rakhine Men and Boys Held Incommunicado by Myanmar’s Military
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 9th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on UN Experts Decry Torture of Rakhine Men and Boys Held Incommunicado by Myanmar’s Military)
Report: Seoul International Conference on Protection of Rohingya Survivors and Accountability for Genocide
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 2nd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Report: Seoul International Conference on Protection of Rohingya Survivors and Accountability for Genocide)
100,000 Rohingyas Rally in Bangladesh to Mark Genocide Day
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 2nd, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on 100,000 Rohingyas Rally in Bangladesh to Mark Genocide Day)
Inaction on China and India’s Crimes Emboldens Myanmar
Maung Zarni – Al Jazeera
September 2nd, 2019 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Inaction on China and India’s Crimes Emboldens Myanmar)
(বাঙালি-Bengali) রোহিঙ্গাদের আরাম কমানো হবে, যাতে ফিরতে রাজি হয়: পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী
Channel 24 – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (বাঙালি-Bengali) রোহিঙ্গাদের আরাম কমানো হবে, যাতে ফিরতে রাজি হয়: পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী)
‘The World Never Learns’, Rohingya Pay the Price
Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on ‘The World Never Learns’, Rohingya Pay the Price)
Rohingya Repatriation to Myanmar Fails as No One Turns Up over Safety Fears
Siobhan Robbins – Sky News
August 26th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Rohingya Repatriation to Myanmar Fails as No One Turns Up over Safety Fears)
Repatriation Plans Stir Fear among Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
Naomi Conrad and Arafatul Islam - Deutsche Welle
August 26th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Repatriation Plans Stir Fear among Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh)
Citizens of Nowhere: One Million Rohingya Still without Rights, Status or Justice
Abdullah Yusuf - The Conversation
August 26th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Citizens of Nowhere: One Million Rohingya Still without Rights, Status or Justice)
Rohingya Poets Turn Words into Art of Resistance
Natalie Brinham, Yuriko Cowper-Smith, and Maung Zarni | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
UN Calls for Sanctions, Arms Embargo against Myanmar Army
Joshua Carroll – Al Jazeera News
August 12th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on UN Calls for Sanctions, Arms Embargo against Myanmar Army)
Rohingya in India: No Direction Home
Soumya Shankar – Caravan Magazine [India]
August 12th, 2019 (ASIA--PACIFIC, ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, BRICS | Comments Off on Rohingya in India: No Direction Home)
The Schoolteacher and the Genocide
Sarah A. Topol – The New York Times Magazine
August 12th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on The Schoolteacher and the Genocide)
U.N. Urges Sanctions on Myanmar Army Businesses, Says Foreign Partners Could Be Complicit
Angie Teo and Poppy McPherson | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE, UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on U.N. Urges Sanctions on Myanmar Army Businesses, Says Foreign Partners Could Be Complicit)
Mahathir’s Rohingya Proposal Spurs Mixed Reactions
Riyaz ul Khaliq | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Mahathir’s Rohingya Proposal Spurs Mixed Reactions)
“Rohingya Refugee Crisis Is a Time Bomb That Must Be Quickly Defused to Avoid any Future Flare-Up”
The Daily Star – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on “Rohingya Refugee Crisis Is a Time Bomb That Must Be Quickly Defused to Avoid any Future Flare-Up”)
Do Not Turn Away from the Horrors That the Rohingya Face
Bob Rae - The Globe and Mail
August 5th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Do Not Turn Away from the Horrors That the Rohingya Face)
The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
UN Development Programme – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 29th, 2019 (UNITED NATIONS | Comments Off on The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index)
Satellite Images Reveal Scale of Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis
Hannah Ellis-Petersen – The Guardian
July 29th, 2019 (ASIA-UPDATES ON MYANMAR ROHINGYA GENOCIDE | Comments Off on Satellite Images Reveal Scale of Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis)